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Revenge Achievement.
By Scruffy Monk
This is a guide that will help you find the 6 bears in the dungeon maze in MOMO's World.
Information and Locations.
Before you embark on this treasure hunt, it is important top note that you need to find all 6 bears in one play thru. If you do not, you will have to start the game from the beginning again. So it is important to not enter the code before you have found them and it is also important to not be caught by Momo before you find them. If you are caught, once you respawn in Momos world you may find it impossible to pick up the bears on consecutive tries unless you restart the game.

After you have pulled the lever, the doors will open to the dungeon maze, MOMO will give you a count down, then grow bored and hunt you.

You may not find the bears in the order that I have put in the screen shots, thats ok, do it however way you want, just don't get caught by MOMO. ;)


There are two jail entrances, the first entrance looks like this, the other entrance is through a tunnel connected to the Torture Chamber.

This is looking into the jail from the first entrance.

The first bear is in the first cell to the left in the corner.

Come out of the cell and look towards the opposite end of the jail again. The 2nd bear is at the end on the right and the third bear is at the end on the left ( near the tunnel ). Head towards the end until you cannot go any further and turn left.

Under the table is the 2nd bear. Pick it up and turn around until you see a barrel and two boxes stacked.

This screenshot is taken from the tunnel entrance. Jump up on the first box.

The 3rd bear is sitting on the second box.

Now head down the tunnel, until you come to the Torture Chamber.


The Torture Chamber look like this. The 4th and 5th bears are in here. From this photo the 4th is to the left and the 5th is to the right.

This is the 4th bear in the box.

The 5th bear is behind the Iron Maiden (the big spikey box).


The 6th one is perhaps the hardest to find. The 6th bear is found at the junction of two hallways, hidden behind a broken park bench.

This is looking one way at the junction.

And this is the other.

And here is the 6th bear in the corner of the junction.

The achievement should pop as soon as you collect the 6th bear.

Happy hunting, good luck and be safe!

S.T.A.R.S Leon S. K. Jul 14, 2023 @ 12:41pm 
Thanks for the Guide/ Work Loxley :cure: :sharebear: :cuteteddy: :teddyquest: