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Brief information about the game
By Nemesis
Dear gamers! To play this great survival horror game, you need to keep some basic information in mind to be successful.

- Search for items: Like any field that requires survival, it is necessary to search for supplies to stay alive, and in this game, it is no different. When playing, search absolutely every place in the scene.
- Weapons and ammunition: The game gives you the option of collecting some weapons and ammunition for them. And yes, each monster is indicated, a certain type of weapon. In fact, talking about weapons and survival, don't waste ammunition for nothing.
- Health: Be careful with enemy blows, they can cause serious problems for your energy. Also pay attention to your resistance when running, as this also interferes.
- Flashlights and batteries: They are important for scaring away ghosts, making them an important weapon throughout the hunt. Don't run out of batteries and don't waste them unnecessarily.

Have a good game!!!
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