Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader

Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader

1,271 ratings
Nokhal's Compendium of Good Builds
By Nokhal
Any difficulty friendly builds for every companions. Updated for 2024 patches.
Current Update Status : Updated for Void Shadows DLC

The goal of this guide is to provide future proofs good builds within a balanced party as well as gameplay explanation for the characters you are gonna use.

The Core Party is as Follow :
- Cassia Grand Strategist
- Jae Master Tactician
- Argenta Arch-Militant
- Pasqal Bounty Hunter

Those 4 members cover all skills (with the exception of Carouse) to a decent level as well as providing the core damage and support necessary for all difficulties. Feel Free to build your rogue trader however you want and bring anyone as your last party member.


The rogue trader is nonetheless expected to be the "Face" of the party (ie : need High Coercion, Commerce, Persuasion). Jae or Pasqal can do it in a pinch, but either a Fellowship build or a Forge World / Calculated Relations / Int build Rogue Trader fit better from both a gameplay and RP perspective.

If you want to deviate from those skill distribution, feel free to adapt the relevant builds.


Patches summary:
>Officers nerfed several notch. They are still the best class in the game, but they now do not scale on top of each other anymore, and missing Finest Hour (IV) doesn't make Jae a "wasted" officer. The best party now only need 2-3 officers instead of 5. Serial buffs have also bumped Ulfar from terribad to actually good.
>Melee Pyromancer slap

>Blade Dancer x Executionner is very good but lack reach. Can one turn a lot of boss on unfair.
>Dots are a strong gimmick, but a gimmick nonetheless. They CC not enough vs killing the enemy dead + require more brainspace/setup.

Portrait link[www.nexusmods.com]


Rant on CRPGs

Pen and papers RPG ruleset are meant to be a tool for a GM and it's players to create stories and engage with each other while drinking beer and eating pretzel among other nerds. The rules exist as a framework, are not absolute, and ultimately are here to give shy nerds a mean of interaction with other people they can understand as well as providing some guidance/boundaries to the over-imaginative social friends in your circle.

Of course, it also won't prevent autistic midwits to try and create optimized builds, rule lawyer on RAWs, and generally speaking try to break the game that a bunch of other sweaty, nerdy midwits have lazily copypasted without much testing or understanding of balance in order to sell more paper, resulting in content bloat that drown beginners in options and make it very easy to pick a "wrong" option. The bloat also force players to theorycraft a build in advance and then follow the talent picks each level up, encouraging netlisting and removing RP in favour of an adeptus-mechanicus worthy ritual of progression.

Sadly, when transitioning to Computer, a key element that could make sense of this whole mess has been lost : The GM.

And while a competent GM in pen and paper could sprinkle appropriate loot and challenge to your party, fudge the dice in the right direction, and forge compelling narrative out of whatever event was happening, no such thing in a video game. Instead, as a best effort to prevent ragequitting over bad dice rolls/to appeal to the completionist soul of the people playing such game, the savegame feature exist and can be used very often.

As a side effect, this also allow owlcat to get away with completely bullsh*t, unbalanced encounters and mechanics because "just load a previous save lol".

This mean owlcat RPGS are not hard. Ever. They are tedious.

It's a long preplanned checklist of actions, and if an encounter goes wrong ? Reload and try again.
Encounters are also not fundamentally different than basic skill checks : the whole system, lifted from P&P Rpgs, is about stacking buffs/improvement on a dice so that you pass the roll. Harder difficulties can be summed up as needing to stack more buffs on those rolls, ultimately making gameplans where the roll are too unreliable worthless but also needing more creativity and perusing of game mechanics in order to understand how to increase the likelihood of success of any given check/encounter.

And if it still doesn't work ? Just reload lol. The best builds are ultimately just time-savers in order to not have to reload. The best build is still not as good as a faster Hard Drive in term of how good you are at the game.

While barrelmancy a la Larian doesn't have an equivalent here, you can still start a fight with a long range attack (instead of walking to it), as well as retreating out of sight from the enemies and build up buffs/defeat foes piecemeal. This should solve most of the hard fight in the game.

With all of that said, let's dive into what a good build mean in the context of Rogue Trader.
General Considerations
Most builds you'll find on the internet sucks or are built around bug exploits/outdated. The main reason is that 99% of it is clickbait by someone as good as the game as a game j*urnalist *spit* can be, with the target of getting audience, not to git good. Even worst, some of them are straight up hours long youtube video. Not practical at all when you know, you are within a game and want to select which talents next.

I started to use internet builds because I knew nothing about the system, but very fast I realized the talents picks were barely above random in term of effectiveness, and just what the author think looked cool rather than any deep thought on it.

Nonetheless, it kinda worked due to the absolutely broken state of some interactions in the game, especially Versatility Stacks from Arch-Militant being granted at around 4x the correct rate and the inconsistency of the game when it comes to consider Burst attacks to qualify for AOE talents and abilities...

For new players, tough luck, those published build sucks, have always sucked, and just stumbled upon broken interaction that would make any random build work, and now you are faced with the daunting task of finding an updated build that doesn't suck.

If you wanna bug exploit just use toybox. Less setup, more lore friendly. Pretend it's an Act of Faith or something.

Rogue Trader is a very standard CRPG, using flat D100 Roll under as a basis for nearly every action.

An encounter is subdivided in rounds. Each round, every character gets a turn, sorted by agility. Some abilities have turn cooldowns (eg : Limit of one attack per turn), some per round. Character can get activated out of normal round sequence following certain effects and ability.

Like any CRPG ever, the core of "winning" at the game encounters is action economy abuse. The party that take the most actions, have their actions succeed more often and crucially prevent their enemy from taking any action/have them fails win. In previous owlcat titles, it meant AOE terrain effect CC. In Rogue Trader, it mean using officers/master tactician to buff/give extra turn to your DPS who then shoot everyone dead as early as possible. There is no such thing as "tanking". CC/Taunting is too unreliable vs simply killing the enemies dead.

The skill checks are like any other game : Rather than a team of jacks of all trades, you are much better off having your party specialize in 2-3 skills per characters.

Unfair difficulty is making the encounters more difficult by inflicting huge malus on to-hit probability, especially behind cover, increased ennemy HP and damage, and finally making ennemy pass their own stat-check much more easily. This mean that you cannot relies on enemies failing their check and that dodge is more interesting than in normal difficulty. Moreover, any +hit % (or dodge/cover reduction) is way better in Unfair difficulty than in lower difficulties.

Contrary to other CRPG (ahem, DnD, Pathfinder, etc...) making unfair build can still be very theme and lore friendly in rogue trader, and outside of some small utility powers, there was not much hard CC to begin with. Instead, the action economy abuse is coming mostly from self buff.

In Rogue trader, there is (roughly) three encounters roles :

>Better than nothing (Support/Bruiser/Etc...)

The role of a Carry is to kill the enemies dead or make the party immortal. They generally spend their turn shooting at enemies, and when they don't it's to get some self buff or setup a wombo combo.
The role of an officer is to buff the carries and make them take as many action as possible.
There is no "true" tank role. At best you can have a bruiser/disruptor, but taunt is too unreliable of a mechanic, you have limited way to increase tankyness and control the enemy AI. You can however build your rogue trader as a decent enough dodge tank/CC machine thanks to planetary projects.

The best class in rogue trader is, by far, the officer. It can grant free turns/shoot to others, and buff allies at the same time. Many class scale well with a retinue of officers. They are the wombo combo enablers.
  • Non-Psykers Officers themselves loves getting into Master Tactician as it allow them to buff the carry even harder, get some FEL, and they benefit hugely from a single high resolve character taking many turns.
  • Psyker Officers should go Grand Strategist, as the most useful feature of the class is gotten at lvl 1 (free extra Go First turn), and then they can pick only their warp talents and abilities without losing much.
  • Arch Militant can stack their versatility with each attack and scale exponentially well off it, and hence make fantastic extra turn dumps for officers.
  • Operatives can use the extra turns from officers to setup as many exploit on a target as possible, then cast Tactical Knowledge, making the party near impervious to damage and giving themselves a huge damage boost.
  • Bounty Hunter and their savour the kill talent allow them to take extra turns whenever one of their preys get killed, or simply with Hot on the trails to enable big chains of Operative Exploit Stacks. Not direct damage dealer carry, but combo very well to setup Tactical Knowledge.
Vanguard is the only subpar class. The class get weaker the more you win, as opposed to every other class that snowball. It is dependant on enemy taking actions to be useful and does not offer much wombo combo potential.
You only really need a tank/disruptor in higher difficulty for the first few rounds, and even then a Dodge Operative/Assassin is more reliable and disruptive than a Vanguard.

To completely and absolutely break the game, use mercenaries. At this point though, you are playing a puzzle game and are likely using toybox to cheat in respecs anyway, or are instead following a complex, step by step flowchart and not really "playing" anymore.
This is not the goal of this guide. The goal of this guide is to use only the regular companions. Not rely too much on convoluted buff loops for every encounters. Have balanced builds that complete each other while at the same time allowing people to just lift a single build and use it for their own games.
Build Help & Party Composition
Scaling Summary :
  • Weapon Skill
    Parry, Parry Reduction (half), Melee Crit Chance
  • Ballistic Skill
    Ranged hit chance = 30+BS%
  • Strength
    1pt = +5% 1H melee Damage, +10% 2hand, Athletics
  • Toughness
    1pt = +10% Wounds, Carouse
  • Agility
    Turn order (Initiative), 1pt = 1% dodge chance, 0.5% melee dodge reduction, Demolition
  • Intelligence
    1pt = 5% ranged aoe damage (non-burst). Lore(All), Logic, Medicae, Tech-Use
  • Perception
    1pt = 0.5% dodge reduction (melee/ranged), half the worth of agility for turn order. Awareness
  • Willpower
    Nothing by itself. Linked to a lot of psy power, either to cast or resist them.
  • Fellowship
    Persuasion, Coercion, Commerce

Class Summary :
  • Officer
    S tier but need a carry to buff
  • Master Tactician
    Natural continuation of officer, with even more buff generation and ap dump to buff your team.

  • Soldier
    Ranged dps. By very concept the best carry mid game.
  • Warrior
    Melee dps and by concept worse than soldiers as they need to invest in survivability and mobility, not just damage.
  • Arch-militant
    The correct choice for scaling either soldier or warriors in the mid/late game.

  • Blade Dancer
    S+ tier but pidgeonhole you into dual swords melee gameplay. Allow Medicae to scale of WS. Scale insanely with AGI.
  • Executionner
    S+ tier if going medicae to wounds, serviceable otherwise. Either use it for the dot "gameplay" on a pyromancer/biomancer, or for the insane medicae scaling to wound on any other class.

  • Operative
    For INT build. Due to the INT investment, you cannot go melee, you'll be too squishy.
  • Bounty Hunter
    For getting free non-offensive turns when allies kill preys. Bounty hunters stack very well with each other as preys are shared.
  • Assassin
    For offensive high agi/perception operatives.

  • Grand Strategist
    The real value is in the free extra turn at the beginning of the fight. The micro management of zones is not worth the talents nor the real life time investment. Good build are supposed to make fights faster and requiring less decisions, not slower and more tedious. Good dump class for navigator/other specialist that need the talents slots.

  • Vanguard
    Dump class similar to grand strategist. Only bring marginally better tanking. Workable with a melee Psyker.

Psykers/Navigator are by themselves several different subclass, depending on which spells and the scaling you want to have, as they'll need to take talents and ability slots away from your normal class. To add to the complexity, one of the best psyker gear in the game is a heavy armour.

On Unfair, enemies have +20% dodge. To fully negate their ranged dodge, the hard cap is hence
(40 + twice the enemy agility) pts of Perception (and/or Agi if melee) as well.

WS is a pretty good melee offensive as well as defensive stat as foes will need twice yours to negate it, even on unfair, and will not be reduced by armour (unlike dodge from agility).

Party Composition :

A good party in rogue trader is at least one win condition setup to solve encounters ie. Kill/Hard CC every foes or become Immortal yourself.

Since the nerf, officers went from wanting 5 in every party to wanting 2-3 in every party (one per carry).
Then you have the choice of win condition :
-Snowball hypercarry (Arch militant receiving lots of turns, Caster getting absurd level of psy rating/wp, Kibellah one turning the boss, etc...)
-Turtling away from the encounter and picking opponents one by one as they come
-Operative Tactical Knowledge Stacks
-Actually solving the encounters as the devs imagined it would be (lol jk)

The first one can be achieved by any arch-militant, but work best with Argenta, as you get her early game and hence her build is not gimped.

The Tactical Knowledge combo can be achieved in different way :
>Ranged assassin with death whisper getting the officer extra turns, cleaning trash mob around a single exploit target and then casting Tactical Knowledge on it
>Bounty hunters using On the Trail or Savour the Kill to take many empty turns and accumulate exploits before casting Tactical Knowledge

Ranged Assassin works well with either Pasqal or Yrliet, Bounty hunter with any Operative and does not require to be the extra turn targets as much as Asassins.

Hence, my builds exist along the following core party :

- Cassia Grand Strategist
- Jae Master Tactician
- Argenta Arch-Militant
- Pasqal Bounty Hunter

This party can setup either win conditions, fetch every member early game, and allow for two flex slots of other party members.

Moreover, your party should contain a dedicated a character for each skillcheck to be passed.

The most abundant skills checks in the game are :
Awareness > Tech Use > Demolition > Athletics > Lore Xenos (Janus & Act III) > Everything else

As you can see from the above table :
  • Jae is a great skill monkey thanks to her fellowship scaling on most skills and cold trader making reputation boost her skills.
  • A Party of Face Rogue Trader, Cassia, Jae, Argenta, Pasqal can cover all skills, leaving 1 flex slot that can do whatever.

Once again, the above is merely a suggestion for a party that works and can clean the game on unfair. You should absolutely bring the characters you like the most and outside of medicae/lore xenos for Executionner/Drukhari Weapon prof, every single skill is purely down to party synergy for skill checks.
My personal opinion is that P&P skill roll checks with only negative to fail a check do not belong in a computer game, and that if you are ready to optimize your run/save scum skillchecks, just use toybox to makes your party always takes 1 on skillcheck. It will save you tedious loading time. Pressing F8 in a solo game aint exactly hard, you are not missing much of the gameplay of staring at a loading screen.
Rogue Trader: Noble Officer - Build

Literally me

This build allow you to RP as the most "typical" kind of upstart rogue traders, rich people used to have other people doing things for them becoming filthy rich people having other people do everything for them.

Character Creation
Homeworld : Imperial World.
Humanity's Finest : Fellowship
Origin : Noble
Triumph : Illustrious Glory
Darkest Hour : Grim Portents 177013
Stats : Fellowship, Willpower, Agility
Portrait : The most attractive one in your collection
Sex : Yes


Archetype Lvl
Choice 1
Choice 2
1 - Officer 1
Voice of Command
2 - Officer 2
3 - Officer 3
Bring It Down!
4 - Officer 4
Finest Hour!
5 - Officer 5
CT: Fellowship
6 - Officer 6
Lasting Impression
7 - Officer 7
Air of Authority
Ready to Serve
8 - Officer 8
Inspiring Speech
9 - Officer 9
Finest Hour! (IV)
10 - Officer 10
11 - Officer 11
CT: Agility
12 - Officer 12
Take Aim
You. Do something
13 - Officer 13
Commanding Voice
14 - Officer 14
It Will Not Die
15 - Officer 15
Finest Hour! (I)

Choice 1
Choice 2
16 - Master Tactician 1
Tactical Advantage
Press the Advantage
17 - Master Tactician 2
18 - Master Tactician 3
Hidden Advantage
19 - Master Tactician 4
Orchestrated Firestorm
20 - Master Tactician 5
Ap Increase
21 - Master Tactician 6
22 - Master Tactician 7
23 - Master Tactician 8
Unwavering Motivation
24 - Master Tactician 9
25 - Master Tactician 10
In the Hero's Footstep
26 - Master Tactician 11
27 - Master Tactician 12
Orchestrated Firestorm (II)
28 - Master Tactician 13
Comfort in Conformity
29 - Master Tactician 14
30 - Master Tactician 15
You. Go On.
31 - Master Tactician 16
Against All Odds
32 - Master Tactician 17
33 - Master Tactician 18
Nerves of Steel
34 - Master Tactician 19
Swift Movements
35 - Master Tactician 20
Orchestrated Firestorm (III)

Choice 1
Choice 2
36 - Exemplar 1
Eager Subordinates
Be Vigilant!
37 - Exemplar 2
Logistical Superiority
38 - Exemplar 3
Stronger Together
39 - Exemplar 4
Move, Move, Move!
40 - Exemplar 5
Stand Resolute
41 - Exemplar 6
Inspire Courage
42 - Exemplar 7
Assign Objective
43 - Exemplar 8
Primary Objective
CT: Willpower
44 - Exemplar 9
45 - Exemplar 10
AP Increase
46 - Exemplar 11
Decisive Responset
47 - Exemplar 12
Personal Oversight
48 - Exemplar 13
Heroic Inspiration
49 - Exemplar 14
50 - Exemplar 15
Perfection Under Fire
Armour of Contempt
51 - Exemplar 16
Ally Coordination
Carouse ?
52 - Exemplar 17
Iron Discipline
Base Skill Commerce ?
53 - Exemplar 18
Get Back in the Fight
54 - Exemplar 19
Flagbearer ?
Wounds Are No Excuse!
55 - Exemplar 20
AP Increase
Rogue Trader: Noble Officer - Howto
Weapons ? That's for decoration and prestige, not actually using them. Spend all of your AP buffing allies and giving them extra turns, extra damage, faster heroics buildup, etc... Become a complete simp/stan for a carry and watch them melt encounters.

Armour : Light.
Your buffs scale off Fellowship and a bit from Willpower.
For the rest equip whatever look the most fashionable and that your party doesn't need. Using a sword will grant you slightly better melee protection. Your defence is entirely Agi/Dodge based.

  • You. Serve Me
    Slap on Argenta as the first action of the first turn. She get bonus stats.
  • Voice of Command
    Cast on argenta as early and often as possible.
  • Bring it Down
    The best ability in the game. Priority target is Argenta. At level 36, get 3Ap but if she consume it all, she will suffer some dmg that scale with the rogue trader willpower, so use the extra AP with caution.
  • Air of Authority
    Slap on argenta as soon as you casted voice of Command on her, then spread to the rest of the team, Ideally a bounty hunter/anyone with extra turns afterward.
  • Take Aim!
    Situational. Cast it on a ranged DD to let it kill a target behind cover.
  • Press the Advantage
    Don't. It will ruin your TA stacks to give your measly damage a one off % increase.
  • Linchpin
    Cast it on the target that gonna get the most turn before your next turn (Usually Argenta or Pasqal). Do not cast it before && in the same turn as Inspire.
  • Inspire
    Cast it the turn after a Linchpin target gave you lots of TA stacks. If You wanna cast Linchpin this turn, do not cast inspire or make sure you cast it beforehand.
  • Fervour
    At the end of the first (and maybe second) turn to get early TA stacks. Do not cast anything after it. Wound cost too great for regular use. Totally not a Warlock life tap.
  • Move, Move, Move
    Reposition allies, Extra free turn.
  • Assign Objective
    Only useful to get the snowball rolling. The target enemy killer's will generate momentum and get +5 all stat untill the end of the encounter, non stackable.
  • Get Back in the Fight!
    Purge dots/stunned on an ally.

    Heroic Actions
  • Finest Hour!
    Cast on Argenta. Nerfed from being the best ability in the game to now only be the best ability in the game.
  • Orchestrated Firestorm
    Extremely situational. You can ignore it. Spammable though.
Rogue Trader: Psykautismo - Build

More dots, more dots. This warlock-style build focus on fighting at range and applying dots.
Until late game, this specific build doesn't posses the raw AoE power of a lot of the other carry build. It's also very fragile early game, with 0 investment in any defensive stats outside of wounds. Nonetheless, it is excellent at picking up trash or doting elite to death.
An another distinctive feature of the build is being Int => Calculated relation, meaning nearly every skills are naturally covered. Simply slap Kibella for extra battle synergy (Executionners stacks very well with each other) and Skill-Check Synergy (Demoltion/Athletic) and pick whoever you want for the rest of your party without worrying about skills.

Character Creation
Homeworld : Forge World - Analytic System
Origin : Sanctionned Psyker - Pyromancer
Triumph : Illustrious Glory
Darkest Hour : Grim Portents :.|:;
Stats : Willpower, Int, Perception
Portrait : Mom took it
Sex : No
Autism : Extremis


Choice 1
Choice 2
1 - Operative 1
Analyse Enemies
2 - Operative 2
Tech-Use ?
3 - Operative 3
Expose Weakness
4 - Operative 4
Dismantling Attack
Psyker Minoris
5 - Operative 5
Calculated Relations
6 - Operative 6
7 - Operative 7
Tech-Use ?
8 - Operative 8
Biophysical Distortion
Second Sight
9 - Operative 9
Dismantling Attack (II)
10 - Operative 10
11 - Operative 11
Uncanny Sight
Logic ?
12 - Operative 12
Orchestrate Flames
Psychic Barrage
13 - Operative 13
Joint Offense
14 - Operative 14
Psyker Majoris
15 - Operative 15
Dismantling Attack (III)

Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
16 - Executionner 1
Forced Repentance
Scourging Strikes
Where it Hurts
17 - Executionner 2
18 - Executionner 3
Hardened Body
19 - Executionner 4
Carnival of Misery
20 - Executionner 5
Ap Increase
21 - Executionner 6
Anatomy Expert
22 - Executionner 7
Warp Speed
23 - Executionner 8
Spark of the Greater Flame
24 - Executionner 9
Psyker Terminus
25 - Executionner 10
Blazing Inferno
26 - Executionner 11
27 - Executionner 12
Carnival of Misery (II)
28 - Executionner 13
Acute Pain
29 - Executionner 14
Tech-Use ?
30 - Executionner 15
Melting Armour
31 - Executionner 16
Does it Hurt ?
32 - Executionner 17
Tech-Use ?
33 - Executionner 18
Sower of Distress
34 - Executionner 19
Psyker Extremis
35 - Executionner 20
Carnival of Misery (III)

Choice 1
Choice 2
36 - Exemplar 1
Tide of Excellence
37 - Exemplar 2
Relentless Blaze
38 - Exemplar 3
It Will Not Die
39 - Exemplar 4
40 - Exemplar 5
Combat Meditation
Fire Within
41 - Exemplar 6
Offensive Pattern prediction
42 - Exemplar 7
Molten Beam
43 - Exemplar 8
Battle of Attrition
CT: Willpower
44 - Exemplar 9
Tech-Use ?
Flesh Wounds
45 - Exemplar 10
AP Increase
46 - Exemplar 11
Fires of the Forge
Tech-Use ?
47 - Exemplar 12
Logic ?
48 - Exemplar 13
Fragile Playthings
49 - Exemplar 14
Logic ?
50 - Exemplar 15
Perfection Under Fire
Burning Blood
51 - Exemplar 16
Racking Weakness
Logic ?
52 - Exemplar 17
Perfect Anatomy
53 - Exemplar 18
Reckless Abandon
54 - Exemplar 19
Master of Torture
55 - Exemplar 20
AP Increase
Rogue Trader: Psykautismo - Howto
Tweaked down skill malus in unfair mean an Int/Calculated Relations character is an excellent skill monkey. Executioner Dot gameplay is kindof playable on a ranged character, as you do not need to invest in melee/mobility talents like a bruiser would need to.

This build is an exception in term of party composition as if you combine it with Kibellah, most skills are covered to a good enough level to have a chance at passing every skill check in the game without the need of any other party members.
It should be however noted that Cassia/Idira have access to excellent Willpower buffs for this build on top of completeting it's realtively weak early game AOE, and that ofc it being a carry build Jae round it up well for extra turns.

Moreover, several executioners stack well together, and Carnival of Misery goes from meh on Kibellah to pretty good if casted twice in a fight.

The gameplay is to mostly be a buff bot and use one damaging power a turn.

By virtue of being relatively independent from companion selection AND a psyker, this build is perfect for heretical playthroughs.

Currently NOT optimized to fetch psyker's breastplate. If you want it, respec at higher level and put enough in str to then get Heavy armour proff. Not worth building for it beforehand.

Armour : Whatever bump willpower/psy rating the most
Amulet : Daemon Tool can be acquired early game and increase your burning.
Weapon : Your best staff. Staff of Blood is a strong contender, and so is the early Pyromancer's staff in Act1. Make sure to not have ranged weapons equipped once you are Exemplar.

  • Ignite
    Your bread and butter attack if not using Pyromancer's staff. Castable without ending your movement.
  • Iron Arm
    Buff Str (melee damage) and Toughness of you or an ally. Kibella loves it.
  • Orchestrate Flame
    Buff/Debuff that allows you to attack still. Pretty funny on any melee party member, complete very well your Ignite/Firestorm and trigger more burning damage.
  • Warp Speed
    Excellent buff on any carry. Yourself is a carry. Allow Kibellah to do absurd things.
  • Molten Beam
    Beam Aoe and your main source of damages. On weaker enemies/Repeated use, can also put enemies aflame.
  • Where it hurt
    Next attack consume all the dot to deal extra 3x all dots effect extra damage. Situational compared to Kibellah, as you are most often better off attacking new targets to dots them.
  • Enfeeble
    Debuff enemies in the aoe to take extra damage and be easier to hit. AP dump.
  • Inflame
    Cast to make burning more powerful, and recast every turn to trigger a tick. This + Carnival of misery can solve late game encounters.
  • Reckless Abandon
    By the time you unlock it, allow truly absurd dots damage boost for no downsides. Use it every time you run out of temp wounds. Feel free to take it earlier in the build, but be aware that the %itself depend of your number of wound and hence is not that impactful vs more aoe/warp speed if taken earlier.
  • Analyse Enemies
    Generate more exploit stack if you got nothing else to do
  • Expose Weakness
    Use it BEFORE molten beam on a target you want to set aflame. Use inspect to see if the armour reduction is enough (or save scum to save your IQ points).

    Heroic Actions
  • Dismantling Attack
    You need to equip a pistol/gun to be able to cast it. Main use is to add more exploit to the enemies and debuff the target. Use the staff heroic instead early game, never even look at it once you have Carnival of Misery.
  • Carnival of Misery
    Double all dot damages for the rest of the encounter. One of the highest damage potential ult in the game, but it doesn't have the instant CC of killing the enemy dead >right now< Death Waltz/Finest Hour have.
Rogue Trader: Living Saint - Build

This build is very similar to the noble officer, in that you will mostly be hanging around in the backline and babysitting your carry and the team with buffs/extra turn, but with one key difference : endgame, you can actually deal very good damages, both at range, melee and AoE.
The build is nonetheless much harder to play, as you'll constantly need to fight your bloodlust and resist sending into melee what is ultimately a very squishy character with no real parry/dodge/damage mitigation to speak of.

Character Creation
Homeworld : Imperial World.
Humanity's Finest : Fellowship
Origin: Sanctionned Psyker - Biomancer
Triumph : Illustrious Glory
Darkest Hour : Shadow of Torment
Stats : Fellowship, Strength, Weapon Skill
Portrait : The most glorious one in your collection
Sex : Chaste


Archetype Lvl
Choice 1
Choice 2
1 - Officer 1
Voice of Command
2 - Officer 2
3 - Officer 3
Bring It Down!
4 - Officer 4
Finest Hour!
5 - Officer 5
CT: Strength
6 - Officer 6
Lasting Impression
7 - Officer 7
Air of Authority
Heavy Armour Proficiency
8 - Officer 8
Inspiring Speech
9 - Officer 9
Finest Hour! (IV)
10 - Officer 10
Weapon Skill
11 - Officer 11
Commanding Voice
Weapon Skill
12 - Officer 12
Sanctic Powers
Strange Vitality
13 - Officer 13
Steel Resolve
14 - Officer 14
Psyker Minoris
15 - Officer 15
Finest Hour! (I)

Choice 1
Choice 2
16 - Master Tactician 1
Tactical Advantage
Press the Advantage
17 - Master Tactician 2
18 - Master Tactician 3
Hidden Advantage
19 - Master Tactician 4
Orchestrated Firestorm
20 - Master Tactician 5
Ap Increase
21 - Master Tactician 6
22 - Master Tactician 7
23 - Master Tactician 8
Unwavering Motivation
24 - Master Tactician 9
Weapon Skill
Psyker Majoris
25 - Master Tactician 10
Psyker Terminus
26 - Master Tactician 11
Weapon Skill
27 - Master Tactician 12
Orchestrated Firestorm (II)
28 - Master Tactician 13
Nerves of Steel
29 - Master Tactician 14
30 - Master Tactician 15
Psalm of Heroes
Purge Soul
31 - Master Tactician 16
Duelling Mastery
32 - Master Tactician 17
33 - Master Tactician 18
Against All Odds
34 - Master Tactician 19
Psyker Extremis
35 - Master Tactician 20
Orchestrated Firestorm (I)

Choice 1
Choice 2
36 - Exemplar 1
Eager Subordinates
Ready to Serve
37 - Exemplar 2
Undisputed Advantage
38 - Exemplar 3
Blade of Light
39 - Exemplar 4
Hammer of the Emperor
40 - Exemplar 5
Sanctified Slayer
41 - Exemplar 6
Edge of Dawn
42 - Exemplar 7
Sword of Faith
Weapon Skill
43 - Exemplar 8
Personal Involvement
Combat Master
44 - Exemplar 9
Peak Condition
45 - Exemplar 10
AP Increase
46 - Exemplar 11
Hymns of Hatred
47 - Exemplar 12
Eternal Glory
48 - Exemplar 13
Weapon Skill
49 - Exemplar 14
50 - Exemplar 15
Tough as Steel
51 - Exemplar 16
In the Hero's Footstep
52 - Exemplar 17
Stacking the deck
Swift Movements
53 - Exemplar 18
54 - Exemplar 19
Perfection Under Fire
Sanguine Siphon
55 - Exemplar 20
AP Increase
Rogue Trader: Living Saint - Howto
I swear living saints are totally not the Emperor's Demon. The gameplay with this build is to babysit a carry with buffs, and you are barely less good at it than a noble officer. You are very squishy, with even less EHP than other backliners. You can still hit things in melee fine, but don't expect tons of damage. At level 30, you acquire purge soul, which allows you to finally deal decent damage even at range. At level 42, the build really comes online with Sword of Faith.

Armour : Heavy and then Psyker Breastplate. This is your BiS.
Weapon : A good melee weapons that other chars don't need, and then a Force Sword. You can try to use a staff, but you don't have any WP to make good use of it.

The rest of the gear should just stack as much resolve/Psy rating as possible.

Keep in mind that :
Resolve = more momentum generated each turn/kill
Full momentum bar = Heroic action

  • Voice of Command
    Stat buff. Cast on Carry, then whoever needs it
  • Bring it Down!
    Best ability in the game. Cast on whoever gonna make the best use of it.
  • Air of Authority
    Resolve buff. Cast on the last target of the Voice of command for extra AP.
  • Iron Arm
    Str/Toughness buff. The toughness is great for pseudo-healing allies.
  • Word of the Emperor
    Stackable AOE resolve buff. Try to catch most of your allies and yourself turn 1.
  • Press the advantage.
    Useless until late game where you can use it to do lots of damage as a boss finisher. At level 43, allow to ignore dodges.
  • Linchpin
    An another resolve buff. Cast in on yourself or the carry
  • Inspire
    % damage buff. Cast on a DD.
  • Purge Soul
    A single target nuke that scale multiplicatively between your resolve and psy rating. Start off weak, can get pretty significant late game as you can stack them indefinitly (Psyker's Breastplate x Word of the Emperor)
  • Hammer of the emperor
    Excellent buff for any DD in the team. Cast it every round they attacked.
  • Sword of Faith
    The best self buff in the entire game. Castable every turn, adding+resolve to the damage. Damage is multiplicative between your psy rating and your resolve, and then again with any inspire/press the advantage cast. With enough setup, can one shot anything in the game.
  • Enfeeble
    You'll only get access to it very late game. % damage increase on enemies in an area.

    Heroic Actions
  • Finest Hour
    The best heroic in the game. Cast it on the carry.
  • Orchestrated Firestorm
    Ignore entirely
Rogue Trader: Firefighter - Build

This build differ from the other build for the rogue trader presented in this guide, as it is >not< a party face rogue trader. Instead, it focuses on being a brutally effective melee bruiser. At the core this is a Warrior/Arch militant build, dipping into Pyromancy and Sanctic to boost melee damage output.

Two caveats to the build :
  • Blade of Light is specifically not picked. If you want to use a force weapon, feel free to pick the talent. Overall, better melee options are often available.
  • If you want to use the halo device, ditch willpower entirely and replace it with more AGI/TGH/STR. From a RP perspective, keep in mind that the immortality of Halo Devices come at a price.[warhammer40k.fandom.com]

Character Creation
Homeworld : Deathworld
Origin : Psyker - Pyromancy
Triumph : Apex of Brilliance
Darkest Hour : Grim Portents You just Lost the Game
Stats : WSx2, TGHx2, WP, AGI
Portrait : Hot
Sex : Torrid


Choice 1
Choice 2
1 - Warrior 1
2 - Warrior 2
3 - Warrior 3
4 - Warrior 4
Daring Breach
Thick Skin
5 - Warrior 5
Clenched Teeth
Weapon Skill
6 - Warrior 6
Break Through
7 - Warrior 7
Weapon Skill
Psyker Minoris
8 - Warrior 8
Shearing Strikes
9 - Warrior 9
Daring Breach (II)
10 - Warrior 10
Blade Flurry
11 - Warrior 11
Orchestrate Flames
Relentless Blaze
12 - Warrior 12
13 - Warrior 13
Heavy Armour Proficiency
14 - Warrior 14
Psyker Majoris
15 - Warrior 15
Daring Breach (IV)

Choice 1
Choice 2
16 - Arch-Militant 1
17 - Arch-Militant 2
Reckless Rush
18 - Arch-Militant 3
Always Ready
19 - Arch-Militant 4
Steady Superiority
20 - Arch-Militant 5
AP Increase
Weapon Skill
21 - Arch-Militant 6
All Out
Weapon Skill
22 - Arch-Militant 7
Melting Armour
23 - Arch-Militant 8
24 - Arch-Militant 9
Psyker Terminus
25 - Arch-Militant 10
26 - Arch-Militant 11
27 - Arch-Militant 12
Steady Superiority (IV)
28 - Arch-Militant 13
29 - Arch-Militant 14
Blazing Inferno
30 - Arch-Militant 15
31 - Arch-Militant 16
32 - Arch-Militant 17
33 - Arch-Militant 18
Critical Versatility
34 - Arch-Militant 19
Psyker Extremis
35 - Arch-Militant 20
Steady Superiority (II)

Choice 1
Choice 2
36 - Exemplar 1
Eager for Battle
Sparks of the Greater Flame
37 - Exemplar 2
Body of Flames
38 - Exemplar 3
Weapon Skill
Brutal Hunter
39 - Exemplar 4
Molten Beam
40 - Exemplar 5
Peak Condition
Fire Within
41 - Exemplar 6
Weapon Skill
Crowd Kill
42 - Exemplar 7
Sanctic Powers
43 - Exemplar 8
Accustomed to Glory
Edge of Dawn
44 - Exemplar 9
Perfection Under Fire
45 - Exemplar 10
AP Increase
46 - Exemplar 11
Easy Target
47 - Exemplar 12
Sanctified Slayer
Awareness ?
48 - Exemplar 13
Psalm of Heroes
49 - Exemplar 14
Awareness ?
50 - Exemplar 15
Flesh Wounds
Hymn of Hatred
51 - Exemplar 16
Awareness ?
52 - Exemplar 17
Eternal Glory
53 - Exemplar 18
54 - Exemplar 19
Tough As Steel
Burning Blood
55 - Exemplar 20
AP Increase

Rogue Trader: Firefighter - Howto
Despite being a "psyker" origin, this build is not a caster/buffer build, but instead a melee carry build. You'll be playing like you would a normal melee arch-militant, but with extra damage and tools built in. Every psy power can be woven in to increase versatility stacks.

A major difference with other Rogue trader build in this guide is that this is NOT a party face rogue trader. Refer to the skill table in a previous section to decide how to compose your party. Cassia/Jae are both very interesting addition for this Rogue trader, as they cover the missing skills as well as providing buffs/Extra turn that you'll take full advantages of.

Armour : Heavy, you can use Psyker Breastplate.
Weapons : Two 1H weapon. Noble Sword can be used in mainhand to trigger Disturbed on AoA, but is not meant to be used as your main attack cast. Chainaxes are great. The second set should be a staff with high WP, that you swtich to (x default keybind) every time you cast a power.

Overall, you make great uses of a lot of Melee attack/Psy rating gear.

If going for a Halo device, do not take any willpower but more AGI/STR/TGH Instead.

  • Ignite
    Your main dot/attack at range tool. Doesn't end movement. Abuse it.
  • Orchestrate Flame
    Cast it on yourself Asap. Tremendously increase your melee output, and later allow to setup firestorm.
  • Charge
    Movement tool more than a damage one.
  • Endure
    Use it every turn you expect to take damage
  • Break Through
    Make sure you have 2 1H equipped. Mobility+very decent damages
  • Reckless Rush
    Instant MP. Starting level 21, allows you to attack without ending move
  • Wildfire
    Extra attack. Use it on your big AP attacks.
  • Firestorm
    Cast on yourself or a burning ennemy to ignite stuff around.
  • Molten Beam
    More damage than ignite but only set aflame enemies stripped of armour already
  • Word of the Emperor
    Resolve buff. Your crit chance scales of resolve too. Mostly an AP dump though. Santic utility is in the talents we are taking.
  • Inflame
    Trigger flame debuff tick. Ap dump, can get spicy if multi-pyro party.

    Heroic Actions
  • Daring Breach
    Situational over Steady Superiority. More instant dps, attacking doesn't stop move anymore. Restore all MP/AP.
  • Steady Superiority
    Situational over Daring Breach. More remaining turns dps and much faster versa buildup, but attacking will still end movement.
Abelard: Ladies' Knight - Build

A masculine and traditional older white man positive role model ? In a western video games ???While not having higher difficulty hypercarry potential like some of the other builds here, he is still very decent as a brawler, being able to move around the battlefield, endure punishment and dispatch foes on his own without much support.

Abelard is held back at a conceptual level by being melee instead of being ranged/psyker.

His origin ability with the right talents is a very potent wombo combo enabler, especially for Cassia as even very early game she will receive a massive +35 Willpower buff.

Abelard T2 archetype options are Vanguard, Assassin and Arch-Militant.
  • Vanguard has very poor damage outpout and the only things it does well is getting attacked. Outside of vanity/rp build, this doesn't have much use in the current game.
  • Assassin is serviceable, but a bit schizophrenic as Lethality doesn't play well at all with any kind of armour and Abelard doesn't have the agility to pull off tanking without it.
  • Arch-Militant, on top of being the most versatile, allow us to swing a Warhammer 40.000 times per turn. Sold.


Choice 1
Choice 2
1 - Warrior 1
2 - Warrior 2
3 - Warrior 3
4 - Warrior 4
Daring Breach
Thick Skin
5 - Warrior 5
Defensive Stance
Weapon Skill
6 - Warrior 6
Sworn Enemy
7 - Warrior 7
Weapon Skill
Swift Movements
8 - Warrior 8
Hardened Scars
9 - Warrior 9
Daring Breach (III)
10 - Warrior 10
Get Into Cover!
11 - Warrior 11
Taunting Scream
It Will Not Die
12 - Warrior 12
13 - Warrior 13
Ramming Speed
14 - Warrior 14
Ready To Serve
15 - Warrior 15
Daring Breach (II)

Choice 1
Choice 2
16 - Arch-Militant 1
17 - Arch-Militant 2
Reckless Rush
18 - Arch-Militant 3
Always Ready
19 - Arch-Militant 4
Steady Superiority
20 - Arch-Militant 5
AP Increase
21 - Arch-Militant 6
All Out
Weapon Skill
22 - Arch-Militant 7
Know No Heresy
23 - Arch-Militant 8
24 - Arch-Militant 9
Duelling Mastery
25 - Arch-Militant 10
26 - Arch-Militant 11
Weapon Skill
27 - Arch-Militant 12
Steady Superiority (IV)
28 - Arch-Militant 13
Awaiting Orders
29 - Arch-Militant 14
Power Weapon Expert
30 - Arch-Militant 15
Devastating Attack
31 - Arch-Militant 16
Breaking Attack
32 - Arch-Militant 17
33 - Arch-Militant 18
34 - Arch-Militant 19
Combat Master
35 - Arch-Militant 20
Steady Superiority (III)

Choice 1
Choice 2
36 - Exemplar 1
Lethal Threat
37 - Exemplar 2
38 - Exemplar 3
Weapon Skill
Perfect Timing
39 - Exemplar 4
Reckless Strike
40 - Exemplar 5
Perfection Under Fire
41 - Exemplar 6
Weapon Skill
Clenched Teeth
42 - Exemplar 7
Cautious Approach
43 - Exemplar 8
Characteristic Training: Weapon Skill
44 - Exemplar 9
Flesh Wounds
45 - Exemplar 10
AP Increase
46 - Exemplar 11
Reckless Fury
47 - Exemplar 12
Medicae ?
48 - Exemplar 13
Accustomed to Glory
49 - Exemplar 14
Medicae ?
50 - Exemplar 15
Steel Shell
Easy Target
51 - Exemplar 16
Critical Versatility
Medicae ?
52 - Exemplar 17
Dual Weapon Combat ?
53 - Exemplar 18
Confident Approach
54 - Exemplar 19
Tough As Steel
Calm And Steady
55 - Exemplar 20
AP Increase

Abelard: Ladies' Knight - Howto

When deploying, huddle everyone around him so that he can cast Brace For Impact! and buff everyone. Use the free turn to position better. Afterward, optionally buff his Strength/Toughness and unleash him on foes. He doesn't mechanically interact as much with other party members as the other builds in this guide, and hence won't need much babysitting.

DLC Update : Get him Silent Verdict ASAP (you get this 2H blade from meeting Kibellah). This weapon lift him from an early game meh to an absolute unit.

Armour: Heavy
Weapon: Thunder-Hammers and other 2-hand melee weapons.

As a secondary weapon, a shotgun can work but you really are better off not attacking and Endure + Defensive Stance instead.

He scales off WS, TGH, STR, AGI.

  • Brace For Impact!
    Very obvious defensive buff but not only. This is Abelard most exploitable ability and the reason game-breaking teams use him. Gather the party around him and use this on the first round. After level 10, every member of your team will get a free extra move turn. This will instantly grant Cassia a whopping +35 willpower bonus.
  • Charge
    Movement tool, damage is a bit underwhelming. Use it to position yourself where you want to be. Often, this is in melee anyway so might as well do the damages.
  • Endure
    Abelard main survivability tool. Very often, it's better to cast this than to attack, as it will also activate Defensive Stance.
  • Sworn Enemy
    Very RP. Use it on whoever deserve the AP spent.
  • Taunting Scream
    What could have been an amazing tool is instead situational. Ennemies are taunted, but only if they fail a willpower test. You do not need to taunt enemies on lower difficulty, enemies will resist it at the worst moment on higher difficulty. Pure savescum bait. After level 33 though, the main use of it is to debuff the enemies ability to resist spell from other characters, such as Cassia.
  • Versatility
    Read the tooltip and understand what it does. You build stack by alternating single target and AoE attacks.
  • Reckless Rush
    Use it everytime it's free.
  • WildFire
    Free attack. Build a versatility stack even if you did not weave your attack kind.
  • Devastating Attack
    Lore accurate thunder hammer attack. Use it if you wanna CC/Debuff the enemy.
  • Reckless Strike
    AP dump if you wanna kill someone dead.
  • Cautious Approach
    Endgame, your attack taunts. Use this to tank.

    Heroic Actions
  • Daring Breach
    No limits on attack this turn. Past level 9, also guaranted taunt of whoever you hit this turn.
  • Steady Superiority
    One more attack Every turn. Don't forget to alternate the attacks kind for versatility stacks.
Idira: Sad Psyker from Outer Space - Build

>be me
>be brown
>be into some voodoo crap
>really like that purple juice
>be some rich white woman housepsyker
>the police is always watching me and wanna shoot me even if I dindunuffin
>I'm actually an escaped dangerous criminal and the police is justified in doing so

What next owlcat, watermelon and fried chicken for the complete scholar-american bingo ?

Anyway, Idira can do tons of damage. Very straightforward and powerful to use once you get the hang of how mark the prey works. Was slightly nerfed by the Saviour the Kill patch, as now you cannot melt brain during the free turn of it.

Being an unsanctioned psykter of slightly heretical tendencies, she also get access to exclusive gear.


Choice 1
Choice 2
1 - Operative 1
Analyse Enemies
2 - Operative 2
3 - Operative 3
Expose Weakness
4 - Operative 4
Dismantling Attack
Uncanny Sight
5 - Operative 5
Second Sight
6 - Operative 6
Tide of Excellence
7 - Operative 7
Sensory deprivation
Lore (Warp)
8 - Operative 8
Pain Channelling
Psychic Barrage
9 - Operative 9
Dismantling Attack (II)
Lore (Warp)
10 - Operative 10
11 - Operative 11
Psyker Minoris
Lore (Imperium)
12 - Operative 12
Advice and Guidance
13 - Operative 13
Fresh Target
14 - Operative 14
15 - Operative 15
Dismantling Attack (III)

Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
16 - Bounty Hunter 1
Hunt Down the Prey
17 - Bounty Hunter 2
18 - Bounty Hunter 3
Savour the Kill
19 - Bounty Hunter 4
Wild Hunt
20 - Bounty Hunter 5
Ap Increase
Psyker Majoris
21 - Bounty Hunter 6
It will not die
22 - Bounty Hunter 7
Psychic Assault
23 - Bounty Hunter 8
Ready To Serve
Lore (Warp)
24 - Bounty Hunter 9
Mental Breach
25 - Bounty Hunter 10
Mind Siege
26 - Bounty Hunter 11
Lore (Warp)
27 - Bounty Hunter 12
Wild Hunt (II)
28 - Bounty Hunter 13
Weak Hearts
29 - Bounty Hunter 14
Lore (Imperium)
30 - Bounty Hunter 15
Psyker Terminus
Mind Rupture
31 - Bounty Hunter 16
Power Conduit
32 - Bounty Hunter 17
Lore (Imperium)
33 - Bounty Hunter 18
Visions of Doom
34 - Bounty Hunter 19
Thriving in Peril
35 - Bounty Hunter 20
Wild Hunt (I)

Choice 1
Choice 2
36 - Exemplar 1
Malign Influence
Passive Learning
37 - Exemplar 2
Lore (Warp)
38 - Exemplar 3
Predicted Downfall
39 - Exemplar 4
Lore (Warp)
40 - Exemplar 5
Psyker Extremis
41 - Exemplar 6
Sanguine Siphon
42 - Exemplar 7
43 - Exemplar 8
Biophysical Distortion
Adrenaline Surge
44 - Exemplar 9
45 - Exemplar 10
AP Increase
46 - Exemplar 11
Pulse of Life
Lore (Imperium) ?
47 - Exemplar 12
Confer Immunity
Lore (Imperium) ?
48 - Exemplar 13
Warp Minds
49 - Exemplar 14
Lore (Imperium) ?
50 - Exemplar 15
51 - Exemplar 16
Strange Vitality
Awareness ?
52 - Exemplar 17
Ballistic Calculation
Obscured Threat
53 - Exemplar 18
Warp Speed
54 - Exemplar 19
Flesh Wounds
Unnatural Luck
55 - Exemplar 20
AP Increase
Idira: Sad Psyker from Outer Space - Howto

Bit worst than at release. Still your main prologue DD for the fight against the Spawn in unfair, and your main source of damage until Argenta get enough Ballistic Skill.

On unfair and until deep in chapter 2, she will most likely be your main DD due to psy never missing and her overkill spilling to other mobs.

Psykers are kinda anti-synergic with each other. Early game, they share a common resource trough the veil and might underperform if you bring several in a team. Late game they all want the same unique items. It is of course completely irrelevant on easier difficulties where you can faceroll anyway.

Idira is not as brainless as before, as savour the kill extra turns cannot be used for more dakka anymore. Instead, Focus on buffing the party and debuffing elite enemies rather than the pure nuker she used to be.

Armour : Light, ideally one that scale with Psy
She get access to exclusive gloves (Warp Conduit), give it to her.

She scale off WP, PER, INT.

  • Forewarning
    Situational, if you know someone gonna get heat
  • Psychic Shriek
    Single Target nuke.
  • Analyse Enemies
    Very situational on Idira. Better use your spare AP for buffing/dmg.
  • Expose Weakness
    Very situational on Idira. Useful if you want the rest of your party to nuke someone.
  • Sensory Deprivation
    Excellent single target soft CC, as the worst outcome is a blinded target.
  • Prescience
    An excellent buff on anyone. First cast should go to your carry because of Advice and Guidance/Fatebringer. Many situational use. It's buff of felowship is good on Officers/Abelard before he cast prepare for impact. Willpower is ofc excellent on Caster, on Argenta before Litany of Hatred, and Int on Pasqal/Operatives/Any non burst ranged attacker.
  • Hunt Down the Prey
    Mark the preys on your first activation. Let allies kill them. After lvl 18, Get a free 2AP turn every time it happen, where you can cast some more spells.
  • Foreboding
    Very good AOE dodge area. On higher difficulty, consider taking it earlier.
  • Psychic Assault
    Aoe Cone damage that inflict hard CC. Excellent spell.
  • Mind Rupture
    Wololo. Cast this first then Sensory Deprivation on elite enemies. Decent chance of CC even on highest difficulty.
  • Iron Arm
    Cast this on melee, or characters that need the Health now.
  • Invigorate
    Heal + Purge in one spell
  • Warp Speed
    All that speed, and nowhen to put it.

    Heroic Actions

    You will spend entire playthroughs where you never cast any heroics with Idra that are not the staff spell, as you need an appropriate weapon to perform them.

  • Dismantling Attack
    Debuff the target
  • Wild Hunt
    Cast it to regain 3 preys marker.
Argenta: Divine Guidance - Build

Between "bugfixes" to versatility/concentrated fire and the more recent officer exterminatus level of nerf, gone are the day where Argenta could single turn every encounter in the game. She is now also very weak in the early game where she cannot hit the side of a barn unless buffed by VoC. Due to multiple nerf/reduction in the way she used to scale, her damage output is now a shadow of what it was late game.

She is can still be quite strong if only because it's a ranged dps companion you get early in the game and are free to properly build.

If you are playing in unfair, you can replace some agility with perception.


