Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

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Mod-List (+Descriptions)
By Hammer96
What Workshop should have, list+descrip view (instead clicking through every one).

Below organised Mods list, may reduce time to find. Highly subjective so may want to rearrange or make own guide. (using Material Displayed Below)

Mod-Launcher QuickPic

If you have many mods as I do, some general tips. main ones remember:

1. First the obvious, don't have too many mods that causes to crash/cause difficulties with other mods. even though they may be deactivated, the game still treats them as if they are still running in background/inflicting with other mods. this is issue related to code/can never truly know when piece of code in mod cause infliction with other mods, even when turned off.

2. Make sure to 'backup' your mods folder, This is big mistake I did, when I had mods list super-organised, then my game reverted so lost all mod-organisation and added list of mods that weren't supposed to be there. went back in time. (to old file date). just make a new folder and copy mods into new folder and label 'v2 mod backup' or what you prefer.

3. Have an idea in your head which mods prefer and organise these to top of mods-folder, Idea with this is that you can glance and don't have to click on each page. So eyeball it and add mods you need. The idea of my list. Really would be helpful if this was feature. Specialized V2 Workshop, since v2 is one of game that has so many mods in workshop. A Basic description for each one. as critical as possible to mod (so written in nutshell), similar to CV where want the most evident facts to prop out in mili-second.

4. Make time, general tip. find many things getting in way and honestly if don't free up time, it will drain your sanity. If have to use overnight to do something then do this. at least then get something done over thing stagnating over back all the time. I don't care if have to stay-up all-night and into day to do it. Life is annoying this way, but do we must.

Mods required to make game function properly:

1. Vermintide Mod Framework (VMF)
2. PenLight Lua Libraries
3. Simple-UI
4. Penlight Lua Libraries - list of mods for coding mods. Also Dependency for many other Mods.
5. Vermintide Mod-Framework (Dependency for many mods).
6. Simple UI - What UI-Tweaks Relies on to Work. Enables Window/Widget Production.
7. More Items Library (Dependency for Give+Save Weapon/Give All Hats, no effect on its own).
8. Give-Weapon (Dependency for Give-Weapon Supplement and Save-Weapon Give-Weapon Supplement)


BASE-MODS - Most-Essential/Dependency mods
1. Vermintide Mod-Framework (Dependency for many mods)
2. Cata 3 & Deathwish (Cata 3 and Deathwish)
3. PenLight-Lua-Libraries (Dependency)
4. Simple-UI (Dependency Mod, UI-Tweaks to work)
5. UI-Tweaks (Optimize Visuals/User-Interface, personal)
6. Numeric-UI (Health-Info, UI-Tweaks Info-Mod)
7. Skip Cutscenes (Skips Scenes beginning Map, set Auto)
8. Skip Intro (Skips Intro of the Game)

Further Essential Mods:
9. Open Inventory (Opens Inventory In game, Super Helpful Mod)
10. No-Wobble (Camera Movement)
11. Helpers (Bunch of Utilities)
12. KillBots (Part of Helpers)
13. True Solo QoL Tweaks (True Solo Mode)
14. Neuter ULT Effects (Useful Mod, Engineers Crank-Gun, Useful Extra)
15. Torney Balance Testing - Base mod in general

Key-Mods List useful if Disabled-Mods during tornament (+have to reactivate after tornament), or other reasons like if game spontaneously resets itself. Usually helps having a few in mind. Usually have at top of mod list so recheck in a flash. if don't have many anyway then not a problem. backing up files means save where mods display in library.

Some of them would fit into subjective/semi dependency because can't go without mods.

140/175 InGame Mods Ranked (Subjectve to personal opinion/taste)

