Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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How You Can Survive For The First 20 Days
Oleh Wizard Kitty Koi
I discuss how I survive and go about my first 20 days of surviving, as well as a few tips.
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Which Character Do I Pick?
There are 18 different characters to play as in Don't Starve Together, as of May 2023.

As a new player, you might be thinking "Wait, which one do I pick?! There's so many!"

This section of the guide is for you!

The characters I recommend you play as are as follows:
- Wilson
- WX-78
- Wickerbottom
- Maxwell
- Wurt
- Webber
- Winona
- Walter

I'll be explaining why you should play as these characters. Let's get started.

Wilson, the Gentleman Scientist
Personally, I enjoy playing as Wilson because of how he's got relatively no downsides. He gains sanity from making new items, and grows a long beard. I would cite the Insight system, however I've not used it yet.

WX-78, the Soulless Automaton
I really just like the upgrades. All of the stats increase by a lot when you have all of his circuits. Avoid water at all costs, however.

Wickerbottom, the Librarian
Her books are VERY powerful, and don't cost much to obtain. Also, her sanity is VERY high, at 250. On the other hand, you might not want to play as her as eating stale and spoiled foods restore far less hunger for her.

Maxwell, the Puppet Master
He has very low HP, but a high sanity which allows him to summon shadow creatures. These creatures help with day to day tasks, and are very useful in most cases. However, you do need nightmare fuel to get them.

Wurt, the Half-Pint
She can have incredibly high stats if the Merm King is alive, which really isn't too difficult to spawn if you know easy ways to get all of the items. Falling into the sea also isn't too bad for Wurt, as she only gains 50% Wetness and doesn't lose any items at all. Some hats do have their sanity effects flipped, and pigs do attack her, meaning players who make their base at Pig Villages will have a bit of trouble with Wurt.

Webber, the Indigestible
His main power is creating large groups of spider armies, which can easily take out enemies that are nearby. However, a lot like Wurt, pigmen will try attacking him. All spiders like him unless attacked first.

Winona, the Handywoman
She crafts items at twice the speed of other survivors at a small cost of hunger. Personally, I like to play as her because the only downside is slower building at lower hunger, as well as the catapults and spotlights.

Walter, the Fearless
He can easily kite slower enemies using a slingshot and gold pellets, and you're fine as long as you don't take damage.

Hope this helps you pick, and have fun!
Your First Day, And What You Should Do
Welcome to Don't Starve Together! This game is a game about well, not starving! This guide is directed towards beginners, but can be used as a baseline for more experienced players.

By the end of the first day, you should have:
- A campfire
- A science machine
- A board or two, maybe some cut stone
- A knowledge of where rocks can be found

Let's get started.

As you load up your world, immediately run around trying to collect as many saplings, grass, and flint as possible. You'll want to have:
- 15 twigs
- 15 grass
- 7 flint

Don't worry if you can't find all of those items as soon as the world starts. It's not like you'll die if you fail to find them. (Well, at least find a few of those, or you MIGHT die)

Use the twigs and flint you obtained to craft a Pickaxe and an Axe (or two, to be safe!) Chop down a few trees to get 10 wood or more. If any of your tools break, just switch to another one, or make more.

After you snag that 10 wood, try to find a rock that looks like it has streaks of gold in it. Mining it will drop a piece of gold (and rarely, two pieces of gold) as well as some extra flint. Nitre won't drop from these rocks, but you don't need that yet.

Try to get 20 rocks, and 5 pieces of gold. Remember, it is entirely okay to not get all of these by the end of the day. At least try getting 16 rocks and 1 piece of gold.

Start returning to the Florid Postern. If you haven't, grab some food, but don't eat it yet! Most foods can and should be cooked before you eat them, as they restore more hunger. Here's the amount of hunger restored for some foods you might find on Day 1, and then how much more you restore from their cooked variant.

Berries: 9 when raw, 13 when cooked
Carrots: 12 when raw, 12 when cooked. I suggest not cooking these as cooking them only makes them rot faster!
Juicy Berries: 12 when raw, 18 when cooked. I highly suggest eating these as soon as you cook them, as Juicy Berries spoil in only 2 days!
Morsel: 12 when raw, but you lose 10 sanity, 12 when cooked, gain 1 hp and lose no sanity. I suggest cooking this as morsels spoil slower when cooked!

When you get back to the Florid Postern, begin building your Campfire and Science Machine. Of course, you don't have to build it there, you can always build it somewhere else if you're worried about what other players will do.

Cook the food you obtained at night time, then eat it to restore hunger. If possible, turn extra rocks into Cut Stone, extra grass into Rope, and extra wood into Boards.

Congrats, you've survived Day 1! Of course, this isn't all. Check out the next sections for more!
Alchemy and Spiders
If you're reading this, congrats, you survived the first day! It only gets harder! ...Yay.

When Day Two starts, try crafting a Spear and a Log Suit. This will help take out Spiders at a Spider Den. Some of the items you'll need are:
- 3 Rope
- 1 Flint
- 8 Logs
- 2 Twigs

If you're a character like Wigfrid, Wendy, Walter, Webber, or Maxwell, feel free to skip this step as you should have your own methods of easily taking out all those pesky spiders.

Head to a biome with lots and lots of trees. These biomes usually contain spider dens, and on occasion, pig houses.

