Dungeons 4

Dungeons 4

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All achievements and skills
By ⎛⎝Ancsur2002⎠⎞
Description of all achievements and skills, how to get them, and bugs that you can encounter.
1. The Last Stand
Thalya's Concentrated Fury
Kill 10 Heroes in "The Last Stand" while Thalya's Fury is active.
I did this by slowly advancing and activating Thalya's Fury just before I've encountered a new group of Heroes. I got the achievement a bit before getting to the last encounter.

Thalya - Simply Immortal
Complete "The Last Stand" without letting Thalya die.
This one is pretty straightforward: complete the first chapter without Thalya dying. If it seems too difficult, try lowering the Difficulty level.

The Last Stand
Complete "The Last Stand" on any Difficulty level.
You'll get this achievement as soon as you complete the chapter.
2. Hammer Time, Round Two
Trap Master
Kill 10 Heroes with Traps in "Hammer Time, Round Two".
Place a lot of traps near where the Heroes exit their own base up until the point where you already have doors in your own Dungeon. You can place certain traps over each other. For example:
  • Spike trap and Saw trap
  • Thresher and Poison trap

For the Horde!
Have at keast 10 Creatures in "Hammer Time, Round Two".
In Research, maximize the Horde badge and then create Creatures. I could get the maximum number up to 11, but by the end I had 17 Creatures.

Complete "Hammer Time, Round Two" on any Difficulty level.
You'll get this achievement as soon as you complete the chapter.
3. The Hellwoods
Master of Magic
Own an Arcanium with at least 100% Efficiency in "The Hellwoods".
For this, you'll need to have an Arcanium (the first one will do) that is:
  • Enclosed by walls and doors on all sides
  • All of the floors have been turned into Arcanium

Magic Accidents
Kill 20 Heroes with Spells in "The Hellwoods".
This can be a little buggy. For some people, this only works with the Meteor Shower spell. For this spell, you'll need to conquer the first Arcane Tear in the Overworld. For me, it did not work at all, but after a restart of this chapter, it worked for me with only using Bat Swarm in the Overworld even before getting the Meteor Shower spell. So if you are sure that you've already obliterated more than 20 Heroes with both Bat Swarm and Meteor Shower, try a restart.

The Hellwoods
Complete "The Hellwoods" on any Difficulty level.
You'll get this achievement as soon as you complete the chapter.
4. The Plains of Strothalm
Sacrificial Pit = Garbage Disposal?
Sacrifice 6 different things in "The Plains of Strothalm"
In the Underworld, throw everything that you can think of in the Sacrificial Pit. I have thrown in the following ones:
  • Gold
  • Evilness
  • Toolboxes
  • Gobblers
  • Little Snots
  • Different types of hero corpses

Minions, Minions!
Own 60 Minions at the same time in "The Plains of Strothalm"
  1. In the Overworld, take over all Burial Chambers. This will increase the number of Creatures that you have in addition to the ones that you can create. I had 21 when I got the achievement.
  2. Make sure that all of your Creatures are level 3
  3. Make sure that all of your Creatures have 2 Minions. For this, you'll need a completed Temple with some extra space and enough Blight so that your Creatures can summon Minions.
  4. Click Summon additional Minions in the top right corner

The Plains of Strothalm
Complete "The Plains of Strothalm" on any Difficulty level.
You'll get this achievement as soon as you complete the chapter.


Road Trip
You get this for free after this chapter.
5. Bad Elves Go Everywhere
Unicorn steaks - fresh off the hoof!
Defeat the Unicorn in "Bad Elves Go Everywhere" within 30 minutes.
The cutscene counts into the time elapsed, so I recommend skipping it by keeping the right mouse button pressed.
I've managed to get this a bit after 12 minutes on Easy difficulty. I basically did nothing in my Dungeon other Researching two levels of Nagas and then dropping all my Creatures to the Overworld. There, the Unicorn is relatively close to the Dungeon entrance, but quite tough.

Experienced Thalya
Raise Thalya to 3 level or higher in "Bad Elves Go Everywhere".
This will be pretty easy to get. After killing the Unicorn, I routed the Creatures & Thalya back to the Dungeon entrance. I've killed a bunch of heroes on the way back and got the achievement.

Bad Elves Go Everywhere
Complete "Bad Elves Go Everywhere" on any Difficulty level.
You'll get this achievement as soon as you complete the chapter.


Cheap Skills
Tristan cannot be allowed to build more than 3 Hero buildings.
You'll have to run around the map a bit for this one and destroy the building caravans before they reach their destinations. If you did not manage to prevent them from building camps, destroy the camps as soon as they are built.
6. Heroes' Gorge
Intercept all Shipments in "Heroes' Gorge".
This will not start until you capture the Magic Tower. Before you do that, make sure that you are prepared:
  • Have all your spells ready
  • Have enough mana so that you can use most of your spells consecutively
  • Have the maximum number of creatures
The shipments will come in waves. You can deal with the first waves that come from one or two directions with the Magic Tower (button in top right corner) handling one of them, and with your team positioned in one of the shipment entry points (top left, bottom left, bottom right corner).

However, there will be two three-way shipments. For this, I recommend that you do the following as soon as you take control of the Magic Tower:
  1. Open a Demon Portal and get back to the Dungeon
  2. Immediately take your Creatures to the Overworld through the bottom right portal.
  3. Split your team in half
  4. Send one half to the bottom left entry point
  5. Send the other half to the bottom right entry point

After this, you can deal with the top right entry point with the Magic Tower, and the two bottom ones with your Creatures and spells.
Don't worry if your achievement doesn't activate right after you destroy all shipments. It activated for me after I completed this chapter.

Mana Cannon
Use the Magic Tower to kill 60 Heroes in "Heroes' Gorge".
After destroying the Mana shipments, start bombing the remaining Hero groups on the map with the Tower.

Heroes' Gorge
Complete "Heroes' Gorge" on any Difficulty level.
You'll get this achievement as soon as you complete the chapter.


Demonic Efficiency
No Creatures are allowed to go on strike.
Make sure that you build all extra buildings for your Creatures.
  • Horde: large enough Hideout for all Creatures to sleep, large enough Gobbler Farm, Arena
  • Demons: large enough Gobbler Farm, Chamber of Relaxation
  • Undead: large enough Graveyard for all Creatures to sleep, Temple with Sacrificial Pit.
Also make sure that you build the relevant buildings for a Creature group close together, preferably with doors that open to each other.
7. The Ascent
It's Warm and Cozy at Home
Expose no Unit to the Storm in "The Ascent".
When you are in the Overworld, watch carefully the Weather Forecast (upper right corner). It helps if you unlock the Spells early on so that you can create a Demon Portal to get back underground. Keep doing that until you have the Artifact, after which you are safe to be outside in the rain. It's in the bottom right corner of your Dungeon, guarded by a lot of spiders so be prepared.
You'll get this achievement when you complete the chapter.

Pure Dynamite!
Use Dynamite to destroy 10 Heroes in "The Ascent".
Use Thalya to guide a bunch of heroes (preferably those that guard the caravan) near one of the dynamite carts. They'll attack both Thalya and the cart. Stay next to the cart so that when the dynamite starts to blow up, they come back to attack Thalya and therefore blow up too.

The Ascent
Complete "The Ascent" on any Difficulty level.
You'll get this achievement as soon as you complete the chapter.


Horde Efficiency
Play only with Horde creatures
Pretty straightforward. You can unlock Spells for example, but do not create creatures other than Horde creatures.
8. The Big Eaty
Not Even a Tiny Thin Mint Wafer, Thanks!
Feed Gorgu more Heroes than necessary in "The Big Eaty".
You'll need a Prison for this. Just keep throwing Heroes from the Prison to Gorgu with your hand. The Strengthen Gorgu indicator on the top right corner shows how many heroes Gorgu will need. You'll need to go over this limit to get a second quest, called Feed Gorgu EVEN MORE Heroes. If you do this quest too, you'll get the achievement.

Hungry, Hungry Gorgu!
Keep Gorgu from getting hurt in "The Big Eaty".
The Attack on Gorgu indicator on the top right corner shows the incoming waves that will attack Gorgu. Make sure that you build a ton of traps to protect the entryways from the incoming waves. Remember that you can not only dig tunnels, but build walls too. It makes sense to guide the incoming Heroes in a snake-like corridor, filled with traps. You can place certain traps over each other. For example:
  • Spike trap and Saw trap
  • Thresher and Poison trap
The waves will become a lot stronger later, and eventually will come non-stop.
Upgrade your Little Snots to Level 4 so that they can restock traps without getting attacked.
Make sure that your traps are strong.
Upgrade your door skill to the max and surround Gorgu with Strongroom Doors from all 4 sides.
Save money for building traps, but also have a good enough Creature team ready to help eradicate the Heroes.
You'll also have to deal with incoming Golden Portals. Make sure that you destroy the portal as soon as you can. Have the Demon Portal skill ready so that you can get back quickly to the Underworld if you are venturing Overworld and a Golden Portal appears.
As soon as you've got the Not Even a Tiny Thin Mint Wafer, Thanks! achievement, feel free to click the Done button in the top right corner. This will grant this achievement if you have managed to protect Gorgu.

The Big Eaty
Complete "The Big Eaty" on any Difficulty level.
You'll get this achievement as soon as you complete the chapter.


Kamikaze Minions
Have at least 10 Undead at a Level of at least 5
Pretty straightforward. Have at least 10 Undead in your army and level them up to level 5. You'll need to level up the Undead skills for this. What will make this easier is to free the Vampire Queens from the cages.
9. ... like son
Dungenlord Gorgu
Have Gorgu destroy 50 Heroes in "... like son".
Use Thalya's skill Dungenlord Gorgu. I recommend using this in the Overworld when attacking caravans or just groups of Heroes. Move only Dungeonlord Gorgu around and kill as many Heroes as you can while it's alive (90 seconds). Note that this spell costs 100 Evilness.

Forbidden Knowledge
Complete "... so the Son" without researching Potions or Spells.
Easy, just don't research Potions or Spells at all:
  • Voodoo Brew
  • Basic Potions
  • Complex Potions
  • Spells
  • Expert Spells

... like son
Complete "... like son" on any Difficulty level.
You'll get this achievement as soon as you complete the chapter.


Master of Traps
Thalya cannot be allowed to die
Pretty straightforward. Just don't let Thalya die during this campaign.
10. The Cathedral of Light

Unstoppable Horde
Destroy all of the Cages and all of the Hero buildings in "The Cathedral of Light".
Pretty straightforward, before blowing up the party, destroy every Hero building and all Cages in the Overworld. The achievement will pop as soon as you're done with these.

Shame! Shame! Shame!
Free the Naga in "The Cathedral of Light".
You'll receive the quest Shame! Shame! Shame!, watch out for this. By this time, you might want to have the Demon Portal ready so that you can portal back to the Underworld and then get out of the appropriate gate to the Overworld. You can see the caravan marked by its route and an exclamation mark even if you don't have visibility over that part of the Overworld. You can easily intercept the caravan when it's not inside the castle. This part of the route is marked with green dots.

The Cathedral of Light
Complete "The Cathedral of Light" on any Difficulty level.
You'll get this achievement as soon as you complete the chapter.


Experienced Recruits
No Horde Creatures are allowed to go on strike
The easiest way to get this skill is to get the Horde Contentment Artifact and put it in your Vault of Evilness. You can find the Artifact here:
11. Tanos' Crusade Against Thalya
Ghost Pirates? Ghost Heroes!
Create 5 Ghost Heroes in "Tanos' Crusade Against Thalya".
Build an Ice Tomb and build at least 5 Hero's Graves. Drop a dead hero on the Hero's Grave to create a Ghost Hero. Create 5 to get the achievement.

Master of the Undead
Complete "Tanos' Crusade Against Thalya" using nothing but Undead Creatures.
Pretty straightforward. Do not use any other creatures, only Undead ones. You can unlock other things in the skill tree though, for example, spells.

Tanos' Crusade Against Thalya
Complete "Tanos' Crusade Against Thalya" on any Difficulty level.
You'll get this achievement as soon as you complete the chapter.


Undead Efficiency
Destroy at least 50% of the Coffins.
Destroy at least 50% of the Coffins in the Overworld. This will also help you finish this campaign. However, this is missable as whenever Tanos resurrects Heroes, the graves will be gone.So you'll need to focus on the graves as much as possible and basically just run around the graveyards. Don't really bother with anything else, only to the extent that is necessary. But skip burning the villages and taking out the patrol, good creatures, and so on. What will help is to buy as many Creatures as you can from what's available, have mana and Demon Portal, and maybe unlock the Vampire Queen in late-game.
12. All's Well That Ends Evil
Stop Tanos!
Tanos cannot be allowed to collect more than 6000 Evilness in "All's Well That Ends Evil".
You'll basically need to constantly run around. First, you'll get most of the Evilness from villages, then Good creatures, then shipments. Try not to run into Tanos. Also make sure that you improve your Vault of Evilness to maximum. Also, get your Little Snots to level 3, because there is not too much gold in this level and you'll need to be able to quarry stone.

