Pizza Tower

Pizza Tower

33 ratings
How to 101% pizza tower
By Gaigelikeag6
For people that want to 101% pizza tower, here is a quick guide on how.
Getting all the P ranks
If you don't already know there is a better rank than S and here is how to get it

>Get all the secrets aka the floating eye balls and the treasure
>Get a score of at least 20,000 or more/ The score changes for P ranks of different levels
>Do the 2nd lap once pizza time is activated
>must NEVER drop the combo in a level from start to finish/ This is the hardest step to do
Getting all the clothes
I'm not putting the classic cook in this cause you get that by starting a save file.

>Unfunny cook- end a combo on the unfunny title.

>Money green- get a maximum of 300 dollars at world 2/ get all the toppings the first 2 levels pay for the boss and do all the other levels form them, once you finish the last level the costume should pop.

>Blood red- kill 1,000 enemies in a single play through.

>Dark cook-get P ranks on all the bosses/the way to P rank bosses is to beat them without getting hit once.

>crappy cook-crouch on a poo block for 10 seconds.

>Golden god- get all the S ranks.

>Garish cook-taunt 50 times.

>Mooney orange- pay Mr.Mooney/get all the toppings beat the game and go to the 5th floor and by war he should be there.

>Funny polka-end a combo on the funny title.

>Itchy sweater- get hit by the grandpa in pig city/at the start of pig city there is a hole in the wall jump in the hole and follow the path and run into the grandpa.

>Pizza man-beat the game once.

>Bowling stripes-kill 30 bowling rats.

>Golden man- get all the chef tasks.

>Bad bones- get hurt 50 times.

>PP shirt-beat the game twice.

>War gear- beat war on your first try.

>John suit-get all the treasures in a single play through that is less than 2 hours and 15 minutes.

All the clothes can be done in different saves
Getting all the chef tasks
I'm too lazy to put this part here cause there are 62 other than the P and S ranks/ to know how to get the tasks done go the the door that looks like a chef's hat and stand in front of the task to see how to do it.
The extra 1%
Once all of this is finished the last thing to do is to P rank the crumbling tower of pizza.Sadly there is no achievement for doing this but at least you get 1% added to your save file.
God's silliest experiment Mar 19 @ 9:15am 
some extra things, snotty can die, I've killed him in like 7 of my 101% files (accidentally), and you can get clothes by doing new save files, although they barely count to the 101%, cause I got my first full complete missing a good few of the clothes
Lexonyc Jan 26 @ 11:05am 
Something important to note here is that clothes persist across save files and don't affect your save file's completion percentage. You'll end up getting most of the clothes as a by-product of doing everything required for 101%, but you don't actually need all of them to get there.
malditooperativo Jan 17 @ 3:41pm 
good job
Fredrick Jan 13 @ 5:33pm 
I don't wanna have the noise in my pause screen
doofy Dec 3, 2023 @ 10:01am 
I just cant get john suit and this is last thing i must do
sex ganyu Nov 13, 2023 @ 2:17pm 
well rip i didn't beat war on my first try and that was like 37 hours ago of playtime
Chill Kitsune Sep 20, 2023 @ 5:07am 
I turns out that P ranking Crumbling tower adds 2 percent rather than 1%. Since before that, I was at 99%.
Gaigelikeag6  [author] Sep 13, 2023 @ 1:20pm 
no, I tested it myself just don't kill him before finishing the game and your good
TheRedDiam0nd Sep 13, 2023 @ 7:11am 
You also can't kill snotty or you won't get that extra 1%. (At least I think, I read it somewhere.)
Chill Kitsune Sep 11, 2023 @ 5:11pm 
I just realized that I can go back at P rank Crumbling Tower. Good to know.