Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley

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Stardew Valley : Ultimate Beginner's and Expert's Guide 🌻
由 nøcturnal 發表
The guide is designed for newcomers to Stardew Valley.
Contains a lot of valuable information and advice.
Also perfect for experienced players.
Preface ⚠
First time in this game?
Don't worry, you don't need to rush to get your money back.
Now I will try to explain the essence of the game to you, and I will give you invaluable advice.
Let's start planting vegetables... I wanted to say let's start learning!

I know how hard it is to understand this game at the beginning of the game
We are sent to an abandoned farm, forced to spend the night there and plant vegetables for the benefit of their economy
All joking aside. It's easy to get confused in the game if you don't know anything about it before. I want to help with that.
I want to give you a certain knowledge base. Let's go.

A message for you, my experienced farmers.
This guide is a cheat sheet for you, so that you don't have to open Wikipedia again. Except for a little bit :)

Create your own character ⚔
Create your own farmer at the beginning of the game. Choose his appearance, eye color, etc. Choose a farm. To begin with, I recommend the most standard one, it is ideal for beginners, as there are no disadvantages, but no bonuses either

You have to choose :
  • Name
  • Farm Name
  • Gender
  • Eye color
  • Hair color
  • Pants color
  • Character look. you can change later, when you make friends with a wizard
  • Favorite thing Put in something normal
  • Dog or Cat. You can choose how they look
  • Skip intro or not
  • Type of farm. More details will be below

Farm Map Selection
There are seven different Farm Maps to choose from in Stardew Valley. Each map features a unique layout of the Farm, offering different benefits and favoring specific skills. Only one map can be chosen when starting a new game, and cannot be changed once selected.

The Standard Farm offers the most space to plant crops and raise animals. The other six farms lack farming area, but offer special perks in comparison:

The Riverland Farm encourages Fishing.
The Forest Farm encourages Foraging.
The Hill-top Farm encourages Mining.
The Wilderness Farm encourages Combat (but does not give any Combat experience for it).
The Four Corners Farm offers perks from other maps and encourages Multiplayer.
The Beach Farm offers extra items and encourages Fishing and Foraging, but discourages Farming late game.

The interior of the farmhouse is decorated to match the theme of the chosen map. This includes furniture, wallpaper and flooring. The exterior of the house is the same regardless of map choice.

There is an abandoned building on all maps which can later be turned into the Greenhouse. Once repaired, it can be moved by visiting the Carpenter's Shop or Wizard's Tower.

About Farms 📪
There are seven different Farm Maps to choose from in Stardew Valley.


Standart Farm
  • The majority of this map is farming land, ideal for crops and animals.
  • The number of tillable tiles on this map is 3427, with 235 non-tillable but build-able tiles.
  • The biggest contiguous rectangular area is 63 x 31 (1953) tiles.
Riverland Farm
  • The majority of this map is water. Fishing is viable on this farm
  • 70% of the time, players will catch town river fish, i.e., fish that are found in Pelican Town.
  • 30% of the time, players will catch forest fish, i.e., fish that are found in Cindersap Forest.
  • Unlike all other Farm Maps, random Bubble Spots are enabled on this map.
  • Water significantly decreases the overall farming area.
  • The number of tillable tiles on this map is 1578, with 516 non-tillable but build-able tiles.
Forest Farm
  • The farm border is made of trees and foliage, just like in the Secret Woods.
  • Many bushes can be found on this map, including berry bushes.
  • The western clearings spawn 8 renewable Large Stumps (Hardwood), seasonal forage items, and unique Weeds that always drop Mixed Seeds. The possible forage items are :
    * Spring: Dandelion, Leek, Morel, and Wild Horseradish (25% chance each)
    * Summer: Common Mushroom, Grape, Spice Berry, and Sweet Pea (25% chance each)
    * Fall: Chanterelle, Common Mushroom, Purple Mushroom, and Red Mushroom (25% chance each)
  • When fishing
    * 5% of the time (modified by daily Luck), players will catch Woodskip. The exact formula is 0.05 + Daily Luck. This means that if the daily luck is at or below -0.05, there is no chance of catching a Woodskip. With maximum luck (0.125, only possible with the Special Charm), each cast has a 17.5% chance to hook a Woodskip.
    * 45% of the rest of the time, players will catch pond and river fish, i.e., fish that are found in Cindersap Forest.
    * Otherwise, players will catch only trash.
  • Additional ponds and grass areas decrease the overall farming area.
  • The number of tillable tiles on this map is 1413, with 1490 non-tillable but build-able tiles.
Hill-top Farm
  • The southwest hilltop spawns Stones, Ore nodes, and Geode nodes depending on the player's Mining level. If farm quarry is cleared, it will usually regenerate 7-13 items every 4th day, which appears to be the optimal day to clear the farm quarry. The mining area may sometimes be blocked by a Large Stump, Large Log, or a Boulder, making it impossible to enter until the player has the correct tool.
  • Additional cliffs and a stream decrease the overall farming area.
  • When fishing:
    * 50% of the time, players will catch forest river fish, i.e., fish that are found in the Cindersap Forest river.
    * 50% of the time, players will catch only trash.
  • The number of tillable tiles on this map is 1648, with 930 non-tillable but build-able tiles.
Wilderness Farm
  • Monsters spawn at night (scales with the player's Combat level).
  • This map can spawn more Wilderness Golems than other farms if they have spawning monster enabled.
  • When fishing:
    * 35% of the time, players will catch lake fish, i.e., fish that are found in The Mountain lake.
    * 65% of the time, players will catch only trash.
  • Additional cliffs and ponds decrease the overall farming area.
  • The number of tillable tiles on this map is 2131, with 444 non-tillable but build-able tiles.
Four Corners Farm
  • The farming area is split by cliffs into four distinct areas, each reminiscent of some of the other Farm Maps.
  • Top left: Forest Farm. This quadrant has a small grassy area containing a Large Stump, and weeds here can transform into the unique ones that always drop mixed seeds, the same as on the Forest Farm.
  • Top right: Standard Farm. This quadrant has the most farming space.
  • Bottom left: This quadrant has a pond. Players have a 50% chance of catching forest pond fish, i.e., fish that are found in the Cindersap Forest pond.[1]
  • Bottom right: Hill-top Farm. This quadrant contains a small quarry that spawns Rocks and Ore and Geode nodes depending on the player's Mining level.
  • Additional cliffs and ponds decrease the overall farming area.
  • The number of tillable tiles on this map is 2952.
Beach Farm
  • Good foraging and fishing, and a lot of open space. Sometimes, supply crates wash up on shore.
  • Both forest and beach foragables may spawn.
  • Sprinklers don't work in the sandy soil.
  • Intended for "seasoned players", not as a first farm.
  • The number of tillable tiles on this map is 2700, with 1928 non-tillable but build-able tiles.
  • There is a patch of 202 tiles (10x20 plus 2) where sprinklers can be placed.
  • When fishing:
    * 15% of the time, players will catch Seaweed.
    * 5.1% of the time, players will catch one of Oyster, Coral, Mussel or Cockle. Chances for each item are equal.
    * 52.73% of the time, players will catch ocean fish, i.e., fish that are found in The Beach.
    * 27.17% of the time, players will catch trash.
Controls 🎮
Some information about the controls

W - Move Up ↑
A - Move Left ←
S - Move Down ↓
D - Move Right →
Left Click - Use tool or place item
Right Click - Check/Do Action
Escape - Open Menu
F- Open Journal
M- Open Map window
Y - Open Emote Menu
T - Chat Box
F4- Screenshot mode

And some tips
  • Shift + Left Click - an inventory item/stack to move it to the top row.
  • Shift + Left Click - to continuously purchase items inside a shop/merchant's inventory window.
  • Shift + Left Click - to craft 5 times at a time inside the crafting menu.
  • Hold CTRL + Shift to craft stacks of 25 items at a time.
  • Right Click to purchase 5 times. Hold Shift + Right Click to keep purchasing items 5 at a time.
  • Hold CTRL + Shift to purchase stacks of 25 items at a time.
  • Right Click a stack of inventory/chest items to single out one of them.
  • Shift + Right Click to select half a stack of inventory/chest items.
  • Hold Right Click or Left Click while moving the mouse over a group of equipment to collect items quilckly.
  • Have another item selected in inventory to refill equipment automatically.
  • If the item is edible, you must see Left Click, or the game will ask if you want to consume the item.
  • Delete to permanently delete a selected item in the inventory window. (Use E/Escape to open inventory, then Left-click on an item/stack to select it, then press the delete key.)
  • Pressing the Esc key while on the opening splash screen takes you directly to the main menu select screen.
  • When viewing the "Do you want to eat <item>?" dialogue box, pressing E/Escape will close the dialogue box without eating the item, and pressing the "Y" key will eat the item.
  • Shift + left-click on an item in the Catalogue or Furniture Catalogue to add it directly to inventory, instead of attaching it to the mouse cursor. This also works when removing items from the Grange Display at the Stardew Valley Fair.
  • Rebind the chat box key to avoid opening it accidentally, or temporarily enter screenshot mode with F4 to place objects at the bottom left of the screen.
Quests 📚
Quests are set objectives that provide rewards when completed. They're kept track of in the quest journal, which can be brought up by clicking the exclamation point icon at the bottom of the date/time display in the upper right of the screen, or by using the hotkey F. Quests are listed in the journal by title, and each quest can be expanded to read the text and requirements for completion. Clicking the X at the top of the window will close it and there's a button under the journal window to cancel the selected quest.

There are two major types of quests, story quests and Help Wanted quests. Story quests are typically received in the mail, but a few are automatically accepted at the beginning of the game to help teach the player about the game. Story quests can be completed at any time after receiving them; there is no time limit or expiration date.

Help Wanted Quests
Every day (except the first day of the game) the bulletin board outside Pierre's General Store may have a randomly generated Help Wanted quest that can be completed in exchange for money and sometimes increased friendship with the quest giver. When a new quest is available, the bulletin board will have a yellow exclamation point floating above it. Rewarded money depends on the number of items/monsters involved, the player's skills, and sometimes a bit of randomness. Once the player has accepted a Help Wanted quest they will have 2 days to complete it, the current day and the next.

If a daytime festival occurs during the 2-day period, it may not be possible to complete the quest on the festival day, since most shops and homes are "locked". See the Shop Schedules page for more information.

There are 4 types of Help Wanted quests that can be posted. There is no penalty for accepting a quest and then not completing it.

Clint will ask the player to collect copper, iron, or gold ores, usually 20-40, or coal for him to inspect, or Robin will ask the player to gather wood or stone.

Items must be collected after accepting the quest. Items stored in inventory or chests will not work. It is not necessary to have the requested items in inventory to complete a gathering quest. Once the required number of items have been gathered (as indicated by the counter in the journal), simply talking to the villager who requested the items is sufficient to complete the quest.
Slay Monsters
Requires access to The Mines.

Clint, Lewis, Demetrius, or the Wizard will ask the player to slay a random number of a specific monster.

Once the required number of monsters have been slain (as indicated by the counter in the journal), talking to the villager who made the request will complete it.

Note that a villager will never ask a player to slay a monster they do not have access to yet. For example, a quest to slay Shadow Shaman will never be asked until the player has reached at least floor 80 of The Mines.
Demetrius or Willy will ask the player to catch from 1-5 of a specific fish from the current season, either to lower the population of that fish or to keep the art of fishing alive.

The reward is the base sell price of the fish × the number of fish requested, and the player gets to keep the fish.

Note that it is not necessary to have the requested fish in inventory to complete a fishing quest. Once the required number of fish have been caught (as indicated by the counter in the journal), talking to the villager who made the request will complete it.
Item Delivery
This is the most common type of Help Wanted quest. Any adult villager that the player has met and can earn friendship with will ask for a random item for various reasons.

This item can be:
  • A crop, forageable, or fish from the current season. Items the player does not have access to will not be requested. For example, Sandfish will never be requested until the player has unlocked The Desert. Purple Mushrooms will not be requested until the player has reached floor 40 of The Mines. However, weather-dependent fish can be requested in any weather.
  • A gem, once the player has reached the bottom of The Mines.
  • A metal bar, if the player can craft a furnace.
  • An animal product, if the player has an animal that produces it.
  • Joja Cola, Seaweed, or Green Algae
Villagers will reward the player with gold equivalent to three times the item's normal value, which may make Item Delivery quests a more efficient method of earning money from items than shipping them. The player also earns 150 Friendship points with the requesting villager for completing the quest, with the exception of divorced spouses.

To complete an Item Delivery quest, the player must hand the item to the requestor. Simply having the item in inventory when talking to them will not complete the quest. Note that completing an Item Delivery quest does not count as giving them a gift.

Note: Jas, Vincent, Krobus, the Dwarf, and the player's spouse will never make Delivery requests. Sandy will make Delivery requests once the player has unlocked The Desert. If the player has not yet met a villager that villager will not request any items. The chances of an "Item Delivery" quest being available do not increase as the player meets more villagers.
World Map 👀
Found a beautiful map. Can be useful for beginners
Source []
XP ☝
Skills are player attributes which are leveled up through the use of specific tools or actions. Each skill has ten levels. A skill level increase is awarded immediately upon earning enough experience points for a new level, and is immediately displayed on the skills tab of the inventory. The new skill level immediately increases the proficiency of the tool(s) associated with that skill.

Overnight, after the player goes to bed on the day a skill level increases, a popup announces the increase, and additionally awards knowledge of any applicable crafting or cooking recipes. At level 5 and level 10, players also select which one of two available Professions to specialize in. Each profession has its own set of benefits, such as sell price bonuses for related items. It should be noted that awards of recipe knowledge or profession benefits do not take place until seen in the popup overnight, and are not available until the first thing the following morning. In particular, items sold or shipped the day of the skill level increase do not receive the new price bonuses. Like recipes, profession benefits are only available beginning the following day.

All skills need the following experience points to increase skill level:

Total experience

Experience Points

Experience points (XP) are granted as follows:

  • 12 XP for chopping down a tree with an axe (granted all at once for the last chop that causes the tree to fall).
  • 1 XP for removing the tree stump after chopping down a tree.
  • 25 XP for removing Large Stumps and Large Logs.
  • 7 XP for each foraged item picked up from the ground.
  • If the Gatherer profession doubles the foraged item, another 7 XP is granted for the extra item.
  • 3 XP for each Spring Onion harvested from Cindersap Forest in Spring.

The 7 XP for foraging items applies solely to those items visible sitting on the ground that are picked up only if the player clicks on them; it does not apply to items lying on the ground (e.g., dropped by shaking) that are automatically added to the player inventory by magnetism. Specific items that do grant 7 XP include:

  • Standard randomly-spawned foraged items throughout Stardew Valley and Calico Desert.
  • Items grown from Wild Seeds (except if in a Garden Pot, in which case 0 XP).
  • All items foraged from the Beach and the west side of Ginger Island.
  • All fruit collected from the Farm Cave, if the fruit bat option was selected.
  • All mushrooms collected from the Ginger Island Mushroom Cave.
  • Truffles.
  • Forage items spawned on the ground in the Mines and Skull Cavern, namely Red Mushrooms, Purple Mushrooms, and Fiddlehead Ferns.

The following Items do NOT grant any foraging experience:

  • Trees felled by Bombs (however, weakening a tree with bombs before felling it with an axe will still give full XP).
  • Blackberries and Salmonberries from bushes (whether picked by the player or shaken loose by animals).
  • Grapes grown from Grape Starters (grants Farming XP instead).
  • Items dug up from artifact spots, such as Snow Yams and Winter Roots.
  • Items grown in Garden Pots.
  • Mushrooms collected from the Farm Cave if the mushroom option was selected.
  • Mushrooms obtained from chopping or tapping a Mushroom Tree.
  • Non-forage items spawned on the ground in the Mines and Skull Cavern, namely Quartz, Earth Crystals, Frozen Tears, Fire Quartz, and Dinosaur Eggs -- except that a bug causes any duplicates created by the Gatherer profession to give 7 XP.
  • Forageables obtained from killing Monsters.
  • Gingers dug up from the ground.

A variety of skills can be temporarily improved by eating specific foods. These skills will appear as a buff icon next to the player clock in the user interface. Skills can be viewed in the player skill tab in the game pause menu.

Artifacts ⚜
Artifacts are items found primarily by digging up Artifact Spots, though they can be acquired in other ways. There are 42 artifacts in total, and one of each must be donated to the Museum to complete its collection. Donating to the Museum will yield rewards when donation milestones are reached, or when specific artifacts are donated.

Artifacts can be acquired in the following ways:
  • Using the Hoe on an Artifact Spot. Different parts of the map will produce different artifacts. Artifact Spots are much more common in winter.
  • Using the Hoe on dirt in The Mines and the Skull Cavern.
  • Killing Monsters.
  • Solving Secret Notes.
  • Breaking open Artifact Troves.
  • Fishing for treasure chests.
  • Breaking Bone Nodes.

All artifacts can be used for:
  • Donation to the museum
  • Gifting to Penny and the Dwarf as liked gifts
  • Tailoring at a Sewing Machine
Some artifacts have other specific uses:
  • Dwarf Scroll I, Dwarf Scroll II, Dwarf Scroll III, Dried Starfish, and Golden Relic may be required for some Fish Pond quests.
  • Ancient Seed may be crafted into a plantable Ancient Seeds pack after one is donated to the museum.
  • Dinosaur Egg may be used to hatch a Dinosaur in an Incubator or turned into Dinosaur Mayonnaise.
  • Prehistoric or fossilized artifacts may be processed in the Bone Mill to obtain Fertilizer.
  • Ancient Doll is an option for the Bundle Green.png Children's Bundle on the Bulletin Board (Remixed).
  • Dwarf Gadget is required to craft the Farm Computer.

Donating the following artifacts grant unique rewards:
  • Donating an Ancient Seed rewards the player with an Ancient Seed crafting recipe and 1 Ancient Seeds pack, which can then be planted to harvest Ancient Fruit.
  • Donating all four Dwarf Scrolls unlocks the Dwarvish Translation Guide, allowing the ability to speak to the Dwarf merchant in the Mines and in the Volcano Dungeon.
  • Donating the Ancient Drum, along with at least 2 other artifacts, rewards the player with a Drum Block.
  • Donating the Bone Flute, along with at least 2 other artifacts, rewards the player with a Flute Block.
  • Donating the Chicken Statue, along with at least 4 other artifacts, rewards the player with a Chicken Statue furniture item.
  • Donating the prehistoric bone pieces rewards the player with the Sloth Skeleton furniture pieces.
  • Donating the Rare Disc and Dwarf Gadget, along with at least 9 other artifacts, rewards the player with the 'Burnt Offering' painting.


Map regions specified under "Location" are places where the artifact can be found when digging up an Artifact Spot, along with the chance per artifact spot of finding the artifact.

Money 💰
This guide will help you earn money in the game.
Skills - Part 1 🏃
More about skills

Farming skill is gained by harvesting crops. Caring for animals also adds experience: Petting, milking, and shearing farm animals or picking up an animal product inside a barn or coop each give 5 experience points. Using a hoe or watering can does not grant experience by itself. Each level grants +1 proficiency to hoes and watering cans.

1 Level
2 Level
3 Level
4 Level
5 Level
Crafting Recipes:
Crafting Recipes:
Crafting Recipes:
Crafting Recipes:
Choose a Profession:

Rancher - Animal products worth 20% more.

Tiller - Crops worth 10% more.

6 Level
7 Level
8 Level
9 Level
10 Level
Crafting Recipes:
Crafting Recipes:
Crafting Recipes:
Crafting Recipes:

Coopmaster - Befriend coop animals quicker. Incubation time (for Incubator and Ostrich Incubator) cut in half.


Shepherd - Befriend barn animals quicker. Sheep produce wool faster.


Artisan - Artisan goods (wine, cheese, oil, etc.) worth 40% more.


Agriculturist - All crops grow 10% faster.

Fishing Skill is increased by catching Fish, Trash, Seaweed, Green Algae, or White Algae with a Fishing Rod/Pole or by harvesting Crab Pots.

Each level grants +1 Fishing Rod Proficiency, increases the minimum fish size (in/cm) and bobber bar height, and decreases the max amount of time before fish bite. Fishing skill also increases the chance to find quality (silver or gold star) fish.

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Crafting Recipes:

Casting distance increased by one tile
Crafting Recipes:

Fiberglass Rod & Bait unlocked in Willy's Fish Shop
Crafting Recipes:

Crab Pot unlocked in Willy's Fish Shop
Crafting Recipes:

Casting distance increased by one tile
Choose a Profession:

Fisher - Fish worth 25% more.

Trapper - Resources required to craft crab pots reduced.

Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Level 10
Crafting Recipes:

Iridium Rod, Lead Bobber, Spinner, & Trap Bobber
unlocked in Willy's Fish Shop
Crafting Recipes:

Cork Bobber & Treasure Hunter
unlocked in Willy's Fish Shop
Crafting Recipes:

Barbed Hook & Dressed Spinner
unlocked in Willy's Fish Shop
Casting distance increased by one tile
Crafting Recipes:

Magnet unlocked in
Willy's Fish Shop
Angler - Fish worth 50% more


Pirate - Chance to find treasure doubled.

Mariner - Crab pots no longer produce junk items.


Luremaster - Crab pots no longer require bait.

Skills - Part 2 🏃
3. Combat
Combat skill is increased by fighting monsters. Some levels add to the player's total HP (health points), as shown by an increase in the health meter.

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Crafting Recipes:
Crafting Recipes:
Crafting Recipes:
Crafting Recipes:
Choose a Profession:

Fighter - All attacks deal 10% more damage. (+15 HP)


Scout - Critical strike
chance increased by 50%. (+0 HP)

Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Level 10
Crafting Recipes:
Crafting Recipes:
Crafting Recipes:
Crafting Recipes:
Brute - Deal 15% more damage. (+0 HP).


Defender - +25 HP.

Acrobat - Cooldown on special moves cut in half.


Desperado - Critical strikes are deadlier.

4. Foraging
Foraging skill is increased both by gathering forage items found on the ground throughout Stardew Valley and by chopping down Trees with an Axe. Each foraging skill level adds +1 axe proficiency.

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Crafting Recipes:

Trees sometimes
drop seeds.
Crafting Recipes:
Crafting Recipes:
Crafting Recipes:
Choose a Profession:
Forester - Gain 25% more wood when chopping


Gatherer - Chance for double harvest of foraged items.

Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Level 10
Crafting Recipes:
Crafting Recipes:
Crafting Recipes:

+1 Wild Berry
Crafting Recipes:
Lumberjack - All trees have a chance to drop hardwood.


Tapper - Syrups worth 25% more

Botanist - Foraged
items are always highest quality.


Tracker - Location of forageable items revealed.

5. Mining
Mining skill is increased by breaking rocks. Each level adds +1 to Pickaxe proficiency. Mining skill points are awarded when rocks are destroyed -- it doesn't matter if this is done by Pickaxe, Bombs, or by the action of Monsters.

Different rock types give different numbers of experience points.

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Crafting Recipes:
Crafting Recipes:
Crafting Recipes:
Crafting Recipes:
Choose a Profession:
Miner - +1 ore per vein.


Geologist - Chance for gems to appear in pairs.
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Level 10
Crafting Recipes:
Crafting Recipes:
Crafting Recipes:
Crafting Recipes:
Blacksmith - Metal bars worth 50% more.


Prospector - Chance to find coal doubled.

Excavator -
Chance to find geodes doubled.


Gemologist - Gems worth 30% more.
Day Cycle ☀/🌓
The day cycle is a period of 20 hours in-game from 6am to 2am in which the player (farmer) is able to work and perform other activities around the Valley. The player will always wake up at the same time every day, but they are able to choose to go to bed whenever they like, which in turn ends the day.


The main effects of the day cycle on the player character are the processes of sleeping and saving that happen overnight. The player may choose to go to bed at any hour to sleep and progress time to the morning of the next day. This is done by moving into the area inside of any bed, and a dialogue will prompt them to confirm the decision. However as a reminder, as time passes midnight (12:00 am) the player's character will show that they are tired and in need of sleep.

Sleep will restore the player's Energy and Health to full if they go to bed no later than midnight and are not exhausted, and to half if they pass out or are exhausted. The longer past midnight the player stays awake, the less energy they wake up with, with about 75% restored if they sleep at 1am, and 50% if they sleep right before 2am. Regardless of when the player sleeps, there will be no further impact on the next day – the player will wake up and become active at 6am as usual, even if they stay up late. Therefore even though the day will go on until 2am, there is no requirement to stay awake for the whole day; conversely there is also no immediate need to sleep as soon as the clock turns to midnight.

The game saves only after the player has gone to sleep and the daily profit breakdown has been accepted, signaling the start of a new day.

In multiplayer, it is possible to "nap" during the daytime when positioned inside a bed. The normal sleep confirmation dialogue will appear for that player, and all players will see an automatic message announcing the player's intent to sleep. The player will slowly regain energy and health as time passes, at 2 points per second[1], like at the Spa. When in bed, a dialogue will indicate how many other players are also waiting to end the day. There will be no additional messages if they choose to get up out of bed and later return to bed. Finally, note that in multiplayer, all players must be sleeping simultaneously (or pass out) to progress to the overnight profit breakdown, and all players must click "ok" to close the profit breakdown screen in order to save and start the next day.

Passing out

The player can stay awake until 2am, after which their character will pass out. This means the player is unable to be active after 2am, even if they have energy remaining. If the character passes out outside their Farmhouse or Cabin, they will wake up in bed, having been dragged there by either a JojaMart medical team, Linus, Marlon, or Dr. Harvey if they are not married to him. In each case 10% of the player's money, up to a maximum of Gold.png1,000g (or Gold.png2,500g in the Volcano Dungeon), will be lost. The details of this transaction will appear as a letter in the player's mailbox the next day, although Linus does not count the money lost (the amount is still stored in the save file). There is no penalty for falling asleep while inside a Farmhouse or Cabin. In a multiplayer game, any player that passes out will be announced in chat, even if they are inside the farmhouse.


Depending on the season, nightfall is at different times. In spring and summer, it is 8pm, while in fall it is at 7pm and winter is 6pm. At nightfall, the background noise may change, and indoors the windows turn dark and lamps and sconces light up. Indoor locations also become dark at night (unless fully lit by light sources), but if nightfall happens while you are indoors it stays light until you exit and re-enter. At night outdoors, it does not immediately become full dark, but gradually becomes darker over time.

Villagers and locations

Villagers will move to different locations around the Valley depending on the time, combined with some additional influence from days of the week. The time of day also affects what locations are open, including shops according to their Shop Schedules. For example, most locations in Pelican Town generally open at 9am.


Certain fish only appear at certain times of the day. For example, it is considered nighttime after 6pm, which makes it possible to catch some nighttime fish. However as an aside, it does not become dark until around 8pm, depending on the season. Other specific fish might only be active at certain hours during the daytime, such as a period during the morning or afternoon.

Passage of time

Time passes at 0.7 real seconds per in-game minute (except the Skull Cavern where it's 0.9).

In single-player mode, time will pause (and the clock will blink in grayed-out text) when viewing a cutscene, viewing a dialog or menu (like the game menu, billboard, or quest journal), and during some animations (like reeling in a fish or jumping on/off a horse). In multiplayer mode, the game doesn't pause automatically.

Ignoring pauses, in-game time maps to real time like so:
Seasons 🌏
There are four Seasons in Stardew Valley: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Each Season lasts 28 days. The game begins on the first day of Spring. After completing a cycle of seasons, the game moves forward one year when Spring starts again. Years are tied to a few events, but there's no limit on the number of years which can be played. A villager's daily routines may change with a new season or with some events. Each season comes with a distinctive visual style.

Spring, Summer, and Fall have two festival days, and Winter has five. At festivals, the Pelican Town community gathers for special activities. Special items can be bought, games played, prizes won, and information gained.

Most crops, Foraging items, and fish are available only during their particular season or seasons. The seed selection available in Pierre's General Store (or JojaMart) changes each season.

Some areas are unaffected by the seasons, including indoor and underground areas, The Desert and Ginger Island.
More Info []


When a season ends (end of day 28), crops wither and die unless they can also grow during the coming season (pay attention to those growing days). At that time, fertilizer used on soil also expires, unless it is on a tile where a continuing multi-season crop is planted.

During seasonal shifts, your farm will also experience minor disrepair: the fallowing of tilled land, and the appearance of random debris that also must be cleared before planting can begin again. Land that is still planted when the season changes does not undergo disrepair. During the shift from Winter to Spring (next year), your farm experiences a major disrepair where more debris appears.
Weather ☁
Weather changes daily and with the seasons. The weather for the next day can be checked by viewing the TV screen and selecting "Weather Report."

The Fern Islands weather report
The weather on Ginger Island is different from in Stardew Valley, and once unlocked, the Fern Islands weather report will display immediately after the Stardew Valley report.

Daily weather affects the types of fish that can be caught, as well as villager dialogues and behavior.

Weather Types

It's going to be clear and sunny all day.

It's going to be a beautiful, sunny day tomorrow!
It's going to rain all day tomorrow.
Wind (Spring)
Partially cloudy with a light breeze. Expect lots of pollen!
Wind (Fall)
It's going to be cloudy, with gusts of wind throughout the day.
Looks like a storm is approaching. Thunder and lightning is expected.
Expect a few inches of snow tomorrow.

Bundle up, folks. It's going to snow tomorrow!
It's going to be clear and sunny tomorrow... perfect weather for the Festival!
Wedding Day
(This image will appear instead of the weather icon on a player's wedding day)

Some notes


  • It always rains on stormy days. Fish that require rain can be caught on stormy days, and the Old Mariner will appear on stormy days.
  • During a storm, lightning strikes can destroy random tiles on the farm. This includes crops and trees. If a Fruit Tree is hit, it will temporarily change into a coal tree.
  • If lightning hits a tile with a crafted flooring or path on it, the flooring or path will be displaced but not permanently destroyed.
  • There is a chance for a lightning strike to occur every 10 minutes.
  • Lightning will not strike Chests placed outside.
  • If Lightning Rods are placed anywhere on the farm they have a good chance to intercept lightning strikes, as long as they are not already processing a strike into a Battery Pack.
  • Using a Rain Totem never has a chance to cause a storm unless used on a stormy day (which will make the next day stormy as well). Otherwise it will only cause rain.
  • It is always stormy on Summer 13 and 26, every year.


  • Winter Seeds need to be watered even if it is snowing.
  • Snow transparency can be changed in the Options Menu. Sliding the bar to the left will increase snow transparency (i.e., decrease opacity).

Other 🍃
  • On the first year, it is always sunny on Spring 1, 2, and 4, and it always rains on Spring 3. From Spring 5 and onwards, the weather is randomized, with certain exceptions.
  • The Rain Totem will change the weather for the following day to rain unless the following day is a festival or the 1st day of a season. (Spring 2-4 of year 1 also cannot be changed by a Rain Totem.)
  • The weather will always be "clear and sunny" for Festivals.
  • It will never rain in Winter unless a Rain Totem is used.
  • If there is a Festival on a player's wedding day, the heart icon will not display.
  • For all villager heart events, there are only two defined weather states: Sun and Rain. This means that any event that requires a "Sunny" day can trigger on windy or snowy days as well as sunny days. Thunderstorm days count as rainy days, so "sunny" events will not trigger.

Tips ✅
My guide, which contains many tips for you, my friend!
Inventory 👝
The inventory consists of the contents of the player's backpack. It allows the player to carry items as they travel around the map.

The inventory is organised into rows of 12, and the player starts with one row initially available. One row can be selected at a time to provide immediate access to items and equipment, and this subsection of the inventory is commonly referred to as the hotbar. It is possible to select different items in the hotbar for use by using pressing the number key associated with that slot, or using the scroll wheel.

The game menu (press ESCAPE or E), displays the entire contents of the backpack in its leftmost tab. For this reason it is sometimes called the inventory menu. The hotbar is shown as the top row of this menu, and if upgraded the other rows will be shown below it. This menu gives the player the means to move items between the slots inside the backpack, or to split or combine stacks of items. To select one item in a stack using mouse & keyboard, right-click on it. To divide the stack in half, shift + right-click on it. (See also: Controls, Mobile Controls.) Note that in singleplayer, opening the inventory menu pauses the clock.

The inventory can be expanded twice in stages of 12 items each by purchasing backpack upgrades at Pierre's General Store. Extra slots from backpack extension do not grant direct access, but simply add to the number of items that can travel with the player. To gain immediate access, items must be moved from the lower row(s) into the upper row using the menu.

Certain game activities that involve transferring items give the player access to the entire inventory. These include interacting with an open chest or a shop menu, or donating items at the Community Center or Museum. Items that cannot be sold to a shop or donated will be greyed out (note that Pierre and Willy will only buy back items pertaining to their respective type of shop). Controls change somewhat during these activities. Moving items within the inventory is often restricted, and a mouse click on an inventory item can sell it to a shopkeeper, so careful control is required for guaranteeing one's intended actions.

Inventory Screen
1.Inventory Tab button
2.Hotbar (quick-access items)
3.Second and third rows of inventory; only shown while in the inventory menu
4.Equipped wearable items
5.Character's image
6.Character's name
7.Character's level and title, visible when hovering the mouse cursor over the image
8.Farm Name
9.Current Funds -- total Gold currently available to spend
10.Total Earnings -- total Gold earned in the game to date
11.Trash Can -- unwanted items can be permanently disposed of by dragging them here (most
Tools cannot be trashed)
12.Auto-Sort Button -- Sorts inventory items in game order (tools are not sorted)
13.Golden Scroll Icon -- Click to view progress towards Community Center Bundles, once unlocked
14.Close Menu Button

引用自 me
Preview of available backpacks
The player's inventory initially has 12 slots, but can be upgraded to a total of 36 slots. The upgraded backpacks are available immediately at the start of the game and can be purchased at Pierre's General Store.

The "Large Pack" (which is red) expands inventory to 24 slots and costs Gold.png2,000g. The "Deluxe Pack" (which is blue) expands inventory to 36 slots and costs Gold.png10,000g. Once both backpack upgrades have been purchased, the "For Sale" sign on the shelf disappears.


  • Shift + Left-Click on an inventory item/stack in the bottom two rows to quickly move it to the top row of inventory.
  • Hotbar keys can be reassigned through the Options menu.
  • Inventory items can be selected and dragged outside the inventory menu, then released to be dropped. If done near a body of water, the item may be permanently lost.
  • Tab when in normal game play (PC) will cause the other available rows to scroll to the top row.
Cooking 🍪
引用自 me
Just Chocolate Cake xD
Cooking is a game mechanic that becomes available after upgrading the farmhouse for the first time. The house upgrade adds a kitchen, which includes a stove and a refrigerator. The stove is the cooking interface, while the refrigerator provides 36 slots of storage space, similar to a chest. The refrigerator is unique in that it is directly linked with the cooking interface, as if it were an extension of the player's inventory. Only ingredients in the player's inventory, refrigerator or Mini-Fridge are seen as usable items for a recipe.

Alternatively, after reaching Foraging level 9 the player can use a Cookout Kit to cook anywhere.

The player must learn each recipe before it is unlocked for cooking, with the exception of Fried Egg, which is known by the player upon starting a new save file. Locked recipes are displayed as a black silhouette of the recipe icon, with a tooltip description that says "???." Unlocked recipe icons will appear greyed-out if any of the ingredients are missing, but the tooltip will provide information regarding the recipe. Any missing ingredients will be highlighted in red. If all the ingredients required for a recipe are present either in the player's inventory or the refrigerator (or a combination of the two) the recipe icon will become fully highlighted.


Only one food’s buffs can be active at a time, so eating a food with buffs will wipe out any active food buffs and replace them with the buffs from the newly eaten food. If a newly eaten food has no buffs, any existing buffs will remain in effect. Drink buffs are handled separately, so buffs from one drink (Triple Shot Espresso, Coffee, Green Tea or Ginger Ale) can be stacked with one food’s buffs.

Buff duration varies for each food and drink (see table below)[1], but is the same for all buff effects of a given food or drink, except Squid Ink Ravioli. Using Qi Seasoning increases the duration by 50%.

Recipes here []
Wallet 👛
The Wallet is a type of character inventory found under the Skills Tab of the player menu, and is used to store special items.

Special Items
Hats 👒
Hats are cosmetic clothing items that alter the appearance of the player but otherwise have no effect.

Hats cannot be sold through the Shipping Box, to the Hat Mouse, or to any store/shop in the game.

Obtaining hats
The day after earning their first Achievement, players will receive a letter from the mouse in the Abandoned House alerting them that hats can now be purchased there. Most Achievements unlock a new hat, which can be purchased for Gold.png1,000g.

A few hats can only be obtained at certain festivals, the casino, the Adventurer's Guild, or in treasure rooms in the Skull Cavern.

Hats can also be tailored at the sewing machine in Emily's house.

Just click to Image to Zoom
This screenshot shows all the hats in the game at the moment.
Footware 👟👟
Footwear is a type of clothing item that provides a boost to Defense and/or Immunity. Footwear is either found or purchased at the Adventurer's Guild. All Footwear can be sold to the Adventurer's Guild. Just click on Image, sorry it was too hard make my own sign
Rings ○
Rings are equippable clothing items that give players passive benefits. Any two rings can be equipped at any one time. They are equipped in the player's inventory. Some ring effects stack. Rings can also be combined.
More rings here []
Weapons 🍳
Weapons are used to deal damage and fight monsters. Weapons are quite unlike other tools, as firstly they do not cost energy to use, and secondly they are not upgraded at the Blacksmith. Instead, most weapons can be found as monster drops, purchased from the Adventurer's Guild, or found in chests in the mines. Most weapons (except the slingshots) can also be sold to the Adventurer's Guild.

Most weapons have a secondary (special) attack, executed by right-clicking. With the sword, you will block some damage or knock back flying enemies. A club will smash the ground, knocking back nearby enemies and causing minor damage. With a dagger, you will perform a series of quick stabs.

While not designed for combat, the Axe, Pickaxe, and Scythe can be used as weapons to inflict a small amount of damage. The Axe and Pickaxe consume energy, while the Scythe does not.

Weapon Stats

Speed is separate from player speed. This speed only influences Attack Frequency. The displayed speed is applied as a modifier to the weapon's base speed, which varies by weapon type.
Defense is a statistic that affects how much damage the player takes.
The Weight of a weapon affects how far an enemy will be knocked back.
Crit. Chance
The Crit. Chance of a weapon affects the likelihood to perform a critical strike with increased damage.
Crit. Power
When you hit a critical strike, this statistic will add additional damage to your enemy.


Swords are well-rounded weapons with quick attacks and low swing delay. Their secondary attack puts you into a blocking stance, negating damage and dealing minor damage to the enemy that attacked you. Blocking also knocks back flying enemies.

List of all swords []


Daggers are the fastest-attacking weapons in the game. Their range is short, however, and they only target the square in front of the player rather than swinging in an arc like a sword. Using their secondary attack causes the player to stab 4 times in quick succession. During the secondary attack, the enemy will be locked in place.

List of all daggers []


Clubs are heavy weapons that tend to be slower than swords and daggers but with a wide swing. Their secondary attack causes the player to slam the ground in front of them, causing an area-of-effect attack in a radius around the player that has strong knockback. Damage dealt by this attack will never be a critical hit.

Right-clicking with a Club and immediately left-clicking repeatedly will cause multiple attacks to occur in quick succession.

List of all clubs []


The damage dealt by a slingshot depends mainly on the ammunition used. A Master Slingshot will generally deal 2x the damage of a regular Slingshot using the same ammo.

List of all slingshots []
Tools ✂ - Part 1
Tools help you get things done in the world. You can carry them with you in your backpack for ready use, or store them in a chest when not immediately needed.

You can upgrade your tools at the Blacksmith in exchange for gold and metal bars, with upgrades taking two days to complete. During the upgrade, you can't buy anything or ask Clint to break open geodes. Tools must be upgraded in ascending order of materials; for example, a copper tool can't be upgraded directly to iridium.

  • The practical meaning of an upgrade "taking two days to complete" is that you will wake up on two successive days without your tool. You may use the tool during the day, then take it to the Blacksmith (before it closes) to upgrade. The next day you will be without your tool. The following day, you must travel to the Blacksmith to pick up the tool, and can use it for the remainder of the day.
  • When a tool has completed upgrading, a message will appear in the lower left corner of the screen when waking up for the day.

A random enchantment can be added to any melee weapon or tool, with the exceptions of the Copper Pan, Scythe, Golden Scythe, and Trash Can. This costs one Prismatic Shard and 20 Cinder Shards.

Each weapon or tool can have only one enchantment, and the applied enchantment is random. However, another Prismatic Shard can be used to re-randomize it. Tools track the previous two enchantments applied to them so they're not reselected when reapplying an enchantment.

Upgrading a tool keeps its enchantment.

Enchantments are randomized based on the number of times any tool has been enchanted, so reloading the day and enchanting a different tool will change the progression.

Combat enchantments

Only applies to melee weapons (can't be applied to a slingshot)

Tool enchantments


Proficiency refers to the amount of energy required to use a specific tool.

At skill level 0, each successful use of a Pickaxe, Axe, or Hoe costs 2 energy. Unsuccessful uses (e.g., attempting to chop a Large Log with the starter axe) cost 1 energy. Each cast of the Fishing Pole costs 8 energy, even if the cast fails (e.g., the fishing line does not land in water). The starter Watering Can uses 2 energy.

Each increase in skill decreases energy requirements by 0.1 points for specific tools (listed below). Skill increases past level 10 (only possible temporarily via Buffs) continue to decrease the energy requirements. So, for example, using a Pickaxe at Mining level 13 costs only 0.7 points per swing. (The game keeps track of fractional amounts of energy, but in the user interface they are rounded to the nearest integer.)

Powering up an upgraded Watering Can increases its energy cost by 2 points per power-up; each increase in skill decreases the energy requirement by 0.1 points (regardless of power level). At Farming Level 0, the starter can uses 2 energy to water one tile; the iridium can at maximum power uses 10 energy to water eighteen tiles. At Farming Level 10, the starter can uses 1 energy; the iridium at maximum power uses 9 energy (10 minus 0.1 per skill level). Using an upgraded can to water fewer tiles than it is able costs the same energy as the first watering can upgrade that is able to water that many tiles (single tile always the same as starter can, 5 tiles always the same as steel can). Attempting to use an empty watering can doesn't cost energy. Filling a watering can never uses energy.

Upgrading an Axe, Pickaxe, or Hoe does not alter the amount of energy required to use it. The increased power of the Axe and Pickaxe and increased area-of-effect of the Hoe will result in less overall energy used for the same task than a lower-level tool.

Note that all Hoes use the same energy (2 points at Farming Level 0, and 1 point at Farming Level 10), whether powered-up or used to till one tile of soil.

All fishing poles use the same energy: 8 points at Fishing Level 0, and 7 points at Fishing Level 10.
Neither loading a Crab Pot with Bait nor harvesting it uses any energy, at any skill level.
Tools ✂ - Part 2

Used primarily to till soil for Farming and to dig up Artifact Spots. Upgraded hoes may be used to till more than one square at a time by holding left-click and "powering up" the tool.


Used mainly for breaking stones and picking up placed equipment or furniture items. It is also used to un-till soil that has been tilled with a Hoe.

Using a pickaxe on a Monster will deal a small portion of damage, similar to weapons.


Used to chop down Trees for wood and sap and to gather Hardwood from a Large Stump or a Large Log. The axe must also be used to harvest Giant Crops. Like the pickaxe, it can deal a small amount of damage to monsters.

Trash Cans

Used to delete items from the Inventory.

Upgraded trash cans will return some gold for trashed items.

Fishing Poles

Used to catch fish. Hold down left click to power-up the cast, use WASD or the arrow keys to slightly adjust the placement of the hook.

Watering Cans

Used to water crops. A crop plant does not grow on a day it is not watered. If it is raining, the rain waters all crops without use of the watering can.

Upgraded watering cans may be used to water more than one square at a time by holding left-click and "powering up" the tool.

Other Tools

Shipping 👔
Shipping allows the player to sell items by placing them into a Shipping Bin or Mini-Shipping Bin. Gold is received after going to sleep for the night.

Iridium quality items have the highest value, followed gold, silver, and regular quality items, in that order. The amount of gold received from shipping is the same as when selling to a merchant. The main difference is that merchants will pay immediately, while the money received from shipping is given the next day. Also, not all items can be sold using both methods: some items can be sold using only the shipping bin; other items that cannot be placed in the shipping bin can be sold to merchants (notably, weapons can be sold to the Adventurer's Guild). Items sold to merchants are not included in the statistics on the Collection tab and do not count towards shipping-specific Achievements.

The shipping bin opens its lid when the player approaches it. To ship an item (or stack of items), approach the shipping bin and "use" it (right-click on it), then left-click on the item in inventory. Alternatively, select an item in inventory, approach the shipping bin, and left-click on the bin.

If a mistake is made and the wrong item is put in the shipping bin, "use" the bin at any time during the same day to display the last item. Click on that item to add it back into inventory. Only the last item shipped can be retrieved.


Each Farm Map comes with one preinstalled shipping bin, which can be moved or demolished similar to any other farm building.

The player may purchase additional Shipping Bins at the Carpenter's Shop for 250g and Wood (150), which can be placed anywhere on the farm. Shipping bins are built instantaneously upon purchase.


There are exactly 28 Crops that must be shipped to earn the Polyculture achievement ("Ship 15 of each crop"):


To earn the Monoculture achievement ("Ship 300 of one crop"), one of 33 Crops can be chosen -- any of the 28 crops listed above, or
  • Ancient Fruit

  • Blue Jazz

  • Fairy Rose

  • Summer Spangle

  • Tulip
Crafting ⚒
Crafting is the activity of creating a new item as specified by a crafting recipe. Similar to but separate from Cooking, each recipe lists a set of ingredient items that are consumed in each crafting action. The player knows ten crafting recipes at the start of the game, and must learn all others by gaining skills, developing friendships with townsfolk, and purchasing the rest from shops. Unlike cooked items, most (not all) crafted items are inedible.

To craft an item, click on the item's icon once you have all the required ingredients. The newly crafted item will appear beneath the player's cursor, and the player can then place it inside their inventory. The crafting screen may expand to multiple pages once the player acquires a larger selection of recipes.

Crafting recipes are gained by leveling up any skills, purchased from merchants, or received as gifts by gaining friendship points with villagers.

All recipes for crafting can be found here []
Furniture ❒
Furniture can be purchased from Robin at the Carpenter's Shop or from the Traveling Cart merchant. Both shops offer a random selection of furniture each day they are open. The cost of furniture at the Traveling Cart is random, but is always between Gold.png250–2,500g. Prices at the Carpenter's Shop do not vary.

Some furniture can be obtained only by donating items to the Museum, purchased at Festivals, the Casino, JojaMart, or other unique sources. These exceptions are listed in the tables below.

After the first Farmhouse upgrade, Robin also offers the Furniture Catalogue for sale at the Carpenter's Shop. Once placed, "using" the furniture catalogue allows you to purchase furniture items for Gold.png0g in unlimited quantity.

Most furniture can be placed outside.[1] However, some items cannot be placed anywhere other than inside the Farmhouse or a Shed. Furniture will display a green square on tiles where it can be placed. The tile will turn red if the furniture cannot be placed. Note: Items placed outside the farm will be destroyed if a villager walks through the square where it is placed. The Crafting page shows player-created maps that indicate which tiles are safe from villager-pathing.

Players can sit in chairs, benches, couches, and armchairs.

Furniture cannot be sold through the Shipping Bin or to any merchant/shop.

More Info []
Wallpapers ░
Wallpaper is an item that is sold at both Pierre's General Store for 100g and JojaMart for 250g. A new wallpaper is sold each day. A wallpaper that is sold at JojaMart will be sold at Pierre's General Store on the following day.

Wallpaper can also be obtained from the Catalogue, a piece of furniture that can be purchased from Pierre's General Store for 30,000g. The Catalogue provides all wallpaper (and flooring) for 0g wherever the object is placed. The Catalogue always holds every wallpaper and flooring and does not rotate stock.

Wallpapers are one time use and do not stack. They cover the whole room they're placed in and can also be placed on hallway walls between rooms.

They do not have unique names, so the table below lists wallpaper in the same order shown in the catalog.
Flooring ▧
Flooring is an item that is sold at both Pierre's General Store for 100g and JojaMart for 250g. A new flooring is sold each day. A flooring that is sold at JojaMart will be sold at Pierre's General Store on the following day.

Flooring can also be obtained from the Catalogue, a piece of furniture that can be purchased from Pierre's General Store for 30,000g. The Catalogue provides all flooring (and wallpaper) for 0g wherever the object is placed. The Catalogue always holds every flooring and wallpaper and does not rotate stock.

Floorings are one time use and do not stack. They cover the whole room they're placed in and can also be placed on hallway floors between rooms.

They do not have unique names, so the table below lists flooring in the same order shown in the catalog.
Fertilizer ▢
Fertilizer is used to support crop and tree growth, assisting farming. There are three types of crop fertilizer, affecting respectively crop quality, speed growth and water retention. There is only one tree fertilizer type, affecting growth speed. A fertilizer is used by placing it on tilled soil or the desired tree. Some crop fertilizers must be placed before the planted seed sprouts, the other fertilizers can be used at any time during plant growth. Each crop fertilizer type has three tiers, and the tree fertilizer has only one tier. Crop fertilizers affect all crops, including crops grown from Wild Seeds.

All fertilizer can be crafted. Recipes for first tier fertilizers are learned once the required level of Farming or Foraging skill is reached. Second tier recipes are learned once the required level of Farming skill is reached. Third tier recipes are purchased on Ginger Island. First and second tier crop fertilizers can also be purchased at Pierre's General Store year-round, or at The Oasis on specific days of the week.

Only one type of fertilizer may be used per soil tile. Fertilizer remains in the soil all season. When the season changes, fertilizer normally disappears. However, there are two exceptions in which fertilizer will remain in the soil:

  • If a multi-season crop (i.e., Ancient Fruit, Coffee Bean, Corn, Sunflower, or Wheat) is planted in the fertilized tile, and the new season is one in which the crop grows, the fertilizer will remain.
  • Fertilizer placed in the Greenhouse will remain in the soil unless it is un-tilled by a pickaxe.
Note that crop quality is determined at harvest time and not at planting time. Prior to 1.5, fertilizer used in the Greenhouse on crops which would mature out of their normal growing season might disappear before harvest and have no effect.

Speed gro affects only the growth and first harvest of a multi-harvest crop. Quality fertilizers (Basic Fertilizer, Quality Fertilizer, and Deluxe Fertilizer) affect all harvests of a multi-harvest crop.

Removing a crop with a Tool like the axe does not remove the fertilizer. A second hit with a tool, such as a Pickaxe is required to remove the fertilizer and make the tile fallow.

More Info []
A player requires Energy to use tools, with the exception of scythes, weapons, and the Copper Pan. Picking up or moving a chest with your empty hands also requires energy. Currently available energy is indicated on the player's energy bar, which reflects the decreases as a day progresses.

Energy can be replenished up to its maximum by eating positive-energy food. Consuming negative-energy foods such as Sap or Void Mayonnaise reduces energy. To consume food, put it on the hotbar (the top row of inventory) and press action (right-click) with it. A notification in the bottom left of the screen will display energy and health gained by eating food. Typically, more expensive food provides more energy than cheaper food items.

Standing in the Spa also restores energy at 10 points per second[1]. In a Multiplayer game, players may slowly restore energy by standing in bed at 2 points per second[2]. (If the "Go to bed" dialogue pops up, answer "No", and remain in place.)
引用自 me
A slightly depleted energy bar

The player becomes exhausted upon reaching 0 energy, indicated by an X dialog bubble above the player's head and the notice "You feel sluggish from over-exertion." The player's movement speed is significantly reduced, and Fishing Poles can no longer be cast. Other energy-consuming tools can be used, but the player's energy level becomes negative. At -15 energy, the player passes out, ending the day. If the player passes out anywhere outside the house, the player will lose 10% of their money, up to 1,000g .

Increasing energy back above zero (e.g., by eating food) will restore player movement and allow Fishing Poles to be cast again, but the player remains exhausted for the remainder of the day. There is no in-game indicator of this lingering exhaustion, but it results in a 50% reduction in that night's energy restoration. This after-effect can be avoided by curing exhaustion, either by consuming Muscle Remedy, or (if married) kissing the player's spouse for the first time in the day.

A few warning signs exist to notify the player before imminent exhaustion. If energy is less than 20, any energy-consuming activity makes the energy bar shake and emit beads of sweat. When energy first falls below 15, a notice appears stating "You're starting to feel exhausted." These are warnings, not indicators of true exhaustion, and have no effect on player activities or overnight energy restoration.
引用自 me
Exhaustion indicator

Sleeping restores the player's initial energy level for the next day. Going to bed at or before 12:00AM normally restores energy to its maximum. However, if the player goes to bed late, passes out, or is exhausted, the amount of energy regained is reduced.

If the player goes to sleep exhausted, sleep removes the exhaustion, but energy restoration is reduced by 50%.

Energy restoration is also reduced if the player goes to bed after 12:00AM. This reduction stacks additively with the exhausted penalty.

The amount of energy reduction has been calculated in the below table.

Late to Bed Penalty

Energy Loss
12:10 AM
12:20 AM
12:30 AM
12:40 AM
12:50 AM
12.5 %
1:00 AM
1:10 AM
1:20 AM
1:30 AM
1:40 AM
1:50 AM
2:00 AM

If the new day's calculated initial energy level is lower than the player's actual energy level at the time they went to sleep, the player's energy level is left unchanged and not reduced, unless they are exhausted.

A player cannot start a day with less than 1 energy.

Leveling Up
The morning after a skill is leveled up (or after changing professions at the Statue Of Uncertainty), the player awakens with full energy, regardless of the sleep or exhaustion calculation.

Besides sleeping, certain actions can be taken to restore energy. These include: using the Spa, being in a Bed while playing Multiplayer, and eating certain edible items.
  • While relaxing in the spa or swimming, the player's energy and health increase by 1 every 100ms until both are full, if they have not moved recently.
  • While being in a bed in multiplayer, the player's energy and health increase by 1 every 500ms until both are full.

Health 🚑
引用自 me
A slightly drained Health Bar (Left)
Health is measured by a bar next to the energy bar in the bottom right corner of the user interface (UI). The health bar is only visible while inside of The Mines, the Secret Woods, the Slime Hutch, the Skull Cavern, the Mutant Bug Lair, the Quarry Mine, the Volcano Dungeon, or when the meter is not full. Outside of the Mines, the most common ways to lose Health are by getting hit by the train on the Railroad, or by the Slimes in the Secret Woods or in the Slime Hutch.

Players may choose the Wilderness Map, or offer a Strange Bun to the Dark Shrine of Night Terrors in the Witch's Hut to enable Monsters on The Farm, who will attack and drain the player's health at night.

Health can be replenished either by consuming food, sleeping, using the Spa, or eating Stardrops. In a multiplayer game, health (and energy) can be replenished by standing in bed without going to sleep for the day.

Maximum health capacity starts at 100 points. Each increase in Combat Level adds 5 points to the player's health meter, with the exceptions of levels 5 and 10. Health points are only increased when levelling up to levels 5 or 10 if the Fighter and Defender professions are chosen. Finding Secret Note #10 and then meeting Mr. Qi at floor 100 of the Skull Cavern will award the player with a cutscene in which Mr. Qi gives the player "Iridium snake milk", which will increase maximum health by 25 points.

The player will pass out when health reaches zero. The only exception is if the the player has a Phoenix Ring and is using the ring's ability for the first time on that day. One of the villagers will awaken the player. Depending on which one it is, the player may wake up in the entry room of The Mines, in the bedroom of the Farmhouse, or in Harvey's Clinic. If the player passes out inside the Skull Cavern, they will be awakened inside Harvey's Clinic.

While passed out, the player will lose gold and may lose inventory items. One lost item can be retrieved through the "Item Recovery Service" at the Adventurer's Guild. The amount of gold lost is determined by the player's currently available gold, up to 5,000g.
Farmhouse 🏠
The Farmhouse is the player's permanent residence in Stardew Valley. Initially, it has only one small room that contains a single bed, a fireplace, an old TV (either a Budget TV or Floor TV), various decorations depending on what farm style was chosen, and a floor mat of varying design, which can all be changed and expanded later on. The outer footprint of the farmhouse is a 6x9 rectangle. The fireplace can be moved by left-clicking or turned on by right-clicking on it.

Flooring and Wallpaper can be changed using patterns bought from Pierre's or JojaMart, or fetched from a Catalogue. New furniture (including fireplaces) can be added at any time.

Upgrades can be bought at the Carpenter's Shop. Each new room added when upgrading can have its own flooring and wallpaper patterns.

Upon getting married or having Krobus move in as a roommate, the game automatically adds an extra room that is based on that character's style.


Robin requires three days to complete each farmhouse upgrade. Renovations are done instantly. Renovations are unlocked after completing the second farmhouse upgrade.
Cabin 🏡
The Cabin is a farm building that enables the ability to house one farmhand each in a Multiplayer game. (Note that multiplayer is not available on mobile devices, so cabins are not available on mobile platforms.)

They behave much like the Farmhouse, but belong to a farmhand rather than the host of the game. Up to 3 cabins can be present. They may be chosen at the start of a new co-op game, in "Nearby" or "Separate" layout, or can also be added to a saved game by visiting the Carpenter's Shop and choosing "Construct farm building" from the menu. If chosen at the start of a Multiplayer game, cabins are free. If built on an existing farm, the cost is Gold.png100g for each of the 3 varieties of Cabin, plus the building materials listed in the table below. Cabins are built instantaneously upon purchase.

A farmhand moves into a cabin by picking up the Parsnip Seeds left by Mayor Lewis on the floor of the cabin.

Cabins can be demolished by the host at any time, by visiting the Carpenter's Shop (or Wizard's Tower, if the player has unlocked the magic buildings). This will permanently remove the player who occupies the cabin from the game. The player's inventory (other than tools) will appear in a chest in place of the demolished cabin.

A farmhand's inventory can be accessed by the host player in a Multiplayer game by looking in Mayor Lewis' Manor in the Lost and Found box.

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The Cave 😱
The Farm Cave is an underground location accessed through a passage near the northern edge of The Farm. Initially it is just a small empty cave. After the player accumulates 25,000g in total earnings, Demetrius will visit the farm in the morning and inform the player that he would like to use the cave to set up research specimens. He'll give the player the option to choose between fruit bats (which leave fruit in the cave) or mushrooms. This choice is permanent and cannot be reversed.

Fruit bats
Fruit bats leave various fruit in the Cave on the farm overnight. This is a great option for making Artisan Goods as it gives a slow but steady supply of fruit, particularly foraged berries, even out of their respective seasons. It also helps complete the Bundle Artisan Bundle in the Pantry in the first year or two, before the player has enough money to buy all the necessary Fruit Trees.

Fruit Tree fruits make excellent gifts for villagers because they are universal likes, readily accessible early in the game, and do not require a kitchen. Gifting may be the best late-game use for fruit, other than making Artisan Goods, Shipping them, finishing the Bundles, or eating them for extra energy (even though they don't replenish very much health).

Every night, there is a chance of new fruit spawning. If the cave is empty, there is a 48% chance of no new fruit; 25% chance of 1 fruit; 13% chance of 2 fruit; 7% chance of 3 fruit; 7% chance of 4 or more fruit. The average spawn rate is 1.06 fruit per night. There is no hard limit on the maximum number of fruit in one night, other than the available floor space (50 tiles).

Fruit spawned in the cave always remains there until the player collects it (the cave contents are never automatically reset, even at the end of the week or the end of the month). Uncollected fruit reduces the space available for new fruit to spawn. For example, ten uncollected fruit increases the chances of no new fruit from 48% to 54%. Placing equipment or craftable flooring in the cave also reduces the space available for fruit.

Fruit found in the cave can be of any quality (normal, silver, or gold). If the Botanist Profession is chosen, the fruit will be iridium quality. The Gatherer profession gives the player a chance of obtaining two fruit. Each fruit obtained from the cave gives the player 7 Foraging experience points.


Six boxes will be added to the cave where certain types of mushrooms will randomly grow. Five different types will appear, including all four that are required to craft the Life Elixir. Even though Common Mushrooms, Morels, and Chanterelles are the ones that most commonly appear, this is still the best way to craft the elixir as often as possible. This makes the Mushroom option a great one for those who love to go into The Mines, especially since most mushrooms can be hard to find otherwise. This is also a good choice for players that have grown, or plan to grow, fruit trees and do not need the extra fruit provided by the fruit bats.

Cave mushroom boxes produce every day. Mushrooms grown in the cave are always of normal quality, even if the Botanist Profession is chosen. Harvesting mushrooms from the Cave does not award the player with any Foraging experience points.
Greenhouse 🥬
The Greenhouse is a building present on the farm from the outset. It is initially in a state of disrepair, making it unusable. It can be repaired by completing the Pantry Bundles for the Community Center or by purchasing "Greenhouse" from the Joja Community Development Form for 35,000g. Once repaired, it can be moved at the Carpenter's Shop.


The interior of the building features a 10-row-by-12-column plot of land. There, Crops can be planted, grown, and harvested at any time of year without reference to normal season restrictions. Scarecrows are not required in the greenhouse to prevent crows from eating crops. Crops do need to be watered, even on rainy days. There is a water trough along the north wall, where the Watering Can can be refilled. Crops that regrow will continuously regrow and not die at the end of any season.

There is a wood border one tile thick surrounding the crop rectangle. It is possible to place sprinklers on this border to water any of the tiles of the crop land within its reach.

Between the wood border and the greenhouse walls is a region two tiles thick that is unsuitable for crops, and populated along the walls with decorative items (plants, tools, barrels, water trough). It is possible to plant fruit trees at any spot in this region not occupied by decorations, so long as there are two tiles between fruit trees. Fruit trees cannot be planted in the corners of the Greenhouse. Neither the greenhouse wall nor the wood border itself will impede the growth of the fruit trees, although a one-space separation must be maintained between the tree and any items (like sprinklers) that are placed on the wood border or exterior region during the time the tree is growing.

Advanced tips
There are some additional special conditions about the greenhouse that bear mentioning:
  • As with scarecrows, because the field is indoors, crops and fruit trees in the greenhouse will never be hit by lightning.
  • Bee houses placed inside of the greenhouse produce no honey.
  • Giant Crops are unable to grow in the greenhouse.
Multiple harvest crops and fertilizer will never disappear from the greenhouse unless removed by the player, or in the case of fertilized soil as long as the tile does not spend a night unplanted. This is also true on Ginger Island. A cheap seed such as wheat or parsnip can be used in such a case to keep the fertilizer intact.

Because multiple harvest crops will never disappear at the end of season, this makes it especially profitable to plant Ancient Fruit, Strawberry, Blueberry, or Cranberry inside the greenhouse. Corn, Eggplants, and Hot Peppers are also affected by this, as well as trellis crops including Green Bean, Hops, and Grape. However, these are slightly less profitable and in the case of trellises, it is slightly harder to place them as they cannot be walked over.

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Pelican Town 🌆
Pelican Town is where the player moves to at the start of the game, located in Stardew Valley. Pelican Town is where most of the villagers live, work, and socialize.

Lewis is the mayor of Pelican Town and has been for over 20 years; he comments that he has not had competition for the role since first becoming mayor.

The northwest entrance to town connects to the Bus Stop and The Farm. The southwest passage connects to Cindersap Forest, which contains Marnie's Ranch, Leah's Cottage, and the Wizard's Tower. Directly south of town is The Beach. North of town connects to The Mountain, with Robin's carpenter shop, the mines, the Adventurer's Guild, the Railroad, and the Quarry.

Initially, there are weeds located near 2 Willow Lane, in the area behind 1 Willow Lane, behind JojaMart, and to the west of the Community Center, below the playground. These weeds will die during Winter, but will respawn at the start of each new year.
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Key Locations

Pierre's General Store
Community Center
The Stardrop Saloon

Other Residents
1 River Road
Mayor's Manor
1 Willow Lane
2 Willow Lane
Blacksmith ⚒
Clint's Blacksmith shop provides multiple services primarily related to resources found in the mines. It chiefly serves as a location for upgrading tools, and breaking open geodes, although he also trades in coal and ores (copper, iron, & gold). Finally, the building is also Clint's home, and his bedroom is out the back of the shop floor.

Open Hours
9:00am to 4:00pm
Friday, after Community Center restored and at 10:30 AM Winter 16
Across the town's river, to the bottom right


The purchase prices of ore and coal increase in year 2+. The player will receive a letter in the mail on Spring 1 of year 2 saying "Notice: The price of raw materials at Robin's shop and Clint's shop has increased." The gold obtained by selling items to Clint (or through the shipping bin) does not increase.

Similar to how it is possible to sell crops directly to Pierre, it is also possible to sell gems, minerals, ore, and bars directly to Clint. Note that Clint will not directly buy any kind of geodes (although it is possible to sell any ores they contain back to him).

Upgrade Tools

Clint can upgrade the four main tools and the Trash Can in the inventory menu incrementally. That is to say the previous quality of tool is required to upgrade it to the next level. It takes 2 days to upgrade a tool. While Clint is upgrading a tool, Blacksmith services are unavailable. A notification will pop up on the left side of the screen on the morning a tool upgrade is ready.

Note that even when Blacksmith's shopfront itself is closed on festival days (although the door will not be shut for the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies in the Summer, and the Spirit's Eve festival in the Fall), Clint will still work on tools. If a player drops off a tool off the day before a festival, it will be ready the day after the festival as normal.

All Axe and Pickaxe upgrades reduce the number of hits necessary to remove trees and rocks. In addition certain metal versions are able to break larger objects of their respective type (logs and stumps; or boulders and meteorites, respectively). Upgraded versions of the Watering Can and Hoe allow the player to water and till multiple squares of land in a single use (using click-and-hold). The trash can upgrades increase the autosell value of any objects placed into them up to 60%.

Process Geodes

Clint can break open geodes for 25g. Gems and Minerals can be found within, as well as common resources like Stone, Clay, and Coal.

If the sell price of the item inside the geode is 75g or less, a "clink" sound will be heard when it is broken open. Otherwise a short melody will be heard and the item will sparkle.

Artifact Troves can be purchased from the Desert Trader for 5 Omni Geodes. Clint will break these open like a geode, but instead of minerals, artifacts or treasures can be found inside.

Community Center 🍏
The Pelican Town Community Center is located in Pelican Town, on the screen north of Pierre's General Store. Initially it appears as a dilapidated building, and is locked to the community.

To open the Community Center, the player must enter Pelican Town from the Bus Stop on a day when it is not raining, from Spring 5th onward, between 8:00 am and 1:00 pm. Entering town from another direction, at another time, or on a rainy day, will not trigger the cutscene. In multiplayer, the host must trigger the cutscene.

During the cutscene, Mayor Lewis unlocks the building and leads the player inside, where strange creatures called Junimos appear and quickly disappear before Lewis can see them. Lewis says he wouldn't be surprised if the place was "full of rats". The cutscene ends with Lewis informing the player that he will leave the Community Center unlocked in the future. Viewing the cut-scene unlocks the "Rat Problem" quest.

To fulfill the "Rat Problem" quest, the player must re-enter the Community Center and interact with a Golden Scroll located in the lower left room. The scroll contains strange writing that can't be deciphered.

The morning after reading the scroll, the player will receive a letter from the Wizard saying he has information about the "rat problem" and that the player should pay him a visit. Reading this letter unlocks the "Meet the Wizard" quest. Visiting the Wizard at his tower in the west of Cindersap Forest will trigger a cutscene during which the Wizard gives the player a potion that allows the player to read the language of the Junimos.

Thereafter, all Golden Scrolls at the Community Center can be read by the player. Each scroll asks for specific offerings in the form of Bundles. Completing all the bundles restores the Community Center.

Alternatively, if the player purchases a JojaMart membership from Morris for 5,000g, the Community Center is permanently replaced with a Joja Warehouse. Instead of completing Bundles, the player will then purchase community upgrades through the Joja Community Development Form.

Restoring the Community Center

After completing all bundles, the Junimos restore the Community Center, and say good-bye before leaving. The next sunny day after completing the last bundle, the player can attend the Community Center reopening ceremony cutscene, triggered by entering Pelican Town at any time. The ceremony is delayed if it is raining or a festival is to be held in town. Completing the ceremony unlocks the "Local Legend" Achievement and awards the player the Stardew Hero Trophy.

Ceremony Details
The grand opening event begins by showing the entire town at the Community Center. Everyone has balloons and is celebrating and taking a look at the refurbished Center. Inside, the mayor shows off the Center to everyone exploring it. Entering the Center, the player can talk to Lewis, who will exclaim how happy he and the rest of the town is. On behalf of the whole town, he awards them with the Stardew Hero Trophy in thanks.

Soon after, a voice grumbles, and the manager of JojaMart, Morris, comes into the Center. He asks where all his customers went as he looks around the building. Angrily, Pierre walks over and asks Morris how it feels. There are two choices to choose from to calm the situation or escalate it.
  • "Let's be reasonable."
  • "Let's settle this the old-fashioned way."
If choosing "Let's be reasonable.":
Morris then boasts that he will put on a 75% off sale to get his customers back and laughs off the event. Pierre then tells him he's wrong and asks everyone to gather around. He begins to talk about when he first moved to the Pelican Town, reminiscing about how the town had a real sense of being a family and a community, talking to different people about how they enjoyed and connected with each other in the Center and that JojaMart took that away from them. Now that the Center is finished, Pierre asks everyone to boycott JojaMart in order to take advantage of their second chance that the player has given them. Morris jumps in shock and everyone takes a second to soak it in.

Everyone agrees with Pierre to boycott Joja. Morris then exclaims that his business is ruined and will rush out of the Center.

If choosing "Let's settle this the old-fashioned way.":
Morris then boasts that he will put on a 75% off sale to get his customers back and laugh in Pierre's face. Pierre will then say that he will not get his way this time and proposes that they settle this once and for all. Morris asks how they would do so and Pierre will then start to threaten to fight Morris. Morris will scoff at Pierre and begin to walk off. Pierre will then try to goad on Morris with a threat of all Joja Mart employees being cowards. Morris will become infuriated at the slander of his employer, Joja. He will walk back to Pierre and begin fighting with him. Caroline will scream Pierre's name as George laughs and enjoys the fight as Lewis and Robin jump in surprise from the fight. Morris and Pierre will start to insult each other as they continue to fight. Pierre will then punch Morris so hard that he flies out of the community center's ceiling. Pierre is so proud of his winning punch he smiles and poses with sunglasses.

After the ceremony, JojaMart goes out of business. The building becomes abandoned and falls into disrepair. Pierre's General Store is no longer closed on Wednesdays and is open every day of the week. The Blacksmith shop is closed on Fridays, since Clint spends all day at the Community Center. However, the shop can still be entered.
Bundles 🏓
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Gold Scroll
Bundles are donations to the Junimos given via golden scrolls inside the Community Center. When a bundle is complete, the Junimos offer the player a reward. When all bundles for a particular room in the Community Center are complete, the Junimos grant a special reward that sometimes benefits the entire community.

Bundle rewards are given immediately, but rewards for completing all bundles in a room are given at the end of the day via a cutscene depicting the Junimos fulfilling the reward. If two rooms are completed on the same day, only one of the cutscenes is shown. Note that if the player does not collect individual bundle rewards before completing the room, the rewards can be found in a small brown bag to the left of the Junimo Hut after the golden scroll disappears. This bag persists after the Community Center completion ceremony, until all items are retrieved from it.

A few bundles display more items than there are slots to fill (e.g., Artisan Bundle: 12 items, 6 slots to fill). In this case, the player can choose which of the shown items they want to use to fill the bundle. They do not have to use all shown items, only enough to fill the slots.

Completing all bundles restores the Community Center to its condition when it was brand new and unlocks the "Local Legend" steam achievement. That night, the game also unlocks a cut scene that shows the grand re-opening of the Community Center. This scene is triggered by entering Pelican Town Square any time thereafter on a sunny day, unless a festival is to be held in the town that day. Mayor Lewis announces that the player has won the Stardew Hero award and gives the player a trophy.

If the player opts to purchase a JojaMart Membership, the Community Center is turned into a Joja Warehouse instead. After this happens, the bundles will be completed by the Joja Corporation for a fee given to Morris, the local JojaMart manager, through the Joja Community Development Form.
Golden Scroll

There is a total of 6 rooms and 30 bundles to complete in the Community Center. In the Joja Warehouse, there are 5 rewards to purchase (the "Friendship" reward is not available).

Bundle Progress can be checked at any time by clicking on the Golden Scroll icon at the top right of the Player Menu (above the Garbage Can and "organize" icons). Selecting or hovering the mouse pointer over an inventory item that is needed for a bundle makes the Golden Scroll icon pulsate.

Bundles that do not specify quality will accept items of any quality. For bundles that need multiple items, multiple stacks can be supplied, and different qualities are acceptable. For bundles that do specify a quality, a better quality is also acceptable.
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Crafts Room Before Completion

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Crafts Room After Completion

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Standart Bundles 🍀 - Part 1
Crafts Room
The Crafts Room contains the first group of bundles available. Completing all Crafts Room bundles repairs the bridge east of The Mines, unlocking the Quarry.

The Pantry appears after completing one bundle. Completing all Pantry bundles will restore the dilapidated Greenhouse on the farm, making it available to grow Crops and Fruit Trees year-round.

Fish Tank

The Fish Tank appears after completing one bundle. Completing all Fish Tank bundles will remove the Glittering Boulder to the left of The Mines entrance. Willy will also give the player a Copper Pan that can be used to collect metal ores and other items from bodies of water.

Note: It may not be possible to finish the Specialty Fish Bundle before finishing the entire Vault section, as access to The Desert is required to get a Sandfish, unless it becomes available at the Traveling Cart.

Standart Bundles 🍀 - Part 2
Boiler Room

The Boiler Room appears after completing two bundles. Completing all Boiler Room bundles repairs the Minecarts, allowing the player to fast travel between distant locations. The Locations are Bus Stop, Mines, Quarry and Town.

Bulletin Board

The Bulletin Board appears after completing three bundles.

Completing all Bulletin Board bundles improves the player's friendship rating with every non-datable villager by two hearts (500 points). Note that this applies only to non-datable villagers whom the player has met in person. Villagers who do not show on the "Social" tab of the player menu and villagers whose names appear as "???' will not receive 500 points. If the player completes all the bundles before Kent arrives on 1 Spring, Year 2, he will not benefit from the friendship increase, and will start at 0 hearts. The Dwarf's friendship will be unaffected if the player does not have the Dwarvish Translation Guide.

The morning after, Mayor Lewis will send a letter saying that packages containing items posted about "years ago" on the community center bulletin board have been appearing in villagers' homes. He says the packages are all addressed from "your farm". He expresses his gratitude and says "all of us in town are delighted!"


The Vault becomes available after completing four bundles. Pressing the large "purchase" button will purchase the bundle and deduct the gold from the total.

Completing all Vault bundles costs 42,500g, and repairs the Bus Stop. Taking the Bus grants access to The Calico Desert.

Abandoned JojaMart ⚑
After completing the Community Center, the first night before a rainy or stormy day, a cutscene will trigger in which a bolt of lightning strikes the abandoned JojaMart, opening its doors. Inside, the Missing Bundle can be found.

Movie Theater 🎥
The Movie Theater is a building that allows players to watch movies, alone or with a guest, once every 7 days. It is unlocked either by completing the Community Center or all community upgrades offered by Morris.

If players choose to restore the Community Center, the night before the first rainy or stormy day after restoring the Center, there is a cutscene of a lightning bolt striking the doors to the abandoned JojaMart. Afterwards, the player may enter the abandoned JojaMart and find the Missing Bundle. The night after completing the Missing Bundle, the Junimos will build a Movie Theater.

If players choose the Joja route, they can purchase the Movie Theater from Morris for 500,000g after completing all other community upgrades. The Joja Warehouse will then become a Movie Theater.

Players must purchase a Movie Ticket for 1,000g to enter the Movie Theater. A second Movie Ticket can also be purchased for 1,000g and given to a villager in the same way a gift is given. This will invite the villager to attend the movie with the player. To see the movie with the villager, enter the theater on the same day the ticket is gifted; otherwise, the ticket is forgotten.

In a Multiplayer game, it is possible to watch a movie with other players. To do this, all participating players must gather in the lobby before the movie starts. A message suggesting you will watch the movie by yourself still displays when entering the building, regardless of other players being present.

There are 8 movies in total. Movies repeat on a 2-year cycle, based on the season in which the player unlocks the Movie Theater. All four "year 1" movies will cycle, followed by year 2 movies, then repeat. The year in the table below refers to the year in which the player first unlocks the Theater.

Asking a guest to a loved movie earns 200 Friendship points with the guest, a liked movie earns 100 Friendship points, and a disliked movie neither earns nor costs friendship points with the guest.

Note that Penny will love any movie if Pam is also present. Although it is impossible to invite both of them, there is a small chance that Pam will be in the audience of the movie when inviting Penny, as random community members are sometimes in the movie theater during the movie.

Players can choose to purchase a snack for their guest at the concessions counter. Purchasing a loved snack earns 50 Friendship points with the guest, a liked snack earns 25 Friendship points, and a disliked snack neither earns nor costs friendship points with the guest.

Only five foods out of the following are randomly offered at a time for the player to select for their guest. The game tries to populate the list with one loved snack, two liked snacks, and one disliked snack among the five snacks available at the counter, if they exist. If the theater is built from the Joja Warehouse, a JojaCorn is also guaranteed.

Crane Game

Inside the lobby is a Crane Game machine. Players can play the Crane Game for 500g to win prizes. The first time the player visits the Movie Theater, the crane game will always be occupied by a man, and unplayable. Afterwards, before watching a movie, there is a 25% chance that the Crane Game will be occupied.

After paying to play, the player has 3 chances to grab a prize. There is a 15-second timer for each attempt, which begins when the player first moves the crane. Successfully grabbing a prize on chance 1 or 2 does not end the game. Each time the player pays for a new game, the prizes will be randomized.

The first movement is horizontal, and places the crane (right-arrow on keyboard). The second movement is vertical, and drops the crane (down-arrow on keyboard). The crane will drop to the position of its shadow, which can be controlled by holding the down-arrow. Once the down-arrow button is released, the crane will drop. When the crane reaches its shadow, it will stop and grab any prize at that location.

The crane may drop the prize on its way to the collection chute at the left. The further away from the chute the item is, and the less firm the crane's grasp on the item is, the more likely it is to drop it.

Some of the more rare prizes (like the Dinosaur Egg or Movie Ticket) may be hidden behind foliage in the Crane Game, and become dislodged when the crane drops another prize.

Harvey's Clinic 😷
Harvey's Clinic is located in the center of Pelican Town, next to Pierre's General Store. Harvey lives and works at the clinic. Maru works there on Tuesday and Thursday. Both of them often complain about the lack of patients.

Most villagers will visit the clinic for their annual checkup. George and Evelyn visit the clinic once per season.

Although you can enter the Clinic most days between 9am and 3pm, you cannot purchase medical supplies unless Maru or Harvey is behind the supplies counter.

Open Hours
9:00am to 3:00pm
Medical Supplies
Gifting medical supplies is possible, but both items are universally hated.
JojaMart 🏬
JojaMart is a store owned by "Joja Corporation", the player's previous employer. It is managed by Morris, who also handles customer service. The store is the main competitor of Pierre's General Store and sells a similar variety of seeds and other items, with JojaMart's key advantages being open longer (until 11pm) and on Wednesdays, however without Membership its prices are usually worse than Pierre's. Purchases can be made from the unnamed cashier found at checkout lane 3.

Morris can be found inside the kiosk at the bottom right of the store, where he will offer the player a JojaMart Membership for 5,000g. Membership is available once the Community Center is unlocked. Purchasing a Joja Membership from Morris causes the Community Center to be turned into a Joja Warehouse. The player can then purchase community development projects through the Joja Community Development Form, rather than through completing bundles in the Community Center.

Shane works there stocking shelves from 8:00 to 5:00 on weekdays. He also works on the weekend if it's raining. Sam sweeps from 12:50 to 5:00 on Mondays and Wednesdays. Both Sam and Shane are not available to talk to during their work time.

Open Hours
9:00am to 11:00pm
After the player completes the Community Center
North of Blacksmith

Community Development Projects

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Museum 🤓
The Museum can be found in the South-East corner of Pelican Town, south of the Blacksmith.

The museum contains a library and a gallery for displaying the museum's collection. At the start of the game, the entire museum collection is empty. Gunther, the curator, will ask The Player to help by donating Artifacts and Minerals.

Only a single copy of any particular item may be donated. Note that if an item has not yet been donated, its description in inventory or storage says: "Gunther can tell you more about this if you donate it to the museum". Items can be rearranged in the donation interface, or by clicking the small paper on the left side of Gunther's desk at any time. Donated items may be examined by right-clicking on them.

Penny tutors Vincent and Jas in the library on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Open Hours
8:00am to 6:00pm
Town Festival days
East side of Pelican Town, south of the Blacksmith.

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Donation Rewards

Gunther offers rewards when the collection has grown to certain points, or for the donation of specific artifacts.

Total Donations

There are 95 items that can be donated to the Museum.

Minerals Donated
There are a total of 53 Minerals that can be donated.
Pierre's General Store🏪
Pierre's General Store sells various seeds, saplings, fertilizer, ingredients and other useful items. As well as selling those items, Pierre also buys foraged items, crops, artisan goods, cooked dishes, and animal products from the player, which avoids waiting overnight for shipping. Some products in stock, namely seeds, will vary from season to season and others are in-stock year-round. Pierre's main competitor in the valley is JojaMart.

To the left of the entrance to Pierre's General Store, the player can find a calendar and a "Help Wanted" board.

Pierre's General Store is normally open most days at 9am, three hours after the player wakes up, and closes at 5pm. The player can enter the building until 9pm, but Pierre leaves the sales counter at 5pm every day, so the shop cannot actually be used to purchase or sell goods after 5pm. This is because the building also serves as Pierre's family home.

Open Hours :
Closed :
Address :
Shop: 9am to 5pm
Building: 9am to 9pm
North of Town Square
Tip: It is possible to buy a large amount of an item quickly by holding Shift and continuously.
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The Stardrop Saloon ✌
The Stardrop Saloon is owned by Gus, and is located in the center of Pelican Town. It's a meeting place for many villagers, and hosts a variety of entertainment, including fully playable arcade machines, a jukebox, and a Joja Cola soda machine

Open Hours
12:00pm to 12:00am

Gus offers a variety of food and recipes for sale. He also has a rotating supply of cooked dishes.

To shop at the Saloon, interact with the cash register on the counter. It is possible to shop at the register as long as Gus is anywhere behind the counter.

Note: The Cookie recipe will be available only for players who have seen Evelyn's 4-heart event but experienced a bug where they have not received the Cookie recipe.

Permanent Stock

Temporary Stock
The Saloon will sell an unlimited number of Crab Crab Cakes for 550g each for approximately 4 days after viewing Willy's 6-heart cutscene.

Rotating Stock
Gus offers a random cooked dish every day (sometimes referred to as the "Dish of the Day"). He will have a random number between 1 and 14 of the cooked dish in stock to sell. Shown below is an Expandable table of the dishes that may be offered, and the price that Gus charges for them


The player can interact with the Jukebox to change the current song. It's possible for the Jukebox to play any music track in the game, as long as the player has heard them. Many of them are soundtracks of seasons, as well as soundtracks from Heart Events, or soundtracks from Festivals.


Journey of the Prairie King
Journey of the Prairie King is an Arcade Shooter with 3 worlds. Beat them all for a special reward.

Junimo Kart
Junimo Kart is an arcade game which is unlocked with the Skull Key. Complete "Progress Mode" for a special reward.

Joja Vending Machine
Next to the Arcade Machines in the Saloon, there is a Joja Vending Machine that dispenses Joja Cola for 75g.


If Duck Mayonnaise is placed in the partially-hidden metal box in the back room, the player will receive the secret ?? ??Pinky Lemon?? statue.
The Sewers ☣
The Sewers are a location unlocked by obtaining the Rusty Key after donating 60 items (artifacts or minerals) to the Museum. The Sewers can be entered either through the sewer cover in the south of Pelican Town or through the grates in the south of Cindersap Forest. Krobus is located here and sells rare items.

In late-game Krobus can open a passage through the sewers to the Mutant Bug Lair, once players are on the quest Dark Talisman.

Open Hours

Krobus's Shop

Krobus always sells the Sign Of The Vessel statue, the Monster Fireplace, Void Essence, Solar Essence, and Void Eggs, as well as one Stardrop, one Crystal Floor Recipe, and one Wicked Statue Recipe. In addition, he will also sell a specific quantity of one other item every day.

Statue Of Uncertainty

The Statue Of Uncertainty allows the player to change professions. After donating 10,000g, the statue requires the player to choose one skill to change. That night after the player goes to bed, the Level 5 "Choose a profession" screen will appear, followed by the corresponding Level 10 "Choose a profession" screen for the skill selected at the statue.

Only skills for which professions have already been chosen will appear in the Statue's menu. As soon as the player chooses a profession to change, the bonuses for existing professions disappear. Skills that gives bonuses to sell prices will not apply to items placed in the shipping bin the day the profession is changed.

Just like levelling up a skill at the end of the day causes the player to wake up with full energy the next day no matter what, using this statue on any given day will cause the player to wake up with full energy the next day as well.

Mutant Bug Lair

In late game players will get the quest Dark Talisman, which sends them to speak with Krobus in the sewers. Once spoken to he'll open a passage inside the sewers to a new small area, the Mutant Bug Lair. Inside players can gather the talisman for their quest, catch unique fish (Slimejack) and fight swarms of bugs.


The Sewers are where the Mutant Carp, one of the five legendary fish in the game, can be caught. It is also where the Radioactive Carp, one of the five legendary fish II, can be caught. Carp, Green Algae, White Algae, and Trash are the only other items that can be caught.
Cindersap Forest 🌲
Cindersap Forest is a large exterior region found in the southwest part of Stardew Valley. It has exits to the north into the Farm, to the east into Pelican Town, to the south into The Sewers, and to the northwest into the Secret Woods. Cindersap Forest is the only place where Spring Onions are found.

Two festivals take place in Cindersap Forest: the Flower Dance on Spring 24, and the Festival of Ice on Winter 8.

At the start of the game, there are many twigs, rocks, and weeds throughout the forest. If cleaned up, the debris will reappear each Spring 1.

Marnie's Ranch
Located in the northeast corner of the map, this is where the player can purchase animals and animal related goods. Marnie lives here with her niece and nephew, Jas and Shane.
Leah's Cottage
Located just south of the path to Pelican Town, this is where Leah lives.
Abandoned House
Located to the southwest of the pond, this run-down building will open up shop when Achievements start to be earned. Once open for business, a mouse will sell the player hats based on the achievements they've unlocked.
Wizard's Tower
Located on the western side of the map, the Wizard lives here. It can be entered after having been in the Community Center for the first time, examined the letter in the Crafts Room, and received a letter from the Wizard.
Secret Woods
The Secret Woods is the area adjacent to the northwest corner of the forest. To enter, first remove a Large Log found in Cindersap Forest, possible once the Steel Axe upgrade has been done.

Trash Bear
The Trash Bear is located at the bottom of Cindersap Forest, by the Spring Onion patch and the entrance to The Sewers. Trash Bear will appear on non-rainy days beginning year 3. Interacting with Trash Bear will show a dialogue bubble of a random desired item. After giving Trash Bear the requested item, clicking on Trash Bear will reveal another request. Fulfilling four requests will trigger a cutscene in which Trash Bear plays pan-pipes, flies up on an umbrella made of leaves, and then cleans up the trash in the unreachable area near the water, replacing the trash with bushes and trees. Trash Bear continues flying on the umbrella to Pelican Town, where the trash in Pam's front yard is removed. Dusty's dog pen also gets an upgrade.

Trash Bear will request 2 random seasonal fish or foraged items, then 2 cooked dishes. There is no time limit in fulfilling these requests. Note, however, that requests will not be able to be fulfilled on rainy days as Trash Bear does not appear on those days. A request will never change until it is completed, unless the season changes and the previous request was seasonal. In this case, Trash Bear's request will change to fit the new season. Shown below is a complete list of the random seasonal items Trash Bear may request:
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Marnie's Ranch ❁
Marnie's Ranch is located in the northeast area of Cindersap Forest, near the southwest entrance to Pelican Town. The Ranch is occupied by Marnie, along with her niece Jas, and nephew Shane.

Marnie runs her shop from 9:00am to 4:00pm each day, except Mondays, Tuesdays, Fall 18, and Winter 18.

The Ranch house is accessible from 9:00am to 6:00pm every day, even when the shop is closed.

Open Hours
9:00am to 4:00pm
(Building open 9am to 6pm)
Monday, Tuesday
(building remains accessible)

Shop Inventory
Dried grass used as animal food.
Keeps your animals warmer and happier during the winter.
Milk Pail
Gather milk from your animals.
Use this to collect wool from sheep.
Automatically harvests from your animals each morning. Must be placed inside a coop or barn.
Becomes available at Farming Level 10
Ornamental Hay Bale
A decorative piece for your farm.
Golden Egg
A very rare and special egg with a solid gold shell.
Becomes available once perfection is achieved


Building Required
Well cared-for adult chickens lay eggs every day. Lives in the coop.
Adults can be milked daily. A milk pail is required to harvest the milk. Lives in the barn.
Happy adults provide goat milk every other day. A milk pail is required to harvest the milk. Lives in the barn.
Big Barn
Happy adults lay duck eggs every other day. Lives in the coop.
Big Coop
Adults can be shorn for wool. Sheep who form a close bond with their owners can grow wool faster. A pair of shears is required to harvest the wool. Lives in the barn.
Deluxe Barn
These are wooly rabbits! They shed precious wool every few days. Lives in the coop.
Deluxe Coop
These pigs are trained to find truffles! Lives in the barn.
Deluxe Barn

  • Marnie won't sell animals if the building associated is under construction or during an upgrade.
  • It is possible to see what color animal you will receive before paying for it. When asked to select which building your animal will stay in, the note at the top of the screen will reveal which color the animal it is. Canceling the purchase at that point will return you to the purchase menu.
  • Even though Marnie uses male pronouns when referring to some of the pigs and sheep at purchase, the pregnancy feature is still available for them.
Abandoned House 🚪
The Abandoned House (also called the "Ruined House" on the in-game map) is a house located in the south of Cindersap Forest. A mouse takes over the building and opens a shop there selling hats to the player as soon as the first achievement is earned. All hats cost 1,000g.

Hats are purely cosmetic. A new hat will appear in the shop whenever an achievement is earned. Hats won at the Egg Festival and Festival of Ice will also appear in the hat shop, once it is unlocked.

A letter is sent in the mail the day after the first achievement is earned, which notifies the player that the hat shop is open. The hat shop can be visited without reading the letter, however.
引用自 hat mouse
Me sell hats. Okay, poke?
Come to old old old haus, poke. Bring coines.

You can see what he sells in the Hats section ↑ in my guide.
Secret Woods 🌞
The Secret Woods is an outdoor area that can be entered from the northwest corner of Cindersap Forest. The entrance is initially blocked by a large log that can be cleared after upgrading to at least a Steel Axe.

The Secret Woods contain seasonal forageables and Slimes that will attack the player. Slimes here have a chance of dropping Mahogany Seed when slain.

The Secret Woods contain six Large Stumps that regrow daily and can be harvested for a total of twelve Hardwood each day. Four stumps are in the upper part of the woods, and two are found by walking through one of two covered passages to a smaller lower area. One passage is through the trees slightly southeast of the upper set of three stumps, and the other is south of the entrance to the woods, approximately 2-3 tiles to the right of a bush. The former passage is a straight line, but the latter requires the player to walk south, then west, then south again.

Bear's Knowledge
After reading Secret Note #23 the "Strange Note" quest will activate. Entering the Secret Woods with Maple Syrup in inventory between 6am and 7pm with this quest active will result in a cutscene where the player encounters a grizzly bear who takes the maple syrup and thanks the player by sharing his special knowledge of berries. As a result, Bear's Knowledge is obtained, which permanently increases the sell price of blackberries and salmonberries by 3x.

Old Master Cannoli
Old Master Cannoli is a statue in the Secret Woods. When interacted with, it will give the description:
引用自 Old Master Cannoli
--Old Master Cannoli--
...Still searching for the sweetest taste...
If the statue is given a Sweet Gem Berry, a Stardrop is received in return. This will only occur once. In multiplayer games, only one Sweet Gem Berry is needed for all players to receive a Stardrop.

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Traveling Cart 🐝
The Traveling Cart is a shop that appears south of The Farm in Cindersap Forest on Fridays and Sundays, closing at 8pm. It also appears each day of the Night Market (Winter 15-17). Stock changes each day the Traveling Merchant appears. The merchant will sell a selection of ten random items in limited quantities (1 or 5 of each) as "standard stock", plus one piece of furniture at any one time. There may be an additional "special stock" item for sale as well.

Traveling Cart prices may vary from visit to visit. Prices are usually quite inflated, but every once in a while an item can be sold for less than its normal price. Do note that items are sometimes found for sale outside their normal seasons, which can be helpful for completing bundles.

The cart is pulled by a pig wearing a fez and spectacles. Interacting with the pig will result in it oinking at the character. Holding down the right mouse button will cause the pig to repeatedly oink, resembling a song. During the Night Market, the pig floats behind the cart in an inner tube.

Open Hours
6:00am to 8:00pm Friday and Sunday
5:00pm to 2:00am during Night Market
Monday - Thursday, Saturday.
Cindersap Forest

Special Stock

Note that the Coffee Bean and Rare Seed may also be sold during any season as Standard Stock.

All the items she sells []
Wizard's Tower ⭐
The Wizard's Tower is the home of the Wizard. It is located at the western edge of Cindersap Forest and is open from 6am-11pm.

The door to the Wizard's Tower is locked until the day the player receives in the mail an invitation from the Wizard to visit him there. This day is the first non-holiday after the player enters the Community Center and reads the golden scroll in the Crafts Room, or else purchases a JojaMart Membership. The visit unlocks the player's ability to read the Junimo language, which in turn enables bundles to be donated to the Community Center.

Basement Room
After reaching four hearts with the Wizard, players will gain access to a basement where they can change their name, gender, favorite thing, and the appearance they set at character creation. Players can also change the style of cat or dog they've adopted. Players cannot change from cat to dog or vice-versa. The Shrine of Illusions requires an offering of 500g each time it is used.

In late game, after players complete the quest Goblin Problem to gain passage to the Witch's Hut a teleportation rune will activate in the basement, allowing free passage between the basement room and the Witch's Hut anytime.


After retrieving the Wizard's Magic Ink, he'll make some unique buildings available for sale. After unlocking Ginger Island as well, the Island Obelisk will become available. These buildings require no build time, but are very expensive.

To summon buildings, interact with the magic book inside the tower. The construction menu opened by the book functions the same as that in the Carpenter's Shop, allowing the player to move or demolish any farm building.
Earth Obelisk
Warps you to the mountains.
Water Obelisk
Warps you to the beach.
Desert Obelisk
Warps you to the desert.
Island Obelisk
Warps you to the Ginger island
Junimo Hut
Junimos will harvest crops around the hut for you.
Gold Clock
Prevents debris from appearing on your farm. Keeps fences from decaying.
The Beach ☼
The Beach is located to the south of Pelican Town. It is a valuable area for fishing as it is one of the few sources for saltwater fish. In addition, many shells and forageable items can be found washed up on the beach, especially during Summer 12-14.

In Summer, the Luau and Dance of the Moonlight Jellies festivals are held on the beach. In Winter, the Night Market is held on the pier from the 15th to the 17th.

Key Location
Elliott's Cabin
Fish Shop

Tide Pools
The tide pools are found at the east end of the beach, and are the primary place to find Coral and Sea Urchins. At the start of the game, the wooden footbridge across the river is broken. Until the bridge is repaired (requiring 300 pieces of wood) or the second community upgrade is purchased, the tide pools are inaccessible.

On rainy or stormy days, the Old Mariner stands at the north side of the beach past the tide pools.

The player can warp to the beach using a Warp Totem: Beach (consumed on use) or a Water Obelisk (reusable). Both methods warp the player to the same location.

After purchasing town shortcuts, the west side has a shortcut to Leah's Cottage and the northeast area has a shortcut to the area south of the Museum.

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Fish Shop ☔
The Fish Shop is the home of Willy. It's located on the docks of The Beach south of Pelican Town. If the player has not read the letter from Willy sent on Spring 2, then the shop cannot be entered. Although the door will unlock on Saturdays, the shop will be closed unless it is raining.

Willy sells a variety of fishing-related supplies, including rods, bait, tackle, fish tanks, and crab pots. Some items, such as tackles, become available once the player reaches a specific fishing level. Those items can be purchased as soon as the appropriate skill level is achieved, without needing to wait until the next day. Other items, such as the Copper Pan and the Deluxe Fish Tank, require the player to complete specific tasks to become available.
Open Hours
9am to 5pm
Non-rainy Saturdays (Building Open, no sales)

Willy will buy the following items from the player: All Fish, Bait, Tackle, Beach Forageables (except Seaweed), Roe, and Squid Ink.

He will not buy any other catchable items (Trash, Green Algae, Seaweed, or White Algae). He will also not buy Aged Roe or Caviar.

Player-Derived Stock
If the player chooses to sell items to Willy, there is a chance they will appear in the list of items for sale, especially if sold to Willy in large quantity. Any of these items will be available for purchase in limited quantities. Additional villager dialogues may appear indicating they've seen or purchased the items.

Willy's Boat
Anytime after Summer 1 of year 1, and after completing the Community Center Bundles or viewing the Joja Warehouse completion cutscene, entering the Fish Shop (with or without Willy present) will trigger a "teaser" cutscene. In the cutscene, Willy chats with the player about their fishing progress, then mentions that business at the Fish Shop could be better. Willy says that he is working so hard, he has no time for his own projects. He says he has an "old friend" in the back who has seen better days. Willy then hints that if business picks up, he will show the player what he has in the back room.

Willy and Robin put the Ginger Island boat back into operation.
Willy then mails the player an invitation to come to the back room of his shop. Upon entering the back room, the player finds a dock with an old boat that needs repair. The boat can provide transportation to and from Ginger Island at a ticket price of 1,000g, but Willy does not have the materials needed for repairs.
  • Hardwood (200) for the hull
  • Iridium Bar (5) for the anchor
  • Battery Pack (5) for the ticket stand
Once the player makes all 3 boat repairs, the game generates an overnight cutscene in which Willy and Robin work to restore the boat. Note that this cutscene is delayed a day if another overnight cutscene is scheduled for the same night.

Starting the day after viewing the boat repair cutscene with Willy & Robin, the player can buy a boat ticket in the back room. The Fish Shop door also unlocks at 8am instead of 9am. Willy's own schedule does not change. He pilots the boat, but he becomes available automatically whenever the player purchases a ticket and doesn't need to be in the shop beforehand.

By fishing inside the boat room, there is a 20% chance to catch a Lifesaver.
The Mountain ⛰
The Mountain is an exterior region in the northern part of Stardew Valley. Initially, there are only two exits: to the south leading to Pelican Town, and to the west leading to the Backwoods. However, over the course of the game, several events open up new routes:

On Spring 5, debris blocking the bridge north of the lake is cleared, providing access to the Mines and the Adventurer's Guild.
On Summer 3, an earthquake opens a pass north from the Mountain to the Railroad.
The bridge leading to the Quarry at the east end of the map can be repaired (by completing all Crafts Room Bundles or purchasing "Bridge" from the Joja Community Development Form for 25,000g).
The Glittering Boulder blocking the water flow west of the mine entrance can be removed (by completing all Fish Tank Bundles or purchasing "Panning" from the Joja Community Development Form for 20,000g).

Adventurer's Guild ✴
The Adventurer's Guild is located east of The Mines and is the home of Marlon and Gil. There the player can purchase Weapons, Boots, and Rings. Marlon will also buy weapons, boots, and rings, as well as Monster Loot from the player.

To access the Adventurer's Guild, the player must first complete the story quest "Initiation". Once completed, the guild is open daily from 2pm to 10pm, except on festival days when the door is locked.
Open Hours
2:00pm to 10:00pm
Just east of the mines, northeast of town.

Monster Eradication Goals
A list of how many of certain types of monsters killed is stored on the wall to the right of Marlon's desk. When the allotted amount has been slain, Gil will give the player a reward. Previously earned rewards can be purchased from Marlon. If the player has a full inventory and cannot take the reward(s) from Gil, when they close the inventory they will be unable to retrieve the reward from him. If the inventory is full they can select the item in the dialog and drop it on the floor. It will remain on the floor while they sort out space in their inventory. Otherwise the player will have to purchase the item from Marlon.

Monster type

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Carpenter's Shop 🌙
The Carpenter's Shop is located in the Mountain area north of Pelican Town. Robin is the town carpenter and runs the shop, which is inside her home where she lives with Demetrius, Maru, and Sebastian. The shop is open most days from 9:00am to 5:00pm.

Robin sells wood, stone, and furniture. She can also upgrade the Farmhouse and construct new farm buildings. She will buy building-related Resources,[1] namely Clay, Fiber, Hardwood, Stone, and Wood (all other Resources are purchased by the Blacksmith instead).

She will begin construction the day after buildings are purchased, but she does not work on festival days. Most construction projects are finished in 2 days (by the start of the second day after placing an order). During construction or upgrades, Robin may be unreachable for dialogue or gifting.
Open Hours
9:00am to 5:00pm
Tuesday, and at 4:00pm Friday
24 Mountain Road
Shop Closure
The house is accessible from 9:00am to 8:00pm every day, even when the shop is closed.

The shop is closed on Tuesdays (except when it rains), as Robin goes to Pierre's General Store to exercise with Caroline, Jodi, Emily, and Marnie. However, she walks past the sales counter at 9:40am on her way. It is possible to shop at that time by entering before then and use the counter just as she passes. Similarly, Robin returns home at 8:00pm, and it is possible to shop as she enters her home and passes the sales counter.

The shop closes at 4:00pm on Fridays, when Robin and Demetrius go to The Stardrop Saloon. By entering the house before 4:00pm and missing her during open hours, it is possible to still shop by catching her as she passes the sales counter on the way out, just as on Tuesday mornings.

The shop is always closed on Thursday, Summer 18, when Robin goes to Harvey's Clinic. She leaves the Clinic at 4pm to walk home, and passes the sales counter at approximately 5:50pm. It is possible to shop when she passes the sales counter.

The shop is also closed on all festival days. If she was still working on a job on the farm the day before, then these closures will delay the job completion by one day. However, Robin does work on regular Tuesdays when she already has a job lined up, so there is no delay in that case.

The shop is closed all day any day that she is working on a job on the farm.
Farm Buildings 🍩 - Part 1
Farm Buildings
Farm buildings have a variety of uses. Some are required to house Animals. Both Coops and Barns can be upgraded to house more/different animals. The player may build as many farm buildings as space allows, including multiple buildings of the same type. Cabins and Shipping Bins are built instantly, and Coops or Barns take 3 days to complete; other buildings need 2 days.

While attempting to place a building, whether buying or moving it, all placement indicator tiles must be free of obstructions and marked as green; obstructed tiles are red. Obstructions can include rocks, twigs, and weeds, as well as any player placed items such as torches or furniture. The only objects that do not block building placement are tree seeds, crafted flooring and paths, and artifact spots, but the items are destroyed in the process. Farm animals and the cat or dog obstruct building placement, but clicking to place the building on top of them moves them aside.

Existing farm buildings (including the Greenhouse and default Shipping Bin) can also be moved in the same construction menu at the Carpenter's Shop. This action applies instantly and is free, requiring no construction time, gold, or resources other than the travel time to the Carpenter's Shop. The building's contents move along with the building, all as a unit; a building does not need to be empty in order to be moved. This menu also provides the means of painting buildings.

Tip: Building a Silo before building a Coop or Barn allows Hay to be stockpiled before it's required to feed animals.
Houses 4 barn-dwelling animals.
Big Barn
Houses 8 barn-dwelling animals. Allows animals to give birth. Unlocks goats.
Deluxe Barn
Houses 12 barn-dwelling animals. Comes with an auto-feed system. Unlocks sheep and pigs
Houses 4 coop-dwelling animals.
Big Coop
Houses 8 coop-dwelling animals. Comes with an incubator. Unlocks ducks.
Deluxe Coop
Houses 12 coop-dwelling animals. Comes with an auto-feed system. Unlocks rabbits.
Fishing Pod
Raise fish and harvest their produce. Fish multiply over time.
Allows you to mill wheat, beets and rice.
An empty building. Fill it with whatever you like! The interior can be decorated.
Big Shed
Doubles the size of the shed. The interior can be decorated.
Allows you to cut and store grass for feed.
Farm Buildings 🍩 - Part 2
Slime Hutch
Raise up to 20 slimes. Fill water troughs and slimes will create slime balls.
Allows you to keep and ride a horse. Horse included.
Provides a place for you to refill your watering can.
Stone Cabin
A home for a friend! Subsidized by the town agricultural fund.
Plank Cabin
A home for a friend! Subsidized by the town agricultural fund.
Log Cabin
A home for a friend! Subsidized by the town agricultural fund.
Shipping Bin
Items placed in it will be included in the nightly shipment.
The Mines ⛏
The Mines are located in the north area of The Mountains (northeast of the Carpenter's Shop and to the west of the Adventurer's Guild). They are blocked by rock debris until the 5th day of Spring (Year 1), when The Player receives a letter.

There are 120 floors (sometimes called levels) in the Mines. Ore type and quantity increases as The Player moves deeper into the Mines. The Mines are filled with rocks and dirt patches. Rocks can be mined with a Pickaxe in order to obtain Stone, ore and Geodes. A Hoe can be used on dirt patches to collect Minerals, Artifacts, ore, Clay, and Cave Carrots.

To advance deeper in the Mines, a ladder must be revealed on each floor. The ladder will appear after breaking rocks or after defeating an enemy (killing enemies is the stamina-free option to finding ladders). If a floor is "infested" or "overrun" by monsters, all enemies must be defeated on that floor before a ladder will appear. (Note, however, that there is a bug that affects very few floors where a ladder will drop before all enemies are killed.)

Passing out in the Mines from exhaustion (zero Energy) or when 2:00AM arrives will result in 10% of gold lost up to a maximum of 1,000g. Passing out from drained Health will result in losing anywhere between 5%-25% of gold (up to a maximum of 5,000g) and also various inventory items, including Weapons and Tools (except for the Galaxy Sword). If tools are lost, they are returned in the mail on the following day, though Fishing Poles and weapons will not be returned. The character will awaken in the mine entrance, found by one of the villagers.

Lost items can be recovered by contacting Marlon at the Adventurer's Guild. One lost item (or stack of items) can be purchased there, any time after passing out due to low health. The price is the base sell price of the lost item (i.e., the gold that would be obtained from selling one item or stack of items). Marlon's Item Recovery Service persists until the next time the player loses items in the Mines, when previously lost items are replaced by newly lost items.

A Minecart is located on the entry floor for quick travel to and from the mine. It is unlocked after completing the Boiler Room Bundles or by purchasing "Minecarts" from the Joja Community Development Form at JojaMart for 15,000g.

Mine Levels ⛏ ✔
The Mines consist of 120 floors (sometimes called levels). These floors are divided into three sections, 40 floors each, with their own themes; the first section has a brown earth theme, the second section has a frozen theme, and the third and last section has a lava and dark purple theme. The last 10 floors of each section has a variation of the main theme; the first section (Floor 31-39) has a shadow theme, the second section (70-79) has a castle theme, and the third and last section (110-119) has a darker crimson theme.

The corresponding floors in each section have the same layout. For example, Floor 5, 45, and 85 have the same layout; as does 19, 59, and 99; or Floor 31, 71, and 111; and so on.

1 - 9
Copper Ore begins to appear on Floor 2.
Gems found: Amethyst, Topaz, Quartz, and Earth Crystal. All gems are found except Diamonds when The Player has reached the bottom of the Mines.
11 - 19
Floor 12 has a Minecart containing 6 pieces of coal at the end of the path. Guaranteed ladder at the end of the floor, even if the floor is infested.
Floor 18 has a Minecart containing 6 pieces of coal at the bottom right of the floor.
Floor 19 is set in a spiral pattern.
Fishing: Ghostfish and Stonefish
21 - 29
Floor 28 has a Minecart containing 6 pieces of coal at the bottom right of the floor.
31 - 39
Copper Ore, Geodes are common.
Floor 38 has a Minecart containing 6 pieces of coal at the top left of the floor.
41 - 49
Iron Ore, Frozen Geodes, Aquamarines, Frozen Tears, and Jade begin to appear.
Diamonds begin to appear (1 in 500 stones).
Each floor after 50 increases frequency by 0.00016 (e.g., 1 in 100 stones on floor 100).
51 - 59
Potentially abundant Dust Sprites (which frequently drop Coal). Floor 52 has a bag containing 6 pieces of coal at the end of the path. Guaranteed ladder at the end of the floor, even if the floor is infested.
Floor 58 has a bag containing 6 pieces of coal at the bottom right of the floor.
Floor 59 is set in a spiral pattern.
Fishing: Ice Pip and Ghostfish
61 - 69
Floor 68 has a bag containing 6 pieces of coal at the bottom right of the floor.
71 - 79
Floor 78 has a bag containing 6 pieces of coal at the top left of the floor.
81 - 89
Emeralds, Fire Quartz, Gold Ore, Magma Geodes, and Rubies begin to appear.
91 - 99
Floor 92 has a Minecart containing 6 pieces of coal at the end of the path. Guaranteed ladder at the end of the floor, even if the floor is infested.
Floor 98 has a Minecart containing 6 pieces of coal at the bottom right of the floor.
Floor 99 is set in a spiral pattern.
Fishing: Lava Eel
101 - 109
Mystic Stones begin to appear. Floor 108 has a Minecart containing 6 pieces of coal at the bottom right of the floor.
111 - 119
Magma Geodes are common.
Floor 118 has a Minecart containing 6 pieces of coal at the top left of the floor.
Final floor
Quarry Mine 👣 ⛏
The Quarry Mine cave entrance is located on the left edge of the Quarry, north of the bridge. It is outside, not located in The Mines. Inside the cave is a ladder that goes down to the mine. The mine itself consists of one long floor.

At the end of the cave is a statue of the Grim Reaper, and upon first encounter the statue holds the Golden Scythe. When the statue is right-clicked on, the scythe will be added to the tool set if the inventory is not full. If it is full, the player will get an "inventory full" message. Freeing up an inventory space will allow them to receive the Golden Scythe. Any time the statue is clicked on afterwards the player will be transported back to the entrance of the quarry mine.

The Quarry Mine contains three monsters: Haunted Skulls, Copper Slimes, and Iron Slimes. The mine is populated with common gray and brown rocks and Copper and Iron Nodes.

The quarry mine resets at the end of the day, instead of when exiting it, so it cannot be repeatedly "farmed" in a single day.

Passing out due to low health in the Quarry Mine will result in the player being woken up inside the entrance to the regular Mines (including the penalties).

Special Drops
Monsters, crates, and barrels in the Quarry Mine may randomly drop the same special items that can be found in the Skull Cavern.

  • Entering the Quarry Mine before entering The Mines for the first time will trigger the cutscene where Marlon meets the player in the mines and gives them the Rusty Sword. After the cutscene is over, the player will still be at the Quarry Mine.
  • Unlocking the Quarry will not enable Dungeon Floors in the Mines to randomly appear. The Quarry Mine itself must be entered in order to enable Dungeon Floors.
Railroad 🚉
The Railroad is an exterior region located north of The Mountain. It becomes accessible after an earthquake clears the blocked pass on the 3rd of Summer in the first year.

On random days between 9am and 6pm, a train can pass through the area. If the player is outdoors, a message will pop up saying "A train is passing through Stardew Valley" accompanied by a train whistle sound.

While the train cars pass by, items such as Leprechaun Shoes, Stone, Coal, Iron Ore, Wood and Geodes may fall off and be acquired. The player need not be present when the train goes by, but dropped items will disappear overnight, so they must be collected the same day. The train will pass by and drop items even if the game is paused. If the player triggers a Railroad cutscene (e.g., the wizard's Dark Talisman quest) while a train is passing, the train will be invisible (but audible) except for smoke clouds from the locomotive.

A player who stands in front of the train as it approaches or attacks the train with certain tools or weapons will suffer minor damage and be knocked back. The player can get stuck between the passing train and the platform, suffering damage repeatedly, losing all Health, and passing out.

Train Types
There are several different types of trains that can pass by. The most common type of train has cars containing various resources, such as wood, stone, or coal. It may also have a passenger car or have cars with graffiti on the sides.

Other train occurrences can include...

A dark grey train with Joja logos on the side of its cars.
A passenger train comprised of only passenger cars.
A normal resource train that moves at twice the speed of other trains.
A blue train that moves at twice the speed of other trains and has barred windows.
A red train with cars containing presents, but only during Winter.


Train Platform
The Train Platform is located north of the tracks. There is an empty box which is used for the "The Mysterious Qi" Quest. Harvey's 10 Heart Event also takes place here.

The Spa
In the southwest of the Railroad is the Spa. Standing still when in the pool causes energy and health to be quickly restored. Penny’s 10 Heart Event takes place here.

There is a small pond against the outside of the spa. An Ornate Necklace can be caught there after reading Secret Note #25. A painting called 'Vista' can also be caught there. Neither of these items can be obtained during Winter as the water will be frozen.

Witch's Swamp
There's a passage to the Witch's Swamp through the cave northeast of the train platform. This cave will be unlocked by completing a series of quests given by the Wizard. A cutscene initiating the quests will start when the player first enters the Railroad area after completing either the Community Center bundles or Joja Community Development Form. After completing these quests players can use the cave to travel to the Witch's Swamp at anytime.

The Summit
The Summit can be accessed by a staircase in the north-west area of the railroad. Initially, the stairs are blocked by a boulder that the player can not move. The player can access the summit once Perfection is achieved.
Spa ♨
The Spa is located in the southwest area of the Railroad.

By entering the Spa, passing through the changing room, and remaining stationary in the pool, energy and health are restored at 10 points per second[1].

There are two changing rooms - one for women and one for men. It is possible to enter the changing room opposite to the player's gender, but only after attempting to enter several times in quick succession from the pool area.

While passing through the covered path from the locker room to the pool, the player is slowed down and changes into a swimsuit whose color is the same as the player's chosen pants color. Prismatic pants result in a prismatic swimsuit. Undershorts result in a white swimsuit.


It is possible to fish in the water outside the spa, except in Winter when the water is frozen. After reading Secret Note #25, the first time fishing there...

The player will catch an Ornate Necklace, which can be given to Caroline for 50 Friendship points with her or to Abigail for 100 friendship points with her.

If the player has not found Secret Note #25 or has already solved it, a painting titled 'Vista' can be obtained while fishing. Trash is the only other item that can be caught.

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Quarry 👣
The Quarry consists of a large area with a wide selection of rocks and mining nodes that are randomly generated. Each day there is a chance that new rocks and nodes as well as oak and maple tree seeds will be generated. It is part of the same map as the Mountain, therefore it has the same forageable items and Artifact Spot contents as the Mountain.

The Quarry is unlocked by completing the Crafts Room bundles in the Community Center or by purchasing "Bridge" from the Joja Community Development Form for 25,000g.

The Quarry itself can be home to every ore and gem in the game. However, stones containing valuable items like Iridium Ore or Prismatic Shards are much rarer and the player may have to wait several seasons for new ones to spawn.

The Entrance to the Quarry Mine is on the western side of the quarry, above the bridge. The Minecart unlocked by either completing the Boiler Room bundles or by purchasing "Minecarts" from the Joja Community Development Form at JojaMart for 15,000g can also take the player to the Quarry once the bridge is repaired.


Each day new rocks, nodes, oak and maple seeds will spawn, so to prevent valuable spawns from being blocked by existing rocks, it is wise to keep the quarry entirely cleared.

Using bombs in the quarry destroys rocks, ore nodes, and gem nodes (including the Mystic Stone), leaving stones, ore, and gems to collect. Bombs also destroy trees, leaving wood, sap, and possibly tree seeds.

Usable Space

This image shows the usable space in the Quarry. Colored tiles (yellow or blue) can be used to place paths, artisan equipment and refining equipment. Yellow tiles (tillables) may also be used to plant common trees.
Villagers do not travel through the Quarry or on its bridge, so items placed there are safe from destruction.
Mutant Bug Lair ☣ ⚠
The Mutant Bug Lair is an underground location that becomes accessible as part of the Dark Talisman Quest. The entrance to the lair is in the northwest corner of The Sewers. Talking to Krobus during this quest will open the passage to this location.

The player should be prepared to encounter monsters before entering the Mutant Bug Lair because there are a number of Mutant Grubs and Mutant Flies inside.

Even though plants are growing here and fishing is possible, the game considers this location to be underground. Therefore, forageable items and artifact spots never spawn here.

The Slimejack is a unique fish that can only be caught in the Mutant Bug Lair. Carp, Green Algae, and White Algae are also possible. The available fish are the same year-round. Fishing here is dangerous because Mutant Flies continuously spawn and attack the player. To avoid this, fish right at the entrance before any bugs are triggered.

Witch's Hut 👹
The Witch's Hut is found in the Witch's Swamp, and becomes accessible after completing the Dark Talisman Quest.

Inside the Witch's Hut are three shrines, the Wizard's missing Magic Ink (on a table in a purple bottle), and a red teleportation rune on the ground. Returning the Magic Ink to the Wizard unlocks five "magic" buildings for The Farm. Stepping on the rune will teleport the player directly to the Wizard's Tower basement room.

Once the player has gained 4 hearts of friendship with the Wizard, the teleportation runes located in the Witch's Hut and Wizard's Tower basement can be used at anytime to teleport between the two locations. Prior to earning 4 hearts, the player will be teleported to the Wizard's basement from the Witch's Hut, but will not be able to return.
Dark Shrine of Memory
The relationship between you and your ex-spouses will be wiped from memory. It will be like you've never met.
Note: This also affects Krobus as an ex-roommate.
Dark Shrine of Selfishness
Your children will turn into doves and fly away...
Note: This permanently removes them from the game.
Dark Shrine of Night Terrors
The ancient magi-seal of protection will be lifted, allowing monsters to appear on your farm at night.
Note: This shrine acts as a toggle to turn monsters on or off. It works for all Farm Maps, including Wilderness. Restoring the "magi-seal" requires another Strange Bun.


The questline to access the Witch's Hut involves two quests, which become available after completing the Community Center Bundles or the Joja Community Development Form. The player can trigger a cut scene at the Railroad, where the Wizard will request they find a Dark Talisman, which can be found in a chest within the Mutant Bug Lair. The Mutant Bug Lair can be accessed by speaking to Krobus, who will reveal the entrance in the Sewers. After obtaining the Talisman, bring it back to the Railroad area and place it on the artifact blocking the cave. Inside the cave is a teleportation rune which leads to the Witch's Swamp.

Once inside the Witch's Swamp, the Witch's Henchman will be blocking the way to the Witch's Hut. He will only allow the player to pass if he is given Void Mayonnaise, which also completes the quest Goblin Problem. Recover the Magic Ink inside the Witch's Hut, then bring the ink back to the Wizard, who will unlock the five Wizard buildings for The Farm.
The Desert 🏜
The Calico Desert is an exterior map region located far to the northwest of Pelican Town. The weather here is always sunny and the seasons are all the same.

The desert is inaccessible until the Bus at the Bus Stop has been repaired by completing the Vault Bundles at the Community Center or by purchasing "Bus Repair" for Gold.png40,000g from the Joja Community Development Form.


Skull Cavern
The entrance to Skull Cavern is located in the northwest corner of the Desert. The Skull Key can be used to open the door inside the cavern.
The Oasis is a store located in the southwest section of the area. It is run by Sandy and sells a number of seeds not available in Pelican Town, along with an additional item that depends on the day of the week.
The Casino is accessible through the Oasis once "The Mysterious Qi" quest is completed.
Desert Trader
The Desert Trader's tent is located in the east of the map.
Three Pillars
Three pillars are found in the northeast part of the Desert; this location is tied to one of the game's Secrets.
Warp Statue
The player can warp to the desert using a Warp Totem: Desert or a Desert Obelisk. Both methods warp the player to the same warp statue, located south of the Desert Trader. The Bus also appears in the Desert whenever the player warps, allowing the player to ride back in the bus as usual.
Sand Dragon
On top of a hill located directly north of the Oasis, are the large bones of a sand dragon. While standing near the skull of the creature, it can be interacted with, resulting in text that says: "Its maw gapes at the desert sun. Even in death, it yearns for a taste." It is related to the Mr. Qi questline.

Casino 🎲
The Casino is located in the Calico Desert accessed through the back door of the Oasis. Access is initially blocked by the Bouncer until "The Mysterious Qi" quest is completed.

Mr. Qi is constantly present in the room. To his right is a machine to exchange gold for Qi coins, at a rate of 1,000g per 100, or 10g per 1 value. Qi coins are used for both gambling and purchasing items inside the Casino, and aren't able to be converted back to gold.

To the top-left of the room is a terminal that lists multiple statistics for the player.

There are two forms of gambling available, slot machines and a variant of BlackJack, CalicoJack. There are two tables for CalicoJack, low stakes (100) to the left and high stakes (1,000) to the right.

In the upper right corner of the room, to the right of the machine for exchanging Qi coins and next to a potted plant, stands a shady individual who offers to sell Statue of Endless Fortune for 1,000,000g.


The store is located in the top right of the casino.

In some resolution settings, you may be unable to access the store without using the 'use button' or zooming out (go to menu, options). See this Steam forum post for resolution path details.

Desert Trader 🌵
The Desert Trader is a merchant located in the Calico Desert who sells a variety of exotic goods. The Desert Trader does not accept gold, but only barters in exchange for other items.

During the Night Market, the corner shop in the Desert is closed and no purchases are possible. Instead, the Desert Trader can be spoken to at the Night Market for one free cup of Coffee per night.
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Permanent Stock

Oasis 🌴
The Oasis is a store located in The Desert and run by Sandy, open from 9am to 11:50pm. It sells unique seeds as well as items purchasable from other shops, sometimes at a reduced price.

The path in the back leads to the Casino, run by Mr. Qi, which is accessible after completion of "The Mysterious Qi" quest.

The Key To The Town does not function at this store.
Fixed Stock

The Oasis sells these items every day. The random shirt is always one of the shirts that can be chosen during character creation at the start of the game.

Daily Stock

The Oasis sells at least two items that change daily.

Skull Cavern ☠ - Part 1
The Skull Cavern is located in the northwest area of the Desert. It is initially locked and requires the Skull Key to gain access.

There is no practical limit to the number of floors (sometimes called levels) in the Skull Cavern. Similar to the Mines, the player advances through floors in the Skull Cavern by finding a ladder on each floor, either by mining rocks or defeating enemies.

Unlike The Mines, there is no elevator to save progress, but on every floor there is a ladder at the starting point where the player can leave the Skull Cavern. Each visit must start again from the first floor.

When ladders to the next floor appear from breaking rocks, 20% of the time they will appear as a shaft (or hole) instead of a ladder. Shafts make it possible to travel 3-15 floors at a time. The number of floors dropped is based on an integer x between 3 and 8 inclusive, chosen with equal probability, with a 90% chance that the player drops x floors and a 10% chance that the player drops 2x-1 floors. The amount of floors dropped is predetermined based on the mine floor, game day, and Random Seed. In particular, Luck does not affect the chances of jumping down a certain number of floors. This also means that if multiple shafts spawn on the same floor, they will all drop the player the same number of floors, so it does not matter which one is chosen. Jumping down the shaft causes Health damage equal to 3x the number of floors skipped (although jumping down a shaft will never reduce health to less than 1). Note that if a shaft above floor 100 is calculated to drop the player past floor 100, it will be modified to only drop the player to floor 100.

If the player runs out of health while exploring Skull Cavern, they will wake up sometime later on the same day in Harvey's Clinic. A fee of 1,000g will be deducted for emergency surgery. Several items may also be lost. Passing out at 2:00 am will cause the player to lose 1,000g or 10% of funds, whichever is less.

The chance to find Iridium Ore increases slowly and steadily as the player descends into the Skull Cavern, rapidly increasing from floor 10 to 100. See Skull Cavern/Ore Distribution for more details.

The monsters in the Cavern also have a chance to drop ore and Iridium Bars, as well as special items. It can be a good idea to bring the Lava Katana or Galaxy Sword, as enemies are particularly strong.

High Luck increases the frequency of ladders/shafts. Rapid descent to floors with a higher chance of spawning Iridium Nodes is often more efficient for acquiring ore than thorough exploration. Staircases can also be stacked, so a single inventory slot can hold 999 staircases. Even blindly placing staircases will take some time though; the lower the player descends with staircases, the less time they have to explore the caverns.

Qi's Challenge
After entering the Cavern for the first time, a letter will be received on the following day from Mr. Qi. The letter begins the quest Qi's Challenge, which is completed by reaching floor 25 in the Skull Cavern. Completing the quest awards 10,000g, delivered by mail the following day. If the player reaches floor 25 of the Skull Cavern during the first visit, the quest will automatically be fulfilled the next day.

Qi's Hungry Challenge
"Qi's Hungry Challenge" is a possible, repeatable Special Order, that may be accepted in Qi's Walnut Room on Ginger Island. It is completed by reaching floor 100 of the Skull Cavern within the given time limit. While this quest is active, no food or drink items can be consumed while the player is in the Skull Cavern. Buffs from food/drink before entering the Skull Cavern will stay active.

While this quest is active, Big Slimes may occasionally have hearts that will give 10 health points when slain. Another strategy to regain health without eating is to equip one or more Vampire Rings or to use a weapon with the Vampiric enchantment.

The use of staircases is permitted. Completing the quest awards 25 Qi Gems.

Skull Cavern Invasion
The "Skull Cavern Invasion" is a possible, repeatable Special Order, that may be accepted in Qi's Walnut Room on Ginger Island. It is completed by reaching floor 100 of the Skull Cavern within the given time limit. While the quest is active, stronger variations of monsters occupy the Cavern; similarly to the Dangerous Mines. Radioactive nodes can also spawn here, like the Dangerous Mines.

The use of staircases is permitted. Completing the quest awards 40 Qi Gems.


Time runs more slowly in Skull Cavern than elsewhere in the game: whereas one hour of game time normally lasts 43 seconds, in Skull Cavern one hour lasts 54 seconds (25% longer). However, time reverts to normal 43-second hours in multiplayer games and on Prehistoric Floors.

This has two main implications:
  • Players have more real-time available before the end of the day, and should be able to descend deeper than otherwise.
  • The game-time duration of any buff is decreased.
This adjustment in timing has no effect upon other aspects of the game, such as equipment processing times. For example, Honey placed in a Keg at noon is ready with Mead at 10 pm even if the player spends most of that time in the Skull Cavern.


Shown below are foods with Buffs that are useful when exploring the Skull Cavern. Note that eating a food with buffs will wipe out any active buffs and replace them with the buffs from the newly eaten food. If the newly eaten food has no buffs, the existing buffs will remain in effect. Coffee, Triple Shot Espresso and Ginger Ale are an exception to this rule; they will stack with other food buffs (but not each other).

Bombs make quick work of densely-clustered stones and ore veins. They can also be used for permanently defeating Mummies.

Bombs can be crafted, or purchased from Dwarf:
The Slingshot's Explosive Ammo is also effective in dealing with small groups of stones, Iridium Ore deposits, and incapacitated Mummies. Loading the Slingshot with Gold Ore deals substantial damage, making it potentially useful for dispatching tough targets. Explosive ammo can be crafted, or bought at the Adventurer's Guild for 300g.

Staircases can be used for rapid descent or skipping troublesome floors. If the player has one or more Crystalariums, they can be used to produce Jade which can be traded for Staircases with the Desert Trader on Sundays.

Several Rings may assist in exploring the Skull Cavern. See the Rings page for full descriptions.

Warp Totems
A Warp Totem can be used to make a quick exit if supplies are running low or the day is almost over to avoid the fee of up to 1,000g for passing out at 2:00 am.

A Warp Totem: Desert can be used to access the Desert about 4 hours earlier than Pam arrives at the Bus Stop.

Skull Cavern ☠ - Part 2

Prehistoric Floors
Prehistoric floors are a type of infested floor containing mainly Pepper Rex monsters. Mutant flies and Iridium Bats can also spawn and attack the player there. Dinosaur Eggs and Fiddlehead Ferns can be foraged on Prehistoric floors. Foliage on this floor has a chance to yield an Ancient Seed when cut down. There is a ~2.2% chance to encounter a prehistoric floor at and below floor 7.[4]

Because prehistoric floors are infested, all enemies on this floor must be killed before a ladder appears.

Treasure Rooms
Small rooms containing treasure chests, similar to those in The Mines, can randomly appear at floors 10+. Daily luck and Luck Buffs affect the chance to find Treasure Rooms.

The probability of encountering one when entering a new floor equals to 0.01 + (Daily Luck / 10) + (Luck Buffs / 100). This means Treasure Rooms have a base chance of 1% to appear with daily Luck increasing the chance by 1% at best or decreasing by 1% at worst, with the Special Charm adding 0.25%, and food buffs adding 1% for every point of Luck. In multiplayer, the luck values taken into account are the average of luck stats of players present in the Skull Cavern.

Floor 100 of the Skull Cavern is guaranteed to contain a treasure chest. The only exception is during the run where the player completes the secret.

Below is a table of all possible treasures that can be randomly found inside Treasure Chests in the Skull Cavern.

After reading Secret Note #10, the player will find Mr. Qi at floor 100 of the Skull Cavern. A cutscene ensues in which:

Mr. Qi will either congratulate the player for reaching floor 100 while using 10 or fewer Staircases or say the player is "clever" but not "honorable" for using more than 10. In either case, he will award the player with Iridium Snake Milk, which permanently increases the player's health by 25 points.
Ginger Island 🏝 - Part 1
Ginger Island is located within the Fern Islands archipelago and is the only island in the archipelago that the player can visit. It can be accessed after repairing the boat in the back room of Willy’s Fish Shop. Purchasing a ticket to ride the boat costs 1,000g, including the return trip, and is the main way to access the island when the shop is open.

The first time the player rides the boat, a cutscene triggers showing the coast of the region, including some other islands that can be seen on the way. The next time, only the animation of Willy getting on the boat and starting to steer it is shown. The boat arrives at a dock on the island with only a single path leading inland at first, as the rest of the island is closed off. The island is largely inhabited by parrots, which can be offered Golden Walnuts to unlock additional areas or features. Ginger Island is rather unique amongst the player-visitable areas of Stardew Valley because similar to the Greenhouse, the current season does not affect which crops can be planted and grown on the island, and nor does the current season affect which fish can be caught there.

The player can return to Stardew Valley at any time for free by entering the boat on the southern beach. They will usually arrive back inside the Fish Shop, except on festival days when the path back to the Farm is blocked, in which case the player will be deposited to the Bus Stop instead. If the festival is held on The Beach, the player will be deposited on the bridge leading to the beach south of Pelican Town.

Island South
This is the area where the player first lands. It contains the dock, a small beach with the ruins of a building, and three paths each leading to the other island areas -- Island East, North, and West. Additionally, the warp location for a Warp Totem: Island or Island Obelisk is located in this part of the island. Warping to the island is the only way to access it when Willy's shop is closed.

At first, only the path to the Island East is available, as two large turtles block the paths to Island North and Island West. The player must follow Leo who appears and runs into the jungle in Island East. Interactions in Leo's hut will remove the turtle blocking the northern exit, and upon returning to the beach a Magma Sprite appears and leads the player north to the Volcano. The turtle blocking the path to Island West can be removed by paying the nearby parrot 10 Golden Walnuts.

Beach Resort
After the island farmhouse to the west is repaired, the ruins can be rebuilt into a beach resort for 20 Golden Walnuts. From then on a random subset of villagers from Pelican Town will arrive at 11:00 AM and leave at 6:00 PM each non-raining day that isn't a festival day. The player can open/close the resort for the following day with the toggle located between the two doors of the changing room.

After opening the beach resort, Gus will run a bar on the days when he visits.

Island Southeastх
This area is unlocked by building the Island Beach Resort, which clears the debris east of the dock. It contains a star-shaped tide pool, a large rock offshore, and a hidden pirate's cove.

Pirate Cove
The Pirate Cove can be accessed at the east side of Island Southeast through a hidden entrance east of the star-shaped pool. The player can enter the cove at any time to fish in the pool at its southeast or in the small pools near its entrance. These are the only locations in the game where the Stingray can be caught. In addition to the fish shown in the Fishing section below, the player can catch a Gourmand Statue, which initially appears as a present box when caught.

Pirates visit the cove after 8pm on non-rainy even-numbered days of the season. If the player is inside the cove before 8pm on a day when pirates come visiting, the player is automatically removed from the cave and placed outside its entrance, ending any current activity there. The player can, however, reenter the cove. While pirates are visiting, the player can play Darts to win Golden Walnuts. (There are no rewards after the first three times the player wins a game.) There is also a bar where any player who is wearing a Pirate Hat, Eye Patch, or Deluxe Pirate Hat is given Mead once a day.

In Winter, Jellyfish similar to those appearing at the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies festival may be seen in the southmost pool, but they cannot be caught.

On rainy days a Mermaid will appear on the large rock by the shore. If the player places Flute Blocks and tunes them to play the Mermaid's song, she will reward them with 5 Golden Walnuts.

To play the Mermaid's song, place a Flute Block on top or below each set of stones on the shore, then tune each block by the amount of stones. A large stone symbolizes 5, and a small stone symbolizes 1. After tuning all 5 blocks, simply run past each one from left-to-right.

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Ginger Island 🏝 - Part 2
Island East
This area is reached by walking east from the dock on Island South. It contains a jungle where Fiddlehead Ferns can spawn, and a hut where a boy named Leo lives with a talking parrot. This parrot will give the player hints as to how many Golden Walnuts they have left to find in areas. Outside of the hut is a Banana Shrine.

Gem Birds
A hidden path to the east in the jungle leads to an area with a shrine and four pedestals. The entrance is one square south of the parrot express kiosk and all the way to the east. Each pedestal has an image carved in stone in front of it that corresponds to a section of the island. Interacting with the shrine shows the following message:

"When dark clouds cry, begin your quest
To seek the fabled gem-birds four
Each day, one north, south, east, or west
Arrange their gifts upon my door

On rainy days, a single Gem Bird appears in one randomly-selected region of the island (north, south, east, or west). Approaching the Gem Bird causes it to fly away, dropping a gemstone as it does so. The player must collect this gemstone and place it on the bird statue at the shrine that corresponds to the island region in which the Gem Bird appeared.

Gem Birds always appear in at the specific location for their associated island region:
  • North: South of the Island Field Office Tent.
  • East: In the middle of the path in the jungle towards Leo's hut.
  • South: To the southwest of the beach near the docks.
  • West: West across the river from the farm, east of Birdie's Hut, at the pond.
The arrangement of the pictures and pedestals corresponds to the traditional compass rose, with north at the top (volcano: north, waves: south, palm tree: east, heart: west). There are five possible gems: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Emerald, Ruby, and Topaz. When all 4 pedestals have been filled correctly, the shrine activates and gives the player 5 Golden Walnuts.

  • The weather on the island does not correspond to the weather in Stardew Valley. TV weather forecasts show the daily forecast for Ginger Island beginning the day after the player first visits the island.
  • A Rain Totem can be used while on the island to force the birds to appear the next day.
  • Birds will still appear and drop additional gems even after the puzzle has been solved. The puzzle reward occurs only once per save file, although the statues may still (incorrectly) display plus signs while the player is holding a valid gem near one.
  • There are five types of gem bird, each leaving its own type of gem. Of these five, four are randomly selected and assigned randomly to the compass direction where they will appear. Random selection and assignment is accomplished once per save file and is in place before the player first visits Ginger Island on a rainy day.
  • The gems placed do not need to be the same ones dropped by the birds - a gem of the correct type from any source will work. Further, a bird need not even be approached; The gems can be guessed (there are 2, 6, 24, or 120 possible combinations depending on how many birds have been approached so far).

Island North

This area includes everything reached by walking north from the docks on Island South.

Island Trader
The Island Trader is a bluebird merchant who runs a trading stand in Island North. The merchant's parrot is unlocked by building the Island Farmhouse. Trading is then unlocked when the player gives the parrot 10 Golden Walnuts.

The trader has a rotating stock of island-themed items, not available by purchase with any currency, but only by barter in exchange for other items. Barter items are obtained by Foraging, many of which are types found on Ginger Island. Among the exclusive trade items are many types of Furniture that have island-based themes. The Galaxy Soul item is subject to some availability restrictions.

Dig Site
West of the Island Field Office is a broken bridge which can be repaired by parrots in exchange for 10 Golden Walnuts. Once repaired, it leads to the Dig Site, an area similar to the Quarry. Rocks, Bone Nodes, Clay Nodes, and Mahogany Tree seeds have a chance of spawning there every day.

East of the stairs north of the Dig Site is the Ginger Island Mushroom Cave. Initially, there is a boulder blocking the entrance, and someone behind it is calling for help. Place any bomb to remove the boulder, thus freeing Professor Snail and unlocking the Island Field Office. The cave spawns random new mushrooms every day. Unlike the farm's cave, its mushrooms grow directly on the ground, so players benefit from the Gatherer or Botanist professions when collecting them.

Island Field Office
The Island Field Office tent is found in the north central region of Island North, on the way towards the volcano. The office remains empty until Professor Snail is rescued from the Mushroom Cave at the Dig Site. Thereafter, the player may donate fossils and answer the Island Survey, in return for various rewards.

Volcano Dungeon
At the farthest north is a volcano dungeon with ten levels, eight of which are randomly generated similar to the Skull Cavern. The fifth level has a shop, and at the tenth and last level is the Forge, where tools and weapons can be upgraded using Cinder Shards.

To access the dungeon, a watering can is required to make a path through the lava. This path does not persist between days and must be remade to cross again. After the player reaches the Forge and unlocks the door needed to exit (west of the Forge, east of the starting area), a parrot will perch near the lava river offering to unlock a permanent bridge in exchange for 5 Golden Walnuts.

The lava river in the starting area can be followed to the left to find a hidden exit. The exit leads to the river north of the dig site, where the player can find 2 Golden Walnuts.

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Ginger Island 🏝 - Part 3
Island West

This area includes everything reached by walking west from the docks on Island South. The entrance to this area is initially blocked by a sleeping turtle, which can be wakened by giving a nearby parrot 10 Golden Walnuts. This parrot will only appear after the first parrot in Leo's house has received its own Golden Walnut.

The area is divided north to south by a river which may be crossed over any one of three plank bridges. The Farm, Gourmand Frog, Parrot Express, and Shipwreck are to its east, while the Pond, Birdie's Hut, Green Whack-A-Mole, Qi's Walnut Room, Tiger Slime Grove, and Colored Crystals Puzzle are to its west.

Island West contains 847 plantable tiles which are accessible in normal gameplay:
  • 757 on the main farmland
  • 55 on the big chunk of land west of the river
  • 31 on the patches of land around the pond
  • 4 on a small patch of land by the Parrot Express, north of the farm.
There are also 33 tiles above Qi's Walnut Room, which are inaccessible without using chairs to leave the map.

The Farm
There is a large area where crops can be planted. Initially it is covered in logs, stones, and weeds just like the Stardew Valley farm is when the player first arrives. Sprinklers can be placed here and fruit trees can be planted. Crows won't spawn on this farm either, so Scarecrows aren't necessary. Just like with the Greenhouse, any crop can be grown on the Ginger Island farm regardless of the season.

There is a dilapidated farmhouse that the parrots will repair in exchange for 20 Golden Walnuts. It's a 4 room house with a kitchen and one Tropical Bed per farmer on the save file. It comes with a shipping bin. Once the house is ready, the parrots will build a mailbox for an additional 5 Golden Walnuts and a Farm Obelisk after that for 20 Golden Walnuts.

Gourmand Frog
After the parrots repair the Island Farmhouse, a cave appears in the northeast corner of the island farm. In it is the Gourmand Frog who reminisces about days when specific crops were growing on the farm and asks the player to grow them. Once they're grown, return to him to receive Golden Walnuts.

Solution:This is a farming task.
The Gourmand Frog asks the player to grow three crops, one crop at a time: first Melon, then Wheat, then Garlic. For each crop, grow at least one plant on the Island Farm until it is mature, but do not harvest it. Interact with the frog and tell it the crop is ready. That triggers a cutscene in which the frog gives the player 5 Golden Walnuts but does not take the crop. The crops can be grown at any time, including all at once, but each plant must be presented to the frog in the order of the requests.

Birdie's Shack
On the west side of the beach there is a shack which is where Birdie lives. Upon meeting her she will give the player the quest "The Pirate's Wife". After the quest is complete, she no longer has any quests, but will speak with the player.

Green Whack-a-Mole
There is a green Duggy moving from hole to hole, which can be "whacked" with the watering can for 1 Golden Walnut. The player can also cover three of the holes with placeable objects, and hit the mole with an axe or pickaxe.

On the southeast part of the beach, below the farm area, there is a shipwreck which the player can enter to collect a Golden Walnut. When speaking to Birdie for the first time, she explains that her husband was the captain of the ship.

Tiger Slime Grove
North of the pond is a small grove. Mahogany trees will grow there, and several Tiger Slimes will spawn each day.

Colored Crystals Puzzle
This puzzle is found in a cave northeast of the Tiger Slime Grove.

Upon entering the cave, click on the lion to initiate a game of Simon Says. The game gets faster every round, having 5 rounds in total. Winning the game yields three Golden Walnuts. If any round is failed, the game will restart at round 1. After every failed attempt, the game will slightly slow down.

Qi's Walnut Room
A room accessible by getting a total of 100 Golden Walnuts. Inside is a Perfection Tracker, a Special Order Board similar to the one in Pelican Town, and a Vending Machine that sells items in exchange for Qi Gems.

The Beach
On the southwest side of the beach there are tide pools where Sea Urchins and Coral can spawn. The southeast features mussel rocks which can be mined for Mussels (and 5 hidden Golden Walnuts).


Parrot Express
The Parrot Express is a site-to-site transportation system on the island that can take the player to and from any of five sites: Volcano, Farm, Dig Site, Jungle, and Docks. The Dig Site is unavailable to the express until the bridge to the site has been repaired, after which its inclusion is automatic.

To unlock the express, the player must pay 10 Golden Walnuts to the parrots stationed at the "farm" location. That site is north of the Island Farm, up the stairs and through the dense trees. This Island West location implies that the site cannot be reached nor the express activated until all four compass directions are open for travel on the island.

When the player selects a travel location at an express station, an animation shows the player walking into a small structure that two parrots then lift with vines. The player then appears in the selected location with no further animation.

More Info []

Crops 🌹
Crops are plants that are grown from seeds to be harvested for the purpose of profit, food, or gifting. Generally, each crop is seasonal. It can be planted only during its designated season, and when seasons change (after the 28th day), the crop will wither and die. Multi-season crops (i.e., Ancient Fruit, Coffee Bean, Corn, Sunflower, and Wheat), however, will continue to grow during all specified seasons.


Monsters (either on the Wilderness Farm or toggled on by the Dark Shrine of Night Terrors on any farm) have no effect on crops.

Crops can be eaten by Crows when there are over 15 crops growing and there is no Scarecrow within range.

Farm Animals
Farm Animals never trample or destroy crops. They may get in the way of planting or harvesting efforts, but will never cause damage to crops.

Fertilizing and Planting
Fallow (untilled) farm land must be tilled with the Hoe before fertilizing or planting there, an activity that consumes some of the player's daily energy, as reflected on the energy bar. A tile may be watered (by using the Watering Can) only after it has been tilled, which consumes more energy.

Seeds and fertilizer are placed on a tilled tile individually by using the left-click control, or on multiple tiles by continuously holding on to the right-click or left-click control and moving the cursor and/or player. Since planting and fertilizing require no tool use, those activities consume none of the player's energy.

Only one type of fertilizer at a time may be used on any given tile. Some fertilizer must be placed on a tile before a seed is planted there, other types can be placed before or after planting a seed. Watering can be done at any time after tilling, and freely either before or after fertilizing and/or planting, without regard to order.

Trellis Crops
Some crops require a trellis, which cannot be walked through, so they require an appropriate crop layout to be reachable. Trellis crops can be walked through once they are dead.

The available trellis crops are Green Bean, Hops, and Grape.

Grow Times
The grow times shown on this page (and in the game) exclude the day the seeds were planted. If planting on the first of a season, a 5-day crop will be ready for harvest on day 6, not day 5. In this case, the number may be thought of as the number of nights required to grow the crop.

Fertilizer and the Agriculturist Profession are not taken into account on this page, but the effects can be viewed on individual crop pages.

Crops must be watered every day for maximum growth. If unwatered for a day, a crop will not grow. Unwatered crops do not die, but they will not grow either.

If a seed is planted into unwatered soil and not watered the same day, it will not grow that night. Growth will start the following night. The grow times on this page assume the seeds are watered the day they are planted.

Planting after midnight does not impose a penalty (it still counts as having been planted on the current day).

End of Season
On the 1st of each season, all crops that are no longer in season will wither and die, leaving behind a dead crop. When a dead crop is left behind at the start of a season it will keep the soil it was planted on tilled, which can reduce the amount of manual tilling and watering that needs to be done at the start of a season. Dead crops can be removed with a scythe.

Multi-season crops that are still in season (i.e., corn planted in summer when transitioning into fall) will not wither and will simply continue to grow. Fully grown crops that are ready to harvest will wither and die when moving to a new season, however.

Giant Crops
Cauliflower, Melons, or Pumpkins planted in a 3x3 pattern can randomly combine into a giant crop. Giant crops drop 15–21 normal-quality items when harvested with any axe, taking three hits.

At the start of each day, every possible 3x3 grid of crops (including overlaps) has a 1% chance to grow into a giant crop as long as the center crop is fully-grown and watered, and all constituent crops are of the same type. Giant crops won't necessarily appear on the day the crops finish growing; it can happen any day those criteria are met.

Giant crops don't die at change of season like other crops. Soil underneath a giant crop may become untilled, causing any fertilizer to be lost. Giant crops cannot grow in the greenhouse, by using Garden Pots, or on Ginger Island

Crop Quality
The quality of crops comes in four levels: regular, silver, gold, and iridium. Quality is determined when a crop is harvested. Normally, harvested crops are almost all of regular quality, with a few at silver or gold quality levels. The average quality can be increased by planting seeds into fertilized soil. Note that iridium quality is possible only with Deluxe Fertilizer. Increasing Farming Skill also increases the chance to harvest a quality crop. If a Seed Maker turns a higher-quality crop into seeds, the seeds are no more likely to produce higher-quality crops when grown and harvested.

Note that for forage items grown from wild seeds, the quality of the items is determined by foraging skill, not farming skill, making iridium quality foraged items possible with the Botanist profession.

Higher quality crops command higher prices when sold, and deliver greater energy and health benefits when eaten. If given as a gift to an NPC who likes or loves the crop, a silver, gold, or iridium quality crop gives a higher number of friendship points. Crop quality has no effect on cooked foods' health or energy gains, or on the quality of Artisan Goods produced.

The quality star of a crop in inventory animates when it is of the highest quality possible (iridium).

For crops that produce multiples at harvest (i.e., Coffee Bean, Blueberry, Cranberries), Basic, Quality and Deluxe fertilizers affect only the first crop produced. That is, only 1 out of 4 coffee beans is affected at each harvest; only 1 out of 3 blueberries is affected, etc.

Gold per Day
Calculations do not take into account Fertilizer, crop quality, or the Tiller or Agriculturist Professions. Variations are noted in or below each table, if applicable. It is assumed that the crop is watered on the day of planting.

The general formula is: Growing Days =
Days to Maturity and Days to Regrow are listed in each table.

Max Harvests is normally 1, but for crops that continue to produce, it is the actual number of harvests that can be obtained in the growing season(s).

Sell Price per Harvest is normally the same as the Sell Price of one normal-quality crop. Extra crops are not counted since their occurrence is rare, except in the case of potatoes. The chance of an extra potato is ≈25%, much higher than with any other crop. Thus, the Sell Price per Harvest is 1.25 × 80 instead of 1 × 80.

In the case of plants that always give >1 item per harvest (e.g., Coffee Bean, Blueberry, Cranberry) the Sell Price per Harvest = # of crops per Harvest × Sell Price for one item.
Spring Crops 🌷
Blue Jazz

The flower grows in a sphere to invite as many butterflies as possible.


Valuable, but slow-growing. Despite its pale color, the florets are packed with nutrients.

Cauliflower can become a Giant Crop.

Coffee Bean

Plant in spring or summer to grow a coffee plant. Place five beans in a keg to make coffee.

Each plant yields 4 beans per harvest with a small random chance for more beans.


Adds a wonderful zestiness to dishes. High quality garlic can be pretty spicy.

Available from year 2+.

Green Bean

A juicy little bean with a cool, crisp snap.

This crop uses a trellis, and continues to produce after maturity.


The waxy leaves are great in soups and stir frys.


A spring tuber closely related to the carrot. It has an earthy taste and is full of nutrients.


A widely cultivated tuber.

Yields at least 1 Potato at harvest, with a chance to produce, on average, 0.25 extra potatoes.


The stalks are extremely tart, but make a great dessert when sweetened.


A sweet, juicy favorite with an appealing red color.

Keeps producing after maturity. When harvested, each Strawberry plant gives 1 Strawberry every 4 days, with a small random chance for more Strawberries.


The most popular spring flower. Has a very faint sweet smell.

Unmilled Rice

Rice in its rawest form. Run this through a mill to increase the value.

Summer Crops 🌺

A popular berry reported to have many health benefits. The blue skin has the highest nutrient concentration.

Keeps producing after maturity. Each plant produces 3 blueberries at harvest, with ≈2% chance for more blueberries.


One of the most popular grains. The sweet, fresh cobs are a summer favorite.

Keeps producing after maturity. Can be grown in Summer or Fall.


A bitter, tangy flower used to flavor beer.

Hops use a trellis, and continue to produce after maturity.

Red Pepper

Fiery hot with a hint of sweetness.

Keeps producing after maturity. When harvested, each Hot Pepper plant gives 1 Hot Pepper every 3 days, with a small random chance for more Hot Peppers.


A cool, sweet summer treat.

Melons can become a Giant Crop.


In addition to its colorful flower, the Poppy has culinary and medicinal uses.


A crisp and refreshing root vegetable with hints of pepper when eaten raw.

Red Cabbage

Often used in salads and coleslaws. The color can range from purple to blue to green-yellow depending on soil conditions.
Available from year 2+.


An extremely juicy fruit that grows in hot, humid weather. Slightly sweet with a sour undertone.

Not to be mistaken for Stardrop.

Summer Sprangle

A tropical bloom that thrives in the humid summer air. Has a sweet, tangy aroma.


A common misconception is that the flower turns so it's always facing the sun.

Harvesting a sunflower will also produce 0-2 Sunflower Seeds. Sunflowers can be grown in Summer or Fall.


Rich and slightly tangy, the Tomato has a wide variety of culinary uses.

Keeps producing after maturity. Each harvest produces 1 tomato, with a small random chance for more tomatoes.


One of the most widely cultivated grains. Makes a great flour for breads and cakes.

Can be grown in Summer or Fall.
Fall Crops ❁

A purple grain cultivated by an ancient civilization.


The bud of a thistle plant. The spiny outer leaves conceal a fleshy, filling interior.

Available from year 2+.


A sweet and earthy root vegatable. As a bonus, the leaves make a great salad.

Bok Choy

The leafy greens and fibrous stalks are healthy and delicious.


These tart red berries are a traditional winter food.

Yields 2 berries at harvest, with a small random chance for more berries. Keeps producing after maturity.


A rich and wholesome relative of the tomato. Delicious fried or stewed.

Keeps producing after maturity. When harvested, each Eggplant bush gives 1 Eggplant every 5 days, with a very small random chance for more Eggplants.

Fairy Rose

An old folk legend suggests that the sweet smell of this flower attracts fairies.


A sweet cluster of fruit.

Grapes use a trellis, and continue to produce after maturity.


A fall favorite, grown for its crunchy seeds and delicately flavored flesh. As a bonus, the hollow shell can be carved into a festive decoration.

Pumpkins can become a Giant Crop.


A starchy tuber with a lot of culinary versatility.

Special Crops ⚘
Ancient Fruit

It's been dormant for eons.

Grows in Spring, Summer, or Fall.

Cactus Fruit

The sweet fruit of the prickly pear cactus.

Can only be grown in the Greenhouse, indoors in Garden Pots, or the Ginger Island farm.


Raw material sourced from plants.

Grows in all seasons. Does not need to be watered. Produces multiple Fiber when harvested.

Mixed Seeds

There's a little bit of everything here. Plant them and see what grows!

Mixed Seeds are a type of seed that can be planted in any season, except Winter, to grow into a random crop specific to that season. They can be randomly found when cutting weeds with a scythe, by digging up dirt or sand with a hoe, or from a Seed Maker. The Forest Farm has a unique type of weed which always drops Mixed Seeds when destroyed.

Mixed Seeds will turn into the following seeds upon planting. Note that Mixed Seeds can turn into Artichoke Seeds during year 1, despite the fact that Artichoke Seeds are normally unavailable until year 2.


A sweet and tangy tropical treat.

Grows in Summer if planted on the The Farm and all year on Ginger Island.

Taro Root

This starchy root is one of the most ancient crops.

Grows in Summer if planted on the The Farm and all year on Ginger Island.

Sweet Gem Berry

It's by far the sweetest thing you've ever smelled.

Grows in Fall. Seeds can be found for sale at the Traveling Cart during Spring and Summer, and rarely during Fall and Winter. Can be gifted to Old Master Cannoli in the Secret Woods in exchange for a Stardrop.

Tea Leaves

The young leaves of the tea plant. Can be brewed into the popular, energizing beverage.

Grows in all seasons. Can be harvested each day during the last week of Spring, Summer, and Fall (and Winter if indoors).

Wild Seeds

Wild Seeds can be crafted out of foraged plants after learning the recipe at the appropriate foraging level (Spring at level 1, Summer at level 4, Fall at level 6, Winter at level 7). Each recipe will produce 10 seed packets.

When planted, wild seeds will randomly grow into one of that season's foraged plants. Regardless of what ends up growing, wild seeds all take the same amount of time to grow to maturity (7 days, not counting the day planted). Crows do not attack crops grown from Wild Seeds, so the use of Scarecrows is unnecessary.

Since these seeds grow Forage crops, they will be of iridium quality if the Botanist Profession is chosen.
Fruit Trees 🍃 - Part 1
Fruit Trees require 28 days to mature, after which they produce one fruit per day when in season. Fruit can accumulate up to three days before harvesting. Fruit trees do not need to be watered, and will not die in the winter. Fruit saplings will grow during any season, allowing players to plant and prepare for upcoming seasons to bear fruit.

Each Fruit tree must be planted in the center of a clear 3x3 ground area, except that they may be placed next to a permanent structure (i.e., Farmhouse). "Clear" means free of objects, flooring/paths, and terrain features including grass, but not including artifact spots. The 3x3 clear planting area also must not overlap the 3x3 area of another fruit tree. The game prevents planting fruit trees too close to each other, ensuring a minimum distance of two tiles between them in every direction. Fruit trees cannot be moved, and once planted, the expensive saplings cannot be retrieved.

While a fruit tree sapling is immature, the 3x3 area around it must remain clear in order for the sapling to grow. If overnight debris spawns too close to it, the game pops up a message the next morning saying the fruit tree could not grow that night. Objects placed next to a sapling cause the same message and growth obstruction. Once a fruit tree is mature, growth is no longer an issue, and one fruit is produced each day in season. Then objects, including flooring/paths, may be placed next to the fruit tree without hindering production.

A Fruit Tree is planted directly into untilled ground. Fruit trees can grow in the Greenhouse, in the center soil or around the border. Fruit trees planted in the greenhouse or on Ginger Island bear fruit every day after maturity, and will not change color according to the season.

Fruit trees can be chopped down, and yield normal wood.

A complete set of all six fruit tree saplings costs a total of 25,400g if purchased from Pierre's General Store.

Fruit Quality & Price

A tree's fruit increases in quality by one star per year of tree age after reaching maturity. Fruit trees will produce silver star fruit after one year, gold after two years, and iridium after three. Once the tree is fully grown, the surrounding area does not need to be kept clear for the tree's fruit to increase in quality.

Fruit Tree fruit receives the Tiller Profession price bonus when sold, and jelly or wine made from fruit tree fruit receives the Artisan Profession price bonus when sold.


Apricot Tree
The Apricot Sapling is a Fruit Tree sapling that takes 28 days to grow into an Apricot Tree, after which it will produce one fruit each day during the Spring. Like all Fruit Trees, it will produce fruit all year round if planted in the Greenhouse.

It can be purchased from Pierre's General Store and occasionally from the Traveling Cart. It may occasionally be found in treasure rooms in the Skull Cavern.

Cherry Tree

The Cherry Sapling is a Fruit Tree sapling that takes 28 days to grow into a Cherry Tree, after which it will produce one fruit each day during the Spring. Like all Fruit Trees, it will produce fruit all year round if planted in the Greenhouse.

It can be purchased from Pierre's General Store and occasionally from the Traveling Cart. It may occasionally be found in treasure rooms in the Skull Cavern.

Fruit Trees 🍃 - Part 2

Banana Tree

The Banana Tree is a type of fruit tree. The sapling can be purchased at the Island Trader for 5 Dragon Teeth, found in a Golden Coconut when broken, or as a reward from Large Animal collection in Island Field Office. It takes 28 days to grow to maturity, after which it will produce one Banana each day during the Summer in Stardew Valley or year-round on Ginger Island. It can only grow in the center of a 3x3 square, each square of which must be kept completely clear of objects, flooring, and terrain features (including grass). The 3x3 grid must not overlap the 3x3 grid of another Fruit Tree.

For each full year after maturing, fruit trees will produce higher quality fruit, up to iridium star quality after three years. Note that the 3x3 square around the tree doesn't have to be kept clear once the tree has fully grown.

If struck by lightning during a storm, a fruit tree will produce Coal for 4 days instead of fruit.

Fruit trees can be planted in the Greenhouse.

Mango Tree

The Mango Tree is a type of fruit tree. The sapling can be purchased at the Island Trader for 75 Mussels or found in a Golden Coconut when broken. It takes 28 days to grow to maturity, after which it will produce one Mango each day during the Summer in Stardew Valley or year-round on Ginger Island. It can only grow in the center of a 3x3 square, each square of which must be kept completely clear of objects, flooring, and terrain features (including grass). The 3x3 grid must not overlap the 3x3 grid of another Fruit Tree.

For each full year after maturing, fruit trees will produce higher quality fruit, up to iridium star quality after three years. Note that the 3x3 square around the tree doesn't have to be kept clear once the tree has fully grown.

If struck by lightning during a storm, a fruit tree will produce Coal for 4 days instead of fruit.

Fruit trees can be planted in the Greenhouse.

Orange Tree

The Orange Tree is a type of fruit tree. It takes 28 days to grow to maturity, after which it will produce one Orange each day during the Summer. It can only grow in the center of a 3x3 square, each square of which must be kept completely clear of objects, flooring, and terrain features (including grass). The 3x3 grid must not overlap the 3x3 grid of another Fruit Tree.

For each full year after maturing, fruit trees will produce higher quality fruit, up to iridium star quality after three years. Note that the 3x3 square around the tree doesn't have to be kept clear once the tree has fully grown.

If struck by lightning during a storm, a fruit tree will produce Coal for 4 days instead of fruit.

Fruit trees can be planted in the Greenhouse.

Peach Tree

The Peach Tree is a type of fruit tree. It takes 28 days to grow to maturity, after which it will produce one Peach each day during the Summer. It can only grow in the center of a 3x3 square, each square of which must be kept completely clear of objects, flooring, and terrain features (including grass). The 3x3 grid must not overlap the 3x3 grid of another Fruit Tree.

For each full year after maturing, fruit trees will produce higher quality fruit, up to iridium star quality after three years. Note that the 3x3 square around the tree doesn't have to be kept clear once the tree has fully grown.

If struck by lightning during a storm, a fruit tree will produce Coal for 4 days instead of fruit.

Fruit trees can be planted in
Fruit Trees 🍃 - Part 3

Pomegranate Tree

The Pomegranate Tree is a type of fruit tree. It takes 28 days to grow to maturity, after which it will produce one Pomegranate each day during the Fall. It can only grow in the center of a 3x3 square, each square of which must be kept completely clear of objects, flooring, and terrain features (including grass). The 3x3 grid must not overlap the 3x3 grid of another Fruit Tree.

For each full year after maturing, fruit trees will produce higher quality fruit, up to iridium star quality after three years. Note that the 3x3 square around the tree doesn't have to be kept clear once the tree has fully grown.

If struck by lightning during a storm, a fruit tree will produce Coal for 4 days instead of fruit.

Fruit trees can be planted in the Greenhouse.

Apple Tree

The Apple Tree is a type of fruit tree. It takes 28 days to grow to maturity, after which it will produce one Apple each day during the Fall. It can only grow in the center of a 3x3 square, each square of which must be kept completely clear of objects, flooring, and terrain features (including grass). The 3x3 grid must not overlap the 3x3 grid of another Fruit Tree.

For each full year after maturing, fruit trees will produce higher quality fruit, up to iridium star quality after three years. Note that the 3x3 square around the tree doesn't have to be kept clear once the tree has fully grown.

If struck by lightning during a storm, a fruit tree will produce Coal for 4 days instead of fruit.

Fruit trees can be planted in the Greenhouse.
Fish ♓
Fish can be caught in oceans, lakes, rivers, and certain underground locations. Most fish can be caught with a fishing pole. The others require crab pots to catch. Some fish spawn only at certain times of the day, during certain seasons, or during certain weather. Upon catching a fish, the name of the fish and its length are displayed. Players can keep track of how many fish they've caught and their record lengths in their Collections menu. Fish can be used as ingredients in cooking and are required to restore the Fish Tank in the Community Center.

While players can fish near any body of water, some places have lower rates of success. These areas are more likely to produce trash, most of which can be turned into useful items using the Recycling Machine which unlocks at fishing level 4.

All fish can be caught regardless of weather, time, or season using Magic Bait.

Fishing Mini-Game

Whenever a fish is hooked, a minigame which allows the player to catch it is triggered. In this minigame, a fish-like icon moves up and down inside a vertical space. The player controls a green bar, which ascends while the left mouse button is pressed and drops while it's not. The green bar bounces when it reaches the bottom boundary of the minigame unless a Lead Bobber is equipped.

