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[EN] Beautiful Ending
By Paapurup
You got the Loop ending? Here's how to get Beautiful Ending. Ending can be achieve without 100% Achievements.
Author's Note
Not included 100% Achievements. Ending can be achieve without 100% Achievements.

I got the Loop ending in 1st playthrough where Dad becomes old and pass the clock to younger Dad. And in the main menu appears items on below right screen that needs to be collected during the game.

Aight, straight to the point, I’m searching for Beautiful ending guide, but there’s none in English though I can see walkthrough but it’s gonna take time. So I decided to make this one and hope it helps for y’all.

Chapter 1 - Dad's Part
Fake Murderer Escaped (Affect Chapter 2)
  • Fast forward the fake murderer until he collapses with trashcan.

  • Fast forward the cat until the trashcan falls.

  • Rewind the fake murderer and fast forward him again until he reaches the fence. (The trashcan still lying down). Note: You can let police shoot to shock the birds but then you need to rewind him after collecting the broken gear.

Thief Escaped.
  • Fast forward the thief inside house until he opens the door.
  • Fast forward the tenant until he nearly punches the thief.
  • Rewind the thief from getting punched by the tenant.
  • Fast forward the tenant until he falls & rewind him back to his first position.
  • Fast forward the thief until he says, “There’s someone in the house.” and make him escape through the window.
Young Guy & Restaurant.
  • Let this young guy comes first to the restaurant.

  • Fast forward until he is seated inside the restaurant. (Control the young guy and the waitress outside the restaurant to trigger young guy to go inside). That’s all for Dad’s part.
Chapter 1 - Daughter's Part
First Coin
  • First thing is to go inside the restaurant, wait until the guy orders & gets his food. After a while, the girl brings the food, and the young guy tips the girl. After the young guy walks out, talk to the girl, and you'll be given a coin.
Fake Murderer Escaped (Affect Chapter 2)
  • Go to where the fake murderer escaped. Move forward until the cop reaches the fence, then talk to the cop.
Wanted Poster
  • Go back to the first place and talk to the guy who is staring at the wanted poster. After that, finish the rest.
Chapter 2 - Dad's Part
Gear’s Sketch Design
  • After arrived in the first place, go inside the school gate.
  • Now, this one’s gonna take time. Make sure that the scene after you collect the broken gear looks like this. (Pay attention to the kid on the 2nd floor, he leans down to the window because he is shocked when the girl crashes with the biker). After you got the broken gear, control the bird and let it fly to the right until it reaches the right pillar.

  • Now, rewind the biker (first) and the girl (second), and the scene should look like this now.

  • When the girl is holding the right pillar, fast forward the biker until he crashes.

  • Now that the right pillar broken, fast forward the girl until it looks like this. (The flag should be like stairs leading to the billboard).

  • Go up and go inside the billboard. Control the cat until the timer hits it half and it looks like this.

  • Now you’re done with that, go to the school field.
  • On the field, the goalkeeper on the right side has the ball, and the team with red stripes should be on the left side. The scene should look like this now. (This will affect the goalkeeper to kick the ball to the top window).
  • Fast forward the goalkeeper on the right until the ball flies inside through the top window.

  • Go to the top floor, control the backpack kid to play with the ball, and have the ball nearly hit the professor, causing an explosion (caused by the backpack kid).

  • Now, here's the thing: the kid on the 2nd floor should lean down to the window because the mouse cage will hit the kid's head and bounce onto the rooftop. Try to fast forward the mouse cage, if it falls on the kid’s head and bounces onto the rooftop, it’s clearly safe to clear the rest.

  • Finish the rest in School and Library. And proceed to the Shopping Street through the Library rooftop.
Murderer Got Caught
  • Collect the gear on Shopping Street and trigger every single event on Shopping Street, except for this one thing: Let the top-hat guy be near the repairmen like this picture below. After that, control the shopkeeper who's going to close the canopy and let the cop see the top-hat guy. It should look like this.

  • After that, go back to School Gate / Joloy Joo store, you'll see the guy from Chapter 1. Fast forward the boss with the dog and it'll trigger the guy talk with his boss.

  • Then, fast forward the boss and he will tell his boys and pop-up image should appear. After that, let the guy hide in the bushes.

  • Now, go to the guy with the phone on the shopping street and control him until he says, "A message from the boss?" and "Our commander wants to bring in this..." while he writes a note.

  • Fast forward until he passes the note to the cop. Then fast forward again until he sits on the chair.
  • Now, fast forward the cop until he says, "Is that the wanted guy?" and he will jump off the roof (the rest will trigger in Daughter’s part). We done with that. Now, finish the rest until the game changes to Daughter’s part.

Bonus Achievements: After you collect the broken gear on Shopping Street, make the toy plane and toy car broke. Then rewind the bald kid with the jacket to his first position. This’ll unlock ‘Confused’ achievement.

Chapter 2 - Daughter's Part
Gear’s Sketch Design
  • Now, try moving to the left until the mouse cage falls onto the roof, scares the cat, and the paper flies down to the floor. Go grab it.
Murderer Got Caught
  • Now, go to the shopping street. The cop successfully caught the murderer, and the shiny blink will appear, which means the coin. Go grab it.

  • Bonus Achievements: Talk to the guy who’s holding the ladder a couple times. And messing with lady who’s cleaning the floor on 2nd floor by walking around her. This’ll unlock ‘Brothers Fight’ and ‘Naughty’ achievement.
The New Gear
  • Now, go to the blacksmith LROMEISPIUM on the 2nd floor shopping street, talk to the guy inside and he will make the broken gear.

  • Bonus achievement: Parrot talking with Pigeon. First of all, make sure the bird is still flying near the right pillar (controlled in Dad's part). Then, go inside the school gate and simply follow the bird until it reaches the pigeon in Library frontyard.
Chapter 3 - Dad's Part
Get Dad to the Tunnel
  • Fast forward the guy who controls the waterfall. Then, fast forward the guy with the plank until he tells you to turn off the water. Finally, fast forward the waterfall guy again.

  • Now, here's the important part: make sure the builder who is carrying the plank throws the plank first (Make sure the builder on the top right (woman) nails the plank until end). After that, rewind the builder on the top left (man) until he carries the plank again. Note: Don't control the builders below until the end. The scene afterwards should look like this.

  • Now, proceed to the tunnel. Once there, it will tells you to go back until the broken glass reappear. After that, go right back to the tunnel.
Chapter 3 - Daughter's Part
Get Daughter to the Tunnel
  • When playing as Daughter, proceed until she says, "Daddy?". At that moment, the plank on the top will break down, and the daughter will suddenly move into the tunnel

  • Rest, just watch the cutscene, and when this image below appears, move Dad to the left (broken glass).