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By ValDeez
Collection of powerful relics of the past that possess unique properties and aid your hero in surviving the harsh world of Stoneshard. Some of them require activation, while others grant their boon directly from the inventory.
Artifacts will offer passive bonuses to your character once they are in your inventory and/or can be activated within your inventory (usually once per day) to receive their particular time-limited bonus or effect.

To discover an artifact one must travel to a distant dungeon. These dungeons do not have contracts associated with them, are much further from the settlements than regular dungeons, and are also inhabited by dangerous high-level enemies. Unlike contract dungeons, artifact dungeons also lack roads leading to them.

So far the only way to obtain an artifact is by looting a locked chest within a miniboss room (though, this might change with future updates). Miniboss rooms can be found at the lowest level of these artifact dungeons and are usually large rooms occupied by a special uniquely named miniboss enemy.

There is a chance, however, that an artifact does not spawn and you'll get an unique item instead. There is also a smaller chance that neither the artifact or the unique item will spawn and you'll end up with common treasure and items.

PS: this list is currently not comprehensive and will be updated as the game is still in early access.

- 18/11/2021: first 6 artifacts were added to Stoneshard with the City of Gold update;
- 5/8/2022: additional 3 (Casket with St Wald Relicts, The Conquest of the Hills Tapestry and Hazzun Celestial Sphere) were added with the 0.8 Forgotten Lore update;
- 15/9/2023: content patch added the 10th artifact - Barbador the Lame's Atlas of Aldor.
Barbador the Lame's Atlas of Aldor
EFFECTS: Using it once reveals the terrain outlines of the entire global map - forests, roads, mountains etc., as well as certain locations, like settlements. When kept in your inventory, grants +20% Fatigue Resistance and +10% Energy Restoration.

SIZE: 3x2

PRICE: 1600

LORE: The maps drawn by the renown Aldorian traveler, Barbador the Lame, are valued not only for incredible accuracy, but also for their powerful talismanic properties, which can fortify one's resolve during the most arduous of journeys.
Blessed Aquamanile
EFFECTS: Can be activated once per day. Replenishes 50% Thirst, 25% Max Health, and 15% Condition of each wounded body part.

SIZE: 2x2

PRICE: 2600

LORE: A bronze jug in a form of a lion, expertly crafted on the Bronze Isles by an unknown master. Somehow this aquamanile found its way to Aldor, where it was blessed by the Archtheurgist of the High Hieron himself to serve as an eternal source of water to those dying of thirst - whenever emptied, it miraculously refills itself.
Casket with St Wald Relicts
EFFECTS: While in inventory, grants +30% Unholy Resistance and immunity to Curse of Decay and Curse of Agony.

SIZE: 2x2

PRICE: 2600

LORE: St Wald, one of the first Aldorian saints, left his mark in history as a great preacher and an implacable enemy of heretics and the wicked. His relics are said to possess miraculous properties, capable of warding off the evil eye and cleansing malicious curses.
Codex of the Triple Hand Order
EFFECTS: While in inventory, killing an Undead or Proselyte enemy has 25% chance to grant Blessing for 100 turns.

SIZE: 2x2

PRICE: 2000

LORE: This hefty tome is written in the Order's notorious code which no one has yet managed to crack. It's rumored that this book was blessed by all three Hands of the Host, and that it contains the full history of the Order and every mystery of creation they were privy to...
The Conquest of the Hills Tapestry
EFFECTS: While in inventory, grants +15% Weapon Damage and -10% Damage Taken.

SIZE: 4x2

PRICE: 2000

LORE: Conquering the Firn foothills was a major milestone for the Kingdom of Aldor. This tapestry was weaved by an unknown master to honor that grand victory, and has been considered lost until now. According to legends, whoever obtains it is destined for great accomplishments.
Crown of Benor the Dauntless
EFFECTS: Slowly restores Morale and Sanity when equipped as headgear.

SIZE: 2x2

PRICE: 2000

LORE: This outstanding martial prowess of Benor the Dauntless, the last king of Sentia, earned him eternal glory. Even the Alds, his sworn enemies, greatly admired his bravery. After they finally slayed the King in battle, the Alds constructed a tomb for him, where he was respectfully buried with his full royal attire.
Ethnarch's Funeral Mask
EFFECTS: Once per day negates lethal damage, while also replenishing 20% Max Health and 35% Max Energy. Does not need to be equipped as headgear.

SIZE: 2x2

PRICE: 2600

LORE: Ancient Axonians held a belief that many thousand years in the future all the dead would be resurrected into this world. That's why no expenses were spared on Axonian king's burials - it was especially important to preserve the visage of deceased rulers, so that after countless centuries of waiting they could get properly restored to their full glory.
Foremother of Snakes Statuette
EFFECTS: Reduces Intoxication by 50% and removes the effects of Bad Trip, Poisoning, Drunkenness, as well as Aftermath of every type of drug. Can be activated only once per day.

SIZE: 2x2

PRICE: 2000

LORE: No one knows where this statuette came from: some believe it was made in Axonia, while others claim it to be an artifact of an even more ancient civilization. One thing can be said with certainty though: it depicts a long-forgotten goddess or high priestess, a prayer to which provides a blessing that can cure even the deadliest poisons.
Hazzun Celestial Sphere
EFFECTS: Can be activated on the surface once per day. If activated during day time, grants for 1440 turns either Life Drain or Sturdiness. If activated during night time, grants for 2880 turns either Energy Drain or Receptiveness.

SIZE: 2x3

PRICE: 2000

LORE: An extraordinary large, spherical morion with a detailed celestial map inscribed on its finely-polished surface. This artifact used to hold a prominent place in the rituals of Hazzun oracles - that is until it was captured by King Etbert's soldiers during the last of the Radiant Wars.
Nikos of Arpheon's Astrolabe
EFFECTS: Can be activated on the surface once per day during night time. Grants Clear Vision for 2880 turns.

SIZE: 2x2

PRICE: 1800

LORE: Nikos of Arpheon was perhaps the greatest seafarer known to the world. He was the first one to make a successful voyage around the Continent about a century ago. Even in the eye of Southern storms or amid icebergs of the North, Nikos's unparalleled skill as a navigator allowed him to always keep his ship on the chosen course.