Arrow a Row

Arrow a Row

35 ratings
Guide to Achieve High Score!
By Serene
Hello everyone, in this simple guide i will tell you how can you manage to achieve score 5000 or higher such as 10k!
What to watch out for!
If you're new to the game, i suggest you play it normally first and try to buy every upgrade available in the shop first, since it will help you a lot later when playing.

If you're a player that want to achieve score5000 which is an achievement, you will get yours easily by following these steps:
  • Starting the game, when you get the first chest, pick up any bow you feel most comfortable with, doesn't matter which one because you will only get Pet Dragon throughout the game. Pet Dog are great too, but later in the game it doesn't really help since dog lack of range.
  • Play the game normally, remember to always pick dragon when you got a chest. If you had trouble you can try to get Impact Belt since it reduce the damage you got when you hit an enemy.
  • After you beat the final boss, make sure you pick the 2x Pet Count. After that you're good to go! Be careful to aim the dragon fireball too since it will not always shoot at the enemy.
Wait, there's a better one yet!
If you want more challenge and want to get a higher score, you can focus on getting Blue Bow to get the Blue Sword upgrade later on, from here you will need to build your sword everytime you get the chance (re-roll chest if necessary) and don't forget to get the 2x Sword Count / 2x Sword Damage at the final boss chest.

With Sword build i manage to achieve 12k score, took around 30 minutes, but be caution if you have an old graphic card FPS might drop a lot because you'll be picking up 2x Sword Count and 2x Sword Damage and the amount of sword will drop FPS.

It's basically the same, but instead of upgrading dragon, you can try to upgrade sword.
Here's my record for the build.
What sword build looks like.
Tsuryo May 14 @ 3:24pm 
Not sure why no one ever mentions this... but with the mini bosses there can be 2 dragon upgrades; 1 will give 1 dragon upgrade and the other will give 3 upgrades.
You can see the difference at the damage number; "Fireball Damage: 60" or "Fireball Damage: 240"
Ser Galachad Mar 12 @ 3:46pm 
I found out the blue sword strat myself (got 17k on first try but got bored and let myself get killed). Only way to lose is to not dodge projectiles. Otherwise you can just keep doubling damage to absurd levels.
goodolarchie™ Mar 12 @ 8:13am 
Going only Blue Sword doesn't work most of the time in the early game (second and third dragon), you have to get really lucky with CD reduction and distance.
RedzDragon Mar 8 @ 9:21pm 
Using blue sword, i managed to 19k score. Adding to Serene's note, focus on Sword Distance>Sword CD>Sword Damage>Sword Count initially. Once you have around 0.2s CD, focus on Sword Distance>Sword Damage>Sword Count>Sword Damage. For rewards on mini-bosses, choose only blue sword and nothing else. For final boss, choose sword damage x2, believe me, it is better than sword count x2. Your FPS will not drop so fast and every sword count buff you pick on the way will optimize the damage. After a few rounds, your sword damage will be over 10k and you should start building impact belt because eventually you will find the mob starts appearing before you again. At that moment, stop focusing on picking buff, dodge the mob instead and pick health only. Btw, I lost at 19k because i ran out of gold to reroll, if you have good gold reserve, you can do better than me.
HyPo Jeanuary Nov 11, 2023 @ 10:51am 
Well i got it after i wrote it does not work. Always happens when i say it. Figured out the problem, you need to focus on the fireballs the dragon shoots in the first half of the level on the enemies until you reach the boss for the first time.
Serene  [author] Nov 11, 2023 @ 10:46am 
Did you have all the upgrades in the shop already? if yes but it still doesn't work, maybe the RNG is bad or maybe some weapon have been nerfed/buffed in the update, tbh i haven't played it again since i made this guide, but stay calm & enjoy the game! keep trying, you will reach the goal eventually.
HyPo Jeanuary Nov 11, 2023 @ 10:20am 
This guide does not work for me. Tried dragon strategy don't do enough damage, tried sword build same problem.
Zethr1n Sep 15, 2023 @ 8:47pm 
ugh picking up every single sword buff after ever boss and im lucky to get 2k score :( sometimes i cant even get to 1k, just dont have the dps to down bosses
Zebefreo Sep 12, 2023 @ 4:09am 
same for me, I get like 8-9 blue sword upgrades and then I can't kill the boss in time even if I get every sword upgrade at the gates and chests
Cootaloo Sep 11, 2023 @ 2:38pm 
Yeah picking the blue sword every time and rerolling until I get it