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Exosuit Library
By Juny Foo
In this guide, I will explain every exosuit, their abilities, and potential modules for their abilities. (Work in progress)
About Exosuit variants
The real difference between the default and the α exosuit variants is their Primary weapon and health. Every α exosuits still have all the same skills as the default suites, besides their primary weapon and different health pool.

You do not need to buy the early unlock to get the α variant exosuit. You'll have to reach level 20 with the default exosuits to unlock the α variants.

About the Exosuit
A user-friendly, all-purpose exosuit. Excels at medium and long-distance combat.

Role: Assault
Primary Weapon: Ravager
Health: 500

(Primary Weapon) An assault rifle that can be fired full auto. Aim down the sights to increase its accuracy. Hold [Left Click] to fire, Hold [Right Click] to aim down sights.

Rifle Grenade
A grenade round that explodes on impact. Hold left click and press [E] to launch a grenade.

Dive Dodge
Performs an evasive roll. Use [W] [A] [S] [D] to change directions. Press [Q] to perform this action.

Thrust attack
A powerful strike that knocks back enemies. Charge to increase impact and range. Press [E] to perform this strike.

Cluster Salvo
Deploys multiple heavy weapons built into your armor that unleash overwhelming firepower straight ahead. When fully charged, press [Z] to activate the Overdrive ability.

Unique Modules
Suit Level
Modified Ability
Damage Chain
- Landing consecutive hits with the ravager increases base damage by [LV.1: 5%].
- [LV.1] Very slightly reduces cooldown time for Rifle Grenade and Thrust Attack when landing hits with the ravager. Time reduced varies according to the enemy type.
Shot Grenade
Rifle Grenade
- [LV.1] Increases projectile speed and makes it fly on a straighter path
Piercing Thrust
Thrust Attack
- Increases base Thrust Attack damage by 20% and increases knockback distance of nearby enemies hit by a charged Thrust Attack.
Reload Dodge
Dive Dodge
- [LV.1] Automatically reloads weapon upon use.
- [LV.1] Increases cooldown time by 4 seconds.
Dive Dodge+
Dive Dodge
- [LV.1] Reduces flinching upon use.
- [LV.1] Temporarily dodge distance.
- [LV.1] Increases dodge distance.
- [LV.1] Increases cooldown time by 4 seconds.

Deadeye α

About the Exosuit

Role: Assault
Primary Weapon α : Aggressor
Health: 400

Aggressor α
(α Primary Weapon; replaces Ravager) A weapon with shotgun and burst rifle modes. Fire without aiming to blast nearby enemies with the shotgun, or aim down the sights to release an effective five-round burst.

About The Exosuit
A Speedy, melee-focused exosuit. Requires deft movement skills to compensate for its light armoring.

Role: Assault
Primary weapon: Energized Tonfas (Tonfa Blitz)
Health: 350

Tonfa Blitz
Unleashes a melee combo with tonfas that release waves of energy. [Left Click] to perform a melee attack.

Linear Strike
A powerful forward tackle. Sends some enemies flying and deals additional damage when they collide with walls or other enemies. [Right Click] to perform this ability.

Turbine Step
Executes a quick evade. Use W, A, S, D to change directions. Press [Q] to activate this ability.

Sky High
Kicks foes into the air. Press [E] to perform this ability.

Limiter Override
Undoes the limiter on Zephyr's boost gears. Cooldown times are reduced briefly, allowing for faster combos. Also heals Zephyr upon activation. When fully charged, press [Z] to activate this Overdrive ability.

Double Jump
After your first jump, Press [Spacebar] for an additional jump while you're in mid-air.

Unique Modules
Modified ability
Tonfa Blitz
- [LV.1] Hitting enemies with a timed combo attack very slightly reduces all ability cooldown timers.
- [LV.1] This effect is not applied while Limitar Override is active.
Melee Enhancer
Tonfa Blitz
- [LV.1] Increases base damage by 40%.
- [LV.1] Increases attack speed.
- [LV.1] Energy waves are no longer emitted
Sky High
- [LV.1] Enables an extra attack by pressing [Left Click].
- [LV.1] Donosaurs knocked back by the extra attack deal damage to enemies they hit
Rebound Strike
Linear Strike
- [LV.1] Increases chance of knocking back hostiles exofighters.
- [LV.1] Knocked back hostiles exofighters take 50% extra damage colliding with walls.
- [LV.1] Increases knockback distance of small dinosaurs.
Flash Step
Turbine Step
- [LV.1] Increases number of uses by 1.
- [LV.1] Reduces movement distance.
- [LV.1] Increases cooldown time by 2 seconds.
Gust Step
Turbine Step
- [LV.1] Slightly knocks back enemies upon use
- [LV.1] Reduces flinching upon use.
- [LV.1] Temporarily increases defence upon use.
- [LV.1] Increases cooldown time by 4 seconds.

About the Exosuit
A suit that uses different types of grenades fired from its crossbow to bombard the enemy.

Role: Assault
Primary weapon: incendiary grenade launcher
Health: 500

Fires a grenade that flies in an arc and ricochets off surfaces. Dinosaurs hit by a grenade will be set on fire. [Left click] to launch a grenade.

Triple Threat
Fires land mines in three locations. Detonate with [Right Click] after placement to set the sites ablaze. Mines set dinosaurs on fire. [Right Click] to launch the mines, then [Right Click] again to detonate them. Standing nearby the mines while detonating them will result you're Exosuit launching/flying.

Flip Dodge
Uses an explosive blast to evade. Use [W][A][S][D] a to change direction. Press [Q] to perform this ability.

Stun Grenade
A grenade that stuns enemies. Press [E] to throw the stun grenade.

Burning Heart
Remove your armor, ignite your Hi-Xol, and become a flying missile that deals huge damage to yourself and enemies upon detonation. Use [Mouse] to steer, and use [Left Click] to detonate. When fully charged, Press [Z] to activate this Overdrive ability.

Unique Modules
Modified ability
Blast Enhancer
- [LV.1] Increases blast radius.
- Increases ammo by [LV.2] 1 [LV.3] 2 [LV.4] 3 [LV.5] 4.
Impact Grenade
- [LV.1] Increases base damage by 7% when landing a direct hit.
Boost Grenade
Stun Grenade
- [LV.1] Temporarily increases attack power upon use.
- Reduces cooldown time by [LV.2] 1 [LV.3] 2 [LV.4] 3 [LV.5] 4 seconds
Lingering Threat
Triple Threat
- [LV.1] Extends flame duration.
- Reduces cooldown time by [LV.2] 1 [LV.3] 2 [LV.4] 3 [LV.5] 4 seconds
Reload Doge
Flip Dodge
- [LV.1] Automatically reloads weapon when used.
- [LV.1] Increases cooldown time by 4 seconds.
Flare Dodge
Flip Dodge
- [LV.1] Increases base explosive damage by 100%.
- [LV.1] Increases blast radius.
- [LV.1] Increases chance of burning dinosaurs

About the exosuit
An exosuit that excels at delivering long-range fire. Requires excellent positioning skills and accuracy.

Role: Assault
Primary weapon: Sniper rifle
Health: 350

Subsonic Burst
Fires a 3-round burst from your sniper rifle. Shots may be charged and fired when Railgun Charge is active. [Left click] for a 3-round burst. Hold [Right Click] to zoom in, zooming in allows you to use the Railgun Charge.

Uses the recoil of your rifle to jump even higher. Press [Space] after your first jump.

Frost Lock
Fires an icy cluster that freezes foes. Press the [Q] to hurdle a giant snow ball.

Stinger Shot
After charging, fires a powerful railgun shot that pierces foes and cuts through enemy lines. Press [E] to fire the railgun ability.

Barrel Breaker
Converts all accumulated Hi-Xol into sniper rifle energy. Press [Left Click] to fire high-output railgun shots without charging. When fully charged, press the [Z] to activate the Overdrive ability.

Railgun Charge
A charged railgun projectile, passively charges after each fire. Hold [Right Click] to look down your scope, charge the power of your projectiles, and fire with [Left Click] while holding [Right Click].

