Good Pizza, Great Pizza

Good Pizza, Great Pizza

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Stewards of Sacred Ingredients l Comissários dos Ingredientes Sagrados + Peppertiti (EN/PT)
In Chapter 2, we are introduced to the Stewards of Sacred Ingredients, a secret organization comprising six members. In the present day, their activities revolve around serving as a supplier to nearby enterprises, with a strong emphasis on providing locally sourced and organic products.

No Capítulo 2, somos apresentados aos Guardiões dos Ingredientes Sagrados, uma organização secreta composta por seis membros. Nos dias atuais, suas atividades giram em torno de atuar como fornecedores para empresas locais, com grande ênfase em oferecer produtos provenientes de fontes locais e orgânicos..
Steward's Challenge + Peppertiti (EN)

00:00 Steward's
They want one cheese pizza; one cheese pizza with Pepperoni and Sausage; and one cheese pizza with Mushroom, Olive, Onion, Bell Pepper and Eggplant.

01:57 Challenge I - Part 1
There are no ingredient requirements for this order, so you can make them any pizza you'd like.

02:35 Challenge I - Part 2
Make their order, a cheese pizza with half Mushroom and Onion on one side, and half Olive, Bell Pepper and Basil on the other side.

03:40 Challenge II
Make their order, a pizza with Sauce, Olive, Bell Pepper, Pineapple and Eggplant.

04:34 Challenge III
Make their order, a cheese pizza on Wheat Dough.

05:09 Challenge IV
Make their order, a half Sauce and Anchovy pizza with half nothing else.

06:01 Challenge V
Make their order, a cheese pizza with Pepperoni, Sausage and Bacon on both sides with Ham on one side only.

07:10 Final Challenge
There are no ingredient requirements for this order, so you can make them any pizza you'd like.

07:46 Peppertiti
Make her order, a cheese pizza on Wheat Dough with half Mushroom and half Pineapple.

Thanks Good Pizza, Great Pizza Fadom[]
Comissários dos Ingredientes Sagrados + Peppertiti (PT)

00:00 Os Comissários
3 Pizzas, Pizza de queijo, carne clássica (calabresa e pepperoni) e vegana

01:57 Desafio I - Parte 1
Qualquer Pizza (pizza de queijo de preferência por ser mais barata ou sirva somente a massa para economizar ainda mais)

02:35 Desafio I - Parte 2
Pizza de queijo com metade cogumelo e cebola do outro pimentão, azeitona e manjericão

03:40 Desafio II
Molho, pimentão, abacaxi e azeitona

04:34 Challenge III04:34 Desafio III
Pizza de queijo na massa integral

05:09 Desafio IV
Metade molho e anchova do outro apenas massa

06:01 Desafio V
Piza de bacon, pepperoni, calabresa e presunto de apenas um lado

07:10 Desafio Final
Qualquer pizza, segue a dica do Desafio I

07:46 Peppertiti
Pizza de queijo com metade abacaxi e metade cogulemo
