Juice Galaxy

Juice Galaxy

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All Achievements Guide
By applekitty
All achievements as of 12/13/23. (Icon source: grippingfoodwithforce)
This guide is laid out the way it is because it was my narrative when playing the game, also some things are easier than others. Do whatever you want, it's your Juice Galaxy.

If you want a guide on how specifically to find bosses, because 'follow the quest marker' isn't your style, check out this guide by FrogMagician.
Press J
  • Boot up game.
  • Create character.
  • Press J.
I'm just gonna lay down
  • Play tutorial.
What did I ever do?
  • Go to cemetery.
  • Hit Mr. Fox until dead. If you are already a vampire, I'd advise against sucking him up... but it's your world, I just live in it.
You're a vampire now
  • Go to cemetery.
  • There is a platform with 'Good Juice' on it.
  • Pick it up.
  • Equip.
  • Use/Quaff.
  • Wait.
  • Big bat will show up, and suck you up. Wait until he is done.
With great power...
  • Find a grappling plunger. One can be found right outside the cemetery gate adjacent to the car, but if it's not there for you (or maybe it was a one-off for me), killing some creatures should eventually drop one. There's also one inside the Old Man's house, down the road from the Cemetery.
  • Equip.
Creator of what?
  • Go to cemetery.
  • Talk to Mr. Fox.
  • Get quest to go to the evil shack.
  • Follow quest marker.
  • Enter basement.
  • Get to the bottom of the scary cave.
  • Go in the mouth.
  • Defeat the Creator. I found it very easy to use my grimoire that spawns a little black hole to deal with the Pollywogs, then just beat him with a sword. But, a ranged weapon might be easier. Signy's wheels is also good, if you don't want to use any of your weapons.
A worthy foe
  • Go to cemetery.
  • Talk to Mr. Fox.
  • Get quest for toilet.
  • Follow quest marker back to the evil shack.
  • Flush yourself down toilet.
  • Get through the pipes. There's lots of strong enemies here, and it may take you a while.
  • Once at the end, beat Sgt. Suckerpunch. If you have a ranged weapon, it will be easy.
What have you done?!
  • After battle with Sgt. Suckerpunch, pick up plunger (if you want to.)
  • Go further into the room.
  • Defeat the Clog. It can do a lot of damage using its hands. Also, it's easy to get behind the Clog and be unable to damage it because you're inside it's geometry, so watch out for that too.
Sic semper vespulae
  • Go down road that is not the evil shack road.
  • You should see a house in the middle of the road.
  • Go in, talk to Old Man.
  • Ask about Juice smith.
  • Follow quest marker to Juice smith.
  • Ask Juice smith what happened to his hand.
  • Follow quest marker to Wawsp hive.
  • Getting in, I used the grimoire that spawns little black holes, but you can also use your car to get through the level 0 Wawsps pretty quickly, at the expense of the car's health.
  • Defeat Wawsp queen. She is very range-oriented with lasers and rockets. So long as you have enough flight and movement speed, you should be fine regardless of what you choose to hit her with, since she isn't strong physically.
Best Friend Helmet
  • After defeating Wawsp Queen, pick up head.
  • Equip.
  • (Optional) Never take off for permanent sidekick.
  • While in Wawsp hive, make sure to explore the castle for some loot. Go into the wiggly tunnels.
Sleepy Slitherss
  • Go to cemetery.
  • Talk to Ingot.
  • Follow quest marker.
  • Defeat Ms. Slitherss. She is purely close-combat until she gets around mid-health, then she tries to spawn some Skellies. She can't do much against range attacks.
Wake up, Mr. Fox
  • In order to do this, Mr. Fox first needs to be gone from the Cemetery. You'll have to do other bosses for him to eventually leave.
  • Go to evil shack.
  • Cuddle next to Mr. Fox in bed.
  • Talk to Little Mr. Fox.
  • Get some pages.
  • Defeat Dream Eater. This thing is so cool... Range makes quick work of it, though, at least for me.
  • Finish collecting pages.
  • Give to Little Mr. Fox.
  • Go back to bed.
Painis Cupcake May 9 @ 12:11pm 
where are all the pages
i can't find one of them
Dantes Polygons Feb 15 @ 2:49pm 
For the Wake Up, Mr. Fox quest: If any of you who are particularly blind like me, the pages are in front of the front door and on the fingers / strange large stems around the house. I swear I spent like thirty minutes thinking there was a location like in the over world were you could find them. It's far easier to find than some indie horror games, and I defiantly over-looked them.
jvtrashytown Jan 24 @ 9:20am 
I got all the achievements then read this guide lol
Dr. Dick Jan 5 @ 1:18pm 
the clog will be killed near-instantly by the plunger Suckerpunch drops btw
♡Spooky♡ Dec 22, 2023 @ 12:57pm 
I figured it out immediately after, thanks applekitty <3
applekitty  [author] Dec 22, 2023 @ 5:07am 
@Spooky if you hold down the space bar, you can fly. Fly up. If you can't fly up all the way, put juice into Fly then Fly up.
♡Spooky♡ Dec 22, 2023 @ 5:03am 
How the fuck do I get to Ms. Slitherss?
applekitty  [author] Dec 22, 2023 @ 12:46am 
@OMAR Huh, that's cool. Guess that's viable too.
دربونة Dec 21, 2023 @ 4:21pm 
he went to sleep without me doing anything when im afk