To The Core

To The Core

32 ratings
10M Block Achivement AutoHotKey AFK Script
By cethiN
This is an autohotkey script for the 10M Block Count achievement

I took inspiration from the Durin Torde script guide and ran with it. The comment section for that guide has other approaches that are just as viable as this one.

This script is intended for end-game users who are looking to grind to the 10M Block Breaking Achievement.

My goal was to make a more aggressive script to clear planets instead of waiting for the bots to do all the work for us. The script basically dives the ship into the planet and holds move left while firing lasers and grenades for maximum destruction.
In-Game Settings
Make sure to rebind the Gravity Lock key to g. I couldn't get the default LShift to work with the script.

This will likely lag some computers, so I recommend changing the following in your Settings:
  • Graphics --> Uncheck "Destruction Particals" [sic].
  • Game --> Camera Shake Intensity --> 0%

If you're still having issues, try windowed mode at a lower resolution.

AutoHotKey Script
Copy and paste the script below into Notepad or your favorite text editing software (Notepad++) and save as a *.ahk script. Use Ahk2Exe to compile the script into an AutoHotKey executable.

; Start Script Key F10:: Loop { ; Start Primary Infinite Loop Send {r} ; Reset Send {RButton} ; Fire Laser Send {g} ; Gravity Lock Send {s Down} ; Hold Move Down Key Sleep 500 ; Wait 0.500s Send {s Up} ; Release Move Down Key Send {a Down} ; Hold Move Left Key Loop 6 { ; Start 6-Count Loop Send {s Down} ; Hold Move Down Key Sleep 100 ; Wait 0.100s Send {s Up} ; Release Move Down Key Send {Space} ; Grenades Send {RButton 2} ; Fire Laser Twice Sleep 400 ; Wait 0.400s } ; End of 6-Count Loop Send {a Up} ; Release Move Left Key } ; End of Primary Infinite Loop ; Pause Script Key F8:: Pause ; Pause Script Return ; End Subroutine ; Reload script key F9:: Reload ; Reload Script Return ; End Subroutine
Script Compiling
Make sure you select the correct Base File when using Ahk2Exe.

Using the Script
Double click the .exe you made and it will run in the background. The icon for the script will be where your hidden icons would be (usually bottom-right, next to the clock). If you want to exit, just right-click mouse -> Exit.

Aim your mouse towards the bottom middle of the screen (near the core when you spawn), push F10, go AFK.

F8 Pauses/Unpauses the script, F9 reloads it. F10 to run. If you pause the script and your ship is still moving left, just tap a and it will stop.

I went to Prestige 1 on the Home planet. Turn off shiny blocks since they (currently) do not give anything extra towards the block count. The Developer said on the Discussion board that this will be changed in the future. So when that change is made, then you can enable shiny blocks.

Breaks ~500,000 blocks every ~4 minutes. Typically clears 90%+ of the planet before resetting. This script isn't intended for full planet clearing, but maximum block breakage per unit time.

The script does spin the screen so, try don't stare for too long.

Works very well on Cupid, Glacies, and Letum. Very laggy on Mortem.

You can easily adjust the Sleep values or Loop count in the script to accommodate larger planets. Larger planets should have more loops. I used 6 for Cupid, 8 for Glacies and Letum.
Video Sample (WARNING: Very spinny)
Mokey Mokey Feb 7 @ 3:10pm 
If someone plays it on steamdeck I have keybinds for it too
F1re Nov 5, 2024 @ 2:24pm 
Amazing! Thanks for helping.
Paion_Gaming Nov 4, 2024 @ 6:26pm 
Perfect! Thank you for sharing.
Trajan's Big Column Aug 17, 2024 @ 1:33am 
Thanks a million! Got some reading done instead of wasting time doing it myself.
ZEROEIGHTVALK Apr 4, 2024 @ 3:28am 
nevermind. it does still work. but you need to execute the finished .exe file as adminstrator for it to work. at least that solved the issue for me
ZEROEIGHTVALK Apr 4, 2024 @ 3:22am 
does not work anymore, the games framework blocks keystrokes you are trying to inject
Elpximso Oct 29, 2023 @ 7:43am 
Nice script works well, only thing that confused me was save as a *.ahk script. thought i had to copy the * too, but after i deleted it i got it working
Ements Oct 12, 2023 @ 1:51pm 
you don't need no script, set all the things you can use like laser,grenades etc to mouse button 1, then just get into an easy level and turn on an autoclicker, hover over the restart button which appears when you finish the level, every time you get into the level it will fire everything at it and because your mouse is already on the restart button it will instantly do it again :D
🎦HabadaTM Sep 7, 2023 @ 5:21pm 
cool script just boring af and works fine
cethiN  [author] Sep 6, 2023 @ 9:27am 
The script doesn't work, or can you not compile it correctly? If so, I can expand my guide to give step by step instructions.