Plague Inc: Evolved

Plague Inc: Evolved

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Plague Inc - Call Peta
By V
Finding a way to complete this achievment was hard, this is an accumulation of forum advice I found around the internet, it helped significantly and I have been able to replicate this several times with this guide.
Set Up / Genetic Codes
This has to be done in Official Scenarios > Nipah Virus and I recommend using Casual as the difficulty doesn't matter for this acheivment.

Recommended Genes:
  • Metabolic Hijack - It's a long time to infect everyone.
  • Genetic Mimic - You will battle the cure later when trying to kill the dog.
  • Aquacyte - Greenland is the worst.
  • Extremophile - A nice bonus all around.
  • Translesion+ - Imperitive, you will do a lot of devolving.
First Message
To trigger the first message we are going to evolve the following:

Abilities - Hendra (5 pts)
Transmission - Horse 1 (9 pts)
Transmission - Horse 2 (14 pts)

Devolve any and all Symptoms that mutate, thanks to Translesion+ you only need 3 pts for this!

Wait until you get a banner message:
Infect The World
Pretty simple task but it's time consuming and you spend a lot of points devolving symptoms.

Continue to devolve all symptoms while evolving the following:

Transmissions - Dog Transmission 1 ( 19 pts)
Abilties - Drug Resistance 1 ( 12 pts)
Abilties - Gene Hardening 1 ( 9 pts)
Abilties - Cold Resistance 1 ( 11 pts)

When the entire world (full population) has been infected proceed to the next step.
Kill that Dog
Now that everything has been infected allow symptoms to start evolving, as soon as your virus is discovered evolve a lethal symptom or two to speed up dying.

Before you hit 75% cure you should end up killing the dog, if you do not then evolve all 3 Genetic Reshuffles when you hit 75% and devolve the horse transmissions, this should grant this message and the achievment:

i almost thought this achievement was legitimately impossible until i found this guide and unlocked it in like 10 minutes

10/10 would kill more dogs with this guide
Lucky Thirteen Jul 11, 2019 @ 7:14pm 
Got the achiev on the first try, after wasting quite some time following another guide. Thanks! :superb:
Shuyajin Apr 8, 2019 @ 11:30pm 
Did it with ease. STUPID DOG! :D
V  [author] Jun 10, 2016 @ 1:12pm 
I don't know what to tell you brother, it seems there is a certain amount of luck with anything in this game but I replicated this forumula a bunch of times to make sure my acheivement wasn't a fluke.
Giulio Neri Poasting HQ Jun 10, 2016 @ 12:05pm 
I killed everyone and still did not get the achievement. I followed the guide entirely. What happened

V  [author] Jun 8, 2016 @ 2:19pm 
Glad it worked for you! This one was a huge pain in the ass, lol
Kasei Suzaku Jun 8, 2016 @ 1:07pm 
I got it without any deadly symptoms but this helped immensely, Thanks! (i really have NO idea how i managed, i just looked away, looked back and it had the notice)
PONY_RIDER Jul 5, 2015 @ 1:30pm 
Thx a lot, worked good for me. Just make a few saves between each steps and retry from there if you miss. Try to avoid being too much lethal and that should do it ;)
Johanson69 Jan 4, 2015 @ 4:28pm 
Here's how I did it:

You only need Horse I to get the initial news headline (it is delayed by about two ingame weeks). Then I evolved all transmissions and Cold/ Drug Resistance I + II, Genetic Hardening I + II, and all the symptoms you get without the shifts. This got me the final popup, whereas evolving highly lethal symptoms overdid it the first time for me.
V  [author] Dec 30, 2014 @ 7:50pm 
Thanks! Glad I could help, these were annoying achievments, lol