Choice 1
Choice 2
1 - Soldier 1
Run and Gun
2 - Soldier 2
3 - Soldier 3
Revel in Slaughter
4 - Soldier 4
Firearm Mastery
Rapid Reload
5 - Soldier 5
Ballistic Skill
6 - Soldier 6
Ballistic Skill
Rapid Fire
7 - Soldier 7
CT: Ballistic Skill
8 - Soldier 8
Unfaltering Fire
9 - Soldier 9
Firearm Mastery (II)
10 - Soldier 10
Fired Up
11 - Soldier 11
Concentrated Fire
12 - Soldier 12
Litany of Hatred
13 - Soldier 13
Swift Slaughter
Bolt Weapon Expert
14 - Soldier 14
It Will Not Die
15 - Soldier 15
Firearm Mastery (III)

Choice 1
Choice 2
16 - Arch-Militant 1
17 - Arch-Militant 2
Reckless Rush
18 - Arch-Militant 3
19 - Arch-Militant 4
Steady Superiority
20 - Arch-Militant 5
AP Increase
Ballistic Skill
21 - Arch-Militant 6
All Out
Ballistic Skill
22 - Arch-Militant 7
Know No Heresy
23 - Arch-Militant 8
Awaiting Orders
24 - Arch-Militant 9
Swift Movements
25 - Arch-Militant 10
Always Ready
26 - Arch-Militant 11
27 - Arch-Militant 12
Steady Superiority (IV)
28 - Arch-Militant 13
Critical Versatility
29 - Arch-Militant 14
Heavy Weapon Proficency
30 - Arch-Militant 15
Confident Approach
31 - Arch-Militant 16
Calm and Steady
32 - Arch-Militant 17
33 - Arch-Militant 18
Heavy Gunner
34 - Arch-Militant 19
Breaking point
35 - Arch-Militant 20
Steady Superiority (II)

Choice 1
Choice 2
36 - Exemplar 1
Muzzle Velocity
37 - Exemplar 2
Accustomed to Glory
38 - Exemplar 3
Ballistic Skill
39 - Exemplar 4
40 - Exemplar 5
41 - Exemplar 6
Ballistic Skill
42 - Exemplar 7
Cautious Approach
43 - Exemplar 8
Melta Profi (Judex) OR Flame Expert(Eruption)
44 - Exemplar 9
Critical Velocity
45 - Exemplar 10
AP Increase
46 - Exemplar 11
47 - Exemplar 12
Demolition Engineer
48 - Exemplar 13
Flensing Faith
49 - Exemplar 14
50 - Exemplar 15
Pinpoint Accuracy
51 - Exemplar 16
52 - Exemplar 17
On the Double
Melta Wpn Expert OR Nimble ?
53 - Exemplar 18
54 - Exemplar 19
Perfection Under Fire
Tactical Disengage
55 - Exemplar 20
AP Increase
Argenta: Divine Guidance - Howto
She has been nerfed directly or indirectly every single patch since release, and will still likely be the main carry of your party if you don't run a pyro or Kibellah. Her concept (weapon dependant ranged dps) simply need to be viable in the game for most of the combat mechanics to even make sense, and you getting her early prevent owlcat from making her garbage. Argenta is the closest companion to a mercenary you can have. She trade not being from a Fortress World with being able to wear sororitas power armour and faster momentum generation than a mercenary.
This build focus on pure high ROF bolter shooting for early/mid game. Late game, she use the Improved heavy bolter and your choice of either Heavy flamer or Heavy Melta.

When you get her, she is equipped with an autopistol, which is very weird for a Battle Sister ;) Swap it to a bolt pistol for style points.

Give her blessed bolter casing as soon as you get it. It tremendously open up her options until you get confident approach.

Then, her equipment is roughly as follow :

- Early game -
Weapon Set 1: Sword/Bolt pistol OR Some kind of sniper rifle.
Weapon Set 2: Boltgun with high rof and enough dmg
Armour: Light

- Mid/Late Game -
Wpn Set 1: Sword and Hand Flamer / Heavy Stubber for 20 damage 50+ shots per wildfire
Wpn Set 2: High Rof Boltgun or Heavy Bolter / Precise Bolter
Armour: Light or Sororitas Power Armour

- End Game -
Set 1: Improved Heavy Bolter
Set 2: Judex or Eruption
Armour: Soritas Power Armour

She scale off Ballistic Skill, Perception and Willpower. Her defence is entirely Agi based.

  • Run and Gun
    As often as possible. Basically free extra attack every round. The malus and cooldown can instantly be reset by Revel in Slaughter.
  • Revel in Slaughter
    Just after Run and gun to remove the winded debuff. At level 13, can be cast after 2 kills instead of 3.
  • Rapid Fire
    Before your must buffed burst fire of the round. make sure to have enough rounds in the bolter.
  • Concentrated Fire
    Before using an attack flagged as area attack. >DOES NOT WORK WITH BURST ANYMORE<.
  • Reckless Rush
    An another movement tool. Pop it to increase versa stack until end of turn.
  • Wildfire
    Once per round, extra attack. Use it after Reckless Rush to reduce cost.
  • Confident Approach
    Situational. Starting lvl 31, toggling this ability on makes you lose roughly 2/3 of the bonus damage from Versatility stacks but allows you to make every hit a crit and ignore dodge and covers while active
  • Entrench
    Before popping run and gun. The next cast of Run and Gun will reset other soldier cooldowns, allowing 2 use of them per rounds.
  • Dash
    Fleeing melee
  • Cautious Approach
    Self purge/Heal. Toggle it off for damage dealing again.
  • War Hymn/Litany of Hatred
    Pop it once using it will allow the momentum bar to go over 175, to use Argenta's heroic action. If you already can, use Litany of Hatred anyway for extra dmg until end of round.

    Heroic Actions
  • Firearm Mastery
    As early in the encounter as possible. Between level 19 and 27, if you have a High ROF bolter, Firearm Mastery is better than Steady Superiority but build versatility stack worst. Use both afterward.
  • Steady Superiority
    As early in the encounter as possible. Between level 19 and 27, if you have a low ROF bolter, steady superiority is better than Firearm Mastery and build versatility stacks much better. Use both afterward

Kibellah : Latex Goth GF - Build

I can fix her. She can ruin me.
Very fun to use, pretty good damage output at any difficulty, great tanking potential, will bear your children.
Dots damage is honestly overrated despite the space they occupy in the talent tree. This build pretty much ignore them and focus on alpha strike damage instead.


Choice 1
Choice 2
1 - Bladedancer 1
Blade Dance
2 - Bladedancer 2
3 - Bladedancer 3
Death From Above
4 - Bladedancer 4
Death Waltz
In Footsteps of Death
5 - Bladedancer 5
6 - Bladedancer 6
Blood Oath
7 - Bladedancer 7
Promises of Blood
8 - Bladedancer 8
Combat Master
9 - Bladedancer 9
Death Waltz (II)
10 - Bladedancer 10
Rising Tempo
Weapon Skill
11 - Bladedancer 11
Acrobatic Artistry
Death Warden
12 - Bladedancer 12
Weapon Skill
13 - Bladedancer 13
Duelling Mastery
14 - Bladedancer 14
Blood Rush
15 - Bladedancer 15
Death Waltz (III)

Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
16 - Executionner 1
Forced Repentance
Scourging Strikes
Where it Hurts
17 - Executionner 2
Reckless Abandon
18 - Executionner 3
Anatomy Expert
19 - Executionner 4
Carnival of Misery
20 - Executionner 5
Ap Increase
21 - Executionner 6
Invigorating Screams
22 - Executionner 7
Pain Resonance
23 - Executionner 8
Everlasting Agony
24 - Executionner 9
Weapon Skill
It Will Not Die
25 - Executionner 10
Perfect Anatomy
26 - Executionner 11
Weapon Skill
27 - Executionner 12
Carnival of Misery (III)
28 - Executionner 13
Fragile Playthings
29 - Executionner 14
Lore (Xenos)
30 - Executionner 15
Gift of Torment
Drukhari Weapon Proficiency
31 - Executionner 16
Sower of Distress
32 - Executionner 17
33 - Executionner 18
Does it Hurt?
34 - Executionner 19
Bloody Mess
35 - Executionner 20
Carnival of Misery (I)

Choice 1
Choice 2
36 - Examplar 1
Peak Condition
Bloody Requiem
37 - Examplar 2
Revelling in Suffering
38 - Examplar 3
Dual Weapon Combat
39 - Examplar 4
Captive Audience
40 - Examplar 5
Deep Lacerations
41 - Examplar 6
Grand Performance
42 - Examplar 7
Terrifying Strike
Weapon Skill
43 - Examplar 8
Hardened Body
44 - Examplar 9
Critical Velocity
45 - Examplar 10
AP Increase
46 - Examplar 11
47 - Examplar 12
Dance partners
48 - Examplar 13
Master of Torture
Weapon Skill
49 - Examplar 14
Carouse ?
50 - Examplar 15
Flesh Wounds
Blade in His Hand
51 - Examplar 16
Unbeaeable Presence
Carouse ?
52 - Examplar 17
Slip Away
Dance of Blood
53 - Examplar 18
Oath of Vengeance
54 - Examplar 19
Blood Bonds
55 - Examplar 20
AP Increase
Kibellah : Latex Goth GF - Howto

A very mobile unit that can soak quite a bit of attacks thanks to high dodge/parry/HP pool. Her damage are also very good as long as you give her a pair of blade that combo well with each other. The drukhari weapons have a lot of toys for that.
Bladedancer is a very solid mobility/damage base for any dual wielding melee character.
What makes the build completely nut though is the insane amount of Wound a character can acquire trough Blade Dancer/Executioner thanks to making them scale off medicae + medicae scaling off WS (!), and then comboing it with Reckless Abandon/Peak Condition to reach excellent, turn 1 ready amount of damages. The highly advertised feature of the new archetypes (Dots/Blood Stacks) are completely overshadowed by Death Warden/Anatomy Expert and all the crazy efficient scaling they unlocks. For this reason, i'm expecting this build to eventually be completely gutted by owlcat in a future patch, to the point of uselessness.

Helm : Face of the Sovereign will carry you most of the game.
Armour: Light. You wanna dodge.
Weapons: A Pair of 1H swords. Many viable DE weapons. Special mention to Blackhaze Venom Blade / Virulent Slicer.

  • Raining Blood
    Complete Gimmick. Like sure, you can spend the AP if you can spare it, but not worth the brain space and AP for a measly % damage increase. Compare to talents like cataclysm. Short version is any party member that moves into the blood receive stacking, temporary 2% damage buff. Enemies same to damage received.
  • Blade Dance
    The main reason Bladedancer is so good even early game. Scale insanely well with AGI and two equipped swords. Late game, you'll be doing at the minimum 12 attacks per cast of this ability. Don't use this next to allies.
  • Death from Above
    Excellent repositioning tool. Allow to get in the best position for blade dance. Do stupid amount of aoe damage on doted enemies.
  • Blood Oath
    Next attack is autohit. Refund Hp, AP and attack slot if it kills the enemy. Excellent against trash and boss alike.
  • Acrobatic Artistry
    An another excellent ability. Allows you to play very aggressive with the DCA and safely return behind cover for 1AP. The extra damage is a nice bonus lifting this ability from good to very good. Downright broken after Death Waltz.
  • Where it Hurts
    Extra burst of damage instead of applying dots. For 0 AP Always consider it on enemies already doted.
  • Reckless Abandon
    Possibly one of the best ability in the game. Recast it every time you run out of temporary wounds. It's free insane extra % damages. There is no real downsides to it.
  • Pain Resonance
    You use it for the blind, not the damages. Combo very well with toxic weapons.
  • Gift of Torment
    AP dump. Moderately boost your defences for a turn. Scale with toughness, so maybe get buffed first by your friendly biomancer.
  • Captive Audience
    Jump into a pack of trash mobs. Captive Audience + Aoe melee on trash => Full cover from ranged. Fun, but still gimmicky.
  • Terrifying Strike
    Battlefield control. For OAP it's fun, but not that useful.
  • Oath of Vengeance
    Sound great on paper, but easy fights don't justify it's wound cost and in hard fights you'll want to save Kibellah HP pool. Overall situational. Can be taken much earlier on lower difficulty.

    Heroic Actions
  • Death Waltz
    An Ult scaling directly with your Agi. Pretty good burst. Ofc less good than finest hour, but nonetheless one of the better ults. Combine with Acrobatic Artistry for maybe the highest single turn, no setup damage in the game. It will win boss fights for you in unfair.
  • Carnival of Misery
    Very meh. Maaaaybe if you are running a pyro alongside Kibellah.
Cassia: Purple Lane Shipgirl - Build

Overall the strongest standalone companion, but there is not a lot of varieties to her build : Navigator powers are too good to justify dipping more than the bare minimum in any other archetype.

Grand strategist is the better 2nd tier archetype here. It allows her to take two turns at the beginning of every fight, buff the entire team with zones, and require 0 investment other than picking the archetype, making you free to focus on her navigator powers and talents.


Choice 1
Choice 2
1 - Officer 1
Voice of Command
2 - Officer 2
3 - Officer 3
Bring it Down!
4 - Officer 4
Finest Hour!]
Inspire Courage
5 - Officer 5
Mastery of Time
6 - Officer 6
No Respite
7 - Officer 7
Waking Nightmare
Eye of Oblivion
8 - Officer 8
Ebb and Flow
9 - Officer 9
Finest Hour! (IV)
10 - Officer 10
Lore (Warp)
11 - Officer 11
Undam the Sea of Souls
12 - Officer 12
Zone of Fear OR Held in my Gaze
Perilous Ways
13 - Officer 13
Blood Augury
Lore (Warp)
14 - Officer 14
Mind Over Matter
15 - Officer 15
Finest Hour! (I)

Choice 1
Choice 2
16 - Grand Strategist 1
Combat Tactics
17 - Grand Strategist 2
Reveal the Light
18 - Grand Strategist 3
Strange Vitality
19 - Grand Strategist 4
Take and Hold
20 - Grand Strategist 5
Ap Increase
21 - Grand Strategist 6
Pass Unscathed
22 - Grand Strategist 7
Point of Curiosity
23 - Grand Strategist 8
Lore (Warp)
24 - Grand Strategist 9
Unnatural Allure
25 - Grand Strategist 10
Open to the Warp
26 - Grand Strategist 11
Lore (Warp)
27 - Grand Strategist 12
Take and Hold (II)
28 - Grand Strategist 13
The Course Untravelled
29 - Grand Strategist 14
30 - Grand Strategist 15
Notch of Purpose/Mend Reality
31 - Grand Strategist 16
CT: Willpower
Stable Routes
32 - Grand Strategist 17
33 - Grand Strategist 18
Guide of Souls
34 - Grand Strategist 19
It Will Not Die
35 - Grand Strategist 20
Take and Hold (III)

Choice 1
Choice 2
36 - Exemplar 1
Malign Influence
Steel Resolve
37 - Exemplar 2
Lore (Warp)
Thread and Faults
38 - Exemplar 3
Under My Protection
39 - Exemplar 4
Warp Curse Unleashed
Lore (Warp)
40 - Exemplar 5
Eager for Battle
Fire at Will
41 - Exemplar 6
Iron Discipline
42 - Exemplar 7
Immolate the Soul
43 - Exemplar 8
Point of Interest ?
Swift Movements ?
44 - Exemplar 9
Awareness ?
45 - Exemplar 10
AP Increase
46 - Exemplar 11
Commandiong Voice
47 - Exemplar 12
Blood of Martyrs
48 - Exemplar 13
Sniping Zone ?
49 - Exemplar 14
Lore (Imperium) ?
50 - Exemplar 15
Combat Meditation
Decisive Response ?
51 - Exemplar 16
Personal Zone ?
Lore (Imperium) ?
52 - Exemplar 17
Focus! ?
CT: Perception ?
53 - Exemplar 18
Glimpse of Fate ?
54 - Exemplar 19
Perfection Under Fire
Physical Encouragement ?
55 - Exemplar 20
AP Increase
Cassia: Purple Lane Shipgirl - Howto
The core of Cassia gameplay is to stack Willpower early rounds level thanks to Mastery of time bumping it by 5 every time someone get an extra turn, and then aoeing the entire encounter to death.

Armour : Light
Infusing staff are meh unless you picked Reveal the light as your first power.
Devastating Staff is how you get Cassia to deal even more absurds amount of damage.
She Scale off Willpower and Perception.

  • Voice of Command
    Give temp stat boost to the target and allow to cast Bring it Down on them even if they move out of range. Do not use on Argenta, other officers do it better.
  • Bring it Down
    The best ability in the game. Priority target is a carry
  • Lidless Stare
    Aoe Trash Mob cleaning. Can stun on lower difficulties.
  • Waking Nightmare
    Aoe debuff that remogh toughness (hence even though it's technically not damage you are reducing ennemy HP) and make enemies more likely to fail WP resistance test. Also trigger other passives, such as armor reducing from Undam the Sea of Souls, etc...
  • Zone of fear
    Move enemies out of cover and damage them
  • Point of Curiosity
    Gravity pull. Cluster and damage the enemies
  • Notch of Purpose
    Cannot be resisted. Pull an enemy out of cover so Argenta can Bring It Down!
  • Reveal the Light
    Cast it on Argenta before she pop her first War Hymn/On anyone that scale of Willpower. Also work great on anyone in the team to bump their wound amount and trigger Cassia's passive buff to allies
  • Frontline
    Put ennemies in there
  • Backline
    Put your exposed teammates in there
  • Rear
    Put ranged carry and navigator there
  • Warp Curse Unleashed
    Cast on Boss/Elite as early as possible. Free extra dmg
  • Mend Reality
    Prevent Inra/Henrix heads from exploding
  • Immolate the Soul

    Heroic Actions
  • Finest Hour!
    Cast on carry.
  • Take and Hold.
    Not really usable. Encounters punish you for grouping up, yet this power want you to group your team AND enemies in a big brawl. At best marginally better than Finest Hour!, but require tremendous setup.
Pasqal: Weather Hacker - Build

Pasqal is a strong contender for best character in the game, outshining mercenaries and the Rogue Trader and fighting for top dog spot with Cassia. He can do every role but officer very well. The core reason he is so good is the all the unique goodies he get :
- Unique plasma related talents ( Filtering Protocols)
- Machine Spirit Communion for Argenta
- Extra heal and perception talents
- Operative
- Int build and access to Calculated Relations can also make him an excellent skill monkey/party face.

Several ways to build him :

- Assassin (Highest dmg, low utility)

- Bounty hunter (Damage, CC, Debuff, and stack very well with other bounty hunters)

- Grand Strategist Pasqal, where he will act first instead of taking more extra turns with bounty hunter.

This is the bounty hunter build.
You can optionally bench Argenta and use the officer turns on Pascal instead, with roughly the same end result.


Choice 1
Choice 2
1 - Operative 1
Analyse Enemies
2 - Operative 2
3 - Operative 3
Expose Weakness
4 - Operative 4
Dismantling Attack
Passive Learning
5 - Operative 5
Ballistic Skill
Aiming Protocols
6 - Operative 6
Uncanny Sight
Ballistic Skill
7 - Operative 7
Tactical Knowledge
8 - Operative 8
Improved Tactics
Pinnacle of Weaponry
9 - Operative 9
Dismantling Attack (I)
10 - Operative 10
11 - Operative 11
Tide of Excellence
12 - Operative 12
Joint Analysis
Filtering Protocolst
13 - Operative 13
Continuous Analysis
14 - Operative 14
It Will Not Die
15 - Operative 15
Dismantling Attack (II)

Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
16 - Bounty Hunter 1
Hunt Down the Prey
17 - Bounty Hunter 2
Claim the Bounty
18 - Bounty Hunter 3
Savour the Kill
19 - Bounty Hunter 4
Wild Hunt
20 - Bounty Hunter 5
Ap Increase
Ballistic Skill
Overcharge Protocols
21 - Bounty Hunter 6
Ballistic Skill
Claim and Maim
22 - Bounty Hunter 7
Cull the Bold
23 - Bounty Hunter 8
Flay the Bold
24 - Bounty Hunter 9
Plasma Weapon Expert
25 - Bounty Hunter 10
Share the Spoils
26 - Bounty Hunter 11
27 - Bounty Hunter 12
Wild Hunt (II)
28 - Bounty Hunter 13
Heightened Concentration
29 - Bounty Hunter 14
30 - Bounty Hunter 15
Machine Spirit Scan Protocols
Ensnare the Prey
31 - Bounty Hunter 16
Hunter's Ambush
32 - Bounty Hunter 17
33 - Bounty Hunter 18
Persistence of the Forge
34 - Bounty Hunter 19
Medicae Mechadendrite
35 - Bounty Hunter 20
Wild Hunt (I)

Choice 1
Choice 2
36 - Exemplar 1
Fresh Target
37 - Exemplar 2
38 - Exemplar 3
Ballistic Skill
Scanner Mechadendrite
39 - Exemplar 4
Perfect Spot
40 - Exemplar 5
Critical Chain
41 Exemplar 6
Ballistic Skill
Instant Exposure
42 - Exemplar 7
Piercing Shot
43 - Exemplar 8
Pierce and Ruin
CT: Ballistic Skill
44 - Exemplar 9
45 - Exemplar 10
AP Increase
46 - Exemplar 11
Joint Offence
47 - Exemplar 12
Comprehensive Analysis
48 - Exemplar 13
Cut to the Chase
49 - Exemplar 14
50 - Exemplar 15
Pinpoint Accuracy
51 - Exemplar 16
Gruesome Killy
52 - Exemplar 17
Ballistic Calculation
CT: Intelligence
53 - Exemplar 18
54 - Exemplar 19
Perfection Under Fire
Kill Squad
55 - Exemplar 20
AP Increase
Pasqal: Weather Hacker - Howto

Gameplay changed trough the patches. On Easier encounters, just use pasqal as a ranged point and click carry. On Tougher one, use him to setup tactical knowledge.

Armour: Medium
Weapon: Plasma.

Pasqal scale off Int, Ballistic Skill, Perception.

  • Machine Spirit Communion
    First round, try to put Argenta and the dangerous ennemies with burst weapons within it. Then as needed.
  • Analyse Enemies
    Cast it on the same isolated enemy, without attacking it, for several turns before casting Tactical Knowledge on it.
  • Expose Weakness
    You enventually get it for free. Overall good AP dump when you want your team to kill a target.
  • Machine Spirit Banishment
    Useful late game where target get 40%+ damage penalty for one round.
  • Joint Analysis
    Next turn mean until Pasqal next round's natural activation. Amazing AP dump. Carry extremely hard early game.
  • Tactical Knowledge
    Either cast it on a group of 3+ ennemies as often as possible or on an isolated target with 3+ stacks. Enemies need to be in line of sight for stacks to be consumed
    If properly setup, will make your team near immortal (Armor mitigation Cap at 90%) and Pasqal a damage god.
    If you survive any encounter long enough, Pasqal will win it for you.
  • Hunt Down the Prey
    The ability that require the most brain of this whole guide.
    > The first way to use it is by marking preys one by one, using Pasqal to snipe them, and racking in the bonus for the kill. If only one target is marked, the bounty hunter heroic ability will deal tremendous damage to it.
    > After lvl 18, The second way to use it is to mark the preys and letting your allies kill them. You will get a free extra half AP turn immediatly after your ally turn. You cannot attack during those "half" turns, but you can use all your other abiltites, and use it to buff/generate more exploits and seting up a Tactical Knowledge bomb.
  • Claim the Bounty
    One Free Attack per round.
  • Cull the bold
    Repeatable anti-elite/boss combo that do not rely on accumulating stack of exploits.
    Designate the target as prey, then use a Cull the Bold + Attack from Pasqal on it.
    Then, Cast Raid and end your turn with Hot on the Trail.
    Let your party melt the target before it's your natural turn again.
  • Perfect Spot
    If you have spare AP and wanna shoot from there/need to survive the next turn.
  • Raid
    Bonus damage on preys by the party until Pasqal's next natural turn. Situational.
  • Precise Attack
    Buff the next attack ignore cover.
  • Medical Mechadendrite
    Heall an ally. Once per fight.

    Heroic Actions
  • Dismantling Attack
    Situational, to create more tempo in a fight. Generate more Exploit stacks, cast on a boss to snare and cripple them (Hello Aurora)
  • Wild Hunt
    Situational, to finish the fight faster. Mark as many prey as possible before using it or at lvl 35+ make sure you see only a single prey.
Heinrix: Un Postiche? - Build

Psyker dodge tank.

The build name is a reference to OSS 117
While Abelard is Hammer Time, Henrix is can't touch this.

As you can see, I'm just as good with plays on word as Henrix.

The build i've settled on is an Arch-Militant dodge tank. Arch militant will allow him to perform well if you decide to stack buff and extra turns on him, but it's main use is as a disruptor that enable your party to do their sheninagans.
This build allow him to play the early game as a buffer/scrapper, and starting mid game act as an excellent melee unit able to do damage as well as tanking them. Do not over-expose him on higher difficulties though.


Choice 1
Choice 2
1 - Warrior 1
2 - Warrior 2
3 - Warrior 3
4 - Warrior 4
Daring Breach
Defensive Manoeuvres
5 - Warrior 5
Psyker Minoris
6 - Warrior 6
Shield of the Emperor
7 - Warrior 7
8 - Warrior 8
Thick Skin
9 - Warrior 9
Daring Breach (III)
10 - Warrior 10
Rigorous Training
Weapon Skill
11 - Warrior 11
Taunting Scream
Duelling Mastery
12 - Warrior 12
Weapon Skill
Lore (Xenos)
13 - Warrior 13
Adrenaline Surge
Lore (Xenos)
14 - Warrior 14
Psyker Majoris
15 - Warrior 15
Daring Breach (II)

Choice 1
Choice 2
16 - Arch-Militant 1
17 - Arch-Militant 2
18 - Arch-Militant 3
Always Ready
19 - Arch-Militant 4
Steady Superiority
20 - Arch-Militant 5
Ap Increase
21 - Arch-Militant 6
22 - Arch-Militant 7
Hammer of the Emperor
Blade of Light
23 - Arch-Militant 8
Lore (Xenos)
It Will Not Die
24 - Arch-Militant 9
Weapon Skill
Psyker Terminus
25 - Arch-Militant 10
Accustomed to Glory
26 - Arch-Militant 11
Lore (Xenos)
Weapon Skill
27 - Arch-Militant 12
Steady Superiority (IV)
28 - Arch-Militant 13
29 - Arch-Militant 14
Edge of Dawn
30 - Arch-Militant 15
Sword of Faith
31 - Arch-Militant 16
32 - Arch-Militant 17
33 - Arch-Militant 18
Focal Point
34 - Arch-Militant 19
Psyker Extremis
35 - Arch-Militant 20
Steady Superiority (II)

Choice 1
Choice 2
36 - Exemplar 1
Tricky Defence
Psalm of Heroes
37 - Exemplar 2
Lore (Xenos)
Sanctified Slayer
38 - Exemplar 3
Weapon Skill
Hymn of Hatred
39 - Exemplar 4
Lore (Xenos)
40 - Exemplar 5
Critical Velocity
Critical Versatility
41 - Exemplar 6
Weapon Skill
42 - Exemplar 7
Warp Speed
43 - Exemplar 8
Combat Master
44 - Exemplar 9
Eager for Battle
45 - Exemplar 10
AP Increase
46 - Exemplar 11
Eternal Glory
47 - Exemplar 12
Biophysical Distortion
48 - Exemplar 13
Awaiting Orders
49 - Exemplar 14
50 - Exemplar 15
Flesh Wounds
Strange Vitality
51 - Exemplar 16
52 - Exemplar 17
Swift Movements
53 - Exemplar 18
Light of the Emperor?
54 - Exemplar 19
Lethal Threat
Sanguine Siphon?
55 - Exemplar 20
AP Increase
Heinrix: Un Postiche? - Howto

Heinrix is a weird beast. Due to the way the difficulty works, he will struggle a bit in higher difficulty and be pretty much stuck as a buffbot that pickup the occasional melee threat, whereas in lower difficulty he'll jump in the thick of the melee and melt everyone's face.
This build allows him to get Sword of Faith midgame (instead of Cautious Approach) as well as overall focusing on being a dodge tank.

Armour: Light. You wanna dodge. Synskin.
Weapons: Staff in one Set, Force Weapon/Watcher From Above (Janus) and pistol in the other.

He really likes Helmet of the Devoted protector, until you replace it with Tactical Genius.

Give him TGH/AGI/STR

He scale well with Resolve too.

  • Word of the Emperor
    Always cast this at the beginning of the battle, on the whole party. It will determine who receive your later buffs, and you want that to be everyone
  • Iron arm
    Melee buff
  • Charge
    Main use is the mobility. Small chip damage.
  • Endure
    To be used when you know you are about to take heat
  • Taunting scream
    Can easily fail in higher difficulty, and then higher difficulty enemies ignore more of Heinrix dodge/parry, so it's far less good in the difficulty where you would expect it to be far more useful.
  • Enfeeble
    Enemies in the area dodge/parry less and take more damage from your whole party.
  • Wildfire
    Extra attack.
  • Shield of the Emperor
    Defense buff for the whole party until your next natural turn
  • Hammer of the Emperor
    Offensive buff for the whole party until your next natural turn
  • Sword of Faith
    Steal St Celestine Sword. Can do decent damages.
  • Light of the Emperor
    Heal the party

    Heroic Actions
  • Daring Breach
    Useful if only as a free taunt.
  • Steady Superiority
    One more attack every turn. Combined with wildfire, that's 3 attack per turn, which will allows you to build versatility stack at a decent pace even without the officer's attention.
Jae: Noble's Mistress - Build

Most people kind of ignored her at release, because she lacked Finest Hour (IV) back when it was one turning the game.
Nevertheless, she is one of the two officers among the recruitable companions, and she can make good use of picking up Master Tactician. Despite never reaching the damage level of a carry, she is an excellent buffbot for them through the extra turns and inspire. Her dual pistol gear coupled with Fervour and Press the Advantage allow her to finish enemies in a pinch better than say, a Noble Officer Rogue Trader.

If benching Pasqal, take Tech-Use as early and often as you can instead of the suggested skills.


Choice 1
Choice 2
1 - Officer 1
Voice of Command
2 - Officer 2
3 - Officer 3
Bring It Down!
4 - Officer 4
Finest Hour!
Commanding Voice
5 - Officer 5
6 - Officer 6
Lasting Impression
7 - Officer 7
Move, Move, Move!
Swift Movements
8 - Officer 8
9 - Officer 9
Finest Hour! (I)
10 - Officer 10
Lore (Imperium)
Ballistic Skill
11 - Officer 11
Leader's Assault
Ballistic Skill
12 - Officer 12
Take Aim
CT: Ballistic Skill
13 - Officer 13
Lore Imperium
14 - Officer 14
CT: Fellowship
15 - Officer 15
Finest Hour! (III)

Choice 1
Choice 2
16 - Master Tactician 1
Tactical Advantage
Press the Advantage
17 - Master Tactician 2
18 - Master Tactician 3
Hidden Advantage
19 - Master Tactician 4
Orchestrated Firestorm
20 - Master Tactician 5
Ap Increase
Ballistic Skill
21 - Master Tactician 6
Ballistic Skill
22 - Master Tactician 7
23 - Master Tactician 8
Unwavering Motivation
24 - Master Tactician 9
It Will Not Die
25 - Master Tactician 10
In the Hero's Footstep
26 - Master Tactician 11
27 - Master Tactician 12
Orchestrated Firestorm (II)
28 - Master Tactician 13
Undisputed Advantage
29 - Master Tactician 14
30 - Master Tactician 15
CT: Agility
31 - Master Tactician 16
Tactical Respite
32 - Master Tactician 17
33 - Master Tactician 18
Joint Offensive
34 - Master Tactician 19
CT: Perception?
35 - Master Tactician 20
Orchestrated Firestorm (I)

Choice 1
Choice 2
36 - Exemplar 1
Eager Subordinates
37 - Exemplar 2
Lore (Xenos) ?
Logistical Superiority
38 - Exemplar 3
Ballistic Skill
Ready to Serve
39 - Exemplar 4
Air of Authority
Medicae ?
40 - Exemplar 5
Against All Odds
41 - Exemplar 6
Ballistic Skill
Inspiring Speech
42 - Exemplar 7
Finish the Job
43 - Exemplar 8
Perfect Finish
Stronger Together?
44 - Exemplar 9
Medicae ?
45 - Exemplar 10
AP Increase
46 - Exemplar 11
Steel Resolve
Carouse ?
47 - Exemplar 12
48 - Exemplar 13
Nerves of Steel/Heroic Inspiration (if MC officer)
49 - Exemplar 14
50 - Exemplar 15
Pinpoint Accuracy
Watch Yourself
51 - Exemplar 16
Support the Advance
52 - Exemplar 17
Suppressive Fire
Base Skill: Medicae?
53 - Exemplar 18
Assign Objective
54 - Exemplar 19
Perfection Under Fire
Primary Objective
55 - Exemplar 20
AP Increase
Jae: Noble's Mistress - Howto
She plays very similar to the Rogue Trader: Noble officer build from this guide, and can even entirely replace it with some skills tweak if necessary.
Basically nanny your carries with extra turns, use Linchpin to generate Tactical Advantage stacks and the next turn, use Inspire on the carry for stacking bonus damage on them until the end of the fight.
She is significantly less good than the Noble officer as a buffbot due to a subotimal build given by owlcat, so instead she is a slightly less bad damage dealer.

We pump her BS so that she can benefit from Duellist Uniform increased dodge.
Outside of combat, she is a decent skill monkey, feel free to tweak her to cover anything your party need.

Armour : Light, Ideally Duellist Uniform
Weapons : A pair of pistols

Your buffs scale off Fellowship and a bit from Willpower.
Secondary stats are Agility, Ballistic Skill.

  • Voice of Command
    Slap on your assign carry that need the stats / use it as extra reach for Bring it Down!
  • Bring it Down
    The best ability in the game. Cast on your assigned carry.
  • Move, Move, Move
    Reposition allies, Extra free turn.
  • Take Aim!
    Situational. Cast it on a ranged DD to let it kill a target behind cover.
  • Press the Advantage
    Situational. Useful to cast befor an attack to finish an oponent in a pinch, but remove stacks. Past level 28, ignore cover and Dodge
  • Linchpin
    Cast it on the target that gonna get the most turn before your next turn (Usually Argenta or Pasqal). Do not cast it before && in the same turn as Inspire.
  • Inspire
    Cast it the turn after a Linchpin target gave you lots of TA stacks. If You wanna cast Linchpin this turn, do not cast inspire or make sure you cast it beforehand. If you have a burst pistol, yourself is not a bad target.
  • Fervour
    At the end of the first (and maybe second) turn to get early TA stacks. If you need a burst from Jae, can be comboed with Self-Inspire then Press the Advantage then attacking immediatly afterward.
  • Air of Authority
    Slap to anyone that hasn't received it yet and that is gonna take the most turns.
  • Finish the Job
    Free Attack that generate Tact stack thanks to Joint Offensive
  • Assign Objective
    Cast on enemies an ally is gonna kill.

    Heroic Actions
  • Finest Hour!
    The best heroic in the game. Not much worst than other officer's anymore. Give Temp wound instead of -1AP actions.
  • Orchestrated Firestorm
    "On some longer fight where the whole team has high resolve, castable every turn if you haven't cast Finest Hour!
    Still situational, but she is the better user of it."
Yrliet: Least Racist Eldar - Build

Please Ownlcat let me saix the Elfu Waifu. Love Can Bloom on the battlefield. I promise I'll purge her later. Let's make Vulkan proud.

Pretty straighfoward build and gameplay. For once, the default build provided by owlcat is not severly gimped by must-have talents missing. She is still much worst than a crime lord for the same gameplay. You have two specialisation choices : Bounty Hunter and Assassin. Bouty hunter overall I feel provide less value for a non-int, non caster operative, and Yrliet is a bit more dumb dumb than the like of Pasqal nor is she a psyker.
Hence, we are gonna go assassin so that she double-down on what she does best : tons of damage in alpha strike.


Choice 1
Choice 2
1 - Operative 1
Analyse Enemies
2 - Operative 2
3 - Operative 3
Expose Weakness
4 - Operative 4
Dismantling Attack
5 - Operative 5
6 - Operative 6
Ballistic Calculation
7 - Operative 7
Precise Attack
8 - Operative 8
Fresh Target
Swift Movement
9 - Operative 9
Dismantling Attack (III)
Lore (Xenos)
10 - Operative 10
Lore (Xenos)
Ballistic Skill
11 - Operative 11
Insightful Perception
12 - Operative 12
Perfect Spot
Las Weapon Expert
13 - Operative 13
Comprehensive Analysis
Ballistic Skill
14 - Operative 14
Swift Sight
15 - Operative 15
Dismantling Attack (IV)

Choice 1
Choice 2
16 - Assassin 1
Seek the Opening
17 - Assassin 2
Killing Edge
18 - Assassin 3
Deadly Calculation
19 - Assassin 4
20 - Assassin 5
Ap Increase
Ballistic Skill
21 - Assassin 6
Perfect Opening
Ballistic Skill
22 - Assassin 7
Lore (Xenos)
Death Whipser
23 - Assassin 8
Carmine Whisper
24 - Assassin 9
Prescient Sight
25 - Assassin 10
Lethality Heightens
26 - Assassin 11
Lore (Xenos)
27 - Assassin 12
Dispatch (II)
28 - Assassin 13
Penetrating Sight
Create an Opening
29 - Assassin 14
30 - Assassin 15
Elusive Shadow
31 - Assassin 16
CT: Ballisitc Skill
Professional Acumen
32 - Assassin 17
33 - Assassin 18
Elusive Speed
34 - Assassin 19
CT: Agilityt
35 - Assassin 20
Dispatch (III)

Choice 1
Choice 2
36 - Exemplar 1
Tide of Excellence
37 - Exemplar 2
Lore (Xenos)
Killing Spree
38 - Exemplar 3
Ballistic Skill
CT: Perception
39 - Exemplar 4
Tactical Knowledge
Lore (Xenos)
40 - Exemplar 5
Masterful Precision
An Eye for the Unscathed
41 - Exemplar 6
Ballistic Skill
Uncanny Sight
42 - Exemplar 7
Poised to Strike
43 - Exemplar 8
Flawless Lunge
It Will Not Die
44 - Exemplar 9
Awareness ?
45 - Exemplar 10
AP Increase
46 - Exemplar 11
Improved Tactics
Awareness ?
47 - Exemplar 12
Instant Exposure
Demolition ?
48 - Exemplar 13
Imminent Demise
49 - Exemplar 14
Demolition ?
50 - Exemplar 15
Criticial Velocity
Sniper Expertise
51 - Exemplar 16
Demolition ?
52 - Exemplar 17
Passive Learning
Drukhari Weapon Proficiency ?
53 - Exemplar 18
Feinting Attack
54 - Exemplar 19
Perfection Under Fire/Pinpoint Accuracy
Reactive Study
55 - Exemplar 20
AP Increase
Yrliet: Least Racist Eldar - Howto
Sit and shoot. That's it really. When you compare her to an arch militant hypercarry, she snowball less (no versatility stacks), but she start at a much higher damage power level in her first activation. She is one of the few companions that will perform relatively better in higher difficulties due to having a lot of her damage scaling with %HP as well as her dodge reduction being overkill for lower difficulties.

Armour: Light. You wanna dodge.
Weapons: A big sniper rifle.

She scale off AGI, PER, BS.

  • In my Sight
    Anti-boss/Target in cover setup.
  • Analyse Enemies
    AP dump
  • Expose Weakness
    Situational, to let allies kill a boss
  • Precise Attack
    Situational, anti cover
  • Perfect Spot
    AP dump self buff, to use before you start shooting. Don't move afterward.
  • Aim for the opening
    Situational. 1 Ap worth 10% of the HP of the target
  • Killing Edge
    Pretty much replace your standard attack
  • Death Whisper
    0 Ap attack
  • Elusive Shadow
    Repositioning Tool
  • Tactical Knowledge
    Situational, most often high stack count allow for insta kill anyway. Use it rather on ennemy group
  • Poised to Strike
  • Feinting Attack
    Grab Foes from cover

    Heroic Actions
  • Dismantling Attack
    Not really worth it outside of the extra attack. Create more tempo in a fight by debuffing the target.
  • Dispatch
    Big baddie finisher. This is your goto heroic.
Ulfar: Space Yiff - Build

Ulfar used to be a worst Argenta. Following massive nerfs to Argenta and insane buffs to Ulfar, Ulfar is now a worst Argenta.
Joking aside, he doesn't compete for gear with her as much anymore, and contrary to the -4 Str SoB, he can achieve good tankyness and melee performance while still focusing the build on his ranged output.


Choice 1
Choice 2
1 - Soldier 1
Run and Gun
2 - Soldier 2
3 - Soldier 3
Revel in Slaughter
4 - Soldier 4
Firearm Mastery
5 - Soldier 5
Rapid Reload
6 - Soldier 6
Controlled Shot
7 - Soldier 7
Ballistic Skill
Combat Master
8 - Soldier 8
9 - Soldier 9
Firearm Mastery (II)
10 - Soldier 10
Combat Medicae
Ballistic Skill
11 - Soldier 11
Rapid Fire
12 - Soldier 12
Duelling Mastery
13 - Soldier 13
Unfaltering Fire
14 - Soldier 14
It Will Not Die
15 - Soldier 15
Firearm Mastery (I)

Choice 1
Choice 2
16 - Arch-Militant 1
17 - Arch-Militant 2
18 - Arch-Militant 3
Martial Art
19 - Arch-Militant 4
Steady Superiority
20 - Arch-Militant 5
AP Increase
Ballistic Skill
21 - Arch-Militant 6
Broad Expertise
Ballistic Skill
22 - Arch-Militant 7
CT: Ballistic Skill
23 - Arch-Militant 8
Always Ready
24 - Arch-Militant 9
Bolt Weapon Expert
25 - Arch-Militant 10
26 - Arch-Militant 11
27 - Arch-Militant 12
Steady Superiority (IV)
28 - Arch-Militant 13
Carouse ?
Accustomed to Glory
29 - Arch-Militant 14
Brutal Hunter
30 - Arch-Militant 15
Devastating Attack
31 - Arch-Militant 16
Breaking Attack
32 - Arch-Militant 17
Carouse ?
33 - Arch-Militant 18
34 - Arch-Militant 19
35 - Arch-Militant 20
Steady Superiority (III)

Choice 1
Choice 2
36 - Exemplar 1
Swift Slaughter
37 - Exemplar 2
Critical Versatility
38 - Exemplar 3
Ballistic Skill
CT: Perception
39 - Exemplar 4
40 - Exemplar 5
Awaiting Orders
41 - Exemplar 6
Ballistic Skill
Fired Up
42 - Exemplar 7
Confident Approach
43 - Exemplar 8
Calm and Steady
Swift Movements
44 - Exemplar 9
Peak Condition
45 - Exemplar 10
AP Increase
46 - Exemplar 11
Muzzle Velocity
47 - Exemplar 12
Rack and Ruin
Awareness ?
48 - Exemplar 13
Contempt for the Weak
49 - Exemplar 14
Awareness ?
50 - Exemplar 15
Flesh Wounds
Lifetime of Scars
51 - Exemplar 16
Awareness ?
52 - Exemplar 17
Chain Weapon Expert?
53 - Exemplar 18
Reckless Rush
54 - Exemplar 19
Pinpoint Accuracy
On the Double
55 - Exemplar 20
AP Increase
Ulfar: Space Yiff - Howto
Ulfar takes four cases on the grid and can't decide whether he wants to be in melee or not.

His gameplay is henceforth a less shooty Agenta that can tank asburd amount of damages and that prefer to kick enemies in melee once they have reached him rather than fleeing. As long as he can squeeze through, the basic sequence is to move to the enemy, kick it away, and then bolt burst it down. This will generate versatility stack fast while costing a minimal amount of AP and creating good battlefield control. This build doesn't profit as much from a dedicated officer and instead focus on being able to scrape by itself without support from the team.

Peak Condition gives Ulfar stupid amount of strength when combined with high Toughness, and hence if you want to build him more melee, replace every perception levelup with a Weapon Skill one, although Arch Militant + Broad Expertise should still serve him decently on lower difficulties

Give him whatever best space marine equipment you have.
Keep in mind this build is optimized for Bolter Burst dps as well as 0 Ap kicks.

  • Run and Gun
    As often as possible. Basically free extra attack every round. The malus and cooldown can instantly be reset by Revel in Slaughter.
  • Revel in Slaughter
    Just after Run and gun to remove the winded debuff. After level 36, only need 2 kills.
  • Controlled Shot
    Extremely situational. Never used it in my playthrough.
  • Rapid Fire
    Before your must buffed burst fire of the round. make sure to have enough rounds in the bolter.
  • Kick
    Build versatility stack for free/remove an enemy from melee. Use as often as possible.
  • Wildfire
    Extra Attack.
  • Devastating Attack
    CC tool. Boltguns are impact damage.
  • Entrench
    Before popping run and gun. The next cast of Run and Gun will reset other soldier cooldowns, allowing 2 use of them per rounds.
  • Confident Approach
    Situational, toggleable. Lose some melee defence, but allows you to go full crit and ignore cover.
  • Reckless Rush
    Movement Tool

    Heroic Actions
  • Firearm Mastery
    As early in the encounter as possible. Between level 19 and 27, if you have a High ROF bolter, Firearm Mastery is better than Steady Superiority but build versatility stack worst. Use both afterward.
  • Steady Superiority
    As early in the encounter as possible. Between level 19 and 27, if you have a low ROF bolter, steady superiority is better than Firearm Mastery and build versatility stacks much better. Use both afterward

Marazhai: Fujoshi bait - Build

JBR husbando. Marazhai come already near-fully prebuilt. The build kinda haphazardly execute the concept of a nimble melee assassin dancing trough the battlefield as a lone wolf. Sadly, the concept of a nimble melee assassin that don't want support is absolute garbage on higher difficulty. Let's face it though, if you like to have Marazhai in your party for "RP", you are not the kind of person playing on high difficulty anyway.

This build henceforth take the necessary talents to be able to equip Dark Lance in secondary slot, and continue focusing on dashing around the battlefield to do half the damage an another character would do.


Choice 1
Choice 2
1 - Warrior 1
2 - Warrior 2
3 - Warrior 3
4 - Warrior 4
Daring Breach
Defensive Manoeuvres
5 - Warrior 5
Rigorous Training
Weapon Skill
6 - Warrior 6
Break Through
7 - Warrior 7
Weapon Skill
8 - Warrior 8
Blade Flurry
9 - Warrior 9
Daring Breach (I)
10 - Warrior 10
11 - Warrior 11
Reckless Strike
Duelling Mastery
12 - Warrior 12
13 - Warrior 13
14 - Warrior 14
Combat Master
15 - Warrior 15
Daring Breach (II)

Choice 1
Choice 2
16 - Assassin 1
Seek the Opening
17 - Assassin 2
Danse Macabre
18 - Assassin 3
An Eye for the Unscathed
19 - Assassin 4
20 - Assassin 5
Ap Increase
Ballistic Skill
21 - Assassin 6
Lone Killer
22 - Assassin 7
Elusive Shadow
23 - Assassin 8
Seize the Advantage
24 - Assassin 9
Weapon Skill
Dual Weapon Combat
25 - Assassin 10
Bringer of Doom
26 - Assassin 11
Weapon Skill
27 - Assassin 12
Dispatch (II)
28 - Assassin 13
CT: Agility
29 - Assassin 14
Lore (Xenos)
30 - Assassin 15
Death Whisper
31 - Assassin 16
Heavy Weapon Proficiency
Professional Acumen
32 - Assassin 17
Awareness ?
33 - Assassin 18
Elusive Speed
34 - Assassin 19
Prey on the Weak
35 - Assassin 20
Dispatch (IV)

Choice 1
Choice 2
36 - Examplar 1
Shearing Strikes
37 - Examplar 2
Awareness ?
Killing Spree
38 - Examplar 3
Weapon Skill
It Will Not Die
39 - Examplar 4
Sworn Enemy ?
Awareness ?
40 - Examplar 5
Critical Velocity
Morbid Pirouette
41 - Examplar 6
Weapon Skill
Thick Skin
42 - Examplar 7
Killing Edge
43 - Examplar 8
Lethality Heightens
CT: Weapon Skill
44 - Examplar 9
Awareness ?
Cataclysm/Tricky Defense
45 - Examplar 10
AP Increase
46 - Examplar 11
Reckless Fury
Awareness ?
47 - Examplar 12
Living Shield
Awareness ?
48 - Examplar 13
Carmine Whisper
49 - Examplar 14
Carouse ?
50 - Examplar 15
Cataclysm/Tricky Defense
Ramming Speed
51 - Examplar 16
Carouse ?
52 - Examplar 17
Deadly Calculation
Swift Movements
53 - Examplar 18
Feinting Attack
54 - Examplar 19
Perfection Under Fire ?
Cautious Disengage ?
55 - Examplar 20
AP Increase
Marazhai: Fujoshi bait - Howto

A kinda mobile melee unit that cannot really take damage. The entire gameplan is to hide him as a low priority target using Elusive Shadow. Once it's your turn, pounce on group of mobs using Break Through, and then Danse Macabre trough the survivors before casting Elusive Shadow again, ideally from cover. A lot of AP spent and grid moved for in fine not much damage, but that's really how the character works.

Armour: Light. You wanna dodge.
Weapons: A pair of 1H melee weapon in the first slot, a Dark Lance/whatever you fancy in the second slot.

Sadly, warriors do not get access to the ability to remove the dodge penalty on medium armour. (while soldiers do but neither Argenta nor Ulfar need it... WP Owlcat, great design)
He scales of WS, AGI, PER.

  • Joyful Torture
    Make sure you are always bleeding for stats buff, including +5 bs/ws per kill later on.
  • Charge
    Mobility, chip damage. Break Through is better
  • Endure
    AP dump if end of turn. If it's useful, it's because you ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up beforehand.
  • Break Trough
    Fun to use, horde cleaner.
  • Reckless Strike
    Bigger Attack. Savescum bait.
  • Danse Macabre
    Mobility, useful to chip enemy health too. Cross enemies to get better dodge against them.
  • Aim for the opening
    Situational. Trade 1AP for a 10% raw damage on enemy if you attack it this turn
  • Death Whisper
    0 Ap attack
  • Elusive Shadow
    Cast it as often as possible. If not active at the end of your turn, enemy will focus on you and kill you. Excellent synergy with professional Acumen.
  • Sworn Enemy
    Not really useful, but you have to pick an another soldier ability when levelling up.
  • Poised to Strike
  • Feinting Attack
    Is used as a variant of Aim for the Opening
  • Killing Edge
    A stronger normal attack on already damaged enemies. More situational with Marazhai than Yrliet.

    Heroic Actions
  • Daring Breach
    Can be entirely ignored
  • Dispatch
    Big baddie finisher.
2024-10-13 : Added Kibellah build
2024-10-18 : Psykautismo reworked into Operative => Executioner WoW Afflilock gameplay
2024-10-20 : Firefighter (Melee Arch-Militant Pyromancer) added.

Future plans :
Have a look at Cassia build order for taking Held in my gaze early (bigger utilty in unfair Act1/2 than movement skills) and replacing zone of fear with Notch of Purpose.
yoyo Feb 20 @ 9:19pm 
They were right about the racism in the warhammer community, wtf are these side comments about the characters
BEACHBUMZE Feb 8 @ 9:31am 
Seconding the request for secret companions. The woman one I won't name bcuz spoilers is one I'm finding trouble making a build for.
Morgendorffer Feb 2 @ 2:08pm 
About Cassia :

12 - Officer 12 : Zone of Fear OR Held in my Gaze

If you choose Held in my Gaze it locks you out of 22 - Grand Strategist 7 : Point of Curiosity

Point of Curiosity requires Zone of Fear or Notch of Purpose
Goontrooper Jan 26 @ 2:14pm 
“autistic midwits”:steamthumbsdown:
Jessie-Buns Jan 26 @ 12:03pm 
On Argenta's Exemplar 8, have you gotten the Melta Proficiency or Flame Expert the wrong way round?
john Jan 22 @ 4:54pm 
The Psykautismo with Warp Surge Brooch, Commander's Chrono, and Rank 4 Ironoclast Ability + Cassia with Black Signet of the Inquisiton = ending 99% encounters before the enemies even get a chance to move. Bringing Jae along allows you to have 4 turns of attacking enemies with all your AP before the first round ends.
Remove skull merchant Jan 20 @ 8:59pm 
why perception and other skills instead of fellowhsip for Cassia at the Officer ranks ? Isnt she the party face until you get Jae, especially when using the Firefighter build ?
Fearless Sponge Jan 20 @ 1:57am 
great guide, but found a typo.

26 - Arch-Militant 11 Demolition Perception

For Ullfar should be CT;perception.
Wlerin Jan 15 @ 8:36pm 


Bruh have you seen the Malpian Shroud. Granted it's still not that much damage until you get the item that gives temp wounds every time your party gains momentum.
Wlerin Jan 15 @ 8:26pm 
> a Forge World / Calculated Relations / Int build Rogue Trader

In the current game build, Voidborne's Be Smart also affects skills (in fact as far as I can tell it converts every FEL check to INT, though items that give bonuses to FEL still sadly (and expectedly) don't affect INT. There isn't much in the way of INT boosting items or talents either.