You may be asking: "Cakewhisk, why are we fighting spiders so early?" Well, that's because these spider dens upgrade. When a den upgrades, it starts to spawn Warrior Spiders, which are far more powerful versions of the normal Spider, and would be much harder to defeat.

Go step on the webbed ground near a spider den. Take out the spiders that spawn. An easy way to do this is by just... well, spamming. Spiders can't attack you whilst you're attacking them.

Once all the spiders are defeated, you have two options.
- Leave the den there, and come back tomorrow for more spiders to spawn.
- Destroy the den for some extra cobwebs.

If you're lucky, and have a good world seed, this shouldn't take too long and you should easily be able to spend the rest of the day gathering resources and improving your base even further.

Yay, you're alive on Day 3! Immediately rush out and collect these items to craft an Alchemy Engine:
- 16 Logs
- 4 Gold Nuggets
- 4 Cut Stone

Craft 4 Boards at your Science Machine, and turn the Gold Nuggets and Cut Stone into Electrical Doodads. Then head to the science filter and create the Alchemy Engine.

Good job, you finished this part of the guide!
Fun Things To Do Whilst You Wait
From days 3 to 8, here are some fun things to do while you wait! (Hey, that rhymed!)

This section's just gonna be a fun little list.

- Craft a Think Tank and work on your boat!
- Make some Lightning Rods to prevent lightning from setting your base on fire.
- Kill your friends.
- Set stuff on fire! But not your base.
- Eat a mandrake! Eat two mandrakes! Pass out as you learn why you shouldn't eat random food in the wild!
- Build some walls to make your base a bit safer from those pesky mobs out there.
- Work on building an Ice Box to keep your food from spoiling so easily.
- Light a flare.
- Explore your world, and stay safe while doing so.
- Work on building a crock pot.
- Start gathering materials for the Prestihatitator.
Hounds Inbound
Good job lasting this long. You're about to have your base attacked by a new mob; the Hound!

Hounds look a lot like dogs, except they're a lot bigger and will try attacking you on sight. Don't worry however, as they have pretty low HP.

It's unlikely that you'll fight a Red, Blue, or Horror Hound on Day 8. But if you do, it's no big deal. Just grab a Log Suit and Spear and just start swinging at em' like you did with those Spiders back on Day 2.

You'll know when the hounds are coming when you hear noises in the distance, and your character says something along the lines of "Do I hear dogs?"

As soon as you hear this, it might be a good idea to run away from your base. I'm not sure if they destroy walls and items, but better be safe than sorry.

If you're out in the wild with no defense items, find a herd of Beefalo as soon as possible, as they're very powerful and will slay the hounds in a few hits, if not one. This might backfire during Beefalo mating season, so do be careful.

If you're hurt after your fight with the hounds, you can use Spider Glands, Healing Salves, or any other healing item to bring your health back up to tip top shape.

Hounds will come routinely for as long as the world lasts, however as the world grows older and older, hounds attack in more numbers, and less frequently. When they do attack however, they'll approach faster.

Now you know how to survive hounds, and you're halfway to Winter now!
Winter is Coming
Welcome to Day 10. You're halfway to winter, and it'll approach faster than you think it will! Here's a few steps to take before winter comes.

Stock up on food, and put it in your Ice Box if you have one. It's good to keep a food source at the ready if something goes wrong and you're low on hunger.

Next, head to your local Beefalo herd and collect as much manure as you can. This may seem pointless for now, but trust me, it will help.

Craft a Garden Digamajig and a Shovel. Grab a few seeds and plant them in the garden you just created. Dig up any Garden Detritus you see using the shovel you've crafted. The plants will grow in just a few days.

Go dig up a bunch of Berry Bushes, Saplings, and Grass. Bring them over to your base and plant them.

Notice how those plants you just put in your base look dead? That's because they need some fertilizer! That's where the manure you collected from all those Beefalo comes in. Use the manure to fertilize the plants.

Remember that Beefalo herd you found that I keep talking about? Are you starting to get attached to those Beefalo? Too bad, you're going to need to sacrifice one or multiple of them. Either kill one or get it killed somehow. Keep killing Beefalo until one drops a Horn. Use the Wool you collected from the Beefalo and the Horn to make a Beefalo Hat, but don't put it on yet, you'll waste its durability! It'll be useful once Winter comes.

Once Day 15 or so comes, fight the hounds that may or may not approach around that time. If you're having trouble getting those Beefalo of yours killed for their horns, try leading the hounds to the Beefalo. Alternatively, use the Eye of Terror to get the Beefalo killed and also drop some sweet loot for later.

Begin working on your Thermal Stone. Craft a pickaxe, then go back to the rock biome you might have found and obtain 10 rocks. Return back to the Science Machine, and craft that Thermal Stone. It needs to be warmed up before it can work however. Try placing it next to a fire or heat source to heat it up. The Thermal Stone helps you keep warm in the Winter, and cool in the Summer. It even doubles as a light source (albeit a very weak one) at night time!

You've done it, you've completed the guide and are ready for winter, and have survived your first 20 days! Of course, there are many other dangers in this wild world that we call The Constant.

Happy starving!

3 Komentar
DIEmondMom 20 Sep 2023 @ 2:07pm 
o carro do leite 27 Mei 2023 @ 9:33pm 
Nice guide :lunar2019smilingpig:
mark 25 Mei 2023 @ 11:54am 
"its not like you'll die without em" actually yes i will die w/o twigs/grass or both