Door Kickers: Action Squad

Door Kickers: Action Squad

DFuxa Plays - DKAS w/Cornish Knight - Ep 5 - Twinkie Power!
"You can find the video of Cornish's gameplay here:

We get around to clearing that last level we left off on - with some difficulty. I stop using Breacher and pick up Recon to try and get through this one in the first half of the episode. After getting through that level I pick up Off-duty Guy. He's an interesting character with his mish-mash of gear - such as the Twinkie!

Not a whole lot is new here, except the Molotov Chicks. There are enemies that thrown incendiary's at you. The levels are making heavier use of respawning enemies though - quite heavily. Restarting levels will be happening more heavily from here on in!"