My Little Torture Chamber
Torture at least 20 Heroes in "All's Well That Ends Evil".
You'll probably get this later in the game. Build a torture chamber, have at least 3-4 Torture Implements. Hint: you can also slap the tortured souls to death.

All's Well That Ends Evil
Complete "All's Well That Ends Evil" on any Difficulty level.
You'll get this achievement as soon as you complete the chapter.


Demonic Corruption
Make sure that Tanos does not destroy any good beings
This is quite difficult. There are two good beings: the frog and the unicorn, both are near the middle of the map. You'll have to run around the good beings a lot and make sure that you get to them way before Tanos does. After a while they will not return at all. It helps if you kill the Heroes around Tanos and if you have a mostly Demon, partially Horde army.
13. The Duel
Bonus Evilness
Defeat all of the Good Beings on the Overworld in "The Duel".
There are two on the right side of the map required for this achievement: a frog and a house. I recommend that you attempt to defeat them right after a Gorgu-Tanos battle.

Gorgu is in the Best of Health
Don't let Gorgu's Life Energy drop below 70% in "The Duel".
Use the skill Dungeonlord Healing as well as The Dungeonlord's Attack as soon as they are available. Position a strong army at the battlefield and kill all Hero armies that attempt to attack Gorgu. Most importantly, attack Tanos whenever you're not fighting with another army. The more high-damage Creatures you have, the better. I've found that a mostly Demon, partly Horde army could do massive damage to Tanos.

The Duel
Complete "The Duel" on any Difficulty level.
You'll get this achievement as soon as you complete the chapter.


Efficient Dungeon Research
Do not use the Demonic Portal Spell
Pretty straightforward. Just don't use the Demonic Portal spell. Feel free to use other spells though.
14. If Looks Could Kill
You can get both Mirror, Mirror and Laser Eyes Are So Useless at the same time, but you have to run through the map quite quickly. However, if this seems difficult, try getting one achievement at a time.
(Thanks, Pirahna01 for the clarification!)
Mirror, Mirror
Use the Mirror a maximum of 3 times in "If Looks Could Kill".
Try to focus on running through the map. For this, building up a larger mainly Demon (maybe some Horde) army should be enough. Use the Demon Portal to get back to your base whenever you need it. Try to prolong the time when you need to use the Mirror. To get the Mirror, you'll need to fulfill the Council's requests. For details, see the Skill section in this chapter.

Laser Eyes Are So Useless
Not one Room Tile may be destroyed by the Laser Eyes in "If Looks Could Kill".
A flag marks Tanos' eyes on the map. Pay attention to it and before it touches a room, use the Mirror. Note that you can only place the Mirror on a corridor floor tile or a room tile. The best is if you can dig corridors around the perimiter of your base. If not, try to project where the laser will land on a room and place the Mirror in its path, or quickly dig a tile from the room's side.
Also, you'll need mirrors so pay attention to the Council's requests. For details, see the Skill section in this chapter.

If Looks Could Kill
Complete "If Looks Could Kill" on any Difficulty level.
You'll get this achievement as soon as you complete the chapter.


Subservient Little Snots
Complete all Council assignments under 10 minutes.
To make every delivery under 10 minutes, take a mental note of the timer that displays when the laser eyes will appear again. Subtract 10 minutes from it, and that's your timer until you need to deliver the items. You'll need to make all deliveries within 10 minutes until you finish this chapter.
To deliver what the Council requests, click the Delivery for the Council button in the top right corner. What they request varies, but can be:
  • Blight
  • Evilness
  • Gobblers
  • Gold
  • Mana
  • Potions
  • Toolboxes
So make sure that you have enough production and appropriately large rooms to fulfill these requests.
(Thanks, ProfiFaust for suggesting adding Blight, and Ropa Sucia for suggesting adding Evilness!)
15. The Finitude Drill
Sabotage the Drill in "The Finitude Drill" by destroying the three cooling pumps.
This is pretty straightforward. Go around the map and destroy the pumps. They are marked by flags on the map.

The Dungeonheart cannot be allowed to take any damage in "The Finitude Drill".
Make sure that you have doors and traps protecting the Dungeonheart. Have the Demon Portal skill at hand so that you can get back to the Underground when anything attacks.

The Finitude Drill
Complete "The Finitude Drill" on any Difficulty level.
You'll get this achievement as soon as you complete the chapter.


For Peanuts (or a Gobbler)
Complete the Map with 100 Gobblers and make sure that not a single Gobbler is eaten by a Spider
Pretty straightforward. Build a large Gobble Farm and upgrade it. Make sure that it has a door. Take care of the spiders as soon as they appear (the Demon Portal spell will be handy to get back to the Underground).
16. Doom Hill
Lavalumps on Ice!
Destroy 10 Lavalumps in "Doom Hill" using the Charmanor relic.
The Charmanor artifact (the smaller one) protects your Creatures in the Underground from heat damage. The Charmanor relic (the larger one) is the one that you need to destroy Lavalumps.
To get the Charmanor artifact, first upgrade your Little Snots to level 5. Don't focus on anything else, but this upgrade. To get more Evilness, go to the Overworld and destroy the Hero camp at the bottom. Then dig up and put the relic in the Vault of Evilness
The Charmanor relic is located just below the Vault of Evilness, and another one is over the Graveyard if you dig that way. You can put these anywhere and it will make your Creatures and Little Snots immune to lava damage. It also damages Lavalumps. Put it down near a Lavalump nest and wait. Don't attack them with your Creatures, let the artifact slowly kill them.

Rubble and Ashes
All Hero buildings must be destroyed at the end of "Doom Hill".
I recommend that you first destroy the Lavalump nests. Otherwise, the Lavalumps will keep attacking your Dungeon. The Heroes will attempt to rebuild the Hero buildings, so keep an eye on that. You'll need to keep the buildings demolished until the end of the campaign.

Doom Hill
Complete "Doom Hill" on any Difficulty level.
You'll get this achievement as soon as you complete the chapter.


Divine Thalya
Make sure that Thalya does not die.
Pretty straightforward. Just don't let Thalya die.
17. Raiders of the Lost Stone
Brimstone Shaken, Not Stirred
Use Brimstone to trigger 10 explosions in "Raiders of the Lost Stone".
This is not difficult, just mine those segments that are marked with green when you select them.

No Mana, No Cry
Not a single Mana Shipment may reach its destination in "Raiders of the Lost Stone".
Have a Creature army ready and position them to the entry point at the bottom left part of the map before the Mana shipments start. Also make sure to mine the Brimstones until you get to the Dwarf camp underground and occupy the second Dungeon exit. By the end-game, you'll have three Mana shipments in parallel. When you've finished with one, get back to the Dungeon with the Demon Portal and rush to the next.

Raiders of the Lost Stone
Complete "Raiders of the Lost Stone" on any Difficulty level.
You'll get this achievement as soon as you complete the chapter.


Thalya's Might
Research all factions to Level 7
Pretty straightforward. Research all Factions to Level 7. You only need to upgrade the Faction level itself, not everything under it. You don't have to have all types of Creatures in your army.
18. The Rune Sockets of Finitude (Part 1)
To the Max!
Advance all Faction Research to Level 10 in "The Rune Sockets of Finitude (Part 1)".
Pretty straightforward. Upgrade all Factions to Level 10. You only need to upgrade the Faction level itself, not everything under it. You don't have to have all types of Creatures in your army. What will help you so that you don't die is to destroy at least a few Hero Camps early on, create ton of traps near the entrances. Focus on 1-2 Factions at the early stages and on leveling up your Little Snots to at least Level 3.

To Infinity And Beyond!
Train 5 Units to above Level 10 in "The Rune Sockets of Finitude (Part 1)".
This will require you to upgrade at least one Faction to Level 10. Then, build a Vault of Might with a Pylon and level up at least 5 Creatures to Level 11.

The Rune Sockets of Finitude (Part 1)
Complete "The Rune Sockets of Finitude (Part 1)" on any Difficulty level.
You'll get this achievement as soon as you complete the chapter.


The Heroes' Grave
Transform 15 Heroes in the Ice Tomb
Pretty straightforward, but a bit expensive. Have 15 Hero's Graves and have 15 Ghost Heroes.
19. The Rune Sockets of Finitude (Part 2)
Heal Heal Blessing
Use the Healing Stone to heal 10000 Damage in "The Rune Sockets of Finitude (Part 2)".
You'll most likely get this automatically just by playing this chapter.

Hands Off My Stones
No Stones can be allowed to take any Damage in "The Rune Sockets of Finitude (Part 2)".
This is pretty straightforward. You'll mostly need traps around the Dungeon entrances, but you'll need a lot of them. Also a Creature army that is capable of reacting quickly to whatever happens in the Dungeon.

The Rune Sockets of Finitude (Part 2)
Complete "The Rune Sockets of Finitude (Part 2)" on any Difficulty level.
You'll get this achievement as soon as you complete the chapter.


Evil Traps
Build 50 Traps
Pretty straightforward. Build 50 Traps. You'll need them anyway around the Dungeon entrances.
20. The Last Stand - This Time For Real!
Destroy all Hero buildings in "The Last Stand - This Time For Real!".
What helps with this the most is if you don't push the Tanos-Gorgu duel over the rainbow bridge. Otherwise, Golden Portals will appear. I've parked them before the crossroads before the bridge and placed a Demon Portal on the crossroads. This way I could get back to Gorgu whenever he required my help, but also could venture out to destroy Hero buildings. You'll need a really strong army, but if you want to get the Skill, you'll have one anyway.

I Don't Need Any Help
Never call on Tristan for help in "The Last Stand - This Time For Real!".
Pretty straightforward. Don't press the button Tristan helps Thalya in the top right corner.
Do not let the Absolute Evil to be pushed close to the Rift, otherwise Tristan will auto-trigger to help you, and this will block the achievement.
(Thanks, Merluca Kitsokami for the clarification!)

The Last Stand - This Time For Real!
Complete "The Last Stand - This Time For Real!" on any Difficulty level.
You'll get this achievement as soon as you complete the chapter.


Master of all Factions
Reach the maximum Research level for each Faction
Pretty straightforward. Upgrade the Factions to level 10. You only need to upgrade the Faction level itself, not everything under it. You don't have to have all types of Creatures in your army.
Hidden Achievement
Hard Work
Earn a reward in "The Ascent" through hard work
Blow up a pile of rocks with a dynamite cart in the Overworld.
(Thanks, cyan10101 for the clarification!)
Pirahna01 Dec 7, 2023 @ 7:45pm 
Again all achievements are obtainable in a single run in mission 14. You do not need multiple playthroughs, you just need to complete the map in a reasonably quick time.
⎛⎝Ancsur2002⎠⎞  [author] Dec 7, 2023 @ 1:20pm 
Jopun: Try keeping the left mouse button pressed near gold or evilness when Little Snots, Corpses or Creatures are not around (to avoid picking these up instead)
Jopun Dec 7, 2023 @ 10:27am 
in mission 4 i m unable to pick up gold and evilness
⎛⎝Ancsur2002⎠⎞  [author] Dec 3, 2023 @ 7:20am 
Thanks for the additional info for Mission 20, Merluca Kitsokami! I've added it to the guide.
Merluca Kitsokami Dec 2, 2023 @ 4:46pm 
In Mission 20, "I dont need any help" you are not allowed to let the Evil beeing pushed close to the Rift, otherwise Tristran will auto-trigger and block the achievment
⎛⎝Ancsur2002⎠⎞  [author] Nov 23, 2023 @ 12:04pm 
Thanks for the additions for Mission 14 ProfiFaust and Ropa Sucia, I've added them to the list.
Ropa Sucia Nov 23, 2023 @ 11:58am 
Mission 14 eventually requested evilness on a playthrough, and it requested over 1k. Not sure if its a hidden achievement or not as I promptly decided to end the mission.
ProfiFaust Nov 23, 2023 @ 7:16am 
Well, realistically, theres no reason at all to worry about blight expenditure because you can always just get a ton of blight on demand, not to mention over the course of 10 minutes. Didn't think about it when I was in the mission/making the comment, just saw Blight pop up and was said to myself "Huh, that wasn't in the guide."
ProfiFaust Nov 23, 2023 @ 7:10am 
Mission 14 can also request Blight, which doesn't matter too much since you start with a sacrificial pit, but still, should be careful about blight expenditure.
⎛⎝Ancsur2002⎠⎞  [author] Nov 21, 2023 @ 3:59am 
Thanks, cyan10101, I've updated the guide with your info