CUCKOLD SIMULATOR: Life as a Beta Male Cuck

CUCKOLD SIMULATOR: Life as a Beta Male Cuck

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UPDATE 0.10 - Achievement Guide
By Wackky
This guide covers how to obtain the achievements that were added in Update 0.10. The achievements that were in this game prior to Update 0.10 have already been covered in other guides. Let me know if you are experiencing issues with any of the achievements.
Movin' n Groovin'
Obtained by dancing in the nightclub. There should be an option to do this when you step on the dance-floor. The nightclub is unlocked very early in the game via a paid membership.
You can achieve this by experiencing a save file corruption. There are multiple ways to do this. I got this instantly because the game tried to load my save from the prior update. You can purposefully try and break the game physics or just open your save file and delete some of the text so it won't work.

Your save file is located at: C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Team SNEED\CuckoldSimulator. Back it up before editing it if you don't want to lose it.
There is a gender neutral bathroom in the Globocorp office on the right-hand side. Enter it and stay in there for about 15 minutes. The FBI Agent will then appear and you will be "terminated" from your job.
The Pact
Part of Wayne/The Dong's quests (Wayne is the guy in the blue tent next to your house - you will get a letter in your mailbox stating that the blue tent has appeared after you progress the game for a bit).

Wayne will eventually ask you for some batteries. Go to the strip club and throw money at the Anime Girl on the big stage until The Dong invites you to his room. Interact with The Dong and complete the dialogue sequence to make The Pact with The Dong and unlock the achievement.
Eyes in the Sky
Once you have fixed and used Wayne's teleporter, there should be a grounded drone on fire that spawns behind Wayne's tent. There is a quest with Wayne to repair this drone that results in this achievement being unlocked.

Once you have interacted with the drone, go and speak with Wayne. Wayne will come up and have a look at the drone, before taking it back to his bunker. Go back down to the bunker to speak with Wayne again, and this time he will instruct you to repair the drone. Make sure you pick the drone up before you leave. To repair the drone, you will need:
  • 1 Broken Drone
  • 1 Box of Screws
  • 3 Metal Ingots
  • 10 Filament
  • 10 Black Die
  • 1 Circuit Board
The broken drone can be picked up after Wayne gives you the repair quest. The box of screws, metal ingots, filament and black die can all be purchased at the Hardware Shop in Chinatown. The circuit board can be found in a dumpster near the Pharmacy in Chinatown per the below:
Once you have acquired all the materials, take them back to the crafting bench in Wayne's bunker and use your crafting menu to repair the drone. Talk with Wayne to let him know you've fixed it and he will instruct you to fly it outside. Go outside, equip the drone and fly it around to get the achievement.

The drone is controlled by using WASD to move forward/backwards/left/right, IJKL to ascend/descend and turn left/right, Q and E to turn the drone on it's side, and U and O to do a barrel roll.

You can't pick the drone back up after you've equipped/used it. To get it back in your inventory you will need to exit and re-open the game.

Credit to Minty for figuring out how to unlock this achievement.
Night Duty
Continuing Wayne's quests will result in a teleporter being built. Use the teleporter at night to teleport into the office and then do some work in your wage cage.
The coordinates I used for the teleporter were X: 25, Y: -407, Z:-6
Never Forget
Use Wayne's teleporter to teleport to The GloboCorp Boss's office during the night. The coordinates are X: 18, Y: -1902, Z: -9. Speak with The Boss to initiate a short dialogue sequence and cutscene. You will unlock the achievement once this ends.

Credit to sandrokes for figuring out how to unlock this achievement.
Beer Exploit
Head to the bar in Chinatown. Speak with Mr Chung at the bar and buy a beer from him. Keep purchasing beer. When you request your 19th beer, Mr Chung's dialogue will change and he will say that you are testing his patience and to go do something else. Ignore him and keep purchasing more beers.

After you have 36 beers in your inventory and you attempt to buy your 37th beer, Mr Chung will actually refuse to give you anymore beer due to your (((behaviour))). When this happens, open your inventory and drop (don't drink) all the beers you have received. The easiest way to do this is to click the first beer in your inventory and then keep pressing the "Drop" button on the right.

With all the beers dropped, they should now be floating above the ground. Go back to Mr Chung and repeat the beer purchasing process until you are again refused anymore beer after receiving your 36th bottle. With the new group of 36 beer bottles in your inventory, go back to where you dropped the original 36 beer bottles and pick them all up. With the combined group of beer bottles in your inventory, go back to Mr Chung to request more beer. He will criticise you for taking advantage of his bad code and the achievement should pop after the dialogue ends.

Credit to Minty for figuring out how to unlock this achievement.
Use Wayne's teleporter to travel to Tyrone's Jail Cell (X: 273, Y: -1, Z: -38). Interact with Tyrone and he will accuse you of being a demon. The achievement should unlock once the dialogue sequence is complete.

Credit to Nimm for figuring out how to unlock this achievement.
No Call No Show
Use Wayne's teleporter to travel to a different location for the day instead of the Globocorp office. Head back to the office and The Globocorp Boss should stand in the doorway and block your path. If he's not there then try skipping more days. Speak with The Boss to initiate a short dialogue sequence where he will also quantify the amount of work hours you have skipped - the achievement will unlock once this finishes.
The Great Escape
After you have set up and used Wayne's teleporter, edit the money value in your save file so that you have enough money to bail out Tyrone at the police station (Open the save file, Ctrl+F for the phrase "key" : "Money" - Quotations included - and edit the "Value" amount two lines above this phrase). Go to the police station and bail out Tyrone, which will end up with you getting put in a jail cell.

After a minute in the jail cell, a green portal will spawn on the wall that is only visible if you have the purple Diacyanin Googles equipped. Enter the portal and you will end back in Wayne's bunker, where Wayne will explain that he bailed you out. Return to the police station and speak with the police officer at the desk to unlock the achievement.

Credit to Minty for figuring out how to unlock this achievement.
Strange Device
There is a smoke alarm in the room next to your bedroom that makes an intermittent beeping noise. Jump up and interact with it and the achievement should unlock.

Funky Pop Connoisseur
Collect all 15 Funky Pops. There is already a guide that has all Funky Pop locations.

ing_bonaparte 11 hours ago 
any ideas how to get new bunch of achievements?
Xp.Rp May 8 @ 7:01pm 
having trouble editing my files in general need some help
Brian Moser Mar 17 @ 2:49am 
Bro I have been trying for hours. How do I edit my save file?
Ruddy man Mar 1 @ 6:30pm 
Best to get the funko's after beating the game? I don't want to break my save thus far.:GlobocorpBoss::GlobocorpBoss:
haha (hehe) Feb 6 @ 11:46am 
ing_bonaparte Nov 17, 2023 @ 2:24am 
finally at last i can grind in peace those i didn't figured out yet
Wackky  [author] Oct 27, 2023 @ 10:46pm 
Cheers Doge and thanks for the Funky Pop Guide :TyroneJr:
Doge War Criminal Oct 26, 2023 @ 2:05pm 
Great guide! :sunglassesDoge:
Wackky  [author] Oct 26, 2023 @ 4:00am 
:soyface: ACHIEVEMENT GUIDE COMPLETE!! :soyface:

There has been a patch released today that fixes Funky Pop Connoisseur and No Call No Show. These sections have been updated appropriately.

For Funky Pop Connoisseur, my save file already had the 15 Funky Pops and I got the achievement as soon as I loaded into the game.

For No Call No Show, you need to skip a day of work and then go to the office and speak with The Globocorp Boss. The game tracks how many days you've been skipping so if you've already skipped a day or more previously in the same save, you should be right to go straight to the office and initiate the dialogue sequence to get the achievement.

Let me know if there's any further issues with these achievements or anything else in the guide.
Wackky  [author] Oct 26, 2023 @ 3:51am 
Thanks sandrokes!

Regarding Never Forget, I had been trying to teleport to The Globocorp Boss's office but per your comment it's clear that the coordinates are a lot different to where they logically should be in comparison to the office location, which obviously explains why I was having issues. :GlobocorpBoss:

Regarding the Polychromatic Funky Pop, I must have picked it up whilst testing out the achievements. I didn't realise it wasn't part of the other guides. I've updated that section now to include the coordinates - thanks Minty!