Blasphemous 2

Blasphemous 2

25 ratings
Canvas of Light and Time (Ending A)
By hatedabamboo
This guide will help you to unlock alternative ending (Ending A) "Canvas of Light and Time".
Gathering altarpieces
To get the alternate ending in Blasphemous 2, you need to position 4 altarpiece statues in your inventory in a certain way. The four in question are the ones with gold cloths around them: Cierzo, Lebeche, Gregal, and Jaloque. Their position is important, as they have to point in certain way.

Acquiring quest tiem
With altarpieces arranged, go to the Chapel of the Five Doves, which is the brown segment of the map nestled in the Elevated Temples. Go to the top of the room near where the doves were and go to the room on the right. It should be open.

If you have the statues in the correct order, there will be a new interaction prompt near the fire. Interact with it to get a new item called Incense of the Envoys. Take it and then go to the top of Crimson Rains to fight final boss.

Once you get to the room before the final boss fight, the game will ask you if you want to use the Incense of the Envoys before you ascend. If you use the Incense of the Envoys and then beat the boss, you’ll be treated to a different cutscene and Ending A.
Both endings?
You do not have to worry about locking yourself out of the two endings. The game saves just before the final fight either way. You can always choose to not use the Incense of the Envoys to get Ending B again.
Thank you
Thank you for reading this guide. Should you find any mistakes or ideas to improve it, do not hesitate to contact me.
hatedabamboo  [author] Aug 29, 2023 @ 1:35pm 
Yes, that's the point.
Dante Aug 29, 2023 @ 12:59pm 
My figures are Burnt after ending B, it didn't save with them in tact.
Pabl4469 Aug 28, 2023 @ 8:44am 
thank you