METAL GEAR SOLID - Master Collection Version

METAL GEAR SOLID - Master Collection Version

35 ratings
Fun Things in MGS1
By Landon Keyser
Fun, quirky, odd, alternative, and non-essential things to make your MGS1 play a little more entertaining. I'm finding a lot of these for the first time, and will add more as I discover more.
Will contain spoilers.
Title Screen Colors

Moving the directional key will change colors in the main title screen.
MP5 (Integral Only)
If you're playing MGS: Integral Only and choose Very Easy for difficulty, you'll start with an MP5 as a starting weapon. It is silent and has unlimited ammo. This is prefect for people who want to power through the game and main story.

Fast Travel

This one escaped me for the longest time. Collecting the cardboard boxes are more than just hiding purposes. Each box has a location associated with it. When you enter one of the three trucks present in the game and you are equipped with a box associated with another area, wait a few seconds and a guard will approach, promoting a cutscene and then you will be transported to that area.

Box A – Heliport – Truck is to the left of the helicopter pad with the spotlights.
Box B – Warhead Storage. Truck is in the back of the storage.
Box C - Snowfield – far left of the middle area before you get to the storage doors.
Make Mei Ling Mad
This can be done a few ways.

1) Call Mei Ling anytime after you meet her during the heliport conversation and choose DON'T SAVE. Repeat this process three times and she'll tell you to not call for no reason. After enough times she'll prevent you from saving and stick her tongue out at you.

2) Call Mei Ling after you follow Meryl into the women's restroom.
SOCOM Conversation

If you take the far left vent on the ground level of the heliport without taking the SOCOM from the truck you'll get a new conversation from the guards when you approach the vent and go into first person mode.
Chasing Rats

In some areas that allow you to travel by first person (vents and ducts) there will be rats that will get the iconic alert overhead when you get too close. They can be followed and this processes can be repeated. After you leave the Heliport through the vents and toward the tank hanger, they will lead the way if you're unsure where to go.
Talk to Natasha

Natasha can be called anytime after you take the elevator from the docks to the surface and the conversation with Campbell, Naomi, and Mei Ling. Natasha can be reached at frequency 141.52 and if you are equipped with various items and weapons she'll give you some comments on them. She is an optional contact, and will not be part of the main story unless the player contacts her.
Faster Elevators

Once you hit the call button to the elevator it will take a few moments to arrive. Hitting the button again will call it faster. Great to know if there are guards around.
Running and Shooting
Did you know you can run and shoot? By holding the X+A button (Xbox), or Square + X Button (PlayStation) you can stay in motion while shooting. It's a little jerky, but it is a feature within the game. It comes in hand during the Tower sequence when you have to run up the Communication Tower while being chased by soldiers.
Running Over Noisy Surfaces

Water and some surfaces make some noise that can alert nearby guards. When passing over this terrain, if you rapidly equip and unequip a weapon such as a SOCOM or FAMAS you will not make noise that can alert a nearby guard by sound.
Alternative 'Rookie' Conversation

If you did not take the SOCOM by the time you meet up with Meryl, before the guards storm the room you'll have a new cutscene with different music and animations.

When you have the SOCOM before the cutscene Snake will point it at Meryl.

Disappoint Ocelot

During the fight with Ocelot, if you beat him without dying a few times he'll say his iconic 'You're Pretty Good' with a specific cutscene that introduces the Ninja.

If you die a number of times during the fight, this scene will be replaced with Ocelot saying he's disappointed, he'll scold you, his scream will be different when he's hand gets cut off, and he won't say 'My Hand' when it gets cut off.

Ghost Photography
If you have the camera which can be received after the torture sequence near the area where you fight Ocelot, or after you've beat the game and star with the camera there are a few areas where you can find staff members in the image as ghosts. Viewing the photos in at the main menu will give you the option to Exorcise the spirit of the staff members.

Codec 140.66 (Integral Only)
When you're in the canyon (where the tank fight takes place, and the snowfield (where you fight Sniper Wolf) and you go to codec frequency 140.66 you'll get some alternate tunes as long as you're turned into the frequency. These tunes include the original Metal Gear SNES games.

*Available on Metal Gear Solid Integral Only

Staff on the Codec (Integral Only)
When playing Metal Gear Solid: Integral, you can use the frequency 140.07 you get messages from the staff. There's no voice acting and the dialogue is in Japanese, but it must be fun if you can understand it or use Google Translate.

Meryl's Underwear
This can be seen in two different instances:

1) When you crawl around in the vents before meeting the DARPA Chief, Meryl will occupy the cell just before the chief. When you look down in the vent she will be exercising, if you go back out the way you went into the vent, she will change what exercise she's doing. Repeat this process a few times and she'll be in her underwear. Took me three repeats.

2) The most known instance is after saving Hal and you need to look for Meryl. Once you walk back into the main area and are discovered by her run after her and quickly follow her into the bathroom. Run to the last stall to find Meryl. Do this fast enough and she'll be in her underwear.
Watch Meryl Watch You

Right after the DARPA Chief dies and Meryl opens the cell doors, before you run out and trigger the fight if you press against the wall you can see her waiting for you.
Return to the Duct
After meeting Meryl for the first time and fighting off the soldiers, if you return to the ladder where you climbed into the duct it will be closed and Snake will have a moment of confusion.

Meryl Codec Frequency (Alternative)

Finding Meryl's codec frequency in the old days used to be as easy as looking on the back of the game case. Most, if not all MGS players have the number mesmerized, and it can be found online.

Another method involve calling Campbell three times before the number appears on your codec selection screen. I also had the CD Case equipped each time I called Campbell.
Find the Playstation
Where is it? You'll find it in the middle of the area where you fought Grey Fox on the desk.

Meryl Blushing

Stare at Meryl long enough in first person view will make her blush and say a little something. She doesn't blush much since the graphics are late 90's.
Make Meryl Hit You
No, not hit on you, but she can take a minute to slap you. If you attack her while she follows you, Meryl will walk up and smacking, damaging, and knocking you over, then scolding you.

Mantis Vision

Shorlty after you meet up with Meryl and just before you fight Psycho Mantis, Meryl will be possessed. Pressing the First Person button will allow you to see what she (and Mantis) see instead of your nominal vision.
Unorthodox Cardboard Box

This is another one that escaped me for the longest time. Once you reach the wolf cave and meet up with Meryl don't exit just yet. Meet up with her and she'll comment about snake liking dogs and the pups will have little hearts over their heads. Get a cardboard box ready. Hit Meryl and quickly equip a box. Meryl will whistle the dogs to attack you. If you don't have a box equipped, you'll get attacked and take damage. If you are hidden in the box one of the wolf pups will pee on it. This box will now work like the handkerchief that smells like Sniper Wolf and the wolves will not attack.

*This cardboard box trick can only be obtained on your first trip to the wolf cave when Meryl is with you.
*This special ability is not added to the description of the box.
*The ability will remain active for the rest of the current game.
Easy Minefield

Just before the first fight with Sniper Wolf, Meryl will show you how to cross the minefield. You can try her way or you can just run straight ahead and there will be no mines in your path.
Mei Ling's Warning
Right after your first fight with Sniper Wold, before you try to enter the door to the communication tower if you call Mei Ling she'll advise you to save your game since she's getting a weird feeling.

Ocelot's Warning
If it's been a while since you've saved your game Ocelot will make note of it before the torture scene. The last I saved before getting this dialogue was before the Ninja fight.

Annoy the Guard

After you've been captured and thrown in a cell, knocking on the wall/door or spamming the attack button will prompt the guard to order you to stop.
'Painkiller' Scene
During the torture scene, if you're playing with the part of the story where Meryl lives, after the second torture sequence Snake will ask Naomi to give him a painkiller boost to his nanomachines. If you're controller can vibrate she'll ask you to put the controller up to your arm, and your ocntroller will jolt a little.

Johnny Gets The Runs

After you're captured, you'll have a few chances to escape. You can hide under the bed, use the bottle of ketchup, or wait for Grey Fox to set you free before you knock out the guard.

There's another option. If you use one of the above options and don't knock Johnny out run back into the torture room. He'll shoot at you, but then his stomach will start hurting and he'll run to the toilet and stay there. Knocking on the bathroom door will make him groan.
Forgetting Your Items
If you don't pick up your items and call various allies, they'll all mention you need to pick up your things. Otacon has the best dialogue.

Three Gaurds on Walkway

Shortly after escape Liquid in the Hind D by grappling down the tower you'll find a long walkway with three guards pointed your way. They have a large field of view. The bst method is to use the PSG1 sniper to take them down from afar.

You can also use stun grenades. This will stun the guards and if you time if right you can pass before they get back up, entering the door behind them and to the left will make the guards disappear.

*This encounter is part of the story, and you cannot use Stealth to get by them.
Mono TV Comments

During the Hind D fight the chopper will disappear and calling Campbell will lead to a fun dialogue scene if you've chosen Mono as your sound choice before the fight. You'll need to select Mono from the audio section of the main title screen, not from the in-game pause menu.
Spot Sniper Wolf Early
As soon as you enter the snowfield and use the Nikita missile launcher, you can direct your missile toward the back of the area and see Sniper Wolf getting ready to attack. She cannot be harmed before the fight.

Discover the Parachute

Ever wonder how Liquid survived his helicopter crash? Right after entering the snowfield before the second Sniper Wolf fight, if you go right and press against the wall you can find a parachute hanging off a tree. It'll prompt a conversation with Campbell.
Wolf Buddy

If you return to where Sniper Wolf died there will be a bloodstain in the snow and a wolf running around sniffing. Great photo ops if you have the camera. I have not discovered a significance for the wolf other than the fact it usually shows up where Sniper Wolf died.
Destroy the Crane

Once you enter the blast furnace you need to use the wall walk near the crane to get from one part of the area to the next. The crane can actually be destroyed so it won't keep moving back and forth which makes you duck to avoid falling in the lava. I used the stinger missile launcher but it can be done with C4, Nikita launcher and maybe grenades but I need to test the last one.

*Using one of those listed weapons will alert the guards if any are present.
Body Armor
In the lower area of the Blast Furnace you can pick up body armor. When equipped it can reduce damage taken from bullets. I don't always see it work, but it can help when you fight Raven. At least it looks kinda cool.
Strike a Pose
After the elevator fight with the stealth soldiers, the screen will show Snake in a pose with whatever weapon he's carrying.

Ravens or Crows Conversation with "Miller"

Once ravens start showing up in the second elevator ride to the cold storage where you fight Vulcan Raven, you can call Master Miller and have a small conversation before he starts talking about Naomi.
Scolded by Campbell or Naomi
There are a number of ways to do this:

1) Take too long to reach the Heliport from the Dock elevator. I waited about ten minutes before using the elevator

2) Kill Wild Life

If you kill rats or ravens Campbell/Naomi will scold you for doing do

2) Harm Meryl after she's shot by Sniper Wolf

Make Raven Angry
If you've killed any ravens prior to your fight with Vulcan Raven, he'll comment on it before the fight.

Frozen Rations
If you spend too much time in cold storage where you fought Vulcan Raven your rations will freeze and be unusable. Equip them while in the blast furnace and they should thaw in about ten seconds or so.
Extra Stinger Missiles
After getting the Level 7 security card from Raven, there will be a storeroom in the Snowfield at the top right of the area (right of the door that takes you to the Blast Furnace) where there will be a few extra Stinger Missiles.
Chaff Grenade Usage
Obviously, chaff grenades are useful throughout the game. They disrupt cameras and gun-cameras, but there are three boss fights where they can be used to make the fight easier.

1) The Tank

Using chaff grenades during the fight will disrupt the main gun of the tank. Considering it deals a lot of damage, this is a good thing. It'll make crossing the snow field to the tank a little easier too.

2) Gray Fox

During the first phase of the fight with Gray Fox, using the chaff grenade will stun him, allowing you to walk up and punch/shoot him.

3) Metal Gear

During the first phase of the fight, chaff grenades will prevent Metal Gear from using the ray-dome to find you, essentially freezing the boss in place and keeping it from attacking back. Given how many chaff grenades you have at this point, you can keep Metal Gear frozen while you attack with stinger missiles till you get to phase two.
Liquid Fight Time Boost

If you fail in your final fight with Liquid Snake and chose to continue, you'll start the fight with 2:55 time instead of 2:30 during a normal game.
Tuxedo and Red Ninja

On your third playthrough when your save data text is colored red, Snake will appear in a tuxedo for his next play through and the Grey Fox will red and blue.
Changing Angles
When kneeling at the unconscious guard, the body of the DARPA Chief, Kenneth Baker, (in cell and after torture scene), the dead bodies before the Ninja fight, and Johnny (if knocked unconscious) the camera angle will change to focus a little on the body. Not sure why, but it screams Tank controls. I have not discovered a reason for this change of angles.
Update Log
  • Guide Posted
12/29/23 - Added Sections
  • Mono TV Comments
  • Johnny Gets The Runs
  • Meryl Codec Added
12/31/23 - Added Sections
  • Alt Rookie Convo
  • Disappoint Ocelot
  • Run on Surface
  • SOCOM Convo
1/6/24 - Added Section/ General Edit
  • MP5
1/14/24 - Added Sections
  • Painkiller Scene
  • Running and Shooting
  • Ghost Photography
  • Mei Ling's Warning
  • Body Armor
  • Camera Angles
  • Extra Stinger Missiles
  • Ocelot's Warning Forget Your Items
  • Spot Wolf Early