ARK: Survival Ascended

ARK: Survival Ascended

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Server Management Tool
By JustSomeBritishGuy and 1 collaborators
Elevate Your Ark Experience with ASAM!
Tired of server management headaches? Dive into the future of Ark server control with ASAM! Our user-friendly software, now at v0.1.2.18, lets you effortlessly customize server rates. Say goodbye to complex configurations!

🚀 What's New: Check out the latest release on GitHub and join our community on Discord.

🎮 Simplify, Customize, ASAM's intuitive interface makes tweaking rates a breeze. For advanced users, the traditional GameUserSettings.ini file is still at your fingertips.

Ready for the ultimate Ark adventure? Download ASAM now and level up your gameplay!
ASAM Installation Guide:
ASAM Installation Guide:

Step 1.0: Download Required CMD
Find the "Download" button in the ASAM interface.
Click "Download" to install the necessary Command Prompt (CMD).

Step 2.0: Update ASA
In the ASAM interface, find the "Update ASA" button.
Click "Update ASA" to download or update the ASAM software.
The Built in console will give you updates. Please be patient with this step as it may take a while.

Step 3.0: Edit Configs and Start
Access the ASAM interface and navigate to the configuration settings.
Customize your server configurations as desired.
Once configured, find the option to start the server.
Ready to Play!

ASAM simplifies the installation process, making it a seamless experience for both beginners and advanced users. Download now and elevate your Ark adventure!


Customizing Server Rates:
Embark on a journey of personalized Ark adventures by harnessing the user-friendly power of ASAM. This guide is designed to demystify the process of customizing server rates, allowing you to craft your perfect Ark experience.

Step 01: Navigating ASAM with Precision

Upon launching ASAM, your first task is to pinpoint the specific section you want to edit. Whether it's taming speed, XP gain, or resource harvesting rates, ASAM simplifies the configuration process. Take a moment to ensure that you accurately fill out the input boxes, as any errors could impact your gameplay.

Once you've fine-tuned your server settings to perfection, hit the all-important "Save" button. This action commits your changes, ensuring that your customized rates are applied to your Ark server.

WARNING: For those brave souls diving into the intricacies of GameUserSettings/Game.ini, exercise caution. Always apply your settings on the main pages first. The "Save" button within the editors operates independently and can, unfortunately, undo all your hard work. Protect your progress by adhering to this crucial step.

With your configurations saved, you're now ready to unleash your personalized Ark server on the gaming world. Start your server with confidence, knowing that ASAM has transformed the often complex task of server rate adjustment into a straightforward and enjoyable experience.

Be part of our community on Discord and GitHub to get the latest updates, seek assistance, and share your experiences!


Upgrade Your Ark Experience with ASAM!
Download the latest version (v0.1.2.3) now and discover the simplicity of managing your Ark server like never before. Your journey to the ultimate Ark adventure starts here!

Safeguarding Progress with Auto Backups
Even the most intrepid survivors understand the importance of safeguarding their Ark progress. ASAM simplifies this crucial task with its Auto Backups feature, providing peace of mind and a safety net for your server configurations.

Step 03: Accessing Auto Backups in ASAM

For those who prioritize the security of their Ark world, ASAM offers an intuitive Auto Backups feature. Follow these steps to enable and customize your automatic backup settings:

Navigate to the Settings Tab located at the top left of the ASAM application.

Click and open the window that appears. Inside this window, you'll discover a page labeled Backups.

Step 04: Configuring Auto Backup Frequency

Here, you have the power to decide how frequently ASAM backs up your server data. The default setting is every 720 minutes (equivalent to 12 hours). This ensures that even in the face of unforeseen events, you'll only lose a maximum of 12 hours' worth of progress.

For those seeking different backup intervals, consider these examples:

180 minutes (3 hours): Frequent backups for those who make rapid changes and want to minimize potential losses.

1440 minutes (24 hours): A daily backup routine, suitable for stable servers with less frequent adjustments.

Step 05: Customizing Backup Days

ASAM grants you control over the days your automatic backups occur. Choose the specific days that align with your server's activity and update schedule. This flexibility ensures that backups complement your server's unique rhythm.

By configuring Auto Backups in ASAM, you've added a layer of resilience to your Ark server, protecting your progress against the unforeseen challenges of the wild. Now, whether you're facing a server crash or an accidental configuration mishap, your Auto Backups have you covered.

Effortless Save Recovery with ASAM
When the need arises to reload a save in ASAM, you'll find the process to be quick and straightforward. Here's a detailed walkthrough:

Step 10: Locating "Reload Save"

Top Left Corner: Begin by navigating to the top left corner of ASAM, where you'll find the "Reload Save" option.

Click to Open: Click on it, and a window will appear, setting the stage for your save recovery journey.

Step 11: Setting Your Profile

Profile Configuration: Within the opened window, take a moment to choose and set your profile. This ensures that the save aligns precisely with your server's unique configuration.

Step 12: Choosing Your Save

Save Selection: Navigate to the dropdown box within the window. Here, you'll find a list of available saves.

Select the Desired Save: Choose the save that corresponds to the point in time you want to revisit. This could be a critical moment, a favorite build, or any snapshot of your Ark adventure.

Step 13: Initiating Save Recovery

Recover Save: With your chosen save selected, hit the "Recover Save" button. ASAM will swiftly work its magic to reload your server to the selected save point.

Step 14: Confirming with Okay

Completion Confirmation: Once the recovery process is complete, a confirmation message will appear. Simply click "Okay" to confirm your successful save reload.
By following these steps, you've successfully navigated ASAM's save recovery feature, allowing you to revisit and relive moments from your Ark world with ease.

Easy Auto Restarts
Ensuring Server Continuity with Auto Server Restart

Even the most intrepid survivors understand the importance of safeguarding their Ark progress. ASAM simplifies this crucial task with its Auto Server Restart feature, providing peace of mind and a safety net for your server configurations.

Step 03: Accessing Auto Server Restart in ASAM

For those who prioritize the security and continuity of their Ark world, ASAM offers an intuitive Auto Server Restart feature. Follow these steps to enable and customize your automatic server restart settings:

1. Navigate to the Settings Tab located at the top left of the ASAM application.

2. Click and open the window that appears. Inside this window, you'll discover a page labeled Server Restart.

Step 04: Configuring Auto Server Restart Frequency

Here, you have the power to decide how frequently ASAM restarts your server. The default setting is every 720 minutes (equivalent to 12 hours). This ensures that your server remains fresh and responsive.

For those seeking different restart intervals, consider these examples:

- **180 minutes (3 hours):** Ideal for active servers with frequent changes.

- **1440 minutes (24 hours):** A daily server restart routine, suitable for stable servers with less frequent adjustments.

Step 05: Customizing Restart Days

ASAM grants you control over the days your automatic server restarts occur. Choose the specific days that align with your server's activity and update schedule. This flexibility ensures that server restarts complement your server's unique rhythm.

By configuring Auto Server Restart in ASAM, you've added a layer of reliability to your Ark server, promoting a consistently smooth gaming experience. Now, whether you're mitigating potential performance issues or responding to server crashes, Auto Server Restart has you covered.

Empowering Your Ark Community with the ASAM Discord Bot
Extend the reach of your Ark server by integrating the ASAM Discord bot. This powerful tool enhances communication and interaction within your community. Here's how you can set it up:

Step 06: Accessing Discord Bot Settings in ASAM

Navigate to the Settings Tab located at the top left of the ASAM application.

Within the Settings window, find and click on the Discord Bot tab.

Step 07: Configuring Discord Bot Parameters

Once inside the Discord Bot settings, you'll encounter several essential options:

Public IP (RCON): This IP is crucial for the RCON side of the Discord bot. It's a required parameter and facilitates communication between the Discord bot and your server.

Token: The Discord bot's token, another mandatory parameter. Ensure you fill this out correctly to enable seamless communication between your server and Discord.

Role ID: This parameter is also mandatory. By specifying a Role ID, you control access to the bot's commands, allowing only individuals with the specified Role ID to utilize its features.

AllProfile Alias (coming Soon): Stay tuned for this upcoming feature that enhances user profiles within the Discord bot. More details will be available soon.

Prefix: Define the command prefix for the bot. The default value is "asam!" but users can customize it to fit the preferences of their community.

Deafault help Command asam!help || YourPrefix|help

[LOKE]YourC3PH Dec 5, 2023 @ 5:09am 
Cool I guess, but I wonder if it can compare to and compete with Beacon really.
TRICONNTV Dec 5, 2023 @ 3:51am 
Great guide, helped me a lot. Any issues just let the dev know he makes changes super quick.