System Shock

System Shock

25 ratings
How to completely destroy the Delta Grove Chess Puzzle / En Passant Achievement
By Proton1478
100% fool-proof way of winning the chess game, no chess skills required.
Delta Grove Chess Board
Upon discovering the big chess board in Delta Grove, the pieces on the will be randomly arrayed, with green(white) being the color you can play, and orange(black) being controlled by the computer. Winning the game will unlock a nearby room with a few useful items and upgrades. This is probably the most difficult puzzle in the whole game, as it requires actual skill at chess to beat, and the AI doesn't hold any punches.
But for those of us that lack such skills, this proves to be a very frustrating challenge. Fortunately, we plebeians can tap into the same energy the titans of online chess use to top the charts with inhuman win/loss ratios(until they get banned). That's right, we're gonna cheat.
Fighting Fire with Fire
If you couldn't guess already, we're going to use the power of AI to defeat the AI we face in the game, using this bot in particular:

Now, you're going to going to clear the board layout on the website and copy the in-game board to it exactly, as you found it. Once you're finished, press play.

In the chess website, select to play as black, and set the computer to level 10. Start the game.

From here, you're simply going to translate's white moves into System Shock, and System Shock's black moves into That is to say, whatever move white on the website makes, you will make in System Shock. Whatever move black makes in System Shock, that's the move you will make on the website.

The website bot should win handily.
HyperWing Feb 1 @ 6:56am 
the game moves the pawn 2 spaces, i cant do that on the chess site.
BombFroggie Dec 31, 2023 @ 5:31pm 
You can try using:
{LINK REMOVED} instead,

I don't know if each board is different, but here is the FEN for mine:

```rnb1k1nr/p2p1ppp/3R4/1p1N1N1P/4P1P1/3P1Q2/PqP5/R4Kb1 w - - 0 1```
Lab Rat Nov 6, 2023 @ 11:42am 
At first i was miffed, then saw that cheating is even more bother than actually playing it out, and so i did. Turns out for me first move was to immediately eliminate their Queen with mine (and losing her to rook), then to eliminate red pawns with my rook, then get another Queen, then eliminate their rook, and then to finally corner and check& mate their King with my rook , queen, and king. A bit of a bother, but trust me, it WORTH it.
C4-DE Jul 22, 2023 @ 3:27pm 
LOL - I figured it out by myself even though I have no idea about chess! But these ridiculous chess simulators couldnt do it - all they did was crap!
C4-DE Jul 22, 2023 @ 7:59am 
Doesnt work for me at all - tried like 10 times - the rules in the game seem to be different than the ones on the website. At almost every game later the website makes moves I cannot do in the game (most times kick one figure out) !
Shurn_1 Jul 15, 2023 @ 11:54am 
What a hero
Profbathrobe Jul 7, 2023 @ 6:55pm 
Worked for me.:praisesun:
Mahoutsukai Yavin Jun 22, 2023 @ 11:52pm 
Site doesnt work if you dont have a queen in your board
Papaya Jun 18, 2023 @ 4:17pm 
The king piece in this moves 2 squares, but only 1 in-game.