A catch meter increases while the fish is kept inside the green area and decreases while it's not. Once the catch meter is fulfilled, the fish is caught. The fish escapes if the meter becomes empty.

If the player catches a fish without letting it slip out the green area once, the catch is considered "perfect", and that word is displayed above the minigame. Perfection increases the fish quality provided the fish was at least silver quality initially: silver quality fish become gold quality and gold quality fish become iridium quality. It also increases fishing experience by a multiplicative factor of 2.4.

It's only possible to know what fish is hooked after it's caught, as the minigame shows no information about the specimen. The player can, however, deduce it by observing its behavior and knowing the circumstances under which the fish was hooked, such as season, time, weather, and location. The only exception is with legendary fish, which can be seen wearing an orange crown in the fishing minigame.

Upon catching a fish, the name of the fish and its size are displayed. If the player got a new record length for the fish, an animation saying "New record!" is shown. Upon catching a legendary fish, a message saying "You've caught one of the legendary fish." is shown.

Any Season Fish

Below you'll find all the fish that can always be caught, no matter the season, in Stardew Valley:

Spring fish list

Here are the fish that will appear, alongside the year round fish, in spring:

Summer fish list

Alongside the year round fish, you'll be able to catch the following fish throughout summer in Stardew Valley:

Fall fish list

During fall in Stardew Valley, you'll be able to catch, as well as the year round fish, the following fish:

Winter fish list

Below you'll find the fish that, alongside the all year round fish, that you can caught throughout winter in Stardew Valley:
Tackle 🎣
Tackle can be attached to the Iridium Rod to make it easier to catch fish. Most recipes unlock as the player's fishing level increases. Most tackle can also be purchased from the Fish Shop once they are unlocked. Tackles have a durability bar, which decreases on use. Normally, they wear out and disappear after 20 nibbles by fish (indicated by "HIT" popping up on screen). Tackle does not wear out when catching junk items, specifically when catching Green Algae, White Algae, Seaweed, or Trash.

Only the Iridium Rod can equip tackle. To attach tackle to an Iridium Rod, left-click on the tackle, then right-click on the Iridium Rod. To remove tackle, first right-click to remove any bait, then right-click to remove the tackle.

Tackle does not stack in inventory or chests; each tackle takes up one inventory slot.
Night Market Fish 👽
The Night Market runs on the 15th, 16th and 17th of Winter at The Beach from 5pm to 2am. There are a variety of activities for you to partake in during this event, but the fishing related one is the Submarine Ride.
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The Submarine Ride can be found on the far left of the market.
The Submarine Ride runs between 5pm to 11pm and will take you on a deep sea fishing tour for 1,000g.

The journey to the sea floor takes 30 in-game minutes there and back - an hour in total - so, if you're planning on using the submarine, it's a good idea to dedicate a whole night of the Night Market to pure fishing; especially since there are three three that can only be caught on the submarine.

Below you'll find the fish that are exclusive to the Night Market, along with the other fish that and other items that you might catch:

Fish exclusive to the Night Market Submarine:
  • Blobfish
  • Midnight Squid
  • Spook Fish

Other fish you can catch:
  • Octopus
  • Sea Cucumber
  • Super Cucumber

Items you can catch:
  • Pearl
  • Seaweed
Legendary Fish 💥
There are five fish in the game classified as "legendary". These fish are caught in specific places and have a high difficulty. These fish are shown wearing a crown during the fishing minigame. Legendary fish can only be caught once per save file, or once per player in Multiplayer.

The Lost Book named Secrets of the Legendary Fish contains the seasons and locations of the legendary fish.

The high difficulty of these fish makes catching them challenging. Higher fishing skills than required just to hook the fish may be necessary, especially from food bonuses (e.g., from Seafoam Pudding). Having the Iridium Rod and using a Tackle such as the Trap Bobber or Cork Bobber can also help. Ultimately, catching these fish can depend more on luck than on good reactions. Simply try again and again until the fish doesn't move too fiercely.

It is impossible to catch these fish while Mr. Qi's Extended Family quest is active; the corresponding Legendary Fish II fish will be caught instead.

The Crimsonfish is a fish that can be caught in the ocean at The Beach during Summer. It is one of the five Legendary Fish, so it can only be caught once per save file, or once per player in Multiplayer.
  • The special requirements necessary to hook a Crimsonfish are:
  • Fishing level 5, either naturally or using Fishing Buffs.
  • The player must be standing at the far east end of the beach, which can be reached after repairing the small bridge for 300 wood or purchasing the second community upgrade. Any location on the eastern pier works, as does any location on the shore east of the pier.
  • The bobber must be located in water with a Fishing Zone of at least 3, i.e., it must be at least four tiles away from any land (including the pier) in every direction.
  • The Crimsonfish can appear one tile closer to land (Zone=2) if the bobber lands in Bubbles.
When all of these requirements are met, each cast has an 18% chance of hooking a Crimsonfish (25% if using a Curiosity Lure).
The Crimsonfish can be caught regardless of season using Magic Bait.

The Crimsonfish can be found in the ocean at the beach on the eastern pier.

The Angler is a fish that can be caught in Pelican Town during Fall. It is one of the five Legendary Fish, so it can only be caught once per save file, or once per player in Multiplayer.

The special requirements necessary to hook an Angler are:
  • Fishing level 3, either naturally or using Fishing Buffs.
  • The player must be standing at the northernmost end of the river (within 15 tiles of the map edge). This includes the wooden plank bridge, all shoreline north of the bridge, as well as the shoreline up to three tiles south of the wood bridge.
  • There is no Fishing Zone requirement; the bobber can be located anywhere in the river as long as the player is standing in a valid location.

The Angler can be found in the river in Pelican Town north of JojaMart.

The Legend is a Fish that can be caught during Spring in The Mountain lake during rainy weather. It is one of the five Legendary Fish, so it can only be caught once per save file, or once per player in Multiplayer.

The special requirements necessary to hook a Legend are:
  • Fishing level 10, either naturally or using Fishing Buffs.
  • The bobber must be located in water with a Fishing Zone of 5, i.e., it must be at least five tiles away from any land (including bridges) in every direction.
  • The Legend can appear one tile closer to land (Zone=3) if the bobber lands in bubbles.
  • The region of the lake near the large submerged log meets this requirement, as suggested in Secrets of the Legendary Fish. However, there are other locations in the lake that also work.
When all of these requirements are met, each cast has a 10% chance of hooking a Legend (20% if using a Curiosity Lure). Contrary to the information provided by The Fisherman, Act II, none of the other Legendary Fish need to be caught first.

The Legend can be caught regardless of weather or season using Magic Bait.

The Legend can be found in the mountain lake.

The Glacierfish is a fish that can be caught in Cindersap Forest during Winter. It is one of the five Legendary Fish, so it can only be caught once per save file, or once per player in Multiplayer.

The special requirements necessary to hook a Glacierfish are:
  • Fishing level 6, either naturally or using Fishing Buffs.
  • The player must be standing on one specific tile: the one at the southernmost tip of Arrowhead Island. This exact location is revealed in Secrets of the Legendary Fish.
  • The bobber must be located in water with a Fishing Zone of at least 3, i.e., it must be at least four tiles away from any land in every direction.
  • The Glacierfish can appear one tile closer to land (Zone=2) if the bobber lands in Bubbles.
When all of these requirements are met, each cast has a 50% chance of hooking a Glacierfish. Unlike with other Legendary Fish, using a Curiosity Lure does not increase the chance of hooking it.

The Glacierfish can be caught regardless of season using Magic Bait.

The Glacierfish can be found off the southern tip of Arrowhead Island in Cindersap Forest.

Mutant Carp
The Mutant Carp is a fish that can be caught in The Sewers during all seasons. It is one of the five Legendary Fish, so it can only be caught once per save file, or once per player in Multiplayer.

There are no special requirements necessary to hook a Mutant Carp; every cast in the sewers has a 10% chance of hooking one (20% chance if using a Curiosity Lure).

The Mutant Carp can be found in The Sewers.
Legendary Fish 💥 (Qi's Extended Family quest)
There are five legendary fish II that can be caught during Qi's Extended Family quest. They are caught in the same locations and have the same difficulties as the older generation of fish. Note that the fishing bar is the standard fish bar and not distinctly marked as it is with the original legendary fish. In addition, unlike the original legendary fish, it is possible to catch these fish more than once.

It is impossible to catch them when the quest is not active. While this quest is active, it is not possible to catch the original legendary fish, as all of the casts that would be for the original legendary fish will transfer over to these fish instead. This also means that the percent chances of hooking these fish are the same as for the original legendaries. Catching these fish is not required to obtain the Master Angler achievement.

Son of Crimsonfish
The Son of Crimsonfish is one of the five Legendary Fish that must be caught for Mr. Qi's Extended Family Quest. It has the same sell price, healing effect, and location as the Crimsonfish. It can only be caught when the quest is active, but more than one can be caught per quest.

The Ms. Angler is one of the five Legendary Fish that must be caught for Mr. Qi's Extended Family Quest. It has the same sell price, healing effect, and location as the Angler. It can only be caught when the quest is active, but more than one can be caught per quest.

Legend II
The Legend II is one of the five Legendary Fish that must be caught for Mr. Qi's Extended Family Quest. It has the same sell price, healing effect, and location as the Legend. It can only be caught when the quest is active, but more than one can be caught per quest.

Glacierfish Jr.
The Glacierfish Jr. is one of the five Legendary Fish that must be caught for Mr. Qi's Extended Family Quest. It has the same sell price, healing effect, and location as the Glacierfish. It can only be caught when the quest is active, but more than one can be caught per quest.

Radioactive Carp
The Radioactive Carp is one of the five Legendary Fish that must be caught for Mr. Qi's Extended Family Quest. It has the same sell price, healing effect, and location as the Mutant Carp. It can only be caught when the quest is active, but more than one can be caught per quest.
Fish Pond 🐾
The Fish Pond is a type of farm building purchasable from Robin at the Carpenter's Shop. It takes two days to build and occupies a 5x5 tile space.

The following can be placed in a Fish Pond:

All fish caught with Fishing Rod or Crab Pot, except Legendary fish and Qi's Extended Family
Coral and Sea Urchin (for simplicity, these are included when referencing fish in a Fish Pond, even though they are otherwise considered forage and not fish)
The following cannot be placed in a Fish Pond:

Legendary fish (Legend, Mutant Carp, Crimsonfish, Glacierfish, and Angler)
Qi's Extended Family (Ms. Angler, Glacierfish Jr., Son of Crimsonfish, Radioactive Carp and Legend II)
Clam, which can be caught in a Crab Pot and is an option for the Bundle Purple.png Crab Pot Bundle in the Fish Tank but is not considered a fish
Green Algae, Seaweed, and White Algae, which count towards the fishing achievements but are not fish
Fish in a Fish Pond have a chance to produce Roe or certain other items. The chance of producing an item and the item produced is determined randomly based on the contents and population of the Fish Pond. Also, fish reproduce up to the limit of their Fish Pond, except Tiger Trout, which do not reproduce. The time it takes for a new fish to spawn varies from 1 to 5 days, depending on the fish.

Fish can be harvested one at a time by casting the fishing pole into the pond. Harvested fish are always of regular quality (even if higher quality fish were thrown into the pond). Although energy is consumed when casting the rod into the pond, a simplified mechanism is used for catching the fish: fish are caught automatically (without the minigame), no bait is consumed, and the durability of tackle is not depleted. The fish do not count towards the Fish Collection, and no fishing experience is gained by harvesting fish from a pond. However, fishing experience is gained when completing fish pond quests or collecting items produced by a pond.

Each pond holds only one type of fish at a time. Ponds are populated by holding the desired fish (with the inventory menu closed) and right-clicking on the pond to "throw" the fish in. Attempting to throw in a legendary fish yields a prompt saying "The [fish] wouldn't be happy in there." Attempting to throw a fish into a pond that already contains a different type of fish yields a prompt saying that type of fish doesn't want to live in a pond of another type.

The standard initial capacity of a pond is three fish. Several rare fish have an initial capacity of just one fish, namely Blobfish, Ghostfish, Ice Pips, Lava Eels, Slimejacks, Stonefish, Sturgeons, Void Salmons, and Woodskips. Conversely, Tiger Trout, Sea Urchins, and Coral have an initial capacity of ten.

Empty Pond
A fish pond can be emptied either by using a fishing rod to catch and remove each fish, or by selecting the “empty pond” option in the fish pond menu.

Catching and removing all the fish simply reduces the pond population but does not reset the pond. Only the same species of fish can be added to the pond; all quest-related capacity increases are retained.

Selecting the “empty pond” option in the fish pond fully resets the pond, returning it to the same state as a newly built pond. However, all fish in the pond are lost. To avoid this, catch and remove all of the fish before resetting the pond.

Fish in a pond reproduce at a fixed rate until they reach the pond's current capacity. Fish quests allow the player to increase the capacity of the pond, up to a maximum capacity of 10 fish.

The fish spawn frequency is species dependent, and ranges from 1 to 5 days (except for Tiger Trout, which does not reproduce). More expensive fish spawn more slowly. Fish will reproduce even if only one fish is present in the pond. Instead of waiting for fish spawning, more fish can be thrown into the pond up to its current capacity.

A new fish quest is initiated when population growth is prevented by the pond capacity. This is indicated by an exclamation point appearing in the center of the pond. A quest is not triggered if the player throws fish into a pond to reach capacity. Instead, the player must wait 1-5 days for the fish quest to start. (Adding fish to the pond does not reset the fish spawning clock, so the next quest will start Spawn_Frequency days after the last spawning event or completed quest). Also, removing fish from a pond with an active quest disables the quest and removes the quest exclamation point, but it does not reset the quest -- as soon as the pond returns to capacity, the quest resumes with the same item requested again.

The fish quests require the player to fetch a specified number of one item and throw it into the pond. If multiples of an item are requested, they are added one at a time, meaning different qualities can be combined. When a quest is completed, the fish will jump out of the pond and thank the player (using one of 19 responses). Also, the player is granted 25-45 Fishing XP (dependent upon the fish spawning frequency, XP = 20 + 5 × Spawn_Frequency).

The possible items depend upon the fish species and the pond capacity. When multiple items are possible for a given quest (or when the number of requested items is variable), the details of the request are randomly selected when the quest initiates. The random selection is seeded based on the fish pond location and day when the quest initiated; reloading a game save will not alter the selection.

The fish population does not immediately increase when a quest is complete. Instead, the fish spawning clock resets to zero days, and the next population increase happens Spawn_Frequency days later. This means that even if a fish quest is completed immediately, the fish population takes more than twice as long to increase each time there is a quest. For example, instead of taking 45 days for an Ice Pip pond to reach a population of 10, it takes at least 69 days (assuming only one initial fish is thrown into the pond).

Fish ponds may produce items in the chum bucket daily, with items being more likely at higher fish populations. The most common item is Roe, but at high populations, some fish can produce rare or valuable items.

Any produced items are collected by clicking on the fish pond. Uncollected items only persist to the next day if new items are not produced; otherwise the new items replace the uncollected items. Collecting an item grants Fishing XP according to XP = 10 + (0.04 × the sell price of the item)

The base chance that an item is possible ranges from 23% to 95% (base_chance = (population of pond × 0.08) + 0.15). Empty ponds never produce items. The game then selects which item will appear, based on the fish species and population. The item-selection can produce no item (especially at low populations), meaning that the overall daily item chance may be much lower than the base 23-95% value.

The table below shows all possible fish pond products, along with the required fish pond population for the item to be possible. The column "% of Items" provides each item's chance as a fraction of all items produced by the pond. The column "Overall Daily Chance" is the chance of the item appearing on a given day, obtained by multiplying the base chance (23-95%) by the "% of Items". Both chances may vary depending upon the fish pond population, as may the possible counts of a given item. More details on all item chances are provided on each individual fish page.
Crab Pot 🦀
Crab pots are floated on the shores of bodies of water (lakes, ponds, rivers, or oceans) and primed with bait to catch fish. Any type of bait can be used in a crab pot, but there is no benefit to using specialized types of bait. Players with the Luremaster profession don't need to add bait.

Harvesting a crab pot gives 5 Fishing experience points, even if trash is caught or the item is normally a Beach forage item. Fish caught with crab pots also count towards the four fishing achievements (Fisherman, Ol' Mariner, Master Angler, and Mother Catch).

Crab pots can be crafted or purchased from Willy's Fish Shop forn 1,500g after reaching Fishing level 3. Three crab pots are rewarded for completing the Bundle Crab Pot Bundle in the Fish Tank.

Crab pots have three stages, which can be distinguished visually:

The day after placing a crab pot, the following items can be found in it:

Unless the player has the Mariner profession, the following trash items can be obtained by putting a crab pot in any type of water. The chance of trash appearing is 38% regardless of luck or fishing skill; all trash items are equally likely to appear. Trash can be recycled into useful items.

The following creatures can be caught by putting a crab pot in any saltwater location. Note that only normal quality fish or items can be caught with a crab pot.

The following creatures can be caught by putting a crab pot into any freshwater location. Note that only normal quality fish can be caught with a crab pot.

Farm Ponds will yield Crab Pot Fish, even ponds where a Fishing Rod can only catch trash. Crab Pots also work in all underground locations (e.g., The Sewers). The pools found in the Mines are the only exceptions. While Crab Pots can be placed in the mine’s pools, they will vanish and be permanently lost after leaving the level. Crab Pots cannot be placed into fountains (e.g., in Pelican Town or outside the Spa).

Animals ♥ - Part 1
Animals fulfill several roles on the farm. Some are wildlife, which cannot be interacted with. A pet (cat or dog) can be earned which the player can form a friendship with. A horse can be purchased to ride. And "farm animals" can be purchased which serve as a source of various kinds of produce, providing resources and profit.

Farm animals require a building to house them. These may be obtained from Robin at the Carpenter's Shop, and usually require three days each to build. Baby farm animals (and related equipment needed for harvesting produce) can then be purchased from Marnie's Ranch. Animals may also be hatched from an Incubator. As soon as an animal is acquired, it must be assigned to an existing farm building of the right type, which is designated as its home. Each building has a limit to the number of animals it can house. Animals can be assigned to a different building by first petting it and then interacting with it a second time. A pop-up box appears that allows the reassignment to be made.

Baby farm animals must first mature into adults before they are able to produce animal products. Each morning, adult animals that live in coops (chickens, ducks, rabbits and dinosaurs) have a chance of producing products that can be gathered from the floor of their building. Using the Milk Pail, cows can usually be milked daily, and goats can usually be milked once every two days. Sheep can be shorn with the Shears when their wool grows in, and pigs can be let outside to dig up truffles that then be picked up from the barnyard.

Cat or Dog

The player is allowed to adopt either a cat or a dog, depending on which was chosen on the character creation screen. There are three different styles of cat and three different styles of dog.

A cutscene will trigger where Marnie will be waiting outside the farm's door with a dog or cat on the first sunny Wednesday or Friday morning in Spring after earning Gold.png1,000g. The Farmhouse must be exited between 6am and 9:30am to trigger this event. By the 20th of Spring the event will trigger, regardless of if the player made enough money. Adopting the pet is optional. Any name can be chosen for the pet the moment it is adopted, though its name cannot be changed after adopting it. If the player has not yet met Marnie before this cutscene, the meeting will count as an introduction.

The pet has a maximum friendship of 1000, increasing by 12 every time it is petted. Every 200 points is equal to 1 level, and having 999 friendship points will make the player eligible for 1 point in Grandpa's Evaluation. Click on the pet once each day to pet it.

After reaching 1000 friendship points with the pet, the following message pops up: " <Animal Name> loves you ♡" Other than this message, there is no way to check friendship with the pet in-game.

There is a bowl on some wooden tiles somewhere on the farm. It is in the top left area next to the house on the standard, forest, wilderness, hilltop, and riverland farms. It is on the intersection of the different sections on the four corners farm, and right above the right shore on the beach farm. The bowl can be filled with water for the pet. Watering the pet's bowl will result in the pet's friendship increasing by 6 points by next morning. Note that this will not trigger if it is raining the next morning. On rainy days, the pet's bowl will automatically be full. If it rains before adopting a pet, the bowl will remain full until adopting a pet.

There is no mechanism for pet friendship to decrease. Ignoring the pet or using a slingshot on it will not decrease friendship.

After earning 4 hearts of Friendship with the Wizard, the player can enter his basement and change the style of cat or dog at the Shrine of Illusions for Gold.png500g. The pet cannot be changed from cat to dog or vice-versa.


The horse is an in-game mount that boosts movement speed by 30% (increased by drinking coffee), and doesn't slow down while riding through crops on the farm. It's automatically obtained after purchasing the Stable from the Carpenter's Shop. The horse can be named once the player tries riding it for the first time, however, the chosen name cannot be changed.

Leaving the horse somewhere will result in it waiting for the player and on their return one of these messages will be shown: "<Horse name> is wondering where you've been" or "Your loyal horse waits patiently for your return". Going to bed after leaving the horse outside the farm, will result in the horse automatically finding its way home and in the stable the next morning.

The horse can't travel through small gaps (except gates) when travelling vertically.

These can be interacted with while mounted on the horse:

  • Gate: can be opened and closed.
  • Coop and Barn: animal doors can be opened and closed.
  • Shipping Bin: items can be placed inside.
  • Fish Pond: can collect items, add fish, add quest items, change appearance and empty pond.
  • Villagers: can speak to villagers.

The Horse Flute can be used to warp the horse to the player. It only works outdoors (including Ginger Island and the Desert).

Hats can be placed on horses.

Animal Care

Animals that live in barns and coops have a friendship rating that can be seen by right-clicking the animal after petting (while holding hay, this window cannot be opened). The rating is out of 5 hearts, is shown in half-heart increments, and is taken into account when deciding how likely that animal is to produce higher-quality products if that animal is capable of producing them in the first place.

Each half-heart is equivalent to 100 points of friendship, making the maximum value of Friendship 1000.

Actions that affect friendship are as follows:

  • Petting (+15, or +30 if player has Shepherd or Coopmaster and animal is of relevant type)
  • Milking or Shearing (+5, No penalty for not being milked or sheared)
  • Eating Grass Outside (+8)

  • Not Fed (-20 Calculated day-end)
  • Trapped outside overnight (-20 Calculated day-end)
  • Not Pet/Talked to (-5 to -10, Calculated day-end by the formula: (10 - (Friendship / 200))).
  • This means they will lose less friendship if they are already at high friendship.
Animals ♥ - Part 2

New animals must grow to adulthood before they start producing anything. Each animal type has a different amount of days required before they will be able to make a product. For example, cows and chickens can produce milk and eggs every day, and goats generally produce milk every other day. Animals who can produce a Deluxe/Large product will sometimes produce more frequently, however (see "Special case" below.)

If the animal has met the required amount of days to create their product, some additional checks will be made to determine if they will actually produce.

  • If the animal was not fed, it will not produce.
  • If the animal has less than 70 Mood, there is a chance it will not produce. The lower the mood, the less likely it will produce. The percent chance it will still produce is equal to Mood / 70.

Whether an animal produces a Deluxe or Large product, and the quality of the products, is determined at the very beginning of the day by some randomness as well as a combination of Mood and Friendship.

  • If an animal has 150 Mood or above, it will gain the ability to produce Quality and Large or Deluxe products. (Note, this is just the ability, the actual chance for these items is covered in the sections below, Quality and Large/Deluxe products are not guaranteed)
  • If an animal is below 150 Mood, it still has a chance to have the ability to produce Quality and Large or Deluxe products. The lower the mood, the less likely. The percent chance to gain the ability is equal to Mood / 150.

Special case: If an animal meets the requirement to produce something, but does not gain the ability to create a Quality or Large/Deluxe product, the game will not register the fact that it produced an item that day. In this case, animals that normally would take multiple days to produce, will produce again immediately the next day.


Buildings can be purchased from the Carpenter's Shop, and will be completed in 3 days. Once placed, buildings can be moved around at the Carpenter's Shop as well.

Barns, Coops and Slime Hutches house animals, Silos store hay, and the Stable unlocks the Horse.

If 2 or more Coops or Barns are built, animals can be relocated by clicking on the animal and choosing the house icon.


Farm animals who live in barns and coops need to eat every day, one "portion" per animal. They can eat either fresh grass (if allowed outside) or hay (if kept inside or are unable to find grass). They do not die if not fed, but become upset and cease production of animal products until feeding resumes. They do not need to be fed on a festival day (except the Night Market), though they will eat grass if left outside. No hay will be consumed if they are left inside.

Newly hatched, born, or purchased animals do not need to be fed on the day they arrive on the farm, but baby animals thereafter need to eat one "portion" (the same as adults) each day. If they don't have food, they do not grow on that day.

Farm animals prefer fresh grass over hay, and become "very happy today!" (the best mood) upon eating fresh grass. They will not go out in winter, or when it is rainy, stormy, or snowy. Animals that remain inside or do not find grass to eat will eat hay instead, if it is available. Given that growing animal food is nearly impossible in Winter (all Grass and Wheat on the Farm disappears on Winter 1), it is advisable to prepare by harvesting as much Hay as possible in Fall.

Slimes in a Slime Hutch need no food, but their troughs can be filled daily with water from the watering can or automatically with a sprinkler. If watered, they will produce Slime Balls the next day.

Horses and pets do not need to eat, but pets will be happier once the water bowl is filled each day.

Animals Trapped Outside

Animals that do go outside normally return to their buildings by 6pm to sleep. Closing the barn doors again in the evening prevents them from leaving immediately in the morning to eat grass, before the player has time to pet and tend to them the next day. Closing the door before all the animals have returned will result in the ones left out overnight vulnerable to wild animal attacks.

The exact conditions that cause an animal to be trapped outside are not clear. It may be more likely for an animal to be trapped outside if the player does not leave the farm after 5pm (when animals begin to return to the barn/coop) and does not enter the barn/coop after 5pm. (Leaving the farm and entering the barn/coop after 5pm both causes animals to transport or spawn to the inside of the barn/coop automatically). It may also be more likely to happen if the player goes to bed before 5pm.

If it rains the next day, and the animal was left out, the animal will stay outside in the rain. This is the only instance in which a farm animal will be outside during the rain. Similarly, if an animal is trapped outside on the night of Fall 28, the animal will stay outside on Winter 1.

An animal left outside its barn/coop will be grumpy the next day.

Wild Animal Attacks

If an animal has been trapped outside (see previous section) with the barn or coop doors closed, there is a chance they will be attacked by a wild animal during the night.

After the player goes to sleep, any events that will happen during the night (such as Bundle events) are calculated as normal. If no events are due to occur, there will be a 50% chance that the game will attempt to start a wild animal attack event. If this event proceeds, the game will go through all buildings to find a barn or coop that has their doors closed and has animals left outside.

For each building, the game takes a random number between 0 and 1 and compares it to 1/(the number of total farm buildings). If the random number is larger, the building is ignored. In other words, the more buildings the player has, the less likely that one will be attacked. For example, if the player has two farm buildings, each building has a 50% chance of being attacked, three buildings would give 33%, four would give 25% chance of being attacked, etc.

Once a building has been chosen, the event takes the first animal stuck outside from that building to be the target of the attack. The animal will be removed from the game and in the morning, all other animals will have a mood message saying "<animal name> looks stressed and paranoid today. It seems like something bad happened last night." Besides this message, the other animals are unaffected.

Animal Births

Similar to animal attacks, if there are no other events occurring in the night, there will be a 50% chance that the game will attempt an animal birth event. The game searches through all buildings for an upgraded Barn that isn't full. The game then makes another check where the chance of proceeding with the event is the number of animals inside multiplied by 0.55%. For example, an upgraded barn with three animals inside would have a 1.65% chance of passing this check. If the building fails this check, the game will continue going through all buildings until none are left.

If a barn passes all these checks, a random animal inside is chosen. If the animal is not a baby and has pregnancy enabled, that animal will give birth.

Selling Animals
To sell a coop or barn animal, right-click the animal after petting. The friendship/mood interface appears. Move the cursor over the gold coin button at the right to see how much the animal can be sold for. Click that button and the
Coop Animals 💚
These animals cannot be purchased until a Coop is built on the farm, and must occupy a spot in a coop. They will leave their products inside the coop each morning.


Adult chickens will produce eggs every morning if fed. Happier chickens may produce larger, more valuable eggs.
Whether a white or brown chicken is received when purchasing from Marnie is random.

After seeing Shane's 8-heart event, each chicken purchased from Marnie or a brown or white egg being hatched in an Incubator has a 25% chance of being blue. Aside from appearance, blue chickens are identical to white chickens.

A White, Brown, or Blue (if blue has been unlocked) Chicken can be received from incubating an egg of either type (White or Brown).

A Void Chicken must be hatched from a Void Egg in an Incubator. There are three ways to obtain a Void Egg. In a random event after sleeping, a Witch will fly over one of the Big or Deluxe Chicken Coops, leaving a Void Egg in the morning. Alternatively, a Void Egg can be purchased from Krobus for 5,000g in The Sewers. Shane may also gift a Void Egg if married to him.

To obtain Golden Eggs and Golden Chickens, Perfection must be reached. After that, a Golden Egg can be purchased from Marnie's Ranch for 100,000g, Qi's Walnut Room for 100, or during the Witch event.


Adult ducks will lay an egg or drop a Duck Feather every other day. Happier ducks have a higher chance to produce a Duck Feather instead of an egg.


Happy adult rabbits will produce Wool every 4 days. Rabbits will drop wool on their own. Happier rabbits have a higher chance to produce a Rabbit's Foot instead.


To obtain a Dinosaur, a Dinosaur Egg must be found, and then placed in an Incubator. In approximately 12.5 days, a Dinosaur will hatch.

The Dinosaur acts like any other coop animal, but it lays a Dinosaur Egg every 7 days and makes no sound.

Barn Animals 💙
hese animals cannot be purchased until a Barn is built on the farm, and must occupy a spot in a barn. Their products are either gathered with a tool, or in the case of pigs, left on the ground outside while grazing.

Barn animals may become pregnant at random if the pregnancy option is enabled on their status menu. This is opened by interacting with the animal after petting it. An icon to the right of the menu can be toggled to allow pregnancy for that animal. If an animal becomes pregnant, during the night a message box will pop up saying an animal gave birth. The game will then prompt the player to choose a name for the new animal. For pregnancy to happen the player needs to have upgraded to at least a Big Barn and have enough room for another animal.


Adult Cows will produce Milk daily. If they reach higher friendship, they will produce Large Milk, which is much more valuable. Milk is collected with a Milk Pail.


Goats typically produce milk every other day. Like with cows, milk from goats may be harvested with a Milk Pail


Sheep can be shorn when their coat grows in. Shears can be purchased at Marnie's Ranch.

A sheep will normally grow in its coat every 3rd day if it has been fed and has at least 70 happiness.

If the player has 900 or more Friendship with the sheep and has pet it at least one time, it will reduce it to every other day.

If the player also has the Shepherd profession, it will reduce the time required to regrow by an extra day, making a sheep grow its coat every single day.


Pigs will find Truffles after being let outdoors. Truffles can be used in the Oil Maker to make Truffle Oil.

Collection will be affected by Foraging skill, allowing the player to gather iridium quality Truffles with a chance of double harvest.

During Winter, pigs will not produce Truffles since they don't leave the barn.


Other Animals 💜
Many animals can be seen throughout the game, but cannot be interacted with, such as rabbits, squirrels, frogs, crows, woodpeckers, sparrows, butterflies, etc. Squirrels may occasionally cause Hazelnuts or other tree seeds to fall to the ground, and rabbits can knock berries from bushes during Salmonberry or Blackberry season. Some "other" animals are described below.


Butterflies are abundant, and come in many colors, though they can only be seen outdoors in warm weather. To see butterflies, shake or chop trees, or place a Butterfly Hutch.


Every night, there is a chance that crows will eat crops[3] (including Fiber Seeds) on The Farm. Crows will not eat crops grown from wild seeds, seeds themselves (i.e., crops planted that day), or crops within range of one or more scarecrows.

For every 16 crops (rounded down), a crow may try to eat a crop. This is maxed at 4 crows.

Each crow has a 30% chance of attempting to eat. A crow attempting to eat a crop will try 10 times to find an eligible crop. A crow chooses a random tile on the farm that is either tilled, contains a tree, contains grass, or has flooring on it. (Note: This is done after overnight un-tilling[4]) If this tile contains a crop that has grown beyond seeds, the crow will stop looking. If the crop is in range of a scarecrow, the crow will be scared off. Otherwise the crow will eat the crop. Note that crows will eat dead crops leftover from previous seasons.

Each crow will only eat one crop, but may continue to hop around and peck at the ground afterwards. This animation is purely cosmetic.

Before scarecrows are unlocked, the only way to ensure no crows appear is to plant at most 15 crops at a time. This implies that the initial 15 Parsnip Seeds provided by Lewis can all be safely planted; harvesting them gives the player enough experience to reach Farming level 1 and unlock scarecrows. However, planting just one additional crop (even wild seeds, or a crop at the seed stage) can trigger crows.

Note that there are no crows on the Ginger Island farm, so this section does not apply to crops that are planted there.


During the summer, fireflies can be seen everywhere at night, particularly in Cindersap Forest. They create a small glow of light around them.


Owls can be seen only at night. In Spring and Summer, they can appear starting at 8pm; in Fall at 7pm, and in Winter at 6pm. There is a 1% chance for an owl to appear every 10 in-game minutes.

引用自 me
Owls as they can only be seen in the data file.


Seagulls appear at the beach. They can be seen floating in the water, doing nothing, or cleaning themselves with their beak. When on the ground, they may also move slightly in the direction they're facing by hopping.

Should the player get too close, they will fly away.
Monsters 💢
Monsters are enemies found in the Mines, the Skull Cavern, the Quarry Mine, the Mutant Bug Lair, the Volcano Dungeon, and, optionally, on the farm. Monsters can attack the player and damage their health. When killed, monsters have a chance of dropping monster loot and other items. Killing monsters increases the player's combat skill, except on the farm.

Monsters on The Farm

Optionally, monsters appear at night on the farm. When creating a new game, the advanced option "Spawn monsters on the farm" toggles monsters on or off for any farm map. The Wilderness Farm is the only farm map with monsters on by default. Offering a strange bun to the Dark Shrine of Night Terrors in the Witch's Hut toggles monsters on or off in-game.

Monsters on the farm scale with the player's combat level. At higher levels, more difficult monsters spawn and the Wilderness Golem is more difficult to kill.

Dangerous Monsters

Monsters in the Mines and the Skull Cavern are more dangerous during the Danger in the Deep and Skull Cavern Invasion quests, or while the Shrine of Challenge is toggled on.

Dangerous monsters have unique sprites and stats. With few exceptions, their health, damage, and sometimes defense are higher, and their speed identical, when compared to their non-dangerous counterparts. Killing dangerous monsters earns the player the same amount of combat experience points as most of their non-dangerous counterparts.

The Putrid Ghost, Skeleton Mage, and Shadow Sniper feature unique debuffs.
Festivals ✨ - Part 1
Festivals are special events in Stardew Valley. Mayor Lewis will send the player a letter in advance of each festival, describing when and where it will take place. On the day of the festival, a pop-up on left-hand side of the screen will let the player know when the festival has begun. If they choose to attend a festival (other than the Night Market), upon leaving they will be returned to The Farm late at night.

If it is a festival day other than the Night Market, animals do not need to be fed; the game will automatically consider them fed.

Attendance at festivals is entirely optional. Speaking to villagers at festivals will increase friendship points, the same as any other day. Some festivals can have special effects on friendship, such as increasing friendship with every known villager, or increased friendship for gifting.

In a multiplayer game, every player who is present needs to enter the festival area to proceed (except for the Night Market). The same goes for leaving it, if it doesn't end automatically. Generally only the host can initiate further events.


Egg Festival
The Egg Festival takes place on the 13th of every Spring. The player attends the festival by entering Pelican Town Square between 9am and 2pm. When the festival ends, the player is returned to The Farm at 10pm.

The featured attraction of the Egg Festival is the Egg Hunt. The player and some other villagers search for small colored eggs hidden around Pelican Town. The Egg Hunt starts by talking to Mayor Lewis. The player must gather 9 colored eggs (in 50 seconds, real time), or else Abigail will win. (In multiplayer games, less than 9 eggs are required to win.) If they win, they will receive a Straw Hat as a reward the first year they win, and 1,000g afterwards.

There is a booth set up where the player can purchase a decorative Lawn Flamingo, Plush Bunny, Seasonal Plants, and Strawberry Seeds. (Planting the strawberry seeds on or before Spring 16, will allow the player to harvest Strawberries two times before Summer).

The festival ends after Mayor Lewis announces the winner of the Egg Hunt.

Flower Dance
The Flower Dance event takes place on the 24th of every Spring. The player attends the dance by entering Cindersap Forest between 9am and 2pm. When the festival ends, the player is returned to The Farm at 10pm.

The dance takes place in the far west of the forest, across the bridge that is south of the Wizard's Tower. This area is accessible only during the Flower Dance.

There is a booth set up where the player can purchase a Dandelion, Daffodil, Tub o' Flowers, Seasonal Decor, Seasonal Plants, and Rarecrow #5.

During this festival, the player can dance with one of the bachelors or bachelorettes, or another player in multiplayer. They must talk to them (twice) and invite them to dance, but they will refuse unless the player has at least four hearts of friendship with them. The player can talk to the other villagers and they will have event-related dialogue.

Dancing will increase friendship with their partner by 1 heart (250 points). The dance begins after talking to Lewis. The festival ends after the dance is performed.


The Luau takes place on the 11th of every Summer. The player attends the Luau by entering The Beach between 9am and 2pm. When the Luau ends, the player is returned to The Farm at 10pm.

A central feature of the Luau is the potluck soup. Villagers bring different ingredients to prepare this soup for the Governor, who tastes and judges it. The soup-tasting begins by talking to Mayor Lewis.

Depending upon the type and quality of the ingredients the player supplies for the soup, there will be different reactions from the Governor and Mayor Lewis. The outcome may increase or reduce friendship points with all villagers.

The Luau ends automatically after the Governor tastes the soup.

Dance of the Moonlight Jellies
The Dance of the Moonlight Jellies takes place on the 28th of every Summer. The player enters the festival by entering The Beach between 10pm and 12am. When the festival ends, the player is returned to The Farm at 12am.

During the festival, villagers gather at the docks to watch migrating jellyfish who are attracted to the light of a torch that Mayor Lewis lights. Talk to Mayor Lewis to begin the festival.

The festival ends automatically after watching the jellyfish.
Festivals ✨ - Part 2

Stardew Valley Fair
The Stardew Valley Fair takes place on the 16th of Fall every year. The player attends the fair by entering Pelican Town between 9am and 3pm, and upon leaving the festival, is returned to The Farm at 10pm.

There are several games where the player can gain Star Tokens, a currency that can be exchanged for prizes at the Shop near the entrance to the Bus Stop.

The Fair also has a Grange Display contest where the player can show the products of the farm and gain Star Tokens. Talking to Mayor Lewis after completing the Grange Display initiates the judging process. Once the items have been judged the player is notified and can return to Mayor Lewis to collect the results. Items displayed in the Grange Display are returned, but not automatically. If a player forgets to collect the items, they can be found in the lost and found box in the Mayor's Manor.

During the Fair, the player can eat Survival Burgers cooked by Gus north of Pierre's General Store for free.

The festival ends when the player leaves Pelican Town.

Spirit's Eve
The Spirit's Eve festival takes place on the 27th of Fall every year. The player enters the festival by entering Pelican Town between 10pm and 11:50pm, and upon leaving the festival, is returned to The Farm at 12am.

The festival features a maze where it is possible to obtain the Golden Pumpkin. Pierre has a shopping booth where the player can purchase festive items including a Rarecrow, Jack-O-Lantern, and the Jack-O-Lantern recipe.

The maze is located to the north of Pierre's festive shop. The maze has few dead ends and progresses in a nearly linear fashion. There is no time limit to complete the maze. Towards the end of the maze, in the northwest corner of the map, walk through a block of hedges to the left of a wooden sign with a question mark. Once through, go north through an open cavern and continue east to get to the Golden Pumpkin.

The festival ends when the player leaves Pelican Town.


Festival of Ice
The Festival of Ice takes place on the 8th of every Winter. The player enters the festival by entering Cindersap Forest between 9am and 2pm. When the festival ends, the player is returned to The Farm at 10pm.

At the festival there are ice sculptures and igloos set up as well as a small shop selling festive decorations. There's also an Ice Fishing Contest the player can take part in along with Pam, Willy, and Elliott. The player wins if they catch at least five fish. Players are automatically provided with a fishing rod for the duration of the competition. The first win earns the player two tackles, 1 Magnet bait, and a Sailor's Cap. Subsequent years earn the player 2,000g.

The festival ends after Lewis announces the winner of the Ice Fishing contest.

Night Market
The Night Market takes place during Winter 15-17, on the beach, from 5pm-2am. The festival features shops, a mermaid show, and a deep-sea fishing submarine where the player can catch unique fish.

Unlike other festivals, shops and homes throughout Stardew Valley are not closed on the days of the Night Market, and time continues to pass during the festival.

Feast of the Winter Star
The Feast of the Winter Star takes place on the 25th of every Winter. The player attends the festival by entering Pelican Town between 9am and 2pm, and upon leaving the festival, is returned to The Farm at 10pm.

The main event of the Feast of the Winter Star is secret gift-giving. A random villager will be selected to give the player a gift, and they are assigned a random villager to give a gift to. A week beforehand, on the 18th, Mayor Lewis will send a letter telling the player who their gift recipient is. At the festival, talking to their gift recipient will pop up their inventory to decide gift to give. Upon giving a gift, the recipient will give a response and player's gift-receiving cutscene occurs, where they will find out who is giving them a gift at the festival.

The festival ends when the player leaves Pelican Town.
Artisan Goods 🍯 - Part 1
Artisan Goods are items that can be created using Artisan Equipment. They can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days (in-game time) to be processed. Most Artisan Goods do not have a star quality, so the star quality of the ingredients used is ignored. The only exception is the Ostrich Egg, the star quality of whose artisan product will match that of the ingredient.

If the Artisan Profession is chosen after reaching level 10 Farming, Artisan Goods will be worth 40% more (with the exception of Oil and Coffee). Tree Syrups (Maple Syrup, Oak Resin, and Pine Tar) do not benefit from the Artisan Profession, and are not included here. They are labeled as "Artisan Goods" in-game, however. (Their value is instead affected by the Tapper Profession.)

One Artisan Good, the Piña Colada, can be obtained only from the Island Resort on Ginger Island on Sundays when Gus tends the bar there.

Bee House

The Bee House is a type of Artisan Equipment used to make Honey. A Bee House is the reward for completing the Bundle Orange.png Fall Crops Bundle in the Pantry.

To make honey, place a Bee House on the farm during any season but winter, and wait 4 nights. Bee houses can be placed indoors (e.g., in the Greenhouse) but will not produce honey there. Bee houses placed outside the farm will produce wild honey every 4 days, but they will be destroyed if they are placed in a villager's path.

A fully-grown and unharvested flower within 5 tiles of a Bee House will cause it to produce flower honey, which always sells for more than flowerless Wild Honey. Flowers that are normally foraged (i.e., Crocus and Sweet Pea) do not affect the honey. Additionally, a Dandelion or Daffodil will not affect the honey as these items are classified as forage rather than flowers. Flowers grown in Garden Pots will not cause Bee Houses to produce flower honey.

The type of honey is established the moment it is harvested. If a Bee House has produced flower honey, but the flower is harvested before the honey, the honey will become wild honey. Similarly, if a Bee House has produced flowerless wild honey, but the honey is harvested after a flower bloomed in range, the harvested honey will be flower honey.

If a Bee House is removed with a tool while it has flower honey ready for harvesting, the honey will go into inventory as "Wild Honey".


The Cask is a type of Artisan Equipment used to age Artisan Goods. It takes Beer, Cheese, Goat Cheese, Mead, Pale Ale, and Wine, and ages them to increase their quality and value.

Normal, silver, and gold quality items can be prematurely removed from a cask at any time by striking the cask with an Axe, Hoe, or Pickaxe. A star will appear on the front of the cask denoting the quality of the item inside.

Casks are able to produce items with "iridium star" quality. Iridium star is the highest level of quality, which doubles the value of an item. Different types of items take longer or slower to age. Wine takes the longest, at 2 seasons of aging to go from basic wine to iridium quality wine.

Casks can be placed anywhere; however, they will only accept goods to refine if they are actually in the cellar.

Cheese Press

The Cheese Press is a type of Artisan Equipment used to make Artisan Goods. It takes Milk and turns it into Cheese.

Regular quality Milk produces regular quality Cheese, and regular quality Goat Milk produces regular quality Goat Cheese. Large Milk and Large Goat Milk produce gold quality cheeses. Cheese and Goat Cheese can be aged in Casks to increase their value.

A Cheese Press is the reward for completing the Bundle Red.png Animal Bundle in the Pantry.


The Keg is a type of Artisan Equipment used to make Artisan Goods. A Keg is the reward for completing the Bundle Purple Artisan Bundle in the Pantry or the Bundle Orange Brewer's Bundle in the Pantry (Remixed).


The Loom is a type of Artisan Equipment used to make Artisan Goods. It takes wool and turns it into cloth.

Placing quality Wool into a Loom gives a chance to produce 2 Cloth. Silver gives a 10% chance, gold gives a 25% chance, and iridium gives a 50% chance. This makes cloth one of the only artisan goods in the game that is actually affected by the quality level of its input.

Artisan Goods 🍯 - Part 2
Mayonnaise Machine

The Mayonnaise Machine is a type of Artisan Equipment used to make Artisan Goods. It takes eggs and turns them into various kinds of Mayonnaise.

Oil Maker

The Oil Maker is a type of Artisan Equipment used to make Artisan Goods. It takes specific items and turns them into oil.

Preserves Jar

The Preserves Jar is a type of Artisan Equipment used to make Artisan Goods. Fruit makes Jelly, Vegetables make Pickles, Sturgeon Roe makes Caviar, and other fish Roe make their respective Aged Roe.

A Preserves Jar is the reward for completing the Bundle Quality Crops Bundle in the Pantry or the Bundle Rare Crops Bundle in the Pantry (Remixed).
Maximum Energy ⚡⚡ - Part 1
The player starts the game with 270 maximum energy. Eating a Stardrop permanently increases maximum energy by 34 points. Eating every Stardrop available in the game permanently increases maximum energy to 508.

Temporary increases in maximum energy are also possible. Up to two Max Energy buffs can be simultaneously active: one from a drink (namely, Green Tea) and one from a food. The largest possible temporary value of maximum energy is therefore 588.

Maximum Energy Food🍰
Buff Duration
Recipe Source(s)
Sell Price
Bean Hotpot
Green Bean(2)
Max Energy (+30)
Magnetism (+32)
Clint (Mail - 7+ )
Complete Breakfast
Fried Egg (1)

Milk (1)

Hashbrowns (1)

Pancakes (1)
Farming (+2)
Max Energy (+50)
The Queen of Sause.
(21 Spring, Year 2)
Green Tea
Leaves (1)
Max Energy (+30)
4m 12s
Produced in a Ked
Lobster Bisque
Lobster (1)
Milk (1)
Max Energy (+50)
Fishing (+3)
16m 47s
The Queen of Sause (14 Winter, Year 2)
Willy (Mail - 9+
Maximum Energy ⚡⚡ - Part 2
Maximum Energy Food🍰
Buff Duration
Recipe Source(s)
Sell Price
Red Plate
Red Cabbage (1)
Radish (1)
Max Energy
3m 30s
Emily (Mail - 7+ )
Super Meal
Bok Choy (1)
Cranberries (1)
Artichoke (1)
Max Energy (+40)

Speed (+1)
3m 30s
Kent (Mail - 7+
Tom Kha Soup
Coconut (1)

Shrimp (1)

Common Mushroom (1)
Farming (+2)
Max Energy (+30)
Sandy (Mail - 7+
Achievements 💫 - Part 1
Achievements are displayed on the player menu, under the "Collections" tab, on the "Achievements" tab found at the bottom left, on every platform other than Xbox. If playing the game on Steam or Playstation, additional achievements are available.
Achievements can unlock specific rewards within the game. Platform achievements need to be unlocked only once, but the associated rewards must be earned separately for each new game.

Unearned achievements appear as grayed-out on the player menu. Some achievements do not display on the player menu until completing other achievements.

Most achievements unlock a unique hat for sale at the abandoned house in Cindersap Forest. In addition, the day after earning "Gofer" (Complete 10 Help Wanted requests), Mayor Lewis will send 500g in the mail. The day after earning "A Big Help" (Complete 40 Help Wanted requests), Mayor Lewis will send 2,500g in the mail. The day after earning "Master Angler" (Catch every fish), Willy will send a Stardrop in the mail.

Achievements list
Achievements that do not have an in-game icon are platform-specific achievements.
Earn 15,000g
Earn 50,000g
Earn 250,000g
Earn 1,000,000g
Earn 10,000,000g (Secret Achievement)
A Complete Collection
Complete the museum collection.
A New Friend
Reach a 5-heart friend level with someone.
Best Friends
Reach a 10-heart friend level with someone.
The Beloved Farmer
Reach a 10-heart friend level with 8 people.
Reach a 5-heart friend level with 4 people.
Reach a 5-heart friend level with 10 people.
Reach a 5-heart friend level with 20 people.
Cook 10 different recipes.
Sous Chef
Cook 25 different recipes.
Gourmet Chef
Cook every recipe.
Moving Up
Upgrade your house.
Living Large
Upgrade your house to the maximum size. (2nd upgrade, not cellar)
Craft 15 different items.
Achievements 💫 - Part 2
Craft 30 different items.
Craft Master
Craft every item.
Catch 10 different fish.
Ol' Mariner
Catch 24 different fish.
Master Angler
Catch every fish.
Mother Catch
Catch 100 fish.
Treasure Trove
Donate 40 different items to the museum.
Complete 10 'Help Wanted' requests.
A Big Help
Complete 40 'Help Wanted' requests.
Ship 15 of each crop. See (note below)
Ship 300 of one crop. See (note below)
Full Shipment
Ship every item.
Prairie King
Beat 'Journey of the Prairie King'.
The Bottom
Reach the lowest level of the mines.
Local Legend
Restore the Pelican Town Community Center.
Joja Co. Member Of The Year
Purchase all Joja Community Development projects.
Mystery Of The Stardrops
Find every stardrop.
Full House
Get married and have two kids.
Singular Talent
Reach level 10 in a skill.
Master Of The Five Ways
Reach level 10 in every skill.
Protector Of The Valley
Complete all of the Adventure Guild Monster Slayer goals.
Fector's Challenge
Beat 'Journey Of The Prairie King' without dying. (Secret Achievement)
Stardrop 🌠
A Stardrop is a special item that permanently increases the player's maximum energy by 34 points. The player must immediately consume any Stardrop as soon as it is obtained; it is impossible to add a Stardrop to inventory or save it to eat later.

A maximum of seven Stardrops are available in any game, which together result in 508 maximum energy, nearly doubling the initial value of 270. Finding all Stardrops is necessary to achieve Perfection.

Despite the numbers listed on the tooltip, consuming a Stardrop will restore all of the player's energy as well as increase maximum energy, regardless of how low the energy was before consuming it. No health is restored when consuming a stardrop.

One Stardrop can be obtained from each of the following sources:
  • Sold for 2,000 at the Stardew Valley Fair.
  • Obtained from the treasure chest on floor 100 in The Mines.
  • From the player's spouse or roommate when friendship level reaches 12.5 hearts. In multiplayer games where two players marry each other, a stardrop appears in a giftbox in front of each player when they enter their home after the wedding. Only one spouse/roommate stardrop can be obtained, regardless of divorce or remarriage.
  • Sold by Krobus for 20,000g in The Sewers.
  • Obtained from Old Master Cannoli in the Secret Woods after giving him a Sweet Gem Berry.
  • Received in a letter from Willy the day after attaining the Master Angler Achievement.
  • Reward for donating all 95 items to the Museum.

When consumed, one of two possible texts is displayed, both referencing the "Favorite Thing" set when creating a new profile:
  • "It's strange, but the taste reminds you of [Favorite Thing]."
  • "Your mind is filled with thoughts of [Favorite Thing]."

Secret Text
If the "Favorite Thing" is set to "ConcernedApe":
If the "Favorite Thing" is set to anything containing "Stardew":
Television 🍿
The television is available in the player's farmhouse when beginning the game. There is a variety of channels with content that changes daily.

Players on the standard map start with a Budget TV, and players on non-standard maps start with a Floor TV. Additional televisions are available at the Carpenter's Shop. After the first farmhouse upgrade, the larger Plasma TV becomes available. The Tropical TV can be purchased from the Island Trader for 30 Taro Roots. All televisions, with the exception of the Tropical TV, can also be acquired from the Furniture Catalogue.

There is no benefit to using certain types of TV's, as all TV's have access to all the channels available in the game.

Weather Report
The weather report predicts the weather for the next day. After using a Rain Totem, the forecast is updated to reflect any change. Knowing about an upcoming rainy day is especially useful, since crops will not need watering then. Thus, continuity of crop watering can be assured even if the watering can is turned in for an upgrade today.

Once Ginger Island is unlocked, KOZU-5 also displays the island forecast immediately after the one for Stardew Valley itself.

Fortune Teller
The Fortune Teller, named Welwick, tells the player what the player's Luck will be like today.

Livin' Off The Land
Livin' Off The Land is a channel that plays every Monday and Thursday, which gives the player a tip related to farming, fishing, foraging, or town life. There are no new episodes after the end of year 2; the show plays re-runs on a 2-year cycle thereafter.

The Queen of Sauce
"The Queen of Sauce" is a television channel which teaches the player cooking recipes. Beginning on Spring 7, a new recipe airs each Sunday for the first 2 years of the game. On Wednesday, a random recipe that has previously aired on a Sunday airs as a "Re-run". Simply watching the channel will teach the player the recipe if it's not yet known. The rotation of Sunday recipes repeats on a 2-year schedule.

The Fishing Information Broadcasting Service is a channel unlocked after completing Pam's special order "The Strong Stuff". Pam sends the player a letter in the mail the day after the "Potato Juice" cutscene, asking if the player has ever tuned in to channel 736. It provides information about the current season's fishing opportunities (including species, time, weather requirement, and location).

There is a secret channel that plays on Fall 26 on the Standard Farm if the player meets certain conditions.
Friendship 💔 - Part 1
Friendship can be earned with Pelican Town's villagers. As friendships deepen, the villagers' dialogue lines become more friendly, cut-scenes called heart events occur, villagers are more likely to send gifts in the mail, and marriage is possible with one of the datable villagers.

Talking and giving gifts to villagers will increase their friendship rating. You can talk to a villager by right-clicking on them. You can give a gift by highlighting it in your inventory or selecting it by typing its hotkey number and then left-clicking on the intended recipient.

As friendship is earned villagers will send cooking recipes or gifts through the mail, give you access to their bedrooms, and treat you differently in dialogue. Unique cutscenes and interactions can also occur as friendship is earned. The player must also earn a high level of friendship in order to date, and eventually marry, an eligible villager.

Whenever you talk or give a gift to a villager you get friendship points. You need 250 points to get 1 heart with them. Talking gives +20 points which can only be done once per day. Two gifts can be given per week, 1 gift per day.

Friendship mechanics

Point system
Each villager has a friendship score represented by a ten-heart meter, except the player's spouse or roommate, who has a fourteen-heart meter. A marriage candidate who has not received a bouquet has the last two hearts grayed out.

Each heart is 250 friendship points. All heart meters can be viewed on the social tab of the game menu.

When talking to villagers, a circle will appear next to their portrait. Its color will depend on the number of hearts the player has with the villager. Blue denotes 0-1 hearts, green for 2-3, yellow for 4-5, red for 6-7, purple for 8-9, and at 10-14 hearts a purple star will appear. Hovering the mouse over the circle will display the number of hearts out of 10, if not married.

Friendship points can be increased with each villager by:
  • talking to them once per day (normally +20; otherwise +10 if the villager is in the middle of a special animation, like exercising or using a camera)
  • completing an item delivery quest (+150)
  • giving a gift they love, like, or are neutral towards (see Gifts)
  • giving the maximum two gifts in one week (+10, awarded on the next Sunday)
  • inviting them to the Movie Theater (+200 if loved, +100 if liked)
  • purchasing a snack for them at the Movie Theater (+50 if loved, +25 if liked) (see Movie Theater)
  • making certain choices in heart events
  • kissing your spouse (+10, only for the first kiss of the day); does not apply if Krobus is your roommate

Friendship points can be decreased by:
  • not giving a daily greeting (see Decay)
  • giving a gift they dislike or hate (see Gifts)
  • hitting them with a slingshot (-30 per hit)
  • making certain choices in heart events
  • rummaging through a Garbage Can when they're within 7 tiles of the player (-25, except Linus who increases: +5). They will speak to indicate that they have seen them. If more than one villager is within 7 tiles of the player when they rummage, only one will speak and lose friendship.

Friendship 💔 - Part 2
The player may enter a villager's bedroom when the relevant heart meter reads at least 2 hearts. This level improves access to the villager for talking and gifting. Once opened, the room is permanently unlocked even if the heart meter goes below 2 hearts.

Friendship points can increase up to a maximum of 2749 (one point less than 11 hearts) for non-marriage candidates.

With marriage candidates, the meter pauses at 8 hearts. It will not increase unless you give the candidate a bouquet to indicate your romantic interest. If you do so, that meter is unlocked and operates as before until ten hearts is reached. (Note that after reaching 8 hearts pre-bouquet, friendship points can continue to rise to just below 9 hearts (2249 points) and will not decay until the candidate is given a bouquet.) It is possible to give a bouquet to any and all marriage candidates, and raise all their friendship levels to 10 hearts, without damage to your relationships with other romantic partners, so long as you have not yet proposed. (If you have proposed, are married, or have a roommate, there is a chance your fiancé/spouse/roommate may become jealous.) Breaking up with them will instantly lower the relationship meter to 5 hearts, but it can be increased back to 8 hearts.

Dating all bachelors or bachelorettes may result in a Group Ten Heart event, which does not affect friendship, but may prevent the player from giving gifts to them for one week afterwards.

When you propose marriage, the heart meters of all other marriage candidates convert to the behavior of all other villagers, since none are marriage candidates any longer. However, their entries in the social tab still show whether you have previously given them a bouquet. In addition, after marriage, romantic heart events can still be triggered with other marriage candidates if they have previously been given a bouquet. After the marriage ceremony, your spouse's meter unlocks once again and can rise as far as 14 hearts. Friendship points can then increase up to a maximum of 3749 (one point less than 15 hearts).

Each day, not talking to a villager will slightly decrease their friendship unless their heart meter is full. If the player is married, decay never stops with their spouse even if the player is at 14 hearts with them. Calling a villager using the Telephone does not count as talking to the villager.

Decay rate
When decay stops
Gave bouquet
10 hearts
8 hearts
Not romanceable
10 hearts

You can give each villager one gift per day, up to two gifts per week, as indicated by the checkboxes in the social tab. You can review the villager's gift preferences by clicking on their row in the Social Tab to open the "Gift Log". This log keeps track of gifts given, and gift preferences learned via Secret Notes and dialogues with their family and friends.

For the purpose of gift-giving, the week begins on Sunday. If you give a villager two gifts in a week, their heart meter will rise by an additional 10 friendship points on Sunday morning when you wake up.

You can always give a birthday gift to a villager, even if you've already given them two other gifts that week.

You can give your spouse one gift every day of the week, but any friendship gain or loss is halved.

Each villager has individual likes and dislikes, which affects how many friendship points are gained or lost when you give them a gift. The friendship points are multiplied on their birthday (×8) and Feast of the Winter Star secret gifting event (×5):

Gift Taste
Winter Star (×5)
Birthday (×8)

If a gift is liked or loved, the points gained will be further affected by the quality of the item:


On any given day, gifting a normal quality loved item always gives more points than gifting an iridium quality liked item to a given villager.

Heart Events
Gaining friendship with each villager will unlock unique events (see each villager's article for the requirements). It's possible to permanently miss some events, though most events can be viewed anytime (with some time restrictions) or out of order. In some heart events, it is not possible to increase or decrease friendship with anyone, even if dialogue choices are available. However, in certain heart events, making certain choices can either increase or decrease friendship with certain villagers involved. The maximum possible friendship points that can be earned in one single heart event is +250 from Linus' 8 heart event, while the maximum possible friendship points that can be lost is -1500 from Penny's 8 heart and 10 heart events.

Some villagers can be romanced by the player (see marriage candidates). Once the player has reached eight hearts with an eligible villager, the player can give them a bouquet to unlock the ninth and tenth hearts. Once the player has reached ten hearts with an eligible villager, the player can give them a Mermaid's Pendant to propose marriage, which the villager always accepts. Alternatively, at 10 hearts, the player can give Krobus a Void Ghost Pendant to indicate they'd like to move in together as roommates, which Krobus always accepts.

After becoming the player's spouse or roommate, the villager moves into the player's house and their friendship meter expands to fourteen hearts. After reaching 12.5 hearts (3125 points), the villager will give the player a stardrop if the player has not received a stardrop in this manner previously.

Friendship 💔 - Part 3
The game-opening Introductions quest, when completed, increases by 100 the player's friendship points with each of the 28 starting townspeople. (The Wizard is not included among these villagers.)

Some Story Quests and Special Order Quests will raise friendship with certain villagers.

Completing an Item Delivery Quest awards 150 friendship points with the requesting villager.

20 friendship points are earned for speaking to villagers at festivals, the same as any non-festival day. Three festivals can have special effects on friendship points with villagers:

  • The Flower Dance increases friendship by 250 points (one heart) with the player's dance partner.
  • The Luau can increase or decrease friendship points with all villagers except Sandy, the Wizard, Krobus, and the Dwarf. This depends on the ingredient that was added to the soup.
  • The player's gift to their secret friend at the Feast of the Winter Star is worth 5x the normal amount of friendship points.

In addition, giving gifts to villagers at the Night Market will increase friendship with them, in the same way as it does outside of festivals.

Bulletin Board Bundles
Completing all Bulletin Board bundles improves the player's friendship rating with non-datable villagers by two hearts (500 points). Note that this applies only to non-datable villagers whom you have met in person. Villagers who do not show on the "Social" tab of the player menu and villagers whose names appear as "???" will not receive 500 points.

The player does not have to understand Dwarvish for the Dwarf to receive 500 points. In contrast, they do have to understand Dwarvish for gifts to affect friendship with the Dwarf.
Marriage 💒
In singleplayer mode, Marriage is possible only with a villager who is marked as "single" in the Social tab.

Before proposing marriage, the player needs to earn 10 hearts of friendship with their intended partner, which requires them to have first given a bouquet at 8 hearts of friendship. They will also need to upgrade the farmhouse at least once and have access to the Tide Pool area of The Beach. The lost book Marriage Guide for Farmers also explains this process.

Marriage Candidates




Romance can only begin once you have reached 8 hearts with a potential partner (where friendship levels freeze for marriage candidates).

The morning after you first reach 8 hearts with a marriage candidate, Pierre will mail you a message to let you know about the bouquet (200g at Pierre's General Store):
Giving the bouquet unfreezes the friendship level with that bachelor or bachelorette, allowing friendship to advance. Upon accepting the bouquet, their Social tab status also changes to "boyfriend" or "girlfriend". The bouquet can be given to multiple candidates, without regard to gender. There is no friendship penalty for giving bouquets to dating rivals, though there is a Group Heart event that may cause all girl/boyfriends to give you the "cold shoulder" for a week.

Breaking Up
Giving a marriage candidate a Wilted Bouquet ends the dating relationship. The marriage candidate's friendship level will immediately drop to 5 hearts upon receiving one, and will have unique reactions to receiving it.

Proposing Marriage
The day after reaching 10 friendship hearts with a marriage candidate, the player receives a letter from Mayor Lewis: To become engaged, the player must present a Mermaid's Pendant to their intended partner. They will need to buy it for 5,000g from the Old Mariner, who can be found on rainy days at the tidal pools on the beach (which can only be reached either by repairing the bridge for 300 wood or by purchasing the second community upgrade from Robin). During Winter, he will only appear if a Rain Totem is used. He will not sell the pendant unless the farmhouse has been upgraded at least once, the player is at 10 hearts with an eligible villager, and the player is not already married.

After the Mermaid's Pendant is accepted, the Calendar will have a Mermaid's Pendant icon on the wedding day.

The Wedding
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The weather icon is replaced with a heart on the wedding day.
The wedding ceremony takes place in the morning, 3 days after you propose. That is, if you propose on Monday the 1st, the marriage cutscene will take place as soon as you wake up on Thursday the 4th. When the ceremony is completed, you and your spouse appear at the farmhouse at 6am (on the porch, or if you have restarted or reloaded the game day, inside the house). The day then proceeds as it normally does when you are married. Friendship with your spouse can now rise to 14 hearts, but decays by 20 points per day whenever there is no contact between you two.

