Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The London Case

Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The London Case

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Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The London Case - Walkthrough and Achievement Guide
By catnip
Walkthrough and guide for all achievements
Number of achievements: 46
Number of missable achievements: at least 6 (A rude awakening, A curious phrase, Johan Kristiansen, A perilous journey, Perkins, A true performance)
Minimum Playthroughs: 1, chapter select available
Free-Roam After Story: No
Does difficulty affect achievements?: No

This is a walkthrough including all achievements. I logged my actions as I was playing and unlocked all achievements in one playthrough. Some actions might seem confused or out of order, but I didn't experience any technical difficulties reported by some players so it might be a good idea to follow them.

Inspecting all objects was always my first step in every location, usually in clockwise way.

Objects to inspect are numbered.
Deductions in mind maps are shown in frames.

Choices don't matter until the final chapter where you can fail some conversations and miss one achievement.

Some achievements span across multiple chapters. I didn't mark the progress in this guide since all of them are story related and therefore unmissable.

*Note: It's possible more achievements are actually missable. These were the ones I found during my playthroughs.
Prologue - The Ship
Ship deck

1. Book
2. Unknown item (on the floor to the left) - Get Cigarette case

Cigarette case
  1. Date engraving
  2. Button clasp
  3. Lion emblem

3. Telescope (on the floor next to the top lounger)

Talk to Passenger (man)
Talk to Porter
Talk to Passenger (woman) (Florence Farquhar)

4. Passenger's suitcase

Use Cigarette case on Passenger's suitcase

Match: ??
Select: (Lion emblem)

Match: ??
Select: (Anastasia relates to Anastasios)

Poirot's cabin

Safe combination - 1815

Florence's cabin

1. Newspaper article
2. Supper
3. Luggage
4. Sink
5. Room safe
Room safe
  1. Dial
  2. Line of dust (on the table)
  3. No sign of tampering (hinges)
  4. Open and empty (inside the safe)
Mind Map: Ship evidence
Link: (No sign of tampering.) + (Dial.) = (Thief knew code to this safe?)

6. Florence's mascara.
7. Florence's power case.
8. Florence's Gala invitation.

Talk to Anastasia
Talk to Florence

9. Door handle
Door handle
  • Fingerprint on the handle.
  • Erratic scratches around the lock. (keyhole)
10. Use Florence's power case on the Door handle
11. Use Florence's power case on the Safe dial

Ship deck

Talk to Passenger (Arthur Hastings)
Talk to Marc (porter - Marc Allard)

Marc Allard
Uncover a secret about Marc

While talking to Marc select "Is it usual for one to consume alcohol while at work?"

Talk to Hastings

Sailing knife
  1. Dulled spike tip (blood)
  2. Blade
  3. Well-worn wooden handle

Florence's cabin

Talk to Anastasia
Match: ??
Select: (Florence's Gala invitation) and (Florence's mascara.)

Mind Map: Ship evidence
Link: (No fingerprints on dial.) + (No useful fingerprints on remain on the door handle.) = (Tracks covered.)
Link: (None of the suspects knew Florence's safe combination code.) + (Thief knew code to this safe?) = (The safe was cracked?)
Link: (Tracks covered.) + (The safe was cracked?) = (Expert break-in.)

Talk to Florence

Match: ??
Select: (Marc)

Match: Why the porter?
Select: (Alcoholic) + (Owns a sailing knife)

Little ideas
Solve 5 match puzzles

Solve five "Match" puzzles

Mind Map: Ship evidence
Link: (Drunken break-in ) + (Expert break-in.) = (Porter framed?)

The Ship
Complete the Prologue

Complete the Prologue.
Chapter 1 - The Gala
Museum exhibition
Analysis: The Penitent Magdalene painting
  1. Halo
  2. Eyes
  3. Lips
  4. Porcelain complexion (cheek)

Talk to Evelyn (auto) - Get Master Key

Analysis: Painting
  1. Oriental turban
  2. Face
  3. Dress

Inspect door to the Restoration room
Use the Master Key on Restoration room door

Museum Main Hall

Talk to Zakariya Demir (auto)

Seeking the truth
Ask 25 questions

(If the achievement doesn't unlock you can talk to Zakariya again)

Talk to the Ladies
Talk to Horace Mountjoy
Talk to Florence and Hastings
Talk to Mortimer Ailsworth
Talk to Monsieur Kristiansen & Madame Allen

Try to go to the Museum west wing.
Try to go to the Museum exhibiton room (upstairs).

1. Joan of Arc
2. Narcissus
3. The Good Samaritan
4. The Worker Bee
5. The mechanical orrery

Poirot will mention that he can now access more paintings in the corner where Zakariya stood.

6. Judgement Day
7. The Wild Horse

Talk to Florence (auto)
Talk to Irene Court-Smyth (auto)
Talk to Zakariya (auto)
Monsieur Kristiansen: (Narcissus) + (Vain)
Mademoiselle Warbeck: (Joan of Arc) + (Underdog)
Madame Betty Allen: (The Wild Horse) + (Plays down her personality for British society)
Mademoiselle Farquhar: (The Worker Bee) + (Hard Worker)
Monsieur Ailsworth: (The Good Samaritan) + (Passionate about charity work)
Bishop Mountjoy: (Judgement Day) + (Judges people harshly)
Mademoiselle Court-Smyth: (The mechanical orrery) + (Centre of attention)

An old friend
Solve all of Zakariya's artwork challenges

The Gala
Complete Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - The Missing Magdalene
Museum Exhibition room

1. Toppled vase
2. Painting hook on wall
3. Painting hook on floor
4. Skylight (on the floor next to Hastings)
5. Heating vent
6. Broken glass found on the floor (next to the bench)
10. Door to the main hall
7. Opera glasses - Get Opera glasses
9. Door to restoration room

Use Opera glasses on Skylight

Mind Map: Gallery evidence
Link: (Painting hook on floor) + (Painting hook on wall) = (The painting was clumsily removed)
Link: (The painting was clumsily removed) + (Toppled vase) = (Painting stolen without regard)

A curious gathering
Find all evidence in the museum

Talk to Evelyn (auto)

Mind Map: Gallery evidence
Link: (Evelyn still has the key) + (Restoration room - key required to gain access) = (Evelyn could be a suspect)

Talk to Hastings (auto)

Match: Why is Evelyn not a suspect?
Select: (Painting stolen without regard) + (Thief unfamiliar of how the painting was hung)

Museum Main Hall

Mind Map: Museum evidence
Link: (Johan entered the west wing after the champagne incident) + (Betty and Johan came from the west wing after champagne incident) = (Post-champagne incident opportunity for Monsieur Kristiansen)
Link: (Irene and Florence entered the west wing together) + (Irene and Florence returnet to the main hall before Mortimer collapsed) = (Pre-heart attack incident opportunity for Mademoiselle Court-Smyth)
Link: (Mortimer stumbled into the east wing and collapsed on his way back to the main hall) + (Horace and Mortimer entered the east wing together) = (Pre-heart attack incident opportunity for Monsieur Ailsworth)

Little grey cells
Make 10 deductions

Talk to Evelyn
Talk to Horace
Talk to Anastasia
Talk to Irene
Talk to Florence
Talk to Johan
Talk to Hastings (auto)

Arthur Hastings
Uncover a secret about Hastings

Mind Map: Museum evidence
Link: (Betty went looking for Johan before the champagne incident) + (Irene and Johan emerged from the west wing before the champagne incidence) = (Pre-champagne incident opportunity for Monsieur Kristiansen)
Link: (Irene and Johan emerged from the west wing before the champagne incidence) + (Irene disappeared before the champagne incident) = (Pre-champagne incident opportunity for Mademoiselle Court-Smyth)
Link: (Betty and Johan came from the west wing after champagne incident) + (Betty entered the west wing after the champagne incident) = (Post-champagne incident opportunity for Madame Allen)
Link: (Horace and Mortimer entered the east wing together) + (Horace entered the main hall after Mortimer collapsed) = (Pre-heart attack incident opportunity for Boshop Mountjoy)

Impossible is possible
Solve 3 mind maps

Museum West Wing

1. Unknown item
Analysis: Unknown item (Shoe)
  1. Woman's heel
  2. Cocaine residue
  3. Strange symbol

2. Unknown item
Analysis: Unknown item (Diary)
  1. FF initials
  2. Locked
  3. Elaborate emblem (in the back)

2. Small key (on the floor between the cannon and armour) - Get Small key

Use Small key on Diary

4. Restoration room door

Museum Main Hall

Talk to Evelyn

The Missing Magdalene
Complete Chapter 2

Chapter 3 - The Investigation Begins
Theatre Street

Talk to Zakariya

Betty's Dressing Room

1. Photographs of Betty Allen dduring her career
2. Photographs of Betty with family
3. A fallen chair
4. Broken picture frame
5. A lady's shoe
6. Cracked mirror
7. Safe

Analysis: Safe
  1. Jewellery
  2. Keys
  3. Money
  4. Safe door
  5. Safe Hinges

Everything matters
Perform 10 analyses

Mind Map: Dressing room evidence
Link: (Cracked mirror) + (A lady's shoe) = (Glass in mirror smashed with heel of shoe)
Link: (A lady's shoe) + (Broken picture frame) = (Glass of photo frame smashed with heel of shoe)
Link: (Glass in mirror smashed with heel of shoe) + (Glass of photo frame smashed with heel of shoe) = (Same person caused all the damage)
Link: (Glass of photo frame smashed with heel of shoe) + (Photos of Betty - all intact) = (Photograph of Johan deliberately targeted)
Talk to Hastings
Match: How do we know this wasn't a random opportunist?
Select: (The thief knew the code) + (Valuables left in the safe)
Talk to Hastings
Match: Who caused the damage to the room?
Select: (Betty)
Match: Why Mrs Allen?
Select: (Same person caused all the damage) + (Photograph of Johan deliberately targeted)

Theatre Street

Talk to Betty

Museum Main Hall

Talk to Evelyn
Talk to Horace

Museum Exhibit Room

1. Door to main hall

Talk to Mortimer
Talk to David

DI Hardwicke
Uncover a secret about David

Leave and fast travel to Irene Court-Smyth's apartment building.

Ms Culsham's hallway

Inspect Door 2 - Get Irene's shawl

Go upstairs

Irene's hallway

Inspect Irene Court-Smyth's apartment (door)

Once Hercules hangs Irene's shawl on the door inspect it.

Analysis: Irene's shawl
  1. Blue stain
  2. Needle - Get Needle

Leave and fast travel to Museum main hall.

Museum Main Hall

Talk to Horace

An expert mediator
Diffuse some arguments

Talk to Evelyn - Get Master key

Museum West Wing

Use Master key on the Locked restoration room door

Restoration room

1. Door leading to the west wing
Analysis: Door leading to the west wing
  1. Door handle
  2. Keyhole
2. Yellow paint smear
3. Gallery door
Analysis: Gallery door
  1. Door handle
  2. Keyhole
4. Green pain smear
5. Restoration table
Analysis: Restoration table
  1. Paint palette
  2. Composition of paints and pigments
  3. Cotton sticks
  4. Scissors
6. Cleaning swab - Get Cleaning swab
7. Turpentine (on Restoration desk)
8. Blue paint smear on the box

Use Cleaning swab on Turpentine
Use Damp cotton stick on the Keyhole (Gallery)

9. Cleaning swab

Use Cleaning swab on Turpentine
Use Damp cotton stick on the Keyhole (West wing)
Mind Map: Restoration room evidence
Link: (Nothing inside keyhole) + (Blue paint inside keyhole) = (The paint covered key was used to lock west wing door)
Link: (The paint covered key was used to lock west wing door) + (The key was cleaned) = (Thief may have gotten covered in blue paint)
Link: (Thief may have gotten covered in blue paint) + (Blue paint smear on box) = (The box was moved by the thief)
Link: (The paint covered key was used to lock west wing door) + (Paint palette) = nothing
10. Restoration table
Analysis: Restoration table
  1. Paint palette
  2. Composition of paints and pigments
  3. Cotton sticks
  4. Scissors
Talk to Hastings
Match: How can we know what the thief did after cutting the painting from the frame?
Select: (The box was moved by the thief)
11. Storage area
Analysis: Storage area
  1. Old and damaged frames
  2. The Penitent Magdalene frame

Museum West Wing
Talk to Evelyn (auto)

Go to the opposite side of the room
Inspect Heating vent
Use Needle on Heating vent - Get Jade stone ring

Order and method
Use 10 items

Leave and fast travel to Theatre Street.

Theatre Street
Talk to Betty

Betty Allen
Uncover a secret about Betty

Leave, fast travel to Museum main hall, go to Museum exhibition room.

Museum exhibition room

The Investigation Begins
Complete Chapter 3
Chapter 4 - The Apartment
Irene Court-Smyth's Apartment

Talk to David (auto)

1. Console table
Analysis: Console table
  1. Irene's key - Get Irene's key
  2. Inexpensive vintage crate of champagne leftover from the gala
  3. Empty bottle of turpentine (on the floor)
2. Irene's sales ledger
3. Locked cupboard

Use Irene's key on the Locked cupboard - Get Sales ledger
Use Sales ledger on Irene's sales ledger

4. Fireplace
Analysis: Fireplace
  1. No remnants of candle (candle)
  2. Lady's shoe snuffbox
  3. Saucer
  4. Necklace with pin through it
5. Scorch trail (on the floor between three chairs)
6. Burnt painting
Analysis: Burnt painting
  1. Similar painting to the Penitent Magdalene
  2. Canvas not cut out of frame (right edge of the painting)
7. Champagne glass
Analysis: Champagne glass
  1. Remnants of a syringe
  2. Champagne glass
  3. Burnt pictures taken of the Penitent Magdalene painting
8. Irene's body
Analysis: Irene's body
  1. No sign of soot or damage to airways (necklace)
  2. No sign of burning (arm on the right)
  3. Paint pigments (dress)
  4. Slumped on the chair (armrest on the left)
9. Coffee table
Analysis: Coffee table
  1. Ettington Cigarettes
  2. Cherry tobacco flavoured dog ends
  3. Champagne tap

Leave the apartment and go downstairs

Ms Culsham's hallway

Inspect the door and talk to Ms Culsham

Ms. Camilla B. Culsham
Uncover a secret about Camilla

Go back upstairs and enter Irene's apartment.

Irene Court-Smyth's Apartment

Talk to Hastings
Match: How do we know Miss Court-Smyth wasn't overcome by the fire?
Select: (No sign of burning) + (No sign of soot or damage to airways)

Match: How do we know this is not the stolen painting?
Select: (Canvas not cut out of frame)

Match: How do we know Miss Court-Smyth created forgeries?
Select: (Burnt pictures taken of the Penitent Magdalene painting) + (Irene involved in some form of fraud)

Mind Map: Irene's apartment evidence
Link: (Cherry tobacco flavoured dog ends) + (Lady's shoe snuffbox) = (Irene smoked cherry tobacco kept in shoe snuffbox)
Link: (Burnt painting was a replica) + (Three high-price sales unaccounted for) = (Irene sold two paintings day after gala)
Link: (Irene sold two paintings day after gala) + (Irene involved in some form of fraud) = (Irene selling forgeries of paintings)
Link: (Inexpensive vintage crate of champagne leftover from the gala) + (Irene came home with champagne) = (Irene left to get more champagne when she already had some)
Link: (Scorch trail leads to the painting and the door) + (Empty bottle of turpentine) = (The fire was deliberately started)

Irene Court-Smyth
Uncover a secret about Irene

Talk to Hastings
Match: Who does the cocaine snuffbox belong to?
Select: (Irene)

Match: How do we know it was Miss Court-Smyth's snuffbox?
Select: (Cherry tobacco flavoured dog ends) + (Lady's shoe snuffbox)

Inspect Irene's body again

Mind Map: Irene's apartment evidence
Link: (Pierced cork) + (Irene was poisoned) = (Champagne spiked with champagne tap.)
Link: (The fire was deliberately started) + (Champagne spiked with champagne tap.) = nothing

Talk to Hastings

An odd series of events
Unravel Culsham's chain of events

The Apartment
Complete Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - The Scheme
Museum Main Hall

Go to the Museum restoration room

Restoration room

Talk to Evelyn

Inspect Restoration table
Analysis: Restoration table
  1. Notepad
  2. Composition of paints and pigments

Leave and fast travel to Mortimer's office

Mortimer's office

Talk to Mortimer (auto)

Fast travel to Bishop Mountjoy's church

Bishop Mountjoy's church

Talk to Horace (auto)

1. Shard of glass near altar
2. Altar candles burnt low
3. Bookmarked at compline prayers (Bible on the altar)
4. Candle
Analysis: Candle
  1. Extinguished (candle)
  2. Noticeable dent (right side)
5. Wax
6. Easel
Analysis: Easel
  1. Paint supplies
  2. Charcoal
  3. Parishioner footprints and dust under easel.
7. Dustpan and brush

Talk to Horace

Mind Map: Church evidence
Link: (Noticeable dent) + (Wax) = (Candle near steps was knocked over)
Link: (Shard of glass near altar) + (Horace - "Swept up broken glass remains from underneath easel") = (Shard found away from wher the glass smashed)
Link: (Parishioner footprints and dust under easel.) + (Horace - "Swept up broken glass remains from underneath easel") = (Horace lied about where the glass smashed)
Link: (Horace lied about where the glass smashed) + (Shard found away from wher the glass smashed) = (Glass smashed at altar)
Link: (Candle near steps was knocked over) + (Glass smashed at altar) = (Can ran towards confessional?)

Talk to Hastings
Match: Where did the cat start?
Select: (The Altar)

Match: How do we know the cat started at the altar?
Select: (Glass smashed at altar) + (Horace lied about where the glass smashed)

Match: Where did the cat run to from the altar?
Select: (The Candle)

Match: How do we know the cat ran to the candle after being at the altar?
Select: (Candle near steps was knocked over)

Match: Where did the cat run to after knocking over the candle?
Select: (The Confessional)

8. The confessional
Analysis: The confessional
  1. Seat
  2. A small hole

Leave, fast travel to Theatre street, enter Betty's dressing room

Betty's dressing room

1. Waste bin
2. Newspaper

Talk to Betty
Talk to Hastings

3. Waste bin - Get Johan's torn up apology letter

Leave and fast travel to Newspaper office

Newspaper office

Talk to Nathaniel (auto)
You can select any reply you wish, only the one about Madame Allen will push the story further.

Nathaniel Dryden
Uncover a secret about Nathaniel

Talk to Florence (auto)

Leave and fast travel to Mortimer's office

Mortimer's office

Talk to Mortimer (auto)

A rude awakening
Annoy a politician

Leave, fast travel to Museum main hall, enter the Restoration room

Restoration room

1. A jug of cream - Get A jug of cream
2. Notepad

Leave and fast travel to Bishop Mountjoy's church

Bishop Mountjoy's church

Use A jug of cream on the Confessional

Find a missing cat

Talk to Horace

Inspect Easel
Analysis: Easel
  1. Tyrian purple
  2. Charcoal - Get Charcoal

Talk to Hastings
Match: What supports Bishop Mountjoy's murder alibi?
Select: (Bookmarked at compline prayers) + (Altar candles burnt low)

Leave, fast travel to Museum main hall, enter the Restoration room

Restoration room

Use Charcoal on the Notepad

Leave and fast travel to the Newspaper office

Newspaper office

Inspect Map of London on the wall

The Scheme
Complete Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - The suspects
Johan's apartment

1. Dining table
Analysis: Dining table
  1. Ettington Cigarettes
  2. Johan has been drinking heavily (bottle)

2. Unknown item (corner of the table)
  1. J.K. - Johan Kristiansen
  2. B.A. - Betty Allen
  3. Inscription - 14/12
  4. Expensive stone

3. Music room door
4. Drawer - Get Unlabelled key
5. Study door

Use Unlabelled key on the Study door

6. Desk
Analysis: Desk
  1. Ledger (Sale - £100)
  2. Notepad (on the right)

Talk to Hastings
Match: Who smoked Ettington cigarettes?
Select: (Johan)

Match: How do we know it was Mr Kristiansen?
Select: (Johan smokes Ettington branded cigarettes.)

Fast travel to Theatre street

Theatre street

Approach the Group of guests (Betty, Florence, Zakariya)

Talk to Zakariya (auto)

Zakariya Demir
Uncover a secret about Zakariya

Fast travel to the Newspaper office

Newspaper office

Talk to Nathaniel (auto)

Anastasia Babanin
Uncover a secret about Anastasia

Meet all characters in the game

1. Newspaper office window
2. Desk drawer
Analysis: Desk drawer
  1. Photograph
  2. Cheque from Irene
  3. Camera film - Get Camera film

Use Camera film on the Newspaper office window

Analysis: Unknown item
  1. The Penitent Magdalene (click anywhere on the film)

Fast travel to Theatre street

Theatre street

Approach the Group of guests (Betty, Florence, Zakariya)

Talk to Florence
Talk to Betty (no progress, just dialogue)

Enter Betty's dressing room

Betty's dressing room

1. Jewellery box (1412 - code from Betty's ring) - Get Strange note
2. Safe (no code yet)

Leave and fast travel to the Museum main hall

Museum main hall

Talk to Anastasia - Get Irene's brooch

Fast travel to Johan's apartment

Johan's apartment

Use Strange note on Notepad

"Fire To Tre En" is 4231 when translated using Norwegian dictionary found earlier in the drawer.

1. Safe - 4231

Truth from within
Crack 3 safes

A curious phrase
Solve the mystery of the note

2. Safe (again)
Analysis: Safe
  1. Betty and Johan with a dog (photo)
  2. Love letter from Betty to Johan
  3. A love letter from another woman.

Talk to Hastings

Johan Kristiansen
Uncover a secret about Johan

Fast travel to Theatre street

Theatre street

Talk to Betty - learn her dog's name "Enok"

Enter Betty's dressing room

Betty's dressing room

Inspect Safe - Enok - Get Loose key

Leave and Fast travel to Johan's apartment

Johan's apartment

Use Loose key on the Music room door

1. Book

Use Irene's broochBook[/b]

2. Piano
Analysis: Unknown Item
  1. Pigment is brighter than it should be (cheek)

The Suspects
Complete Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - The Secrets
Theatre street

You start this chapter with Matches in your inventory.

Talk to Horace

Evelyn Lakshmi Warbeck
Uncover a secret about Evelyn

Talk to Horace (again)

Fast travel to Museum main hall

Museum main hall

Talk to Evelyn

Go to the Restoration room

Restoration room

1. Restoration room table
Analysis: Restoration room table
  1. Composition of paintings and pigments
  2. Trustee meeting minutes
  3. Date planner

2. Composition of paintings and pigments (desk again)
3. Storage area
Analysis: Storage area
  1. Note
  2. Oil paint (Prussian blue)
  3. Naples yellow

4. Safe (no code yet)

5.Restoration room table (again)
Analysis: Restoration room table
  1. Naples yellow - Page 9
  2. Prussian blue - Page 358

6. Safe (again) (Code: 9358)

7. Storage area (again)
Analysis: Storage area
  1. Museum financial books
  2. Artist's work
  3. Letter

Mind Map: Evelyn's black market evidence
Link: (Walked in on secret meeting) + (Time blocked out in date planner) = nothing
Link: (Evelyn met with strange, uncouth men) + (Artist's work) = (Artists Linley and Keith)
Link: (Artists Linley and Keith) + (Payments to unnamed recipients - £250 each) = (Evelyn is trying to modernise the museum)

Talk to Hastings
Match: Why did Mademoiselle Warbeck hold a secret meeting?
Select: (Evelyn is trying to modernise the museum)

Leave to Museum main hall

Museum Main Hall

Talk to Evelyn

Fast travel to Theatre street

Theatre street

Talk to Horace

Fast travel to Bishop Mountjoy's church

Bishop Mountjoy's church

1. Bible
2. Eighth Station of the Cross
Analysis: Eighth Station of the Cross
  1. Jesus
  2. Women
  3. Clay pot

3. Confessional
Analysis: Confessional
  1. Seat
  2. A small hole - Get Metal tube

4. Ninth Station of the Cross
Analysis: Ninth Station of the Cross
  1. Cross
  2. Jesus
  3. Clay pot

5-14. Station of the Cross painting (left and right side of the church).
15. Sixth Station of the Cross
Analysis: Sixth Station of the Cross
  1. Headdress
  2. Signature

16. Seventh Station of the Cross?

A perilous journey
Inspect all stations of the cross

Mind Map: Horace's black market evidence
Link: (Irene copying Percy Blackford's work) + (Forgery signed Percy Blackford) = (Irene forged Station of the Cross painting)
Link: (Irene forged Station of the Cross painting) + (Horace commissioned paintings by Irene) = (Horace commisioned forgery of Station of the Cross)
Link: (Horace commisioned forgery of Station of the Cross) + (Horace may be involved in black market dealings) = (Horace selling original artwork from church)

Talk to Hastings (auto)
Match: Where might Bishop Mountjoy be hiding the original paintings from the church before he sells them on?
Select: (Space behind confessional)

Use Metal tube on Clay pot (at Eighth Station of the Cross)
Set the Clay pot to point to north-west (like in the first first picture in the bible)

Use Metal tube on Clay pot (at Ninth Station of the Cross)
Set the Clay pot to point to west (like in the second picture in the bible)

Horace's secret stash

Inspect Similar painting to the Penitent Magdalene
Analysis: Similar painting to the Penitent Magdalene
  1. Slash across painting
  2. Painting (forehead)

Horace Mountjoy
Uncover a secret about Horace

Irene Court-Smyth's apartment

Leave and go downstairs to Ms Culsham's hallway

Ms Culsham's hallway

Interact with the door Ms Culsham

Visit a lonely dog

Go upstairs and enter Irene Court-Smyth's apartment

Irene Court-Smyth's apartment

1. Console table
  1. Bottle of champagne - empty.
  2. Crate
  3. Turpentine bottle - empty
  4. Box of candles - Get Candle

2. Fireplace
  1. No remnants of candle (left candle)
  2. Saucer (right candle)
  3. Necklace with pin - Get Necklace with pin through it

Use Candle on the Saucer (right side of the fireplace)
Use Necklace with pin through it on Candle on saucer
Use Matches on the Candle on saucer with necklace

The Secrets
Complete Chapter 7
Chapter 8 - The Investigation Starts Anew
Theatre street

Talk to Zakariya

Fast travel to Mortimer's office

Mortimer's office

Talk to Mortimer (auto)

Theatre street

Talk to Anastasia

Mortimer's office

1. Waste paper bin (under the desk)
2. Chess set
3. Bookshelf
4. Groove on the floor
5. Globe
6. Drawer
Analysis: Drawer
  1. Fallen queen (on the floor)
  2. Gun
  3. Snuff spoon

Mortimer Ailsworth
Uncover a secret about Mortimer

Mind Map: Office evidence
Link: (Bookshelf) + (Groove on the floor) = nothing
Link: (Chess set) + (Queen chess piece on the floor) = (Chess set was knocked over)
Link: (Chess set was knocked over) + (Wooden thump sound) = (Chess set knocked over on the way to answer the door)
Link: (Globe) + (Glass rattling sount) = (Globe moved)
Link: (Globe moved) + (Chess set was knocked over) = (Mortimer was at the bookshelf)

7. Bookshelf (again)

A peculiar fellow
Unravel Mortimer's movements

Newspaper office

Talk to Mortimer (auto) (answers don't matter)

Dark room

Visit all locations in the game

1. Window
2. Radio
3. Photo paper - Get Photo paper
4. Photographic developer - Get Photographic developer
5. I believe this is for producing photographic prints
6. Cupboard under the sink
Analysis: Cupboard under the sink
  1. Unlabelled bottle - Get Bottle
  2. Unlabelled bottle - Get Bottle

7. Trays
8. Hat
9. Light switch

Use Photographic developer on Trays
Use Photo paper on I believe this is for producing photographic prints

Talk to Hastings about the bottles (ignore the other option for now)- Get Potassium cyanide and Photo fixer

Use Photo fixer on Trays

10. Light switch (again)
11. Window (again)

Talk to Hastings
Match: Would Mr Dryden not have seen Miss Farquhar leave?
Select: (Mademoiselle Farquhar could have exited dark room via window)

Match: Did Mr Dryden say he never heard anything happen?
Select: (Radio)

Match: Would Ms Culsham not have spotted Miss Farquhar entering the flat?
Select: (Hat)

The Investigation Starts Anew
Complete Chapter 8

Florence Farquhar
Uncover a secret about Florence
Chapter 9 - The Denouement
Theatre street

Match: How could Miss Court-Smyth have had the opportunity to access the restoration room?
Select: (Florence pretented to be Irene on the balcony)

Match: What was Miss Court-Smyth's plan for getting the painting out of the museum?
Select: (Irene hid the Penitent Magdalene painting behind one of her own paintings)

Museum exhibition room

Talk to Evelyn
Match: What part did Miss Warbeck play in the theft of the painting?
Select: (Evidence tampering)

Talk to Florence
Match: What part did Miss Farquhar play in the theft of the painting?
Select: (Aided forgery creation)

Talk to Horace
Match: What crime did Bishop Mountjoy commit?
Select: (Theft and embezzlement)

Select dialogue: "I can assure you Detective Inspector, the Bishop's relationship with the deceased is more than I imagine we all thought possible - Business partners."

Talk to Mortimer
Match: What crime did Mr Ailsworth commit?
Select: (Insurance fraud)

Select dialogue: "And you wish to present yourself as a sick man? Or as a man that would not aim a gun at an officer of the law?"

Talk to Johan
Match: What crime did Mr Kristiansen commit?
Select: (Theft)

Talk to Betty
Talk to Anastasia
Talk to Hastings
Talk to David

1. A portrait of the principle painting
2. Sunflowers painting
3. Nature's power painting

A true performance
Deliver your findings, flawlessly

Select: (Nature's power painting)

The Penitent Magdalene
Deliver your findings

Select: (To be invited by Florence to the gala)

A treasured heirloom
Work out what happened to the cigarette case

The Denouement
Complete Chapter 9
Thank you to NS Plover for pointing out missing achievements.
catnip  [author] Sep 10, 2023 @ 11:55am 
@NS Plover - You're absolutely right. I've checked my notes and even in this very guide it does say that the Johan achievement unlocks after talking with Hastings. Somehow I thought it would pop right after reading the letter. Definitely missable.

I'll add both achievements as missable. I'll have to play it one more time and try to do the absolute minimum to progress to see what can be missed. I just need to wait a while, the game is still fresh in my memory.`
NS Plover Sep 9, 2023 @ 11:58am 
@catnip - A curious phrase is also missable, the game will allow you to open the safe without doing the requirements of interacting with the notepad and/or looking at the dictionary after. And you can continue and complete the game without.

Not entirely sure how many other achievements can be missed - it does seem like most can't...

Anyway - I think your guide is great! Thanks for posting it.
NS Plover Sep 9, 2023 @ 9:55am 
@catnip - with Johan - you can view everything in the safe and do all the matches and not get it if you miss a conversation with Hastings - I forget the exact wording - about his affair with Irene.
catnip  [author] Sep 9, 2023 @ 6:21am 
@NS Plover These were my discoveries over the course of three playthroughs and single chapters. The sample was very tiny naturally and so errors are possible. Tracking achievements is almost impossible in this game with literally zero information about them or even any popup when obtaining them.

I genuinely forgot about the "A rude awakening" being missable, thank you.

As for the "Johan Kristiansen" while technically it is missable, you would have to intentionally break the inspection section of the safe and skip the letter. It's highly unlikely anyone would do that.

Perhaps I should remove that section entirely to not confuse anyone.
NS Plover Sep 9, 2023 @ 4:28am 
I'm not sure who came up with 3 missable achievements. There are more than that.

It is easily possible to complete the game and not get:
A rude awakening
Johan Kristiansen

Anytime you do a match that doesn't have all the items filled in, if the correct match is there and you choose it, you will proceed and may not be able to gather those other pieces of info. Not sure if there are other achievements missable if you do this.

With a rude awakening, you can proceed the game without talking to Mortimer about Irene and no achievement...
Obergefreiter Ghost Sep 3, 2023 @ 8:08am 
Great guide! Hopefully you will also do one for Orient Express