Hexen: Beyond Heretic

Hexen: Beyond Heretic

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How to set up Crispy-Hexen for Windows and GNU/Linux.
Oleh xX_Lol6_Xx
Crispy-Doom is a modern and minimalist source port for Doom, Heretic, Hexen and Strife, particularly good for people with low spec hardware (like myself) who still want to experience the games with Quality Of Life features like widescreen and mouselook, while keeping the old-school feel of these amazing titles. I decided to create a simple guide for Windows and GNU/Linux users, since setting up the source port can be a bit more complex than GZDoom or similar alternatives. I really hope this helps you out and, without further introduction, let's begin.
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Installing Crispy-HeXen
Windows Users:
Go to https://github.com/fabiangreffrath/crispy-doom/releases/ and download Crispy-Hexen, the download may depend on your operating system's architecture (32-64 bit respectively). After that, unzip the file you just downloaded in any folder you want.

GNU/Linux users:
If the latest Crispy-Doom package (which should contain Crispy-Hexen) is not in your software repositories, you will have to compile the source code. Use your corresponding package manager before proceeding to compilation.

Debian GNU/Linux users (And debian-based distros like Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Pop_OS, etc.) can refer to Crispy-Doom's wiki for compiling instructions[github.com]. Just download the latest stabe release's source code, unpack it in your folder of choice and follow the wiki.
Once you finish, copy the compiled binaries (under the src directory) to a folder with the WAD files and make them executable either with chmod +x crispy-hexen or with your graphical file manager if it supports it (See next section for more details).
Arch Linux and Arch based distros (Manjaro, Endeavour, Artix, etc.) can install the source port through the Arch User Repository[aur.archlinux.org]. As a fellow Arch Linux user I strongly recommend this method. Use your favorite helper or install the package manually with the Arch Wiki's instructions, but be sure to grab the latest stable version (NOT GIT).
Obtaining the WAD files.
After downloading the executables (Windows) or installing the binaries (GNU/Linux), the next thing we need to do is obtaining HEXEN.WAD and HEXDD.WAD from your library. To do that, you can follow these instructions:
  • Go to your library and click on Hexen or Deathkings of the Dark Citadel.
  • Click on Manage, then Browse Local Files. This will launch your File manager in Hexen's install directory. Navigate to base and copy HEXEN.WAD to your chosen directory. Repeat with Deathkings of the Dark Citadel, this time for HEXDD.WAD.
Setup the source port and launch HeXen
Important: Be sure you did unzip everything in a directory where you do have writing access and flaged the binares as executables (GNU/Linux users).

After obtaining the files, we can then proceed to set up the source port. Copy them to the executables' folder (if you haven't done so already) and launch crispy-hexen-setup.exe (or crispy-setup for GNU/Linux). If you use the latter, it will usually ask you which game you'd like to configure. After choosing you'll boot into this screen.
Once inside here, you can navigate through the series of submenus to configure the game to your liking, but before anything, navigate to Configure Sound and change the Music option to either Native MIDI or Fluidsynth. If you choose the latter, you can specify a custom soundfont for the game to use by entering the corresponding path. If you don't want to do that, Native MIDI is still a serviceable option.
Be sure to bind the keys to your liking, like a classic WASD setup and maybe even setup quick keys for your inventory items, as well as the Flying keys. Once you're done with the setup, navigate to 'Save Parameters and Launch Hexen'. You'll be booted into the game, where we'll finish the configuration

You can also launch the expansion pack through the Setup executable, to do so, select the Warp option with F2, then select Add WADs with W, press enter and type HEXDD.WAD (Or use the File picker in GNU/Linux), press esc to close and finally F10 to launch the expansion in Map01. You may also choose your player's Class and Difficulty here.

Crispness menu and autoload folder.
After booting up, you'll be greeted with HeXen's title screen, press any key to bring up the menu, then navigate to Options, select 'Crispness' and press Enter.
In here we will be able to toggle Quality Of Life features like Widescreen and stuff like that by using Enter on the selected items. I'll post my preferred configurations, but choose whatever you feel is best.

Page 1:
  • High Resolution: On
  • Widescreen: Match Screen
  • Uncapped Framerate: On (So the game runs at 60 fps)
  • Brightmaps: Both (Applies to walls and items)

Page 2:
  • Permanent mouselook: On (Be sure to adjust your vertical mouse sensitivity under Mouse Options)
  • Player View/Weapon Bobbing: 75%
  • Default Difficulty: Medium

One thing about Widescreen though, because this game was designed with 4:3 CRT monitors in mind, the weapon sprites (Particularly for the Fighter) will look cut off when attacking, likewise the main menu art will present black bars. To fix that you will need to load a Widescreen wad whenever you play. I have actually compiled said assets in this little wad (Click to download[drive.google.com]), and the easiest way to load it is by including it in your autoload folder. It's location will vary depending on your operating system, but it can be modified through the configuration file.

Windows users:
Navigate to C:\Users\your_name\AppData\Roaming\crispy-doom\autoload\hexen.wad and copy hexen_wide.wad into the folder.

GNU/Linux users:
Navigate to /home/your_name/.local/share/crispy-doom/autoload/hexen.wad and copy hexen_wide.wad into the folder.
How to solve Deathkings of the Dark Citadel's Music Bug
As previously mentioned, you have to copy HEXDD.WAD from your instalation folder to Crispy-Hexen's in order to play. However if you launch Deathkings, chances are you won't hear any music at all. This is due to the developers missing a lump that is necesary for music playback.
To solve this problem you will have to patch your wad with Dosbox and Raven Software's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ patch.[www.doomworld.com]

It isn't a hard process, but it can be a bit confusing, so I'll try my best to explain it in an accesible way.

Windows Users:
  • Install DOSBox from dosbox.com
  • Download the patch and extract it in any directory containing HEXDD.WAD. Avoid your Steam install folder, as to not mess anything up.
  • Open DOSBox and mount the directory containing the wad and the patch with
    mount C C:\path\to\the\folder, then write C: and press enter
  • Run the patch (It should be the only file ending in '.EXE') and wait a couple minutes until it finishes the process, maybe get a cup of coffe or some fresh water in the meantime. It will complain about a file missing, but you don't need to worry about that.
  • Once it's done, copy HEXDD.WAD to your Crispy-Hexen directory and follow the steps for the expansion in 'Setup the source port and launch HeXen', you now should have music working as intended :D.

GNU/Linux Users:
Steps for GNU/Linux are virtually identical to the Windows instructions. Install DOSBox from your
software repositories or compile the source (Depends on the distribution), launch it and mount the corresponding directory. Keep in mind that sometimes you may need to mount using the tilde key (which signifies your home directory) rather than a full path (Why this happens is beyond me, but I've encountered this issue a lot, particularly in Ubuntu).
4 Komentar
xX_Lol6_Xx  [pembuat] 28 Mar @ 3:40pm 
Flatpaks in general are really speciall with file paths and permissions, for whatever reason. It's always better to run a native build if available.
CtenosaurOaxacana 14 Nov 2023 @ 11:58pm 
Having installed and tested the flatpak version of Crispy-Doom,
the pile of shit refuses to properly load up Hexen wads.
I have a nice shiny 'Crispy Hexen' icon now, that demands iwad filepath.
I try to do so via terminal but then it bitches about no crispy-hexen binary available.
So I do not recommend this bullshit from flatpak.
I will try your direct compiling method next.
CtenosaurOaxacana 14 Nov 2023 @ 10:26pm 
I did a bit more research, the releases notes on github states
'Crispy Doom 5.11 is released on Feb 09, 2022. It marks the return of Crispy Hexen'
And my distro's package version is only 5.6.4
So it sounds like I would need a later version.
That being said, it looks like there is a flatpak version with the latest release available here:
xX_Lol6_Xx  [pembuat] 14 Jun 2023 @ 9:22pm 
Thank you for reading, since this is my first guide any comments are greatly appreciated. Likewise if you have any questions, feel free to posting them here, I'll do my best to answer them :steamhappy: