Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

80 평점
How to preserve your eyesight when playing active games
Mutata 님이 작성
즐겨찾기 해제
The Guide
Hello, my friend, If you've opened this article, then your eyesight is bothering you after all, and I'm going to help with that.

First of all, wipe down your monitor regularly. Of course, there may be dust in the corner that looks like a really nice pattern, but it's going to make you wear glasses if you stare at it for weeks.

Secondly, never sit in the dark, for doing so strains your eyes twice as much.

Thirdly, the monitor should not be facing a window. It seems obvious, but let me explain: The light falls on the monitor, darkening it.

Fourthly, take breaks after every match: stand up, blink, stretch, look out of the window. Maybe it's muddy and damp outside. Well... then take a look at the sky. It'll take your breath away and give you energy for the next game.

And, yes, if you sit for more than 5 hours, take a break of an hour. (Not to YouTube, but just.)

And last but not the least: do not sit in close proximity to the monitor. It is of course, cool to sit that way, but it is better for your health to be more comfortable and let your back have a rest. Otherwise you will be hunched and squinted like an old grandfather

Also keep the distance from the monitor at arm's length!
댓글 16
AJ Soprano 2024년 2월 2일 오후 6시 40분 
I followed this guide and now I'm blind thanks now i can't make movies anymore:steamsad:
ded~ 2024년 2월 1일 오후 11시 30분 
CaShville Allers 2024년 1월 30일 오후 4시 12분 
What does dust on the monitor have to do with wearing glasses?
Allancito exPancito 2024년 1월 28일 오후 3시 52분 
Also, turn dark mode on everything, wash your eyes regularly with soap :D
Pre 2024년 1월 28일 오전 10시 24분 
Mutata  [작성자] 2024년 1월 28일 오전 5시 56분 
ꪶꪮꪖᦔ꠸ꪀᧁ 2024년 1월 28일 오전 5시 52분 
Uchiha Sasuke[永恒万花筒] 2024년 1월 27일 오후 11시 40분 
lls 2024년 1월 27일 오전 3시 52분 
hydration and posture check + light check
TroublesomeMoose 2024년 1월 26일 오후 3시 21분