Distant Worlds: Universe

Distant Worlds: Universe

29 ratings
Distant Worlds: Custom Game and Galaxy Creation
By El Biznatchio
This will be the first of my guides for navigating Distant Worlds.

This Guide focuses on starting new games and universe creation.
Hello kids!

This is El Biznatchio's (da biznatchist™) Guide to Custom Game and Galaxy Creation for Distant Worlds.

In this guide I will focus on creating new games and galaxies in Distant Worlds, this will allow you to make the game more enjoyable or more challenging.

With this guide you will be able to make custom games scaled to your own inner biznatch.
Starting the Game
This is where the journey begins, conveniently titled "Start New Game". Nifty. am i rite?

I selects Introductory Game, rite?

Yes, yes, if you want me to question if you're some kind of dim witted rodent. Wait, ok yeah, moving right along.

We will start by ignoring the top two rows of boxes, none of those exist, unless you're some kind of small rodent and clicked on this guide by accident.
Galaxy Creation
The first important screen full of choices. Choices are your friend, if you have friends who invite you into dark alleys where afterwards you wake up in a bathtub full of ice hooked up to an IV with new stitches in your abdomen, but enough about my date last week.

Most of these choices are self explanatory, also when you click on a slider the yellow text changes telling you exactly what it does, a nifty little feature.

All of these are important.

  • Star Amount: Number of Stars or systems in the galaxy.
  • Physical Size: Size of the galaxy (Hint: I would try to match this with # of stars).
  • Expansion: Tech level and size of empires in the galaxy.
  • Research Costs: This slider represents the base cost for technologies, the little box is the actual cost. Recommendation for settings over 240k: unselect the "Enable Return Of The Shakturi story events and victory conditions" box in victory conditions.
  • Aggression: Are the computer empires like the Mongol Hordes or do they eat kale chips?
  • Space Creatures: How many space creatures you (and other empires) will face.
  • Difficulty: Apparently makes the game more difficult, decreases good things like weapon effectiveness and most notably the empire tech generation cap, and increases bad things like corruption.
  • Pirates: Number of Pirates in the game.
  • Pirate Strength: Do the Pirates arrive in long boats or do they purge entire systems with a massive battle fleet?

Another nifty feature is once you've generated a nice galaxy to play in, you can reload that galaxy using the box in the top right.

These affect the galaxy and creation of new colonies
  • Colony Prevalence: Number of planets that can be colonized.
  • Independent Alien Life: Number of planets with sentient life, yes that includes the rodent.
  • Colony Influence Range: How your colonies extend their borders.
  • Colonization Range: How far away you can colonize from existing colonies.
Race and Empire
I picks rodent!

I won't argue with any race choices here, all have pluses and minuses. Even our rodent friend here is a solid race choice for a play style that focuses on very rapid expansion. All bonuses are helpful and penalties can be mitigated based on careful game play.

The following choices will impact your empire at start.

  • Home System: This influences starting population, resources, how much of a match it is for your race (xx% which influences maximum population) and how many colonizable planets are in the system.
  • Size: Starting size of your empire.
  • Tech Level: Tech level of your empire, a more difficult game is to set this inversely with Expansion level of the galaxy.
  • Corruption: How much wealth is siphoned off in the way of corruption.
  • Government Type: Type of starting government based on race choice.
  • Galaxy Starting Location: Important, determines the isolation of your empire.

Pirates have fewer options, mainly just Tech Level and Pirate play style (bonuses and penalties)
Other Empires and Victory Conditions
These options are less important than the previous sections and guide mainly the other empires you will face and what you need to accomplish for victory.

Below you can select the number of opponent empires, general strength and tech level.

This Screen allows you to select victory conditions, deselecting the victory conditions will change the game into sandbox mode.

I clicks start and sits in my yurt drinking hot chocolate.
Vuyek Sep 5, 2022 @ 2:16pm 
I like also
BeyondFubar Apr 11, 2018 @ 11:13am 
I clicks Zenox but I haf Extended unleashed and theys iz rodents in tha game. I thoughts cats were naught!
Jojojay Apr 21, 2017 @ 4:15pm 
good job with the humor.
Afghanmountaingoat Dec 3, 2015 @ 7:55am 
Christmas1 Sep 5, 2015 @ 7:35am 
Christmas1 Sep 5, 2015 @ 7:34am