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CO-OP and you
By Bug Boss
weaponry,tactics being a good player you'll find it in this guide

and some tips you could use during the ghost,mastermind and enforcer+technician

now some things are opinions others are facts ill leave it to you to make the difference between them
the amcar rifle
this weapon is slow not powerfull and the clip size sucks however it wont run out of ammo soon even when modded this weapon is nearly useless
its known as the rookie gun or the beginner rifle it should be used on normal difficulty because it lacks damage alot
The eagle heavy rifle
sorry for this image but this weapon is from dlc if not modded it can hardly be used over longer ranges but as soon as you start modding it like on the image it becomes a formidable long range weapon (i can oftenly use it for snipers) it is extremely powerfull for a weapon that you get so early in the game the mods for this weapon can reduce recoil alot so in short its a weapon you might want if you dont want to pull up with that ridiculous amcar
The AK rifle
the saviour in need for those that dont like the amcar the ak rifle is a fairly powerfull weapon that is accesible early in your career
the RPK
your first lmg
heavyweapon guys (like me) are gonna love this weapon it is fairly powerfull and fires extremely fast
but sadly just like the other lmg's ironsights cant be used thats why it is hard to use to inflict damage over longer ranges
the aug
moderate damage blistering rate of fire and a decent amount of extra ammo taken an above average acuracy this is a solid weapon usable for many situations that require acuracy and fire rate with less damage but as a drawback of its beast profits it has a high recoil making it harder to use over long ranges (this is where single fire comes in) it can be modded to become a decent stealthing weapon but there are better weapons usable for stealth
the CAR 4
solid acuracy,fire rate,damage and stability this weapon can be used at almost any normal-hard heist where its purpose isnt to stealth but modded this weapon can lower your detection risk drastically if modded right but at the cost of an extremely lowered damage
the compact-5
the rattlesnake
your first sniper rifle it shoots relatively quick (for a sniper rifle) with a red dot sight mounted it can be used over any range on weaker enemies it isnt very powerfull compared to the other sniper rifles so i recommend using it on lower difficulties
the r93
your second sniper rifle it is more powerfull then the first one almost double the damage but at the cost of fire rate i cant tell alot about this one because i never used it alot
but its a sniper rifle it kind of explains itself
the dozerbuster 5000 aka thanatos 50 CAL
this weapon is a firm middlefinger to all the special classes but due to its extremely slow fire rate and reloading speed it shouldnt be used to take out larger groups of enemies (keep a locomotive or a compact 5 for this) but it only takes 2-3 shots for a bulldozer (on the face though) and one shot for cloakers and tasers it shoots through shields and some walls (not all) strangely it wont shoot through wooden boxes
the raven
my favorite cartoon character
but thats not very relevant here the raven shotgun is the blessing for those who prefer power over rate of fire in stealth with the silent killer,short barrel and flip up sight it cn easily be used in stealth positions (except when yoou're using HE rounds but that kind of explains itself) but when modded differently with the long barrel and a sight and the AP slugs it can be used over very long ranges.
the reinfield 880
this weapon is the true love of many enforcers that dont own gage shotgun pack dlc (sometimes they even prefer this weapon over the dlc weapons
the judge
one of the most powerfull secondary's so far the judge does a devestating amount of damage and fires quickly as well the judge has proven to be effective against cloakers tasers and even bulldozers when used correctly
the street sweeper
a semi automatic shotgun in the place of a lousy pistol or smg is what some enforcers want (like me but i oftenly use lousy pistols or smg's) it does significant damage and can be used to quickly eliminate armored enemies (like cloakers tasers and fbi) it doesnt have the amount of power you expect from a shotgun (as a matter of fact the locomotive can make fun of him) but it fires much faster and has a larger clip size (and it looks like a grenade launcher to me)
the locomotive
choo-choo here comes the locomotive
a favorite among enforcers and technicians and sometimes even ghosts it can be modded to silent and concealable or stable and powerfull it is effective against cloakers and tasers but not as effective as the judge but it deals significant damage and it is fairly quick

the locomotive lives up to its name as it a train
the m1014
another semi automatic shotgun again this doesnt have the power you have in mind but its semi automatic so you should just deal with it it can be upgraded to reach a damage of around 70
the izhma 12g
an AK47 that fires shotgun shells at the cost of lower power and higher recoil it is also a weapon that can be used to take out stronger units
the nightmare of any gunslinger like me you have to be quiet and stop killing everything that moves but there are some usefull tricks to not ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ up the whole heist

tag any enemy you see
tagging them gives your teammates an idea of where he is and where he is headed this could be extremely usefull for putting him down if necessary

stay in cover
it might sound stupid because there's no gunfight but being in cover keeps the guard from seeing you this means you can prolong the unawareness of your presence

keep clear of civies
when a cop sees you you can shoot him answer the pager recieve the hate from the team put him in a bag and continue with the mission a civilians that spotted you is worse having to guide an annoying person through a place you dont know very well or just dont wwant to be seen is a pain in the ass and worst of all you cant tag civilians so if one saw you ask a player with a very high level to put him down to avoid the alarms being tripped,that or guide him out with as little attention as possible

if you're like me and love the recoil of your weapon and seeing blood fly around or someone that got kicked a few moments ago tripped the alarm keep reading this

an assault wave means that enemies will spawn until the assault wave has ended this doesnt mean you're home free yet though there will still be remaining police officers wadering around

every civilian you tied increases the time between 2 assault waves this short amout of time gives you the oppurtunity to patch up,restock,make a few calls,change your music video on youtube and fill some bags

camera guards
camera's are pretty harmless during the assault wave players think but i have noticed that if the camera man is not eliminated the cops reach you faster and are more acurate (i dont know if this is actualy true but i get this feeling taking down the cam guard works in our advantage during combat)
so it wont hurt to take him out during an assault

the vault
GET IN THE VAULT!!!! DUDE GET THE ♥♥♥♥ IN THE VAULT!!!!!! heavyweapons mudkip has been kicked
why didnt i get in the vault?
if a cloaker/taser/bulldozer/shield manages to get in the vault you're in deep ♥♥♥♥
so dont stay in the vault for too long just seek cover somewhere where you can escape if a special unit shows up

as soon as the vault opens (if there isnt that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ gate in the way) people instantly bag everything throw it in a corner and take one bag to the van while the cops take the other bags to their van
so when the vault opens dont bag everything instantly it keeps the cops from taking our loot
we have reached the last part of the guide

this is the part of the guide where i talk about being a better conecter and host

kick respectfully
YEAH WE DI- you have been kicked out
this is the most annoying thing a host can do so even if he where a terrible player if you dragged him through the levels dont kick him on the last day if he realy sucks kick him in the beginning of the second day then he at least got his XP

tell him why he sucks
if you dont say dude dont deploy your ammo bag at the swat van he doesnt know why he got kicked and will repeat it in other game rooms ruining everyone's heist

dont kick due to a low level
ive seen this happen someone using the rpk and the ballistic vest got kicked you should give everyone a chance and use the reputation filter if you dont want rookies in your crew

start from the bottom soon you're there
ive had to many level 9 kids ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ up my assault wave on overkill when i joined someone so if youre new start with normal difficulty when you level up you should try out new difficulties

thanks for reading
thanks for taking your time for reading this i hope it is coming in handy and if you see me feel free to join me anytime
Bug Boss  [author] Sep 1, 2014 @ 8:06am 
im still working on it the rest of the weapons will be added soon