Killing Floor

Killing Floor

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Too Late Mate Revamped
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11 févr. à 3h59
11 févr. à 4h23
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Too Late Mate Revamped

This is an update to my old TooLateMate mutator written from scratch for Killing Floor.

As the mut name might suggests, this mutator prevents joining to the game by late joiners. This time it executes only when player is joining the server instead of checking the players list with set interval like in the old one.

- Vip List - add Steam Ids of your friends who you want to be immune to mutator check

- Subscribe or try alternate download (recommended)[]
- Configure `MutTooLateMatRevamped.ini` file, which is self-explanatory
- To add more vips, add another `Vip=(SteamId)`

- Prevent spectators from joining after saving the player list
