Pizza Tower

Pizza Tower

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100% Achievement Guide
By Bombie
How to collect every single achievement in Pizza Tower
Tower Lobby Achievements
John Gutter

John Gutted - Destroy all dead John blocks. I don't really see how you wouldn't get this one when you first play this level, so I'm not going to tell you.

Let's Make This Quick - Finish John Gutter in under two minutes. Turn on the speedrun timer and turn it to "per level" and don't go for any of the secrets, the secret treasure, or the toppins, focus on getting out as fast as possible

Primate Rage - Get a combo of 99 or more. Basically P-rank the level but leave NO survivors, I mean none. Kill everybody, since it's the only way to get a combo of 99 in John Gutter.


Shining Armour - Get to all the priests without bumping into a wall once. Once you are certain you are going to hit a wall, ground pound, you will be able to dodge getting bonked, and probably get to the priest in time, also don't worry too much about getting onto a ramp, since in pizza time, there is no ramp, so you just have to ground pound onto the solid floor.

Spoonknight - Parry ten Forknights. Parry means taunting, so taunt and send those evil, Evil, EVIL, creatures back to hell where they belong!

Spherical - Kill another enemy while in the ball form. So there are these goblins, you've probably encountered them before, when they kick you you turn into this ball, use the goblin to you advantage, as well as pressing the grab button, it will help.

Ancient Cheese

Thrill Seeker - Finish Ancient Cheese without getting hurt by an explosion. When you throw a bomb, move a little backwards so you wont get hurt by an explosion, and if you get hurt by a Pizza Box Goblin then loopkill that guy until the end of time! I'm kidding.

Volleybomb - Kill a rat using a bomb dropped by an enemy. This means Peppino can't pick up bombs unsupervised because he's too young. so a big adult needs to help him. The earliest you can do this is in the room where "Put On A Show" starts (That's the music btw) and don't supertaunt, as you will kill the goblin that you need to kill the rat.

Delicacy - Make more than forty one sets of cheese platforms crumble. I'm not exactly sure what this means, but just try to make enough cheese platforms fall, I guess, the Pizza Tower wiki says that "349 cheese platforms need to crumble in total" but I'm still not quite sure what that means.

Bloodsauce Dungeon

Very Very Hot Sauce - Finish Bloodsauce Dungeon without touching lava once. I hate this achievement with a burning passion, my strategy that I found was to go as fast as you can, and in the room with the mushroom toppin, as soon as you jump over the second pool of lava, go slow so you don't accidentally get the mushroom toppin, and have to do that lava jump again, only for there to be a chance that you miscalculate and immediately jump into the lava.

Eruption Man - During escape, go up with the superjump for more than two seconds. This can be done in the second rooms exit, don't worry about your time, because for the next one, your probably going to need to start over anyways.

Unsliced Pizzaman - Finish Bloodsauce Dungeon without being hurt by a pizza cutter. I somehow did this, without realising I did it, this one needs you to do the exact opposite then Very Very Hot Sauce, it needs you to go slow and wait.

Other Achievements

The Critic - Defeat Pepperman without getting hurt. To P-rank Pepperman look out for the other threats then Pepperman like the apples that walk, the sculptures that drop, and the knight that slides, the knight is the biggest threat, as when Pepperman crushes you while you were dodging the knight, you will have to reset, so dodge this wisely.

S/P Ranked #1 I would recommend S ranking, then P ranking, but it's up to you, and I'm not going to tell you how to P rank all the levels since that's not what this guide is, so go and find a different one, I don't mean to sound aggressive.
Western District Achievements
Oregano Desert

Peppino's Rain Dance - Reactivate a totem by dancing with the mach dash. Get to mach 2, find a deactivated totem, run back and fourth until you hear those traumatising bongo noising that probably gave you PTSD from you running into the lighting and losing your combo when you were trying to p rank the level, now you get to make them! You're welcome.

