Farmer Against Potatoes Idle

Farmer Against Potatoes Idle

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Understanding the references
Por Cooconuts
Have you lost your sleep or do you have a hard time sleeping because you can't wrap your head around these mysterious cards potato characters that you swear look familiar to you? Today is your lucky day, probably, because here you will finally find out what are those weird faces you keep seeing that you can't exactly pinpoint what or who they are.
Farmer, have you ever wonder where are those weird card pictures from? Well worry no more! We're here to put an end to your misery. My fellow farmer, today you will be able to say "I understand that reference" because this guide will open your eyes and show you the great taste these devs have to find "inspiration" for their cards artwork.

If we do some math and we roughly calculate how many people will read this guide we conclude the following points:

- According to Steamdb, by the time this guide is being made, the average number[]of people playing this game daily, is between 2.000 and 2.700.

- By extrapolating the percentage of people that has read any of my other guides (and guides from some other not so popular games) compared to the daily players of those games, considering the fact that some people search for helpful guides like achievement guides, walkthrough guides, puzzle solution guides, how to basic guides, being these usually the most popular guides while other people look for more focused on explaining specific mechanics / systems to help players understand how games work under the hood, and this guide being none of that, you could say that 10% is a representative value that we can apply to this case.

- And by extension of the last point, being there a total of 8 guides (including this one) for this specific game at the moment, one could argue that this guide has around a 30% chance of catching people's eyes amongst the rest, 4 of them being actually useful, 2 being russian and the last one idk tbh.

- Not before taking away some wildcards and giving us a safe margin to work with.

By concluding the, theoretical, percentage of people that WILL read this guide, we come to a breathtakinly outcome of: 20 people. 20.... people. Only 20? ♥♥♥♥ yeah I thought it'd be less. Well 20 people it is! 20 Wonderful people will claim their sleep back! Sleep no more Worry no more!

Cards 1 - 10
Card 1 - Bad Luck Brian
Bad Luck Brian[]

Known for horribly failing at everything he tries and in the worst possible way on every scenario he's put in as well. ♥♥♥♥ can't get any worse than it is for this guy. If you ever feel sorry for this guy I bet that will bite him in the ass somehow too.

Card 2 - Mr. Incredible
Or Mr. Incredible becoming uncanny[]

Whole some side of a story with a dark twist, beware or you might get stuck with some unseeable or unreadable tales or maybe something that will haunt you in your dreams... Or maybe not, reader discretion is advised.

Card 3 - Kid with veins
Or Trying to hold a fart next to a cute girl in class[]

Well this face says it all, the concentration required for this task is outerworldy, a missbreath and you, your underwear, your pants and even the chair you're sitting on can be sent straight to the stake.

Card 4 - Success Kid
Success Kid[]

Have you ever had a moment that- that you... uhm, you had- you could, you'll do, you- you wants, you could do so *sigh* you- you did, you put- your, you put so much effort into it and it worked? This is your reaction and victory stance after that

Card 5 - Leonardo DiCaprio Laughing
Leonardo DiCaprio Laughing[]

Multi-purpose meme. When you do something cheeky, *Leo laughs*. When you, little prankster, do a little prank on someone, *Leo laughs*. When you tell a bad joke, *Leo laughs*.

Card 6 - Dissapointed Muhammad Sarim Akhtar
Dissapointed Muhammad Sarim Akhtar[]

There are moments when silence is louder than any spoken words, this expression is the most faithful representation of the sound of dissapointment's silence one can ever express. Can also be applied to feeling unimpressed.

Card 7 - Condescending / Creepy Wonka
Condescending / Creepy Wonka[]

Ironically interested in someone's opinion or story, you proceed to tell them with glowing eyes "Tell me more about it" - while you, exaggeratedly, rest your arm on the table and gently place your hand on your cheek.

Card 8 - Side-Eye Chloe
Side-Eye Chloe[]

Do you know the feeling when you don't really know what's going on and you're confused but you're also out of words and you really want whatever the hell it's going on to just stop? This is clearly a cry for help... of any kind.

Card 9 - Clueless padme >anakin<
Or For the Better, Right?[]

Being cocky but not afraid to show it, having messed up intentionally and being so full of yourself. Try me b*tch.

Card 10 - Clueless >padme<
Or For the Better, Right?[]

Sometimes innocency with a spark of faithfulness is all the joy we need because the moment you know the truth behind something... oh lord, may the force ruin the whole day of yours.
Cards 11- 20
Card 11 - Hide the Pain Harold
Hide the Pain[]

Despite the fact that you may be drowning in debt, divorced, unable to see your kids, about to loose your house, car and job you still gotta pose for the rest of the people, because no one is gonna care and also you're feeling fiiiiiine "I'm fiiiiiine......"- you say.

Card 12 - Unknown Reference

Card 13 - Unknown Reference

Card 14 - Unknown Reference

Card 15 - Roll Safe
Or Smart guy[]

There's no better feeling than being 2 steps ahead of everyone, you're so smart other people could never understand, therefore you outplay those who dare take on you. Tis only a matter of knowledge, making the most of it is the way to excel.

Card 16 - Spanish Laughing Guy
Or El Risitas[]

Do you have a friend that never finishes a joke because he's laughing his ass off all the way till the end of it and then continues to laugh histerically? You don't get a single word he said but you still laugh anyway. This is the man, the myth. RIP Risitas

Card 17 - Ok


Card 18 - Ancient Alien

There are some kind of people that are so into their theories or conspiracies that no matter what proof you have against their argument, they will still defend their believes and most likely won't give a single ♥♥♥♥ about your point.

Card 19 - Feel like a Sir
Or Like a Sir[]

Remember when you were a kid and got yourself a glass of grapejuice and pretended to be an old man drinking wine and then pretended to be drunk...? That's right you were a stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ little kid... but we all did it and we felt like a sir.

Card 20 - Disaster Girl
Or Disaster Girl[]

As sad as any tragedy is, a burning house, a car accident, an earthquake, hell even a tsunami idk but there's always at least one person, a bystander enjoying the view from a safe distance who may or may not be the culprit and the world will never know.
Cards 21 - 30
Card 21 - Chopper >father< and son
Or American Chopper Argument[]

Over violently nice and wholesome person. They will angrily yell to your face while throwing extreme gestures the most wholesome things you've ever heard. Idk why but it reminds me of this.

Card 22 - Chopper father and >son<
Or American Chopper Argument[]

Straight away hateful and wrong with no reason or right whatsoever to argue but they still do because arguments are not about who's right or wrong, it is about who can shout louder and put the blame on the other.

Card 23 - Futurama Fry
Or Not Sure If[]

Whenever you're going for a risky fart and it takes a few seconds to realise it was a false alarm or it wasn't, this is probably your face during the whole situation. To shart or not to shart, that is the question

Card 24 - Unknown Reference
Help us understand the references
If you got any reference missing on this wonderful guide or you found a different meme that could reference any of the cards, I WANT YOU - to let me know in the comments so the guide can finally be a one and whole box of throwbacks into a better time for memes.

If you have any questions regarding this deep introspection to 2010s memes, feel free to let your mind speak itself / himself / herself / themselves on the comments! I, personally, will appreciate any kind words and will not so much appreciate hateful words, but free speech is free speech, so go ♥♥♥♥ yourself or I love you depending on what you're gonna say next ^^. Anyway thank you for reading! <3
25 comentarios
Cooconuts  [autor] 19 FEB a las 11:37 a. m. 
Oh I see, well thats too bad because now this guide will be... incomplete. But yeah we'll see, thanks P2M! <3
☢ P2M ☢ 14 FEB a las 3:49 a. m. 
I don't think those 2 cards are references to anything. During the Multiplayer Event, those 2 Potatoes were bosses. They're completely original to the game.
They could just be placeholders, so we just gotta wait and see if they change them.
Cooconuts  [autor] 8 FEB a las 8:00 a. m. 
I am aware Dragonkobold and thanks, but I can't for the life of me find what is the reference for those 2 cards :Ejoe: If anyone knows anything about them I'll be more than happy to add them to the guide
Dragonkobold 8 FEB a las 7:53 a. m. 
There's two new cards as well with the update. One is healthy potato and the other a grasshopper damage.
Cooconuts  [autor] 11 ENE a las 9:44 a. m. 
Thanks viewer #1009 it took me some time before I recognized the first one too haha
Redbeard 10 ENE a las 8:04 p. m. 
Nice work. I hadn't even realised that these memes were being referenced in the game.
Well done. (1009)
Cooconuts  [autor] 9 DIC 2023 a las 8:28 p. m. 
Thanks Blood & Guts! I appreciate it <3 It is very funny to me that they thought of these memes as reference for the cards haha
Blood & Guts & Guts & Blood 9 DIC 2023 a las 7:29 p. m. 
wow. this is an awesome guide. both you and the devs have good taste. :Potatoman:
Cooconuts  [autor] 22 OCT 2023 a las 11:48 a. m. 
Thank you Bandit8it, I appreciate your kind words and I'm glad it gave you a little laugh. 804 with you now its way more than what I anticipated so lets hope people keep checking on it ;)
Bandit8it 22 OCT 2023 a las 11:43 a. m. 
Made my day. Now I will look up your other guides. And so far, you've had 803 readers so far. Way to go.