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It's a classic - save file achievement - partida guardada


Well, I'll be brief and direct, this achievement is a pain, I managed to do it with the free fall bug, it still took me a couple of hours, just before achieving it I made a copy of my saved game for those who don't want to spend 2 hours in it. free fall like me, I don't know if my save file will work for you but it's better to try than never having done it, right?

You must copy the folder that I will leave you and paste it in the following link


Then just drive at maximum speed until you complete the achievement, the odometer will not advance if you do not go at the maximum speed of what the engine can go.



Bueno seré breve y directo, este logro es un coñazo, logre hacerlo con el bug de caida libre, aun asi me tomo un par de horas, justo antes de lograrlo hice una copia de mi partida guardada para aquellos que no quieran estar 2 horas en caida libre al igual que yo, no se si vaya a funcionarles mi archivo de guardado pero es mejor intentarlo que nunca haberlo hecho no?

deben copiar la carpeta que les dejare y pegarla en el siguiente enlace


Luego solo conduzcan a máxima velocidad hasta completar el logro, el odometro no avanzara si no van al máximo de lo que puede ir el motor
MIGUEL  [author] Dec 30, 2023 @ 11:17am 
The bug is there, and it always will be since the game is quite abandoned, this saved file will save you the hours of falling into the void, that's all, but thanks for the comment :D
MrSchnicklands Dec 30, 2023 @ 8:07am 
Nice Guide but for those who maybe don't trust this way of achieving it or want to do it themself here is the link for a Guide which explains the bug: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3067667553