Corpse Party (2021)

Corpse Party (2021)

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How to unlock all chapters immediately
By soup6020
I did a little bit of software reverse engineering and discovered something about this game that I don't think has been documented elsewhere (outside of a reddit post I made about it). By adding just one line to the game's configuration file, you can immediately unlock access to every chapter of the game, both in the main story and the extra chapters. Note that this does NOT disable achievements either.
1. Open explorer.exe
2. Enter %APPDATA% in the address bar
3. Click on the "CorpseParty" folder
4. Open RepeatedFear.ini in your text editor of choice.
5. In the section labelled [Game], create a new line and paste the following text into it
You may wish to cross-reference your changes with the image I have attached.
6. Save the file, open the game, and enjoy all the time you just saved!

NOTE: for Linux users, your configuration directory will look a little different due to Proton. The correct path is as follows in your case:
Tools used
dnSpyEx, Ghidra, GNU strings, neovim
Churro Jul 26, 2024 @ 8:58am 
Thanks! this was so good for me, was racking my brain to unlock all the extra chapters without playing all the game again, worked wonders
jimmy May 7, 2024 @ 1:37pm 
Cool find, thanks bro