Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed

40 ratings
Fixing short freezes during the game
By belyga37
Anyone who has played Steam and other versions knows that during the game you will always be haunted by small freezes that last 2-3 seconds. In this guide, I will tell you how to remove small friezes and play a smooth game and not fragments.
Subscribe to my discord server, it's fun! NO!
My Discord Server[]
Hey all! Our Discord server is embarking on a global overhaul. Based on numerous votes, we’ve identified areas for improvement and additions. The server will be undergoing updates over the next 1-2 weeks. We’ll notify you when the new server is open. Good night Good luck my dears!
What kind of error is this anyway?
Many of you think that the problem of freezing is related to the characteristics of their computers or think that the game is simply outdated. (Well, it’s 2007 and outdated, why then does Half-Life 1 still run smoothly on any computer) In any case, none of these problems are true and the problem is completely different. I probably won’t surprise you that Ubisoft themselves are to blame here.
Yes, it was Ubisoft that caused this problem back in 2010 or even earlier. And what do you think the whole reason was? ON THE SERVERS! Now I will tell you what happened. Ubisoft has decided to update the servers for Assassins Creed and some other games (whose names are probably no longer recognizable). At that time, Windows XP and Windows Vista or 7 were popular. So after a while, players began to complain about problems in the game and these were the same freezes and bugs.
Most of the errors were noticed on Windows Vista and 7. Ubisoft responded that they would fix the problem, but as you can see, they did not fix anything, and in the response they also wrote that the problem may be related to the provider and modem. Well, then Assassin Creed 2 came out and the first part became unnecessary.
Well, now let's start fixing this problem. I will say right away that it may not help you, but in most cases it helps, so just follow the instructions. I also forgot to add that some files and folders may be hidden and not shown. If you don’t have a file or folder, then this section tells you how to find them.
1 way to fix friezes
Step 1: Find the ect folder, it is located along the path C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc
Since we cannot access the Host file directly, we will have to use a MUCH MORE COMPLEX METHOD OF THE MOST COMPLEX METHODS
Remember these most difficult steps!
Step 2: Press Win + R simultaneously and enter c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and click Ok.
Since we cannot open a file in sys format, we open it using notepad
Ideally the file should look like this

# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# # source server
# # x client host

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
# ::1 localhost

Step 3: At the very end of the file, enter:
# Assasin's Creed Lag fix

Step 4: Save the changes and restart your computer.
For people who are unable to save changes to the host file:
If you are unable to save changes to the host file, then save it to any other location on your PC, for example, to your desktop. After that, open the saved host file as administrator and save it in the folder with the original host file. For example, if you opened the modified host file in Notepad, then save it through the file-save-as menu and specify the folder with the original host file.
If this method does not help you, write to Technical Support on our discord channel.
Now you can play Assassins Creed Directors Cut without minor freezes.
Have fun!!!

belyga37  [author] Apr 30 @ 5:40am 
Hey all! Our Discord server is embarking on a global overhaul. Based on numerous votes, we’ve identified areas for improvement and additions. The server will be undergoing updates over the next 1-2 weeks. We’ll notify you when the new server is open. Good night Good luck my dears!
Thanks man
|12.Iftr| Mus. Kitsune Jan 5 @ 9:06pm 
Thank you very much! It helped!
Tincan66 Jan 5 @ 7:04am 
belyga37  [author] Jan 3 @ 4:24pm 
Hi all! Our team is starting to work again. We will update the guide as soon as possible and even release a new one. We have also created a Technical Support channel in our Discord server! Therefore, if you have any problems with the manual, then write to Technical Support and not in the Steam comments. Thank you for your attention and all the best to you!
Daeva The Shadow Demon Jan 2 @ 4:26pm 
Ah okay, thanks a bunch :]
belyga37  [author] Jan 2 @ 4:24pm 
@Daeva The Shadow Demon Hello! Our team apologizes for the inconvenience caused. We didn't update the manual due to the New Year holidays, but now we're ready to get back to work. Our team will continue to work on January 4, 2023. If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask. Thanks for understanding!
Daeva The Shadow Demon Jan 2 @ 2:11pm 
I'm running to the problem that "you do not have permission to open this file" while trying to save changes. There's nothing on how to fix this in the guide so can you help me out here? I noticed someone else reported the same issue but there still hasn't been an update...
belyga37  [author] Dec 31, 2023 @ 4:01pm 
@ihlaserbeam Hello! Our team apologizes for the inconvenience caused. To solve this problem, you need to open the "host" file in administrator mode. Our team of editors will add to the guide to address this issue. If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask. Happy New Year!
Susanoo no Mikoto Dec 31, 2023 @ 12:36pm 
was trying to make it using your guide. But when im trying to save changes, massage says that i dont have right for changes in "hosts" file((( how can i fix that?