The Groom of Gallagher Mansion
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The Groom of Gallagher Mansion

45 ratings
Endings Guide
By TheLoveThatKills
A quick and easy guide to getting each of the 4 endings!
How the endings work
There are 3 times where your choices can affect which ending you'll get, which are in order; The Bouquet scene, Choosing a location in the manor to investigate, and picking one of the jewelry pieces.

Each option will give you +1 points towards a certain ending, and you need 3 points to get any ending except 'Forever'.

Outside of those particular choices, make whatever decisions you want! Play your way without fearing getting the wrong ending over a cake flavor or something.
Ending A: The Truth
  • At the bouquet scene, choose the lyreflowers.
  • When allowed to choose somewhere in the manor to investigate, choose the study.
  • When you get to pick one of the jewelry pieces, choose the necklace.
Ending B: Love
  • At the bouquet scene, choose the roses.
  • When allowed to choose somewhere in the manor to investigate, choose to find Elias's bedroom.
  • When you get to pick one of the jewelry pieces, choose the ring.
Ending C: Science
  • At the bouquet scene, choose the zinnias.
  • When allowed to choose somewhere in the manor to investigate, choose to stay in the dining room.
  • When you get to pick one of the jewelry pieces, choose the earrings.
Ending D: Forever
This one is probably the easiest ending to get. All you have to do is to make choices that don't give you 3 points towards any of the other endings. Any combination that achieves this should work just the same.

Good luck and enjoy the spooky romance! :D
_.Ravenwood._ Nov 27, 2023 @ 9:04pm 
Thank you so much! Truly appreciate it!! I was struggling SO hard on getting the 'Science' Ending. Was *shocked* at the Honeymoon Ending.:steamthumbsup:
Welcome To Wasteland Nov 7, 2023 @ 7:17pm 
Your guide was very helpful! I was not disappointed with the Secret scene ;]
TheLoveThatKills  [author] Oct 20, 2023 @ 5:35am 
@Ein Was it listed in the extras menu? There IS a 'honeymoon' scene that can be unlocked there, and I think it's listed at ??? until it's unlocked.
Ein Oct 19, 2023 @ 5:54pm 
Like there was an ending with ??? so i was confused ;-;
TheLoveThatKills  [author] Oct 8, 2023 @ 7:42am 
@Ein not sure what you're calling the secret ending. I have every achievement in the game and there was only 4 I found.
TheLoveThatKills  [author] Oct 8, 2023 @ 7:40am 
@killerbear You can be with both of them in Ending D, is that what you mean?
KillerBear Oct 7, 2023 @ 3:16pm 
I saw a post where it looked like you can be with both Taylor and Elias? Is that one of the endings here or a secret one? I already completed ending A/The Truth but not the others
QueenLibra134 Oct 7, 2023 @ 3:51am 
Thank you, I kept getting ending D forever!
Ein Oct 5, 2023 @ 9:47pm 
I have a question. what about the secret ending? I cant seem to find it ;-;