Slay the Princess — The Pristine Cut

Slay the Princess — The Pristine Cut

98 ratings
Highlight Unseen Choices
By Giovan
Ren'py has a built-in feature to show you which choices you've seen and which are new, but Slay the Princess doesn't use it by default. This is how to manually enable it:

1. Open your game installation folder
2. Navigate to "Slay the Princess/game/". There should be a file in the directory named "script_version.txt"
3. Save the text below as "Slay the Princess/game/choicemod.rpy"
init offset = 1 style choice_button_new is choice_button style choice_button_new_text is choice_button_text: idle_color "#ffD" hover_color "#DB0" screen choice(items): style_prefix "choice" default yadj = ui.adjustment() key "K_UP" action ScrollViewport(yadj, 'up') key "K_DOWN" action ScrollViewport(yadj, 'down') key "pad_lefty_neg" action ScrollViewport(yadj, 'up') key "pad_dpup_press" action ScrollViewport(yadj, 'up') key "pad_dpdown_press" action ScrollViewport(yadj, 'down') key "pad_lefty_pos" action ScrollViewport(yadj, 'down') #add "gui/choices_backdrop_test.png" add "gui/choices_backdrop.png" viewport yadjustment yadj: draggable True mousewheel True scrollbars "vertical" xalign 0.0 xsize 430 ysize 650 xpos 1480 ypos 25 vbox: for idx, i in enumerate(items): textbutton i.caption: if not i.chosen: style "choice_button_new" action i.action default_focus (idx == 0)
Unseen choice is outlined in yellow
Hovered choice is yellow
Hanabishi Oct 30, 2024 @ 6:49am 
No, still works fine with the Pristine Cut.
Luke Hatsune Oct 29, 2024 @ 11:05pm 
The game seems to be giving me an error when I try to add it. Could the latest update have messed it up?
Hanabishi Oct 28, 2024 @ 7:30pm 
It simply highlights dialog options you have never clicked before. No more, no less.
It also does not account non-linearity of the game.
I/O Netrunner Oct 28, 2024 @ 7:12pm 
Does this highlight choices that have new choices locked behind them or just new choices themselves?
Cubic John Oct 26, 2024 @ 1:05pm 
There's also an exploitable bug in the game (as of The Pristine Cut's initial release) where if you load another save file WHILE you're at a set of choices in which there are greyed-out options that you can't select (such as during The Tower or The Moment of Clarity, or in parts of Chapter I during later loops where some options are blocked off), you will then be able to see all not-currently-available options (also as greyed-out text) for all choices you go through (until a chapter transition or maybe certain other events that reset the behavior to normal). In other words, it puts you into what seems to be some kind of debug mode that shows all options that could possibly be available at a particular choice scene. I was trying to find if there were any guides out there already that mentioned this, and at first I thought that that was what this one was about.
oh no Oct 24, 2024 @ 10:13pm 
I can also confirm that it's working with Pristine Cut, thanks for this!
Hanabishi Oct 24, 2024 @ 1:25pm 
Works for me.
Gibbeh64 Jun 27, 2024 @ 10:51am 
Works! Just make sure when you save-as, you change it from a "txt" files to "all files" and you should be golden
Trap God May 18, 2024 @ 12:24pm 
Another info to add for the others is the fact that the file should really be .rpy (true one not .txt), you need to go to modify that into files :

click on the "..."
Select "option"
Go to "View" part
click on "Hide extensions for known files types"
Change the name into choicemod.rpy
it should modify the format and will get a "warning" that you change the format of the file

You can after that click on the "Hide extensions for known files types" to not be annoyed :cinnamon2:

With that it works perfectly fine for me :thumbalift:
Hanabishi Feb 13, 2024 @ 3:36am 
Consider that if you already played the game extensively, it could be harder to actually stumble upon choices you haven't seen before. It works effectively the same as the skip function.