About the Exosuit
A heavyweight exosuit with supreme durability. Its shield increases the team's survivability.

Role: Tank
Primary weapon: Giant shield, Melee
Health: 1000

Unleashes a punch from an enlarged armored fist. [Left Click] to perform melee attack

Shield Blast
A forward shield thrust that sends enemies flying. The more enemies hit by the shield, the stronger the impact. With Ballistic Wall deployed, [left Click] to bash enemies in front of your

Skid Dodge
Performs an evade. Use [W][A][S][D] to change direction. Press [Q] to perform this ability.

Draws the focus of enemies in front of you by banging on your shield. Also causes enemy exosuit AI to malfunction, hindering their evasiveness. Press [E] to perform this ability

Storm Drive
Generates a tornado that sucks in enemies by using your shield's thrusters to make you spin rapidly. When fully charged, Press [Z] to start spinning, then press [Left Click] again to launch the tornado and blow enemies away.

Ballistic Wall
Hold [Right Click] to deploy an energy shield that defends against attacks. Hold [E] to look around.

About the Exosuit
A heavy tank exosuit with formidable suppressive firepower. its arsenal can stop enemies in their tracks.

Role: Tank
Primary weapon: Mini Gun
Health: 900

K-40 Repulsor Minigun
Fires a minigun that suppresses enemies with overwhelming barrage firepower. Heats up with continuous fire, requiring periodic cooldown. Hold [Left Click] to fire.

Stunlock Missile
Fires homing missiles that paralyze on impact. Hold [Right Click] to lock onto targets, then release to fire.

Thruster Dash
Performs a boosting evade in a fixed direction. Use [W][A][S][D] to choose the direction. Press [Q] to perform this ability

Dome Shield
Deploys a protective dome shield that repulses small dinosaurs. Large dinosaurs will be stunned upon impact, but will break the shield. Press [E] to deploy the shield

Uses a laser to pinpoint a target then launches explosives to bombard the area. When fully charge, Press [Z] to activate, then press [Left Click] to launch the explosives.

Hold [Space Bar] after jumping to continue ascending for a short period of time.

About the Exosuit
An Exosuit equipped with a massive blade. Uses the blade's reach to block and counter enemy attacks.

Role: Tank
Primary weapon: Giant Katana
Health: 700

Unleashes a slash combo using your massive blade. [Left Click] to perform a melee attack.

Crescent Moon
Draws and swings your blade forward in one swift motion. Dinosaurs hit by the attack will target Murasame. [Right Click] to perform the ability.

Strafe Hook
Throws a grappling hook that will pull you towards whatever it's latched onto. Press [Q] to perform the ability. Press [Space] to perform an Extra Jump. Press [Left Click] while airborne to perform a Falling Attack.

Vajra Counter
Guards against attacks from all directions. Guarded attacks turn into energy, which can be unleashed in a powerful counter using [Left Click]. Press [E] to perform the block.

Meikyo Shisui
Charges and unleashes your blades at high speed to cleave surrounding foes. Press [Left Click] to activate the attack. When fully Charged, Press [Z] to activate the Overdrive ability

Rasetsu Stance
Receive a set amount of damage during a Vajira Counter to temporarily boost Murasame's attack strength. [Passive ability]

About the Exosuit
A support suit that synergies well with allies. Its abilities Focus on Repairing and buffing others.

Role: Support
Primary weapon: Magic Rod
Health: 400

Neuro Rod
Uses the electric current from your staff to inflict continuous damage to enemies in front of you. Can paralyze dinosaurs. Hold [Left Click] to zap

Heals allies and boosts their movement speed. Can be used to steal energy from enemies and fully charge the Neuro Rod. Also limits enemy movement. Press [Right Click] to perform the ability

Repair Leap
Sends you barreling forward at high speed.Press [Q] to begin leap, Press [Space] for an additional jump.

Repair Field
Produces a field that continuously heals all allies located within it. Press [E] to deploy the repair field.

Vital Aura
Releases a huge amount of condensed Hi-Xol that fully restores all allied health and greatly boosts defense. Limits nearby enemies' movement. When fully charged, press [Z] to perform the Overdrive ability.

Press [Space] in mid-air to glide.

Unique Modules
Modified ability
Sprawling Shock
Neuro Rod
- [LV.1] Increases effective attack range.
- [LV.1] Moderately ([LV.2] increases) ([LV.3] Slightly) ([LV.4] Very slightly) increases time required to paralyze dinosaurs.
- [LV.5] Doesn't effect time to paralyze dinosaurs.
Shock Therapy
Neuro Rod
- [LV.1] Very slightly decreases time required to paralyze dinosaurs.
Repair Boost
Repair Field
- [LV.1] Very slightly ([LV.2] slightly)([LV.3] increases)([LV.4] moderately) increases repair effect.
Adrenaline Feed
- [LV.1] Grants an attack boost to allies.
Safety Leap
Rescue Leap
- [LV.1] Recharges 1 use of Repair Field when used.
- [LV.1] Increases cooldown time by 4 seconds.
Quick Leap
Rescue Leap
- [LV.1] Reduces cooldown time by 2 seconds.

About the Exosuit
A support exosuit that can fly in the air. Equipped with abilities that can hamper enemy movement.

Role: Support
Primary weapon: Magic Rod
Health: 400

Aether Lance
Fires light projectiles that explode on impact. These projectiles heal allies and injure enemies. [Left click] to fire a projectile.

Optics Jammer
Fires a special shockwave that jams/blinds foes and heals allies. [Right Click] to fire the shockwave.

A verticle spinning thrust that sends you up into the air. Shifts to Air Supremacy after activation. Press [Q] to fly up.

Graviton Cage
Fires a gravity cluster that pulls in all surrounding foes. Press [E] to fire the projectile.

Undoes your gravity control limiters to generate a gravity well. Warps and slows spacetime to briefly stop all enemy movement in the area. When fully charged, press [Z] to perform the Overdrive ability.

Air Supremacy
Press [Space] in mid-air to float, dramatically slowing your descent. Press [Space] again to cancel.

Gradually regenerate health when not taking damage. [Passive ability]

About the Exosuit
A highly mobile support exosuit with weapons that can switch between damage and healing modes.

Role: Support
Primary weapon: Twin Handguns
Health: 400

Mars & Apollo
Shoots single-fire projectiles from twin handguns. Inflicts damage to enemies in Rend Mode, and heals allies in Mend Mode. Hold [Left Click} to fire

Mode Switch
Switches between Rend Mode and Mend Mode. Switching modes also reloads your weapons. [Right Click] to switch weapon modes

Holo Warp
Projects a forward-moving hologram. It cannot attack, but will recall allies it hits. Press [Q] to warp to its location and heal nearby allies. Press [Q] to deploy ability

Calls forth your weapons and unleashes a barrage of firepower or healing depending on the current weapon mode. Press [E] to activate the ability.

Antipode Burst
Generates a shockwave of condensed energy that heals allies and repulses enemies. When fully charged, press [Z] to perform the Overdrive ability.

Gradually regenerate health when not taking damage. [Passive ability]
Faceoff_Karma Sep 6, 2023 @ 1:07am 
In case you want other stuff here is EBT : https://exoprimal-builds.my.canva.site
Devaizter Aug 16, 2023 @ 3:58am 
Please update the Guide with the new information for the Alpha Variants Exosuits (Title Update 1 Patch has been released today! :steamhappy:).
SalmonToastie Jul 18, 2023 @ 9:44pm 
Whats all these alpha suits, the roadblock one looks dope.
Devaizter Jul 17, 2023 @ 5:49pm 
Thank you so much for this indispensable guide! It's such a hassle to enter training mode every single time when you want to check the description of the ability before you buy/upgrade its modules to know if you want to invest in it. In the hangar menu they only state the name of the ability without its description which is inconvenient.
Romonov Jul 17, 2023 @ 12:55pm 
this guide was really cool and helpful
Juny Foo  [author] Jul 16, 2023 @ 6:48pm 
Thank you! And you're Welcome!
Void Jul 16, 2023 @ 1:09pm 
Thank you for putting this together - much more convenient than going to training to check :upvoted: