Front Mission Evolved

Front Mission Evolved

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Collectible Locations Walkthrough
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Recently discovered this game? Or came back to it after a decade and finally want to 100% the sensors? No worries, I gotcha.
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Intro & Credits
The bulk of this guide is based on a thread by Lord Maim on from 2010. link[]
I've put it into a Steam guide for easy reference, added some notes on ones that were hard to locate, plus some screenshots and a few tips on boss fights. I used italics so you can tell my comments apart from the original. (The intro and conclusion are of course mine also.)

For the most part, you can take your time - probably 90% of the collectibles can be grabbed after clearing all enemies from each area. However, there's a few places where you need to shoot them while flying past in a dropship, or rush and grab them because defeating the last enemy triggers a cutscene; these are marked when they appear. Bear in mind that there's no penalty for dying, and collectibles are kept on death - feel free to ignore the enemies and respawn repeatedly while you hunt items, before finally playing the fight properly once you have them all.

You can also go back and replay missions with different equipment if it helps. Very few of the items absolutely require a specific loadout to collect, but hover backpack makes some of the emblems easier, and some sensors are much easier to hit with a sniper rifle.

Some people have reported crashes during the sections outside your wanzer, such as War Hero. There's a guide here with some suggestions, but they still happened occasionally for me. If the game crashes it won't save the collectibles you had, BUT if you quit manually from the mission it WILL save the collectibles, and you won't lose them on crash in future. So for example Father and Son, you might want to play through the wanzer section and get all the collectibles, then quit back to menu and restart so that if you get crashes in the infantry part you won't have to re-collect the earlier items.
ACT I: Battle for New York
  1. From the starting point, go around the corner to the left then jump up to the upper level at the end and turn right to see the sensor.
    EMBLEM 1 - Go straight ahead then right at the end of the road. Look on the left side for a white building with an arched window in the front. Just to the right of that should be a low platform you can jump on. Climb up on that and across the buildings to the right. You'll find it on the roof of the building at the end near some AC units.
  2. Drop to the street you were on you'll be right in front of the next sensor. On the other side of the street, it will be in an alcove to the right of the building with blue screens on it.
  3. Follow the street until it splits. The right fork will dead end almost immediately, with a sensor in the median.
  4. Follow the road till you turn right at a trapezoidal building. The road will end at a red building, where you will go to the right and follow the road around. Near the end of the road you'll find the sensor in an alcove on the right. (Where the turret on the building shoots at you, turn right away from the turret and follow the road.)
  5. Turn around and you'll see a ramp leading up to a parking garage with a sensor on the upper level.
  6. Drop off the garage roof to the road where the trapezoidal building is. Jump up on the small building where the turret was, and look to the roof across from you at your level, across from the LED board.
  7. Go down the road with the LED board, and there will be a small square at the end with a sensor near some sculpture.
  8. Go to the way-point where WIZ starts talking about the Memorial Arch. At the next street, you'll see rubble to the right with ammo next to a pillar. The sensor is on the other side of the pillar.
  9. Go the other way down the road, up the ramp and look in the park to the left. The sensor will be next to the building.
  10. Go to the way-point with the turrets and over the barricade. Immediately when the next area loads go down the road to the left to see a sensor next to a pillar at the end of the road.
  11. Go back to the starting point and face the direction you were originally travelling. From here if you go straight and jump to the building roof ahead of you, you'll find the sensor behind the first AC unit on the roof.
    EMBLEM 2 - Atop the Memorial Arch in the center of the roundabout.
  12. While still on the arch, look at the Blue line platform above you. You'll just see the sensor peeking over the platform just left of center.
  13. Go through the tunnel, and down the street to the left. On the corner will be a red brick building. Go down the street to the right, then left around the corner of the building to find a sensor near its doors.
  14. Go to the way-point and after the cinematic, go forwards then jump on the low white building to the left. Turn to the left and you'll see it directly across from you on the edge of the blue building that you just passed.
  15. Go back to the road that leads to the bridge, and turn right on the road before it. Straight ahead at the end of this road will be a sensor.
    EMBLEM 3 - From where #15 was, jump and hover around the edge of the road to the left to reach a balcony on the building behind it. You will have just enough hover power to reach it.
  16. Jump to the road below and follow the road away from the bridge. Go around the building to the right and follow the road to the end. The sensor is on the left side in a small park.
  17. Go back to the road by the docks, and go left. Go past the ramp and continue down the road to the end to find the sensor near a truck.
  18. From this position you'll also see another sensor straight ahead on the edge of a wharf across the water.
  19. Turn around and go back, turning left onto the docks. You'll see two large tanks next to a warehouse, with a ramp leading up right next to them. Carefully manoeuvre between them and shoot the sensor under the ramp.
  20. Go into the warehouse next to the tanks to find the sensor on top of a container to the left.
ACT I: Apollo's Chariot
  1. From the start follow the road to the right. On the right side of the street near the end you'll see the sensor behind a news-stand.
    EMBLEM 1 - Across from the news-stand, jump up to the low roof, go straight ahead and jump up again. Go around the edge of the building to the left and you'll see the emblem in a hidden alcove.
  2. Continue around the building and drop to the street below. Straight ahead of you will be the sensor in the middle of the park.
  3. Turn around and look at the building behind you with the billboard for the Blue Line. Move left of that sign till you're standing facing the corner of the building. Look up over the edge of that corner and you'll see the top of the sensor sitting on an upper level.
  4. Continue down the road towards the burning rubble to find a sensor near the doors of 430 Delaware Road.
  5. Go to the point where you have to jump on the building to pass the flaming debris. Just before you reach the highest platform look to your right. The sensor will be on the building across from you next to the flaming debris.
  6. Drop down and follow the road. On the left side of the road is a sensor next to the building by some benches.
  7. On the right side of the road is a missile launcher with the sensor right behind it.
  8. To the left is another missile launcher with a square building behind it. The sensor will be on the right corner of the roof.
  9. Just past that on the road you'll see a fire hall on the right. The sensor is on the roof in front of a billboard that says "Got Cubes?".
    EMBLEM 2- Right at the end of this road on top of a low platform on the right. It's right next to a billboard with a red car on it.
  10. Follow the way-point into a warehouse and find a sensor near the left wall.
  11. After the cinematic, you'll see a sensor on the roof of the low building ahead of you to the left.
  12. Go around the building to the left, into a small dead end near a sign that says "Franc Bank Federal". Turn around and look up at the roof of the building. You'll barely see the top of the sensor. You'll either have to back up for a better angle or hover while shooting to get this one. (Go all teh way around the first building on the left from your starting point, into the street there. It's on the building you went around.)
  13. Back at the starting position, look across the street to an alley where you can see an ammo and armor pick-up, Go in, and turn right to see the sensor.
  14. Still in the alley, look up towards the sun and move all the way to the left wall. You might have to manoeuvre around near the entrance to see it, but there's a sensor on the corner of the angled roof in the distance. You can barely see it against the right edge of the sun.
  15. Just to the left of the stairs up to the next way-point will be a sensor in the shadow of a pillar.
  16. Go up the stairs and drop down, following the building to the right. The sensor will be near the building by some tables and chairs.
    EMBLEM 3 - On the opposite side of the area you'll see three archways. The emblem is behind the one closest to the building next to a "Public Parking" sign.
  17. Standing by the second archway, face the "Organic Engine Hydroponics" billboard and look up you'll see in the distance a tall building with windows on either side of a concrete strip. On the roof right above that strip is the sensor.
  18. Jump up to the roof where the "Organic Engine Hydroponics" billboard is. In the back left corner is a sensor.
  19. Turn right and go down the path between the buildings, looking up towards the building it leads to. The sensor will be on a balcony to the left halfway up the building.
  20. From this upper level turn to the left and look near the trees and grass in front of the building on the road leading to the way-point.
ACT I: Percival's Fall
  1. Immediately on starting look to the left to find a sensor.
    EMBLEM 1 - Turn to the left and go down the road away from the way-point to find the emblem on the right.
  2. Go to the way-point now, and when you reach it turn 45º to the left to find the sensor beside three trucks.
  3. Follow the road to the right, and when it curves to the left go straight ahead into the alley between the buildings. Turn left and you'll see the sensor on the ground next to the wall.
  4. Return to the road and follow it towards the checkpoint. Just as you pass the traffic lights flashing red, turn to the right and you'll see the sensor across the street on the corner just before it curves. (Just after the road turns left towards the checkpoint, look right from the intersection.)
  5. Follow this road (to the checkpoint) and enter the area with the cranes. As soon as you enter the gate turn right and you'll find it on the crane nearest to the wall.
  6. Going straight from the gate, go past the crane to the wall. There will be a sensor in one of the small alcoves formed by the wall to the right.
  7. Go left along this wall all the way to the other end of this area. The sensor will be on the ground near the wall of the building with the vertical yellow and black stripes.
  8. Go to the way-point, and when you come out of the pipe turn right. There will be a sensor on a shelf to the left.
  9. After the cinematic where your objective becomes "Locate Adela" turn around and go back, turning left at the intersection. Follow this around the corner to the right, and the sensor will be on the right side before you reach the ammo.
  10. Follow the original road ahead till you reach a building with an angled roof on the right. There will be a red forklift on the corner, with a sensor on top of stacked cargo containers behind it.
    EMBLEM 2 - Go straight ahead past this building until the road turns left and dead ends next to the emblem.
  11. Go to the way-point. On the right will be a ballistic wanzer on an upper level. Just to the left of it will be the sensor near the wall.
  12. From the position of #11 look at the crane on the left. The sensor is on the far leg of the crane at the same height as you.
  13. Go under the crane to the way-point, and the next sensor will be straight ahead of you on the curve of the road.
  14. Just before you go through the gate to the next checkpoint, face the building on the left and hover. You'll see three square structures on its roof. Two close to you, and one in the distance behind them. Float left until you can see the sensor next to the back square.
  15. Go to the way-point and turn left but don't drop down yet. Look to the ledge across from you. You'll see the sensor on the left side.
  16. Enter the pipe and the timer starts. As soon as you drop down from the pipe, you'll see a sensor straight ahead of you to the right of the path.
  17. Just after the collapsing water tower and your CO shouts "on your left", it will be at the end of the next hallway you enter, right under a collapsing triangle of wall.
  18. Shortly after that, there will be a place where you have to hover over a lowered section with a ramp. The sensor will be to the right of the path on the other side.
    EMBLEM 3 - There is a passage to the left of the weakened structure you have to destroy to proceed. Follow it around to the left for the emblem.
  19. Just past the weakened structure you have to destroy.
  20. While on the pipes just before the bridge, look across at the short structures across from you. It will be on the roof of the one on the right.
ACT II: Fort Monus
  1. The first sensor is right on the edge of the helipad after you land.
  2. Across from the helipad is a square building with crates stacked in front of it. The sensor is in an alcove facing the helipad.
  3. From the helipad look up at the ridge above the building #2 was on. There is a sensor barely visible on the ridge.
  4. Follow the road to the left towards a blocked tunnel entrance. There is a sensor in front of some boxes just left of the road.
  5. Turn left and go along the mountain wall. Hidden among some bushes in the corner of the rock is the sensor.
    EMBLEM 1 - Jump up to the roof of the building with the satellite dish.
  6. Right next to this building is another building at the foot of a radio tower. The sensor will be on a platform on this roof.
  7. On one of the supports under the bridge.
  8. Right after the bridge will be two buildings on the left. The sensor is behind the second building near some boxes.
  9. Go all the way to the left and you'll see two large tanks, with the sensor on the right one.
    EMBLEM 2 - Next to the tanks is a section of the large building that is lower than the rest. Use it to jump from platform to platform up to the top of the building. From there, look down on the other side of the building and drop onto the emblem.
  10. Drop down from here to find a small square section with a tent and a covered truck with a sensor in the middle.
  11. Straight across from you on the right will be a structure with a curved roof. On the left side will be the sensor on top of some transformers.
  12. Just before you reach the gates, there will be a sensor on the left side of the road hidden among some bushes.
  13. After entering the outer gates and the cinematic plays, go halfway to the inner gates and look left. You'll see a sensor on a rocky patch of ground next to an ammo pick-up.
  14. Looking in the same direction you'll see two cylindrical tanks with posts around them, one behind the other. Go around the left side of the closer tank and you'll see the sensor near the tank at the back.
  15. Go between the tanks and you'll find another sensor where the wall meets the mountain.
  16. Before entering the inner gates, follow the dirt road around the wall to the right. Almost all the way at the end there'll be a sensor against the wall on the left.
  17. Once inside the inner gate go left along the wall. When you reach the two cylindrical tanks, turn right and go straight ahead into the alley behind the building. There will be a sensor in a raised alcove straight ahead.
  18. From #17 turn right and follow the alley to its end then turn turn 45º to the left and look up. You'll see the sensor on a raised balcony of the building with flashing blue lights.
    EMBLEM 3 - Go straight ahead to the perimeter wall and turn left around the building. You'll find the emblem in a raised alcove on the building wall.
  19. Continue to follow the perimeter wall around to find a sensor on a circular platform near a ballistic wanzer.
  20. On the perimeter wall above and to the left of the circular platform.
ACT II: War Hero
Note - in the missions where you go on foot, the emblems are small medals lying flat, instead of large standing ones. They, and the data keys, can be hard to spot, and you can sometimes pick them up without noticing during a fight.