1. Vermintide Mod-Framework - Enables you to get rid of bunch of 'Error-Text' in chat-box, key top dependency mods. (key Dependency Mod)
2. Tourney-Balance-Testing - Main Balance-Mod, Tourney-Balance. You will need this (if Mod-Instability, check this is activated, amazing how dumb can be sometimes :p, not by usefulness but by requirement).
3. Core's Big Rebalance - Changes Made from Core, Interesting Changes, Engi Minigun Scrap-Collector INCREDIBLE. (however general Use, not much used, only as fun mode on the side)
4. Class-Balance- Another Balance-Mod (Iceolator's Mod)
5. THP and Stagger Talents Rebalance - Balance Mod for Lvl 5 Talents.
6. CF_chaoswastes_rebalance - Chaos Wastes Rebalance Mod. by Athor '><#name>'.
7. LiveRemastered - Best Bits/bobs of Vermintide 2 & Best of all Balance Mods. Qol/Frankenstein Balance Mod. Qol mod changes, weapons/talents/passives. maxfun. Wallcroft/Lonk from Pennsylvania/Pigeons.
8. Vermintide Analytics - Analyse Vermintide 2 Gameplay. Bunch of Stats, After Game. IN-Depth Report.
9. DPS-Metre - Displays Level of Damage, Based Competence/Ability.
10. Weapon Kill-Counter - Tracks 'Number/Quantity of Kills' on Weapons, tells you in your 'Inventory'.
11. ChargeUI - Helps Bardin with Timing Heavy Attacks on Dual-Hammers for Maximum Efficiency. Flem Showed me long-time back/ago. (Fracticality)
12. Show-Damage (2) - Shows Damage Numbers, and Prints them in chatbox ('Chat-Output Print Feature'). Displays Damage Numbers in different Colours, for different damage-types (headshot/crit (crit-bodyshot)/crit-headshot), and damage iconsss. Also Made by Author 'Grasmann'. Live-Time.
13. Damage-Numbers (1) - Shows your Damage Numbers in-Game, not only that but shows Teammate Dmg as well! SUPER useful, check dmg output breakpoints ranged, melee swing damage, minigun, any/all dmg. Also Enables you to Travel back to teammates, Flight Mod (if Outline too small). Since MInigun is ALSO a ranged weapon, Applies to that Too. SUPER useful. (Author Orange-Chris)
14. Show reload time - Shows Time between Reloads/when Reload a weapon, perhaps for Cranks (5-Reloads). (Floating-Time, genius idea). also niche mod so makes even better. Persivan. A.
15. HealthBars (2) - Displays Enemies Health, in the Form of a Health-Bar.
16. BossKillTimer - Useful for Boss-Damage Effectiveness, Ofc the Less Time Takes to Die the Better. Damage Effectiveness by time, not Damage by Damage-Numbers, NonZeroGeoDuck7
17. Neuter ULT effects - Personal Fav-of-mine, Comes from Party-Knife, Reduces Visuals/Audio Effects. (some would still caution though, like things which meant to be in the game/considered cheat). Was last place, but then I noticed, MUTE CRANK-GUN SOUND and MUTE-BURNT-HANDS CRANK-RELOAD. Bounced to Number 1 Position (Engi/General Purpose Utility). Is this reasonable? Silenced-Minigun Mode.
18. Remove Crankgun Blur - A New Mod made by Wallcroft to remove heat distortion from outcast engineers crankgun. (Wallcroft)
19. Slot System Debugger - One Suggested by Ortega in ONS tornament. Shows you how Enemies work, Turn based strat/Conveyor belt aspects to gameplay. Default Unit Positions/and in back row (Raindish), a Very Useful Tool. What colours mean? and numbers? Does Conflict with other mods, Hitbox Debug and Level Debug, when one or other or BOTH is active during gameplay.
20. Special Sound Cues Fix - Fixes Specials Sounds Decibel Levels (Uganda)
21. Hitbox Debugger - Mod that Shows Hitbox, Idk know much about thismod yet, but maybe ortega will be willing to fill me in here.
22. Loadout-Manager - Enables you to save Setups, This one I used extremely late, but it was only when had to keep remaking same setup, that realized how useful it was. enables you to go to and from modded. while saving your setup, which cause inconsistencies in terms of what you actually need. no hassle/no time waste. just click on loadup and good to go. extremely useful for tourney balance/Modded Training. Saved me so much time. Honestly what was I doing for so long, after time you will understand need to use load-out manager. when switching to/from modded/trying new things that depletes default build.
23. Open-Inventory - Opens Inventory In-Game, enable IN-game Changes, one of best Mods ever used. and all came from a Friend of Flem's, Janoti's.
24. UI-Tweaks - Enabling some UBER personalized User Interface (Personal Preference/Style, Differing, Requires daily practice to understand parameteres). Save Presets.
25. Numeric-UI - UI-Tweaks Expansion, HUD-Information MOD, Enables you to Add UI-Tweaks Added Extras, Useful HP/THP Info, a Must. Basic Information.
26. Clock-Time - UI-Thing - Display Time in-Game without having to Tab-Out, why not (Uganda).
27. Crit Chance - Displays your current Crit-Chance for Hero (overall Crit-Chance), useful for SS-Engi Build relies on Crits + Hunter proc + Scrounger (all crit-talents, CfromAbove), no idea how to use. so Thanksss.
28. DwOns QoL - Dwons Quality-of-Life, Enables you to Spawn Dwons Instantly, Raindish. /dwons command to toggle both at once, easy toggle. (belongs below category as well)
29. Helpers - Very Useful Mod, Collection/Host of Useful Mods.
30. Restart-Level (Map Insta-Teleport)- Good for Multiplayer/True-Solo's. Is also a mod, that auto-restarts (according to a Flem). Put this just below Restart-Level, WHY?? why have I done this, Because... you can use it to spawn in any map you want. Insta-Teleport (not Even Portal-Teleport), this Mod IS your Portal/Teleport. Why it is super high on my list of Mods. Would actually go potentially Highest of list. Just use toggle command, /Load Bell, and /Load Fow. Ok Loads in Recruit-Difficulty. But it Loads-Map on the Spot. This is why I think if was turned into mod, Super-OP. (Team-Map-Teleport). Because of partial-functionality, super high ranked. and super useful because saves so much time/fathing about. Straight into game, no portal required. The way it SHOULD BE...
31. Killbots - Easy, Kills the Bots. Adds 'Hotkey' Toggle/Function to do this.
32. Pause - Enables one to Pause. when AFK. be careful with pausing and coinciding actions like someone joining (Requires Unpause).
33. Suicide - Die, Enables you to type toggle command, /die, Kills Hero Instantly. (Similar to /kill bots, in an instant, click of the finger, also by Raindish)
34. Spawn-Tweaks - Disable All-Spawns, SUPER USEFUL (when want peace of mind). Auto-Restart on Defeat, Disable Map-Items/Pickups, Infinite items (bombs/strenghts etc), still lot don't understand, threat level etc, and intensity. needs work to fully understand meaning of these things.
35. True-Solo Qol Tweaks - Unsure, need to test in game. Auto-Kill Bots Feature, Despawned, completely out of game, not even needing being ressed, itself changes the game/amount of spawns. Disable 'Fog', Disable 'Sun-Shadows', Visualize Boss-Triggers, Super USEFUL. warning Text, if assasin, or if Hook/Packmaster looming on the map. 'Disable Restart-on-Death'. highlights BOSS-TRIGGERS.
36. Modded Realm Progression - Adds Deathwish & Onslaught Banners to Modded-Realm Legend Maps (unsure if applies above legend as well, additional modded challenges apparently, works 'Dwons QoL mod')
37. Seeded Mode - Deterministic Aspects of gameplay, alter. not the Enemy AI. Basically this is what was saying to Kaizaki. about chaos warriors ambience. that RNG either spawn or they don't, so be fair to change.
38. No ULT Cooldown (Patch 2.2.2) - Infinite Ult, Fantastic Engi-Mod. (if spawned infinite enemies and Tracked each down). or use helpers but up to you.
39. More-Corpses - Increases-Performance, less-corpse. inbuilt-now.
40. ScoreboardPlus - More Information on Scoreboard. may crop.

41. ScoreBoard Tweaks - Similar to Plus, More Information Scoreboard. Add Friendly-Fire and Damage-Taken to Score-Board (can cause instabilities/crashes Beleive/mod-conflict).
42. No-Wobble - No Wobble. No Annoying Camera Vibrations. can also do this in setting as well. (Setting's Thing)
43. Print-Movement Speed - Prints Movement Speed (BASIC).
44. Flitzer-Mod - Prints Movement Speed + Extra Parameters (Advanced, very very good, more control, more apparatus/parametres).
45. Crosshair Customization - Enables one to set colours of different parameters, Hit-Markers, Crit-Markers, Headshot Markers, Crit-Headshot Markers. Reticule Marker Size (Pro Engi), Prop-Joe.
46. Crosshair Kill Confirmation - Barely Used Mod, Could be useful. haven't visited :/
47. Custom-Crosshairs - Be Creative with crosshairs, have reticules Similar to Counter-Strike.
48. Item-Spawner - Spawn different items in game, such as barrels, ammo-boxes, Dummies for Training. (+more)
49. Creature-Spawner - Spawns Different Enemies, Easy.
50. Assassin Behaviour Fix - Fix Assassin's Behaviours, Instant-Teleport Player-Jump after Teleport.
51. Enemy Teleport Fix (Anti Fatshark Cheat Mechanic) - Fix for Auto-Teleporting Enemies, that really shouldn't Teleport/cheat-teleport.
52. Ready Up! - Portal-Map-Teleport, Enables Host to SKIP COUNTDOWN upon entering a Map/Without Bridge-of-Shadows/akaPortal, Literally Map-Teleport/Tele on Spot. HUGEEE. You ARE the portal (Fracticality)
53. Special Powder - Use-Shogtun, Adjust amount of power from Special Powder, any value. Flight-Mod Addition, Reverse Shoot Knockback Flight/Double-Trouble Mode, Kai Knows Crossout. (//Craven)
54. MovementHelper - What is Required for Special Powder to Work Optimally/Functionally. (Also //Craven).
55. Aussiemons Free-Flight Mod - Another Flight Mod that might not have annoying issues other Flight Mods have.
56. Teleport and Free-Flight (Doesn't-work), Subjectively-Obselete, 4 param, Teleport to Designated Location, Similar to VRheadset where ping to set location, also enables to ping to portal, to save time. Petergriff
57. TeleportVT2(works) - Teleport to locations, bind hotkey to position of your crosshair/reticule and Teleport. Try it. //Craven,
58. Flight - Allows you to Fly. Obstacle-Collision Death, Infinite Fly Oblivion (fly way outside map), however more consistent beleive.
59. FYF - Got to be on ground at time, when in pre-loading area. (1st Person Cam, good for taking map-screenshots, no obstacle collision). good idea to have both. in the case of ToT that can bug flightmods.
60. Armory - Adds Input-Hotkey & Armory, to Select Armory, Check Cleave/Dodge Distance etc (Super Useful)
61. Bestiary - Adds Input-Hotkey & Armory, to Select Bestiary, Check Compendium to View Enemy Stats (Also Extremely Useful, Stagger Resist/Mass etc).
62. Vermitannica Beta - Updates Armory/Bestiary Mod with Background-Lore, interesting :?? Does this still work?
63. Skip Intro - Skips Intro of Vermintide 2, cool first few times, after that gets plain annoying/takes up your time.
64. Skip-Cutscenes - Hit Space-Bar, to Skip Beginning Map Intro. (you can set to manual/automatic), go auto.
65. Skip-Cutscenes Please- Does Same thing, more Sanctionable. Hit-Space bar Skip a Cutscene/Intro.
66. Foot Knight Armor for Grail Knight - Equips Grail Knight, with Foot-Knight's Armor Set, Shiny Silver. Themurloc.
67. Lightsaber skin for Bastard Sword - Spawns a Real Lightsaber for FK (Cause I CAN...), All party members need mod so they can see it too.
68. Hat-Control - Makes more Hats and Frames Mod, more customizable/adjustable to get right. Hat-Quality control Mod/Panel.
69. More Skins (Fashiontide 3) - More Fashion 3, Add Skins from Chaos-Wastes, Adds Chaos Wastes Skin Apparently (Fashiontide 4). firm beleiver should unlock them own anyway but ah well (Iceolator).
70. Give All Hats&Paintings (Fashiontide2) - More Fashion 2 (Prop-Joe)
71. More Hats (Fashiontide1) - More Fashion 1 (Aussieman)
72. Extra-Emotes - Got to about 80% Complete and then stopped, Mod is to re-implement these unfinished emotes. Author SkacikPL.
73. Colorful Unique Weapons - Unique Weapons, Enables one to Make Weapons RGB. Few Bugs with this however, Sometimes one weapon doesn't 'RGB/light up', you can change value but '1' and it will 'Auto-Update' weapon to Re-apply the RGB colour, applies both slots individually. Upon Re-Entering Game Tends to be Left-Weapon that is screwed/not working, re-update to show.
74. No Glow on Unique Weapons - Remove Glow from weapon. I believe this is on Teammate-Players Weapons (glow bright). Unsure/Undetermined.
75. More-Loading Screens - Not Necessary But again makes game feel more fun/less boring/more engaging, adds to experience overall Playing Vermintide 2.
76. Inspect Anims - Auto-Mod, Only Visible to you if have it, Visible to whole party if everyone installs/downloads/subs it. Look like Badass, Flair-Masters, Author SkacikPL.
77. Moveable Mission Timer - Means can have Timer Anywhere want, than in bottom right corner, that might conflict/distract you. A Fancier Mission-Timer.
78. Mission-Timer - Enables Mission-Timer to spawn on screen, tells you how long Mission has gone on for/Time-Tracker.
79. No-Beastmen - So start map with no beastmen, Removes Beastmen All Maps apart from Dark-Omens.
80. Beastmen-Loader - Haven't a clue, I beleive enables Onslaught Plus to Function Properly. But Really don't have a clue/know.
81. Options Menu Improvements - Make things more coherent/readable, Adds extra Graphical settings, like potato setting/ride the tide etc (this tbh is minor mod imo, but still has use).  seems mehhh to me.
82. Player Outline Improvements - Very Useful, can change Outlines colours to what you need/want. Something that is of course not green, that cannot see warpfire amongst being warpfired. red is a good threat colour, signifies danger element.
83. Player Outline Toggle and Recolouring - Recolour Player-Outlines, Another Outline Mod.
84. Social Wheel Improvements - Be able to use custom input commands, to type what you want in custom social wheel message. also delete commands.
85. Chat Wheel - This is what I've been wanting this whole time. to type custom commands and spawn them in chat (without need to type in chat), or if AFK VC. (NonZeroGeoDuck7)
86. Chat Visibility Control - Tab-out, Move and Chat at the same time, with scroll wheel (apparently similar to V1). Vermintide 1 Feature. Carrying over to V2.
87. Invite From Chat - More minory Mod, but you can invite people straight from chat window if know the name. e.g. /Invite username.
88. Hero Properties - Print your Hero's properties in chat, Use command /hero_properties, use F4 to customize which ones/properties to display/show - YOLOUYPSKA/OYHTA
89. Chat-Block (2) - Allows you to Block when you Hit Enter, good AFK Mod (Essential if can implement). AFK Mod. Grassmann
90. Spicy Onslaught - Cores Mod, Description.. Die.. Love it. Epic in of itself.
91. Dutch Spice - Core's Mod, Spicy Dutch.
92. Dutch Spice Tourney Version - Core's Mod, Spicy Dutch (Dutch Spice), Optimized for Tourney-Balance.
93. Bot-Improvements - Impulse Control (Squatting Bear), If this do that. (do things set order, make bot exceptions)
94.Bot-Improvements - Combat - Not much bot person, dont know lot about bots myself, however some people find this very useful for optimizing their Bots. Author Grimalackt.
95. Bit of Bots Improvement - adds a bunch of useful stuff to bots, makes bots ACTUALLY protect the player.. bots also Ping Enemies by themselves, potentially useful.

