

28 ratings
Wytchwood 100% Walkthrough & Achievement Guide
By Erelain
A step-by-step guide to get through the game and get all the 14 achievements.
Some side notes before getting started
❗❗ IMPORTANT WARNING: Before we get started with the Walkthrough and Achievements itself, I want to clarify that both things are the same, meaning that this game has no secret achievements or extras; you will get all of them just by playing the main storyline, so you can’t miss any of them if you complete the game, and it is done in a single playthrough. For that obvious reason, this guide will be FULL OF GAME SPOILERS. It’s not a difficult game and most of the problems will be naturally solved if you search a bit and pay attention, but anyways if you are struggling, this guide will help you along the way.

Note 1: I’ll be referring to items, locations and names in general inside the game in English, as it is the most universal language we can use, and I will try to put images for clarification, but obviously, all those names I’ve mentioned will be different regarding the language in which you choose to play. By this I mean, don’t bother asking me things like: “How is this item called in the Russian version of the game? I can’t find it!” Because I obviously have no idea.

Note 2: At the end of the guide you have some sections that explain the recipes and locations of each ingredient, if you have difficulties finding some of them and the walkthrough doesn't clarify it eoungh, you can search there so its easier.

Note 3: The collected souls are placed in this Guide in the same order than the Achievements are, but you can do more than one storyline at the same time within the same set of four souls as you explore the map.
Game basics - Movement, inventory and crafting
The game movement is pretty simple, you can use the left mouse button to click and command your character to move to a certain spot, or use the W+A+S+D on the keyboard to do the exact same (whatever feels better for you)

Once you get the Grimoire in the very first minutes of the gameplay, you can press H to open it whenever you want; inside the Grimoire you have your inventory, the map, the recipes that you have unlocked, and the missions register.

By pressing G you will access your Witch eye tool: This is the most important mechanic of the game; it allows you to see hints of the items, tools or craftable items you have to use to influence your environment, and therefore to progress within the story. Whenever you are stuck or you lack a recipe of some sort, try to use this vision upon everything you can find.

So, to sum up:
  • W+A+S+D / left mouse click: Move.
  • F: interact, collect or talk. Hold it when a recipe is selected (having all of its components) to craft it.
  • Right click: use the selected tool or item in the speedbar inventory.
  • Tab: Shortcut to the map.
  • H: Open your Grimoire.
  • G: Activate/ deactivate Witch vision.
  • R: Press when in the Journal section of the Grimoire to pin/unpin missions on the main screen for them to be easier to track.

I highly suggest you to keep collecting all items that you find as you explore and complete quests, as most of them will be used multiple times in recipes and crafts to keep pushing the storyline, so it will save you lots of time; the collectable ingredients spawn within short periods of time, so its quite easy to grind most of them if needed.
Map and speed travelling
The Ethereal Roads:

This is the speed traveling spot: The only portal that is automatically unlocked is the Forest in the first quest of the game; if you want to unlock the rest of them, you have to find the phisical spots where the entrances are located. So you have to find the portals in the Swamp, the Fields, the Village, the Market, the Graveyard, the Docks and the Mountains.

Keep in mind that initially you won't be able to access all the zones (it depends of the set of four souls you are collecting, or the active quests that you have), so the first set of 4 souls unlocks the Forest, the Swamp and the Fields, the second set Unlocks the Village, The Market, the Graveyard and the Docks, and the last one Unlocks the Mountain.

I'll leave here the map of each zone with all the connecting zones and portals.

The Forest:

The Swamp:

The Fields:

The Village:

The Market:

The Graveyard:

The Docks:

The Mountains:

1st Achievement - The Contract
As you begin your journey, you will wake up in your hut with a strange visitor claiming for your attention. Then you will have to get ready for the adventure; collect your Grimoire in the upper right corner of the room, then once you get and open it, you will have to collect some things from the chest in the middle of the room, and then you will be taught how to craft and use your first ever potion (the ingredients are in the room itself: two forest herbs and two haghshrooms) and then you can go outside to start your adventure.

You will find the Goat in the upper left corner of your yard, and after a short conversation with him/her/it(?) you will learn how to use your Witch vision pressing G. Now we have to craft an Unveiling Powder. You can find all the ingredients in your yard and inside the chest that you opened inside your house, so open your Grimoire, select the recipe and craft the powder. Then it will be added to you speedbar inventory; select it and use it near the Stone Shrine door.

Then you will have to collect the shears from the garden chest; your first tool! You can return to the Goat and use the shears with it. Now you have to inspect the four Stone Altars with your Witch vision. Here it goes your first quest: find the four ingredients in the Forest. Clear the way to the Forest using the shears on the door located on the botton left corner of the scene, and then proceed to the Ethereal Roads (a crossroad we will use for speed traveling during the whole game).

The Frog Slime:
First you have to find the Ragamuffin (west of the map) and talk to him; he will give you a catching net; use it to catch at least 5 fireflies in the green pit to the left, and then interact again with the Ragamuffin to exchange them for a runaway-frog: catch it again with the net; now you have the first ingredient.

The Shiny Stone:
Now you have to find the Well Wisher; he will give you a Trowel, and ask for a couple of Reedy Twines (you can get those in the tall grass nearby using the shears) to get a rope down the Well. Go down there and collect some clay with the acquired Trowel, and randomly doing so some shiny rocks will spawn as well. Don't forget the gold coins on the ground we will be using later on. Use the G vision onto any freshwater spring to learn the Empty Jar recipe.

The Dog Hair:
First talk to the Woodsman to get te Axe, then find some rotting lodges to harvest using the Axe; this will give you some twigs and Lethe Caps (we will need this later). Don't forget to use the Trowel in the Woodsman campfire ashe pile to get some campfire embers aswell.

Then find the Kilnman, and talk to him, and use G onto his dog to find the recipe you need to calm it down. Then use G vision and spot any squirrell with it; this will unlock the Wickerwork and snap trap recipe. Craft a snaptrap then and place it near a squirrell, then collect the meat morsel. Craft an empty jar too with clay and embers and go use it inside the Well in the freshwater spring; if you collected some impeye nuts along the way you should be able now to craft the Soporific potion and the Soporific Morsel. Do so, and throw it to the Kilnman's dog; then use the shears with him to collect some Dog Hair, and lastly collect all the stuff in the area before leaving (chest, pots, cinder...)

The Bird Feather:
Lastly, talk to the Birdwatcher, then craft another snaptrap and place it near any blue bird that you can find on the map. You have now the last one of the offerings; return to your home and place the items on the altars.

Enter the shrine and discuss with the Goat about the sleeping Maiden; you'll discover the terms of your contract, and you will unlock the first achievement.

First Things First
Remember your contract with the Goat.
2nd Achievement - The Bear
Once you are awake, go outside, so the Goat informs you of the location of the first 4 of the 12 souls you have to collect to fulfill your contract, so lets go get the first one: The Bear in the Forest.

Once you get to the forest, find the Lakeshore Path in the northwest area and follow it to a new zone. You will find two guards keeping the entrance of a fortress; talk to them. Next, you have to return to the Forest, to the southeast end, where you will find the Quartermaster and his wrecked cart. He will ask you to report the situation to the Sargeant on the Camp, so return there and speak to the guards again: they will ask for a bribe to let you pass: that will be the three gold coins that you found on the bottom of the well.

Approach the Bear in the centre of the camp to see a few dialogue lines, then proceed to the right corner and talk to the Sergeant. You have now to repair the Portable Brewery; This will require 5 jars of water (craft the jars and fill them inside the Well), 8 twigs (they're everywhere in the Forest) and a cinderbox (crafted with 1 campfire ember, 1 rodent lard and 3 fireflies). This should be easy to get for you by now. Once everything is added, you have yet another list of ingredients; this is a little bit more complicated.

Metamorphosis Elixir:
For this elixir you have to gather 3 ingredients: 1 dryad fruit, for that you have to craft a cynderbox and use it with a tall, orange moving tree with pink fruits that attacks you when you approach it (it wanders generally in the north part of the Forest). Once you set it on fire it'll drop a dryad fruit. Next you have to get 2 Changeling roots; the changelings can be found in the forest, near the lake, there is a cabin guarded by a dog which you can put to sleep with a Soporific Morsel (the same recipe you used for the Kilman's dog). Once you have done that, press on the red mushrooms with white dots on the ground, and a small creature will run away; use the axe with it and collect the Changeling root. Lastly you need 3 bug ichors (head to the swamp south of the forest, and kill mosquitos using the smoke pellet recipe you will learn with the G vision)

If you travel all the way south and east in the forest you will find the path to the fields, and once you are there head west and you wil find the entrance to the apiary. Talk to the Beeskeeper, and then with the Queen Bee. You will be asked to craft Royal Incense, and will be given the recipes you need for it: 1 Smoke Pellet (2 frog slime, 1 forest herb, 3 clay) 1 Witch spice: (2 hashrooms, 2 impeye nuts and 2 forest herbs) and yet another soporific potion (2 lethe caps, 1 jar of water and 1 impeye nut). Craft it and use it with the Queen Bee, and you will be rewarded with the Honey.

Torn Teddy Bear:
For this purpose you have to try to enter the Bear's tent in the Camp, but the Sergeant will stop you right away, so you will have to craft a Protective Talisman for him to let you pass: for this you will need a Wicked Gemstone (3 campfire embers, 4 shiny stones and 1 dog hair) 1 Magic paste (1 fairy dust, 1 dragonfly wing and 1 jar of milk) and 2 Wickerworks (1 reedy twine + 2 twigs each one). Once you have crafted it, give it to the sergeant and then enter the tent; the Teddy Bear is inside the Chest.

Now that you have all the ingredients; head to the Brewery and throw them in. You will obtain a keg of Honey Brew; give it to the Bear, and get his soul.

The Bear
Collect the soul of the Bear in the Forest
3rd Achievement - The Snake
First you have to find the Weeping Maiden sitting by the lake in the middle of the Forest, and talk to her; this will open the new chapter. Then, you can walk to the left (towards the bridge) and you will hear a voice, and will be asked to use an Unveiling powder with Humble Basin by the water.

Doing so,a Pixie will show up, and you will have to catch it with your net. Next you will have to interact with the Humble Basin, and give it 2 Fairy Dust, 4 fireflies and 3 blue feathers. This will reveal the bridge over the lake, that you have to cross now. Once you traverse the portal on the other end, you will find yourself in the Uncanny Fairground. Go all the way to the silk tent south of the fair and enter to meet the Snake. After that, speak with the Bard (the guy in green), and then after that, return to the Forest to talk with the Weeping Maiden again. You will be asked to collect the three mirror's shards.

The Pixie Tree:
This is the nearest location (to the right and slighltly down from the weeping maiden location) so it will be the first stop. The Pixie will ask us to destroy the 3 Fairy shrines in exchange for the mirror shard. They don't have to be destroyed in any specific order, so do as you will.
  • First shrine: by the lake, in the small hut guarded by a dog.
  • Second shrine: by the other side of the lake, guarded by some goblins (get rid of them with a of dreadfull doll)
  • Third shrine: following the path below the pixie tree to the right, guarded by a dryad tree (you can get rid of it using a cinderbox)
You can now return to the Pixie tree and get the first shard.

The Wishing Well:
This is the second location we are gonna explore; go to the southest part of the bottom of the well, where you will see a couple of bright eyes hiding in a small cave; interact with it. You will be asked to craft a Roast Beast (4 meaty morsels, 1 Witch Spice and 3 campfire embers). Craft it and give it to the creature in exchange for the second glass shard.

The Swamp:
Head to the Swamp and go to the middle-west end, and you will encounter a group of stick totems; you have to craft a moonlight globe to distract them: 1 glitter bomb (1 empty jar + 2 soot sprites + 3 flower petals) plus 2 shiny stones, plus 1 totemic moondrop (you get those by killing stick totems with a snagvine + axe). The last one of the shards is yours, so you may return to the Weeping Maiden.

Give her the three mirror shards. You will be given a mirror, and then you can return to the Uncanny Fair and use it with the Snake to gather her soul.

The Snake
Collect the soul of the Snake in the Forest.
4th Achievement - The Leech
To trigger this quest, you will have to talk to the Old Lady sitting slightly to the south to the entrance of the Swamp. Then head southwest of the Swamp and find the path that leads to the Sickhouse and follow it. Talk to the Nurse at the front door; to let you enter and talk to the Leech you have to bring three ingredients to the Nurse: 3 bug ichors (you can get those from skeeters back in the swamp), 5 toxic thirstle (collect them using the shears in the swamp) and 4 lazy grass (you find those back in the Fields). Once you give all of the ingredients, the Nurse will let you in.

Once you meet the Leech, you have to talk to the sick patients to gather a description of the Old Lady's husband. The hints they will give you are:
  • Short man.
  • Beard.
  • Dark hair and eyes.

Talk to the leech and answer the questions with this answers:
  • Shorter than most.
  • Dark in features.
  • Wore a full beard

Return to the Old Lady back in the swamp to give her the news. She will ask you to repair the old Circle of Power located to the south of the Swamp. Head there and you will be asked to fulfill 4 tasks:

Collect a Drake fang:
The Drake is a huge creature located on the northeast end of the Swamp, above the Old Lady's house. You have to examine him with your G vision and craft the Snackrifice (1 soporific potion, 1 Roast Beast and 1 Magic Paste). Place it near him and then when he's asleep use the shears.

Craft Apothecary Humors:
For this you will need 3 Bloods (collected from skeeters and leeches in the Swamp), 3 bug ichors (same) and 3 frog slimes.

Craft Necromantic Charm:
For this recipe you will need 1 Wickerwork, 2 bloods and 1 pumpkinjack bone (get to the Fields and find the Pumpkin Jacks in the Pumpkin Yard Northeast, then use a Snagvine with one of them and then the Axe)

Get a Death Certificate from the Leech:
Return to the Sickhouse and talk to the Leech again, but he won't give it to you just for free; you have to gather 3 Mending Poultice (2 Forest herbs and 1 Hagshroom each) 3 Dragonfly wings and 2 Skeeters snoots for him. This shouldn't be a trouble at all for you at this point.

Once you have done all of this, you can head back to the Obelisks and place the offerings. Now you have to search for the body itself; for that purpose head to the south of the Swamp, where some bodies are semi-buried on the mud, and inspect 6 of them. Then head to the Frog King that appeared just to your left, and talk to him. You have to craft some digestive tablets for him (for this you will need 3 snail shells, 1 eye of newt and 1 goblin snot). Give it to the King Frog and collect the remains of the Old Lady's Husband. Return to the Obelisk and place the corpse onto it. Talk to the zombie, and then return to the Sickhouse to search for evidence on Leech's crimes.

You have to do one last thing; add some spirit salts to the wine bottle in the table (1 univeiling powder + 3 embalming salts), and then you can collect the soul.

The Leech
Collect the soul of the Leech in the Swamp.
5th Achievement - The Ox
You trigger this chapter by talking to the vegetable farmer on the fields. Then head southwest of the Fields to the Ox's Farm to meet him. Once you have done that, return to the Fields and search for the Bandit's camp south of the map. Craft a Dreadfull Doll and use it to scare the Bandits out and get to the Core of the camp to talk to the Bandit Boss.

He will ask for a Humble Pie in exchange for the info. This recipe has various steps, so lets get them (not to repeat info, if you lack some of the ingredients, check the info in the last sections of the guide):
  • 1 Roast Beast (4 meat morsels, 1 witch spice and 3 campfire embers)
  • 1 Dough (3 eggs, 5 grains, 2 jars of milk)
  • 2 Crowsfoot (snap trap near crows in the Fields)

Give the Bandit Boss the Humble Pie you just crafted, and then go speak to the Scarecrow on the Ox's farm. After that, inspect the crops that Ox is growing, and then go talk to the Vegetable farmer that triggered the storyline in the first place. You have to gather 3 ingredients:

Growth Potion:
For this you will need Apothecary humors (3 bloods, 3 bug ichors, 3 frog slimes), Magic Paste (1 Dragonfly Wing, 1 Fairy Dust, and 1 Jar of Milk) and 3 Flower Petals.

Turkey Gizzardstone:
You will get this by crafting some Digestive tablets and toss it near The mad Turkeys Southwest of the Fields.

2 Jars of Water:
Craft two empty Jars and fill them with water. You have a Watering bomb near the chicken coop in the Fields, so you dont have to go grab water to the Wishing Well.

Once you have it all, give it to the Cabbage, and you will be given yet another list of ingredients and recipes to gather. Here you have it:

Craft a Potion of Blight:
For this you will need 3 Toxic Thistles (swamp), 3 lazy grass (Fields) and 1 Eye of Newt (Swamp).

Craft some Wyrd Water:
For this recipe you have to use 1 Jar of water, 2 Hagshrooms (Forest) and 2 bug ichors (swamps).

Collect a Pumpkinjack bone:
You have to go to the patch where pumpkins are grown east of the Fields, and use a Snagvine onto a Pumpkinjack, then use an axe and it will drop a Pumpkinjack bone.

Once you have all of this, return to the Vegetable Farmer and throw the ingredients in the Watering can next to him. Once this is done, you have to take it and water the crops on the Ox's farm with it. Then collect his soul and move on.

The Ox
Collect the soul of the Ox in the Fields.
6th Achievement - The Cat
Go back to your house and talk to the Goat now to give him the first set of four wicked souls (you will find him inside the Sleeping Maiden's Shrine). Once you have placed the four offering onto the Shrine, you will fall sleep again. Once you are awake and outside, you will have the list of the next 4 souls you have to gather in new locations you haven't visited yet.

Enter the Village through the east end of the Forest, and cross it all the way to its southeast end to access the Market. There, you will trigger the Cat's chapter interacting with the Merchant's trio in the centre. Then talk to the sad unicorn to the right,and he will give you your first task: craft a Rainbow Roll: for this you will need a Glitter Bomb (1 empty jar, 2 soot sprites and 3 petals), 1 dough (3 eggs, 5 grians and 2 jars of milk) and 2 Impeye nuts. Give it to the Unicorn.

Next, you have to pay a visit to the three arguing merchants:

The Chandler:
Once inside his shop, talk to the Chandler, and you will be asked for proof again; examine the Wax Granules in the up-right corner, and then head to the Docks; they are located to the south of the Market. Once you get there, search for the Dock 3 (south-west) and examine the deepwater to the left. In order to get the paper back, you will have to craft a fishing line (1 reedy twine, 1 nail, 1 grasshopper leg) and cast it next to the water. Return now to the Chandler and show him what you found.

The Baker:
Talk to the Baker, who will ask you for some sort of proof; then inspect the Conspicuous Urn in the corner of the room; now head to the Graveyard; you can access it going back to the Village, and walking south of the Townsquare. There, search for the Hanging tree on the centre of the map, then interact with the Hanged ghost. Craft some Spirit Salts (1 unveiling powder + 3 embalming salts) and spritz them onto the ghost; take the Cat's confession and return to the Bakery to talj to the Baker.

The Blacksmith:
Now go to the Blacksmith's store, same process as the previous two; talk to the Blacksmith,asked for proof. Examine the barrel in the left bottom corner of the store, and then head to the Village, and examine the Gallows to the right of the Townsquare. Then you will have to craft a Pluckpocket (1 bone (graveyard), 1 crab claw (docks) and 1 pickpocket,s glove). Once you have it, use it near the Gallows and gather the last piece of evidence, then return to show the Blacksmith.

Go back to talk with the Unicorn, and you will be asked to craft a Feline Curio:

Stuffed Birb:
For this you will need 2 blue feathers (place snap trap near blue birds in the Forest), one pigeon beak (place snap trap near pigeons in the Village) and finally one Mimic's toe: for this you will have to craft a Skeleton key (you will need 3 bones (dig with the trowel in the graveyard) 1 mummified head (spirit salts with ghastly heads in the graveyard) and 1 nail) and use it to unlock one of the Mimic chests located in the Village. They will give you the Mimic's toe you need.

Witch spice:
You already know this recipe, so just use 2 Hagshrooms, 2 impeye nuts and 2 Forest herbs to craft one of this.

Feline treat:
For this you will need 2 jars of milk (there is a Cow in the upper corner of the Market for this purpose) and one fish (you can buy this from the Market in exchange for one gold coin or you can go to the docks and cast a fishing line onto the fishing spots).

Return to the Market and place your Cat Curio near the Foundation statue. Then speak to the Unicorn and gather the soul of the Cat.

The Cat
Collect the soul of the Cat in the Market.
7th Achievement - The Ram
To trigger this storyline, talk to the Shepdog east of the Village. Then find the Townsquare and interact with the Ram holding a Bell. After that you will have to use 3 unveiling powders in the three Sooty trail spots (the first one is near the Ram: to find the other two you just have to follow the black footprints path). You will end up in front of a Gargoyle, who will ask you for 3 ingredients:

3 Elf Shoes:
Craft 3 shiny lures (1 shiny stone, 2 fireflies and 1 wickerwork each) and head to the Market to search for some Elfs. Place the lures near them; then gather the elf shoes they drop.

Sewing Kit:
You are already familiar with this: just combine 2 reedy twines + 1 skeeter snoot.

Gnome Hat:
You get this in the Fields, using your shears onto garden Gnomes.

Give it all to the Gargoyle, and then speak to the black sheep in the new area. Inspect the Spinning wheel with your G vision to unlock a new spell, and then craft it with the following ingredients: 2 mandrake roots (you will find this in the Graveyard, using your trowel onto grave dirt piles) 1 necromantic charm (1 pumpkinjack bone, 2 blood and 1 wickerwork) and 2 mending poultice (2 forest herbs and 1 hagshroom each). Once you have crafted the spell, cast it near the Wheel. Then you will have to gather some ingredients to use in the repaired Wheel:

Sheep whool:
You will have to find three of the Ram's sheep acolites. You will find them in the following locations:
  • The Docks: You will find it near Dock three (where you found the cat's confession in the previous achievement). Interact with it, and you will learn how to craft Bottled Despair (2 spectral tears (you obtain this in the graveyard, using a soothing rune with a weeping spectre) 2 Mandrake roots (found in the graveyard aswell) and 1 wyrdwater (1 jar of water + 2 hagshrooms + 2 bug ichors)) once you craft it, you have to spray it upon the sheep, and then use the shears on it. You have the first piece of whool.
  • The Graveyard: You will find this missionary slightly above the traveling portal. Interact with him to obtain the haunted mannequin recipe. For this you will need 1 dreadfull doll (3 grain, 3 grasshopper legs and 1 sewing kit), 1 mummified head (use spirit salts onto ghastly heads on the graveyard) and 1 ghostly ectoplasm (use an Exorcism charm (1 wickerwork + 1 black rose + 2 bat wings) onto an antlered ghost). Once you have crafted the mannequin, give it to the sheep and collect his whool with the shears.
  • The Market: The last sheep is in the Market, slightly up and to the left of the Foundation statue. You will learn one last recipe: the prestidigitation Deck (1 glitter bomb, 1 shiny lure and 2 skipper scale (you get those by using a crab trap near skippers on the Docks)) use the crafted deck with the sheep and collect the last piece of whool.

Metamorphosis elixir:
The ingredients for this are 1 Dryad Fruit, 3 bug ichors and 2 Changeling roots.

Cryptcrawler silk:
Head to the Graveyard and find the Crypt entrance (southeast of the map), enter it and find a cryptcrawler (a big spider) and inspection it with your G vision (you will learn a new recipe called arachnicide, composed by 1 soot sprite, 1 potion of blight and 3 lethe caps). Once crafted, toss it to the Crawler and collect the silk.

You have all that you need now; return to the black sheep using the Gargoyle, and add all the ingredients to the Wheel. Take the Magic Yarn and go back to the Ram in the Townsquare. Interact with him and then use the magic Yarn onto the Flocks in the same townsquare. Pick now the soul of the Ram from the ground.

The Ram
Collect the soul of the Ram in the Village.
8th Achievement - The Rat
Trigger this storyline by talking to the Gravekeeper next to the entrance of the Graveyard, then go to the Haunted Mansion entrance slightly up and to the right. Enter the mansion. Try to get to the stairs and get blocked by the spectres. Go back to talk to the Gravekeeper. He will ask for some items for fueling his lamp: 3 bat wings (bait stick near bats), 1 ghostly ectoplasm (exorcism charm onto antlered ghost) 2 cryptcrawlers silk (arachnicide onto cryptcrawler). Once you have gathered all of this and give it to the Gravekeeper, you will be given a Ghostlight lamp. You can now return to the Mansion and use it to scare away the ghostly grasps. Go talk to the Banshee upstairs on the Mansion. You now will have to search for clueas about the Banshee's identity.
  • Family Portrait: this is located in the corridor's wall directly below the Banshee. You will have to craft a restorative idol and cast it onto the shreded portrait.
  • Locked Chest: this is located in the room to the left of the Banshee. Interact with it, and you will be asked to craft a Skeleton Key to open it (3 bones, 1 mummified head and 1 nail). Once you have it, use it with the Chest.
  • Family Crest: Located on the bottom floor of the Mansion, to the right. Inspect it and obtain a purification water recipe (1 Ghostly ectoplasm, 3 jars of Water and 2 forest herbs).

Then you know everything you need to allocate teh Banshees grave on the Crypt. Find the Lions room and search among the graves and niches until you find the right one; a bunch of rats will appear, so you will have to follow them out of the crypt and onto the Graveyard into a Knotted Bush. Craft a cinderbox and destroy the bush that's blocking the entrance. Keep following the scaping rats until you reach a neglected mausoleum. Here you will be asked to craft a smoke pellet. One more time they will run away, and end up in the locked gate. You will learn an Acid Unguent Recipe (1 wyrd water, 4 algae and 1 Potion of Blight). Cast it onto the gate, and enter the Church.

Interact with the Desecrated Altar, and then enter the hole to the left of the Altar. Talk to the Rat, and return next to the Altar. You will obtain the Spirit Board recipe;1 Bone (easily found digging graves in the Graveyard), 1 Necromantic Charm (This recipe yet again, so you already know (1 pumpkinjack bone, 2 blood, 1 wickerwork) and 1 Wicked Gemstone (3 campfire embers, 4 shiny stones, and 1 doghair).

Use the crafted board near the Altar in the Church, and follow the Banshee to the Rat's nest. Then you can pick the Rat's soul.

The Rat
Collect the soul of the Rat in the Graveyard.
9th Achievement - The Fish
To start this quest, talk to the little redhaired girl that's embracing a fish in the center of the Docks area. Then approach the Boat on Dock 5, and talk to the Rough Sailor. He will ask for 5 seashells. You will get this by snatching it from the Dock's cityzens using a Pluckpocket. Then you will gain access to the boat. There you will meet the Fish, and give him the seashells. Then you will be given a sand dollar.

Go back to talk with the little girl again, and go investigate the Lighthouse next to the north entrance of the map. You will now have to craft a recipe called Key to my Heart, composed by a skelleton key (3 bones, 1 mummified head and 1 nail) and a love potion (5 black roses, 1 dryad fruit and 1 oceanic oil (4 Barnacles, 3 algae and 1 Deep one)) and use it to unlock the door. Take the Conch and sound it near the lighthouse to meet the Mermaid.

Now you have to visit the Lagoon on the southeast end of the map (accessed by a small boat) and blow the Conch again once you got there; this will unveil a groute to the right hand, which you have to enter. There you will find a gigantic sea Serpent. Once you interact with it, he will make 3 questions. There you have the answers:
  • What creature is atop the Forest Well?: A Fish.
  • What being is atop the Graveyard Portal?: A mermaid.
  • What beast sits in front of the Village Bank?: A Whale.
When you get this right, you may enter the Serpent's mouth. Talk to the Captain there. You will have to craft 3 recipes:

Potion of Blight:
Already familiar with this, aren't you? 3 Toxic thistle, 3 lazy grass and 1 Eye of Newt.

Royal incense:
1 smoke pellet (2 frog slime, 1 forest herb, 3 clay), 1 witch spice (2 hagshrooms, 2 impeye nuts, 2 forest herbs) and finally a soporific potion (2 lethe caps, 1 jar of water, 1 impeye nut).

Allergenic potpourri:
This will need 1 Dog hair, 1 cat hairball (obtained giving a Cat treat to cats in the Market) and 1 rat Tail (snap trap near Rats).

Add all of this to the campfire inside the Sea Serpent. You will be ejected and will inmediatly be allowed to collect the Fish's soul.

You can go back to the Stone Shrine now, where the Goat awaits for the next 4 souls you have gathered.

The Fish
Collect the soul of the Fish in the Docks.
10th Achievement - The Hog
Trigger this chapter by talking to the Beggar, located slightly above the Foundation Statue at the Market. Give him a Gold Coin; now go talk to the Big Pig at the Butchershop. He will ask for three things: 1 Roast Beast (4 meaty morsel, 1 witch spice and 3 campfire embers), 5 eggs (easily found at the Fields) and 3 skipper scales (crab traps near skippers at the Docks). He will give you a Work Slip; you have to give this to the Tall Pig northeast of the Market to gain access to the Pig Farm. Here, you have some tasks to do:

Look for the Beggars Belongings:
Talk to the group of workers to the east of the farm. They have what you want, but for them to give it away you have to bring 3 Elf Shoes (Shiny lure next to Elfs on the Market or the Village) amd 1 Grow Potion (1 Apothecary Humors, 1 Magic Paste and 3 Flower Petals). Once you have given it, you can recover the Beggars footwear.

The Sick Pig:
you will also find a Sick Pig, it is big and slightly green-colored; interact with it first; then craft some digestive tablets and give it to him, you can take a bone and keep going.

The Dirty Through:
All the way to the north of the farm you will find a dirty trough and will be asked to craft some Purification Water to clean it. Once you have done it, collect the teeth and go back to the Beggar to talk.

Porcine Efiigie:
Now you have to examine the Cooking pit that's locate to the left of the Beggar, and will be given the Porcine Effigie recipe (1 dough (3 eggs, 5 grains, 2 jars of milk), 4 wickerwork and 1 Haunted Mannequin (1 dreadfull doll, 1 mummified head, and 1 Ghostly ectoplasm))

Small Pig's Switch:
Then you have to talk to the Small Pig back at the Pig Farm. He will exchange his Switch for a Lashmaster 2000. You will now have the recipe, which will require 3 Rat Tails, 2 Skeeter snoots and 1 Pumpkinjack Bone.

Tall Pig's Club:
Once you have it, go back to the cooking pit and add the Switch; you will be asked to bring the Tall Pig's club: talk to him in the entrance of the Pig's Farm, and he will ask you for a Magnum Browbeater in exchange. This recipe has 3 parts: 5 Barnacles (Docks), 1 Wicked Gemstone (3 campfire embers, 4 shiny stones and 1 Dog hair) and a Big Stick (4 bones, 5 twigs, 6 nails). Craft it and give it to the Pig.ç

Big Pig's Whetstone:
Return to the Cooking pit once again, and then you will be asked to visit the Big Pig at the Butchershop. To get the last piece of the Effigie, you will have to craft a Magi-Sharp XL: This will require 2 Turkey Gizzardstones (give digestive tablets to Turkeys at the Fields) 5 cobblestone (use trowel with loose cobblestone at the Village or the Market) and 1 Luckystrop (3 rabbit foot (snap trap near rabbits at the mountain) 1 Goblin snot (Deadfull doll near Goblins at the Forest) and 1 Gnome Hat (shears onto Gnomes at the Fields))

Then add this last ingredient to the Cooking Pit. Now craft a Cinderbox and burn the Effige with it. You can now collect the Hog's Soul.

The Hog
Collect the soul of the Hog in the Market.
11th Achievement - The Stag
Trigger this chapter by talking to the Court guard northeast to the Mountains. Then, go find the Buck that's standing next to the frozen Fountain in the centre of the Map.

You have to collect 10 ice berries and give them to the Buck (they are all over the place in bushes). Now you can access the Court and search for the Stag. Next, you will have to go to the right side of the Castle inside the maze, and find the statue (bottom left corner of the Maze). In order to repair the Statue's plaque, you will have to question the nobles that are around the Stag's table. Examine them with your G vision and find out the Truth serum recipe; this will require 1 Unveiling powder, 1 Crowsfoot and 3 Chilled Mushrooms. You have to craft 3 of this serum, and administrate it to the nobles, to find the three clues for the three spots where the shards are hidden, all of them inside the Maze:
  • Under a Wooden bench.
  • Southwest corner (you will have to use the Trowel onto a snow pile)
  • In a tree at the centre.
Now return to the Statue, and then speak to the Buck who is taking care of the plants near the Statue. Gp back to the Mountain and head to the west end, and access the Mountain's Trapper's camp. You have to craft a Touch of cold (use G vision with the camp's hut to unlock the recipe). You will need: 2 Frostling snow (place Snow snare near Frostlings) 1 Bottled despair (1 spectral tears, 3 mandrake roots and 1 wyrd water) and 1 Metamorphosis elixir (1 Dryad Fruit, 3 bug ichors and 2 changeling roots). Once you have crafted it, cast it ob the Camp and continue the mountain path.

You will find your path blocked, and will be given the task of luring the goats to plug the geysers (use your G vision on the goats to unlock the Goat perch recipe) you will need 8 cobblestone, 1 magic paste and 1 shiny lure. You don't have to craft 3 lures, just ONE, and then place it near a goat for it to come closer, then pick the lure again and move it. Keep repeting this until you have three goats clogging the geysers.

Up on the Peak, talk yet again to the Buck and head the task of collecting 3 Snowkin Hearts. For this use your G vision on a Snowkin (a big agressive snowman) and find out the recipe Melting Pot. You will need to craft this 3 times: (1 cinderbox, 2 spicy peppers and 2 red feathers each time). Once you have the three melting pots, use them with three snowkins and give the three hearts to the Buck; you can now enter the Crystal cave; use your shears to cut a crystal flower and after some talk, you can collect the Stag's soul.

The Stag
Collect the soul of the Stag in the Mountains.
12th Achievement - The Hawk
Trigger this chapter by talking to the Grain Farmer next to the path that leads to the Village in the Fields. Then access the Old Mill and meet the Hawk. Once he is gone, use your Axe with the boxes to the right of the House entrance to gain access to the hidden hatch. Enter and talk to the Millers. Next, take a look to the Broken Millstone and gather the pieces to repair it: 3 cobblestone, a snagvine and a Restorative idol. Once you have all these, go and repair the Millstone.

Next, go talk to the Hawk at the Village Bank (to the right of the Townsquare) Now you will have to craft a Glamour to fool the Bank guard. This will require 1 Mimic toe, 1 Totemic Moondrop and 1 Foggy perfume (1 smoke pellet, 2 witch spices and 1 ghost ectoplasm). Craft it and cast it on the guard. You will find a map that leads you to the Swamp to find the Dragon Bones.

You will have to head to the Drake above the Old Lady's house, and give a Snackrifice to him to keep it asleep. Then examine the gian Dragon skelleton and take tha task to craft an Acidic Unguent to dissolve them. Once you have done this, take the Rusty coin and head to the Forest. Near the path that leads to the Forest you will find a Fairy Circle (where you first met the Raggamuffin). Use your G vision with the Fairy Circle and craft the Floral Wreath (2 lazygrass, 1 wickerwork and 1 Rainbow Roll)

You will obtain a sapling that must be planted at the Fairy Circle to the east of the Fields. You will have to craft a Growth potion for it aswell. Once you do it, you will meet the Rumpling, who will ask you for three things:

Alchemical Alloy:
This is composed by 1 Silver Fox Fur (give a frozen treat to the Foxes on the Mountains, then use shears), 5 golden coins (randomly found at clay piles and stolen from villagers using pluckpocket) and 1 Puzzle Box (2 changeling roots, 2 nails, 1 seashell).

Crystal newt spine:
Go to the mountains and break some logs with your axe, then when the newt comes out, place a snow snare near him and then collect the spines.

Golden egg:
This is custodied by an agressive goose at the southeast corner of the Market: use your G vision upon him and craft a glitter bomb for it, and then take the egg.

Give all the thing to the Rumpling, take the gem he gives you and return to the Mill. Talk to the Millers and use the Gem to transmute three grain piles into gold. Then you can collect the Hawk's soul after some dialogue lines.

The Hawk
Collect the soul of the Hawk in the Fields.
13th Achievement - The Wolf
Trigger this storyline by talking to the Huntsman in the Village. Then you have to search for the Wolf inside the Village tavern (it is the building right behinf the Huntsman). Next, search for the Barmaid in the room to te left of the same Tavern and talk to her. Then you will be asked to find a suitable frame por a puppet; the coat rack to the right of the Barmaid will do. Then get ready to craft some recipies:

Key to my heart:
You need 1 skeleton key (3 bones, 1 mummified head and 1 nail) and 1 love potion (5 black roses, 1 dyad fruit, 1 oceanic oil).

Sewing kit:
This will require 2 reedy twines and 1 skeeter snoot.

Protective talisman:
You will need 1 wicked gemstone (3 campfire embers, 4 shiny rocks, and 1 doghair) plus 2 wickerwork, plus 1 magic paste (1 dragonfly wing, 1 fairy dust and 1 jar of milk)

Once you have all of this, return to the tavern and put it in the Coat Rack. Take the puppet, then place it in the same room you are already, and then take control of the puppet and come closer to the wolf. Now you have to speak to the Huntsman outiside the Tavern. And will be asked to craft a Silver Bullet; this one will be complicater:

Alchemical Alloy:
This is composed by 1 Silver Fox Fur (give a frozen treat to the Foxes on the Mountains, then use shears), 5 golden coins (randomly found at clay piles and stolen from villagers using pluckpocket) and 1 Puzzle Box (2 changeling roots, 2 nails, 1 seashell).

1 Melting Pot:
1 cinderbox, 2 spicy peppers and 2 red feathers.

1 Moonloght globe:
1 glitter bomb (1 empty jar + 2 soot sprites + 3 flower petals) plus 2 shiny stones, plus 1 totemic moondrop.

Give the crafted Silver Bullet to the Huntsman, and then travel to the northwest end of the Swamp (the beast that used to block it is now gone). Talk to the Huntsman and try to find the Wolf's cabin (in which ever direction you want; you will get lost anyways) Then you will return to the starting point and see an Owl. Examine it woth your G vision and get the very last recipe of the Grimoire;

The Avian Lexicon:
2 red feathers. 1 blood, and 1 stuffed bird (1 pigeon beak, 1 mimic toe and 2 blue feathers)

Once you have it go near the Owl and cast the Lexicon. He will say some words that apparently has no sense. You have to take the First letter of each word, so you have to walk this sequence:
  • West, West, North, North, East, South, East, North.

Once you get to the Wolfs Cabin, you have to place the Puppet outside, so the Wolf will show up and will begin the hunt; The wolf is much faster than you, but worry not, you just have to walk from one Whisplight (small blue and black boxed lights along the way) to the next one so the Wolf will be distracted and you have time to reach the Huntsman, that will use the SIlverbullet and let you collect the very last soul of the pack.

The Wolf
Collect the soul of the Wolf in the Village.
14th Achievement - The Goat
The only thing that's left now is go back to the Stone Shrine in your home and place the last four souls onto it to fullfill your Contract with the Goat anf find out the truth about the Sleeping Maiden.

Congratulations! You finished the game!

The Goat
Collect all twelve wicked souls to complete the Goat's contract.
Ingredients by location
In the following sections I will list all the ingredients on the Grimoire (with the tools you will need to harvest them, if any), recipes and Reagents that can be used throughout the game, listed by location, and then, in reverse, each ingredient listed by its name (with all the recipes and quests in which they are needed).

*Note: This list doesn't have into consideration items that you may find inside chests.

Hag's Grotto (your home):
  • Haghshroom.
  • Reedy twine (shears)
  • Seekers vine.

  • Blue Feather (snap trap near blue birds)
  • Campfire ember (trowel onto ash pile)
  • Changeling root (Axe onto Changeling)
  • Clay (inside the well, using trowel)
  • Dog hair (shears after Soporific morsel)
  • Dryad Fruit (Use cynderbox on Dryad)
  • Fairy Dust (catching net)
  • Fireflies (catching net)
  • Flower Petal
  • Forest Herb
  • Frog slime (catching net onto frog)
  • Gobling snot (Dreadfull doll near Goblins)
  • Golden coin (inside the well, using Trowel onto clay rocks)
  • Hagshroom
  • Impeye nut
  • Jar of water (empty jar onto freshpring water inside the Well)
  • Lethe cap (Axe onto rotting log)
  • Meaty Morsel (snap trap near squirrells)
  • Reedy twine (shears)
  • Rodent Lard (snap trap near squirrells)
  • Shiny stone (inside the well)
  • Soot Sprite (trowel onto ashe pile, then catching net)
  • Twig

  • Campfire ember (trowel onto ash pile)
  • Changeling root (axe onto changeling)
  • Clay (trowel)
  • Crowsfoot (snap trap near crows)
  • Dog hair (soporific morsel onto dog, then shears)
  • Egg
  • Fairy Dust (catching net onto Fairy)
  • Firefly (catching net)
  • Flower Petal
  • Forest Herb
  • Gnome hat (shears)
  • Grain (shears on the ripe grain)
  • Grasshopper leg (catching net onto grasshopper)
  • Jar of milk (empty jar onto cow)
  • Jar of water (empty jar onto the farm's well)
  • Lazy grass
  • Meaty Morsel (snaptrap near crows)
  • Pumpkinjack Bone (snagvine onto Pumpkinjacks, then Axe)
  • Reedy Twine (shears)
  • Soot sprite (trowel onto ash pile, then catching net)
  • Turkey Gizzardstone (digestive tablets near Turkey)
  • Twig

  • Blood (smoke pellet onto skeeters, then axe) or (use spirit salts onto leech)
  • Campfire ember (trowel onto ashe pile)
  • Bug Ichor (smoke pellet onto skeeters, then axe) or (baitstick near dragonfly)
  • Dragonfly Wing (bait stick near dragonfly)
  • Drake Fang (placing Snackrifice near Drake)
  • Embalming salts (use trowel onto mud rocks)
  • Eye of newt (Break rotting log with axe, then place bait stick near the poisonous newt, then collect)
  • Frog slime (catching net onto frogs)
  • Hagshroom
  • Jar of water (empty jar onto Old lady's house well)
  • Meaty morsel (collect from poisonous newts)
  • Reedy twine (shears)
  • Seekers Vine
  • Skeeter snoot (kill skeeters with a smoke pellet, then use the axe)
  • Snail Shell (collect from snails)
  • Soot sprite (trowel onto ash pile, then catching net)
  • Totemic moondrop (use snagvine onto Stick Totem)
  • Toxic Thistle (shears)

  • Campfire ember (trowel onto ash pile)
  • Cat Hairball (cat treat near cat)
  • Cobblestone (trowel onto loose cobblestone)
  • Elf shoes (shiny lure near Elf)
  • Flower petals
  • Gold Coin (Pluckpocket onto Villagers)
  • Iron nail (trowel onto loose cobblestone)
  • Iron Nail (trowel onto loose cobblestone)
  • Jar of water (empty jar onto village well)
  • Meaty Morsel (snaptrap near rat)
  • Mimic’s Toe (skeleton key onto Mimic chest)
  • Pickpocket's glove (shiny lure near Pickpocket)
  • Pigeon Beak (snap trap near pigeon)
  • Rat Tail (trowel onto rat nest, then snap trap near rat)
  • Reedy Twine (shears)
  • Snail Shell (trowell onto loose cobblestone)
  • Soot Sprite (trowel onto ashe pile, then catching net)
  • Twig

  • Campfire Ember (trowel onto ash pile)
  • Cat Hairball (cat treat near cat)
  • Clay (trowel)
  • Cobblestone (trowel onto loose cobblestone)
  • Egg
  • Elf Shoes (shiny lure near Elf)
  • Gold Coin (Pluckpocket onto Villagers)
  • Iron Nail (trowel onto loose cobblestone)
  • Jar of Milk (empty jar onto cow)
  • Meaty Morsel (snaptrap near rat)
  • Mimic’s Toe (skeleton key onto Mimic chest)
  • Pickpocket’s Glove (shiny lure near Pickpocket)
  • Pigeon Beak (snaptrap near pigeon)
  • Rat Tail (axe onto rat's nest, then snaptrap)
  • Soot Sprite (trowel onto ashe pile, then catching net)
  • Twig

  • Bat Wing (bait stick near bats)
  • Black Rose
  • Blood (bait stick near bats)
  • Bug Ichor (Crypt: Arachnicide near Cryptcrawlers)
  • Clay (trowel onto graves)
  • Crowsfoot (Mansion, snaptrap near crows)
  • Cryptcrawler Silk (Crypt: Arachnicide near Cryptcrawlers)
  • Dog Hair (shears)
  • Ghostly Ectoplasm (Exorcism charm onto Antlered spectres)
  • Grave Bone (trowel onto graves)
  • Mandrake Root (trowel onto graves)
  • Meaty Morsel (snap trap near rats)
  • Mummified Head (spirit salts onto ghastly heads)
  • Rodent lard (snao trap near rats)
  • Spectral Tears (soothing rune onto Crying spirits)

  • Algae (trowel onto sandpile)
  • Barnacle (trowel onto barnacle rock)
  • Crab Claw (crabtrap near crab)
  • Deep One (Tidal tincture onto Deep one)
  • Embalming Salts (trowel onto sandpile)
  • Fish (Fishing line onto water spots)
  • Seashell (pluckpocket onto fishy villagers)
  • Skipper Scale (crabtrap near skippers)

  • Campfire Ember (Trowel onto ash pile)
  • Chilled Mushroom (axe onto logs)
  • Crystal Newt Spine (axe onto logs and then snow snare near Crystal newt)
  • Eye of Newt (axe onto logs and then snow snare near Crystal newt)
  • Frostling Snow (snow snare near Frostling)
  • Ice Berry (pick from bushes)
  • Impeye Nut
  • Meaty Morsel (snap trap near snow rabbits)
  • Rabbit Foot (snap trap near snow rabbits)
  • Red Feather (snap trap near red birds)
  • Rodent Lard (snap trap near snow rabbits)
  • Silver Fox Fur (frozen treat near silver foxes, then shears)
  • Snowkin Heart (melting pot onto Snowkins)
  • Soot Sprite (catching net)
  • Spicy Pepper (collect from bushes)
  • Twig
Ingredients by name (A-E)
Locations: Docks (use trowel onto sand piles)
Used in:
  • Oceanic oil (recipe)
  • Acidic unguent (recipe)

Locations: Docks. Use Trowel onto the Barnacle rocks.
Used in:
  • Crab Trap (recipe)
  • Magnum Browbeater (recipe)
  • Oceanic Oil (recipe)

Locations: Graveyard (place Baiy Stick near Bats)
Used in:
  • 8th achievement quest (Fueling the Lamp)
  • Exorcism Charm (recipe)

Locations: Graveyard.
Used in:
  • Exorcism Charm (recipe)
  • Love Potion (recipe)

Locations: Swamp (smoke pellet onto skeeters, then Axe / spirit salts onto leech)
Used in:
  • Apothecary Humors (recipe)
  • Necromantic Charm (recipe)
  • Avian Lexicon (recipe)

Locations: Forest (craft a snap trap and place it near a blue bird)
Used in:
  • 1st achievement quest.
  • 3rd achievement quest (Humble Basin)
  • Stuffed Birb (recipe)

Locations: Swamp (smoke pellet onto skeeters, then Axe / spirit salts onto leech / bait stick onto Dragonfly, then axe)
Used in:
  • Apothecary Humors (recipe)
  • Metamorphosis elixir (recipe)
  • Wyrd Water (recipe)

Locations: Forest (using trowel onto ashe piles), Lake Shore Path, Village, Market...
Used in:
  • Empty jar (recipe)
  • Cinderbox (recipe)
  • Wicked gemstone (recipe)

Locations: Village and Market (give Cat Treat)
Used in:
  • Allergenic Potpourri (recipe)

Location: Forest, Fields (use your Axe with a Changeling)
Used in:
  • Metamorphosis elixir (recipe)
  • Puzzlebox (recipe)

Locations: Mountains.
Used in:
  • Truth Serum (recipe)
  • Frozen Treat (recipe)

Locations: Forest, Graveyard, Village (Using the Trowel with clay piles)
Used in:
  • Empty jar (recipe)
  • Smoke Pellet (recipe)

Locations: Village and Market (Use trowel with loose cobblestone)
Used in:
  • Soothing Rune (recipe)
  • Goat Perch (recipe)
  • Magi-Sharp XL

Locations: Docks (place Crab trap near crabs)
Used in:
  • Pluckpocket (recipe)

Locations: Fields, Swamp (place a snap trap near crows)
Used in:
  • Truth serum (recipe)
  • Humble Pie (recipe)

Locations: Graveyard (into the Crypt, place Arachnicide near Cryptcrawler)
Used in:
  • The Rat's Achievement Quest (Fueling Lamp)

Locations: Mountains (Axe onto log, then Snow Snare near Crystal Newt)
Used in:
  • Hawk's Achievement quest (Rumpling)

Locations: Docks (Use Tidal Tincture with Deep Ones)
Used in:
  • Oceanic Oil (recipe)

Locations: Forest (Kilnam's furnace and small hut by the lake) (use a Soporific Morsel first and then shears to collect)
Used in:
  • 1st achievement quest
  • Wicked gemstone (recipe)
  • Allergenic Potpourri (recipe)

Locations: Swamp (place Bait Stick near Dragonfly)
Used in:
  • Magic paste (recipe)

Locations: Swamp (place Snackrifice near Dragon, then shears)
Used in:
  • 4th achievement quest (Obelisks)

Locations: Forest (Use a cynderbox to ignite a Dryad)
Used in:
  • 2nd achievement quest.
  • Metamorphosis elixir (recipe)
  • Love Potion (recipe)

Locations: Fields, Market (the farm in the southwest end, just interact with the henns)
Used in:
  • Dough (recipe)

Locations: Village and Market (place Shiny Lure near Elfs)
Used in:
  • The Hog's Achievement quest (Recover Beggar's belongings)

Locations: Swamp, Docks (collect from the ground in the south area)
Used in:
  • Spirit salts (recipe)

Locations: Swamp and Mountains (Bait Stick/Snow Snare near Newt/crysta Newt)
Used in:
  • Digestive Tablets (recipe)
  • Potion of Blight (recipe)
Ingredients by name (F-L)
Locations: Forest, Fields (Catching net on a Fairy)
Used in:
  • 3rd achievement quest (Humble Basin)
  • Magic paste (recipe)

Locations: Forest (Catching net)
Used in:
  • 1st achievement quest (Raggamuffin)
  • 3rd achievement quest (Humble Basin)
  • Cinderbox (recipe)
  • Shiny Lure (recipe)

Locations: Market (in exchange of Gold Coins) and Docks (Fishing Line onto bubbling water spots)
Used in:
  • Cat treat (recipe)

Locations: Forest, Fields (Apiary) Village.
Used in:
  • Hearthseed (recipe)
  • Glitter Bomb (recipe)
  • Growth Potion (recipe)

Locations: Forest (collect from the ground, no need for tools)
Used in:
  • Mending poultice (recipe)
  • Smoke pellet (recipe)
  • Purification Water (recipe)
  • Witch spice (recipe)

Locations: Forest, Swamp (catching net onto frogs)
Used in:
  • 1st achievement quest
  • Smoke pellet (recipe)
  • Apothecary Humors

Locations: Mountains (place Snow Snare near Frostlings)
Used in:
  • Frozen Treat (recipe)
  • Touch of Cold (recipe)

Locations: Graveyard (use Exorcism Charm with Antlered Ghosts)
Used in:
  • Purification Water (recipe)
  • Haunted Mannequin (recipe)
  • Foggy Perfume (recipe)

Locations: Fields (use shears onto Gnomes)
Used in:
  • Lucky Strope (recipe)

Locations: Forest (use Dreadfull doll with Goblins)
Used in:
  • Digestive Tablets (recipe)
  • Lucky Strope (recipe)

Locations: Forest (Wishing Well) Village and Market (Pluckpocket onto Villagers)
Used in:
  • Bear's Achievement quest (Bribe the Guards)
  • Alchemical Alloy (recipe)

Locations: Fields (shears onto ripe grain)
Used in:
  • Dreadfull doll (recipe)
  • Dough (recipe)

Locations: Graveyard (use trowel onto graves)
Used in:
  • Skeleton key (recipe)
  • Pluckpocket (recipe)
  • Spirit Board (recipe)
  • Big Stick (recipe)

Locations: Your house's yard / Forest (collect from the ground, no need for tools)
Used in:
  • Mending poultice
  • Unveiling powder (recipe)
  • Wyrd Water (recipe)
  • Witch spice (recipe)

Locations: Fields (catching net onto grasshopper)
Used in:
  • Dreadfull doll (recipe)
  • Fishing line (recipe)

Locations: Mountains (in bushes)
Used in:
  • Stag's Achievement quest
  • Snow Snare (recipe)

Locations: Forest (collect from the ground, no need for tools)
Used in:
  • Hearthseed (recipe)
  • Snap trap (recipe)
  • Soporific potion (recipe)
  • Unveiling powder (recipe)
  • Witch spice (recipe)
  • Rainbow Roll (recipe)

Locations: Village and Market (use trowel onto loose cobblestone)
Used in:
  • Skeleton key (recipe)
  • Fishing Line (recipe)
  • Puzzlebox (recipe)
  • Snow Snare (recipe)
  • Big Stick (recipe)

Locations: Fileds (use empty jar onto cow)
Used in:
  • Magic paste (recipe)
  • Dough (recipe)
  • Cat Treat (recipe)

Locations: Forest (Wishing well: use empty jar onto freshwater spring) Graveyard, Village, Fields.
Used in:
  • Soporific potion (recipe)
  • Wyrd Water (recipe)
  • Purification Water (recipe)

Locations: Fields (no need for tools)
Used in:
  • Floral Wreath (recipe)
  • Potion of Blight (recipe)

Locations: Forest (Axe onto rotting Lodge)
Used in:
  • Soporific potion (recipe)
  • Arachnicide (recipe)
Ingredients by name (M-Z)
Location: Forest (place a snap trap near squirrells or blue birds) Graveyard (snaptrap near Rats), Mountains (snaptrap near bunnies), Village (snaptrap near rats), Fields (snaptrap near crows)...
Used in:
  • Bait Stick (recipe)
  • Soporific morsel (recipe)
  • Roast Beast (recipe)

Locations: Graveyard (use trowel onto graves)
Used in:
  • Restorative Idol (recipe)
  • Bottled Despair (recipe)

Locations: Village and Market (use Skeleton key with Mimic Chest, then Axe)
Used in:
  • Glamour (recipe)
  • Stuffed Birb (recipe)

Locations: Graveyard (use Spirit Salts with Ghastly Heads)
Used in:
  • Skeleton key (recipe)
  • Haunted Mannequin (recipe)

Locations: Village and Market (place Shiny Lure near Pickpockets)
Used in:
  • Pluckpocket (recipe)

Locations: Village and Market (place snap trap near Pigeons)
Used in:
  • Stuffed Birb (recipe)

Locations: Fields (use Snagvine with Pumpkinjacks)
Used in:
  • Necromantic Charm (recipe)
  • Lashmaster 2000 (recipe)

Locations: Mountains (place snap trap near Rabbits)
Used in:
  • Lucky Strope (recipe)

Locations: Graveyard, Village and Market (use trowel onto rat nest and then place a snap trap near Rats)
Used in:
  • Allergenic Potpourri (recipe)
  • Lashmaster 2000 (recipe)

Locations: Mountains (place snaptrap near Red Birds)
Used in:
  • Melting Pot (recipe)
  • Avian Lexicon (recipe)

Locations: Your house's yard, Forest (shears)
Used in:
  • 1st achievement quest (to get down the wishing well)
  • Sewing kit (recipe)
  • Wickerwork (recipe)
  • Fishing Line (recipe)
  • Snow Snare (recipe)

Locations: Forest (place snap trap near squirrell), Village, Market and Graveyard (snaptrap near rats) and Mountains (snaptrap near Rabbits)
Used in:
  • Cinderbox (recipe)

Locations: Docks (use Pluckpocket with Fishy Sailors)
Used in:
  • Fish's Achievement quest.
  • Puzzlebox (recipe)

Locations: Your house's yard and Swamp (collect from the ground, no need for tools).
Used in:
  • Unveiling powder (recipe)
  • Snagvine (recipe)

Locations: Forest (inside the wishing well, on the floor and inside the clay piles using the trowel)
Used in:
  • 1st achievement quest.
  • Wicked gemstone (recipe)
  • Moonlight Globe (recipe)
  • Shiny Lure (recipe)

Locations: Mountains (throw Frozen Treat near Silver Foxes, then use Shears)
Used in:
  • Alchemical Alloy (recipe)

Locations: Swamp (smoke pellet onto skeeters, then axe)
Used in:
  • Sewing Kit (recipe)
  • Lashmaster 2000 (recipe)

Locations: Docks (place Crab Trap near Skippers)
Used in:
  • Tidal Tincture (recipe)
  • Prestidigitation Deck (recipe)

Locations: Swamp (collect from snail).
Used in:
  • Digestive Tablets (recipe)

Locations: Mountain Peak (use Melting pot with Snowkins)
Used in:
  • Stag's Achievement Quest

Locations: Forest, Village, Mountains (trowel onto ashe pile, then catching net)
Used in:
  • Glitter Bomb (recipe)
  • Arachnicide (recipe)

Locations: Graveyard (use Soothing Rune with Weeping Spectres)
Used in:
  • Bottled Despair (recipe)

Locations: Mountains (collect from bushes)
Used in:
  • Melting Pot (recipe)

Locations: Swamp (Snagvine onto Stick Totems, the axe)
Used in:
  • Glamour (recipe)
  • Moonlight Globe (recipe)

Location: Swamps (shears onto toxic thistle)
Used in:
  • Potion of Blight (recipe)
  • Bait stick (recipe)

Locations: Fields (throw Digestive Tablets near Turkeys)
Used in:
  • MagiSharp XL

Locations: Forest (collect from the ground, no need for tools)
Used in:
  • Bait stick (recipe)
  • Wickerwork (recipe)
  • Big Stick (recipe)
Recipes: Spells I

Restores health points. This recipe is given to you on the very first steps of the game.
  • 2 Forest herb
  • 1 Haghshroom
Used in:
  • Restorative idol (recipe)
  • 4th Achievement quest (See the Leech section)

Used to contain several things. You obtain this using the G vision inside the Wishing Well upon the freshwater spring.
  • 3 Clay
  • 1 Campfire ember
Used in:
  • Glitter bomb (recipe)
  • Jar of Water (used onto wells or freshwater spring)
  • Jar of Milk (used onto Cows)

You get this recipe by using the G vision onto the Stone Shrine near your house.
  • 2 Haghsroom
  • 2 Seeker Vine
  • 1 Impeye Nut
Used in:
  • 1st Achievement quest (Reveal the Stone Shrine)
  • 3rd Achievement quest (Reveal the Humble Basin)
  • 7th Achievement quest (Reveal the Sooty Trail)
  • Truth Serum (recipe)
  • Spirit salts (recipe)

This recipe lets you return home instantly.
  • 1 Impeye nut
  • 2 Flower Petals

You get this recipe by using G vision onto the squirrells or blue birds in the Forest. Used to catch plenty of animals (blue and red birds, pigeons, crows, white rabbits, rats, squirrells)
  • 1 Impeye nut
  • 1 Wickerwork

You unlock this in the Kilsman's dog quest to collect dog hair for the first time in the Forest (described in achievement nº1 section of the guide). Use this to get Dog hair from Dogs.
  • 1 Meaty morsel
  • 1 Soporific Potion
Used in:
  • 1st Achievement quest.
  • Frozen Treat (recipe)

You unlock this recipe by using your G vision onto Dragonflies, Newts or Bats. Place it near any of those to kill them and harvest their collectable items.
  • 1 Toxic Thistle
  • 1 Stick
  • 1 Meaty Morsel

You get this recipe by using G vision onto skeeters or in the Apiary mission (craft Royal incense for Queen Bee quest)
  • 2 Frog Slimes
  • 1 Forest Herb
  • 3 Clays
Used in:
  • 8th Achievement quest (Neglected Mausoleum)
  • Royal incense (recipe)
  • Foggy Perfume (recipe)

You get this recipe by using your G vision onto Turkeys on the Fields. Throw them near Turkeys to harvest Turkey Gizzardstone.
  • 3 Snail Shells
  • 1 Eye of Newt
  • 1 Goblin Snot
Used in:
  • 4th Achievement quest (King Frog)

You get this recipe when asked to craft it for the Sergeant in a 2nd achievement quest (Bear).
  • 1 Wicked Gemstone
  • 1 Magic Paste
  • 2 Wickerwork

You get this recipe by using your G vision onto Stick Totems or Pumpkinjacks. Use it with this fiends to get their collectibles.
  • 3 Seeker Vines
  • 1 Sewing kit
Used in:
  • 12th Achievement quest (repair Millstone)

You get this recipe during the Bear Achievement quest (to Repair the Brewery)
  • 1 Campfire ember
  • 1 Rodent Lard
  • 3 Fireflies
Used in:
  • 2nd quest Achievement (Repair Brewery)
  • Melting Pot (recipe)

You get this recipe by using your G vision onto the Swamp Big Drake. Use it to knock him out.
  • 1 Soporific Potion
  • 1 Roast Beast
  • 1 Magic Paste

You get this recipe in the Apiary following the 2nd Achievement quest (Bear).
  • 1 Smoke Pellet
  • 1 Witch Spice
  • 1 Soporific Potion
Used in:
  • 2nd Achievement quest (Apiary)
  • 9th Achievement quest (Sea Serpent)

You get this recipe by examine Elfs and Bandits with your G vision on the Village. Use it to harvest their collectables.
  • 1 Shiny Stone
  • 2 Fireflies
  • 1 Wickerwork
Used in:
  • Prestidigitation Deck (recipe)
  • Goat Perch (recipe)

You get this recipe in the Leech storyline, to clear the path to the Sickhouse with the Moonlight Globe.
  • 1 Empty Jar
  • 2 Soot Sprites
  • 3 Flower Petals
Used in:
  • 12th Achievement quest (Get the Golden Egg)
  • Prestidigitation Deck (recipe)
  • Rainbow Roll (recipe)
  • Moonlight Globe (recipe)

You get this recipe during the Rat storyline at the Mansion.
  • 1 Ghostly Ectoplasm
  • 3 Empty Jars
  • 2 Forest Herbs
Used in:
  • 8th Achievement quest (Family Crest)
  • 10th Achievement quest (Dirty Through)

You get this recipe using your G vision onto Mimic Chests in the Village. Use it to knock them down.
  • 3 Grave Bones
  • 1 Mummified Head
  • 1 Iron Nail
Used in:
  • 8th Achievement quest (Open Family Chest)
  • Key to My Heart (recipe)

You get this recipe during the Rat storyline.
  • 1 Love Potion
  • 1 Skeleton Key
Used in:
  • 9th Achievement quest (Lighthouse)
  • 13th Achievement quest (Puppet)

You get this recipe by using G vision onto Villagers and Fishy Sailors. Use it to get coins and seashells from them.
  • 1 Grave Bone
  • 1 Crab Claw
  • 1 Pickpocket's Glove
Used in:
  • 8th Achievement quest (gather Cat's Confession)

You get this recipe during Hawk's storyline.
  • 1 Wyrd Water
  • 4 Algae
  • 1 Potion of Blight
Used in:
  • 12th Achievement quest.

You get this recipe by using G vision onto Deep Ones on the Docks. Use it to get its gatherable item.
  • 1 Wyrd Water
  • 2 Skipper Scales
  • 1 Soothing Rune
Recipes: Spells II
You get this recipe by using your G vision onto fishing spots (bubbles on water) on the Docks. Ingredients:
  • 1 Reedy Twine
  • 1 Iron nail
  • 1 Hopper Leg
Used in:
  • 6th achievement quest (Chandler)

You get this recipe by using your G vision onto Crabs or Skippers on the Docks. Ingredients:
  • 1 Barnacle
  • 2 Wickerwork

You get this recipe along with the Alchemical Alloy following the Hawk's Storyline. Ingredients:
  • 2 Changeling Roots
  • 2 Iron Nails
  • 1 Seashells
Used in:
  • Alchemical Alloy (recipe)

You get this recipe by using your G vision on cats in the Market. Ingredients:
  • 1 Fish
  • 2 Jars of Milk
Used in:
  • Feline Curio (recipe)

You get this recipe following the Cat storyline.
  • 1 Cat Treat (recipe)
  • 1 Witch Spice
  • 1 Stuffed Birb
Used in:
  • 6th Achievement quest

You get this recipe during the Ram's storyline.
  • 1 Glitter Bomb
  • 1 Shiny Lure
  • 2 Skipper Scale
Used in:
  • 7th Achievement quest.

You get this recipe during the Rat storyline.
  • 2 Mandrake Roots
  • 1 Necromantic Charm
  • 2 Mending Poultice
Used in:
  • 8th achievement quest (Family Portrait)
  • 12th Achievement quest (Millstone)

You get this recipe using G vision onto Cryptcrawlers inside the Graveyard's Crypt. Use it to kill Cryptcrawlers and get its collectable items.
  • 1 Soot Sprite
  • 1 Potion of Blight
  • 3 Lethe Caps

You get this recipe by using your G vision onto leeches in the Swamp.
  • 1 Unveiling Powder
  • 3 Embalming Salts
Used in:
  • 4th achievement quest (Wine Bottle)
  • 6th Achievement quest (Hanging spirit)
  • Soothing rune (recipe)

You get this recipe by using G vision onto Wheeping Spectres in the Graveyard.
  • 1 Spirit Salts
  • 1 Soporific Potion
  • 3 Cobblestone
Used in:
  • Tidal Tincture (recipe)

You get this recipe by using your G vision onto Antlered Spectres in the Graveyard.
  • 1 Wickerwork
  • 1 Black Rose
  • 2 Bat Wings

You get this recipe following the Ram's storyline.
  • 1 Spectral Tears
  • 3 Mandrake Roots
  • 1 Wyrd Water
Used in:
  • 7th Achievement quest (Sheep Whool)
  • Touch of Cold (recipe)

You get this recipe by using your G vision onto Goblins in the Forest.
  • 3 Grain
  • 3 Hopper Legs
  • 1 Sewing Kit
Used in:
  • 5th Achievement quest (Bandits Camp)
  • Haunted Mannequin (recipe)

You get this recipe following the Ram's storyline.
1 Dreadfull Doll
1 Mummified Head
1 Ghostly Ectoplasm
Used in:
  • 7th Achievement quest (Sheep Whool)
  • Porcine Effigy (recipe)

You get this recipe during the Rat's storyline.
  • 1 Grave Bone
  • 1 Necromantic Charm
  • 1 Wicked Gemstone
Used in:
  • 8th Achievement quest (Banshee)

You get this recipe during the Stag storyline. Use it to kill Snowkins and get their collectable items.
  • 1 Cinderbox
  • 2 Spicy Peppers
  • 2 Red Feathers
Used in:
  • Silver Bullet (recipe)

You get this recipe during the Hawk's storyline.
  • 1 Mimics Toe
  • 1 Totemic Moondrop
  • 1 Foggy Perfume
Used in:
  • 12th Achievement quest (The Bank)

You get this recipe during the Stag storyline.
  • 1 Unveiling Powder
  • 1 Crowsfoot
  • 3 Chilled Mushrooms
Used in:
  • 11th Achievement quest (The Nobles)

You get this recipe
  • 2 Lazy Grass
  • 1 Wickerwork
  • 1 Rainbow Roll
Used in:
  • 12th Achievement quest (Fairy Circle)

You get this recipe by using G vision onto Frostlings or Crystal Newts in the Mountains. Place it near them to get their collectable items.
  • 3 Ice Berries
  • 3 Reedy Twines
  • 2 Iron Nails

You get this recipe by using your G vision onto Silver Foxes in the Mountais. Throw it to them to put them to sleep and use shears to get theis collectable items.
  • 1 Soporific Morsel
  • 1 Frostling Snow
  • 3 Chilled Mushrooms

You get this recipe during the Stag Storyline.
  • 2 Frostling Snows
  • 1 Bottled Despair
  • 1 Metamorphosis Elixir

You get this recipe following the Stag storyline quest.
  • 8 Cobblestone
  • 1 Magic Paste
  • 1 Shiny lure

You get this recipe during the Wolf's storyline quest.
  • 2 Red Feathers
  • 1 Stuffed Birb
  • 1 Blood
Recipes: Reagents I

Wickerwork: You unlock this recipe when using G vision upon birds or squirrells in the Forest (along with the snap trap recipe as one of its ingredients).
  • 1 Reedy Twine
  • 2 Twigs
Used in:
  • Shiny Lure (recipe)
  • Snap Trap (recipe)
  • Crab Trap (recipe)
  • Exorcism Charm (recipe)
  • Floral Wreath (recipe)
  • Necromantic Charm (recipe)
  • Porcine Effigy (recipe)

Soporific Potion: You unlock this in the Kilsman's dog quest to collect dog hair for the first time in the Forest, as ingredient for the Soporific Morsel (described in achievement nº1 section of the guide)
  • 2 Lethe Caps
  • 1 Jar of Water
  • 1 Impeye Nut
Used in:
  • Soporific Morsel (recipe)
  • Snackrifice (recipe)
  • Royal incense (recipe)
  • Soothing rune (recipe)

Magic Paste: You unlock this recipe following the quest of the Bear, when you are asked to craft a Protective Talisman for the Sergeant (described in achievement nº2 section of the guide)
  • 1 Dragonfly wing
  • 1 Fairy Dust
  • 1 Jar of Milk
Used in:
  • Protective Talisman (recipe)
  • Snackrifice (recipe)
  • Goat Perch (recipe)
  • Growth Potion (recipe)

Wyrd Water: You learn this recipe during the Ox's storyline quest.
  • 1 Jar of Water
  • 2 Hagshrooms
  • 2 Bug Ichors
Used in:
  • 5th Achievement quest (Vegetbale Farmer)
  • Acidic Unguent (recipe)
  • Tidal Tincture (recipe)
  • Bottled Despair (recipe)

Apothecary Humors: You are given this recipe following the Leech storyline quest.
  • 3 Bloods
  • 3 Bug Ichors
  • 3 Frog Slimes
Used in:
  • 4th Achievement quest (Obelisks)
  • Growth Potion (recipe)

Necromantic Charm: You are given this recipe following the Leech storyline quest.
  • 1 Pumpkinjack Bone
  • 2 Bloods
  • 1 Wickerwork
Used in:
  • 4th Achievement quest (Obelisks)
  • Restorative Idol (recipe)
  • Spirit Board (recipe)

Sewing kit You unlock this recipe along with the Dreadful doll one (using G vision onto Goblins in the Forest)
  • 2 Reedy Twine
  • 1 Skeeter Snoot
Used in:
  • 13th Achievement quest (Puppet)
  • Snagvine (recipe)
  • Dreadfull Doll (recipe)

Witch spice: You unlock this recipe during the quest of the Bear, along with the Royal incenser for the Queen Bee in the Apiary.
  • 2 Hagshrooms
  • 2 Impeye nuts
  • 2 Forest Herbs
Used in:
  • Royal Incense (recipe)
  • Feline Curio (recipe)
  • Roast Beast (recipe)
  • Foggy Perfume (recipe)

Roast Beast: You will be given this recipe following the Snake's storyline quest.
  • 4 Meaty Morsel
  • 1 Witch Spice
  • 3 Campfire Ember
Used in:
  • 3rd Achievement quest (Mirror Shards)
  • Snackrifice (recipe)
  • Humble Pie (recipe)

Dough: You will be given this recipe during the Ox's Achievement quest along with the Humble Pie.
  • 3 Eggs
  • 5 Grains
  • 2 Jars of Milk
Used in:
  • Humble Pie (recipe)
  • Rainbow Roll (recipe)
  • Porcine Effigy (redipe)

Humble Pie: You will be given this recipe during the Ox's Achievement quest.
  • 1 Roast Beast
  • 1 Dough
  • 2 Crowsfoot
Used in:
  • 5th Achievement quest (Bandits Camp)

Rainbow Roll: You will get this recipe during the Cat's soul quest.
  • 2 Impeye Nuts
  • 1 Dough
  • 1 Glitter Bomb
Used in:
  • 6th Achievement quest (Purple Unicorn)
  • Floral Wreath

Moonlight Globe: You will unlock this when asked to clear the path to the Sickhose during the Leech storyline.
  • 2 Shiny Stones
  • 1 Totemic Moondrop
  • 1 Glitter Bomb
Used in:
  • 4th Achievement quest (Stick Totems)
  • Silver Bullet (recipe)

Wicked Gemstone: This is unlocked trough the Bear's storyline along with the Protective Talisman.
  • 3 Campfire Embers
  • 4 Shiny Stones
  • 1 Dog Hair
Used in:
  • Protective Talisman (recipe)
  • Spirit Board (recipe)
  • Magnum Browbeater (recipe)

Metamorphosis Elixir: You unlock this recipe following the quest of the Bear (described in achievement nº2 section of the guide)
  • 1 Dryad fruit
  • 3 bug ichor
  • 2 Changeling root
Used in:
  • 2nd Achievement quest (Brewery)
  • 7th Achievement quest (Repair Wheel)
  • Touch of Cold (recipe)
Recipes: Reagents II
Growth Potion: You get this during the Ox's storyline quest.
  • 1 Apothecary Humors
  • 1 Magic Paste
  • 3 Flower Petals
Used in:
  • 5th Achievement quest (Cabbage)
  • 12th Achievement quest (Fairy Circle)

Potion of Blight: You get this during the Ox's quest line.
  • 3 Toxic Thistle
  • 3 Lazy Grass
  • 1 Eye of Newt
Used in:
  • 5th Achievement quest (Withering Can)
  • 9th Achievement quest (Sea Serpent)
  • Acidic Unguent (recipe)
  • Arachnicide (recipe)

Stuffed Brib: You get this during the Cat's storyline along with Feline Curio.
  • 1 Pigeon Beak
  • 1 Mimic's toe
  • 2 Blue Feathers
Used in:
  • Feline Curio (recipe)
  • Avian Lexicon (recipe)

Allergenic Potpourri: You get this during the Fish Achievement storyline.
  • 1 Dog Hair
  • 1 Cat Hairball
  • 1 Rat Tail
Used in:
  • 9th Achievement quest (Sea Serpent)

Foggy Perfume: This is given to you during the Hawk's quest at the Bank along with the Glamour.
  • 1 Smoke Pellet
  • 2 Witch Spices
  • 1 Ghostly Ectoplasm
Used in:
  • Glamour (recipe)

Oceanic Oil: Given to you during the Fish chapter along with the Key to my Heart recipe.
  • 4 Barnacles
  • 3 Algae
  • 1 Deep One
Used in:
  • Love Potion (recipe)

Love Potion: You get this during Fish chapter along with the Key to my Heart one.
  • 5 Black Roses
  • 1 Dyad Fruit
  • 1 Oceanic Oil
Used in:
  • Key to my Heart (recipe)

Alchemical Alloy: Given during the Hawk's chapter.
  • 1 Silver Fox Fur
  • 5 Gold Coins
  • 1 Puzzle Box
Used in:
  • 12th Achievement quest (Rumpling)
  • Silver Bullet (recipe)

Silver Bullet: You get this during the Wolf's Chapter.
  • 1 Alchemical Alloy
  • 1 Melting Pot
  • 1 Moonlight Globe
Used in:
  • 13th Achievement quest.

Porcine Effigy: This is given during the Hog's storyline quest.
  • 1 Dough
  • 4 Wickerwork
  • 1 Haunted Mannequin
Used in:
  • 10th Achievement quest (Cooking Pit)

Big Stick: This is given during the Hog's storyline quest along with the Magnum Browbeater.
  • 4 Grave Bones
  • 5 Twigs
  • 6 Iron Nails
Used in:
  • 10th Achievement quest (Cooking Pit)

Magnum Browbeater: This is given during the Hog's storyline quest.
  • 5 Barnacle
  • 1 Wicked Gemstone
  • 1 Big Stick
Used in:
  • 10th Achievement quest (Cooking Pit)

Lashmaster 2000: This is given during the Hog's storyline quest.
  • 3 Rat Tails
  • 2 Skeeter Snoots
  • 1 Pumpkinjack Bone
Used in:
  • 10th Achievement quest (Cooking Pit)

Lucky Strop: This is given during the Hog's storyline quest along with the MagiSharp XL.
  • 3 Rabbit Feet
  • 1 Goblin Snot
  • 1 Gnome Hat
Used in:
  • 10th Achievement quest (Cooking Pit)

Magi-Sharp XL: This is given during the Hog's storyline quest.
  • 2 Turkey Gizzardstones
  • 5 Cobblestones
  • 1 Lucky Strope
Used in:
  • 10th Achievement quest (Cooking Pit)
That's all!
This guide took me a while to make, so feel free to leave a comment and a Thumbs up if it helped you, and don't hesitate to let me know any mistakes or missing information that you may detect along the way.

Fare well!
brsignor Apr 27 @ 4:44pm 
Thanks for writing such a clear, well-organized guide to this game!
Erelain  [author] Dec 30, 2023 @ 8:09am 
Hi! Thanks for asking first, I have no problem, you can translate and post it. Kind regards!
冰之沧澜 Dec 30, 2023 @ 2:48am 
Hi, I really like this game. I am wondering if you could allow me to translate this article of yours into Chinese so that Chinese players can enjoy this game better? I will declare that you are the original author at the beginning of the article!
Erelain  [author] Nov 3, 2023 @ 11:01am 
Thank you so much! I highly appreciate your kind words, as I invested a lot of time and love in the guide, I'm really happy it helped you along the way :D
CG That's Me Nov 1, 2023 @ 10:05am 
Almost finished with the game, and may I say I couldn't have done it without your awesome guide! I even gave it an award, so thank you, thank you, thank you, I appreciate all your hard work :snowslimehappy:
Erelain  [author] Oct 8, 2023 @ 6:19am 
Thanks a lot Zrinn! Glad it helped :)
Zrinn Oct 2, 2023 @ 10:49am 
This is really good! I appreciate how you sectioned it out too. Great guide!