The wedding ceremony does not take place on a day that another event takes place in the town square. In such cases, the wedding is delayed until there is a day without such an event.

On the day of the wedding, the weather icon that appears between the date and time is replaced with a heart. The weather will also always be sunny on that day regardless of the Weather Report's forecast the day before.

Married Life

Once a villager has been married, they will move into the farmhouse. They will have a maximum of 14 hearts instead of 10, and keeping them happy will result in them helping around the farm. A happy spouse might make breakfast, feed animals, repair fences or water crops. They occasionally change the wallpaper or flooring of the Farmhouse, or add a piece of furniture to a room. Interacting with your spouse when no dialogue is available will result in an embrace.
It is also possible to have children under certain circumstances.

Once married, the gifting limit of twice a week is removed; however, the once a day limit still applies.

Spouse Chores
  • Watering all crops on the farm (in spring, summer, and fall).
  • Feeding all animals.
  • Watering the dog/cat bowl.
  • Repairing broken fences.
  • Giving gifts, including breakfast and dinner dishes. (If inventory is full, the item will not be received.)

After reaching 12.5 Hearts (3125 friendship points) with your spouse, the player can receive a Stardrop as a token of their love. In multiplayer games where two players marry each other, the Stardrop appears as a present in a small purple box next to each player's bed upon waking up in the morning.

Only one Stardrop can be obtained in this manner per save file, or once per player in Multiplayer.

Spouse Rooms
Once married, the player's spouse will immediately set up a unique room inside the Farmhouse, located to the right of the bedroom. Note that Emily's parrot will not be visible to anyone in multiplayer who has not completed her 4 heart event.

Spouse Outside Area
In addition to their room inside the house, each spouse has a unique area behind the farmhouse.
Children 👶
You can have children only if you are married and have upgraded the Farmhouse for the second time which adds a nursery and an extra room. After you go to bed for the night, your spouse might ask (1/20 chance) if you want to have/adopt a child. You can answer "yes" or "not now." Same-gender couples will adopt children, and opposite-gender couples will have biological children. If you remove the crib via a house renovation, you cannot have new children (whether adoptive or biological) unless the crib is replaced.

You can have only two children: one male and one female. The gender of the first child is random, and the gender of the second child is the opposite of the first child. Children never grow up past the Toddler stage (Stage 4). You will have the option to acquire a second child only after the first child has grown to the Toddler stage.

Your spouse will also take your children when they're at least in the toddler stage to events such as the Stardew Valley Fair where they can be found walking around your spouse. There is also a glitch causing them to appear on the same tile and overlap.

Stages 1
14 days long. Interactions with the child will always result in "[child's name] is sleeping."

Stages 2
14 days long. When interacting with the child, the player will toss them into the air, which improves the relationship level. You can also toss the child while sleeping for a humorous animation.

Stages 3
28 days long. The child will crawl around the house and play with toys. Sometimes they might be buggy and get stuck in furniture. At night they will be put back into the crib automatically and you cannot interact with them.

Stages 4
The child will dash around the house. You can right click on them to interact and increase the relationship level.

Dismissing Children
Children can be dismissed late game by interacting with the Dark Shrine of Selfishness inside the Witch's Hut. By offering the shrine a Prismatic Shard it will allow players to turn children into doves, making them leave the farm forever. Once dismissed, children are gone for good and cannot be returned. Note, however, that this will open up the possibility of your spouse asking if you want to have children again, unless the crib has been removed. If a child is wearing a hat when they are dismissed, the hat will show up in the Lost and Found the next morning. Also, see Secrets for the easter eggs that this unlocks.


Friendship with children works similarly to friendship with non-marriageable villagers. Some specific details:
  • You may not increase friendship with a child in stage 1. Friendship stays at 0 points.
  • When the child first reaches stage 2, their friendship is set to 250 points (1 heart).
  • In stage 2-4, you may interact with the child (heart balloon appears above their head) to increase friendship by 20 points, once per day.
  • You can not give gifts to children.
  • Friendship with children is subject to Decay just like with normal villagers; specifically, each day you don't interact with a child, friendship decays by 2 points. When a child reaches 10 hearts, decay stops.
  • The Bulletin Board Bundle and the soup tasting at the Luau, despite affecting friendship points with most villagers, do not affect friendship with children.
Universal Gifts 👜 - Part 1
Below are lists of items that are universally loved, liked, considered neutral, disliked, or hated. Note that there are some exceptions and that individual villager tastes override any universal tastes.
Preferences for Eggs, Milk, Fruit, and most Foraged Items vary by villager, and are generally not listed here.

Note that Dinosaur Eggs are considered Artifacts and not Eggs for gifting purposes.

Universal Loves
  • Golden Pumpkin

  • Magic Rock

  • Pearl

  • Prismatic Shard

  • Rabbit's Foot

Universal Loves exceptions
  • Haley hates Prismatic Shard

  • Penny hates Rabbit's Foot

Universal Likes
Though worth fewer friendship points than a loved gift, a liked gift increases friendship by 45 points (just over half that of a loved gift) and is often much easier to obtain.

  • All Artisan Goods (Except for Oil which is universally disliked; and Void Mayonnaise which is
  • universally hated.)
  • All Cooking (Except for Fried Egg and Bread, which are universally neutral; and Strange Bun and Seafoam Pudding which are universally hated.)
  • All Flowers (Except for Poppy, which is universally hated.)
  • All Foraged Minerals (Except Quartz, which varies by villager.)
  • All Fruit Tree Fruits (Except Banana & Mango, which follow villager-specific preferences for non-Fruit-Tree fruit.)
  • All Gems (Except Prismatic Shard which is universally loved.)
  • All Vegetables (including Fiddlehead Fern, but excluding Hops, Tea Leaves and Wheat which are universally neutral, and Unmilled Rice which is universally disliked.)
  • Life Elixir

  • Maple Syrup

  • Piña Colada

Universal Neutrals
This is a list of items that will elicit a neutral response from the villagers, and give 20 points toward friendship. There are some exceptions.
  • Bread

  • Clam

  • Coral

  • Duck Feather

  • Fried Egg

  • Hops

  • Nautilus Shell

  • Rainbow Shell

  • Roe

  • Squid Ink

  • Sweet Gem Berry

  • Tea Leaves

  • Truffle

  • Wheat

  • Wool

Universal Neutrals exceptions
  • Caroline likes Tea Leaves.

  • Elliott loves Duck Feather & Squid Ink.

  • Emily loves Wool.

  • Evelyn hates Clam and Coral.

  • Harvey likes Duck Feather, dislikes Bread, hates Coral, Nautilus Shell, and Rainbow Shell.

  • Leah loves Truffle, dislikes Fried Egg, hates Bread.

  • Leo loves Duck Feather, likes Nautilus Shell and Rainbow Shell, hates Hops.

  • Maru hates Truffle.

  • Penny dislikes Duck Feather and Wool, hates Hops.

  • Sandy likes Wool.
Universal Gifts 👜 - Part 2
Universal Dislikes
This is a list of items that will decrease friendship by 20 points when given as gifts.
  • All Building Materials -- Battery Packs, Clay, Fiber, Hardwood, Stone, and Wood
  • All Artifacts
  • All Bombs
  • All Crafted Floors & Paths
  • All Fences
  • All Fertilizer
  • All Fish (except for Clam which is a Universal Neutral, and Carp & Snails which are Universal Hates)
  • All Geode Minerals
  • All Geodes
  • All Seeds including Fruit Tree Saplings, Tea Saplings, Acorns, Maple Seeds, and Pine Cones
  • All Sprinklers
  • All Tackle
  • Misc. Mined/Metal Goods -- Bone Fragment, Cinder Shard, Coal, Copper Bars, Gold Bars, Gold Ore, Iridium Bars, Iridium Ore, Iron Bars, and Refined Quartz
    • Cave Carrot

    • Driftwood

    • Field Snack

    • Jack-O-Lantern

    • Oak Resin

    • Oil

    • Pine tar

    • Qi Fruit

    • Rice

    • Solar Essence

    • Spring Onion

    • Tea Set

    • Unmilled Rice

    • Vinegar

    • Void Egg

    • Void Essence

    • Wheat Flour

    Universal Dislikes exceptions

    Universal Hates

    This is a list of items that will decrease friendship by 40 points when given as gifts.

    When given a hated gift, villagers usually respond with a hate dialogue bubble.

    Universal Hates exceptions

Bachelors 👨
  • Birthday : Summer 13
  • Love : Complete Breakfast, Salmon Dinner
  • Like : All universal likes - Hashbrowns and Potato ( Easy to obtain )
  • Hated : All universal hates - Holly , Quartz

Heart Events
2 hearts : On a sunny summer day, visit the beach when Alex is there.
4 hearts : Enter town between 9am and 4pm.
5 hearts : Enter Alex's house when he's there.
6 hearts : Enter Alex's house when he's there.
8 hearts : On a sunny day, visit the beach when Alex is there. He is only scheduled to go to the beach in summer, but may pass by on the way to the Ginger Island resort in any season after it is completed.
10 hearts : Alex will send you a letter to meet him at the Saloon after dark. After receiving the letter, enter the Saloon between 7pm and 10pm.
14 hearts : Exit the Farmhouse in year 2+ between 6am and 8:20am on any day other than Sunday. You must have 5,000g available.

  • Birthday : Fall 5
  • Love : Crab Cakes, Duck Feather, Lobster, Pomegrante, Tom Kha Soup
  • Like : All universal likes - Parsnip and Sweet Pea (Easy to obtain)
  • Hated : All universal hates

Hearts Events
2 hearts : Enter Elliott's cabin when he's there.
4 hearts : Enter the Stardrop Saloon between 3pm and 10pm when Gus is there.
6 hearts : After receiving a letter from Elliott, visit the museum between 1pm and 7pm. (It doesn't need to be the same day.)
10 hearts : Go to the beach on a day when it is not raining between 7am and 1pm. A letter will be sent to you but it is not needed to trigger the event.
14 hearts : Exit the farm house between 6am and 3pm on a day when there are no Festivals occurring for the next 8 days.

  • Birthday : Winter 14
  • Love : Coffee, Pickles (any), Super Meal, Truffle Oil, Wine (any).
  • Like : All universal likes - Blackberry, Blueberry, Corn or Strawberry (Easy to obtain)
  • Hate : All universal hates

Hearts Events
2 hearts : Enter George's house while George is there.
4 hearts : Enter the clinic when Harvey is there.
6 hearts : Enter the general store between 11am and 3pm.
8 hearts : Enter the clinic.
10 hearts : Harvey sends you a letter asking to meet at the railroad tracks. Go there between 9am and 5pm.
14 hearts : Enter an upgraded farm house (needs to be upgraded at least twice) between 8pm and midnight.

  • Birthday - Summer 17
  • Love : Maple Bar, Cactus Fruit, Pizza, Tigerseye
  • Like : All universal likes - Honey and Joja Cola (Easy to obtain)
  • Hate : All universal hates

Hearts Events
2 hearts : Enter Sam's house when he's there.
3 Hearts : In any season except winter, enter the beach on a sunny day between 7am and 3pm. This event only happens in Year 1.
4 hearts : Enter Sam's house when he's there.
6 hearts : On any day when it's not raining, enter the town between noon and 4pm.
8 Hearts : Sam shows up at your doorstep between 6am and 8am. Only triggers if you've seen his two-heart event.
10 Hearts : After receiving a letter from Sam, enter the town on a sunny day between 8pm and midnight.
14 Hearts :
  • Part 1: Enter an upgraded farmhouse (needs to be upgraded at least twice) between 6:10am and 5:00pm, when Sam is inside.
  • Part 2: Three days later, enter the farmhouse between 6:10am and 5pm, when Sam is inside.
  • Part 3: Three days later, enter the farmhouse between 6:10am and 5pm, when Sam is inside.
  • Part 4: Four days later, enter the farmhouse between 6:10am and 5pm, when Sam is inside.

  • Birthday : Winter 10
  • Love : Obsidian, Sashimi, Pumpkin Soup, Frozen Tear, Void Egg.
  • Like : All universal likes - Cauliflower, Amethyst and Parsnip (Easy to obtain)
  • Hated : All universal hates

Hearts Events
2 hearts : Enter Sebastian's room when he's there.
4 hearts : Go to The Mountain between 11am and 5pm.
6 hearts : Enter Sebastian's room when he's there.
8 hearts : Go to the beach on a rainy day between noon and 11pm.
10 hearts : Go to The Mountain between 8pm and midnight.
14 Hearts : Go to The Mountain on a rainy day between 6am and 7pm. [/spoiler]

  • Birthday : Spring 20
  • Love : Beer, Pizza, Pepper Poppers, Hot Pepper
  • Like : All universal likes - Blue Jazz, Green Bean and Salmonberry (Easy to obtain)
  • Hate : All universal hates

Hearts Events
2 hearts : Enter Cindersap Forest between 8pm and midnight.
3 hearts : After reaching 3 hearts with Shane, he will send you a recipe in the mail. He will also become slightly less rude to you during dialogues.
4 hearts : After reaching four hearts with Shane, his dialogues with you will become more friendly.
6 hearts : Enter Cindersap Forest between 9am and 8pm while storming or raining.
7 hearts (I) : Enter Marnie's Ranch while Shane is home after triggering Shane's six heart event.
7 hearts (II) : Enter the town between 10am and 4pm on a sunny day. (Also requires 2 hearts with both Emily and Clint.)
7 hearts (III) : After reaching 7 hearts with Shane, he will send you a recipe in the mail.
8 hearts : Enter Marnie's Ranch while Shane is home.
Note: Will not trigger until the player has seen the follow-up visit from Shane after his 6-heart event.
10 hearts : Exit your house before 6:30am to initiate the event, then walk to the Bus Stop between 4pm and 6pm.
14 hearts : Enter town on a non-Friday between 8am and 5pm. For parts II and III enter town anytime each of the next two days.
Bachelorettes 👧
  • Birthday : Fall 13
  • Love : Blackberry Cobbler, Chocolate Cake, Spicy Eel, Pufferfish, Amethyst, Pumpkin
  • Like : All universal likes - Tulip, Topaz and Sweet Pea (Easy to obtain)
  • Hate : All universal hates

Heart Events :
  • 2 hearts : Enter Pierre's General Store when Abigail is there, any day except Saturday.
  • 4 hearts : Visit the mountain between noon and 7pm on a rainy day, any season except Winter.
  • 6 hearts : Between 9pm and midnight on a day when it is not raining, enter Pelican Town from any direction. (This includes exiting homes or shops in Town.)
  • 8 hearts : After receiving a letter from Abigail, enter Pierre's General Store between 8pm and 10pm when she's there. (Note that, unless you have the Key To The Town, you cannot enter the store from outside after 9pm, but you can wait in Caroline's greenhouse and trigger the event by exiting to the kitchen.)
  • 10 hearts : After you give Abigail a Bouquet, enter the mines or the Quarry Mine between 5pm and midnight. The event won't trigger if you've already given her the Mermaid's Pendant.
  • 14 hearts : Enter the Backwoods between 6:10am and 5pm.

  • Birthday : Spring 27th
  • Love : Survival Burger, Emerald, Aquamarine, Amethyst, Ruby, Topaz, Jade, Cloth, Wool
  • Like : All universal likes - Daffodil and Parsnip (Easiest to obtain)
  • Hate : All universal hates

Heart Events :
  • 2 hearts : Enter Emily's house.
  • 3 hearts : After reaching 3 hearts with Emily she will send you a recipe in the mail.
  • 4 hearts : Enter town on a sunny day. Cannot be triggered in winter.
  • 6 hearts : Visit Emily's house when she's there.
  • 7 hearts : After reaching 7 hearts with Emily she will send you a recipe in the mail.
  • 8 hearts : A letter in the mail will invite the player to the Mayor's Manor that same day during open hours.

    This event will still be available on subsequent days if you missed it the first day.
    10 hearts : A letter will invite the player to meet Emily in the Secret Woods after 10pm that night.

    You will need a Steel Axe in order to break the Large Log blocking the entrance to the Secret Woods. If you do not have a Steel axe, do not worry, as the heart event will trigger whenever you next go into the Secret Woods after 10 pm and when it is not raining or a festival day.
    After triggering the cut-scene, the night will immediately end for the player.

  • 14 hearts : Exit the farmhouse between 6am and 8:20am.

  • Birthday: Spring 14th
  • Love: Pink Cake, Fruit Salad, Sunflower, Coconut
  • Like: All universal likes - Daffodil and Topaz (Easy to obtain)
  • Hate: All universal hates

Heart Events :
  • 2 hearts : Enter Haley and Emily's home when they're both there.
  • 4 hearts : Enter Haley's home when she's there.
  • 6 hearts : Go to the beach between 10 AM and 4 PM during any season except Winter.
  • 8 hearts : On a sunny day during any season except Winter, enter Cindersap Forest between 10 AM and 4 PM.
  • 10 hearts : Enter Haley's house when she's there.
  • 14 hearts :
      Part 1: Enter town between 8am and 3pm on a day that's not raining.
      Part 2: At least one day later, enter the Farm House between 6:20am and 5pm.
      Part 3: At least one day later, enter Pelican Town with a chocolate cake in inventory between 6am and 3pm on a day that's not raining.

    • Birthday: Winter 23rd
    • Love: Salad, Vegetable Medley, Stir Fry, Poppyseed Muffin, Wine, Goat Cheese, Truffle
    • Like: All universal likes - Melon, Dandelion, Salmonberry (Easy to obtain)
    • Hate: All universal hates

    Hearts Events :
    • 2 hearts :Enter Leah's Cottage when she's there.
    • 4 hearts : Enter Leah's Cottage when she's there.
    • 6 hearts (I) : Leah is at your farmhouse door on any day but rainy between 6 AM and 11:30 AM.
    • 6 hearts (II) : Enter Cindersap Forest when Leah is there, in any season except winter.
    • 8 hearts :

    Art Show :
    If you suggested an art show in her two-heart event, Leah is at your farmhouse door between 6 AM and 8 AM (except in winter) to invite you to her art show. Enter Pelican Town between 3 PM and 5 PM (not necessarily the same day).

    Art Website
    If you suggested an art website in her two-heart event, enter Leah's Cottage when she's there.

    • 10 hearts : Enter Cindersap Forest between 11 AM and 4 PM, in any season except winter.
    • 14 hearts : Exit the farmhouse between 6am and 8:20am on a sunny day that isn't Sunday and isn't in winter.

    • Birthday: Summer 10th
    • Love: Cheese Cauliflower, Cauliflower, Pepper Poppers, Rhubarb Pie, Miner's Treat, Strawberry, Diamond, Gold Bar, Iridium Bar, Battery Pack
    • Like: All universal likes - Parsnip, Sweet Pea and Topaz (Easy to obtain)
    • Hate: All universal hates

    Hearts Events :
    • 2 hearts : Enter the Carpenter's Shop when Maru is there.
    • 4 hearts : Enter the clinic when Maru is there.
    • 6 hearts : Enter the mountain on a sunny day, between 9pm and 11:40pm.
    • 8 hearts : Enter the Carpenter's Shop when Maru is there.
    • 10 hearts : Enter the Carpenter's Shop between 9am and 4pm.
    • 14 hearts :
      Part 1: Enter the Farmhouse between 6:10am and 5pm on a non-Sunday non-winter day.
      Part 2: Enter the Mountains between 10:00pm and 1:00am on a sunny day.


    • Birthday: Fall 2nd
    • Love: Red Plate, Tom Kha Soup, Roots Platter, Melon, Diamond, Emerald, Sandfish, Poppy, Poppyseed Muffin
    • Like: All universal likes - Leek, Tulip and Dandelion (Easy to obtain)
    • Hate: All universal hates

    Hearts Events:
    • 2 hearts : Enter Pelican Town on a sunny day between 9am and 2pm.
    • 4 hearts : Enter the trailer when she's home.
    • 6 hearts : Enter the trailer when she's home.
    • 8 hearts : Enter Cindersap Forest between 9am and 4pm.
    • 10 hearts : You receive a letter from Penny. After receiving the letter, enter the pool area of the spa between 7pm and midnight.
    • 14 hearts : Enter the farm house between 3pm and 7pm when she's home.
    Other Villagers ✒
    Dwarvish Translation Guide ✦
    The Dwarvish Translation Guide is a special item unlocked by donating all 4 Dwarf Scrolls to the Museum.

    It unlocks the player's ability to understand the language of the dwarves. This allows the player to communicate with the Dwarf in the town mines, the Dwarf in the volcano dungeon, and to read the rightmost gravestone in the Graveyard.

    Once obtained, it can be found in the wallet in the The Player's Menu on the Skills tab.

    Secret Notes 📔 - Part 1
    Secret Notes are collectible notes that can be unlocked by walking to the Bus Stop from The Farm during Winter between 6am and 4pm. The player will see a cutscene in which a "Shadow Guy" (who could be Krobus) startles and runs away. After seeing the cutscene, the quest "A Winter Mystery" is added to the player's journal.

    The Shadow Guy's footsteps lead to a bush next to the playground, left of the Community Center. If the player interacts with the bush, the Shadow Guy will pop out of it, apologize for stealing, give the player a Magnifying Glass, then run away. The Magnifying Glass gives the player the ability to find Secret Notes while digging, chopping trees, mining, fishing, or killing monsters.

    Once found, a Secret Note can be read by selecting it in the top row of inventory and right-clicking (as if consuming food). This will add the note to the player's collection, and enable the Secret Notes collection tab on the player menu.

    Some notes will list "Loved" gifts for certain characters, while others will have images depicting puzzle solutions. Reading notes that list gift preferences will add the gifts to the villager's Gift Log on the Social tab of the player menu.

    Secret Notes can be gifted, but they are all universally hated.

    Secret Note Sources

    The following table lists the different actions that can spawn a secret note.

    The "Chance" column below indicates the probabilities that the game will attempt to spawn a secret note. When such an attempt is made, the game performs a further check to see if it succeeds, based on the number of notes of the appropriate type (Journal Scraps on Ginger Island, regular Secret Notes elsewhere) that the player has already found. If all notes have been found, the check fails. Otherwise, the probability of success is a linear function of the number of notes found, where there's an 80% chance of success if no notes have been found, and a 12% chance of success if all but one have been found.
    Secret Notes 📔 - Part 2
    Secret Note #1
    It's a page from Abigail's Diary
    'Things I love: the smell of carved pumpkin, keeping an amethyst under my pillow, chocolate cake, the thrill of spicy eel, and the comfort of Mom's blackberry cobbler (I like to eat!)'

    Secret Note #2
    It's Sam's holiday shopping list
    Everyone's favorites

    Sebastian: Frozen Tear, Sashimi
    Penny: Emerald, Poppy
    Vincent: Grape, Cranberry Candy
    Mom: Crispy Bass, Pancakes
    Dad: Risotto, Roasted Hazelnuts
    Me: Cactus, Maple Bar, Pizza

    Secret Note #3
    It's written in Leah's handwriting
    My idea of a perfect dinner would be salad, goat cheese, truffle, and wine. For dessert I'd need a poppyseed muffin. Yum! If someone gave me one of those things, I'd melt.

    Secret Note #4
    It's a note of Maru's
    Parts still needed for my greatest invention yet!

    *Gold Bar
    *Iridium Bar
    *Battery Pack

    Secret Note #5
    It's Penny's handwriting:
    I want to get everyone something they love!

    Mom: Parsnip, Glazed Yams, NO BEER!
    Jas: Fairy Rose, Plum Pudding
    Vincent: Pink Cake, Grape
    Mr. Mullner: Leek, Fried Mushroom
    Granny Mullner: Beet, Tulip

    Secret Note #6
    Stardrop Saloon Special Orders
    Mayor Lewis: Autumn's Bounty
    (Double order of high-fiber bread on the side)

    Marnie: Pumpkin Pie
    (extra whipped cream!)

    Demetrius: Bean Hotpot
    (Make it spicy)

    Caroline: Fish Taco
    (she wants triple the sauce! Better throw in a few extra napkins...)

    Secret Note #7
    It's a page from someone's diary...
    ...There are only a few 'older' bachelors in town, and none of them are perfect! Harvey is really anxious and weak, but I know he would make a loyal and devoted husband. He likes coffee and pickles.

    Elliott is a bit foppish and melodramatic, but he does have a nice chin. He likes crab cakes and pomegranates.

    Shane is messy and anti-social. But I think his gruff exterior is a defense mechanism, insulating his softness from the world. He likes Beer, Pizza, and Pepper Poppers.

    Secret Note #8
    To Haley and Emily
    Hope you two are doing well! We've sent you your favorite gifts: Pink Cake and Sunflowers for Haley, Gemstones and Wool for Emily!

    -Love Mom and Dad

    Secret Note #9
    Alex's Strength Training Diet:
    *Complete Breakfast
    *Salmon Dinner

    (I've learned to love this food... I can feel the protein!!)

    Secret Note #10 (Becomes available only after completing the "Qi's Challenge" quest.)
    Someone is
    waiting for you
    on level 100
    skull cavern...

    details Reading Secret Note #10 adds the "Cryptic Note" quest to the journal. To fulfill the quest, reach floor 100 of the Skull Cavern. Once there, a cutscene will play, during which Mr. Qi will either congratulate the player for reaching floor 100 using 10 or fewer staircases or say they are "clever" but not "honorable" for using 11 or more. In either case, he rewards them with an "Iridium Snake Milk", which permanently increases their Health by 25.
    Bug: Under circumstances which are not clear, it is possible to obtain Secret Note #10 and then read it (on the same game day), yet the saved game files do not record that it was received, nor read, and the quest is not added to the Journal. The game may behave as designed the next time the player gets Secret Note #10.

    Secret Note #11

    Secret Note #12
    I've found some good things by looking in the garbage cans, on lucky days.
    Sometimes you'll find the 'dish of the day' behind the saloon... usually fresh!

    For dessert, I'll check the Mullners' can for cookies.

    For treasures, check the cans by the blacksmith and museum.

    Secret Note #13
    12 o' clock noon SHARP. Last day of the season. Check the bush above the playground.

    solution: At 12:00 PM, on day 28 of any season, interact with the bush located above the playground to obtain a Junimo Plush.

    Secret Note #14
    I hid something behind the community center.

    solution: Behind the Community Center, hidden by the roof, against the wooden fence to the right there is a Stone Junimo statue which can be obtained with a pickaxe or a hoe.

    Secret Note #15
    Mermaid Show: 1-5-4-2-3

    solution: During the Night Market, enter the boat at the far right to start the Mermaid Show. After the show, click on the shells in the order indicated (numbered left-to-right) to earn a Pearl. Only one Pearl may be earned from the Mermaid Boat per player per game.

    Secret Note #16
    solution: Dig one space using a Hoe to the right of the large boulder north of the Railroad tracks to get a Treasure Chest.

    Secret Note #17
    solution : Head to the area north of JojaMart next to the river and dig the farthest north tile on the Eastern side to get a Strange Doll (green). Be careful to stand close enough or the item may fall into the river.

    Secret Note #18
    solution: Go to the Calico Desert and use a hoe on the area to the South West of the bench on the South East area of the map to dig up a Strange Doll (yellow).

    Secret Note #19
    solution : This is a depiction of 1 Willow Lane with a series of arrows. Starting at the green square depicted, which is directly in front of the door to the house, follow each arrow until the character cannot move anymore. First, walk left until they hit a permanent obstacle. Then walk up until they hit an obstacle, and so on.
    The path will lead the player around the house, through town, and ultimately to a secret Solid Gold Lewis statue hidden behind Mayor Lewis' house. To find the statue and take it into the player's inventory, simply stand on the destination tile and right-click on the ground.

    Placing the statue anywhere in Pelican Town will result in an additional secret.

    Additional Secret
    The Solid Gold Lewis statue can be placed anywhere in Pelican Town. If the statue is not destroyed by a villager walking through it, the next day it will be replaced with a Rotten Plant, and the player will receive an unsigned letter in the mail containing 750g:
    引用自 Lewis
    In the future, I'd appreciate it very much if you refrained from placing my PRIVATE belongings in town for all to see!
    I'm very displeased!

    Take this money and never speak of my 'project' to anyone.
    The statue will then appear in Lewis' bedroom (90% chance) or Marnie's bedroom (10% chance).

    The statue can be removed and placed in Pelican Town again and again, and each time it will be replaced by a Rotten Plant. The player will receive the unsigned letter only once though.

    Secret Notes 📔 - Part 3
    Secret Note #20
    solution: This is a depiction of the town square. Starting in the center of the eye in town square, follow the directional arrows until the character hits a permanent obstacle. This path will bring them around town, up across the bridge to JojaMart, and ultimately to a truck parked beside JojaMart. Interacting with the truck will allow the player to speak to a truck driver who requests a Rabbit's Foot. If the player has one in their inventory they can trade it for a Special Charm that permanently increases daily luck.

    Secret Note #21
    solution: At exactly 12:40 at night, interact with the large bush to the north west of the bridge out of Pelican Town to The Beach. Marnie and Lewis jump out of the bush. Now what were they doing in there!?
    (Note: This can even be done on Winter 16, when Marnie is on screen returning from the Night Market.)

    Secret Note #22
    Greetings, <Farmer>...
    Have you found my 'secret' in the dark tunnel?

    I look forward to meeting you!

    solution: Go to the Bus Stop with a Battery Pack, and go west from the bus into The Tunnel. Place the Battery Pack into the box on the wall in the center of the Tunnel to start The Mysterious Qi quest.
    Note that finding Secret Note #22 is not required to start the Mysterious Qi quest.

    Secret Note #23
    If yoo can reed dis... come to seecrit wuds. Pleez bring may-pal serrup.

    solution: Reading Secret Note #23 adds the "Strange Note" quest to the journal. To fulfill the quest, go to the Secret Woods between 6am and 7pm with Maple Syrup in inventory to trigger a cutscene in which a Bear shares his special knowledge of berries. This permanently increases the sell price of Blackberries and Salmonberries by 3x.
    After viewing the cutscene, a bear's paw icon labeled "Bear's Knowledge" will appear in the player's Wallet.

    Secret Note #24
    It's a page from M. Jasper's book:
    引用自 M. Jasper's
    ...the creatures, known by some as "Forest Spirits" or "Junimos", are said to appear in abandoned buildings after they've "gone to seed".

    As a general rule...when humans leave, and nature begins to reclaim her territory, the Junimos will undoubtedly appear.

    Folk wisdom holds that the Junimos display some kind of resonant affinity with gemstones that are placed inside their little huts...

    Of course, all these claims come from dubious, unverified sources...As far as I know, even the mere existence of these creatures has never been proven!

    solution: Placing a foraged mineral, gem, or geode mineral in a Junimo Hut will alter the color of Junimos that harvest crops. The Junimos will generally match the color of the mineral, including the changing prismatic color if a Prismatic Shard is used.
    The game uses the same code to color Junimos as it does to dye clothing at the Sewing Machine. A full table of colors can be found on the dyeing page.

    Secret Note #25
    I 'borrowed' a necklace from Mom, but lost it somewhere near the bath house... She’s going to freak out if she notices it’s missing!

    solution: Fish in the water outside the Spa during spring, summer, or fall to find an Ornate Necklace. While carrying the necklace, talk to Caroline for 50 Friendship points with her or to Abigail for 100 Friendship points with her.

    Credits ✍ (Links, Acknowledgments)
    Art Avatar[]
    A lot of information was taken from Wiki []
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    20 則留言
    kstormgemini 7 月 10 日 下午 9:14 
    :stardrop: awesome guide.
    i'm a bit off so pardon if this is an obvious question, but is this up to date with 1.6?
    one would think i would know by looking at it, i'm sure. but as i said, my brain's a bit off. ^^;;
    regardless of the answer, it's still one of the best guides i've seen out there!:stardrop:
    zibekat 1 月 3 日 上午 7:35 
    sheeesh good job
    OrangeLemon 2023 年 12 月 10 日 下午 4:12 
    super cool!:summercrab2023:
    Amenty 2023 年 12 月 10 日 下午 3:59 
    Good guide ... Big guide. I like the Standart farm best ^.^
    nøcturnal  [作者] 2023 年 10 月 6 日 下午 8:56 
    Thank you, spooner. Updated :espresso:
    spooner47𒉭 2023 年 10 月 6 日 下午 7:16 
    I just wanted to point out it says Spring Corps instead of Spring Crops.:steamthumbsup:
    cult 2023 年 10 月 6 日 下午 5:46 
    Studio Cleah 2023 年 8 月 19 日 下午 6:48 
    I have not played this in years and came to this guide for a refresher - WOW, I did not expect all the content that had been added while I was gone! Thank you so much for your thorough explanation on everything! :stardrop:
    Terra 2023 年 8 月 17 日 下午 6:05 
    my god this is long please add a smaller versio-
    Keeper Of Monsters 2023 年 8 月 15 日 下午 9:24 