96. InvincibleBots - Enabled Bots take Damage, if Disabled in Mod-Option Menu/F4, The Bots will take damage.
97. Different Bots - Adds more Bot Changes, host of changes to bots (IIIIIIIII + VernonKun)
98. Sticky Bots - Change the Distance at which Bots Teleport to you, Default is 40, the Mod Default its 10, can be changed between 5-100 (Mr Chen)
99. Persistent Ammo-Counter (Meh) - Lesser Useful imo, already got ammo counter on UI tweaks. but if want 2nd Ammo counter then I guess go for it. (Don't use if got UI-Tweaks).
100. Dodge-Count UI (Part of UI-Tweaks), Another Subjectively Obselete Mod like Persistent Ammo-Counter. Part of UI-Tweaks againnnn.
101. Give-Weapon - Gives Any Weapon of Choice. Modded-Realm Setting, Though Reds is a thing too. Kaizaki.
102. Any Weapon Fix - Fix for Give-Weapon, Requires whole Party/Team to have Any-Weapon Fix mod.
103. BTMP - Bless This Many Players (Enabes one to have up to 32 Duplicate/different Heroes in V2), Raindish).
104. Ubersreik Five - Enables you to have 5 Members instead of 4, Useful for Spectators During the Tornament (Captains), Isaakk.
105. Penlight Lua Libraries - Key Dependency Mod, also Key Resource/Tool for Modders/Make it Easier for Modding Game.
106. Execute Lua Ingame - Enables 'Non-Modders', to Execute Snippets of Code in-game.
107. Dad-Jokes - OP. Do not underestimate Opness of Dadjokes. ok kidding. cool idea though. command /dadjoke, Christmas Cracker Jokes Have Returnd. Cause Funny.
108. Show Careers on Equipped-Items - Know which items are using set career, prevents pesky overlap/block, simply swap hero, change item, then swap back original character.
109. Host your Own-Game (QUICK-PLAY) - Means no RNG factor in being Host of a game. which can be annoying if you have annoying/toxic Hosts. Means you have rights over them. cause F them.
110. Disconnection-Resilience - What a MOD, enables Team to keep playing Offline amongst, DC's/Disconnects. Prevents you from disconnecting. (By Well Respected Author Grimalackt)
111. Choose-Weather - What it says, choose weather in the mod, that has feature enabled. Seems fair given that any random weather can spawn any time, removes RNG factor (by Raindish)
112. Waypoints - Allows User to Set Waypoints in V2 Map. only set 1 Waypoint at a time. set toggle for waypoint dissapear after moving near to one - Dalo Kraff.
113. Melee Range Measurer - Information about Melee Range Swings/Range Distance to Hit Enemy, Cleaving Melee Swing. (VernonKun)
114. Consistent Dodge Distance and Dodge Speed - Shows you Dodge Distance and speed, description shows how the dodge-reset works. Switch to another weapon with different dodge dist./speed. (trollresetkai)
115. Renalds Gift Loadout - Enables you to check up on resource Renalds-Gift from Renalds-Gift Website/URL (Ogrepleb)
116. Quickplay Exclude - Exclude Levels from Quickplay 'Pool', Make Exceptions for certain Maps that just do not want to crop up ever, Tot included. (Dalo_Kraff)
117. Shorter Ping Cooldown and Outlines Tweak - Increased Distance for Pings and Tags/Outlines (VernonKun)
118. Revive/Respawn with Melee Weapon - Respawn with Melee Weapon handy, instantblock, than game remember what classed died with and respawning with a blockless weapon,chatbox. YOLOUYPSKA/OYHTA
119. Randomize Loadout - Randomizes weapons/Talents for the Selected Career, Roulette Wheel Basically. Using /random command. Kal Zekdor
120. Needii - Shows Hero-Class Icons on Pickups in the arrangement of who requires them the most. Health and Ammo. (Utility, Author Tomoko)
121. Parry Indicator - Colour Customizable Visual-Cue via Stam-Shields when a timed-block for the parry-TRAIT is active, beleive also works without parry-Trait as well.
122. Reroll Improvements - Better Re-Rolling, Beleive Party-Knife did video on this, Basically so don't have to put another item into slot. stays there and keep re-rolling.
123. Accessibility Captions - Bunch of Useful Accessibility features/options, haven't tested. will need to try. Ask others, if they use it. (Author Manny & EXAN). when can't hear silent specials, or have sounds turned off.
124. Choose Grail Knight Quests - Host only, Quest 1, Quest 2, Quest 3 (5 same options, Power-Level, Attack-Speed, Cooldown Regen, Health-Regen, Damage Reduction), Doesn't Allow Clones of course.
125. Display Level Progress - Displays Progress of the Level in simple bar, percentage complete. This not Needed you already know how far are. normally. for really long maps slightly extra useful but mehhh.
126. Level Debug - Green is Main-Route/Main-Path, Purple is current progress, multiple things determined by path, above triggers. //Craven.
127. VerminTrainer - EasyMod to Spawn/Despawn Comps /Horde Comps (different types/groups of units, sel comps), hold any spot. Retries, work onslaught as well, Disable-Pacing, '/Training' Command //Craven.
128. Randomize Layout - Randomizes Layout, adds '/random' command. Randomizing your layout/weapons/setup. Your Weapons and Talents, on Same Hero Selected.
129. Toggle Critical Hits - Set Crits to 'Never, Normal or Always' (100%, Orange Chris)
130. BandwidthFreer - Prevents unecessary Packets being sent, when boss is already spawned, saving 90% bandwitdh that would been otherwise used - Isaakk
131. Speedrun.com/wv2 - Submits Speed Records to LeaderBoard. Enables bunch of True-Solo Speedrun Features similar to 'Helpers' Mod, Automatic Skip Cutscenes/Restart Level etc (RwAoNrDdOsM
132. Item-Filter - Menu's UI Feature/Game-Menu-UI/Game-UI - Classic Filter wItem Mod, Enabling one to sort through their inventory, 3 criterions, Rarity, Weapon-Type, Properties.
133. Named-Items - Allows you to name certain weapons. Potentially to Denote what they really do/function is. (Raindish)
134. Career Based Mission Progress - Displays Okris-Challenges above, while map selection Menu, 5 star, very useful. Time-Saver Mod. Another Menu UI feature/Mod. ElCamino.
135. Friendly-Fire Indicator - Enables to change reticule/damage-indicator to Green, when get hit/Take Friendy Fire from Teammate. with a bunch of exceptions/options. NonZeroGeoDuck7
136. Disable Friendly Fire Dialogue - Gets annoying after a while, like yeah we know already. also when noones friendly fires but still does dialogue anyway (Raindish)
137. Less Annoying Friendly Fire - Makes you tell difference between when teammate FF's you and a Regular-Rat/Trash-Rat.
138. Headshot-Only Mode - Mod where only Headshot will register, this however does not work, as Kaizaki already tested, therefore consider obselete. (Gohas)
139. Headshot-Counter - Counts Percentage of Melee & Ranged Headshots.
140. Miscellaneous Tweaks - Know what it Feels like not be a Dwarf, Edit Player Height, + Dodge Distance, may be few other things have not discovered here.

Additional In-game Mods (Affect Game Less/subjectively lesser useful/Are Less-Priority for me):

1. Info Dump For Streaming - Adds a bunch of information for Streaming Audience to view. what your current setup is. (prop-Joe), Could be useful in GENERAL away from Twitch/Streaming.
2. Vermitannica Beta - Updates Armory/Bestiary Mod with Background-Lore, interesting :??
3. Give-Me the Buff - Highly Unecessary mod, very Invovled/indepth. However I don't like to rely on Cheese. May be a use for Modded. Haven't Seen yet. (pass buffs to team, for non-tornament play/stupidity/she), also too complex to realistically use, well as being tornament nonviable.
4. Disc of Tzeentch - Enables/Allows User to RIDE the Disc of Tzeentch Like Kirby Rides his Magic Star. THis ROCKSS/SICK. (dalo_kraff)
5. RadarUI - Ok Im old school Cod fan, definitely think Mini-Map should be added into the game, super vital tool in Cod/Battlefield/Etc. (Fracticality)
6. Lifes Hard Everywhere - Shows Blood Splatters, Updates Discord to give memes on enemy died to. (Prismism)
7. Give me the Buff - Enables you to type template input toggle commands, to glug potion, or pass effect to whole party/team. (would be more useful if could select specific teammates to get buff).
8. Comic Sans - Makes all text 'comic sans', potentially to make more readable idk. (Raindish)
9. New Death Sounds - Makes Death Sounds for people dying.
10. LoreMaster's Armory - Lore Friendly Weapons/Items (Bestiary/Armory Mod)
11. Show FPS - Applications like OBS can't pick up FPS (steam based), adds official in game FPS counter. (though Steam works most people, but additional overlay, not games own overlay). also good for record/steaming.
12. FootKnight Armor for Grail-Knight - Footknights armor for GK, he looks pretty darn awesome.
13. Steam Rich Presence - Provides Mod to Show when Playing Deathwish/Onslaught instead of Usual Difficulties, Dwons Steam-Update, why not I guess. Beleive Fatshark has already implemented this.
14. Game-Speed Changer - a Slow Button basically to make everything slow action. can be funny sometimes but idk more gimmick for me personally.
15. Controller HUD with 'mouse-and-keyboard' fix - Minor fix, puts bomb in 5th slot than 4th, only for console players only.
16. Master-Griller - Skin for Sienna. A golden pan.
17. Twitch Plus (+) - Regular Twitch Players, Add even more Twitch Vote Implementations. all members must have this mod active/activated - Sir Aiedail
18. Minecraft Things - Adds Minecraft elements, Swords/Pots/Pickaxes and so on. Bloody Cool! (Dalo_Kraff)
19. Elven Sword Pickup - Makes so can pickup Elven Sword in game. haven't much experience Elf nor Care about Elf so don't much care here.
20. Wide Bardin Walking - Well Sure, applies to all characters. Is pretty funny must admit.
21. OwO Chat >w< - good one for stag, who does the 0_0 emoji/emoticon.
22. LetterBox Tweaks - I don't use it, because don't have widescreen monitor, but this could be very useful.. if One day decide to buy Super-Ultra-Wide Monitor. No Black-bars... (Raindish)
23. Custom-Frames - End-Game when Have all Frames, ok can use them any time, but I see best when reached end-game, Raindish
24. More Proxy - Proxy Spreads Potion Effect to All Allies in Range (Angel)
25. Ammo Decimel Leftovers - Basically Decimal of Ammo is Refunded to next Ammo. (scrounger/conservative etc).
26. Chaos Wastes Boon Testing [DeusPowerUpTesting] - Hotkeys to cycle between boons and try them out, without actually purchasing them/going through whole map (//Craven)
27. Geheimnisnacht+ - Adds Geheimnisnacht Mode to V2, Halloween Event, Halloween event all year, very recent update (2022 Halloween, Janoti)
28. Disco Lights! - Adds Disco Lights to Taals Keep, might be other maps as well - tour.dlang.org/
29. Merchant Alert - Enables you to save coins in Chaos Wastes, also when join game prevents having to ask someone what next map is if shrine or what - Jeeves
30. Yoshi Mouse Cursor - Makes your cursor a Yoshi Mouse Cursor
31. Inspect Anims - adds flair to inspect animations (however all members must have it to work) - SkacikPL
32. Ultimate Weapon Glow - I think this is a very interesting concept, however not in the game currently, Functional Weapon Colour - Ceno
33. Toss Me - Funny, gotta love this. CLASSIC LOTR, throw Dwarf (Aragorn xD, Alexander), By Alexander, funny. Should be a thingg in this game.
34. Any Weapon - Use any weapon on any hero/character, theoretical - Prop Joe.
35. Infinite Ammo and 0 Heat - Infinite Ammo, 0 Heat. when Enabled in Mod-Options, If Host has active spreads to Clients, Modded-Training Mod, Prop Joe.
36. Display Level Progress - Displays Progress of the Level in simple bar, percentage complete. This not Needed you already know how far are. normally. for really long maps slightly extra useful. good if streaming and find section of video to refer to.

Mods that work Outside of the game (Don't Show up in mod-Options).

1. Give Weapon Supplement - Remove CW Traits
2. EventPracticeV2 - Teleports to Event
3. Level-Debug - Debug Map/Gameplay, saves unecessary data packets.
4. Moveable Mission Timer - Move Mission timer anywhere on Screen/where you like/want - //Craven
5. Talentless - Unselect Talent (Non-Talent Mode, by Angel)
6. Engineer Tweaks - Qol Tweaks & Buffs for Outcast Engineer, in Mod-Options Called 'krazedkirbengi' (Raindish + KrazedKirb)
7. Simple UI - Required to Make UI-Tweaks Work, Enables other mods to make simple windows/widgets. Dependency Mod.
8. Chaos-Wastes Incursion -  Everything Made more Difficult, yess. Iceolator
9. Chaos-Wastes Peregrinaje - Another Chaos-Wastes Mode, By Isaakk.
10. Merchant Alert - Chaos Wastes Mod, Notifies when Shrine is Next/What is ahead. use command '/query_merchant'.
11. Disc of Tzeentch - use '/spawn_disc' command to Spawn Disc, Press E to engage/use, hold Left Shift to go up, Space to go down, 200% movement speed. (Dalo Kraff/Crunch)

Obselete + Subjectively-Obselete Mods (Imo). (some integrated to game, true for corpses)

1. Killfeed-Tweaks (Beleive this is in the game now).
2. Steam-Rich Presence - Now been Sanctioned by Fatshark. Mod now Deprecated. Nice on Raindish & Manny.
3. Convenience Key-Actions (Hotkeys don't work/old mod, but nicest idea).
4. Third Person - Great idea, However slows game down tremendously, in order for best integration. would depend Fatshark to Implement-Mod. (grasmann)
5. Third Person Equipment- Ok this is not needed, but very coool. Because you can Have Weapon on your back. E.g Such as a Trollhammer/Crank-gun. could be really funny. (grasmann)
6. Third Person Equipment (Beta) - Very Old, should still be sanctioned however in current state it is, cause performance issues/needs to be approved by Fatshark and quick. (grasmann)
7. Auto-Enable Onslaught - A Previous Feature/Placeholder for Dwons Qol Mod, which now Features both upon Startup of the game. (Clarum Caelum)
8. Auto-Enable Deathwish - Another Previous Feature/Placeholder mod for Dwons Qol Mod, which Features both upon Startup of the Game (Clarum Caelum)
9. New Sticky Grim - Unsubbing, have all the reds now already. don't need mod anymore. as GK throw grim away anyway (boons).
10. Comic Sans - Not Find Personally Useful. (Raindish)
11. Persistent Ammo-Counter (UI-Tweaks)
12. Dodge-Count UI (Part of UI-Tweaks)
13. CrossHair Fix - Fixes Cross-Hair to be Indicative of Spread. (im Englishman though).

Note: Many mods may have move ways into obsolete-section, since doc last updated.

List of Modded-Authors (Well Known in Mod Community, at a glance)

1. Prop-Joe
2. Dalo-Kraff
3. Raindish
4. Iceolator
5. Isaakk
6. RwAoNrDdOsM
7. MannyBlanc
8. Sir Aiedail
9. VernonKun
10. Grasmann
11. Fracticality
12. Prismism
13. SkacikPL
14. Janoti
15. Craven
16. Uganda
17. Core

You may disagree with some put here. so you can always move/change things around as wish, by using this guide as a basic template.

Feel free to leave comments in comment-section, feedback is valued. thank you.

Understand slightly outdated but possible to add new ones to list by adding them here.

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