  1. In the first large room, in the pit beneath the hydraulic lift.
    EMBLEM 1 - On some crates between the crane and the hydraulic lift.
    SCRAMBLER 1 - Go up the stairs and follow the catwalk around. You'll see the scrambler through the first broken window you pass on the left.
  2. Continue to follow the catwalk around, and the sensor will be in a doorway to the left.
    KEY 1 - Follow the catwalk all the way around until you reach the consoles at the end. The key will be on the raised section of the left wall.
  3. Open the door with the panel and enter the next room. Go down the walkway and look right at the center intersection to see the sensor on the floor next to a yellow cart.
  4. In the tunnel where you get the grenade tutorial, the sensor is next to the left wall before you enter the control room.
  5. Enter the control room, go around the map table and down the ramp on the other side, then turn left. There will be a sensor on the floor between two consoles.
    SCRAMBLER 2 - Stand where #5 was and look back towards the center of the area. Just to the right of the ramp is a console with the scrambler on the right side of it just beneath the blue radar screen.
    SCRAMBLER 3 - From the entrance go to the right down the ramp. Just to the right of the ramps will be eight server towers with the scrambler on the front of one of them.
    EMBLEM 2 - Continue up the opposite ramp, moving all the way to its right side. The emblem is on the floor next to the ramp, but you'll be close enough to pick it up as you go by.
    KEY 2 - At the top of the ramp go to the right into a small room. They key will be on one of the crates on the left side of the room.
  6. Go up the stairs towards the exit, and there will be a sensor at the top of the stairs on the left hand side.
  7. In the next open area come down the ramp and there will be a sensor just to the right of the opposite ramp in a stone planter. (Depending where you go during the fight, this may be behind the ramp you come down, instead of the 'opposite' ramp - it's near your starting location after the cutscene.)
    SCRAMBLER 4 - Go (back) up the ramp and at the top enter the door to the right. There will be a scrambler on the middle of the three consoles on the right.
  8. Opposite the consoles, a railing divides the room from a lower level. Look over the railing to see a sensor on the ground near a large door below you.
  9. Go back down the ramp and turn right towards the fountain. Go around the fountain to the right, taking the right path. Just past the stone planter on the left, you'll see a sensor on the grass.
    KEY 3 - Right across from the sensor is an orange hexagonal crate with the key on top of it.
  10. Just past the last sensor are two ramps leading up to the other side of the room. Go up the right one first. At the top of the ramp is a door to the left. Just inside the door will be a sensor on the ground to the right.
    SCRAMBLER 5 - Turn to the left from #10 and you'll see a scrambler on the first console on the left.
  11. Go back down the ramp, turn right at the bottom, and look in the planter to the right to find a sensor.
    EMBLEM 3 - Turn around and go up the other ramp. At the top of the ramp go left and follow the walkway to the end to find the emblem on a crate.
  12. Go to the way-point and into the next room. While moving across the walkways, look for a sensor below and to the right of the walkway attached to the wall.
    KEY 4 - Before leaving this room, there is a key on a crate to the left of the door.
  13. When you reach the dark room with the two overhead walkways, from the entrance go around the wall to the right. On the right wall will be a doorway blocked with stacked containers. Move up next to them and you'll be able to shoot a sensor that is behind them on the ground.
  14. Turn around and go in the direction of the raised walkways, to see a sensor on top of some crates near the far one.
    SCRAMBLER 6 - Go up the ladder at the way-point, and you'll see a sensor through the doorway on one of the server towers.
  15. Go through the doorway to the second control room and you'll see a sensor on the ground next to some server towers on the right.
  16. Go through into the wanzer bay and down the ramp and go straight ahead to the far wanzer. Standing at its feet look to the left to see the sensor in a dark alcove.
  17. Continue to the far side of the bay and turn right. Go into the small area that's bounded by the railing and you'll find the sensor on the ground between the concrete pillar and the stacked crates.
    KEY 5 - Just to the left of #16, is the key on a crate near an orange cart.
    SCRAMBLER 7 - Go up the ramp and enter the room that your CO opened for you. Entering the small control room, you'll see the last scrambler on the far right console.
  18. Go through onto the right walkway. Near the end, look down and to the right to see a sensor on top of the stacked crates below.
  19. Enter the second wanzer bay and follow the walkway. Near the left wall across from the (top of the) first ramp you'll see a sensor on the ground.
  20. Stay on the upper level and follow the walkway around to the second ramp. Go down the ramp, and turn left and follow it around till it ends with a sensor near some stacked crates in the corner.
ACT II: Call of the Chariot
  1. Go straight ahead (just a little) and (immediately) turn right at the corner to find the first sensor in the corner of the wall.
  2. As the road curves to the right, just past the "Electrical Plant and Dam Facility" sign on the left side of the road will be a sensor on the hillside.
  3. The path will split with a rough path to the left while the road goes right. On the left side will be a cliff with a wanzer on it. On the left edge of this cliff is a sensor.
  4. Go down the rough path to the left. Just as you pass a large boulder on the left you'll see a sensor on the ground to the right across from it.
    EMBLEM 1 - Further down the path you'll see an emblem on the ground between two boulders on the left.
  5. Backtrack and take the right fork. There will be thick foliage on the left and right, which will eventually open out to a clear area on the right. The sensor will be on the right side of this clearing near the edge of the gorge.
  6. Continue down the road, and there will be another sensor on the left in the clearing just before the road curves to the right.
  7. Continue to the way-point where the enemy reinforcements arrive. Go down the ramp and find a sensor at the base of the left tower in the water.
  8. Further back, you'll also find one at the foot of the large stone column.
  9. Go through the gate into the next area. On the left side of the road will be a repair pick-up and just past that on the ground behind it is a sensor.
  10. At the bottom of the slope, you'll see the sensor in the shadows of the foliage on the left.
  11. Turn right at the destroyed bridge and go down the ramp. You'll see a sensor on the roof of the furthermost building.
  12. Follow the road around this building and move to the edge of the railing overlooking the river. Look straight across at the blue-green transformers on the other side of the river to see a sensor atop the third one from the right.
    EMBLEM 2 - Jump down onto the lower level of the dam below you to find the emblem about halfway along.
  13. Drop to the river below and follow it away from the dam. There will be a sensor near the end of the wall on the left.
  14. Follow the river till the snipers appear. There will be a boulder in the middle of the river followed by a boulder on the right side of the river. There will be a sensor to the right of this second boulder in a clearing.(You may run over this one accidentally while fighting the snipers.)
    EMBLEM 3 - Right behind this second boulder.
  15. In a clearing just to the left of the tunnel entrance.
  16. Immediately after exiting the tunnel, turn left to see the sensor in the corner.
  17. In the shadow of the bridge on the right side of the road.
  18. Passing under the bridge, take the left road to find the sensor above the blocked tunnel entrance.
  19. Go up the right road to find a sensor on the left side of the curve.
  20. The last sensor is hidden in the foliage on the left side of the road just before you hit the way-point. Look just to the left of the gate at the end of the bridge in the trees. You'll barely be able to make out the red and yellow flashing light. (End of the bridge, before going up the ramp.)

Boss tip: Learn to dodge. Just keep kiting them with agility skate and you won't take much damage.
ACT III: Providence
  1. On the right side of the deck before you reach the ladder, next to an air vent.
    KEY 1 - Between the last container labelled "flammable" and a hose reel on the left side of the deck. (Before you go down the ladder.)
    EMBLEM 1 - After climbing down the ladder the emblem will be in the corner near a hose reel.
  2. Before entering the ship, you'll see this sensor on the right in plain sight.
  3. After entering the ship and going around the corner to the left, you'll see double doors standing open ahead of you. The sensor is hidden in the shadows behind the left door.
  4. Entering the next area, take the left walkway and follow it around to see a sensor in the corner on the floor.
    SCRAMBLER 1 - Take the middle walkway and you'll see a scrambler on the wall before entering the hold area.
  5. Just before entering the hold, look down over the right edge of the walkway to see a sensor below you next to the wall. (Directly under the catwalk you use to enter the hold, you may need to shoot it from the right hard catwalk.)
  6. Enter the hold and stay on the walkway, following it around to the left to see a sensor on the ground.
  7. Continue down the walkway until you go through a door into a darker area. On the right will be a barred off stairwell lit red. You'll be able to shoot the sensor behind the bars.
  8. Go through the next door to see this sensor in the corner next to a closed door.
    SCRAMBLER 2 - Look to the right and over the railing to see a device labelled as a "Recharge Station" with a scrambler on it. Because of the angle you'll either have to use a grenade or move around the corner to where the railing isn't solid to hit it. (I was able to shoot over the railing here just fine.)
    KEY 2 - Go through the open doorway to the left to find the key in the corner. (You may grab this by accident while walking past.)
  9. Go all the way to the end of this upper area. Immediately to your right will be a number of stacked crates on a raised platform with the sensor tucked between them.
    KEY 3 - Rather than climb down here, backtrack all the way to the first room of the hold and go down the first ramp. At the bottom turn left and when you get to the crates at the far wall turn left again. You'll find a key between these stacks of crates by the wall.
  10. Turn around and go back, and when the room widens on the left, find a sensor wedged between the U shaped stack of boxes and the wall. You'll only be able to see the flashing light in the shadows.
    SCRAMBLER 3 - Just to the right of this will be a scrambler on the wall.
  11. On the opposite wall, you'll see a sensor on top of a stack of three crates.
    SCRAMBLER 4 - Above the door to the next area you'll see a scrambler on the wall.
    SCRAMBLER 5 - Continue on into the lower level of the next room. The scrambler will be on the wall to your right shortly after you enter the room.
    KEY 4 - Don't know exactly where I picked this up, pretty sure it was from one of the crates on the right side of the room as I passed.
  12. Near a pile of crates on the far side of the room. (Tucked into the crates on the right-hand raised platform.)
  13. Go out the door into the next hallway and immediately turn to the left and look behind the door to find a sensor.
    SCRAMBLER 6 - Straight across from you to the right of the "NOT A DRILL" LED sign.
  14. Look over the edge to the right to see the sensor under the catwalk ahead of you.
  15. Climb up the ladder then turn around to find the sensor behind you.
    EMBLEM 2 - After reaching the exterior of the ship again, look to the right of the door to find the emblem in the corner.
  16. Re-enter the ship and turn left, passing a small room on the right for now. You'll see a sensor under the walkway.
    KEY 5 - Go around the walkway to find the key near the money case at the end.
  17. Return to the small room you'd passed to find a sensor in plain sight.
    SCRAMBLER 7 - Enter the hallway that leads to the way-point. The scrambler will be on the left side of the hall before you reach the light at the end.
  18. Back in your wanzer, go straight ahead to the end of this lower area, and find a sensor to the left in the corner.
  19. The last two sensors are tough to find because they're on the enemy fortress and you'll have to snipe them. Search the left side of the ice below the fortress for this sensor. (Away on the far left side, fairly low, at long range.)
  20. For the last one, find it on the ice below the fortress where a ballistic wanzer comes out. (Half way up the cliff above where the wanzer appears.)
    EMBLEM 3 - Diagonally opposite from where you start on the deck, there is another lowered area with a repair crate. On the far side of this small area is the last emblem.
ACT III: Promise
  1. Left side of the first inhabited island you fly over on the ground.
  2. As you pass the right side of the island, the sensor will be on the ground between two long shipping containers.
  3. Right side of the long building in the rear as you're about to leave the first island.
  4. There is a small bridge to the second island. The sensor will be just to the right of the bridge on the edge of the cliff.
  5. On top of the tower near the helipad.
  6. On the trailing edge of the second island near the foot of the satellite dish.

  7. After landing, turn left to find a sensor on top of a green and white shack on stilts.
    EMBLEM 1 - Follow the road next to the shack around the mountain behind it to find an emblem at the end of this area.
  8. Just to the right of the emblem is a sensor on a platform near a truck and some money.
  9. Return to the crash site and look at the mountains on the opposite side of the site. The sensor is on the mountains near the poles. (Left of the power poles behind the plane.)
  10. Going towards the way-point, there will be a sensor on the shack just after the drop in the canyon.
  11. Just before going through the newly busted hole in the wall to the next area, you'll see the sensor on the left hand side.
  12. Right at the end of the canyon before passing under the concrete structure, look to the left to find the sensor on a ledge.
  13. Go under the concrete structure and look back at the tall building's roof. (The building attached to the structure you just went under.) There is a sensor at the rear right hand corner of the roof.
    EMBLEM 2 - Turn to the left from where you are and look to the left side of the canyon you just exited to see the emblem.
  14. Continue along the wall away from the canyon you just exited to find a sensor out in the open.
  15. Enter the tunnel that leads to the next way-point. The sensor will be on the left side of the tunnel near one of the supports.
  16. After leaving the tunnel, go to the edge of the cliff and look left to find a sensor on a cliff above you.
  17. Follow the path to the way-point and you'll pass it on the left side of the canyon. (Don't go to the waypoint yet.)
  18. Immediately after exiting canyon Back up a little and just before you enter the canyon, look left to find the sensor on the cliffs in the distance.
    ** These last 3 items have to be collected while fighting, either before boss appears or while fighting his minions. **
  19. (After entering the fortress area) Travel along the left wall of the area to find another sensor on the ground near the fortress walls across the lake.
    EMBLEM 3 - On top of the watchtower on the left side of the fort.
  20. On the wall of the fortress itself.
ACT III: Fafnir
  1. Straight ahead of the starting position is a large door. Just to the left of the door is the sensor behind a fence. Hover or jump to shoot over the fence.
  2. On the left edge of the starting platform outside the fence. Go into the dead end to the left and look back to see it.
  3. When you enter the tunnel, look to the left. There will be a place in the left wall where the cavern slopes down to the floor creating a ramp. Go up the ramp and look to the left, and the sensor will be right there.
  4. Right after #3 will be a large container in the middle of the tunnel. Immediately after this container, the sensor will be behind the pillar on the right of the tunnel.
  5. Just to the left of the tunnel exit on the ground. (A slightly raised platform just before the exit.)
  6. Before the tunnel exit, there will be a pipe to the right (above you) that you can enter. You'll immediately see the sensor on the left side of the pipe.
  7. While still at the entrance to the pipe, turn around and look up and to the left. You'll see the sensor on a dark platform against the wall.
    EMBLEM 1 - Jump onto the curving platform directly ahead of you, just to the right of the platform #7 was on, and follow it all the way back to the tunnel entrance where you'll find the emblem. (Requires a skate+jump or hover jump from pipe entrance to reach it.)
  8. Enter the pipe where you shot #6 and follow it to a platform overlooking the tunnel exit. Go to the edge and look to your right. You'll see a building with two towers with conical tops at your 2 o'clock. Near the top of the towers will be a platform connecting the building to the wall behind it. The sensor will be on this platform next to the wall.
  9. On the ground directly below #8
  10. Go between the buildings to the fenced off cliff, and follow the fence to the left. Around the corner of the building, you'll see an ammo box on the ground. Look directly above this, and you'll see the sensor on a balcony of the building (on the left edge).
  11. Follow the fence to the right, and it will end in a set of steps leading into a tunnel. Just to the right of the stairs next to the building is the sensor.
    EMBLEM 2 - Directly above #11, on the left side of the building on a ledge just to the right of the tunnel.
  12. Up and to the left of the entrance from #11. You'll see it on top of the half arch sticking out of the wall. (The arch you go under to enter the next tunnel.)
  13. Above the tunnel exit. Essentially the same position as #12 but on the other side of the tunnel.
    EMBLEM 3 - As you leave the tunnel, look to the left to see two large blue containers stacked off center, with the emblem on top.
  14. Drop to the lower level and follow the left edge of the platform around. When you reach the first post of the barrier fence turn around and look back between the platform you just came from and the side of the mountain. Look down and you'll see the sensor on a ledge just below you. You may have to hover to be able to hit this.
  15. Just to the left of the mirrored slope (solar-panel looking thing), on the edge of the circular area at its bottom. (Past the first post to the left.)
  16. At the top of the mirrored slope on the left side is a rounded vent of some kind. The sensor is just to the left of the unit on the edge of the platform. (At the very farthest left edge of the platform just at the top of the slope.)
  17. At the top of the mirrored slope on the right, look across the gap to the edge of the platform you just came from. The sensor will be on a ledge of the building directly across from you. (Just left and a little below the uppermost platform.)
  18. Cross the bridge to where the Ballistic Wanzers were, and you'll find the sensor just to the left of the elevator.
  19. Once up the elevator, look back at the building above #17. On the right edge of the building will be a triangular section on the corner. At the top of this triangluar section, you'll find the sensor in the shadow it casts on the roof. (Beside the chunky post sticking up, in its shadow.)
  20. Just before entering the boss battle, look to the right to the solar panels on top of the building next to you. The sensor is behind the first panel.

Boss tip: Hide behind things, skate around fast, shoot the weak points with missiles.
ACT IV: Chorus of Destruction
  1. Consider the way-point (on your right) to be "North", immediately upon starting, turn 180 degrees to face East, where you'll see the sensor on a balcony with three columns directly across from you.
  2. (Still facing "East") Look down and to the right, over the highway signs towards the corner of the reddish building next to you. In the distance, you'll see the road next to this building and just visible will be the sensor. (Go to the far-left side of the highway signs to see it over the top of them.)
  3. Turn to face the south, and find where the reddish building meets the white building next to it. Look down over the edge of the raised freeway you're on and you'll find the sensor wedged into the nook between the buildings on the ground.
  4. Look straight up from #3 to see the tall white building behind the reddish building. You'll see the sensor on a ledge about halfway up.
  5. Still at the starting position turn to the North to see a large black glass building that has a base with white trim. On top of one of the white trimmed ledges will be the sensor. (At about the same height as you, just right of where you start the level.)
  6. Turn left slightly to look at the building across the street from the glass building next to the ramp. The sensor will be visible at the back left corner of the roof. (Up and a little to the right of where you face at mission start, on top of the section with arched windows.)
  7. Jump down from the west edge of the raised section of highway, and you'll see two curved pieces of what used to be an on-ramp on either side of the street. On the right side of the right section, you'll see the sensor next to some rubble. (Or just look down from the right edge of where you start.)
  8. Turn south and you'll see a short dead end street just to your left. The sensor will be tucked between the buildings in the dark alley on the left. (Due south of the starting position, then the alley is to the left.)
  9. Following the road, (back near the starting position) you'll see a ramp to the right leading up. The sensor is just to the right of the ramp, and slightly under it.
  10. Turn around and look in the other direction from the ramp, and you'll see a sensor on the left side of the road next to the building.
  11. Across the street from #10, you'll find another sensor on the west side of the street in the shadows behind a pillar.
  12. Turn towards the south from #11 and look up. You'll see a jagged broken building just to the south of the building you're facing. The sensor will be on top of the jagged edge. (Facing #11, up in the next building to the left.)
  13. Go back towards the ramp, but turn to the west (left) into the short dead end. Pressed against the rubble pile facing west, look up and to the left. You'll barely see the top of the sensor jutting out over the ledge of the building to the south of you, right on the corner.
  14. Go back to the ramp and while going up look to the right and see another sensor on the edge of the white trimmed base of the glass building.
  15. At the top of the ramp, look ahead and the sensor will be in the middle of the bombed road directly ahead of you.
  16. Look up and to the left, and see a sensor on the far corner of the building roof to your left. (The short building between the two tall ones. Don't drop down from the ramp yet.)
  17. Look to the right and down between the rubble and a building, and you'll see another sensor on the ground.
  18. Jump down and go left around the corner of the building #16 was on. The sensor will be in the shadowy area between the buildings.
  19. Jump up on the partially destroyed buildings on the east side of the street. Go up two more platforms and turn around to see a sensor on a floor in the middle of a taller broken open building to the south. (A little above you, peeking over the edge.)
  20. While moving over the destroyed buildings you'll see the sensor through the windows of the building to your north just before reaching the way-point. This is a tricky one to hit, as it doesn't look like you can shoot through the windows. Use explosives like a grenade launcher if you have trouble with it.
    (From the point where you shoot #19, turn back to the north again, and it's behind the broken walls with windows. You can't shoot through the holes, but it's possible to jump up onto the broken walls on your right/east, then hover-jump high enough to shoot over and hit it.)

BONUS Boss Tip: This was the first boss that I actually found hard (at first). With mandatory quad-legs, your agility is too low to properly kite these bad girls, so don't bother. Instead, build the heaviest Grapple torso, twin gatlings, twin MGs, and advanced heal backpack. First dodge the gatling burst and get behind a corner, and lure one of them to face her solo. Then just hold down all four triggers and unload all over her face, use heal every time your torso armor gets low, and she'll die first. Turn to face second boss, repeat. Easy win.
ACT IV: Father and Son
  1. EMBLEM 1 - Turn around right at the starting point and go back towards the pile of rubble. Go around the central wall to the left and back into the tunnel. You'll see the first emblem on a ramp on the right side of the tunnel.
  1. Go down the slope to the bottom where a train is across the tracks just past a wall. Just to the right of the opening in the wall is the sensor.
  2. Just past the doorway, in the right hand tunnel near the right wall where the tunnel starts to turn.
  3. In the left tunnel just past #2, against the left wall.
  4. Enter the subway platform area, and you'll see the sensor halfway down the left wall in this room.
  5. On the opposite side of the room in the same position halfway down the right wall.
  6. On the far side of the room, at the base of the escalators. (In the right hand arch.)
  7. In the next passage, on the left side of the tunnel look up at the group of six lights. The sensor is behind them. (The second group of 6 lights, in the space just above them.)
  8. When the tunnel merges with another tunnel, turn to the left and go to the dead end on the far right side near the rubble.
  9. Going to the right into the next section, you'll see an area of the tunnel that's collapsed. There'll be a central gully with raised tracks on both sides. On the right side, you'll see the sensor near the end of the area.
  10. Go through the large door into another platform area. Running down the center of the platform is a series of four metal supports. There is a sensor on top of the metal crossbeam between the first and second support. You'll just be able to see the top of it over the edge of the beam near the second support.
  11. Blast through the leftmost of the destructible walls and enter the next area. Go across the room along the left wall and enter the dead end tunnel to the left. There will be a sensor on the ground on the right hand side near the rubble.
  12. Turn around and look back above the wall you just came through. You'll see the sensor on top of some ducting in the shadows.
    SCRAMBLER 1 - After exiting the Wanzer, you'll enter a room with two balconies overlooking a Wanzer statue. Enter this room and go right. The scrambler will be behind the first pillar on the right.
    KEY 1 - Behind the statue will be a large counter area, with the key on a small cabinet to its left.
    SCRAMBLER 2 - Look up and to the left, at the balcony almost directly above you. The scrambler will be on the edge of the balcony near the wall.
    SCRAMBLER 3 - Turn around and look up at the Wanzer statue. The jammer will be in the center of its backpack.
  13. Take the right hallway leading away from the Wanzer statue. There will be a sensor just around the corner on the left side of the hall.
    EMBLEM 2 - Just past sensor #13 on the right side of the hallway.
    SCRAMBLER 4 - In the following room, there is a kneeling wanzer statue with the scrambler under its left leg.
    KEY 2 - At the end of the left hallway, on the left hand side just before the room with the kneeling wanzer.
  14. Go up the elevator, and as you come out it will be on the right side near the wall.
  15. Shoot out the glass across from the elevator and look in the distance to the right. It will be in the distance on the black glass building just past the corner of the brownish building on the right.
  16. Turn left from the elevator, and look on the left wall above the couches.
    SCRAMBLER 5 - Across from #16, on the corner of the side passage will be a scrambler on the side facing you.
    KEY 3 - At the side passage go right, the key will be on the second couch in the middle of the corridor.
  17. Look out the window on the right side of the passage (from where you got key 3), and see a sensor outside stuck to the wall below the window.
  18. On the balcony at the end of the passage, look to the right and down. At the bottom of the staircase will be a sensor.
    SCRAMBLER 6 - Return to the main hall and go around the right side of the support at the corner to find the scrambler on it's back side.
    EMBLEM 3 - On the shelf outside the room where your father is.
    KEY 4 - On the table where your father is. (Go back in after the cutscene and ambush.)
    SCRAMBLER 7 - After rescuing your father and downing some choppers, a door to the outside will open up. Standing at the doorway, the last scrambler will be on the wall to the left.

    KEY 5 - Go down the stairs and turn left. Go along the wall onto the grassy area and you'll get the last key.
  19. At the bottom of the stairs go right and back towards the building, into a covered hallway. The sensor will be behind a pillar next to a medikit.
  20. Behind the closest of the three semicircular planters around the central fountain.
ACT IV: Defense of Constantine
  1. Immediately off the edge of the helipad you start on. (On the left.)
  2. Turn left from the bridge entrance and go down the road to find the sensor at the dead end on the ground. (Left from the helipad, the road away from the ramp up to the bridge.)
  3. Go back towards the bridge and turn left then left again around the wall to find a second sensor right there.
  4. Return to the road and keep moving away from the bridge/starting area. Right at the end on the right hand side in a small parking lot. (Straight down the road in front of where you start the mission.)
    EMBLEM 1 - Turn right down the side street here, and follow it as it curves back towards the bridge entrance. Straight ahead of you on the right, the emblem will be on top of the building.
  5. Right where this road dead ends will be a building on the right. Go around the front of this building and you'll see a sensor on its ledge. (A little to the left when you face the ramp up to the bridge.)
  6. Move onto the bridge and watch to the right for a small shack by the water with a sensor on top.
  7. Further up on the right side of the bridge, there will be a collapsed section with the sensor on a concrete support in the middle of the water.
  8. Further still on the left will be another collapsed section of bridge, with the sensor on the road to the left just past it.
  9. Just before entering the tunnel, move to the right side of the bridge and look down at the bridge support off the edge.
  10. At the fork in the tunnel, go right to the door and turn around. On the ground to the right side of the tunnel will be the sensor directly under a sign that says "Riker's Island Industrial Yard"
  11. Go up the left path now and find the sensor in the middle of the road near the door.
    (Get the next two before you drop down into the lower area of the room behind the door. You can also get #16 while up here, or later from below as described.)
  12. Through the door, there will be three circular walkways along the right edge of the area with a sensor on the third one. (On the upper area where you enter the room; straight ahead from the door.)
  13. Across this large area on the opposite wall, there is another sensor on a balcony that you can snipe. (On the back of the ledge where the Ally is standing, roughly across from the platform the emblem is on.)
    EMBLEM 2 - In the large area below this road, the emblem will be on top of a tower near the center.
  14. Follow the wall behind the tower all the way left to the far corner to find the sensor on the ground.
  15. Go back to the base of the first circular walkway on the ground. Look to the left and you'll see the sensor behind the low building at its base. (Between the first and second circular walkways' bases, turn left.)
  16. Get on top of the building closest to the exit tunnel and aim towards it. Now jump and hover to hit the sensor just inside the upper exit tunnel door.
    EMBLEM 3 - Go through the exit tunnel and up the elevator. The emblem is on the upper level that surrounds the elevator.
  17. After raising the elevator, look down in the gap between the platform and the surrounding walkway to find the emblem in the pit under the elevator. (Don't drop down here unless you have to, there are some collectibles on the upper level of the next area.)

  18. Enter the next area after the elevator, and jump on the first circular platform to the right. Carefully go around to the other side without dropping, and shoot the sensor on a nearby smokestack platform. (Slightly below and to the left.)
  19. From the same position, look out across the area to the far wall. Much like #13, this sensor is directly across the area from you, but the catch is that the sensor is attached to the far wall, and you can only see it end on from this position. Shift to the left or right on the road if you have trouble hitting it. (It's on the supporting post towards the right, looks like a + sign.)
  20. Return to the road and advance to the space between the second and third circular platform. Drop down to the lower level and turn around to find the last sensor to your right.
ACT V: Steps of Trinity
*** The first 10 sensors need to be shot from the dropship ***
  1. Right after you start, there will be a sensor on the edge of the cliff near the battle.
  2. On top of the tunnel entrance that you pass.
  3. Shortly after, you'll pass over a bridge connecting two tunnels. The sensor is on the far wall of the road near the right side.
  4. You'll fly towards a solar farm, with a circular road around its perimeter. Just outside the road is a series of curved tooth like towers. This sensor is beside the far right tower on the ground. There is a very narrow window when you'll be in range to hit this before the helicopter swings out of position.
  5. You'll move in close to the cliff again, and the sensor will be on the other side of the road about a third of the way along.
  6. At the end of the cliff road, you'll fly over a short rock ridge and into a box canyon. In the middle of the sandy floor near some tanks you'll see the sensor.
  7. Just past the bridge, you'll see the sensor on the valley floor in a v-shaped area on the left.
  8. Right after #7 you'll see a tall rock formation with a bunch of smaller rocks around its base to the right of the rock arch. On the sand to the left of this formation is the sensor. You have to be in precision aim to see this, and even then you'll have to spam the whole area with missiles to hope to get it. (Not quite so necessary to zoom if you have a 4k monitor.☺)
  9. When you're hovering in front of the facility, the sensor is on the ground in the middle of the complex, just to the right of the central road near the wall.
  10. There's one on the left corner of the missile battery on the left side of the facility.
  11. When you land, just to the right of the central road you'll see a sensor next to the building ahead of you. (Straight in front and to the right from where you land.)
  12. Turn around and go to the corner of the cliff for a sensor. (Facing towards the cliff, turn to the far left edge, next to a rock.)
  13. Return to the start position. On the left side of the base will be an open warehouse with a sensor inside. (Look between two piles of shipping containers.)
  14. When you reach the road flanked by the curved towers (at the far end of the base, just before the curving ramp up), go to the right. When you reach the end, look to your right and you'll see the sensor on the edge of a raised platform.
    EMBLEM 1 - On the left side of the area, jump on three stacked crates to reach the roof of the building ahead of you. Jump from building to building until you can jump onto the top of a blocked tunnel entrance at the back left side of the area. The emblem is right on top. (You can also just jump up the side of the curved tunnel entrance, and from there to the lip of the ledge above.)
  15. Straight ahead before you go up the road/ramp, look under it to find a sensor.
  16. After passing through the tunnel door, you'll see a sensor in the distance against the next door. (Right in front of you when the door opens.)
  17. Look to the right where there are some stone structures with the sensor on a stone building in the middle of the area.
    EMBLEM 2 - Jump over the edge and turn around. The second emblem will be under the road. (If you turn around and face the road, it's on the right side, but you have to go into the left side to get under the road in order to reach it.)
  18. Follow the rock wall around to the right and you'll see the sensor on the ground. (In the open near a castle wall.)
  19. In the area with the columns on the ground. (Forward and to the right starting from the road you come out on, jump over a low broken wall.)
    EMBLEM 3 - There will be a low rock near #18 that you can jump on, then to another rock above that. You'll see the emblem on top of the rock. (Up near where the sniper on the right was standing.)
  20. In the area with columns in front of the tunnel to the next area. Facing the tunnel it will be all the way on the left side on the ground. (Same as #19 but on the left insetad of the right.)

Boss strategy: Though you have biped legs and good kiting with the agility pack, it's tough to kite all four of them at once. I beat it by going with the best healing backpack, and luring them one at a time behind cover to melt them with gatlings, while using shields to reduce damage taken. Never even needed to use EDGE with this strategy. I also put EMP battle skill on the gatlings, but it seems the bosses can't be stunned... ☹
ACT V: Tower of Babel
  1. At the start of the level go to the right. Go into the area with the pillars and scaffolding and look at the slightly raised area against the wall ahead of you to find the sensor.
  2. Back to the starting position, go left this time and almost immediately to your left will be a sensor on the ground in a semi enclosed area with three pillars.
    EMBLEM 1 - Follow the passage around to where you'll see a factory building with two smokestacks ahead of you. Move to the front of this building and turn left to find the emblem on the ground. (Right in the open around the corner.)
  3. Jump up to the roof of the building next to the factory building and look back towards the starting point. Jump up and hover to find the sensor on the roof of the building across from you. (From the top of the the building with the round tank on it, the sensor is on the roof of the structure between you and the pillar/scaffolding area where #1 was.)
  4. Go to the way-point and turn left. You'll see the sensor on one of the ledges behind the pillars.
  5. Right next to #4 is a side passage lined with cargo containers, jump up to this passage and follow it around to the right. The sensor will be on the ground on the right side across from a small area with ammo and repair pick-ups.
  6. Follow the passage around and return to the main road. When you are about to pass under an orange banner turn to the right and look at the "Meat Market" building. A sensor will be above the attached garage on the left side of the building. (Left near the blue '市圽Market' sign.)
  7. After the circular area, go out the gate and jump up on the platform ahead. The sensor will be between the spherical tanks to your left. (As soon as you jump up to the first level, it's just left of you behind/beside the tank.)
  8. If you move ahead from your current position (up the platform and turn left) you'll see a large area with several stacks of cargo containers. You'll see a sensor on a platform against the left side. If you'd entered the area from the gate, it would be on the platform immediately to your left as you enter. (Platform on the left of the lower area where the enemies come out.)
    EMBLEM 2 - From #8, you'll see the platform forms an L shape, the building ending just before you reach the way-point Go to the end of the building and turn left, going around the stacked containers at the end. You'll find the emblem in a small alcove between the containers and the wall. If you hit the way-point you've gone too far.

    EMBLEM 3 - When you enter the next area, you'll get the objective "Eliminate enemy forces defending the entrance". Immediately go all the way to the left, and you'll see the emblem between two pillars above you. (Raised area between the two left columns on the wall.)
  9. This time go all the way to the right, and you'll find the sensor in a similar position, between two pillars above you.

  10. From your starting position, you'll find the sensor at the back of the area on the left side. (On the top of some stacked crates beneath the left catwalk, go past the crates and turn around to see it.)

  11. On foot, before you move turn left. The first sensor is against the left wall near the corner.
    KEY 1 - Between the two computer consoles closest to the ramp.
    SCRAMBLER 1 - On one of the two computer consoles further away from the ramp.
    SCRAMBLER 2 - On the wall just to the left of the ramp entrance. At about the same height as the hanging light.
    SCRAMBLER 3 - At the top of the ramp is a console that you hide behind for the fire-fight. On this console is the scrambler.
  12. After the first fire-fight, when you enter the room with the map table, turn around towards the ramp you entered by and look up at the ceiling. A sensor will be on the ceiling between two screens.
    KEY 2 - On one of the consoles in the room. (On the corner of the map table.)
  13. When you leave the room and move towards the way-point, you'll practically trip over it at the bottom of the ramp.
    SCRAMBLER 4 - In the next room after the second fire-fight, stand at the top of the entrance ramp (facing away from the ramp) and look past the three stacked boxes with green trim. To the right of the boxes you'll see a door, and to the right of that the scrambler.
    SCRAMBLER 5 - On the right side of the platform that the ballistic soldier was standing on, the side facing the exit ramp. (Thanks to KamiAmaya for confirming the location)
  14. In the pit under the hydraulic lift that the ballistic soldier was standing on.
    KEY 3 - On a stack of boxes in this room. (Big stack in the middle, in the space where one crate is missing on the side near the entrance ramp.)
  15. Stand at the top of the second ramp leading out of this room and look left to the left. You'll see a sensor behind the crate on the small platform nearby.
  16. (Don't leave the room yet!) Keep turning to your left and you'll see another one on the catwalk above the entrance ramp.
    KEY 4 - Leaving the area of the second fire-fight, you'll enter a large open area. Go along the walkway and down the ramp, then continue straight to the edge of the platform. The key will be on a stack of boxes to the left.
  17. Standing right where you get Key 4 with your left side pressed against the green and white boxes, looking out at the desert. There will be two rock towers ahead of you, the sensor is near the base of the one on the right. You'll just barely be able to hit it with precision aim over the edge of the railing. (Low down, directly below you.)
  18. In the same position as you were for #17, look to the right on the other side of the right rock tower. You'll see the sensor on the desert floor between some grass and the tower's shadow. (Further away just before some trees.)
    SCRAMBLER 6 - In the center of the area is a large steel container. Stand next to it and look towards the door you entered. You'll see the scrambler on the side of the walkway railing.
    KEY 5 - Go up the other ramp, but don't enter the doorway. Instead go to the end of the walkway to find the key on the ground.

    (You need to kill at least some of the enemies on the top catwalk to get around, but be careful that the General doesn't kill the last shotgunner below you before you get sensor #20.)
  19. Enter the doorway and just past the boxes turn right and look down. The sensor will be on the ground behind the hydraulic lift.
    SCRAMBLER 7 - In the pit beneath the hydraulic lift in this room. (Go around the corner on the walkway to see it.)
  20. Standing across from the hydraulic lift, look back towards the walkway you entered on, and look down below it on the ground to find the sensor. (Behind the 4th pillar of the catwalk, next to some boxes.)
ACT V: Vritra
Boss tip: back to kiting again, his missiles and melee will instakill you even with the heaviest torso so just dodge and shoot him a lot, eventually he will die.

  1. After defeating Cornelius, exit the elevator and follow the curve all the way to the left to find a sensor at the end.
  2. Then go all the way in the other direction past the elevator and follow the curve all the way to the right to find a sensor at the end.
  3. Standing at the elevator, there are two ramps leading down away from this area. Right on the edge of the left ramp, there is a sensor tucked just behind the edge of the ramp on the right side. (Behind the doorframe at the top of the slope.)
  4. Slide down the left ramp and find a sensor at the very bottom. (Look behind you once you come out of the ramp.)
  5. Look towards the bottom of the right ramp, and there will be a sensor on top of the wall just behind it, near the right side. For visual reference, there are three blocks jutting out of the top of the wall, and the sensor is on the rightmost one.
  6. From the slides, move straight ahead to the edge of the platform and look down. You'll see two long poles sticking out of the side of the station, with a sensor on the end of the right one. (There are two poles on the right and two poles on the left. It's on the left pair, ahead of the left ramp, on the end of the right (shorter) pole.)
    EMBLEM 1 - You'll see a large ramp leading down between the two ramps you slid down from the starting area. Head down into this dark area to find the emblem and a bunch of money. The emblem will be right at the back in the center of the room.
  7. Move up the ramp (back where you came down from) and onto the ring of the station. You'll see a number of dome-like structures that run down the center of the ring. When you reach the first one move to the left edge of the ring and turn around. Looking at the end of the ramp you slid down, look down and slightly to the right. You'll see the sensor on a ledge below the ramp.
  8. Move just past the second dome. Right next to it is a support for a rounded solar panel above you. Move just past the support and put your back to it, moving all the way to the left edge. Facing towards the way-point, look down and you'll just see the sensor in the angle of the ring below you. (You can also see this from the bottom of the ramp you slid down, easy shooting if you brought a sniper.)
    EMBLEM 2 - As you reach the area with the ballistic wanzers you'll pass the next emblem out in the open on the ring. (Just after one of the dome structures - the 4th one from the end.)
  9. Just past the ballistic wanzers is a drop-off. Drop down and go to the right around the edge of the ring, looking back the way you came. On the side of the ring will be the sensor.
  10. Right after the cinematic where Jed shoots the bridge out, turn back to look in his direction. Now look 45º to the left to the spinning ring. The sensor will be on top of the connection between the ring and the girders.
  11. There will be a huge ambush shortly after this with two turrets, two ballistic wanzers and a lot of brawlers. When you're ready to drop down to advance, turn left and there will be a sensor in the corner next to the drop.
  12. Shortly after this, the ring will widen out with a long flat area to the right. Drop down to this area and you'll see this sensor out in the open.
    EMBLEM 3 - Follow the flat area all the way to the end to find the last emblem out in the open.
  13. After getting emblem 3, look at the wall in front of you. On top of this wall, all the way on the left side is the next sensor.
  14. Go along the wall to the edge, right below where #13 was. Look out over the edge towards the angled part of the station with two pairs of lit up panels and a number of dome-like blisters running down the center. On the bottom of the second one down is the sensor. (Second down starting from the top, not starting from your level.)
  15. Travel left along the edge, dropping down to the platform on the way to the way-point. There is a sensor at the tip of the platform that is closest to you. (Look to your right just behind you from the place you drop down at.)
  16. Standing at the position where #15 was, face out across space towards the glowing solar panels across from you. There is a series of glowing panels that angle down and to the right. Follow that angle down to the platform below it and to the right. With a rifle you should just be able to hit the sensor on the right side of this platform.
  17. Drop down to the next platform which is roughly 'C' shaped, curving around the edge of the central part of the station. Go all the way to the right and into the tip of the 'C' to find a sensor. (This is the platform where some more enemies ambush you.)
  18. From the position of #17, turn towards the way-point (left) and look down along the edge of the station to find another sensor.
  19. Go all the way around the edge of the platform to the other tip of the 'C' to find another sensor in the opposite position as #17.
  20. Jump up to the upper platform, but don't go to the elevator yet. Follow the upper platform around the building to the left. Right at the end will be a narrow dark passage, with a sensor attached to the right wall above head height.
ACT V: No Borders
No items to worry about here. ☺

Boss tactics: You absolutely need mobility for this one, so use the agility backpack. For shoulders, use the second-best missiles (same damage, less weight) so you don't have to waste time aiming. I found it easiest to focus Adela first to stop her from bothering you later (she'll still magically recover in time for phase 2). When the boss lasers at you, skate rapidly around him to keep clear of the beam, then stop and shoot the generator before it closes again. (After a few times he'll start laying EMP mines, so now you have to dodge side to side while skating unless you like getting disintegrated.) Repeat this until EDGE is fully charged, then activate it and give him guns and missiles in the face, that should be enough to finish him off. In phase 2 the idea is similar but with more cores to kill; you might need to get into the lower middle area while circling in order to get close enough to stay fully out of the laser. Keep moving, collect ammo and health, shoot him a bit to charge EDGE, then activate and blow up the current weakpoints. Game over, you win, kiss the girl. (Amy is jealous.)
Comments or feedback welcomed. Tell me if any of them are still unclear. I have a couple more screenshots of other sensors but doesn't seem necessary to upload them, they aren't that hard to find (IMO).

If you aren't sure which ones you're missing, check the intel page of the campaign screen and at least you'll know which mission it's in.

3 kommenttia
Fuhrer_51[RUS] 29.7.2023 klo 13.20 
And what do we get as a reward for finding all the items, in addition to the achievement?
Sayonara  [tekijä] 27.5.2023 klo 20.24 
Just reiterating that most of the work wasn't done by me (see intro section), but if the original creator has a steam account I would love to award him with some steam awards!
Roycehellion 27.5.2023 klo 16.16 
The amount of work put into this is insane