Radiant Silvergun

Radiant Silvergun

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Top Breeder Achievement Guide - Merry Dog Locations
By NubThrasher9
Contains the location of all hidden merry dogs in the game. Covers both arcade mode and story mode, which contain 11 dogs and 30 dogs, respectively.
The merry dogs are hidden bonuses located throughout the levels of Radiant Silvergun. They are invisible until you lock on to them with your lock-on missiles, which are mapped to the X button by default (Xbox controller layout). You will know you obtained them when you see a small dog appear on the screen, accompanied by a barking sound. There are 11 dogs in Arcade Mode, and 30 dogs in Story Mode. You can track your progress in the Stats menu, accessible from the main menu.

These can be obtained on any difficulty, so I'd recommend doing it on Very Easy just to get a feel for where they are.

Arcade Mode Dog Locations (11 dogs):
*Note that you will need a minimum of two playthroughs to get them all, as you have to choose between Stage 2 or 4 on each run.*

Stage 3A
1) Found at the bottom right of the screen, right at the beginning of the level.
Stage 3B
2) Found inside the circle of blue and red drones.
Stage 3C
3) Found near the middle of screen where the line of enemy ships first start appearing.
4) You will come upon a long rectangular obstacle with red turrets on the top and bottom, and 3 blue turrets on the left side. The dog is to the left of the blue turrets, near the edge of the screen.
5) Shortly after the previous dog, you will come across a stretch of red turrets. The dog is located where the turrets end, on the right.
Stage 3D
6) Lock on to the middle of the screen right before the boss appears.
Stage 2A
7) Near the bottom of the screen when the grid first appears on screen.
Stage 4A
8) Right on top of the square blue enemy that shoots blue drones.
9) When you see the large red tank enemy in the middle of the path, target the bottom left of the screen
10) After the block conveyor segment, immediately go to the right and lock-on. This one can be tricky if you aren't careful. The easiest way to do it is to die on purpose just before you are allowed to escape the conveyor maze area, then when you respawn, use the i-frames to fly through the blocks on the right and grab the dog before the camera pans away.
Stage 4B
11) You will come across a rotating fragmented circle with an electric X inside it. The dog is located at the center of the X.
Story Mode Dog Locations (30 dogs):
Stage 3A
1) Found at the bottom right of the screen, right at the beginning of the level.
Stage 3B
2) Found inside the circle of blue and red drones.
Stage 3C
3) Found near the middle of screen where the line of enemy ships first start appearing.
4) You will come upon a long rectangular obstacle with red turrets on the top and bottom, and 3 blue turrets on the left side. The dog is to the left of the blue turrets, near the edge of the screen.
5) Shortly after the previous dog, you will come across a stretch of red turrets. The dog is located where the turrets end, on the right.
Stage 3D
6) Lock on to the middle of the screen right before the boss appears.
Stage 3E
7) During the boss fight, target the far-right section of the boss, right around when the character finishes speaking. (This one can be a bit tricky in my experience)
Stage 2A
8) Near the bottom of the screen when the grid first appears on screen.
Stage 2B
9) Destroy the right side of the big group of drones and target the right side of the screen.
Stage 2C
10) Found in between the characters images, while they are talking
11) After exiting the electric cage thing you are in, the lines will twist around and form an "X". Target the center of the X.
Stage 2D
12) Target the middle of the screen just before the wheel shaped boss appears.
Stage 2E
13) The three dogs in this level are all found within about a ten second span, so you have to be quick. The first one is found in the leftmost yellow block, right after the section with the spinning turrets.
14) You will then see three red tank enemies. Take them out quickly and target the area where they were.
15) As the tank miniboss is appearing, target the lower left portion of it. This one is a bit tricky and doesn't seem to register every time.
Stage 4A
16) Right on top of the square blue enemy that shoots blue drones.
17) When you see the large red tank enemy in the middle of the path, target the bottom left of the screen
18) After the block conveyor segment, immediately go to the right and lock-on.
Stage 4B
19) In the middle of the first electric X you see.
20) Just after the previous dog, take the right path and lock on.
21) In the middle of the next electric X, inside the fragmented circle.
22) Inside the circle of red ships that appears following the series of horizontal electric barriers.
Stage 4C
23) After dodging the series of long missiles, a bunch of red and blue ships will appear and fire wide shots at you. Target the top left of the screen shortly after these ships appear.
24) When the blue enemies form a circle around the middle of the screen, target the center of the circle.
Stage 4D
25) Found at the top of the screen before the boss, Penta, appears.
Stage 4E
26) You will reach a section with red enemies going up the middle of some dark blocks, and some turrets on the left and right sides of these blocks. The first dog can be found in the middle of these dark blocks. You can quickly shoot the red enemies and run up the middle to grab it, or you might be able to snag it from the left or right side of the blocks if you are close enough.
27) When you get to the part where you have to shoot the red crab-like enemies and zoom through the gaps, target the far left side of the block behind you after the part where you zoom to the left.
28) When you first see the big red miniboss, quickly target the lower left area
Stage 5A
29) After the huge wave of drones, the background will start shifting. The dog is found near the top of the building that appears for a brief moment just before the boss fight begins.
Stage 6A
30) Target the top of the screen after defeating Xiga.
Kaleidio Nov 14, 2023 @ 5:13am 
I would like to see this guide updated with the score values please :)