Unnecessary Violence - Kill all of the clerk sausages in the pizzamarts. HOW COULD YOU THEY WERE JUST LIVING A HAPPY LIFE, AND YOU HAD TO GET THIS ACHIEVEMENT!!! There is one hidden in the tomato pizzamart, where it's below the cow, and you can't normally see it when you get past the cow, so either exit, then enter (but that starts the lightning again) or superjump over the cow and kill him.

Alien Cow - Don't get hit by a single cow. In the room that they first appear in, don't go too fast, break the metal block, and IMMEDIATELY stop pressing buttons, then you can jump over the cows.


Ghosted - Avoid getting touched by the John Ghost. Basically, get good at the game and not have a skill issuse, because if you do have a skill issue will will get hit, and John Ghost will claim another victim (hint: it's you). Yeah, so just run as fast as you can and don't get hurt.

Pretend Ghost - Kill 20 or more enemies as a ghost. I don't really understand why it's called "pretend" when it's really a relentless murderer, anyway kill every enemy, no mercy whatsoever, also lap 2 also helps. Wait, isn't this just the same achievement as the one on John Gutter, wait, recycling ideas! WHAT THE HECK TOUR DE PIZZA!? Anyway it's different, as this time the second secret is good, and you don't have to keep your combo up.

Alive And Well - Surf every corpse. This one's easy, however there are some during pizza time that a lot of people miss, so I wouldn't recommend jumping off of edges a lot.

Fun Farm

No One Is Safe - Kill three unreachable enemies at one with the supertaunt. This might work with the third secret, but if it doesn't don't get mad at me. But it will work in the second room during pizza time, where instead of three, there is four! They can be found at the end of the room, and they are very hard to miss.

Cube Menace - Find and destroy the Mort Cube. This achievement requires our friend Mort The Chicken!!! In the room with the mushroom toppin, instead of going onto the platform with the priest, ignore the last Mort hook, and instead aim for the ground, as when you do this, you will be able to go into a different room with the Mort Cube.

Good Egg - Complete Fun Farm without getting hurt with Mort on you. Basically don't have a skill issue, you can wait when the tomato guys throws their fire sticks and then move, I personally think that the best way to get this achievement is to replay the level as many times as needed until you've got it down.

Fast Food Saloon

Non-Alcoholic - Destroy nearly every beer bottle. Don't panic when you are doing a horse race, as sometimes you don't need to win, except with the tomato toppin, you need to win that one. Also, when pizza time happens, during the hallway with a bunch of beer cans and cards, ignore the cards and don't jump, as you will get the beer bottles that way. There are also beer bottles in the lap 2 room.

Already Pressed - Activate each button only once. During pizza time, you can take the ladder which is below the button that you usually press, and you can beat the level that way too, no button necessary!

Royal Flush - Touch every single card. this one seems hard, however if you take your time, it is easy. Secrets don't matter either for this achievement you can if you want to though, and in the hallway during pizza time, this time you want to jump instead of not jumping, as the cards are elevated, requiring you to jump. And no, there aren't any in the lap 2 room.

Other Achievements

The Ugly - Defeat the Vigilante without getting hurt. P ranking the Vigilante is hard in opinion, but not impossible, as phase 1 is easily harder than the second, my tips are: don't use the big bullet, as it will slow you down if you do, and kill John E. Cheese the second he appears on the screen, and taunt when the cow bounces near you (do it when necessary, not when the Vigilante is shooting at you.)
Vacation Resort Achievements
Crust Cove

Blowback - Kill a Cannon Goblin with his own bomb. Taunting is how you accomplish this.

X - Uncover all the Treasure Guys. There are 7 Treasure guys that you need to body slam on the x to uncover, one where you start, one on the very tall platform in the second room on your left, one near the tower secret treasure on the edge of the platform suspended above the water, one during the first section with the goblin captain where it is underneath the tomato toppin cage, one in a pit before a barrel that you usually miss after the waterslide room, one in the long cannon room above the exit ladder for the pepperoni toppin, and one during pizza time where there is a priest next to a present but don't touch the present as if you go left and past the priest by a little, there is an x, this is easier to get in lap 2.

Demolition Expert - Complete Crust Cove without getting hurt by an explosion. This one sucks to get as this level is full of explosions, if you don't want to get hit by them run fast, to scare the Pizza Box Goblins, look out for where the captain goblin shoots as you gotta avoid those, and during the long cannon room, slide under the cannons as they wont be able to hit you.

Gnome Forest

Bee Nice - Stand next to a bee and taunt. Easier said than done, as there are three bees in the first room. (I believe, I know that there is more than one.)

Lumberjack - Destroy every wood block. This means every wood block, you don't care about the toppins when you are getting this achievement, as you have to destroy wood blocks when you are being followed by a gnome pizza focus on destroying the wood blocks, and yes, there are some in the lap 2 room, I recommend doing that before pizza time though.

Bullseye - Kill a Noise Goblin with his own arrow. Copy and pasted from blowback, just without the explosions.

Deep-Dish 9

Turbo Tunnel - Avoid hitting the ceiling right after the room with John Pillar. This exact same puzzle can be seen in the second room, you can practise there, and once you've gotten it down, you are free to do it during pizza time.

Man Meteor
- Kill 5 UFOlives in a single bodyslam. Near the exit of the room with Gerome and the 2 secret, there are 5 UFOlives that you can easily bodyslam, if you don't screw up.

Blast'Em Asteroids - Destroy all asteroids. I found this one hard, but that's only because I was missing the secret asteroid, and the asteroids in the cheese toppin room.


Primo Golfer - Get the highest rank in every course. You can't cheat this one, it means getting every course. Bodyslamming doesn't increase your hits, but supertaunting does.

Nice Shot - Kill three or more enemies in a single stroke. There are three enemies that spawn in the first golf section during pizza time, so I found that easy.

Helpful Burger - Get a burger enemy to hit a ball inside the goal. This achievement is easy in the course with the pepperoni toppin. (I forgot the name of the course.)

Other Achievements

Denoise - Defeat the Noise without getting hurt. The Noise's attacks are random so look out for that, for the skateboard attack, remember he jumps, for the balloon attack, parry everything he throws at you, for the pogo stick attack, ignore the bombs and avoid the times he jumps at you, for the jetpack attack, parry him when he gets close, but not in phase 2.
The Slum Achievements
The Pig City

Pan Fried - Find the bacon room. In the tomato toppin taxi, before getting in the police car, there is two strips of bacon hanging from the ceiling, superjump up in between them, then there will be a door, go into the door, and you got into the bacon room!

Strike! - Kill three or more enemies with a single Brick ball. This can be done the room outside the jail, as there are two shrimp dudes underneath platforms, you just gotta make the third one, above the platforms follow you down, then you can use Brick, and boom, you got the achievement.

Say Oink! - Take a photo with every Pig City citizen. This also means with Gustavo, and you should be able to do this before pizza time starts. The pigs this achievement is talking about are the ones that don't appear during a taxi section, so you don't need to do any of them. (Except the tomato one.)

Peppibot Factory

Unflattening - Remove the Boxxed form from each priest at least once. DON'T GET HIT! You need to get the third secret as you can't get this achievement without it, I would recommend doing lap 2 though, as it is and entire other process if you don't. (I mean going through the pathway that the third secret was in, since it disappears, going in it with the boxxed transformation will get you the achievement.)

Whoop This! - Survive the first secret of Peppibot Factory without getting hurt. You can just go in it, then leave, basically speedrun your way through the secret.

There Can Only Be One - Destroy every Peppibot. You need to do lap 2 for this achievement also, as the game says you didn't actually kill them all if you don't.

Oh ♥♥♥♥!

Can't Fool Me - Avoid killing Pizzaboys. Just wait for the Mutant Ninja Pizza Boys to jump out at you, then you can kill those, and move on.

Food Clan - Kill ten Mutant Ninja Pizza Boys by parrying them. You can also do this for Can't Fool Me.

Penny Pincher - Avoid getting pinched by Mr. Pinch during the escape sequence. The first room that they are in requires you to not get pinched ny them, and the next room requires you to superjump out of.

Refrigerator Refrigerador Freezerator

Frozen Nuggets - Free all the frozen birds. Basically melt all the ice, they are also in pizza time, so yeah, don't focus on the timer.

Season's Greetings - Kill 5 Fake Santa's. When you have the pepper pizza, supertaunting is what you must do, and don't try to get a combo of 10 on the Snowmen the Fake Santa throws down, as it doesn't make your combo go up, so if you don't have a supertaunt lap 2 it.

Ice Climber - Complete The Ice Level With A Long Name without falling into a pit. Yes, it is possible to fall in a pit when you got the pepper pizza.

Other Achievements

Faker - Defeat Fake Peppino without getting hurt. For the life of me I could not figure out how to P rank him! My strategy was: don't move when the clones use their second attack in phase 1 (stay in the middle.) Taunt when he throws his head at you, this is only in phase one jump over the heads in phase 2, or when necessary, like when the frog attack in phase one when the gap is all the way over on the other side.
Staff Only Achievements

Cross To Bare - Kill thirty ghosts. Supertaunting counts, also you can just go back to the same priest if you miss a ghost.

Haunted Playground - Avoid getting hurt by the King Ghost's traps. jump over the power outlets, and go really fast for the anchors, also if you go really, really, really fast you can avoid the King Ghost entirely.

Skullsplitter - Destroy every single skull block. Yes, this does include the skulls in pizza time.

Don't Make A Sound

And This... Is My Gun On A Stick! - Kill every toppin monster during pizza time. You can kill them while they aren't activated, so you don't have to miss one because you thought it was invincible because you were going too fast.

Let Them Sleep - Activate the alarms in Don't Make a Sound less than six times before the escape sequence. Whatever you do DON'T TAUNT as this will activate unwanted alarms, and don't ask me about supertaunting as I have no idea how that works in the level honestly.

Jumpscared - Avoid getting jumpscared. It is possible to outrun the toppin monsters. Also don't feel bad that you got jumpscared, because you can try to get the Oktoberfest one!


Decorated Veteran - Don't get hurt more than three times. An achievement for the people who don't have skill issues. I don't really have and tips for this one, just be fast, and shoot the tank missiles, unless it's for a Stupid Rat extermination.

Sharpshooter - Don't miss more than three shots. I don't understand this achievement at all, but I think it means to shoot the target blocks, but don't yell at me if it doesn't because I barely understand this.

Trip To The Warzone - Finish War with more than a minute left. You just gotta hit all of the timer screens and run as humanly fast as possible, don't stop to kill and enemies as that will slow you down, don't go for the secrets or the secret treasure either.

Other Achievements

Face Off - Defeat Pizzaface without getting hurt. This achievement took me 11 hours to get (not an exaggeration) so be very very very careful. The strategy I came up with is, when he summons an enemy jump then launch it up. Then for phase 2: go to the very far side of the screen when he pulls up a bunch of forknights, and get close to him when he pulls out the uzi, and avoid the uzi when he throws it.
Somewhat Unobtainable Achievements
Thanks to the Halloween update, Pizza Tower made 2 new achievements. The problem is, you can't get these anymore. The achievements are:

Pumpkin Munchkin - find all the hidden pumpkins in the game. You had to find all 31 pumpkins. (I think there were 31.)


Tricksy - get all the pumpkins in Tricky Treat in one run. There once was a level called Tricky Treat, and in it, you would get chased down by a pumpkin. You just had to follow the green arrows and the blue ones to get this achievement
The End!
That was every achievement in Pizza Tower! This was my very first guide I ever made, and I hope this was helpful, that's all, I don't really know how to end this so I'm just going to end it here.
Birdman (real) May 18 @ 8:01am 
The Halloween achievements are achievable if you set the time on your computer to October.