The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

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Advanced Survival Guide for Victims
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I hope this guide can help you survive!
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Loadout: Perks (1/2)

Work in Progress Guide, I will summarize the writing, improve readability, and add more content soon.
  • Using an optimal loadout is key to victory. It's also better to start leveling up the right perks so you don't waste time. In this section of the guide, I will justify all of the perks and attributes used in my builds for each victim.

Choose Flight (S Tier)
Once depleted, your stamina bar will instantly refill. Has 3 charges.
  • The primary way family kills victims is by chasing them until they run out of stamina.
  • The best way to escape is to quickly complete objectives and run towards the exits.
  • This perk solves both of these issues by granting you 3 instant stamina refills whenever you desire.
  • Use charges when...
  1. You know you won't make it to a gap, crawl space, or barricade in time before being hit by a family member. Especially a charging Leatherface.
  2. Dashing towards a fuse exit in order to beat body blockers
  3. Dashing towards an open contested pressure gate exit
  4. Dashing towards the Family House main road exit after turning off the generator
  5. Dashing towards objectives such as locked doors/gates, car batteries, etc while family is distracted (especially Tier 2/3 critical doors).
  • Do not use the charges unless it is a critical situation...
  1. Always leave 1 stamina bar left so you don't accidentally consume a charge.
  2. You can crouch in the middle of dashing to to ensure you don't consume a charge.
  3. Keep an eye on your stamina bar so you don't accidentally waste a charge.
  4. Eventually you will get a natural feeling of it and won't have to check your stamina bar that often.

No Sell (S Tier)
Getting hit by a Family member results in 80% less damage. Has 3 charges.
  • This perk is Leatherface's kryptonite.
  • Leatherface is the strongest killer in the game, he can move faster than dashing victims and can either one shot or one-two combo victims to death.
  • Being able to receive only 20% dmg from 3 charged attacks nullifies leatherface's combat style where he delivers infrequent but heavy damaging attacks.
  • Leatherface will often land a charged attack on a victim in the middle of going through a gap, crawl space, barricade, or ladder where he cannot follow up with a light attack. By utilizing this mechanic, you can effectively conserve your 3 charges by preventing his follow up light attack.
  • Running towards the pressure valve gate exit being guarded by charging Leatherface? You've already won if you have 1 charge of no sell, he cannot kill you with his combo. The majority of his damage comes from his initial charge attack, which will be reduced to 20% damage and his light attack does little damage. Same applies to any other exit where you can be 100% confident Leatherface can't kill you right before an exit.
  • In the basement and didn't reach a gap, crawl space, or barricade in time? No worries! You just consume 2 charges from the combo and get to keep playing. You still can survive another combo as you have 1 charge remaining for the next charge attack. Remember to go through gaps/cracks to conserve your charges (try to prevent combos).
  • Obviously, all of the above is moot if your charges get wasted. This is why you need to effectively use the Choose Flight perk in order to give you that extra edge in avoiding hits.
  • If you are going to close encounter a family member or barge them, always do it around a blind spot (corner) so they don't waste your No Sell charges. You can also try to bait out attacks and then close encounter/barge if there are no blind spots you can use.
  • Early basement deaths of any victim spells disaster for the rest of the game. This perk, if used correctly should prevent any basement deaths from ever happening again and deeply weaken Leatherface's threat level towards you later in the game.

Bomb Squad (A Tier)
You are able to dismantle a trap without the use of a bone scrap. Dismantling traps is also 80% faster.
  • Victims should ALWAYS be carrying a bone shard in order to defend themselves from solo attackers. Bomb Squad is very powerful as Hitchhiker's traps normally requires you to consume a bone shard to remove 1 of his traps leaving you defenseless. This perk also allows you to defuse his traps extremely quickly which is very important for high traffic areas such as the stairs in family house.
Unequipped Bomb Squad
  • You are at Gas Station, and you've successfully lockpicked the 1st battery gate. You have a lockpick for objectives and a bone shard for defense. You see a hitchhiker trap on the battery and decide defuse the trap, consuming your bone shard because you didn't want to alert him and his team early. You defused the trap, turned off the car battery, and are lockpicking the last gate to escape! You finished 2 segments of the lockpick, but then you get whacked by Cook in the back right before you finish lock picking. He then laughs at you, camps the final gate, and then calls over Leatherface who kills you with a charging attack 💀.
Equipped Bomb Squad
  • Same scenario above, but this time you remove the trap without consuming your bone shard. You are lockpicking the final gate with 2 segments done, but then... Cook whacks you in the back right before you finish. WHAT THE DEVIL! In fury, you left click Cook to initiate a close encounter struggle. You punch Cook in the balls, then instantly get back to lock picking the door where you finish the final segment while the stunned Cook is cupping his balls and throwing up his arms. You see Leatherface approaching but you are safe and just slam past the final gate.
  • This scenario applies to everything, doors/gates, batteries, generators, fuse boxes, valves. Bone shard are infinitely more useful for punching family members in the nose or balls than wasting it on Hitchhiker traps who can infinitely reset them and place multiple of them in a path whereas you have to constantly restock your limited bone shards.

