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How to use Rocky Marciano in Ranked matches
由 Greeko Suave 發表
General pointers on how to use Rocky Marciano and specific strategies against other fighters.
The depressing reality
A guide to Playing Rocky Marciano.

Hello. I've reached undisputed rank earlier this week and the heavyweight division has always been my favorite in rl. If you have seen me play online then you will know I never use Ali or Fury because as much of an Ali fan as I am, they are both op to the point of ridiculousness.

So how do u play Rocky…simple answer….you can not play him as he fought in real life.

Legendary power. Nope. This game so far is almost exclusively centered around counter punching and power punches cost tons of stamina and do no real damage…and the power punching trait many boxers have. Doesn't seem to do anything. Both you and Deontay are the weakest punchers in the division except possibly that one big guy with the African name whom no one ever plays.

Well at least you will still have your granite chin, right. Nope, it's a tie between you and Frazier I believe no matter what their stats say for the worst chins in the heavyweights.

Ok, well if your careful you should be able to outlast them with Marciano's almost mythical endurance, I mean every boxing trainer who knew him said he was the most conditioned fighter they had ever seen, so there is that. Wrong again, he has probably the worst endurance stat of all the legendary heavy weights and for some reason, your body health stat is a 87, body resistance is a 90….so if Ali, Louis, Frazier, Fury or RJJ hit your guts, you're already bad endurance will drain faster than a crack head who's just won the lotterys bank account.

But, hey for some reason they gave Rocky good hand speed and and movement speed….well, hold your horses. Your hooks are slow, your right hand power head hook is painfully and laughably slow…and to add insult to injury, not only, like in rl does Marciano have little T-Rex arms, but the games hit boxes are either off or because of lag issues you can be can be belly to belly with another fighter and your punches will miss.

So, in essence,you are horrible. In every way. So how can you climb the ranked charts playing him? In reality, you probably can't.

The game in its current state has a laundry list of exploits that favor fast fighters, taller ones with a reach like Fury are practically unbeatable once you start playing in the higher ranks like Platinum and Undisputed ranks.

What you have to understand is many if these guys are professional trolls, narcissistic sociopaths imo who couldn't care less if this game succeeds or not. Just calm yourself and take a deep breath, it can be frustrating, but when you play these guys it is helpful to remember that this is just a game and that they probably have legit mental problems and you should have pity.

Just on the odd chance you fight a guy, particularly a Fury or Ali high ranked player who actually starts the match in a legit way like the devs intended, all it will take is winning one round, dazing or knocking them down before they revert to exploit city…and that is only if they don't start taking forever between rounds because they are adjusting their boxer's stats with the cheat engine they downloaded.

So what are you to do, well you only have one chance imo, you have to pretend you arent playing Rocky, you have to play as an olive skinned greasy 180 lb Sugar Ray Leonard.

You only have two things going for you, decent movement speed and a fast jab and cross. They are underpowered, but at least they work.

Here are some general Rocky guidelines against any other fighter ranked near you statwise or better.

First, never ever trade punches with anyone. Ever. Learn to throw a jab cross combos in 2s, maybe 3s, and then get the heck away from your opponent.

Never let your stamina drop lower than 75 percent of your bar. At 50 percent, especially against the Ali right hook exploit, one counter shot will either severely hurt you or instantly daze you. Keep your stamina.

Know your range and your opponents and learn to only throw punches you absolutely know will land. Save your stamina, and also, because if by some miracle you are actually doing well, the Fury and Ali trolls will exploit the ultra realistic and time-honored boxing tradition of walking backwards…. forevermore. For 12 rounds.

And because of the exploits and because of the worship like reverence payed attention to counters in this game, if you are in their range as they walk backwards and because your forward moving punch animations are slower than the kids on the short bus. Almost every other shot thrown at you will flash as a counter. Against fury, it won't even matter if you have full block health and a guard up, his punches will be counters. If you throw a hook, it will be countered. Uppercuts, countered.

And by doing this, because of the current judging system, they will win every round. You can land 3 times as many punches as them, but because of your low efficiency and their counters…you have no chance of winning that way on the score cards.

You have to be absolutely and unconditionally disciplined to throw jabs and crosses at very close range, sprinkled with very fee hooks and uppercuts, but only, and I mean only when moving laterally.

And this might not even work, but it's really the only shot you have. You have to force them to come to you by doing at least decently on the score cards

Learn also, and this can be applied to all fighters…most undisputed ranked players spam body shots because they are broken and exploitive and know that your block skill no matter who you are playing does little to absorb the damage, so if rhey are a body spammer, the only real thing you can do his jab your way out or block the first one then move back. Do not stand their and block and do not move backwards with your body block up, it slows your movement.

If you know 4 same hand body shots are coming, jab or block the first one then let your guard down and move back. You might eat the second body shot, but the next to will miss which is the lesser of 2 evils.

Against Frazier, you have to pump out your straits, and move opposite of his left hook. You both have weak chins compared to everyone else, but you both have underpowered punches, so it evens out. You have to work Frazier's body as carefully as you can. Do not trade body shots with him. in Remember, your endurance stinks….his is fantastic, box him from the outside and wear him down. Simply the only chance you have. His left is devasting, your right hook should be as well, but you're is a rear hand punch and will not land consistently.

Against Wilder, if you just are playing for giggles, then I suggest trading power shots with him and laugh as two of the most devasting punchers in the world smash each other in the face with the explosive force of a wet paper bag.

But if you want to win, use your fast straits, bounce in and out and work his body from angles….that is if he doesn't unleash the ancient and unbeatable martial skill of walking backwards. Because Wilder is broke like you, most players I have noticed now play him as if he were a gargantuan slower Terrence Crawford. So if your fighting one of these cool guy runners, remember, discipline, and know you might possibly win, but you are going to be bored out of your mind.

Ali. Run! Run you little T-Rex armed grease ball. Ali's only real weakness is they slowed his body punches, but they can still hit you from a mile away. You have to time your straits perfectly and just keep bouncing in and out. Occasional body shots from angles and that is it. You can not for one minute stop moving and you absolutely can not trade punches with him.

Remember, as with Fury, the person you are playing in ranked matches has the emotional intelligence of a child, so if you trade punches with an Ali player and happen to land a counter, if you press your luck and keep punching they will begin using his right hook exploit, and because Rocky Marciano has a worse chin than Glass Joe, even if you have full or nearly full sta
Remember, as with Fury, the person you are playing in ranked matches has the emotional intelligence of a child, so if you trade punches with an Ali player and happen to land a counter, if you press your luck and keep punching they will begin using his right hook exploit, and because Rocky Marciano has a worse chin than Glass Joe, even if you have full or nearly full stamina, 1 Ali right hook will hurt you, 2 will be devastating, and if one of those two is a counter, you'll almost be dead or already dazed. Never….ever ever ever trade punches with Ali if your stamina isn't full at the start of it.

This can be said about all fighters, but with Ali especially you have to be discipline, make him miss power shots, use the occasional body blow and just out last him. Even he is a goofy guy who just can't help spamming punches, if you have been successful with this strategy, you now have the chance of letting him throw a sloppy combo or power punch that misses…wait til you see his punches slow, immediately hit him in the body to further empty if not empty already, and then try and catch him with a lateral hook from the direction he is moving followed, now throw combos…mix in body shots to keep his stamina low. Most of these guys are too lazy to turn off the loose foot movement they always have on, so now you have your chance to knock him down.

But if you do, do not get greedy, he is either going to go nuts and try and kill you, which he still can, or now will moonwalk for the rest of the match and win in points.

Tyson Fury….oh man, human exploit machine is a doozy. You almost have to stand in awe of all the broken mechanics this guy can a use.

Either, he is going to body uppercut you for the first three rounds until you can't throw a single power punch with out gassing out….then your dead.

Or this 7 foot tall English Hillbilly will just spam straits all day. He will not fatigue, and if you are in range, even if you are blocking 25 percent of his straits will be counters.

Or you might get a back step cross machine. He will close in on you, throw one jab and then machine gun right back step crosses, 4 in a row until he is way out of your range. And this will barely scratch his stamina.

Honestly, if Fury players want to, againt Marciano and Frazier, if he decides to just walk backward and in circles, even if you really try to cut him off with smart movement, you more than likely won't catch him ever. You will just be countered to death with jabs and crosses.

The only real shot you have is that a lot of these players who use Fury and don't really care about boxing and only use the exploits with no real skill, playing as if they just snorted a line of blow because you can literally be all the way across the ring and they will be spamming ,2,3 and 4 punch strait combos. Even if you move an inch towards them like hyperactive rockem sockem robots they will just spam shots. So you do have a chance of out pointing them or gassing them, but even then it'll be hard for the Rock.

So that's it. Depressing what's been done to a legendary fighter like this, and playing ranked matches with him can be incredibly frustrating because you are outmatched on almost every level, but I just think you should know this going I. To ranked matches because if you care about your rank stats, at this time in the game, Rocky is probably not for you.

5 則留言
SpaceGypsyJoe 7 月 24 日 下午 10:03 
It's quite depressing seeing how fucked up and useless Marciano is depicted in this game, it's like they didn't even bother to do more research on him, Visually he looks amazing and very accurate to the real Marciano, but the stats, and weird ass animations not working for his hooks up close just makes him feel awful to play
The Mighty Dyl 1 月 3 日 下午 4:15 
This is pure gold :) this made me chuckle.
Rocky 2023 年 8 月 6 日 下午 7:01 
the devs need to read this and take it as constructive criticism fr
ShootBox92 2023 年 4 月 27 日 上午 8:43 
Well written and made me laugh. It's true that they have ALOT to learn and balance out before final release. It will take somebody having to go back and watch the old school films on these older cats. I still have hope that the devs care but are just inexperienced. Game still has the potential to be AMAZING. I was really loving the gameplay again in the couple weeks before the GARBAGE Damage System update which has 0 rhyme or reason. I would suggest taking fighters like Rocky out of the game completely until they get it close to Right, he is pretty much unplayable against the other Elites.
Cobra Commando 2023 年 4 月 6 日 上午 9:55 
its almost criminal how they rated rocky marciano. however am very happy that their is a boxing game for pc