Battle Islands

Battle Islands

39 ratings
10 Tips to Grab Your Achievements Without Paying Gold
By Coming in Hot
Hello, this game seems easy. Here is some tips to get those achievements faster. Here are 10 tips to get this done 50% and more. Anyway, this game required a lot of times, so played it with your another activities to prevent your time wasted! REMEMBER, don't use your gold if I'm not stated to use it.

1. Greenhorn achievements
First, take the Greenhorn achievements by playing its tutorials. Once you've done this, you'll get at least level 2.
  • Greenhorn I is an opening for this game.
  • Greenhorn II need to conquer the campaign mission.
  • Greenhorn III once you've done the tutorials, you'll get this done too.

2. Combining Treasurer + Architect achievements
Second, take the Treasurer achievements by upgrading your supply depot. Combine this with Architect achievements so you'll also gain experience. Once you've done this, you'll get at least level 3-5.
  • Treasurer I is an opening for this game.
  • Treasurer II need to conquer the campaign mission to get the supplies.
  • Architect I Within level 4 at least you need to get this too. At least, get Level 3 Command Bunker in Level 5-6.
  • Get the rest achievements later. [/list]

    Remember, once you want to upgrade your Command Bunker, you'll need that Supply Depot to be upgraded to. And, you only need 1 that should be upgraded, upgrading is more efficient rather than build another Supply Depot.
3. Don't Need More Engineer
In the beginning of the game, you'll think that you need more engineer to build and upgrade some stuff, but after you got high level you'll consider it again.

Trust me, don't build more and save your gold for it. Keep it save for your Command Bunker. Gain gold by covering your achievements. Gold that given automatically by this game should be spend for upgrading your Command Bunker.

4. Only Use Riflemen in Battle (Lv.1-30)
To save your supply wasted, don't upgrade any other troops first. Your riflemen is effective in the early game around Level 5-11. And also remember to upgrade your Barracks occasionally.

Why riflemen? In the achievements, there are 4 that required cheap troop such as riflemen. Here they are:
  • Drill Instructor is an achievement that required riflemen to be upgraded.
  • Trailblazer need to conquer the online enemies with consecutive wins. By using riflemen, especially in the early level will save your supply and gain big gold reward. 160 gold in total.
  • Home Guard get some Garrison's troops with the cheapest one like riflemen.
  • Canon Fodder The more you lose your riflemen, the more you'll get this achievement.
5. The Trailblazer
Don't underestimate this achievement. Once you're already in high level, this achievement is hard to get. So, get this done as fast as possible in the early level after your first Camouglage is gone by attacking rivals in online battle.

  • Trailblazer I is done by winning 5 consecutive wins against other. You'll earn 10 Gold.
  • Trailblazer II is done by winning 10 consecutive wins against other. You'll earn 50 Gold.
  • Trailblazer III is done by winning 25 consecutive wins against other. You'll earn 100 Gold.

Remember: Attacking another player with lower level than you is easier to get, prevent it to waste your troops. Don't let you fail, once you've failed attacking, you have to start over from the beginning.

6. Garrison Unit
In this stage, you'll need camp, harbor, and airfield. These three buildings can supply some reinforcement to help you defend your base. By build and upgrade these buildings, you'll get more reinforcements. At least 3 of them is coming in your achievement progress.

  • Home Guard I-III is done by completing the garrison units produced. Home Guard achievement can be done if you produce some reinforcements from your camp. So, upgrade your camp regularly to make sure your achievement can be done.
  • Coast Guard I-III is done by winning completing the garrison units produced. Like the other type of this achievements, Coast Guard achievement can be done if you produce some reinforcements from your naval units or harbor. So, upgrade your harbor regularly to make sure your achievement can be done.
  • Scrambler I-III completing the garrison units produced. Last but not least, Scrambler achievement also can be done if you produce some reinforcements from your air force units or airfield. So, upgrade your camp regularly to make sure your achievement can be done..

Remember: Your garrison unit will not die if your troops still there. Try to upgrade and check if your garrison units is gone from its base.
7. Strategist Campaign
In battle mode, you'll find campaign. In this battle, you'll fight against a computer bot enemy. Try to finish this campaign and get all the stars to finish this achievement.

  • Strategist I need to conquer the computer enemies and gain the stars.
  • Strategist II need to conquer the computer enemies and gain the stars.
  • Strategist III need to conquer the computer enemies and gain the stars.

Note: Some computers in each level have different buildings level too, so you need to make sure that your troop is ready to destroy it 100% to get the stars. Be patient, that's my advice.
TDA • Dead-Eyes Jul 1, 2023 @ 9:55pm 
nrandall169 Mar 1, 2023 @ 3:27pm 
I want to buy gold but the game will not let me. Say unavailable. Any suggestions?
'NEVER GIVE UP EVER;. Aug 19, 2022 @ 4:44pm 
A.G- Jun 9, 2018 @ 5:58am 
GAMER TO AWESOME Dec 22, 2017 @ 10:41am 
you did nice
bruce komic Feb 22, 2016 @ 12:38pm 
Lawness Oct 21, 2015 @ 6:32am 
nice bro :d2axe:
76561198168686578 Mar 4, 2015 @ 9:28am 
76561198083878629 Sep 17, 2014 @ 10:08am 
KIU nice work.
jpwegmuller Sep 14, 2014 @ 11:17pm 
really good job