Door Kickers 2

Door Kickers 2

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597.338 KB
2023年8月19日 7時27分
2023年8月19日 7時28分
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Yes'Tir'Day 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Yes'tir'day Maps
8 アイテム
During a platoon attack on a village, we've noticed roughly 20-30 squirters running in and out of this fortified DSHKa position.

Upon further inspection after clearing the position we discovered a tunnel entrance behind it.

Friendly forces will hold external for you.

Enter it and clear it out.
8 件のコメント
speedyboye 3月12日 20時22分 
Great map! It's an interesting scenario which lends itself careful CQB, and I found myself really having to use every single one of my men to cover each angle.
Kezza 2023年11月24日 5時35分 
Enjoyed this map, well designed for claustrophobic CQB tactics, though I would say it could be more challenging since most enemies can be killed/baited investigating your nades or gunfire - perhaps have more set to never investigate or have patrols?

I was also curious if the map is supposed to go dark (NVG mode) at the beginning and not when the generator is destroyed and turns the lights off? If it is then it's cool, but if not then you just need to have a single trigger connected to the roof that is enabled by the invisible lever instead of individual lights - it will turn off all lights inside the roof zone.

There's also a tiny space at the edge of the sandbags at bottom of deployment area you can squeeze through and walk around out of bounds, just so you know! :P
TheSixUtility 2023年11月17日 9時16分 
Hands down the best workshop map i've played, i kept playing till i got all 3 stars all 3 challenges in one go.
Yes'Tir'Day  [作成者] 2023年8月26日 6時09分 
@tuomari i see thank you for the info
TUOMARI 2023年8月26日 4時09分 
It was the room on the left side, about middle of the map, the one where's sandbags, table, sleeping bag(?) on the floor etc. I didn't check the other rooms, but the enemy was there because he kept firing and killed few of my troopers. Anyway, I tried the map again, and this time the enemy was visible and could be killed.
Yes'Tir'Day  [作成者] 2023年8月25日 2時39分 
@TUOMARI Can you describe which room this happened in? Also did you go back to check previously cleared spaces. Despite how static the AI they do find ways to wrap around the tunnels and completely ignore you even in my testing. I missed a guy in one of my test plays just because he decided to play ring around the rosie with me
TUOMARI 2023年8月24日 10時56分 
Don't know if it's a bug, or did I just miss something, but there was an "invisible" enemy at the last chamber and I couldn't kill him, as my troopers didn't see him. I didn't have any explosives left so I don't know if that would've worked.
JDX 2023年8月24日 4時28分 
Clean Run on the first go. This one is a CQB hell lol. I liked the asymmetric tunneling idea that you went for. I did leave a man on entrance security, just in case the guys on external ended up not being true.

Well made!:steamthumbsup: