Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

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Chaos wastes purity Skins guide [AFTER BELAKOR UPDATE]
By Burrowing King
A guide to purity skin grinding and fighting back against the RNG of the grudge mark system as much as you can.
This guide is to help all those who wish to get the purity skins faster. whether to do okri challenges or just get the white duds for your favorite career.
Below is tips and some helpful tricks to make the grind a bit easier and fight the rng a bit better.
+Plus Monsters
Plus monsters:
on a map plus monsters means that a monster WILL spawn from the chest of trials regardless of difficulty. The pool that which is pulls from is based on the enemie type found in the level. If it says skaven and beastmen that means all rat mobs( rat ogre, stormfiend) and beastman (minotaur) I found my luck that beastmen means it gonna be a mino most likely. That also means NO chaos types will be in the chest. (Chaos spawn,troll) Skaven and chaos of course mean the opposite. Chaos and beastmen DOES NOT EXIST. (gotta keep the vermin in vermintide) You can see what the ending is going to be as what your chances are and reload if necessary but you can't see what they are going to be on the map till you get right behind it.
Making grudges spawn!
Now on lower difficulties they are reserved till the end final events basically. Cake walks but long ones for the chance to get what you need is really taxing to just get the right one. Now as you go up in difficulty the chance of grudge marks spawning moves closer to the starting space. On champion its about half way through. On legend a grudge mark will not spawn till the second space onwards. Even if you have plus monsters on the first map it will be a nongrudged monster from a chest of trials. So you can see plus monsters a little ahead and shoot for it.
But cata from the start plus monsters on first map means grudge marked straight from the gate is the best way to get them faster if you have the skill and/or team to do it I highly recommend.
Which expeditions to do?
After making your initial 4 runs. Cata first map runs is best. Open the expeditions and look at the first map and if you don't see plus monsters then close it and start again till you get what you need. Try to stay away from Belekor his little castle spot takes a place on the map losing you a chance for a plus monsters so stay way if you can and citadel. The first maps are plagued with chaos god bs that can ruin the map for ya.
Now if you can't or don't want to do cata opening cycle runs; your best bet is to do determination and citadel. Those are guaranteed two grudges at the end of the map. Determination has one on top floor and one on bottom. So you can split it up a bit and have a breather, and well Citadel is all at once(up to preference)
Fastest route!
With friends
The quickest way if you have friends is to have them and yourself load up their own lobbies till you get what you need then run first maps cata runs. Till your friend or you spawn what you need from the chest of trials. Then simply join together kill the thing and move on.

Without friends
If you don't have the skills nor buddies but got the time run some lower rank expeditions and breeze through going for plus monsters and looking ahead at the end tile so you increase your odds as much as you can.

Quick Tip/Note
You DO NOT have to complete the whole expedition run to obtain the grudge mark towards the skin JUST the mission it spawned in. Once you make it back to the map its yours!

Good luck out there it can get lonely in the wastes.

Yngling Apr 2 @ 11:16pm 
Grudges are definitely a pain, been grinding runs on Saltz trying to get a grudge marked Chaos spawn.

Three out of five purified skins, and it seems like it's a different one that just won't spawn every time.