Thief Simulator 2

Thief Simulator 2

74 ratings
Thief Simulator 2. Achievement guide
Welcome to the achievement guide to Thief Simulator 2. This guide is a work in progress and will be updated regularly. If you have the locations or updated information about anything in this guide comment it below.
Skill/Level/Mission/Other Achievements
First heist
Complete the first heist

Get to Level 25

So special
Learn 8 special skills - These are the skills in pink

Errand boy
Complete 25 missions

Free man
Complete the story mode

Travel 15km - The easiest way to get this is just by driving around or running around. By the time the story is finished this will be done

Suspicious van
Find the kidnapper's van - To unlock this achievement find a van that is randomly at parking spots, once you open the back of the van there might be a note, once you read it the achievement unlocks. If you cannot find the note just keep opening every van you find.

Hardcore thief
Complete the story on hardcore mode

Thief Contract
Complete 10 contracts - Contracts can be located on the computer by opening the app called thief contract. Simply finish 10 to achieve this

Thief discoverer
Discover 200 stealable items

Get so drunk you can't drink any more - This is done in the hideout. In the kitchen a bottle of beer can be found and drunk by pressing the interaction button. This achievement will unlock when it says you cant drink anymore

A month
Pass 30 in-game days - To easily complete this achievement find a parking space and sleep till the next day 30 times.

Treasure hunter
Dig 15 holes - Keep restarting the first heist over and over again after going through the piles until this unlocks

Brutal thief
Knock out 30 people (baton / sleeping gas / tranquilizer) - Easiest to do with the tranq gun and going back and forth to the hideout for ammo
Residential Area Achievements
Madison St.
Complete all residences in Madison Street - Make sure all residences have a tick next to them in the notes tab of the inventory

Hillville St.
Complete all residences in Hillville Street - Make sure all residences have a tick next to them in the notes tab of the inventory

Quick work
Complete payphone missions in Madison St. This payphone is located near the atm. Pickup the phone and a mission with a time limit will be given for you to finish. After each mission go back to the payphone and do another until all are complete

Quick, hard work
Complete payphone missions in Hillville St. This payphone is located by the store. Pickup the phone and a mission with a time limit will be given for you to finish. After each mission go back to the payphone and do another until all are complete.

Stealing/Lockpicking Achievements
Mr. Lockpick
Open 150 locks

I like stealing
Steal 250 items

Half a thousand
Steal 500 items

Steal 25 big items

My poor trunk
Steal 75 big items

Long hand
Pickpocket 25 people

Dude, get sober
Steal an item while drunk

Car dealer
Steal all cars / vehicles

  • Car 1 Forklift in Heist 1
  • Car 2 Go Kart in Heist 2
  • Car 3
  • Car 4
  • Car 5

Open 10 parcel lockers
Parcel Codes
  • 1. This parcel code can be found inside the prison cell. Code: 42318
  • 2. This parcel code can be found by the entrance of 110. Code: 24252
  • 3. This parcel code can be found inside the kitchen of house 106. Code: 77611
  • 4. This parcel code can be found during the first heist. Code: 99517
  • 5. This parcel code can be found inside house 201 inside the closet where you get the watch.Code: 69999
  • 6. This parcel code can be found at the park between 201 and 202. Code: 68611
  • 7. This parcel code can be found inside the security booth close to house 207. Code: 53453
  • 8. This parcel code can be found - Unknown
  • 9. This parcel code can be found Unknown
  • 10. This parcel code can be found - Unknown
DarkBank Achievements
Thief apprentice
10k$ balance in DarkBank - Deposit 10k$ into DarkBank on the computer inside the hideout

Good thief
25k$ balance in DarkBank - Deposit 25k$ into DarkBank on the computer inside the hideout

Master thief
Deposit 50k$ in DarkBank - Deposit 50k$ into DarkBank on the computer inside the hideout

Top 1%
100k$ balance in DarkBank - Deposit 100k$ into DarkBank on the computer inside the hideout

Money maker
Make a total of 175k$
StolenRewards/BlackBay Achievements
Get all rewards on StolenRewards - his can be found on the computer. Just do all the requirements

Complete 20 lists on Blackbay

Blackbay Master
Complete 50 lists on Blackbay
Police/Jail Achievements
Get caught by the police

Escape cops
Escape from cops without leaving the location - Can be done in the second house your visit in the story. Simply just get the cops called and hide in the large bin behind the house

Go to jail - Get caught by the police and pay the bail.

Prison break
Escape jail - Escape the jail

Police down
Take out a policeman / policewoman - you need to takeout one of the police that come when you get spotted in a house/location. (Use a crowbar or baton)

Escape a 3 star police chase - Get 3 stars and just leave the neighborhood.

