Crime O'Clock

Crime O'Clock

40 ratings
Crime O'Clock Fulcrum Story + Finale Sequence Guide
By bearsbearsbears
This guide will list and show a map of the optional Fulcrum stories, in addition to directions for some of the harder story cases
If you've ever read a Where's Waldo book, you might remember them having an optional list of tasks and figures to watch out for (You've found Waldo, but where's Wilma???). After completing a couple story cases, a new feature will unlock where you can head to each era using the orange compass on the era select timeline and find a group of people who change position with each of the ten ticks.
Fulcrum story characters are always on the map, but they can only be clicked on when you're formally on the Fulcrum Story level itself. When you see a figure when you're playing a story case, make a note of their tick and location so you can come back later

For some general tips:
  • Just as the main levels taught you, you can estimate where the target is heading from their last tick. If you see someone walking southwest, that's the first place you should look
  • Many of the people we're looking for are moving around, changing their poses, and, rarely, changing their appearance. If you're really struggling to find someone, it might be because they're facing away from the camera or they've changed outfits
  • Most of these stories are pop culture references and the source material is a hint as to what the figure does. For example, Johnny Weak, from the Information Era, is a John Wick reference, and John Wick is famously fond of dogs, so it follows that he's following a dog around the map
  • Many of the figures have an entourage following them. For example, Jasper in the Information Age is being chased by a security guard. Due to this, if you can't find the main figure but you see the person following them, search the area around them first
  • As you may have noticed, when you first head to a level for a story case, it's very chaotic, as the various crimes are being played out, and becomes more simple as you solve them. Due to this, If you're really struggling to find anyone, I would recommend playing some cases to simplify the map.
  • A handful of characters cannot be found until you get the Parallax ability to see hidden scenes from assimilating Rage

Additionally, I included the locations of some of the game's harder story challenges
Information Age
Raquel Le Stanis

For his last two ticks, he puts on a wig, beard, and robe

  1. Rooftop terrace restaurant by university. Left side
  2. Rooftop terrace restaurant by university. Right side, walking towards Axl
  3. Courtyard outside cathedral. Between the door to the university and metro station
  4. Walking northeast from the last spot. In the alley between the university and cathedral
  5. Zoo park in the upper right corner. Taking a call by the metro station
  6. Taking a call by the metro station to the right of the castle
  7. Back to the Cathedral courtyard. Walking outside the right side metro station
  8. Walking past the dress store on the street between the castle and cathedral courtyard
  9. To the left of the central entrance of the castle. He is now wearing a wig, beard, and robe with a bag
  10. Same costume as the last space. Center of the park to the left of the castle, acting at the table

Lorenzo Cinghialone

  1. Lunching in the park to the left of the castle
  2. Taking a phone call by the waterfront to the left
  3. Right side of waterfront, heading northeast through the gate
  4. Northeast of last point, entering the metro station by the truck place
  5. Upper right corner of map, riding his scooter on the road. Holding a humongous paint brush on his back
  6. Riding his scooter outside the bank, at the center of the top
  7. Riding his scooter outside the metro station to the right of the castle
  8. Riding his scooter at the intersection of the cathedral square and the parade path
  9. Lower right corner of map, holding his big brush at the gate
  10. To the right of the last point, outside the house with the woman on the balcony

Vincenzo Vegano

  1. Above the castle concert in the small alley, walking southeast
  2. End of that alley, outside the metro station to the right of the castle
  3. Zoo park, shaking hands above the metro station
  4. Left of zoo metro station, chasing monkey
  5. Chasing monkey past bank
  6. Chasing monkey in courtyard of university
  7. Cathedral square, yelling at horse station on its right side
  8. South of the last point. Climbing a fence by a truck
  9. On top of the gate in lower right corner
  10. Looking inside a briefcase in cathedral square, by last two points

Johnny Weak

  1. Walking northwest from the entrance north of the cathedral
  2. Sitting on bench by zoo metro station
  3. To the right of the last tick, on the stone path
  4. Walking southwest, on the sidewalk by the pond with the flamingoes
  5. Corner of flamingo pond, facing the bank
  6. Beneath the left euro sign on the bank, facing his dog on the road
  7. To the right of the castle metro station
  8. In front of the castle, northeast of the entrance
  9. In front of the castle, to the right between the streetlights
  10. Across the street from the park left of the castle. On the rock path next to the bar and news stands

Rick Harmon

  1. Pointing his laser at the Action Movie poster by the mechanic shop on the bottom edge
  2. Entering the portal on the Action Movie Poster
  3. Running Southwest from a portal on the old ruins to the right of the kiddy play park
  4. Running into a new portal Southwest of the last point, on the kiddy park ruins
  5. Running outside the right side of the cathedral
  6. Running into a portal beneath the horse statue outside the cathedral
  7. Ramparts of the castle. Running from a portal on the right side of the front side, by the clock tower
  8. Ramparts of the castle. Running southwest from the clock tower on the front side
  9. Right side of the waterfront, in front of the stone gate
  10. Right side of the waterfront, in front of the stone gate. To the right of the last point


  1. Outside the dress shop on the central street southeast of the castle entrance
  2. Entering the castle from its front entrance on the southern side
  3. Carried out by a security guard, right of the castle front entrance
  4. Climbing the castle walls from the northern side
  5. On the northern ramparts of the castles, to the right of the lighting rig
  6. In the castle concert crowd, taking a selfie
  7. Accosted by the security guard in the castle courtyard, by the CD store booth
  8. Running northeast past the metro station to the right of the castle
  9. Zoo park, hiding behind a tree to the right of the metro station
  10. Zoo park, getting splashed by an elephant

Hero Turtles

  1. Outside the comic store on the waterfront
  2. Outside the bar stand across the road from the park left of the castle
  3. Climbing outside the manhole outside the market in the lower right corner of the map
  4. Climbing out the mostly closed manhole to the right of the castle right side metro station
  5. Climbing outside the manhole north of the cathedral
  6. Zoo park, in the pen with the elephant
  7. Corner between elephant pen and flamingo pen on the northern side of the screen
  8. Heading northeast of the manhole outside the left side castle metro station
  9. Accosting a purse snatcher, park to the left of the castle
  10. Waterfront, outside the pizza parlor eating at a table

Giovanni Storto

  1. University courtyard
  2. Driving an invisible car outside the bank
  3. Talking to a bald person in a second story window, behind the bar stand, across the road from the castle park
  4. Southeast corner of the kiddy play park, by the stone arch
  5. Rooftop restaurant by university, right side
  6. Rooftop restaurant by university, center
  7. Right side of cathedral, alley with manhole
  8. Waterfront, right side in front of the stone gate
  9. Waterfront, arguing outside of the comic store
  10. Waterfront, looking at water in front of cafe patio
Lost Age
Paul Haderach

  1. Glass bridge between the temple and royal palace, walking southeast
  2. Garden terrace with palm trees on royal palace, receiving the egg
  3. Northern side of royal palace garden terrace, by the portal with the flower symbol
  4. Beneath the glass bridge, in the middle of the two rows of the obelisks
  5. Southwest from the central portal, on the side of the canal
  6. Southwest of the pyramid, by the pond and water symbol portal
  7. Farm field, between the palm trees and grain
  8. West of the central portal, by the market stalls with pottery
  9. East of pyramid, by the temple and obelisk rows, pulling the worm off his mentor
  10. Top of map by the portals, right of the fish symbol portal

Max Rocket

  1. East of the pond by the pyramid, running by the barracks door (shield hanging above door)
  2. Southwest of central portal, running along the street, facing northeast
  3. Central portal, to the right with his three friends
  4. West of gladiator ring, racing by the gear stall
  5. Plank bridge over the canal east of the farm
  6. West of the central portal, running northwest under the arch by the score stone tablet
  7. East of the pyramid, racing past the temple bottom towards the obelisk rows
  8. North of the central portal running between two stores
  9. West of the central portal, chatting with his three friends
  10. Between the gladiator ring and the sphinx

Prince Mechner

For his first and second ticks, his face is obscured by a cloak. He's upside down on the sixth
  1. Top of the map, coming out of the fish symbol portal. Wearing a cloak
  2. North of central portal, cloaked between a stall and the obelisk poking above the portal
  3. Southwest of the central portal, running from a guard on the street. From this point on, no cloak
  4. South of the central portal, east of the black snake portal. Climbing up the building on a wooden block
  5. South of the central portal, right next to the eye symbol portal
  6. West of the gladiator pit and gear booth. Upside down beneath an arch
  7. Between central portal and gladiator pit, crouched on a roof spire
  8. West of central portal, jumping up northeast of the last point
  9. Royal palace garden terrace with palm trees, hanging onto the southern edge
  10. Top of the map, by the portals. Between the two rows of obelisks


This character is a reference to the indie game Journey. If you see a piece of cloth on the map, the Nomad will be there at a later tick
  1. Southwest of the two obelisk rows and glass bridge at the top of the map
  2. Southwest of the central portal, holding a cloth piece outside a pottery stand
  3. East of the farm, crossing the plank bridge to the southeast
  4. Southeast of the central portal, jumping down the stairs
  5. South of sphinx, holding cloth
  6. Far southeast corner of the map, running towards corner
  7. South of central portal, right next to the eye symbol portal
  8. East of the farm, next to the black portal with the snake symbol
  9. Dry canal between the two sides of the farm
  10. By pyramid, east of sun symbol floating in midair by a spire

Rick O'Riordan

  1. Between the two rows of obelisks beneath the glass portal at the top of screen, holding a pickaxe
  2. Top of the screen on the temple, north of the floating pyramid top. Smuggling a sarcophagus
  3. East of the pyramid, smuggling the sarcophagus northwest into the alley between the pyramid and temple
  4. North of the pyramid, looking into the open sarcophagus in the little camp
  5. West of the central portal, running southeast under an arch between two building
  6. Southwest from the central portal, running along the canal street
  7. East of farm, just crossed the plank bridge heading southeast
  8. West of the gladiator pit, right next to the gear stall
  9. South of the central portal, east of the eye symbol portal and gear rug
  10. North of the gladiator pit, sat down

Bee Bee Holt

  1. South of the central portal, walking out of the eye symbol portal with the Rey lookalike
  2. Southeast of the central portal, to the right of a spire
  3. Southwest of the central portal, running down the southern edge of the canal
  4. East of the farm, right above the black snake portal
  5. East of the farm, heading northwest from the plank bridge
  6. West of the central portal, beneath a palm tree by a pottery stand
  7. Southwest of the central portal, running into a civilian with a pot along the north side of the canal
  8. This one is hard to see. Northwest of the central portal, running along the scaffolding on the southern edge of the pyramid
  9. Between the pyramid and north temple, being lectured in the alley
  10. North of the central portal, outside the hat store


  1. East of the central portal, talking to his two friends, facing northeast
  2. Southwest of the central portal, walking along the canal street
  3. North of farm, front of the oasis
  4. East of farm, on south side of plank bridge
  5. Gladiator pit
  6. North of sphinx, next to scarab symbol portal
  7. Top side of map, right outside the fish symbol portal
  8. Alley between pyramid and north temple, storming off northwest
  9. North of pyramid, making a sand castle by the sarcophagus in the camp
  10. South side of pyramid, by the sun symbol portal


He is dressed as a pauper for his first three ticks, then a prince for the rest. You need to assimilate Rage and use the parallax skill to find his third tick
  1. West of the oasis by the pyramid, in front of a tent with his monkey
  2. Requires Rage’s Parallax. In the lower hidden treasure room in the pyramid, stealing the lamp
  3. Southeast side of pyramid, by the sun symbol portal
  4. West of the central portal, on his magic carpet
  5. Royal palace garden terrace with palm trees, southern side with the princess
  6. Flying west from the last point. On the west most cat statue on the southern side of the palace
  7. On the temple on the northern edge of the map, between an elephant and the ankh symbol portal
  8. Southeast of the pyramid and west of the central portal, on the carpet beneath the spire building
  9. Southeast of the central portal, due east of the eye symbol portal
  10. Farm, floating above the canal edge


Ken constantly uses portals, so his location is very erratic
  1. Southern side of pyramid, walking out of the sun symbol portal
  2. West side of pyramid, fixing a broken box
  3. Northern side of pyramid, walking into the star symbol portal
  4. South from central portal, walking out of eye symbol portal
  5. East of farm, right next to black snake symbol portal
  6. South of central portal, southwest of the eye symbol portal
  7. Beneath sphinx, between its front paws
  8. East of portal, south of palace, fixing a bag by Prince Mechner 8
  9. Southwest of central portal, walking in dry canal next to plank bridge
  10. South of farm walking in the dry canal
Atlantean Age
Marco Valdo

It's honestly easier to find the human child that follows him than Marco himself
  1. Bottom left corner of map. Walking northeast, about to walk up the first set of stairs
  2. Central plaza, south of the symbols in the middle
  3. Southeast of the law statue with the blindfold and scales, standing by the big rock with symbols
  4. Central plaza, dead center
  5. Central plaza, west side of the Poseidon fountain
  6. Due east of the Poseidon fountain, about to cross the stairs that separate the central plaza from the Tower of Arts
  7. Southeast bottom side of the Tower of Leisure, sitting on a bench by the trash dump
  8. Sports field, west side by the checkers table
  9. Southwest bottom side of the Tower of Leisure, on the circular platform
  10. Central plaza, due west of the fountain, by a bench


For most of his ticks, he's chased by a large merman chef with a mustache. Requires Rage's Parallax
  1. Requires Rage’s Parallax. Inside the restaurant at the top of the Tower of Leisure
  2. Left of the restaurant entrance, at the top of the Tower of Leisure
  3. Between the temple and Tower of Leisure, due south of the little food vendor
  4. Due north of the Poseidon fountain, at the base of the Tower of Leisure
  5. Due east of the Poseidon statue, on the floating rock path bridging the Tower of Leisure and library
  6. Southeast of the Poseidon fountain, on the brick edge of the canal
  7. Tower of Art, west side, in the water above the canal
  8. Northeast of the Tower of Art, in the water north of the east side canal
  9. East of the central plaza, at the right pillar, at the edge of the central plaza and library
  10. Bottom right corner of map, in the water above the boat racers in the canal, with a mermaid

Walter Heisenberg

Usually looking away from the camera, so look out for his jellyfish hat and bookbag
  1. Top of the Tower of Leisure, right of the restaurant entrance. He’s facing northwest
  2. Central plaza, next to the Poseidon statue on the left side by the two benches, wearing his mask
  3. Central plaza, east side, facing the canal. Wearing mask
  4. Top of the Tower of the Leisure, due Southwest of the restaurant entrance on the circular platform
  5. Next to law statue (scales and blindfold)
  6. Central plaza, left side of the fountain basin
  7. Inside the library of the Tower of Knowledge
  8. Between the Tower of Leisure and Tower of Knowledge, on a floating platform. Above the trash cauldron
  9. Temple, top level, east side on a round platform by the Tower of Leisure
  10. Tower of Arts, top level, facing an easel


For most of his ticks, he's fighting with a guardian. He floats around, so he doesn't neatly follow the pathways
  1. West edge of the map, flying northeast over the chemist level of the medical tower at the entrance
  2. East side of temple, flying northeast. Above the medical tower spire, right of the big stone guardian
  3. Top of temple, due west of the giant floating crystal
  4. West of temple, due south of the water pot fountain, by the canal building
  5. Flying over the temple, due south of the giant crystal. On the southwest corner of the middle level
  6. Central plaza, south from the center. Taking a breather on the southwest corner
  7. Central plaza, west of center, above the entrance arch
  8. Southwest corner entrance, east tower, top level, knocking over a vase
  9. Temple, bottom level, south of giant crystal and east of medical tower spire
  10. Tower of leisure, south of the vendor stand with ice cream


For his most ticks, he's with a mustached squid artist
  1. Tower of Knowledge, posing on east side balcony
  2. Between Tower of Arts and Tower of Knowledge, east side of the stair entrance
  3. Central plaza, south of fountain basin
  4. Tower of Leisure, west side, on balcony by canal
  5. Tower of Leisure, arguing outside top level restaurant
  6. Tower of Leisure, bottom level, corner between entrance and trash chute
  7. Sports field, beneath west side hoops
  8. Sports field, arguing above east side hoops
  9. Central plaza, west of Poseidon statue
  10. Tower of Arts, Southwest corner posing for a portrait


  1. Tower of Leisure, east side, middle level with her mother
  2. Between the Tower of Art and Tower of Knowledge, south of the stairs to library
  3. Central plaza, west of fountain basin
  4. Central plaza, south of fountain basin
  5. Water between Tower of Leisure and Tower of Knowledge. Due east of the Poseidon statue, skipping on the water
  6. Left edge of map, center. Skipping in the water west of the chemist on the medic tower
  7. Temple, level with braziers, due south of the giant flying crystal
  8. Bottom level of the temple, Southwest wide, hiding behind a column
  9. Temple, sitting with her mother on a balcony, southeast side
  10. Central plaza, with her mother


He can shape shift, so he looks nothing alike in half his ticks. Look for the seashell necklace and wide frame. He's a chicken in his forth tick, chicken faced in his fifth, and gator faced in his seventh, eighth, and ninth
  1. South edge of screen, on a raft in the water by intersection of city entrance and central plaza
  2. Entrance, right next to the door of the medic tower
  3. Central plaza, Southwest corner
  4. Tower of Knowledge, east side lower balcony. He’s a chicken now
  5. Tower of knowledge, east side of top level, by three bookshelves. He has a chicken head
  6. Tower of Knowledge, top level, west side, just outside the library room
  7. Tower of Knowledge, bottom level, west side, by the trash pot. He now has a gator head
  8. Tower of Leisure, southeast side, west of the trash pot. Still has gator head
  9. Central plaza, due west of the Poseidon statue, speaking to an old woman on a bench. Still has gator head
  10. Central plaza, east of fountain basin, holding a sail

Straw Hat

In contrast to every other Fulcrum, we aren't looking for a person, we're looking for the hat itself. It's usually worn by a long neck fish person, but it blows away in ticks 6-9.
  1. Central plaza, south of fountain basin
  2. South side of the Tower of Knowledge, top of entrance stairs
  3. Tower of Knowledge, inside the top floor library room
  4. Central plaza, east of the fountain basin, on the border between the central plaza and the Tower of Knowledge
  5. Standing on top of the east entrance tower, by the southern side of the temple
  6. Dead center of Poseidon statue. Now a free floating hat
  7. Southeast of the Poseidon statue, floating in the canal water by the entrance. Still a loose hat
  8. Due west of the giant crystal floating above the temple. It’s at the intersection of the two canals. Still loose hat
  9. East of the giant crystal floating above the temple. Held by a jellyfish person standing on the canal edge
  10. Southeast side of Tower of Leisure, right next to the trash pot. Now returned and worn by the Luffy lookalike

Steam Age
Blue Hex

This one is real tricky. For her first four ticks, you can only see her hair braids!! You'll see little wind up robots, graffiti, and a braid sticking out of cover. That's her.

  1. Down from the factory, left of the big pile of robot parts. Graffiti on workshop roof
  2. Lower slums, down from waterwheel and right of New Dawn workshop. Graffiti on wall
  3. By the first tick. Left of bunny woman statue, graffiti on tank, braid poking from porthole window
  4. Top of screen, right of factory bridge, left of thief's lair. Graffiti on wall
  5. Central island, west of giant gear arch, graffitiing the building with the pumpkin sign
  6. Border of slum and central island, running southwest down a plank bridge
  7. East of the illegal store in the bottom left corner. She’s posing on the mast of a raft
  8. Masquerade garden party, perched on the top of the stage
  9. Bridge between central island and southern mansion. She’s climbing the west side of the bridge gate
  10. Due north of the last point, top of the west bridge gate tower

Howard Hatecraft

  1. Central island, walking southwest on the market street
  2. Central island, west side. Next to the building with the water wheel and lightning sign
  3. Slums. Due south of the water wheel
  4. Slums, west side, right above the ruined train car in the illegal store
  5. Workshop island, east of bunny lady statue and south of clock building
  6. Dragon statue square, west of the giant robot workshop
  7. Walking southwest along the train tracks, due south of the big factory robot
  8. Slums, northwest of the water wheel
  9. Walking northeast along the train tracks, south of the cleaning robot arm and train
  10. Dragon statue square, west side, taking his face off on a balcony

Jean Passport

  1. Dragon statue square. East of the square and due north of the robot workshop, by some outdoor cafe tables
  2. Northwest of last location, heading towards the bridge to the east factory gate
  3. Dragon statue square, west of statue
  4. Dragon statue square, southeast of statue, heading towards the bridge
  5. Central market street, on the the edge of the bridge to dragon statue square
  6. Southeast of last point. Central island, at the gate building with cog decoration, north of the angler fish building
  7. Southwest of zeppelin, colliding with a group of children
  8. Bridge between central island and southern manor, on northern side
  9. Southern manor island, east side, right beneath the bridge gate
  10. Southern manor island, east side, walking southeast to the end of map, north of the walled gazebo garden

Mrs. Saltpot

For her last two ticks, she shrinks in size
  1. Dragon statue square, northeast of the robot workshop, walking southwest out of her house
  2. Dragon statue square, northeast of the statue, by the bridge to eastern factory
  3. Dragon statue square, due south of the dragon
  4. Central market street, by bridge to dragon statue square
  5. Central market street, north of the robot with top hat statue
  6. Central market street, next to the stand with the gentleman octopus sign
  7. Central market street, Southwest end under the arch
  8. Southeast of the water wheel building on the bottom side of the map, by the gate to its yard. Her pendant is floating
  9. South of water wheel, now tiny, by a ladder
  10. Slums, between the New Dawn workshop and the big pile of gears. She’s still tiny

Young Gherman

Almost always looking away from the camera
  1. Slums, on the roof of a building north of the train car in the scrap pile
  2. Southeast of the water wheel, crossing the plank bridge northeast between the slums and central island
  3. Central island, southeast of the giant robot with top hat, throwing trash at the nautilus in the water
  4. Central island, south of the gate building with the gear decoration, northwest of the bridge to the manor
  5. Dragon statue square, southeast of the statue, by the bridge to the center island
  6. Workshop island, looking at the bunny warrior statue
  7. Workshop island, west of the bunny warrior statue, looking at a chemical tank
  8. North of water wheel, by a warning sign entering the slums
  9. Slums, north side by the building with the crane, petting some cats
  10. Slums, north of the New Dawn workshop and southeast of tick 9

Little Red

Moves via the rooftops
  1. Factory at northwest corner of map, peeking out of the chimney stacks by the cleaning robot arm
  2. North of the Workshop Island, southeast of the big factory robot, a climbing by the train tracks
  3. Due south of last tick. Workshop Island, south of the circular platform, on a rooftop gear
  4. Workshop Island, jumping northeast on the roof gear of the building with the big clock
  5. Dragon statue square, Southwest of the statue, stealing from the river facing window of the cafe
  6. Dragon statue square, west of the statue, climbing the rounded rooftop
  7. Dragon statue square, northwest of the statue, sitting and eating on the rooftop crane
  8. Dragon statue square, due north of the statue, on the window
  9. Dragon statue square, northeast of the statue, by the sun decoration
  10. Dragon statue square, east of statue, on the southeast side of the big robot workshop

Mister Giuseppe

Requires Rage's Parallax ability, as his eight tick is inside. He's usually looking away from the camera, so look for his suspenders more than his beard
  1. Slums, a little north of the train carriage in the illegal store scrap
  2. Northern slums, southeast of the big crane
  3. Slums, Southwest of the water wheel, by a ladder
  4. Slums, picking through scrap by the illegal store. Northeast of the store safe
  5. Central island, northeast of the plank bridge between the slums and central island
  6. Central island, due east of the water wheel and northwest of tick 5
  7. North of the water wheel, by the warning sign entrance of the slums
  8. Requires Rage’s Parallax. Inside the hidden workshop in the slums
  9. Workshop Island, in front of the building with the big clock
  10. Dragon statue square, presenting his child to the kids

Jack Colibri

  1. Upper right corner of map, north of the circus tent. Sailing in the canal
  2. Northwest of zeppelin, sinking in the canal at a dock
  3. Dragon statue square, east of the statue
  4. Zeppelin, outside by the ramp
  5. Bridge gate between central island and southern mansion, east side by a streetlight
  6. Bridge gate between central island and southern mansion, west side
  7. Central island, east of the angler fish, northwest of the bridge to the southern mansion
  8. Central island, Southwest of the angler fish
  9. Central island, east of the water wheel, in the gated yard
  10. Dock by illegal store in southwest corner, boarding a gondola
Aeon Age
This map is split into an upper layer (the three floating islands) and a lower layer (the slums). Unless otherwise noted, almost everyone is on the lower layer

Din Djar Djar

  1. Northwest corner of slums, walking southwest from the door with the up arrows
  2. Restaurant street of slums, Southwest of the fish sign, next to some street tables covered in food
  3. Restaurant section of slums, southeast of the sushi restaurant and west of an eye shaped sign, flying in the air
  4. Bottom of map, Southwest of the cute burger sign
  5. Bottom of map, southeast of a billboard with a skull on it
  6. Bottom of map, Southwest of the space invader sign/arcade and west of a drink stand
  7. Junkyard, north of the space invader sign, using his jet pack
  8. Slums, southeast of the nightclub from the first story case
  9. Junkyard, north of the nightclub and west of the two big electrical antennas
  10. Cesspit at top of screen, sitting on the eastern dock, taking his helmet off

Doc Daisuke

Usually around a robot cat woman

  1. Junkyard, south of the bell tower
  2. Junkyard, west of the bell tower, northwest of the two electrical antennas
  3. Junkyard, east of nightclub, north of arcade, carrying a robot cat woman
  4. Southern slums, south of the nightclub, west of the billboard with a skull on it
  5. South of the slum center fighting ring, on a rooftop
  6. Southwest of tick 5, next to a satellite and ghost billboard
  7. A little west of tick 4. South of nightclub, east of skull billboard
  8. Southwest corner of map, on a rooftop east of a metal ladder
  9. North of tick 8. South of restaurant street, east of uranium symbol screens
  10. Center of slum, east of fighting ring

Astro Kid

For his first two ticks, he's in the lower level slums. For the rest, he's fighting three robots in the upper level islands
  1. Lower level slums, southwest of center fighting ring and north of cute burger sign
  2. Lower level slums
  3. Dead center of upper level map, next to the southern corner of the middle island
  4. Center floating island, west side, punching a robot in the air
  5. Pyramid island, flying over the western flying pyramid top
  6. Southeast of tick 5, west of the sphinx face
  7. Due south of the center island, south of the giant pipe
  8. Southeast of pyramid island, flying over a cloud
  9. Middle of upper level, floating over the west elbow of the giant pipes
  10. Pyramid island, standing on the east side by the giant jet engines

Main Character

His first six ticks are on the upper level pyramid island while his last four are in the slums
  1. West pyramid island, on east side, between palm trees
  2. Upper level of pyramid island, above sphinx head, melting the locked door
  3. Southwest of tick 2, closer to the west flying pyramid top
  4. South of tick 3, rappelling down the west side of the pyramid with a rope
  5. South of tick 4, west side of pyramid, at the oasis pond
  6. West of tick 1, tiptoeing at east side of sphinx
  7. Now we’re in the slums. Northwest corner, walking out of the door with the two up arrows
  8. Southern slums, northwest of the cute burger sign, running northwest
  9. Southern edge of the screen, Southwest of the skull billboard, walking into an alley
  10. Southeast corner of the screen, due south of the space invader sign

Agent Molly

From her third tick on, she's chasing a cat person
  1. Night club, booth seat
  2. South of nightclub
  3. Junkyard, open area with multiple people
  4. Junkyard, running southwest towards the nightclub
  5. Southern slums, south of nightclub and west of skull billboard
  6. Southwest of center fighting ring and northeast of cute burger sign, chasing witness
  7. Southwest of tick 6, west of cute burger sign
  8. Southwest of tick 7, next to the metal ladder
  9. West edge of map, by the tower of screens, wiping the memory of witness
  10. Southern edge of map, Southwest of cute burger sign, with partner

The Chosen One

Almost always with a devil figure. Can fly
  1. Open area of junkyard, southwest of bell tower
  2. Southwest of tick 1, east of the nightclub and ghost poster
  3. South of arcade with space invaders sign
  4. Southern side of screen, Southwest of the skull sign, by an onigiri stand
  5. North of tick 4, flying in air. West of skull billboard, south of a skull billboard
  6. West of cute burger sign, walking southwest down the street
  7. Southwest corner of map, bending the metal ladder
  8. North of cute burger sign, walking with devil
  9. Southern edge of map, southeast of cute burger sign, on a rooftop
  10. South of slum center fighting ring, flying over the skull billboard

The Elminator

  1. Southern edge of map, southeast of the skull billboard, standing on a rooftop
  2. Southern edge of map, southwest of space invaders arcade, between a drink and onigiri stand
  3. Southeastern corner of map, south of a water droplet sign and arcade
  4. Southwest of arcade, on street next to ramen stand
  5. Slightly northwest of tick 4, at the crab stand close to the nightclub
  6. Southwest of nightclub, east of the skull billboard, running northwest into an alley
  7. South of slum center fighting ring
  8. West of slum center fighting ring, talking to the lady at the food stand
  9. Northwest of center slum fighting ring, behind the counter of the food stand with the dragon statue roof
  10. Southwest of slum center fighting ring, walking with love interest. North of cute burger sign
Difficult Story Case Sections
This game is, for the most part, very generous with hints. However, as you approach the finish line and take on more of the AIs, they'll throw some curve balls and give you items to look for with no hints whatsoever. The first few difficult ones are the keys you're asked to look for after assimilating a new AI, starting with Chimera. The next rough patch is the finale sequence, where you're asked to find three abstract concepts in each era with no hints.

The Four Keys
Chimera - Dragon statue square, on brick wall by giant robot workshop. I didn't get a good photo, so look at the red labeling in this spare photo

Oblivion - Southwest of pyramid and east of oasis pond, on the right side of the barracks door, which is the building with the shield above the door

Avatar - Cloud district, west of gear manor front door

Legacy - The model Apartment from the game’s tutorial, right above the door

Five Minutes to Midnight

Minutes to Midnight: One

Friendship: Nightclub, the assaulted rockstar and his two friends in the booth seat
Love: Decker and Nina, due south of the space invaders arcade sign
Loyalty: West of gear manor, the Volpin talking to her construct at the patio table

Minutes to Midnight: Four

Playing with pet: central street southeast of castle entrance, next to dress store, beggar with dog
Food: waterfront, pizza place. The place to click on, at least for me, was the balding man with his tongue sticking out
Music: The concert in the castle

Minutes to Midnight: Three

Play: Dragon statue square, the four kids on scooters
Family: Little Red tenth tick, east of dragon statue square, on border of robot workshop
Protest: center island, crowd of protesters due east of the water wheel

Minutes to Midnight: Two
Goat: Northeast side of farm, man playing with goat
Food: north of gladiator pit, tables outside bar, soldier with three dishes
Family: Oasis north of farm, the brother and sister form the poisoning case frolicking behind the palm trees

Minutes to Midnight: One
Knowledge: East of Tower of Knowledge, guy reading book on floating platform (victim of previous case)
Kindness: central plaza, fish woman talking to man with back pain
Love: Two guardians from a previous case, rock platforms between Tower of Leisure and Tower of Knowledge
Lea May 22 @ 10:24am 
Thks, I took the screen shot for Little Red in steam age if you want to add it :)
NdiGiuli Dec 17, 2023 @ 4:40am 
Thanks for this! Some of these were though to find!
Epic Alex Furry Aug 4, 2023 @ 3:46pm 
Damn I had no idea Raquel changed outfits, I couldn’t never find him
MasterRPG  [developer] Jul 30, 2023 @ 2:30pm 
Wow! Great job!
Perdurabo Jul 29, 2023 @ 7:17am 
Thank you! I was having difficulty with the endgame!
bearsbearsbears  [author] Jul 26, 2023 @ 10:51am 
@Midori Lucci
After completing a handful of story cases, head to the era select timeline between cases. There will be a orange clock (I really thought it was a compass for a hot second) on the lower left corner of the era that can be clicked on to see the Fulcrum Stories
Midori Lucci Jul 26, 2023 @ 9:43am 
What Cases do you use for this?
babushkasara Jul 25, 2023 @ 10:18am 
Thank you for this. I found most of them on my own, but the braid girl, my goodness.
🅾️rder💲 Jul 23, 2023 @ 7:13am 