Choose Fight (A Tier)
Sneak attacks and close encounters stun Family members for 5 seconds longer.
  • Close encounters are highly undervalued in it's ability to simultaneously ward off an attacker, and distract multiple family members.
  • You are essentially invulnerable from any solo family member if you are carrying a bone shard and are somewhat close to a basement door or well.
  • This perk will guarantee that any solo family member chasing you will be unable to kill you after being stunned for a long period of time.
  • An important thing to know is that all of the increased stun durations perks do not affect the motion capture animations (Hard stuns), they instead make the attackers unable to sprint or attack, which heavily impacts their ability to chase and kill.
  • Without this perk, family members such as Johnny can instantly start sprinting and doing his lunge spam move to catch up to you quickly.

Loadout: Perks (2/2)

Efficient Locksmith (A Tier)
When unlocking doors, there is a 40% chance the unlock tool won't be consumed.
  • As I stated before, best way to escape is to quickly complete objectives and run towards the exits. Instead of wasting very precious seconds scavenging for extra lockpicks, you can speed past the map without stopping.
  • Considering that you need to unlock 4 doors to escape maps like Slaughterhouse, you can see how this perk can be very effective at rushing.

Stunt Double (B Tier)
Receive less damage when jumping out of windows or climbing down wells, and get back on your feet faster after doing so. Damage received is 70% less.
  • Family House exclusive perk, useful for jumping out the window AFTER you activate the fuse. I will explain more later on in the guide.
  • Never use this perk if Hitchhiker is in the match during Family House unless you are Sonny, Bomb Squad is WAY more important than Stunt Double.
  • Also counters the Family Windoom perk which increases window damage to victims.

What Doesn't Kill You (B Tier)
After being injured by a melee attack, avoiding additional damage for 15 seconds will reward you with 100% of the health you just lost.
  • Kinda good perk, but this perk is very inaccessible for many victim paths, going for this perk will disable more important perks like Choose Flight, and Bomb Squad for many victims.
  • We will only be using this perk for Sonny who has no access to No Sell, Choose Fight, and Bomb Squad.

Lucky Lockpicker (B Tier)
The very first time you use an unlock tool to open a door, it has a 50% chance not to be consumed.
  • Same concept as the Efficient Locksmith perk, but less powerful. We will be using it on Connie who has no better perk alternatives.
  • Connie's build in this guide will use both perks leading to a 90% chance to not consume a lockpick on your first door.
That's all of the perks we will be using in this guide!
Loadout: Attributes

Proficiency (1st Priority)
Proficiency determines how quickly Victims can complete skilled environmental interactions such as lock picking, item gathering, fuse box and pressure valve repair, along with car battery disabling.
  • Proficiency is the most important attribute in the game.
  • This attribute governs the speed you use to perform every single important action in the game.
  • Consider that most families run the Grandpa perk that increases lock difficulty by 40%, and remember that you have to unlock around 4 doors to escape Slaughterhouse.
  • High Proficiency heavily speeds up how fast victims can come online and start working on objectives. You would be a fool to not max this attribute out.
  • It also affects the speed of car battery, fuse box, pressure valve, and it really really speed up everything at max level. Family members will be surprised to see you working on the final gate after you quickly escape the basement and they're distracted still by Leland.
  • It gives me great pain when I see people who did not invest into proficiency take ages to lockpick doors and do objectives. I've seen countless people lockpicking the final gate only to get killed right before they finish it.
  • Everyone, including distractor victims such as Leland and Ana need to have max proficiency instead of investing in Toughness or Endurance. It's just too important and game changing.

Stealth (2nd Priority)
Stealth influences the Victim's ability to perform various actions silently, as determined by the noise meter.
  • Good for gathering lockpicks on the surface and past Tier 1/2 doors quickly without making noise.
  • Speeds up your steathily escapes in the same manner of Efficient Locksmith and Lucky Lockpicker

Endurance (3rd Priority)
Endurance determines the Victim's total stamina capacity, along with stamina drain and regeneration rate.
  • Stamina is more important than toughness, especially considering the presence of the No Sell perk.
  • However, we will be no longer be specing into this attribute ever since the stealth nerf changes.

Toughness and Strength (4th and 5th Priority)
  • Do not spec into these attributes, not as important as the others.
Loadout: Builds
How to get these builds?
  • Go to a victim, and fully reveal their skill tree.
  • You see all of the perks that are currently shown on the tree? Those perks already there can never be random perks on that victim's tree.
  • Click a perk to see all the possible perks that victim can have.
  • The perks that are not already on the tree, but are on the possible perks menu are the perks they can randomly roll.
  • Take the proper path to get all of the perks I mention in the builds and pick the best path to get the most attribute points too.
  • Connie will require no random perk rolls.
  • All other victims except for Connie and Leland will require 2 random perk rolls.
  • Leland will require 3 random perk rolls, will take hours to get. 💀💀💀
  • Use the loadouts feature to quickly switch perks depending on the situation.
  • The ability builds are for level 3 abilities. If you have a lower ranked ability, adjust according to what you think is best.
  • Remember that ability perks do not stack if they are changing the same thing
  • +30 Proficiency (50/50)
  • +2 Stealth (22/50)
  • Pain Is Nothing (Increased Duration 1, Stamina Hit Recovery 2, Reduced Damage 3)
  • Hitchhiker isn't in lobby/game
    • Choose Flight, No Sell, Choose Fight
  • Hitchhiker is in lobby/game
    • Choose Flight, No Sell, Bomb Squad

  • +15 Proficiency (50/50)
  • +13 Stealth (43/50)
  • Focused (Quicker Recharge 1, Quicker Recharge 2, No Stamina Cost 3)
  • Hitchhiker isn't in lobby/game
    • Choose Flight, Efficient Locksmith, Lucky Lockpicker
  • Hitchhiker is in lobby/game
    • Choose Flight, Efficient Locksmith, Bomb Squad

  • +29 Proficiency (49/50)
  • Ultimate Escape (Increased Duration 1, Increased Duration 2, Decreased Sprint Stamina 3)
  • Hitchhiker isn't in lobby/game
    • Choose Flight, No Sell, Highly Skilled
  • Hitchhiker isn't in lobby/game and the map is Family House
    • Choose Flight, No Sell, Stunt Double
  • Hitchhiker is in lobby/game (Includes Family House map)
    • Choose Flight, No Sell, Bomb Squad

  • +25 Proficiency (50/50)
  • +2 Stealth (12/50)
  • Life Saver (Increased Stun Duration 1, Restore Stamina 2, Quicker Recharge 3)
  • Hitchhiker isn't in lobby/game
    • Choose Flight, No Sell, Choose Fight
  • Hitchhiker isn't in lobby/game and the map is Family House
    • Choose Flight, No Sell, Stunt Double
  • Hitchhiker is in lobby/game (Includes Family House map)
    • Choose Flight, No Sell, Bomb Squad

  • +25 Proficiency (50/50)
  • +4 Stealth (19/50)
  • Heightened Senses (Shorter Cooldown 1, Ability Drain Reduction 2, All Knowing 3)
  • Map isn't Family House
    • Choose Flight, Efficient Locksmith, What Doesn't Kill You
  • Map is Family House
    • Choose Flight, Efficient Locksmith, Stunt Double
Gameplay: Pregame and Early Game
  • Highly recommend not picking Sonny. The victim team should be the four other survivors. Sonny has a really bad perk selection (Doesn't have No Sell, Bomb Squad, and Choose Fight perks) and unlike Connie, his ability isn't as powerful.
  • Switch your loadout depending on the presence of Hitchhiker or the map
    • Beware that some Hitchhiker players try to trick you by switching to Hitchhiker right before the game starts or after all victims ready up.
Early Game

  • Restraints Minigame
    • Ignore avoiding noise for the restraints game, you need to get out as quickly as possible.
    • Leatherface is still in his cutscene and won't be able to see you making noise.
  • Searching for supplies
    • Search for a lockpick and a bone shard. Order does not matter, pick up these supplies as soon as you see them.
      • Disregard avoiding making noise or being seen by Grandpa's first sonar scream, speed is more important.
      • Do not go double lockpick or double bone shard. You need to be able to defend yourself while being able to complete objectives at all stages of the game and vice versa.
      • Never carry health items, make sure not to accidentally pickup a health item too as they disappear or become very hard to find afterwards for those that need it immediately. You should only be picking up health items if you are going to immediately use them.
    • Defending yourself
      • Grandpa has probably woken up by now, and it's possible that there is one extra family member in the basement
      • If spotted, use the bone shard to close encounter the family member, preferably away from Leatherface past gaps and barricades.
    • Unlocking Doors
      • Now that you possess a lockpick and a bone shard, head over and preferably unlock a STAIRS basement exit, doubly so if a Hitchhiker is on the Family side.
      • After unlocking the basement door, you want to walk outside to get the "Player has escaped basement" notification in order to give you points on the scoreboard and make the family team think you've escaped.
      • As a matter of fact, never leave the basement after unlocking a door unless you've restocked your lockpick or it wasn't consumed by using the perks.
      • After having a lockpick and bone shard, then you can leave the basement.
    Why should I not care about waking up Grandpa in the basement? Because...

    • The two other family members will wake up Grandpa in around 1 mins with blood anyways, causing all the lost time victims spent avoiding waking up Grandpa to be completely worthless.
    • A untargeted victim would've have already unlocked a basement door (waking up Grandpa) within 45 seconds to start pressuring the surface level (good). This means that the victims who were taking it slow will be underequipped in supplies and the amount of doors they've unlocked.
    • The only benefits the family receives from Grandpa waking up early is that the basement doors may be unlocked by them and Grandpa does a singular sonar scream.
    • Victims severely limiting the speed they gather supplies and unlock the basement doors in the early game is never worth the sacrifice.
    • Victims should always strive to quickly apply pressure on the surface of the map in order to goad Leatherface to leave the basement and for the other family members to stop feeding Grandpa. If you do not quickly open doors and pressure the surface, Leatherface will remain in the basement with all four victims, satisfied that everyone is still in the basement.
    But if I wake up Grandpa early, all of the family members will rush the basement and kill us! Explain why it's still worth it? Because...

    • Family members that come down into the basement are running a fools errand, as I said before, every victim should always be carrying a bone shard. Family members just cannot kill victims in the victim sanctuary (basement), equipped with bone shards.
      • There is too many gaps, crawl spaces, bone shards, doors, barricades, and line of sight breakers for the family.
        • However, it is still possible to die if you don't have a bone shard and are fighting fast family members, which is why I emphasis that you always be carry a bone shard and restock ASAP.
    • Family members that come down into the basement greatly endanger the surface, meaning that the untargeted victims that the Family are not currently chasing, would have opened a basement door already and have started working on the critical doors, fuse, and/or valve above.
    • Family members chasing victims in the basement essentially creates lots of space in the area that matters (surface) and the chased victims in the basement will even be rewarded by a fuse door opening or a completely unlocked escape path on the surface.
Gameplay: Mid Game and Late Game
Mid Game

Opening 1st basement door and restocking lockpick in basement
  • As I've stated before, you should heavily prioritize opening basement doors that lead to stairs and not ladders in order to easily retreat from family members and not get hit by unavoidable Hitchhiker traps.
  • Unlock a stair basement door, then run out just enough to get the "Victim has left the basement" notification in order to increase your scoreboard points then run back in to get another unlock tool in the basement. (Family checks scoreboard to see if someone left).
    • This is to get Leatherface out of the basement and patrol outer exits where no one even is at because no one actually "left the basement yet".
    • You want to minimize the possibility of a basement kill by getting Leatherface to leave as soon as he sees that a victim has too many points (left the basement).
    • Another benefit of tricking the family members on the surface who believe you have escaped already and start searching is to stop them from feeding blood to Grandpa and prepare traps/restock poison.
What should I do next?
  • After you've restocked your lockpick and have a bone shard, you need to make your way up the basement safely.
  • To do so, you must ensure that Leatherface or another family member in the basement doesn't see you going up the stairs.
  • This is to prevent "Sandwiching" where you get double teamed from the surface and the basement at the same time.
  • A victim who is sandwiched as no way of defending themselves as they cannot close encounter a family member who is supported by another one.
Ok, what if a family member from the surface sees me and starts rushing me?
  • This is a pretty common scenario, and exactly while you have a bone shard.
  • You want to run back down into the basement exit you opened and close encounter the family member when they follow you down
  • Try to break line of sight/lose them after close encountering them so they waste time in the basement and you can escape elsewhere.
  • This is immensely helpful to your victim teammates as you buy them tons of space and time to do objectives on the surface.
  • After you close encountered the family member, run away and gather up another bone scrap.
  • Repeatedly close encounter the family member if he/she is still chasing you, it is easy to infinitely stun them if you are good at navigation.
  • Return to doing the objectives after you lose them with another spare bone shard at the ready.
Disclaimer on close encounters
  • Connie and Julie have only 15 strength.
  • You need to be very careful and not get hit right before initiating a close encounter.
  • If these two victims have around 80% health, they will probably lose the close encounter and die.
Head towards battery or generator doors
  • Stealthily make your way towards either the battery or generator escape, while eyeing for any possible fuse or valve locations in the 1st main area.
    • I believe 3 fuses and 3 valves spawn on every map, the value of these special escapes vary depending on whether they spawn in the 1st critical door area or the 2nd critical door area
  • Prioritize the normal escapes first, too many people overvalue valve and fuse as they may spawn past the 1st critical door, they are harder to find, you need to go backwards into the level to use them, they take longer to do, and you can't expand the "Victim Play Area" as quickly as unlocking a normal critical door.
Still writing and cleaning up guide :)

Avoid Lockpicking Cook's Locks
  • The best strategy when dealing with Cook's padlocks is to avoid them entirely
    • Benefits
      • By breaking a Cook lock, you make zero progress in expanding the play area.
      • You should always be carrying a bone shard, meaning that if you break a Cook lock, you have to go back and retrieve another lockpick before making progress (dangerous).
      • You alert Cook and the rest of his team of your location and plan of action, as he can see if his locks are missing in family vision from across the map
      • You escape faster if you avoid his locks entirely and apply greater pressure
Maps Strategies
  • Family House
    • A good strategy in this map with a Cook in it, is to activate the fuse, then jump out the window while the family members are distracted.
    • However, another good strategy to create pressure, is to lockpick the back garden patio door.
      • This door actually expands the play area unlike the 2 front doors, and will allow you to hide in that small back garden area.
      • If Cook moves one of his locks from the front doors to relock the back garden door, you can now lockpick the singular front door lock.
      • Connie is best suited for this task, she can use her ability on the back garden door, retreat in basement, and possibly use her ability again on the next single locked door.
      • Do not try to break the double locked front doors without a major distraction, it is always better to go for the back door as it expands the play area or makes one of the front doors vulnerable
  • Gas Station
    • Cooks in this map will tend to always lock the two generator/secret escape gates, and lock one of the battery gates.
    • Be wary of going for the generator/secret escape gates
      • They are heavily guarded, they have 3 locks, you make zero progress in quickly expanding the play area, and Cook now knows your location and game plan when he sees them missing.
    • You should always be going for the battery gates, at least initially, because of all the benefits I listed above.
    • Also, another tip is to use Connie's ability on the 1st critical door rather than the final gate most of the time on every map, as they are usually very high traffic areas, and you can now remain hidden in the 2nd area working on the escape route
  • Slaughterhouse
    • Always go for the sliding metal door at the battery side, as Cook cannot lock this door and the 3 other doors will be double locked.
    • Never go for the double locked doors in Slaughterhouse unless it's a rare situation
Battery and Generator Escapes

General Tips
  • When unlocking doors in this game, always go in a criss cross pattern if possible to delay and trick family members.
    • For example, you see that picture of the Slaughterhouse map above? You see the battery escape area at the top left?
      • Lets say that you used Connie's ability on the sliding metal door Cook cannot lock on the left side of the battery area building.
      • Now, instead of going straight ahead and unlocking that door directly above in a straight path, go to that 2nd critical door on the right side of the building, next to the windmill door.
        • This will throw off Family members who will open up the 1st critical door, check the 2nd critical door directly in front of it, see that it's locked and then will search the 1st area instead going on the second one.
        • Family members tend to run in a straight line, and will usually land on the 2nd critical door directly in front of the 1st.
        • Another benefit of this is that if they unlock the 2nd critical door directly in front of the 1st critical door, they will have to spend more time unlocking the door, closing the door, and then locking it again giving you plenty of time to hide in a bush somewhere.
  • Lastly, another tip is to always latch doors located in critical areas, especially in Slaughterhouse where you can greatly delay Family members catching up to you in the 2nd critical area, and give you a red alert (door barging noise) when they are coming to you, giving you more time to think.
    • Good doors to latch are the ones right behind the 2 critical doors in the battery escape building, its gives you tons of time and warnings.
Battery Escape

  • Do not lock pick the final gate before turning off the car battery, why?
    • Locks have the 3 segment mechanic where you can quickly lockpick and save your progress, batteries do not
    • Batteries are always behind the final gate, meaning that you waste very very precious seconds by going to the gate, going backwards for the battery, then going forwards again.
    • You should always be moving forward, never backtracking if you want to escape as quickly as possible, every second counts.
    • Batteries require uninterrupted, 14-20 seconds of holding down E, unlike locks where you quickly make a segment of progress, run around, and do it again, keeping your progress.
    • Batteries being turned off do not warn the Family
  • Scenario
    • You lockpick the final gate first, then get on defusing the battery
      • Cook is here, he whacks you in the back, stopping your progress.
      • You bone shard him, then get back on doing the battery.
      • Oh wait, it takes 16 seconds of uninterrupted defusing for the car battery, Cook hits you again twice and kills you.
      • You defuse the battery first, then get on lockpicking the final door
        • You get 2 segments of the final gate done and then get whacked by Cook
        • You close encounter Cook, then get right back on lockpicking the final segment with 50 proficiency and escape while he's stunned, or you even use Connie's final ability if you saved it.
    Generator Escapes

    • Turning off the Generator alerts family members with a noticeable audible cue, no visual notification though
      • In the rare offchance that you go for the generator escape on Gas Station or Slaughterhouse, you should make your own decision on whether to break the generator first or the lock.
      • If you believe you will be intercepted regardless of what you will do, break the generator first.
      • If you believe the family is searching the second area and is still unaware that you are in the final area, and would come because of the generator turn off sound, do the lock first then the generator.
        • Generator escapes on Slaughterhouse and Gas Station should be avoided at least initially due to Cook locks.
        • Remember that if you have two people working on generator escape, the highest strength character should be breaking the generator.
    Fuse and Valve Escapes
    General Tips
    • The value of escapes changes depending on how many victims are alive
      • 1) Battery and Generator Escapes (Hardest when few victims are alive)
      • 2) Valve Escape (Middle ground difficulty)
      • 3) Fuse Escape (Easiest when few victims are alive)
    • Remember that fuse is probably your best option if you are the last one and the map play area hasn't been expanded.
    • And likewise, note that doing battery or generator escape can be very quick and easy when multiple victims are working on it. (Do battery while lockpicking final gate, more lockpicks, distractions, etc.)
    8 comentarii
    BAD HABIT 10 mart. la 18:31 
    thanks for this guide!
    Moofrog 14 dec. 2023 la 20:08 
    Hey there :) Need to update this section : Slaughterhouse
    Always go for the sliding metal door at the battery side, as Cook >cannot< lock this door and the 3 other doors will be double locked.

    Now Cook can padlock the sliding door but Conny will rightclick through everything anyways. Cheers.
    TheAwakening 17 nov. 2023 la 13:01 
    Really not worth to wait 20 minutes for a match, you can't play these days.
    retracer 9 nov. 2023 la 13:46 
    amazing guide! i would really love to see a family guide sometime soon
    iStranger 4 nov. 2023 la 14:29 
    bro thx for the perfecto guide i would also be more happy to see a family " Johnny build guide" <3 keep up the good work
    Start and finish my games 1 oct. 2023 la 22:06 
    I will advocate "Extra Drip" for Connie. Instead of Lucky lock picker. She already has lock pick efficiency. They don't stack either so she can't have infinite lock picks. If both are failing to proc, then it's a wasted build IMO. ELP has come in clutch for me, so I go for Extra Drip for better healing. It can make a full heal from a small pot. In case you get discovered and must reset to Well. It has saved me and made sure I get a second chance to successfully Escape.
    Start and finish my games 1 oct. 2023 la 22:01 
    Excellent guide!!! I went and respect characters to follow the recommendations. Every character should have choose flight/Bomb Squad.

    IDK why Sonny doesn't have Bomb Squad!!!
    mr workhard 1 oct. 2023 la 14:30 
    Kino :broflex::tcsmleatherface: