Halls of Torment

Halls of Torment

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Shield Maiden 3M Achievement Guide
By el macho cabrio
How to get the 3M Damage with Shield Bash
Helmet: War Horns
*This is used for the debuff to mobs

Armor: Blazing Armor, Plate Armor; Blood Soaked Shirt
*Bash Scaled off Block Strength so more block = more dps

Gloves:Hunting Gloves
*Edited - Spell casters only give about 12% since they do per comments count as main attack and spool time between attacks will only get you 12%

Ring:Iron Ring and Guiding Star
*We want faster attacks and we don't move much so BIS with iron ring that give strong flat dps

Boots:Plated Boots
*Block strength

Amulet:Jade or Collar of Confidence
*either go with more Exp since we do not get a lot of levels or go with more DPS since we have swarms of enemies around us at all times

Easy and straight forward:

Turn off main attack

Level up choices in order:
Block Strength

Crit% Does nothing since Bash does not crit

With any luck you should hit this achievement by the 6:00 min mark.
Shyketa Aug 7, 2023 @ 4:54am 
go to the third dungeon, when the ghost walls appear at 8mins, stick to it and target it as much as possible... granting you have high block, shield bash will hit lots of ghost and never die... hopefully this will add to your shield bash damage and reach 3M... happy hunting!
Chloe Wolf Jul 27, 2023 @ 8:26am 
The shield bash is on its own cooldown like an ability and acts independently of your basic attacks. You can turn off autos in the settings or by hitting the triangle button on controller.
DEADication Jul 22, 2023 @ 7:23am 
How do you turn off the main attack and use only the shield bash? Is that the same as turning off auto attack? Won't manual strikes alternate between the hammer and shield anyway?
Leah Jul 15, 2023 @ 6:16am 
if you don't want to cheese it i rec ember level lot of slime waves to slap with shield.
hazards89 Jul 11, 2023 @ 11:00am 
You can cheese a bunch of damage on the viaduct level. run all the way to either end where the ghost army is marching toward you. they each have like 10m health so you can just stand right next to them and farm damage. Obviously this works for every character unlock for things like applying debuffs 500k times or do 3m dmg etc.
chaos915 Jul 11, 2023 @ 1:19am 
Transfixion/fragile does seem to work with shield bash.

I started out withthis build, but I accidentally grabbed a scroll and got Transfixion, but the run actually went much smoother after getting it.

The weeping angel type enemies were the hardest non-elite enemies to deal with using just shield bash, but fragile allows you to bypass their defenses.

Just don't collect any other scrolls past the first one.
Sarc Jul 10, 2023 @ 4:09pm 
Got this one but with different setup, I use Dragon Fire abilitiy.

My set up is: atk spd + aoe buff + damage + range ( I dont have Guiding Star when I achieved it)

Gear: Ruby Circlet (Core Item), Duellst Spark (Core Item), Pest Ring (Optional), Jade Amulet (Core), Quickhand Gloves, Runner Shoes, Armor slot doesnt matter.

Once Dragon Fire trigger = 60% damage bonus, plus 50% damage bonus from Duelist Spark... ez run
Dahaka Jul 9, 2023 @ 5:10pm 
Just use the most broken thing in the game, the bridge ghosts
Didz Jul 7, 2023 @ 9:19am 
I followed your guide, but only had Plate Armor, Plated Boots, and Exp neck from your guide. still was able to do it, just took until 3 minutes or so.
sickle19868 Jun 22, 2023 @ 4:10am 
You can also use Armor of shadows as it gives 10 block, downside to it is that it also summons pools of aoe damage which may steal your kills.