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Logic's Guide to Being Devious
By Ideal Logic
Stop a hacker before he can even profile you.
Scare the crap out of the fixer tailing you.
Make sure your target won't notice you.
There's many ways to check and see if someone is invading your world to hack or even tail. I've listed what you do and what to pay attention for to identify whether or not you are being invaded.

If you pause the game and you can still hear the environment around you, such as people talking, footsteps, wind blowing, etc., or if things are still moving, cars, Aiden, people, etc., then someone's in your world.
This is my preferred method of checking as it's a simple button/key press, and doesn't waste something like focus.
Note: If you're driving a vehicle when you pause while being invaded, you're car will stop. All momentum is not carried over. It stops on a dime.

Simply hit control, or click down on the right-thumbstick (once you've unlocked the focus skill), and if things don't slow down like they're supposed to, you're being invaded.

Checking your Map:
This really only works while you're in a car. Simply drive at a high speed, open your map, and see if your character is still moving. If he is, then you're being invaded.

Now that you know how to check if you are being invaded, let's make sure he doesn't finish his job. I've broken the methods of doing this into two different sections. One where you'll end up exposing him and killing him to gain noteriety points and money, and one where you outright just prevent him and gain nothing. I'll call them "hunting" and "prevention".

  • Act casually, and continue doing whatever you were doing. Look for any civilians not being civlians (sprinting, running on the street, driving like a maniac, ignoring stop lights, taking cover, etc.), then, get close to that civilian and shoot it in the face with as many shotgun shells as you can.
  • Find a nice place that's very open, few civilians, little parked cars, and very few corners. Wait for the invader to come to you. Kill them.

  • Get in a fast car, and just drive. Drive as much as you can, and don't stop. You'll run the invader's clock up and he'll leave the world empty-handed.
  • Get yourself in a nice dead end, where there is either none, or only one camera that can see you, and the only way for the invader to profile you is to come directly at you, or use the one camera. Then take the camera if there is one. This will deter him and he'll know you know he's there, and leave.

Summoning (Bonus):
As a bonus it is possible to summon other players looking for someone to hack by profiling civilians until you find a "Blume Affiliate" and then hack them for there System Key/Bank Account Funds, and then they'll call Blume (a triangle symbol will appear over the Blume Affiliate as if they were calling the police, but only it will be purple and not red), and a bounty will be placed on your head. Almost immediately, people start connecting to you, as people search for players with bounties before those with none.
Hacking a Hacker & Tailing Like a Shadow
So now that you know how to keep someone from hacking you, it's time to do some hacking, and tail some clueless idiots. Keep in mind, anyone could have read this guide or know these secrets meaning you there will always be a high risk, especially if you fail to realize you're being invaded, or decide to hack someone. And know that these tips won't help you if the guy knows he's being invaded.

Anyways, I'll setup a list for you the methods of hacking. No one method is meant to be used alone, and should be used in conjunction with other methods.

Avoid WASD:
Never, ever, ever try to follow someone using keyboard controls. Your turning will look obvious and make you stick out like a sore thumb.

Never Be Conspicuous:
Before you ever get close to being in the line of sight of your target, stop sprinting, and either choose to jog or walk, and stick with it. If you get caught changing pace, or sprinting, you'll be made out as an invader. And only walk were civilians walk. Don't cross the road outside of a cross walk, don't run walk across an open field, don't climb a fence, etc.

Hackers in Disguise:
Act like a Transformer and be a car. Simply pull to the side of the rode downtown, or find a parking lot, or even a traffic jam, park your car, and hide. Or you could always drive around slowly and smoothly.

Never Drive a Motorcycle:
Of course, when you're caught, you could to escape. But that's the only exception.
VENI VIDI VICI Dec 30, 2016 @ 4:12pm 
The best way of stopping anybody who is in your game is to pretend he's not there. This way, he'll get a little cocky and move up. Also use proximity IEDs
Tvde1 Sep 4, 2015 @ 6:57am 
Can you drive away while being invaded? I think it doesn't make you win, does it?
ZenRoyal Mar 20, 2015 @ 8:33pm 
Sitting in an occupied parking lot well hidden in a non-fancy vehicle. That's beautiful if you have that to your disposal.
Sovereign Jan 19, 2015 @ 3:37am 
it is helpful* no offense , sry
Sovereign Jan 19, 2015 @ 3:37am 
yes to a very trained eye , but what about Darkshad0w_ ? he didn't notice :D , ye games are usually designed for consoles but Shooter games aren't really good with console controllers or gamepads :\ , well I'll try it with controllers.Thanks for the guide , looks helpful.
Ideal Logic  [author] Jan 18, 2015 @ 2:48pm 
@The Darkslayer
It's noticeable to the trained eye and from another player. Especially when you're driving a vehicle, as you immediately go into a full turn, as with a gamepad, you can turn gradully and slightly.
Besides, it's just better to play with a gamepad in this game in general. It was designed to be played with well before it was for a keyboard. Same goes for nearly all of the games Ubisoft publishes.
Sovereign Jan 18, 2015 @ 11:16am 
Damn dude I use keyboard but really turning when I want it to look like an Npc's one , really doesn't look obvious :\
Ideal Logic  [author] Aug 22, 2014 @ 7:18am 
@Grimstock, That's actually a really good idea. I forgot all about Blume associates when I wrote this. Thanks for the reminder!
Grimstock Aug 21, 2014 @ 5:12pm 
You should add in the setence somewhere if you want to conjure someone into your world by hacking into a Blume agent's phone for a system key or money.
Ideal Logic  [author] Aug 21, 2014 @ 10:58am 
@Chaith, use a gamepad, a controller that consoles use, or one like it made for PC.