Everdine - A Lost Girl's Tale

Everdine - A Lost Girl's Tale

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SPOILER ALERT - All achievements guide
By Jakub
List of all achievements + where to find them :)
Here's a list of achievements and how to get them.
Don't read to not spoil your fun, unless it is necessary.

No Escape - during the initial chase of wolfie boy, run past the "cracks" (you can do it by moving 2 or 3 steps left from it) and reach dead end.
Their Names - at graveyard, check graves until you read their names (dunno if it's random chance or what)
Gravekeeper - meet certain character at graveyard during midgame (not sure whether it's random. You must do it BEFORE gathering all ingredients / visiting Castle Garden, because after it leads to ending 2)
What a lovely voice - there's random chance to meet singing servant at the map with entrance to western cave (he will be near the beautiful viewpoint) If he does spawn, music on the map will be changed, so you can just go in and out waiting for RNG to trigger.
Fragments - in Castle Garden, get onto the island and go back and forth on the pavilon. Event has random chance to trigger.
Despair - I think this can be unlocked by viewing custcenes in Castle Garden: solve puzzle to the west of main gate, then get close to castle windows (btw there're multiple scenes!)
Ending 1 - gather all ingredients and perform ritual without visiting graveyard (i mean you can visit it during the game, but not in the late game, see Ending 2)
Ending 2 - gather all ingredients, see all scenes in Castle Garden (?) then go to the graveyard, finally perform the ritual
Ending 3 - gather all ingredients, see all scenes in Castle Garden, then go to the graveyard, next: to the place you first meet Servant 1 & 2 (north of the hut), finally to hatch in the hat. Leave the hut, escape any direction (aside from the hut - it's hilarious you can go in there) then run to blue flame.
Ending 4 - as in Ending 3, but this time ignore the blue flame. Just keep running.
Notes - gather all notes, there're 10 in game. I don't remember all of them at the moment, but few advices from me: It looks like there's RNG for finding notes so you can try opening drawers multiple times, there're like 5 notes in the hut itself.
In the hut you can find: Letter to SIster, Shaky Note, Shaky Note 2, Crumpled Note, Crumpled Note 2, Letter to Sister 2 (?)
Outside of hut: HELP (nearby spider cave), hidden path (nearby... hidden path), A Torn Page (one of caves on southern lake) and Piece of Paper which i have no idea where i've found.
naomi-lgbt Apr 14 @ 2:17pm 
Piece of Paper seems to be the pages you find in the first screen to the left of the cave that comes after falling through the cracks.