Amnesia: Rebirth

Amnesia: Rebirth

Bomb Shelter - Bunker Asset pack
3.602 GB
2023年6月15日 16時28分
1月14日 14時00分
5 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Bomb Shelter - Bunker Asset pack

Bomb Shelter - A Bunker asset pack and showcase

Originally released shortly after the Bunker game's release, it has since been updated to provide longer playable content for players, and showcase examples for modders as well.

The 0.9 version contains:
- 2 showcase levels with extensive usage of the package's content.
- Almost all the unique assets of the Bunker, ready to be used in the Rebirth environment for modding.
- Various work in progress interactive entities, with a couple of custom scripts showcased in the included levels.
- Some bugs with aforementioned interactive entities, the player body and such.

What it DOES NOT contain:
- Most of the character and gameplay entities are missing, as they required a lot of reverse engineering or are straight up incompatible in their current state with the game
- Custom sounds. Many Bunker entities will miss joint sounds and such, due to the complexity of FSB soundbank extensions and merging.
- A fully fledged story and lengthy gameplay in the showcase department. The main feature of the showcase levels is to exploit the possibilities of the pack, and provide some light exploration for players in previously unseen environments on Rebirth, originally made for the Horrors of War competition.

Path to files for MODDERS is:

Feel for free to ask any questions, and use the package as you see fit for your own projects!

Special thanks to:
- TechOFreak (the super useful Rebirth tutorial series, custom graphics and script examples)
- TiMan (Improved lantern and matches, tips)
- crater (technical support)
- Exesus (improvements and details expansion in showcase level)
- iamrealife (support in the ever painful process of hpl3 soundbank editing)
- XDavidXtreme (fixing an originally broken asset)
various members from the Frictional Games discord chat.
2 件のコメント
kiraimmortalhu  [作成者] 1月10日 13時49分 
Glad you found it useful :) It's getting an update very soon!
Seff 1月9日 16時55分 
Thank you for sharing this :)