Buying/Selling Achievements
Who am I?
Buy the ski mask - Costs $2000 from steal gear. Its unlocked to be bought from the start

Shh, time to sleep
Buy the tranquilizer gun - Requires the specialization skill level 3 to unlock in steal gear.

Need for speed
Buy the Shadowhawk GT - Bought from the car dealership after you get further in the story.

So hot it burns
Sell a hot item - Hot items are items that Crazy Joe is after. The item he wants can be found at the entrance and will sell for 3x the original price. Find this item while looting a house and take it to joe to sell and you should unlock this achievement.
House/Rent Achievements
House Flipper
Fix your house - Buy the floor repair upgrade on the computer app called

Art collector
Fill all places with paintings in your hideout - Place paintings where they display this icon

  • Painting placement 1

  • Painting placement 2

  • Painting placement 3

  • Painting placement 4

    Pay rent
    Pay rent like a normal citizen would - This is done automatically every in game week

    Garage owner
    Buy a garage - The garage can be found at the hideout and costs 8k to buy. Once it has been bought this achievement will complete
Secret / Hidden Achievements
Clever eye
Find 10 hidden items - Unsure about locations at the moment. If any are found post the locations in the comments and i will update the guide

  • Location 1. Located inside the pawnshop on Madison street by some boxes to the left as you enter

    Credit to Kaffe for the image

  • Location 2. - Can be found during the prison break heist underneath the stairs to the right side. (Opposite staircase to the photograph)

  • Location 3. - Located by the bus stop near house 113.

  • Location 4. - Located next to a fence inside the playground on the hill near 104

  • Location 5. - Located next to a stone wall by the fountain at 103

  • Location 6. - Located on the side of a fountain behind 207 in Hillville street

  • Location 7. - Located by the parcel lockers in Hillville street

  • Location 8. - Located by a bench at the side of the house 201

  • Location 9. - Located by the fountain near 206

  • Location 10. - Located inside 206's backyard by the statue

Collect all 5 easter eggs
Find all photos from Thief Simulator 1 - Unsure about 2 locations at the moment. If any are found post the locations in the comments and i will update the guide

  • Location 1. Inside the hideout next to the hacking laptop.

  • Location 2. On a cardboard box when leaving the jail cell to the right near a camera

    Location 3. - This photo can be found in house 107 inside a cabinet/display case

    Location 4. - This photo can be found during the 3rd heist on a chair behind the counter.

    Location 5. - This photo can be found inside house 202 in the bedroom cabinets.

TheBeowolf»EC« May 11 @ 1:50pm 
art collector works fine. you need the big pictures that you carry in your truck. take 4 of them and just move close to the markers
Aivellon May 9 @ 2:18pm 
art collector dont work
cactussy Apr 27 @ 1:17pm 
i got "GTA" on accident in jail. a cop saw me walking around downstairs and i instantly got 3 stars. i quickly ducked into a cell and shut the door and he walked up, looked at me, and instantly fucked off and i got it
Repitect Mar 7 @ 9:25am 
Can you upload a save file for "Hardcore Thief" achievement? Story is too long and I don't want to play another run but that's the only achievement I didn't get :(
ProfessorAnthrax Jan 24 @ 5:44pm 

PREPARE: (save first)
Go to 112. Note the camera and the dumpster. Park on the sidewalk/road to the right of the house, facing the left side of the house (the direction from which the cop will come). Open the passenger-side car door for faster access to the wheel.

Run into the camera and trigger the cops. Run to the car door and wait for cop to appear from the left side of the house. When the cop gets out of his car and comes toward you, get in the car and run him over (3 stars). Immediately jump out of the car and hide in the dumpster until it's over.

I got shot by the cop that i ran over and almost immediately after the achievement triggered, i bled out. If you're having trouble with this, there might be enough time to use the med-kit before you jump out of the car (if it's instant-use. I've actually never used it).
BirdAndADuck Jan 7 @ 5:10am 
Whenever I go to Madison street or hillville while drunk it disappears once I get there any other ways of doing the “dude get sober” achievement?
SpecterHoosk Dec 3, 2023 @ 12:19pm 
what I wanna know is, if i activate hard mode mid game, will i get the achivement?
YeastyChain Nov 9, 2023 @ 11:38pm 
Achievement Courier: "Open 5 Parcel Lockers" not 10.
Alpaka-San Oct 30, 2023 @ 3:23pm 
Is any achievement missable?
Nieko Oct 23, 2023 @ 3:46pm 
i think the hidden items achievement can be missed... I thought i grabbed the police breakout hidden item but My stats show 9 hidden items and I just did all the other ones so i think i missed it