Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

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The One and only guide to become a TRUE Yoichi main...
By furry twink esex
You've just bought Yoichi, however, Yoichi is not played like any normal character, let me give you a guide on how to PROPERLY play Yoichi!
First of all, lets get your build up and running

rule number 1 to playing Yoichi, do NOT bring iron will! When you are injured as Yoichi, you don't want to be silence, you must live, and endure through the twink moans, well.... that's what I've been doing anyway.

There aren't many perks that are needed for playing Yoichi, In fact, there's only one you really need, and that's Bills teachable perk "Left Behind".

Why Left Behind? Well, as i will explain later in this guide, there are many reasons why you may be the last player alive when playing Yoichi, and when you are that last player, you want to find hatch! So, make sure to bring a hatch offering aswell, make sure the killer doesn't get there first though, if they do.... well... you may have to give up your body (in one way or another if you know what im talking about)
There are many items that you may want to bring as Yoichi, however, if you want to be a true Yoichi main, these are the ones you should bring into the fog.

1: Red Key (for if those pesky, toxic, stream sniping killer mains close that hatch!)
2: Purple Med-kit w/ Charge Add-ons (ONLY TO BE USED ON YOURSELF!!!!)
3: Commodious Toolbox (ONLY REPAIR OR CHARGE ADDONS!!!)

Using these Items will ensure your survival throughout the game!
In Game
Now, you've finally loaded into the game, however, before you start doing your own thing, there are a couple things you must do!

Firstly, make sure to run around the map, cleansing all totems! Can't risk NO:ED! Oh, your teammate has a boon? oh well, they're probably in a toxic bully squad SwF anyway, who cares about them!

Next, make sure to go around opening all chests! if your item runs out, you're gonna wanna make sure to have some spares at the disposal!

Now, by the time you've done all this, a teammate or two has probably been hooked, they may even be swinging their arms around yelling "Please, save me big sexy yellow raincoat man!" However, you do NOT want to save them, if you save them, it will only increase the risk of YOU getting downed! and you NEVER want to be downed.

Speaking of being downed, if you do end up getting downed at any point in the game, DC INSTANTLY! The killer is using filters, meta perks, is a comp player and is probably racist as well, you don't want to stick around for that! just go next, trust me.

In the case of a friendly killer, you do NOT want to stick around, get on gens INSTANTLY! repair as fast as possible, open the exit gates, and wait for the killer to come up to you, at this point, start Tea bagging as FAST as possible, you won, they lost, they deserve to be sad.

If you end up getting into chase, make sure to predrop ALL the pallets, this will give you a chance to run, giving you a safety net between you and the killer, and it may even make them think "Wow, this guy sure is a great looper, i should probably just leave him and chase someone else, god I'm in love with him" (this happens 9/10 times)
End Game Chat
Now that the game is over, I've got a couple things for you to say to the killer / teammates, in both a win and a loss situation.

In a situation where you won, here are a couple buzzwords to use
"baby killer"
"uninstall" (this works in a loss situation as well)
"carried my team"
"learn to loop"
"keep yourself safe"
"so bad"

Now, in a situation where you lost, here are couple more things to say
"meta slave" (even if they don't have meta perks)
"teammates throwing"
"tunnel harder"
"camp harder"
"slug harder" (doesn't matter if any of the 3 above actually happened)
"no skill"
"keep yourself safe" (this also works in both situations!)

These will establish you as the alpha of the lobby.
Hope this helped!
Thank you for reading through the one and only Yoichi guide! i hope to see you using these tips and tricks in your future games, and if you do, make sure to tell them i was the one who gave em to you!
Grenimus Mar 4 @ 6:19am 
as a p55 yoichi main this is me unironically
Патрехунчик Mar 2 @ 10:18am 
Educated Squirrel Feb 27 @ 6:44am 
So thats what Yoichi mains are doing all game. Real helpful guide, covers all the scenerios.